Chaos Chosen

A mortal being beloved by Chaos, who gets shit done while at the same time managing to keep their shit together so they don't mutate into something awful.
Chosen in Warhammer Fantasy[edit | edit source]

The eyes of the Chaos Gods are always on the mortal world, especially the lands around the collapsed Warp Gates through which Chaos enters the world. Any mortal who pleases the Chaos Gods in some way, from killing your father so you can be with your mother and sister before killing them out of boredom or killing every single thing you see for no reason other than the act of killing to donning a pointy hat, can catch the interest of the Ruinous Powers and begin to hear their whispers and feel their blessings. Oftentimes they find themselves lead to or chancing upon powerful enchanted items, gaining followers amongst the wandering warbands devoted to the Four, and before you know it they've mutated into a giant mass of pulp that was once a sapient creature because they had one too many gold stars put next to their name. Most Chosen come from one of the barbarian tribes, most of whom are clad in heavy armor and possess so much muscle that they would make Arnie look bleak.
The more favor they gain and show off their warrior capabilities (being able to slay something really big or prove their tactical capabilities to command), the higher they climb the hierarchical ladder up until they become Chaos Lords themselves, and from there they can either become Daemon Princes, or Chaos know wha-wait! No! I didn't even sa-AAAAARRRGLUGRBERGBLESCREEE!!!
Chosen in 40K[edit | edit source]

A Chosen is a term coined up by Chaos Space Marine Legions/Warbands that describes a particularly powerful member of a Legion/Warband and may have roots in a title attributed to Warmaster Horus Lupercal. A Chosen comes in many forms. They may be very experienced warriors that were chosen by their Chaos Lords to lead squads of Chaos Marines into combat, some are literally Chosen by the Chaos Gods (or a single patron) and given "gifts", others may be powerful Champions that are lesser Chaos Lords serving a more powerful individual...or simply all of those things put together. Whenever the case, all Chosen are characterised by having unholy bling, millennia of hard won experience (stretching back from the days of the Horus Heresy to present days 40K), mutations that are actually useful (this is still up to debate in most situations due to the gods having different moods) and sweet wargear. Due to their varied backstories and access to a wide variety of equipment, Chosens are basically Your Dudes for Chaos players, more of which can be read below.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Chaos Chosen usually start as normal Chaos Marines that slowly and steadily advance the hierarchical ladder of their Warband. At first the Chosen either lead the less experienced Chaos Marines like their Loyalist kin do, band together under a more experienced Chosen, or even become at one point members of a Chaos Lord's (or any other distinguished Chaos Commander's) retinue, eventually becoming Chaos Lords themselves if they keep up with the villainous heroism/Just as Planned ploys and piousness/satisfying the Chaos Gods/patron god (even going so far as becoming Daemon Princes or those-whose-names-we-will-not-utter if they screw it royally up). Hell, it's actually possible for any Chaos Marine (even a Possessed Marine, a Obliterator/Mutilator, a Hellbrute, you name it) to become one as long as they become better at what they do and show more interest in other forms of warfare.

Additionally, Chosen, as mentioned before, have either the favour of all the Chaos Gods, or a single Patron. Thus there are Chosen that are either Undivided, or serve a single Chaos God. Mixes of single god worshipers among Undivided Warbands are as common as those who worship Chaos as a pantheon, and each god gives unique Chaos Gifts to its Chosen. Additionally, Chosen also gain wargear that befits someone that either serves Chaos Undivided or a single patron god.
Aside from a single run of figures way back in the Dark Vengeance box set, these guys have never and quite possible will never get a plastic kit. Kitbash solutions vary from beefed-up ubermarines to Chaos special forces - now 8th edition went and made them the backbone of most competitive lists, you might as well get to work on your own. The reveal of the Eldritch Omens boxset means they're finally getting a proper plastic kit as well.
Scratch that; new Chosen models are releasing "soon" with the 2022 CSM codex/Nachmund kill team set. Chainaxes “Accursed Weapons” ho! Of course, knowing GW they'll be nerfed into the ground come the next 'dex... Scratch that, chosen are getting 3 wounds and attacks, and options for thunder hammers. How naive. Turns out that Anon was right all along, as Chosen have been given the Tzaangor treatment where every weapon that isn’t a Power Sword will have the same weapon profile as such. This includes such weapons such as Thunder Hammers, Power Axes, Lightning Claws, and other weapons that are important for customizing a versatile unit like Chaos Chosen.
Equipment[edit | edit source]
As Your Dudes, Chaos Chosens can wield a variety of weapons and equipment into battle. In terms of CQC they can wield a Power Sword, Chainaxe, Chainsword, Thunder Hammer, Lightning Claws, Power Fists and, thanks to the Black Crusade (RPG), you can (Assuming you are Larping as a Chaos Chosen) wield the elusive Chain Hammer. For ranged combat, you can choose from a Boltgun, a Bolt Pistol, a Plasma Pistol, a Plasma Gun, a Flamer, a Meltagun or a Combi-weapon of your choice. In terms of armour, a Chosen can wear your typical Chaos Power Armour to the more elite Warp-Forged Armour, or they can stick with the Mark IV: Maximus Armour, Mark V: Heresy Armour or even a Mark VI: Corvus Armour depending on how you want to roleplay.
Interestingly, Chaos Chosen that want to gain Terminator Armour need to gain it in different manners as opposed to their Imperial counterparts. Among Chaos Marines, Terminator Armours are limited (unless they have ties with the Dark Mechanicus, and even then these guys are no different from the Adeptus Mechanicus in term of hoarding stuff, so they rarely give the Spiky Boyz any newly made bling unless they get something valuable, though the Chosen can just directly threaten them too), thus in order for a Chosen to obtain one, they need to take it away from another Chosen either via heavily ritualised combat (aka: the manly duel to the death), or less warrior-like means (good old backstabbing or "a series of unfortunate accidents"). Krumping a loyalist Terminator and managing to salvage his armour is also one of the available options open to them.
You like those lightning claws? Too bad!
Forces of the Night Lords | |
Leaders | Chaos Lord • Chaos Champion • Daemon Prince • Master of Execution • Warpsmiths |
Troops | Chaos Chosen • Chaos Raptors • Chaos Space Marine Squad • Cultist • Havocs • Warp Talons |
Great Crusade-era | Atramentars • Night Raptor • Terror Squad • Reavers • Contekars |
Vehicles | Arquitor Bombard • Bike Squad • Chaos Land Raider • Chaos Predator • Chaos Rhino |
Flyers | Storm Eagle • Thunderhawk |
Superheavy Tanks | Fellblade |
Allies | Chaos Space Marines |
Forces of the Alpha Legion | ||||||||
Leaders: | Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord Librarian - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer | |||||||
Troops: | Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors Chaos Space Marine Squad Cultist - Havocs - Operative Saboteur - Warpsmith | |||||||
Great Crusade-era: | Effrit Headhunter - Lernaean - Seeker Squad | |||||||
Walkers: | Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought | |||||||
Vehicles: | Bike Squad - Land Raider (Land Raider Proteus Land Raider Phobos) - Land Speeder Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino - Road-Wheeler | |||||||
Superheavy Vehicles: | Spartan Assault Tank | |||||||
Flyers: | Chiropteran Scout - Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Dreadclaw Assault Pod | |||||||
Allies: | Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned Space Marines - Imperial Guard |