
Psychomancers AKA the Trololololmancers are a sub-class of Necron Crypteks, who, as their name implies, prefer to mindbreak their opponents on the battlefield, mainly sowing the emotion of fear to reap a toll from the enemy.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Officially called the Harbingers of Despair, Psychomancers are sadists crazy enough to use tech that channels the Nightbringer, using that visage of dread and death and sharing it around with anyone who may or may not be staring at them funny.
With their Abyssal Staves they can spread severe case of Squad Broken among enemy ranks. They are also capable of causing dread in their enemies and of dematerialising and rematerialising their comrades.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
Crunch wise, this means they have the Nightmare Shroud as an aura, making any unit within 6 inches of them subtract 1 from their Leadership as well as from their Combat Attrition tests. The Psychomancer as such, is a flexible debuffer character and the ultimate Troll unit; you can choose an enemy unit within 12" and roll 3d6 - if you beat the highest Leadership in that unit, they suffer one of the following of your choice until your next morale phase:
- They can't perform actions, and if they are currently performing an action, the action automatically fails.
- They lose Objective Secured.
- Their Advance and Charge rolls are halved.
- They can't fire Overwatch and must Fight Last.