The Blessed
The Blessed | ||
Battle Cry | "Seek out the Deluded!" | |
Number | II | |
Original Name | Heaven Fists | |
Original Homeworld | Tyrus | |
Current Homeworld | Someplace in the Ghoul Stars | |
Primarch | Forgotten | |
Strength | ~346,000 Circa. M31 | |
Specialty | Being forgotten and Tough, | |
Allegiance | Themselves and the God-Emperor of Mankind | |
Colours | Used to be Gore Red with a Dark Blue outline and gold highlights |
'Ask for not whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee:
-John Donne"
The Blessed were one of the two lost First Founding Legions which were wiped from Imperial records by the Emperor during the Great Crusade, becoming nought but myth. After their excommunication by the Emperor, they thought they had wronged the Imperium and the Emperor, and decided to launch their own Great Crusade in attempt to make the Emperor forgive them, but much to their dismay the Horus Heresy occurred before he could. In an attempt to sway them to Chaos, the Chaos God Nurgle , he bestowed upon them his plagues and turned them into Plague Marines completely against their will. Much to Nurgle's surprise, it simply lead to their hatred toward Chaos becoming even greater, more so toward Nurgle. As Nurgle did not grant them resistance, he expected them to drop everything and worship him, however, rather than succumbing to the plague disease, they somehow survived, baffling the Chaos Gods to no end. The Heaven Fists decided to use their new-found abilities to combat whoever they saw as an enemy of the Emperor (read: Everyone), Though he only got half of the legion, the other half escaped his plagues by simply being somewhere else, only to suffer a worse fate (see below). Their Primarch's name has long been forgotten in the Imperium, due to having his name wiped from Imperial records, with the only people ever remembering his name are 'The Blessed' but they refuse to give up his name, seeing it as only they are deserving to know his name.

History[edit | edit source]
Back during the Great Crusade the Blessed or the Heaven Fists (their previous name), became known as the 'Emperor's Peacekeepers', having built up a large reputation of being excellent at crushing rebellions. However, the reputation was not for them putting the rebellion down but more of HOW they did it, making use of indiscriminate Chemical and Biological warfare. Making no differentiation between the innocent civilian population, the rebels amongst them and their own men (but as they were so numerous they couldn't care less for their own men) . Unlucky for them their reputation was also their downfall; their brutal way of fighting was leaving whole systems purged of life and inhospitable (some remaining to this day); once the Emperor heard of this, he sent the Space Wolves to 'take care' of them. Those several Great Companies of Space Wolves, sent to destroy them never returned, due to someone tipping off the Heaven Fists that they were coming. It has been speculated that both the Heaven Fists and the Wolves sent to kill them perished in the fighting due to the reckless tactics and methods the Heaven Fists employ. The Imperium were wrong in the fact that the Heaven Fists were destroyed, but were right in the fact in the way they killed the Wolves. The Heaven Fists decided to leak their battle plans to the Wolves, misleading them into thinking the most of the Heaven Fists force laying waiting in the Tyrus system, specifically Tyrus-3, the notable death world in the System. Well technically, there was a force of Heaven Fists on the planet, but they were only being used as a lure for the wolves, who immediately descended upon the Marines. The second the Wolves got near, thousands of tons of chemical and bio weapons were dropped onto them wiping out both forces. Just to note, how much the Heaven Fists don't care for there own men the lure was composed of 15,000 Marines. FIFTEEN-THOUSAND marines, that is the equivalent of 15 codex compliant chapters in the 40,000 millennium. Just as planned.
As far as we know, their Primarch also had a personal body guard like the other Primarchs. Unlike the other Primarchs, he had 2 types of bodyguards. They were known as the Nephilim and Teraphim, the former being excellent at CQB and hopeless at ranged who also had an obsession with Khopesh's and leaving the armour battle damaged and scarred, to look as menacing as possible. The Latter, being the opposite having piss poor melee but have inhuman ranged abilities, enough to make Tau look like Orks. The training to become one of these Nephillim or Teraphim, are particularly dangerous as part of their training was to survive for a year with nothing but a combat knife or bolt pistol on the death world Tryus-3. The world was so dangerous it makesCatachan look like a Utopia and Cadia a holiday home, (As in 41st millennium Cadia). Their training was so brutal and ruthless that only 40 marines ever became Nephilim and Teraphim.
What happened to the other half of the legion[edit | edit source]
To put it simply they were brutally killed, then were brought back. Why?, Necrons. To not put it simply, the other half of the legion was off world during the time the plagues arrived in the Tyrus System. They where stationed on a world waiting for orders to vacate the world and return for Tyrus, unfortunately for them the planet they were stationed happened to be a Tomb World, before the order to vacate the Oldcrons on the world woke up, to find the Heaven Fists waiting to leave. They immediately attacked them, surrounded the Fists and despite them fighting honourably and furiously, after 2 weeks of constant fighting, the Heaven Fists were overrun and were massacred. However the Star God- The deceiver thought it good a idea to resurrect the marines and have them as a new skin for his Necrons. Which backfired, HARD, something went wrong, and instead resurrecting the marines, their souls were resurrected instead, creating 84,000 strong army of Ghosts who are really, really fucking pissed off. To put a long story short, the Necrons became Deadcrons. And from that point on, the Necrons have called them the experiment.
They got their name 'The Blessed' by the followers of chaos, who saw them as being the favoured of the Chaos gods, who all worked together to grant them immortality, hence being blessed. For this reason the Chaos worshippers, refuse to fight them (except Failbaddon who thinks that he is the favoured of Chaos) seeing it as both as futile and they would probably lose the favour of their Gods. Which isn't true at all. Contrary the misconception of Chaos, the only thing they really want (As in the ghost part) is to die.
On the tabletop[edit | edit source]
For all intents and purposes this Army uses the Chaos Space Marine Codex

WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Ere'nath the Haunted: | 6 | 2 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 1 | 2 | 10 | -/2++ |
(230 pts.) (Lord of War)
Special Rules: Eternal Warrior, From dust we come, As silent as stone, Nightmare Incarnate, Blind leading the Blind, It will not die, Fearless, Stubborn, Feel no Pain (3+), Preferred Enemy: Chaos, Mark of Nurgle, Move through cover, Jump Infantry, Torn Soul
Equipment: Ruin, Storm Shield,
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Tyberius the Blight Hearted: | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4(5) | 5 | 1 | 3 | 10 | 3+/6++ |
(90pts.) (HQ)
Special Rules: Fearless, Fear, Stubborn, Feel no Pain (4+), Mark of Nurgle, Veteran of the Long War, It will not die (4+) Preferred Enemy: Chaos Space Marines
Bolter - Kraken Rounds,
Blight Grenades,
Plague Sword,
Power Armour
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Kybo-Runn-Char: | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 10 | 2+/4++ |
(100 pts. ) (HQ)
Special Rules: And they shall no know Fear, Stubborn, Feel no Pain, Bulky, Relentless
Equipment: Slaughterer's Laughter, Ceaseless Arrogance, The Twisted Blade, Bolt Pistol - Ghost Rounds, Blight Grenades
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Autarch Cascar: | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 10 | 3+/3++ |
(100pts.) (HQ)
Special Rules: And they shall no know Fear, Fearless, Stubborn, Feel no Pain (5+), Preferred Enemy: Necrons
Equipment: Power Sword, Storm Shield, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Cascar the Infinite: | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 10 | -/3++ |
(120pts.) (HQ)
Special Rules: Blind Leading the Blind, Veteran of the Long War, Fearless, Fear, Stubborn, Feel no Pain (4+), As silent as stone, Preferred Enemy: Necrons Nightmare Incarnate, Torn Soul
Equipment: Ghost Sword, Bolt Pistol-Ghost Round

WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Nephilim: | 6 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | -/3++ |
Nephilim Champion: | 6 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 10 | -/3++ |
(60 pts. per model) (Elites) -Uses Chosen CSM for Upgrades- cannot upgrade weapons.
Special Rules:
Feel no Pain (4+),
Follow the Blind,
Move through cover,
From Dust we come,
As silent as stone,
Slow & Purposeful
Equipment: Ghost Khopesh, Bolt pistol - Ghost Rounds
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Teraphim: | 2 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | -/3++ |
Teraphim Champion: | 2 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 10 | -/3++ |
(60 pts. per model) (Elites) -Uses Chosen CSM for Upgrades- cannot upgrade weapons.
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (4+), Follow the Blind, Move through cover, Sniper, From Dust we come, As silent as stone, Slow & Purposeful
Bolter - Ghost Rounds,
Bolt Pistol - Ghost Rounds,
Combat Knife
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Serpahim Chosen: | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 9 | -/4++ |
Seraphim Chosen Champion.: | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 10 | -/4++ |
(50 pts. per model) (Troops) -Uses CSM chosen, for upgrades in the Codex
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (4+), Follow the Blind, Move through cover, From Dust we come, As silent as stone, Slow & Purposeful
Bolter - Ghost Rounds,
Bolt Pistol - Ghost Rounds
Combat Knife
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Serpahim: | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 9 | -/4++ |
Seraphim Champion.: | 3 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 10 | -/4++ |
(45 pts. per model) (Troops) -Uses normal CSMs for upgrades in the codex.
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (4+), Follow the Blind, Move through cover, From dust we come, As silent as stone, Slow & Purposeful
Bolter - Ghost Rounds,
Bolt Pistol - Ghost Rounds
Combat Knife
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Blessed Plague Marine: | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 3+ |
Blessed Plague Champion | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 9 | 3+ |
(17 pts. per model) (Troops)
Special Rules: Mark of Nurgle, Feel No Pain (5+)
Equipment: Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Plague Knife
WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | |
Blessed Cultist: | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 7 | 5+/6++ |
Blessed Cultist Champion: | 1 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 8 | 5+/6++ |
(2 pts. per model) (Troops) -Uses Chaos Cultists for upgrades in the codex.
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (5+), Adamantium Will, Fearless, Fleet, Outflank
Equipment: Improvised Assault Rifle, Combat knife.
Special Rules and Equipment[edit | edit source]
Special Rules:
Follow the Blind | Rolls 1d6 for movement unless a Character or Special Character with 'Blind leading the Blind' is within 18 inches. |
Blind Leading the Blind | Grants, Hammer of wrath, Fear and Fearless to any unit that has 'Follow the Blind' within 18 inches. A character or special character can be upgraded with 'Blind Leading the Blind' for 30 pts. |
From Dust we come | If was not deployed on first turn, can deepstrike without scattering within 12 inches of enemy HQ (Has to be the warlord) |
As silent as stone | If no enemy unit has sight on the unit they can move up to 1d6 towards an enemy unit (Has to be under effect of 'Blind leading the Blind') |
Nightmare Incarnate | When in assault, before combat the enemy unit must pass a Ld test every turn , if failed they either gain WS1 or the Special Rule 'Our weapons are Useless' for the remainder of the turn |
Torn Soul | Every turn, roll a D6 on a roll of a 1 and a 6, the unit Cannot: Move, Shoot, or Assault for the remainder of the turn and loses 1W, with no saves allowed. If the unit is in combat ignore this rule |
Ghost Sword | S- -1 Ap-1 Fleshbane |
Ruin | S-+4 user strength Ap-1 Fleshbane, Armourbane, Demon Weapon |
Ghost Rounds | S-3 Ap-1 Ignores Cover |
Slaughterer's Laughter | Heavy 5 Strength-6 Ap-3 - Multiplies Attacks by Shots when rolling to hit |
Ceaseless Arrogance | Grants 2+ Armour and 4+ invulnerable save. Grants +1 to Adamantium will (if unit doesn't have Adamantium will, grants its it to the unit instead) and reduces WS by 1 for all units within 12 inches. |
Ghost Khopesh | S-U Ap-1 - Always wounds on a 1 |
The Twisted Blade | S-10 Ap-4 - Demon Weapon(4+), No saves allowed to be taken against this weapon. |
Improvised Assualt Rifle | S-2 Ap-6 - Rapid Fire, Gets Hot! |
Quotes[edit | edit source]
'They are in front of us! Behind Us! And on both of our flanks! Whilst outnumbering us 1000 to 1! They can't escape us now!
-Last Words of Autarch(Captain) Cascar, 21st Great Company, whilst fighting against the Necrons
'Go, bring the vengeance of the dead to the living. Leave the forsaken and lost behind, the Emperor watches over us now.
-Last words of Kybo-Runn-Char to Tyberius before dying in M35
'Life is the weakness of the enemy!:
-Unknown Heaven Fist Space Marine
'Foolish creatures! You know not the burden of life, the pain it brings, the misery it causes, the fear it creates. Why hold on to it? The tranquillity of death brings peace, and the end of war as you know it.
-Unknown Nephilim
'Will our weary souls find release for a while? On our moments of death we will smile!
-Chant from one of The Blessed's songs
'When the Emperor stands from his Golden Throne, then and only then will the Marines of the Ghoul stars, truly and finally have peace.
-Old Imperial Saying
Gallery[edit | edit source]
This is not the face of someone happy with their decisions...
Essentially what they look like on the tabletop