
The Voidscarred are the elite troops of the Eldar Corsairs. Think of them as the rough equivalent of the normal Eldar's Aspect Warriors or Dark Eldar's Kabalite Trueborns.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Corsairs known as Voidscarred are amongst the most hardened of their kind, and have spent many centuries plying the stars. These individuals naturally find one another, for few others can relate to the wide variety of experiences they have had. All are possessed of strong personalities and immense martial prowess, with unique combat preferences and fighting styles which include lethal snipers, heavy weapons specialists, master bladesmen, and potent Psykers. All have tested their abilities against a wide variety of foes such as the Orks, Humans, Gnostari, Forces of Chaos, Tyranids, and even other Eldar. Many have earned a degree of infamy amongst their own kind for their ruthless deeds or for the extent their souls have been hardened by a lifetime of space travel.
Many Voidscarred fight as standard warriors wielding weapons such as Shuriken Weapons, Fusion Weapons, Neuro-Disruptors, Shredders, Ranger Long Rifles, and Power Swords. All of them wear some form of Mesh Armour for protection from both attacks and the void of space.
Types of Voidscarred[edit | edit source]
The Voidscarred was revealed during the released of the Nachmund Kill Team playset, for the first time in over two decades, the Eldar Corsairs are finally a playable mini-army. These include:
Felarch[edit | edit source]
Felarchs are the veterans and experienced warriors within Eldar Corsair warbands. They often serve as squad leaders for bands of less-experienced Corsairs and are equipped with more advanced weaponry such as Fusion Pistols, Neuro-Disruptors, and a Power Sword. For the Voidscarred, they are the leaders of a kill team and act as a guide for the best loot.
When grouped together in a collective, they are then called a Voidstorm Band. These Felarchs are Eldar warriors who have survived both the dangers of raids and the violent politics of the Corsair fleets to gain glory and recognition in the eyes of their fellows are often gathered together in battle, forming the first wave of boarding assaults on crippled ships or enemy fortresses. Those who survive such actions gain much acclaim amongst their fellows and often ascend to positions of leadership within their fleets.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Archsybarites.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your leader. Comes with the flexibility offered to other Corsair Warriors, but also provides a limited way to give a means to GA2, as they can immediately let another corsair within 3"/square activate immediately afterwards. This means a lot more in the middle of a fight where the assistance would be most handy or if you need an instant pick-me-up from the Soul Weaver, but there are plenty of other ways to utilize this.
Of course, the Felarch can focus on shooting, only relying on a Shuriken Rifle with the respective action for Balanced. If you go melee, the Felarch gets their power weapon with no questions asked and the option for either a shuriken pistol or a neuro disruptor nabbed from the space clowns, complete with AP1 and Stun to rob AP.
Felarchs are listed in the Combat, Marksman and Scout category.
Shade Runner[edit | edit source]

Shade Runners are the Eldar Corsairs' Voidscarred close-combat and assassination specialists.
Equipped with a pair of Hekatarii Blades perfect for silent assassinations or can be thrown, Shade Runners are also equipped with a device known as a Blink Pack. Similar to the teleportation devices used by Warp Spiders Aspect Warriors, the Blink Pack allows them to pass through obstacles and other operatives, and ignore vertical distances. They are also armed with a Shuriken Pistol in case their cover was blown and need to blast they way out.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Crimson Duelists.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your sneaky assassins that come with not just a pistol but also throwing knives with Silent for tossing while hiding and paired knives that compensate for their less-than-mighty damage with Relentless. On top of that, they can spend an AP to walk across and cut up one enemy they walked past, offering the ability to deal damage without even getting into combat.
To those questioning the merits of taking this guy over the Kurnathi, another detail to note is the Fly keyword, allowing this guy unprecedented mobility, whether it's vertical movement or hopping across ravines. While the Kurnathi can stand up better in a fight, they're still just walking rather than using a ghetto Warp Spider backpack. This can mean a lot for Tac Ops which requires a lot of movement.
Shade Runners are listed in the Combat and Scout category.
Soul Weaver[edit | edit source]
Not to be confused with the D&D Soul Weaver.
Soul Weavers are the psychic Voidscarred Eldar Corsairs specialists, who can help their comrades shrug off killing blows.
Think of them as a form of defensive unit, akin to that of a Navis Endurant from the Imperial Navy Breachers. Except, rather than hunkering around in a giant shield, you use psychic powers to do the job. Moreover, they can also use their psychic magic to heal their allies, making them a sort of field medic in a sense. They are equipped with a bunch of Eldar trinkets and a a Power Sword for close encounters.
On the Kill Team tabletop, the Soul Weaver is an odd fusion of medic and comms officer, giving the options of both a bonus AP and d3 wounds to friendly operatives within 6"/pentagon.
While that healing can be used twice a turn rather than once like other medics, do observe that one heal only does d3 wounds rather than the 2d3 offered by the Veteran Guardsman or Pathfinder medics. Also very worth observing is the lack of any resurrection options. This means that you have to be more careful with your injured operatives as you can only slightly nudge them out of the danger zone and hope that they can survive long enough to flee.
Soul Weavers are listed in the Combat, Marksman and Scout category.
Fate Dealer[edit | edit source]
The sneaky sniper of the team,
The Fate Dealer is the Eldar Corsairs' equivalent of a vanilla Eldar Ranger. Hell, most of these guys may even be Eldar Rangers in all but name; recruited by their Corsair employers for big loot.
Once a Fate Dealer has an enemy in their sights, it is the mark of the unfortunate soul’s death. Expert infiltrators, they hide in positions with the greatest oversight of the whole battlefield and are rendered all but invisible by camo cloaks. They carry Ranger Long Rifles and a Shuriken Pistol as their weapons.
On the Kill Team tabletop, this sniper acts a lot like a Ranger, including the camo cloak offering another save. However, the Fate Dealer's rifle deals a staggering MW3 on a crit, making them a far better choice for nailing enemies. The Fate Dealer also has an action that provides the rifle with Balanced, which can be helpful for crit fishing.
Fate Dealers are listed in the Marksman and Scout category.
Kurnathi[edit | edit source]
Kurnathi are a type of Voidscarred Eldar Corsair warrior.
True blademasters, they are specialist assassins that have learned their bloody trade in the Aspect Warrior Shrines, arenas of Commorragh, or even alongside the Harlequins. In battle, they wield a Shuriken Pistol and fucking duel-wields a twin Power Sword. Because why the hell not?
They are the Elfdar equivelent of the Slasha Boyz. Likewise, they are also the Dark Eldar counterpart to the Flayers. Turn him into a bloody blender and watch him go.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are the corsairs with paired power weapons, providing Relentless. Their chief trick is the ability to use one hit in combat to parry an enemy attack before going through the enemy's fight action. This is best saved for enemies with a few devastating attacks like a massive chainaxe or the like, since this counts as just an average parry.
Kurnathis may or may not owe the origin of its name from the Eldar god of the hunt, Kurnous.
Kurnathi are listed in the Combat and Scout category.
Kurnite Hunter[edit | edit source]

The birb boy of the team. Kurnite Hunters are a type of Eldar Corsair warrior notable for their pet birbs.
Followers of the Eldar God of the hunt Kurnous, they share a special bond with their pet Faolchú's and bring them into battle with them. These hunting birds can be unleashed to uncover foes that are hidden from the Corsairs' sight. However, they ain't no Razorwings, so don't expect them to peck someone to death. The Hunter himself is armed with a Power Sword and a Shuriken Pistol.
Their Dark Eldar counterpart are the Skysplinter Assassins.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are the sword-wielding warrior with a pet bird. They can spend an action to call their parrot over and roll a d6 on a visible enemy with the Conceal order (+1 if they're within 6"/pentagon, +1 if the enemy isn't readied, +1 if they aren't next to heavy cover); on a 6+ that enemy now counts as having the Engage order, opening them to all sorts of fire. While this sounds helpful, the fact that you need to roll a 6+ and expectations for the modifies will dampen your expectations enough to wonder if it's worth it.
Kurnite Hunters are listed in the Combat and Scout category.
Starstorm Duellist[edit | edit source]

Starstorm Duellist are a type of Eldar Corsair warrior and are the guys who goes full guns akimbo at their enemies.
These are brash and arrogant warriors who dual-wield Fusion and Shuriken Pistols and dive through the fray without fear, delivering fire at close range. For all intenst and purposes, they are the yin to the Kurnathi's yang. The complete polar opposite of one another.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they function similar to the Kroot Pistolier and act as a ranged support unit. His dual-wielded Fusion and Shuriken Pistols makes him dangerous to both fleshy horde units and tanky berserkers, so he isn't gimped in the overspecialisation department. His rules are also even more interesting. Pistol Barrage allows the Starstorm Duelist to make a shooting attack with the Fusion Pistol and another shooting attack with his Shuriken Pistol in either order. This action is treated as a single shoot action, so you get double the firepower for a single shooting session, although he can't perform the action if he is under the Conceal order.
To further complement this action, he has a unique abillity called Quick on the Trigger allows him to perform the Pistol Barrage and Shoot actions while within Engagement Range of a target. All in all, lots and lots of Dakka in a single round. Nasty little fuckers all round.
Starstorm Duellists are listed in the Marksman and Scout category.
Way Seeker[edit | edit source]
The other psychic unit for the Corsairs.
Way Seekers have two known duties. The first of which is to guide the souls of the fallen into Waystones in order to save their souls from Slaanesh. The second is to guide Corsair vessels safely through the Webway or Warp anomalies, making them similar to Void Dreamers. But whilst he/she acts as a guide, the Way Seeker can also create a literal mindstorm of psychic bullets if he/she is pressed into combat. In other words, he/she is the complete opposite of the Soul Weaver. They hold a Shuriken Pistol for self-defence and a Witch Staff to both channel their energy and to act as an offensive weapon if need by.
On the Kill Team tabletop, they are your offensive Psyker to the Soul Weaver's defensive psyker. It is fortunate in that these guys can cast twice natively, but it has limitations. While they can auto-cast one power, they do need to roll a d6 for their second power (and unlike the Balefire Adept, you don't need to spend EP for this second casting) with a 1 or 2 causing 3 mortal wounds and nothing else.
This also means that their melee prowess pales in comparison to even the base warrior - This staff is no power weapon and is only a bit better than using your fists. Do not leave your Way Seeker anywhere they can easily be targeted or charged.
Way Seekers are listed in the Combat, Marksman and Scout category.