Thomas Gaudin
Thomas Gaudin | |
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Discovered (world) |
Sturmundrang |
Discovered (period) |
c.877.M30 |
Legion | |
Great Crusade Command |
35th Expedition Fleet |
Heraldry/Sigil | |
Role |
Loyal |
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Unpleasant though it may have been to spend too much time in his company, one could never doubt his earnestness, his zeal and his desire that the stars belonged to the Imperium and he would make it that way.
- Gaspard Lumey
Thomas Gaudin was one of the gene-forged sons of the Emperor of Mankind. He led the Tenth Legion, which he had renamed the Crusaders, as they were to be the instrument which would fight and win the Emperor's Great Crusade for him. Loud, bold, brash and forward, Gaudin's forceful personality and single-minded drive won him few friends, but his loyalty to the Great Crusade and the Emperor were so ironclad that not even the most base treachery could sway him from his Father's side.
History[edit | edit source]
Youth[edit | edit source]
Not much is known of Gaudin's early childhood once he landed on Sturmundrang, only that the planet was mired in a bloody and stagnant civil war that had lasted for centuries. The use of chemical and nuclear weapons had rendered the very air caustic to breath, so much so that it was impossible to survive for more than a few minutes on the scarred surface without a breathing apparatus and a body suit. Domed settlements shielded against the atmosphere rose out of the desolate plains, some cultivating food and others manufacturing equipment. it was for control of these settlements and the roads between them that the many armies fought. Warfare was all about machines, with armored vehicles clashing against one another for control of the vital highways.
What records do exist speak of how he was raised in the neutral domain of Moritzen by its ruling Lord. His pod had been found by a searching expedition looking for archeotech among the wastes, and given the child was somehow still alive despite the toxic atmosphere, Gaudin was recognized by his surrogate family as a truly valuable individual, rising to take over after the Lord’s death from respiratory illness caused by prolonged exposure to the atmosphere.
Though small, thanks the neutrality of his foster domain, Gaudin's home had a very small standing army of men but a fairly sizeable reserve of vehicles, mostly infantry fighting vehicles and tanks. These vehicles were the lifeblood of war on Sturmundrang as they were sealed from the caustic air, using recycled air filtration systems and were able to refill air tanks for ground troops. Gaudin noticed how stagnant the fighting was on his world and how the endless series of clashes led to little result and the continued decline of the planet and wished not only to enhance Moritzen but also the whole planet. Having studied the way war was waged and enhanced it with his own ideas, Gaudin now planned to use the few troops he had to revolutionize warfare on Sturmundrang. The army of Moritzen was small but under Gaudin they were given specialised training in mobile warfare and all the supporting arms that usually stayed back at base were mechanized so they could go out into the wilderness along with the armor i.e. artillery, supply, communication and medical care. This would allow his forces a greater period away from a dome settlement and a greater radius of action. Long since sickened by the seemingly endless and brutal war, Gaudin vowed to use his new army to unite the planet under one banner.

Using this small, well trained and highly mobile force, Gaudin set out beyond the borders of Moritzen and began his crusade across the war-torn, toxic surface. Having been taught that mercy is a necessary and sadly rare virtue among leaders by his adoptive father, Gaudin offered terms to all those who would listen. If they refused to listen to them or refused to obey them, Gaudins army would crush them under track and boot, using fast strikes to cut them off and leave them isolated and unable to fight back. Gaudin knew that sometimes you could win without fighting, and often forced enemy forces to surrender without a shot being fired. In rare cases a pocket of resistance managed to halt the roaring advance of the crusaders, sometimes for days, weeks or even months. Impressed by the guile and courage shown by these men, Gaudin would allow any survivors who were willing to either join his army or to return home to their families. In many cases, impressed by the jovial giant they willingly joined his forces and were placed in veteran companies, acting as the spear tip in his advance.
His armies spread out, taking dome after dome, using the resources from each to fuel the continued crusade. His armies never stopped moving and never looked back. Gaudin himself was restless, always leading from the front, only stopping to negotiate surrenders and terms before setting off again. Finally, however the last great dome-city fell before his might, and Gaudin was struck by the enormity of what he’d done. He’d united Sturmundrang under his banner.
The Coming of The Emperor[edit | edit source]
Though the war was over, Gaudin didn’t rest on his laurels. His drive couldn;t let him stop, even for a second. Now that the planet was united, it was time to make the planet more hospitable and to expand the Dome Settlements for the next generation. He already had plans to conquer the other worlds that old stories told bordered Sturmundrang, and hoped to find out the lost secrets of spaceflight in order to further this. A few times he spoke of creating a vast empire in the stars like the ones the most ancient legends had spoken of. Gaudin threw himself into this new effort with the same energy he has shown while conquering the planet. But as Gaudin was laying plans to try and terraform the atmosphere so that it would no longer be as inimical to human life and prepare to spread warfare beyond the confines of Sturmundrang, ships began to enter the system.
The Fleet of Rogue Trader Claude Louis Rigau, a Pathfinder to the Vth Legion stumbled across Sturmundrang, and despite the planet’s lack of resources the detection of comm-chatter coming from the planet convinced him that there was human life there. He broadcast to the planet, announcing his arrival and the coming of the Imperium. What greeted him was a booming voice asking him who he was and what right he had to be making demands. After some back and forth, Rigau agreed to come down to the planet alone but for a few chosen aides to meet with the Planetary leader.
Rigau wrote of the dominating presence of Gaudin, how his massive size and loud voice had him nearly pinned down. Rigau knew almost instantly that this was a Primarch, one of the Emperor’s lost sons. Gaudin was curious about this human empire and the Emperor who claimed to lead it. He declared that he would only join the Imperium if this Emperor of theirs came to him personally. Rigau agreed, and sent his message to Legion Master Antoine Antonelle: A Primarch has been found.
The Great Crusade[edit | edit source]
With their father now restored to them, a new name granted and the Legion united and complete, it was immediately dispatched to the very forefront of the Great Crusade, where Gaudin immediately set out to put his oaths into action in the name of his father and his cause. In warzone after warzone, bloody battle after storming campaign the Crusaders lived up to their name and the legacy that name gave them, as the foremost instrument of the Emperor’s Great Crusade.
The Crusaders became famed for their swift conquests, though these conquests were never as neat as those of Winged Victory, or as complete as those of other Legions. But the zeal that filled the Crusaders was one even the Eternal Zealots had to admire. They were true believers in the Crusade and prosecuted it with all their might.
It was described that at no point was Gaudin happier than during this time. He threw himself entirely into the prosecution of the Crusade, every waking hour dedicated to pushing the boundaries of humanity further and further. Some of his brothers openly questioned whether he would cope with the Crusade ending, or whether he would fall apart without the endless drive of warfare to sustain him.
As the Crusade reached its terminal stages, the star of the Crusaders shone all the brighter, though never enough to eclipse that other Legions like the Scions or the Wolves of Dawn. Time and again the Emperor used them as one of his personal instruments, to reinforce, support and prosecute campaigns that He Himself saw as important to the overall progress of the Great Crusade.
High in favour and honour though they were, the Crusaders’ status did not sit well with some of their brother-Legions. The Mastodontii, the only Legion to exceed the Crusaders in the number of vehicles and in the skills of armoured warfare were known to both respect and dislike them for their ‘abuse’ of their vehicles' Machine Spirits and their cavalier attitude to collateral damage, as well as their relentless drive and love of warfare.
At the same time that Hektor was appointed Warmaster, Gaudin was himself granted the tile of the Praetorian of Terra. As Hektor would take over push the Great Crusade on to final victory, the Crusaders would withdraw with the Emperor to Terra to establish a guard around Him there alongside the Silver Cataphracts, though for what reasons was not revealed to Gaudin. Gaudin took up his new position, though privately he was dismayed that he would miss out on the many campaigns that still had to be fought.
This masked the deeper fear that Gaudin felt. He was a man of action and war, and he feared that should the Crusade ever be won, he would have nothing left to fight for. For the first time he had to confront the fear that he would be useless, with no purpose in the new order. He supposed that was one reason his Legion was being withdrawn by the Emperor, to try and show him that there was more to the Imperium then the Great Crusade. If the Emperor had intended to teach him that, Hektor's betrayal would ensure that Gaudin would never lack for purpose even as it destroyed everything he had fought so hard to build.
The Heresy[edit | edit source]
As the Heresy began to break upon the Imperium, the bulk of the Crusaders Legion was still in the midst of a full scale withdrawal to Terra. Due to the many requirements of the Great Crusade, not all the detachments had been able to comply with the order, and it is estimated that about half the Legion was absent by the time Hektor’s treachery became known, and of that half two thirds would never reach Terra at all.
Gaudin himself had arrived on Terra a few weeks before, and the news of the Betrayal stunned him.
Though he threw himself into the fighting on Mars, this left Terra alone, the fortifications being supervised by Malcador and the Emperor's advisors. Gaudin had never cared for static defenses, but when the storm finally broke upon Terra his mobile Warfare would not prove to be the boon he had hoped it would be.
Post-Heresy[edit | edit source]
Personality[edit | edit source]
‘Loud, hot-blooded, boisterous and brave’ was how Gaspard Lumey once described Thomas Gaudin. A restless spirit, Gaudin was energetic and always busy. What was always noted was his deep, booming voice that always seemed to be on the brink of deafening. His loud and overbearing personality did not endear him to all of his brothers. The Voidwatcher is known to have called him a 'loud-mouthed braggart', while Merril said that stealth was a concept he simply couldn't comprehend.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Gaudin was among the biggest of the Primarchs, coming close even to the mighty Onyx. His sheer stature, coupled with his booming voice meant that everyone always knew where he was at all times. His larger-than-life personality and his
Wargear[edit | edit source]
Gaudin was rarely seen outside of the massive suit of Cataphractii Armour he wore named Stechzeug, a massive piece that incorporated grenade launchers on the headpiece while still leaving both arms free for his other weapons. His blade was the Maciejowski Sword, a brutal looking weapon with a fanned blade that Gaudin used for splitting skulls and chopping enemies in twain, favouring single massive strikes to finish his foes. It could cut even a Space Marine in half with a single blow, and it was said that no second strike was ever needed with it. His ranged sidearm was a Heavy Combi-Bolter, which was an up sized Combi-Bolter with two Heavy Bolters instead of two Bolters. Very few could lift it, let alone wield it in one hand as he did. With it he could lay down a devastating curtain of fire as he advanced.
The Primarchs of the /tg/ Heresy | |
Loyalist: | Alexandri of Rosskar - Arelex Orannis - Brennus - Gaspard Lumey - Golgothos Onyx the Indestructible - Roman Albrecht - Shakya Vardhana - Tiran Osoros |
Traitor: | Aubrey The Grey - Cromwald Walgrun - Hektor Cincinnatus - Inferox - Johannes Vrach Rogerius Merrill - The Voidwatcher - Tollund Ötztal - Uriel Salazar |