Song Dragon
"Song Dragon" can refer to two different dragon types which are split between the Forgotten Realms and Pathfinder's Cerulean Sea setting. Despite the similarities in name the two concepts are wildly different with the Forgotten Realms version having more in common with 'sirens' due to their musical nature and striking looks, and the Cerulean Sea version more akin to whales fitting into its aquatic setting.
Forgotten Realms[edit | edit source]

Native to the Forgotten Realms setting of Dungeons & Dragons, the Song Dragon, originally called the Weredragon, is a species of all-female dragons who can freely shapeshift into the form of beautiful human women.
In their natural form, these dragons are described as resembling female Copper Dragons, except that their scale color is iridescent blue and silver, although we don't know if this depicts variations or if both colors are present on the same individual. Unlike the Oerthian "Steel" Dragon, they have no characteristic tells in their human form, although they are invariably beautiful - minimum Charisma of 16 in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. They possess potent magical abilities, and from 3rd edition onwards gained an innate affinity for the Bard class.
Song Dragons are whimsical but non-malicious and usually benevolent race, typically possessing an alignment of either Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Good. Like Oerth Dragons, they are fascinated by mortal cultures and use their shapeshifting abilities to walk amongst demihumans. They have a particular fascination with music and storytelling, as their Bardic affinities suggest.
In AD&D, little is known about them other than this. One thing that is known is that they enjoy using their beauty to destroy men of a particularly evil or rapacious nature; they seduce and beguile such fools, sometimes going so far as to marry them, other times simply enticing them into lavishing them with wealth and expensive presents, but ultimately luring them to a secluded spot and taking up their dragon form to destroy them. This is one of the ways that the hoards of song dragons are swiftly stocked, although unusually for dragons they place far more importance on gaining the treasure to keeping it, and so readily spend their hoards on luxuries and charities. They also readily breed with both human men and male dragons whom they find appealing, although such unions only produce more Song Dragons.
Song Dragons appeared in the Monstrous Compendium Appendix Annual #3 for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and in Monsters of Faerun for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition.
Given that they are an entire species of female dragons who take human form to dally with men, you would be pretty accurate to summarize them as being "official D&D monstergirls", just like the nymph, dryad and succubus. About the only flaw is that they canonically only have a vanilla human form or full-blown dragoness form, but hey, a quick reskin (or a Polymorph spell or the Half-Dragon Form feat if you're willing to use Eberron material) will take care of that.
5th Edition officially retcons them out of existence by stating that song dragons are just Metallic Dragons who like to spend most of their time in human form.
Cerulean Sea[edit | edit source]
After the flood which saw most land submerged underwater most dragons, which were terrestrial, went extinct as well. However much like how whales are descended from land mammals, the Song Dragons in the Seas can also trace their lineage back to the land dragons, though they are very different. In general they all have some kind of sonic breath attack and some have a second breath option, are aquatic, and fill the same niche as their metallic and chromatic ancestors.
Cacophony[edit | edit source]
The Neutral evil of the song dragons, Cacophony Dragons resemble a combination of frog and a horned lizard. Like frogs, they prefer swamps to deep, open water. Also like frogs, they don't have scales; instead their thick, glutinous skin is impregnated with poison glands. Lazy creatures, they are content to just eat local wildlife, accept tribute and maybe bully other creatures if it's not to much trouble, though they do like combat even if they prefer to fight on their terms. They often act slow witted and stupid, but they're smarter then they look and manipulate their enemies.
Choral[edit | edit source]
Chaotic good, the Choral song dragons are giant turtle like creatures with dragon heads that at full size have a coral reef on the back of their shells giving additional defense. Additionally, their scales take a unique mixture of bright colors. The oldest Choral dragons are almost unnoticeable against the reef if they stay still. One can almost think of them as 'druid dragons', they are good-natured and are happy tending to the coral reefs and protecting them from evil. They think, feed, breed, speak, and anger slow, but anyone damaging the reef is attacked with the power of a hurricane. They often try to teach dragon turtles how to act like themselves, and while the dragon turtles flee because, dragon, they still think a breakthrough will happen at some point. Their breath attack is a deep brass pulse.
Crescendo[edit | edit source]

Looking like a dolphin or an ichthyosaur the Crescendo dragon are social creatures that enjoy interacting with dolphins, whales, humanoids and other dragons. Dolphin is the better point of comparison though, they travel shores line, trading gossip, knowledge, and information with anyone that will speak with them. Also like Dolphins they enjoy play, leaping through water, creating an electrical pattern, (see breath) and jumping over boats. Perhaps unsurprisingly given how they already look like dragon dolphins, they are almost always surrounded by a pod of dolphins or orcas, indeed there are even many half dragon dolphins who are the result of a Crescendo dragon breeding the pod. They will defend their pod to the death as they are looked upon and sometimes literally are kin to them and they will avenge any harm done to them. While they have only one breath attack (a cone of sound which, fun fact actual dolphins also use to hunt) they also have electrical ability. No word on if they have more negative dolphin traits such as killing porpoises for fun, but then again they are neutral, not good.
Harmony[edit | edit source]
Looking like a combination of an eastern dragon and a somewhat derpy carp or goldfish, Harmony dragons live in kelp forests, which is a good choice since old ones gain the animate kelp spell. Despite their golden scales, they doubt the idea they are descended from gold dragons and dismiss the notion. More magically powerful than physical, Harmony dragons are often sought out for advice or mystical assistance. if the cause is good, they will typically help out in some way. This works to their advantage too, while they avoid combat when they can, when a Harmony dragon is pressed, it can often get local, and often powerful, allies to help it defend itself which may be its most dangerous aspect of all. Harmony dragons have two breath attacks, one a sonic blast, the other a bubble that can trap a smaller creature.
Hush[edit | edit source]
Imagine a combination of dragon and a snaggled toothed angler fish and you have a Hush dragon, complete with glowing light to lure the weak-willed. Native to the "Abyssopelagic Zone", the literal part of the sea where the sun don't shine, it is quite thankful that they both have the vaguest understanding of the sunlit seas above them, and they simply don't care about it. In the deepest dark they eat anything that crosses their path, anything weaker then them is food, anything stronger is to be avoided. The biggest predator of a hush dragon is another bigger Hush Dragon. The only time they communicate is when they're curious about the seas above, and even then it's only before they eat their prey. They are rarely seen since, as we have established, they eat everything with a speed to rival PacMan. Like many deep-sea creatures their stomach is expandable and can take in vast schools of fish, whole parties of humanoids, and even creatures bigger than the dragon. Their breath weapon is a line of sub-audio pulses that stun.
Melody[edit | edit source]
Even Derpyer looking then the harmony dragons, Melody dragons look like a cross of lizard and Catfish, complete with barbels on the dragon like head. They live deep underwater, in the Twilight zone where sunlight can only barely penetrate the deep. They are peaceful, interested in knowledge more than combat, though with little patience for evil and will go out of their way to destroy undead or evil outsiders. Melody dragons have fine white scales that give each dragon a unique pattern of fiery bio-luminescence which sometimes forms complex symbols and runes. They are respected by good sea creatures, and enemies of evil creatures like Krakens who they will attack on sight. Rarely they attempt to lead crusades to clear vast swaths of the ocean of evil. The sonic breath of a Melody dragon paralyzes and they can do the catfish thing of opening their mouth to create a vortex to suck enemies in for some free bite attacks.
Rhythm[edit | edit source]
Eel or sea snake like (in fact they most resemble Yellow-lipped sea krait only without the yellow lips) Rhythm dragons favor cave systems and underwater caverns and can be found at any depth so long as there are caves large enough for them and their riches. While not evil per se, they are selfish and dominate the area in which they live as they enjoy controlling the actions of those around them. They're even more deadly in their underground lairs, and can never collapse their homes by accident with stray sound waves, conversely, they can easily intentionally collapse passages with a passing note. Needless to say it is best to fight them in open water. Rhythm dragons have some hypnotic ability and can use their scales to hypnotize or use their teeth to dominate. Intelligent races living near a rhythm dragon often have a member of their community blinded, to safely negotiate with the Rhythm dragon. In combat Rhythm Dragons use this to their advantage, using the blind turns and narrow corridors in their cave homes to use the hypnotic traits of their scales while they're at safe distance. Rhythm dragons only fear the undead since most of their abilities don't work on them. Their breath attack is a sonic line that 'slices'. Never mind that that's not how sound works.
Scream[edit | edit source]
With a name like "Scream" there are certain expectations, expectations that the Scream Dragon meets. Scream dragons are blood red or orange tiger shark Like Dragons. Like sharks (in popular culture), Scream dragons are endlessly hungry apex predators. Utterly ruthless, they care only for themselves and only rarely give lesser beings a chance to grant them worship, instead of devouring them in great clouds of blood. An adult scream dragon will have a territory of a thousand square miles that it patrols endlessly. Due to this large territory, they are the most often counted hostile dragon and have become greatly feared by all denizens of the Cerulean Seas. Relishing combat they will even attack (the few) creatures larger than themselves for the thrill of battle. They are not stupid though and use spells and minions to soften up dangerous foes. They are often attended by sharks, but they care not for them and scream dragons will prey on them as much as anything else when they're bored. Scream dragons have two breath weapons, the first is exactly what it says on the tin, a scream that travels in a line. The second is a cone of oily fluid that causes water to boil instantly.
Thunder[edit | edit source]
The only whale like song dragon, Thunder Dragon live in the open ocean which they see themselves as the lords of. With unsurpassed knowledge of seafloor geography and ocean islands they are highly valued, and they sell this knowledge for high prices. Arrogant, there is very little they fear. As Neutral dragons they tend to act a bit inconstantly to other sentient creatures. Some are quite benevolent, while others sink ships and plunder their wrecks. It is claimed that the shade of their scales betrays their nature; a dark shade reveling a darker temperament. The designers could not decide if they wanted filter feeding dragons or toothed dragon so they have both, with baleen they can extend or fold at will. While the baleen can filter small prey out of the water, it is also razor sharp and even if they do not go out of their way to eat intelligent beings, they won't think twice about eating beings that they defeat in battle. Thunder Dragons, like blue whales, migrate thousands of year, and so keep storehouses of treasure every few hundred miles. They spend a week or two admiring their bounty before they move on. Their breath weapon is a blast of concentrated sound that stuns creatures. Older Thunder dragons also can control the seas themselves.
The Dragons of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Dragons | Albino Wyrm - Arcane Dragon - Aquatic Dragon - Brine Dragon - Catastrophic Dragon - Cerilian Dragon - Chromatic Dragon - Cloud Dragon - Cobra Dragon - Crimson Dragon - Deep Dragon - Dragonet - Epic Dragon - Faerie Dragon - Fang Dragon - Ferrous Dragon - Gem Dragon - Half-Dragon - Linnorm - Metallic Dragon - Minidragon - Mist Dragon - Moon Dragon - Obsidian Dragon - Oriental Dragon - Planar Dragon - Prismatic Dragon - Pseudodragon - Radiant Dragon - Red Hawk Dragon - Sand Dragon - Sea Wyrm - Shadow Dragon - Song Dragon - Stellar Dragon - Stone Dragon - Sun Dragon - Dragon Turtle |
The Therianthropes of Dungeons & Dragons | |
Therianthrope | Laridian • Loup-garou • Loup du Noir • Lythari • Red Falcon • Seawolf • Selkie • Shifter • Swanmay • Thebestyn • Vodoni • Werebaboon • Werebadger • Werebat • Werebear • Wereboar • Werecat • Werecrocodile • Werefox • Werehyena • Werejackal • Werejaguar • Werekillerwhale • Wereleopard • Werelion • Werepanther • Wererat • Wereraven • Wereray • Wereseal • Weresnake • Wereshark • Werespider • Wereswine • Weretiger • Werewalrus • Werewolf |
Antherions | Aranea • Song Dragon • Jackalwere • Nawidnehr • Wolfwere |
Third Party | Werealligator • Wereanaconda • Werebunny • Werecheetah • Werecobra • Weremustela • Wereoctopus • Werepossum • Wereraccoon • Werestag • Werewolverine |