Desert Giant
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Desert Giants are, as the name suggests, giants who inhabit the various desert regions of the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse.
Al-Qadim[edit | edit source]
The oldest iteration of the desert giant concept in D&D comes from the Al-Qadim sub-setting. They are tribal nomadic herders, following the seasonal rains of Zakhara. Their skin is tan and very wrinkly, even at a young age. They have dark hair and, in what has to be an homage to Dune, piercing blue eyes. Their race is under a divine curse that slowly turns them into stone throughout their life. They are 17 feet tall and weigh 7,000 pounds, but get much heavier as their petrification progresses. The live up to 400 years. The women wear hijabs or burqas.
Unlike most giants, they do not hurl stones in combat, preferring instead to throw wooden spears.
Dark Sun[edit | edit source]
In the world of Dark Sun, "desert" giants are somewhat mislabeled - the giants found inhabiting the deserts of the Tablelands are known as Plains Giants. Instead, "desert" giants inhabit the arid islands scattered throughout the Sea of Silt, using their superior size to wade through the deep shifting dust where humanoids would drown. A typical island will house a clan of 5-10 members, who will live in groups of 2-3 in different caves scattered across each island.
Physically, Athasian desert giants resemble enormous humans of 20-25 feet in height and 6-8 tons in weight. Their skin is most often a dark red, but some specimens have been seen with jet black skin. They typically have exaggerated facial features: huge noses, mouths, or ears are the norm amongst this race. Their hair, usually a light brown color, is known for its coarse texture and sturdy fibres; desert giants sometimes sell excess hair to the mainland in exchange for food and water, where it is made into rope and even armor. When not trading or raiding, desert giants largely spport themselves by herding the hardy wildlife of Athas, such as erdlus and kanks. Their diet is very meat-centric, since their island homes support little useful vegetation beyond grazing for their herds.
If drawn into battle, desert giants throw rocks and massive spears from a distance before closing in to clobber their foes with huge spiked clubs. They are highly resistant to psionics, which is useful in a world where so many things can use them against you!
Midgard[edit | edit source]
Golarion[edit | edit source]
The Giants of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Giants | Beasthead Giant - Cloud Giant - Crag Giant - Cyclops - Desert Giant - Ettin - Firbolg - Fire Giant - Fog Giant - Fomorian - Forest Giant - Frost Giant - Half-Giant - Hephaeston - Hill Giant - Ice Giant - Jungle Giant - Mountain Giant - Ogre - Plains Giant - Reef Giant - Sea Giant - Spacesea Giant - Stone Giant - Storm Giant - Titan - Verbeeg - Voadkyn |