
"More than mere assistants to their Cryptek masters and mistresses, Apprenteks are conduits for their power. They and their staffs serve as nodes and focusing lenses for the Crypteks’ abilities, who can even see through their eyes at will."
- – Kill Team
Every master must have an apprentice and the same can be said of the Necron Crypteks. Apprenteks (If their names aren't already a painful indication) are their faithful apprentices and are basically a Cryptek-in-training. They only appear in the Kill Team Specialist Game.
Overview[edit | edit source]
As they are Crypteks-in-training, one must wonder what exactly, this entails. For one thing, the Necrons are all biomechanical constructs made out of Necrodermis. To be in-training must indicate a Necron without the experience and know-how to be a full fledged member of the Cryptek. It is to indicate youth and inexperience. However, since Necrons don't or no longer reproduce as we know it (Or that we know so far), how exactly do the Necrons come up with a surplus of 'young'ins' we have no idea, given that any new Necrons being constructed would be utterly soulless automatons at best. As such, the existence of the Apprentek is one of many peculiarities that Emprah-forbids, does not fall into any plotholes or outright ignored.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Kill-Team tabletop, they are your lesser Crypteks that is as powerful as your Technomancer in combat, with their Arcane Conduit being a staff of light without the Lethal. Their big value is their ability to use one Cryptek Power that you didn't use this turn as well as being a proxy for your Cryptek to fire from. Inversely, you can also have your Apprentek fire their weapons through the Cryptek for all the same benefits, which might help for the much weaker Crypteks.
They are categorised as a Staunch and Marksman unit.