
Voidreavers are the basic troops of the Eldar Corsairs, who make up the bulk of their fleet crews. Think of them as the more piratical relatives of the normal Eldar Guardians.
Overview[edit | edit source]
When they take to the field of battle, they do so in loose bands, the members each allied by tenuous bonds of kinship or fleeting friendship. Such bands are employed as the main body of any serious raid, harrying the foe with lightning-fast assaults and equally precipitous withdrawals. These racous and undisciplined units often display a wild variety of weaponry and equipment that defies any attempt by the Imperium's scholars to codify them in anything but the loosest categories, making them difficult foes to anticipate or easily counter.
A Reaver band is composed of a group of Corsairs and is potentially led by a Corsair Felarch. They wield of variety of weapons including Blasters, Shredders, Neuro-Disruptors, Shuriken Weapons, Wraithcannons, and Power Swords. All of them wear Mesh Armour for protection. They can accompany a Felarch in a Voidscarred kill team, although they themselves haven't earned the mark of a Voidscarred.
Types of Voidreavers[edit | edit source]
Like their more elite cousings, the Voidreavers have a few sub-types to choose from in Kill Team Nachmund, these are:
Voidreaver Warrior[edit | edit source]
The most vanilla of vanilla.
Voidreaver Warriors are your stock-standard cannon fodder troops of a Corsair kill team. They are lithe and nimble warriors, skilled marksmen and bladesmen both. Swift fighters, they make up for their lack of physical strength with sheer agility. However, they are also relatively undisciplined and rowdy; lacking the same levels of self-control as their more elite brethren. Voidreaver Warriors are armed with your standard Shuriken Pistol, Shuriken Rifle and Power Sword.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Kabalite Agents.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your basic trooper who behaves like an extra-nimble guardian with two different and dangerous loadouts. The shuriken pistol is limited by range, but still retains rending and gives you a power sword on your basic troopers, which isn't something most teams can brag about. If you want to go ranged, you can instead provide a shuriken rifle with infinite range, which comes with an extra action you can use to provide Balanced on the rifle for a little reliability.
Voidreaver Warriors are listed in the Combat, Marksman and Scout category.
Voidreaver Gunner[edit | edit source]
The more shooter brethren of your classical Voidreaver.
Voidreaver Gunners utilise weapons hailing from every Aeldari society. They are the special weapons team of the family, akin to the Blooded Squad's Traitor Gunner and the Imperial Navy Breacher's Navis Gunner.
They carry shredders which unleash an expanding mesh of monofilament, entangling foes in a net and slicing them apart, while their blasters use the mysterious but devastating darklight technology, lethal even to the most power armoured foe. They also carry a shuriken pistol for last resort in case shit has completely hit the fan and the Gunner is all out of bullets.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Kabalite Gunners.
On the Kill Team tabletop, rather than swords, this guy carries special guns. The blaster provides high-powered AP2 damage made to destroy marines and the Shredder gives shuriken cannon-tier damage but in Blast form to cover crowds of enemies. They are the light ranged unit that is great against swarms but shit against CQC-armed foes. Protect them if you must and always put them in the back lines.
Voidreaver Gunners are listed in the Marksman and Scout category.
Voidreaver Heavy Gunner[edit | edit source]
The Heavy Weapons Guy of the family.
Voidreaver Heavy Gunners are meant to unload a metric shit ton of shuriken fire volleys; shredding enemy infantry and providing cover for their coterie. Some of them wield Wraithcannons, whilst others carry the standard-issue Shuriken Cannons. For emergencies, they can arm themselves with a Shuriken Pistol for self-defence.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Kabalite Heavy Gunners.
On the Kill Team tabletop, this guy likely won't be moving much if you want to make the most out of their big gun. Both of their guns having Unwieldy also means that they'll need protection or else they'll become sparkly confetti by the next genestealer that bumrushes them. The shuriken cannon provides a blanket of fire with Fusillade while the wraithcannon with high-powered AP2 damage that deals MW4 on a crit for devastation.
Note that you can have a gunner OR a heavy gunner, not both, so think about which is better suited to the mission.
Voidreaver Heavy Gunners are listed in the Marksman and Scout category.