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Thousand Sons: The unit is referred to as the scarab occult, not the occult scarabs.
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== Thousand Sons ==
== Thousand Sons ==
===Occult Scarabs===
===Scarab Occult===
The terminator elite of the [[Thousand Sons]]. Much like their Rubric bretheren, the Occult Scarabs were turned to dust by Ahirman. They wear Tartaros Pattern armor, and carry a glaive alongside a heavy weapon. There is also the option to take a Sorceror (also in Terminator armor) alongside them.
The terminator elite of the [[Thousand Sons]]. Much like their Rubric bretheren, the Scarab Occult were turned to dust by Ahirman. They wear Tartaros Pattern armor, and carry a glaive alongside a heavy weapon. There is also the option to take a Sorceror (also in Terminator armor) alongside them.


Revision as of 19:28, 7 December 2016

Sacarabs (Scarabaeus sacer) are a species of Dung Beetles native to the Mediterranean region. Said beetles are notable for making spherical masses of dung which they lay their eggs in and roll into protected burrows as well as having significance in ancient Egyptian mythology.

Necron Scarabs

No, this Dreadnought isn't having a swell time due to exploding Scarab syndrome.

Necron Scarabs AKA Canoptek Scarabs are beetle like robots about 30cm long capable of limited flight and able to disassemble and reassemble matter at a molecular level. Scarabs have a variety of functions, ranging from maintenance of Necron bases and machinery to combat. While an individual scarab can be put down with a good lasgun shot they generally travel in groups and a swarm of Scarabs can eat a Leman Russ Battle Tank and it's crew and crap out a pile of slightly damp metallic dust with some carbon and calcium impurities in seconds. Give them some more time and they can also crap out the tank's mass in new scarabs. Scarabs are not sapient, they are generally slaved to either Necron overseers or Spyders. If neither is present, Scarabs tend to become mindless von Neumann Machines eating everything and making more Scarabs from it until you got a planet who's entire surface is covered with the little bastards.

Flensing Scarabs

Flensing Scarabs are a special type of Scarab meant to strip flesh from bone. They are much smaller than the common garden variety, being the size of a beetle. However their small size doesn't stop them from OMNOMNOMing your largest Tyranid or Squiggoth in mere minutes.

Mindshackle Scarab

Mindshackle Scarabs are a even more special type of Scarab. As their name implies, they are very small Scarabs used to burrow into the victims skull and ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL on the poor sod, turning them into a mindless slave to the Crons.

Thousand Sons

Scarab Occult

The terminator elite of the Thousand Sons. Much like their Rubric bretheren, the Scarab Occult were turned to dust by Ahirman. They wear Tartaros Pattern armor, and carry a glaive alongside a heavy weapon. There is also the option to take a Sorceror (also in Terminator armor) alongside them.

Forces of the Necrons
Command: Cryptek (Chronomancer, Plasmancer, Psychomancer) - Lokhust Lord
Necron Lord - Necron Overlord - Phaeron - Skorpekh Lord - Royal Warden
Troops: Apprentek - Cryptothralls - C'tan Shards - Deathmarks - Flayed Ones
Hexmark Destroyers - Immortals - Lychguards - Necron Warriors
Ophydian Destroyers - Pariahs - Skorpekh Destroyers - Triarch Praetorians
Constructs: Canoptek Doomstalker - Canoptek Plasmacyte - Canoptek Reanimator
Canoptek Spyder - Canoptek Wraith - Crypt Stalker - Scarab
Seraptek Heavy Construct - Tomb Sentinel - Tomb Stalker
Triarchal Menhir
Vehicles: Annihilation Barge - Catacomb Command Barge - Dais of Dominion
Doomsday Ark - Ghost Ark - Monolith - Tesseract Ark - Triarch Stalker
Flyers: Canoptek Acanthrite - Doom Scythe - Lokhust Heavy Destroyer
Necron Destroyers - Night Scythe - Night Shroud
Structures: Convergence of Dominion - Necron Pylon - Sentry Pylon - Starstele
Abattoir - Æonic Orb - Doomsday Monolith
Megalith - Obelisk - Tesseract Vault
Necron Fleets: Tomb Blades

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