The /tg/ Heresy: Difference between revisions

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Line 429: Line 429:
IV) Sons of Fire (The Cleanser) – Purgation/Area Denial – 150,000
IV) Sons of Fire (The Cleanser) – Purgation/Area Denial – 150,000

V) Void Angels (The Wraith) - Terror Tactics
V) Void Angels (The Wraith) - Terror Tactics - 140,000

VI) The Entombed () - Auxiliary Shock Troops – 10,000
VI) The Entombed () - Zone Mortalis Heavy Infantry– 10,000

VII) Scions of Europa () -
VII) Scions of Europa (The Champion) - Direct assaults, Tactical versatility

VIII) Children of Armok (The Spy) – Manipulation, politics, espionage, and highly informed ambushes/rapid surprise tactical assaults
VIII) Children of Armok (The Spy) – Manipulation, politics, espionage, and highly informed ambushes/rapid surprise tactical assaults
Line 451: Line 451:
XV) -/-
XV) -/-

XVI) Eternal Zealots () - Fast Attack, Medicae and Close Combat
XVI) Eternal Zealots (The Surgeon) - Fast Attack, Medicae and Close Combat

XVII) Gorgers (The Hunter) – Bloody Close Assaults – 150,000
XVII) Gorgers (The Hunter) – Bloody Close Assaults – 150,000
Line 459: Line 459:
XIX) Eyes of the Emperor (The Farsighted/Spotter) – Ranged warfare/Artillery Specialists
XIX) Eyes of the Emperor (The Farsighted/Spotter) – Ranged warfare/Artillery Specialists

XX) Iron Rangers (The Ranger) – Assassination/Guerrilla
XX) Iron Rangers (The Ranger) – Assassination/Guerrilla - 85,000

XXI) Council of Iron () -  
XXI) Council of Iron () -  

Revision as of 01:04, 1 September 2014

One fine evening on /tg/, a bunch of creatively-minded anons got together to come up with their very own Primarch and Astartes Legion. This proved very popular, and it wasn't long before /tg/ decided to take everyone's fluff, put it together into their own self-contained alternate universe, and tell the age-old story of the Horus Heresy.

Hence, The /tg/ Heresy.

The GoogleDoc for this can be found at Sup/tg/ links can be found within the Googledoc.

Okay guys, be excellent to one another and don’t fuck this up

Legion Overview

The Thirty Astartes Legions of the Great Crusade
Number Name Primarch Homeworld Loyalty
I Knights of Justice Bohemond Hydegate Loyal
II War Scribes Arelex Orannis Whitestone (Destroyed), now Fleet-based. Loyal
III -/- -/- -/- -/-
IV Sons of Fire Inferox "The Burned King" Crematoria Traitor
V Void Angels Gaspard Lumey Ciban Loyal
VI The Entombed Golgothos Sepulchra Loyal
VII Scions of Europa Kleisthenes Europa, Segmentum Obscurus Loyal
VIII Children of Armok Uriel Starikov Perfidiae V Traitor
IX -/- -/- -/- -/-
X The Crusaders Thomas Gaudin homeworld Loyal
XI Wolves of Dawn/Heralds of Hektor Hektor Cincinnatus Olmer Traitor
XII Life Bringers Johannes Vrach Rai (destroyed), now Eden (Demon World in the Eye of Terror) Traitor
XIII -/- -/- -/- -/-
XIV Black Augurs The Voidwatcher Ostium Traitor
XV -/- -/- -/- -/-
XVI Eternal Zealots Aubrey The Grey homeworld Traitor
XVII Gorgers Nathanog Thorond-ul Traitor
XVIII Sand Keepers Darius Cyaxares Simurgh Loyal
XIX Eyes of the Emperor Octullus Tyran Illobian Loyal
XX Iron Rangers Merrill Profi Tiroedd Traitor
XXI Council of Iron Thoren Grimm Titan Traitor
XXII Thunder Kings Brennus Alessia (destroyed), now multiple worlds Loyal
XXIII Silver Cataphracts Alexandri Rosskar Loyal
XXIV Mastodontii Tollund Ötztal Tisenjoch Traitor
XXV Scale Bearers Tiran Osoros Jer Asyk Loyal
XXVI Steel Marshalls Roman Albrecht homeworld Loyal
XXVII Stone Men Onyx the Indestructible Neolithus(destroyed) Loyal
XXVIII the Bulwark Sebastian Rex Arelon Traitor
XXIX Horns of Ruin Kranios the Destroyer Satares Traitor
XXX -/- -/- -/- -/-

Work In Progress

The Twenty Six Space Marine Legions of the Great Crusade
Number Name Primarch Homeworld Loyalty
N/A Barrow Lords Sargon Ereskigal Fleet Based Loyal


The Great Crusade

Discovery Order of the Primarchs

1) Hektor Cincinnatus

2) Arelex

3) Thomas Gaudin

4) Kranios the Destroyer

5) Uriel Starikov

6) Darius Cyaxares

7) Thoren Grimm

8) Bohemond

9) Rook North

10) Kleisthenes

11) The Voidwatcher

12) Alexandri

13) Gaspard Lumey

14) Johannes Vrach

15) Tollund Ötztal

16) Tiran Osoros

17) Inferox the Burned King

18) Rogerius Merrill

19) Nathanog


21) Ocullus Tyran

22) Brennus

23) Golgothos

24) Aubrey The Grey

25) Onyx the Indestructible

Core Worlds campaign

The largest human realm outside of the growing Imperium was based in mineral rich, high-gravity worlds close to the Galactic core. A great chain of highly-developed worlds, with large populations, advanced technology and powerful armies, all held together in a loose confederation. To secure this prize, the Emperor dispatched the Children of Armok and Void Angels.

The Primarchs approached the Core Lords as friends, offering them a place in the Emperor's universal kingdom. However, they were quickly bogged down in demands for special privileges, each Core Lord attempting to secure a better place for himself and all asking for far too much. Uriel sought to mollify and reason with them with little success. As negotiations broke down Lumey recounted the arrogance of these petty lordlings and promised a fitting punishment.

Despite their grandeur and wealth, the Core Worlds fell to the Children of Armok and the Void Angels in a shockingly brief campaign. The strongest, proudest worlds were assaulted and razed, while those led by moderates capitulated, forgoing any hope of special treatment. Lumey ordered that even those that had surrendered be subjected to a heavy tithe for their defiance.

Council at Nikaea


Pro-Psyker Party:

Alexandri, Primarch of the Silver Cataphracts.

Aubrey The Grey, Primarch of the Eternal Zealots.

Bohemond, Primarch of the Knights of Justice.

Darius Cyaxares, Primarch of the Sand Keepers.

Rook North, Primarch of the Nova Defenders

Tollund, Primarch of the Mastodontii.

Tiran, Primarch of the Scale Bearers.

Voidwatcher, Primarch of the Black Augurs.

On The Fence Party:

Brennus, Primarch of the Thunder Kings.

Hektor Cincinnatus, Primarch of the Wolves of Dawn.

Merrill, Primarch of the Iron Rangers.

Inferox the Burned King, Primarch of The Sons of Fire.

Kleisthenes, Primarch of the Scions of Europa.

Kranios, Primarch of the Horns of Ruin.

Octullus Tyran, Primarch of The Eyes of the Emperor.

Uriel Starikov, Primarch of the Children of Armok.

Anti-Psyker Party:

Arelex Orannis, Primarch of the War Scribes.

Golgothos, Primarch of The Entombed

Gaspard Lumey, Primarch of The Void Angels.

Nathanog, Primarch of the Gorgers.

Sebastian Rex, Primarch of The Bulwark.

Johannes Vrach, Primarch of the Life Bringers

Triumph at Ullanor

The First Betrayal

Once the truth was revealed, it was only a matter of time before the Emperor would be moved to censure the Eternal Zealots. The links of cause and effect are poorly recorded, but it seems that the Emperor waited for some time after the initial reports of Xenos Traffiking and support reached his court. That He sent missions to assay many more worlds conquered by the Zealots is known. We can only speculate as to why: perhaps He did not want to believe it of His son, perhaps He wanted to be sure, perhaps He was simply gathering information before acting.

Istvaan III:

Events are being told for those unfamiliar with the battle. Pic semi-related.

Hektor responded to a distress signal from the already captured world of Istvaan III. He returns, stating that the price of falling from the path of enlightenment must be a public display of humiliation, electing to wipe out the local government by way of deploying 5 legions to the planet. Those elected were the Silver Spears, the Mastodontii, the Council of Iron, the Sons of Fire, the Eternal Zealots,The Eyes of the Emperor and the Wolves of Dawn. The fighting seemed unusually harsh, however the plan seemed solid, and was playing out very much as was thought. However, the handpicked ground troops got word that there was another plan in motion. Hektor had planned to have all loyalist troops on the ground, and condemn the planet to Exterminatus via Lifeeater Virus. They managed to seek cover, forcing Hektor to ground troops once the planet was clear, stretching the battle to over a month. The purpose of the plan was twofold: to cull the members still loyal to the Emperor, while simultaneously forcing those Legions to commit. Any objections/additions/alterations?

Istvaan V

The Dropsite Massacre

The Istvaan V legions were the Entombed, the Knights of Justice, the Machine Guard and the War Scribes (mainly cos 2 of those legions creators seemed to have left the thread)

Angered and blinded by their betrayal, Golgothos chose to deploy all 10 companies on Istvaan V, holding not a single marine in reserve. He cut off the Black Augur's air support and deployed his Legion at a strongpoint, a narrow causeway between two lakes he knew the Augurs would have to move through if they wished to rendezvous with the other traitor legions. The Augurs called to the Life Bringers for support, and they opted to bombard the site with artillery shells loaded with gas. The bombardment killed eight entire companies of Entombed, without offering a single target to return fire upon. The Entombed's geneseed flaw means that all geneseed recovery has an 80% failure rate. Suffering such massive losses, The Entombed were forced to return to their homeworld, and have never recovered.

In revenge for the destruction of their homeworld, the Eternal Zealots fall upon the Knights of Justice with unprecedented fury. Aubrey strikes swiftly into the staging areas, destroying many of the Loyalist gunships before they can even leave the ground and catches Bohemond's forces out in the open. The Knights of Justice are forced to fight a gritty defensive battle, a battle for which they are doctrinally ill-suited. The battle culminates in a savage duel between the two Primarchs that leaves Bohemond dead along with the vast majority of his Legion, and Aubrey firmly in the hands of Chaos.

Ultima Segmentum

After the success of Ishvaan V Hektor had now crippled a few of the loyalist legions, but not all. Thanks to the intervention of the Stonemen the loyalists were able to quit the field and make a hasty retreat back into Imperial space. Hektor would not be able to rely on the same tricks the next time. The majority of Hektor's traitor legions were now gathered around him and many had taken substantial losses while there were still many loyalist legions at full strength for him to contend with.

By now all would of heard of his treachery and would no doubt be racing to defend their false emperor. As great a general as he was, even Hektor doubted he would be able to defeat the Emperor if he was able to unite the remaining loyalists into a single fleet. No, if he wanted to fulfill his destiny as the savior of mankind he would have to learn some new tricks. He did not need to defeat every loyalist legion, merely delay them from helping their emperor.

At least 4 loyalists still remained in the Ultima Segmentum on the other side of the Maelstrom. With only two paths around the Maelstrom if the traitors were able to block off both ways then the loyalists would never be able to reach Holy Terra. Speaking with his brothers, Hektor dispatched Voidwatcher and his Black Augur to the south of the Maelstrom, where they would conjure a second warp storm using their sorcery that would block any from trying to pass. However there was still the northern path and so the War-master approached his brother Uriel. Knowing of Uriel's relations with Sebastian he convinced Uriel to trick Sebastian into constructing a series of super fortresses known as "The Crucible" to bar the loyalists way.

A series of battles erupted in the sector as the Loyalists indeed tried to reach Terra. The first was the Battle of Belahaam, where Darius and his Sand Keepers intercepted Voidwatcher and his Augur's in the middle of the ritual to summon the warp storm. After a pitched battle Darius was ultimately unable to stop the spell was swallowed into the storm. With Voidwatchers success the remaining 2 loyalists, the Steel Marshalls and the Silver Cataphrants were forced to slowly fight their way through the Bulwark Crucible. In the final assault both Sebastian and Alexandri are killed, and though the loyalists triumph they are too late to help Terra.


The Zealots are the first openly traitor legion, playing the role the word bearers did, while the Children of Armok were the original traitors, and play the role Erebus does in the books and being the one to corrupt notLorgar.

The Zealots were acting unwittingly as agents for the Children of Armok, and through them Hektor And this shit starts from there.

Is there going to be a Calth/Shadow Crusade analogue? What Legion has its own stellar empire for the Sons of Fire to burn to the ground?

And our AU's alternative to the Iron Cage is the Crucible - a challenge by the more renegade than outright traitor Bulwark, vs the Steelmarshalls and the Silver Cataphracts

At the time of the Istvaan III Atrocity, a precise estimate of the Sons of Fire’s fighting strength and disposition was difficult to make. The Sons often fought as a small number of large scale deployments, with the bulk under the Burned King formed into the 13th Expeditionary fleet, and the Sigillite’s Agents were disliked and kept at arms length. Best estimates of their observed strength were around 150,000 Space Marines, placing the Sons of Fire in the middle to high levels of comparative strength amongst its contemporary fellow Space Marine Legions. They were also well-supplied and supported by the Legio Ignis (Fire Kings) Titan Legion and a fleet of at least sixty capital class vessels. It is commonly estimated that of all the Traitor Legions that had fought at Istvaan III in the purge of the Loyalist faction within their ranks, it had been the Sons who had suffered the greatest casualties, with well over 35,000 Legionaries believed to have met their deaths on both sides. Aside from the many wounded, it is recorded that a number had succumbed entirely during the protracted fighting to an insane pyromania and had to be forcibly restrained and removed back to the the fleet for containment, lest they burn even their allies to ash.

Okay, so we need to work out who’s going to be on Terra The Entombed took too many casualties to be present on Terra Scions were present on Terra, fighting their most hated rivals, the Silver Spear.

The eyes of the Emperor mainly attended to Mars during the siege of Terra, trying to protect the foundries and factories. It is during this time where they display their braveness, using ancient DaoT weaponry to literally snipe and assassinate the commanders of Traitor Titnas, and plunging in close to the front line with storm bolter armed assault marines . They kind of fill out the void of the Dark Angels role of being the indecisive chapter and the Iron Hands as being the chapter to loose their primarch totally.

Crusaders were also present on Terra, as were the Marshalls, Cataphracts, and parts of the War Scribes (I envision the Scribes as being spread out everywhere a lot, always recovering their information and recording knowledge) (Yeah, the Scribes are a Legion only in name, in practice they’d have been fairly spread out during the Crusade, with a central force of maybe 30-50k marines, and lots of squads all over the place.)

The Thunder Kings arrived both in support of and in opposition to Imperial forces, with Brennus arriving with several thousand less than his traitorous captain Selioax managed to muster. It’s possible he was aboard when the Emperor and co. confronted Hektor, though he need not necessarily take the place of Dorn or whatever Not!Dorn we choose for putting the Emperor into his throne. Selioax survived, but both Thunder Kings factions sustained enormous casualties throughout the Siege of Terra.

The final confrontation against Hektor aboard his flagship, the Sun Chariot, involved the Emperor and the Primarchs Kleisthenes and Gaudin. When Kleisthenes and hektor fought, Kelisthenes was mortally wounded by Hektor (and later placed in stasis), but not before placing the apocryphal flaw in Hektor's armor. The Emperor then fought Hektor personally. When Hektor's victory seemed apparent, a lone Guardsmen by the name of Ollanius Pius appeared to hold the line against Hektor. Pius was killed almost instantly by Hektor, but this galvanized the Emperor to rise up and slay Hektor completely, body and soul. Gaudin was the one to recover the bodies of the Emperor and Kleisthenes, spurring him on to help the War Scribes write the Codex Astartes to help prevent the travesties of the Hektor Heresy from ever happening again.

The Jovian & Saturnian Theatre

Terra and Mars were not the only theatres of significance in the Sol system, with the Jovian and Saturnian moons also important strategic objectives for other sides. Europa, Titan, Enceladus, Ganymede, and a handful other moons were fairly well populated, and also host to plethora industries or mining ventures that would be extremely useful for the maintenance of the war effort in the system. The massive gas mining stations which orbited Saturn since the Dark Age of Technology were especially valued, and much of the fuel for the Emperor’s vessels originated from these massive archaeotech refineries.

It was thus unsurprising that the Voidwatcher moved to secure these facilities promptly after his arrival in the system. Riding a high from their victory in the Isstvan system, they swept aside the various local forces present, established a security cordon around Saturn and its moons, and secured the majority of the facilities. With full control of the spacelanes not yet entirely established, the Black Augurs were forced to pull away the majority of their space-based forces to deal with emergent threats on the outer end of the star system, where loyalist forces were still a nuisance.

It was during this critical moment when the Thunder Kings arrived, running the blockade around Charon and forcing a sizable contingent of Black Augurs into pursuit. Four tribes, totalling some seventy-thousand marines between them, preceded their Primarch in breaking into Sol; making for Terra on a very direct axis of approach. Unfortunately for the Loyalists, the disposition of Traitorous forces was such that it proved impossible to approach Terra so readily, and so the majority of Thunder King forces would be forced to remain in the outer star system for the majority of the Battle of Terra.

Commander Anibalos took the Bleeding Crowns and the Grinning Ghosts tribes, totalling some forty-thousand marines, and deposited them along the moons of Saturn while Commander Cnaios took the Mountain Breakers and the Star-Eaters, totalling another thirty-five thousand, to Jupiter’s moons. Despite the advantage in numbers traitorous forces enjoyed in space, their need to maintain ships at the system’s peripheries to intercept Loyalist reinforcements as well as to blockade the various worlds they were besieging, allowed the Thunder Kings fleet to remain relatively intact. It was never able to establish even local space superiority, on account of the sizable Black Augurs fleet presence, but the clever use of both Saturn’s and Jupiter’s depleted rings in hiding the Thunder Kings fleet would allow for its intermittent use in operational offensives throughout the duration of the conflict.

Of all the other moons, Titan and Ganymede would prove to be the most contested. As important transit points for much of the material the gas refining stations put out, as well as possessing many such refining facilities themselves, they were highly sought after by both sides. The initial Thunder Kings landings managed to overwhelm the standing Black Augurs garrisons in much the same manner as they themselves had overwhelmed the mortal defenders, and so resecured the planets mostly intact.

However, they soon faced a concerted counter-attack and invasion by the Black Augurs. It was to turn into a moon-hopping campaign, with both sides jumping from moon to moon in an attempt to take strategic points before their enemy--or to seize them when an opportunity presented itself from their enemy. No better example exists than Silacos’ gambit, when the Commander of the Star-Eaters tribe opportunistically left a skeleton garrison on Europa, gathered the majority of the Thunder Kings fleet, and scattered his forces across the outer Jovian moons while the Mountain Breakers were defending Ganymede. For a brief while, at least, the control of the defense batteries on those outer moons provided the Thunder Kings space superiority in that front of the theatre.

One of the more decisive battles of the Saturnian campaign was the Battle of Huygen’s Gap, which took place in the forementioned zone of Saturn’s rings. The Eternal Zealots, alongside remaining Black Augurs space forces in the area, made comprehensive sweeps of Saturn’s ice rings once they arrived. In a series of small skirmishes, the Thunder Kings fleet was forced out into the Gap, where the traitor’s forces were able to finally meet them in an actual battle. Brennus and Aubrey briefly dueled, and would continue to directly oppose one another via a series of battles waged across the fleets via teleportation and boarding actions. Ultimately, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties, Aubrey teleported away and the Eternal Zealots withdrew from Huygen’s Gap.Their failure to mention their retreat to their Black Augur allies resulted in the destruction of much of the Black Augur fleet in orbit, eventually culminating in the spiteful destruction by the Black Augur commander of the ancient Vinyaya refining station.

Army/Primarch Description List

I) Knights of Justice (The Judge) - Air Assault

II) War Scribes () Tactical Analysis /Tech Affinity

III) -/-

IV) Sons of Fire (The Cleanser) – Purgation/Area Denial – 150,000

V) Void Angels (The Wraith) - Terror Tactics - 140,000

VI) The Entombed () - Zone Mortalis Heavy Infantry– 10,000

VII) Scions of Europa (The Champion) - Direct assaults, Tactical versatility

VIII) Children of Armok (The Spy) – Manipulation, politics, espionage, and highly informed ambushes/rapid surprise tactical assaults

IX) Horns of Ruin (The Demo) - Demolition

X) The Crusaders (The Enforcer) - Mechanized Warfare

XI) Wolves of Dawn/Heralds of Hektor (The Paragon) – Shock Assault – 170,000

XII) Life Bringers (The Medic) – Biological Warfare/Planetary Reseeding

XIII) -/-

XIV) Black Augurs (The Sorcerer) - Psyker

XV) -/-

XVI) Eternal Zealots (The Surgeon) - Fast Attack, Medicae and Close Combat

XVII) Gorgers (The Hunter) – Bloody Close Assaults – 150,000

XVIII) Sand Keepers (The Seer) -

XIX) Eyes of the Emperor (The Farsighted/Spotter) – Ranged warfare/Artillery Specialists

XX) Iron Rangers (The Ranger) – Assassination/Guerrilla - 85,000

XXI) Council of Iron () -

XXII) Thunder Kings () - Protracted Conflicts/Attrition

XXIII) Silver Cataphracts () - Attrition – 160,000+

XXIV) Mastodontii (The Tank) - Armoured Warfare – 120,000

XXV) Scale Bearers (The Rider) - Jungle Beastmasters

XXVI) Steel Marshalls (The Engineer) - Engineering, Techmarines

XXVII) Stone Men (The Heavy) - Deep Strike/Heavy Bombardment


Roses Crush The Best

Rosean, an oceanic world covered nearly entirely with water with the exception of a small continent containing its only landmass. It accounts for seventeen percent of the total surface area of the world only. The people of Rosean possess an advanced form of laser technology they had devised after years of isolation. The sudden appearance of the Imperium was at first met with glee, but demands for compliance soon found the small system and the solar empire at war. Lacking in voidships, the Roseans more than make up for this with their fearsome technology which the Imperium eagerly desires to dissect.

The Imperial amassed fleet sits behind one of the two moons of the planet. Heated debate has paralyzed the reclamation force for a week now. The Silver Cataphracts First Captain Sergei had been butting heads with very Primarch of the Mastodontii himself. It had to be getting serious, or else they wouldn't be calling her up. The Lacunan Lifewatch had been posted with the 66th Expedition Fleet with the intention of bringing back less than welcoming human worlds into the loving embrace of the Imperial Truth. But no one had requested the Major General's presence except if they needed to prolong an argument. The Astartes gave orders. They didn't hold meetings that involved the common soldiery, normally. The elevator climbed the many floors of 'Rosskar's Frown' in a flash, reaching the war room with a few minutes to spare before she was supposed to arrive. There were no windows in this section of the ship, as it was in the very heart of the numerous layers of plasteel and ceramite that made the vessel's hull.

Stepping with her right foot out, she stride forward with gloved hands in her coat pocket ever closer to the sounds of bickering Astartes. "Major General Francia?"The question came from her left. The man appeared to be young, but that told you nothing. Rejuvenant treatments were commonplace among the upper echelon of the Imperial Army. His uniform was a dulled white, that of snow. It was nothing remarkable, which was remarkable. It didn't have flashy glint or elaborate designs, but it didn't look like he made it back at his backwater of a homeworld either.

"I am Major General Alexey, of the Rosskar Strelky," It was only polite to greet one's comrade with a handshake, right? Francia didn't think so, and the gesture died between them. "You're the Silver's dogs, huh?" "Excuse me, miss?" "You heard what I said. Your men don't think the Army is good enough for you, I understand." The young-looking man was taken aback. He found his footing though, replying with a curt, "I did not expect you to be such a bitch." A smug grin formed on the Lifeguard's commander. "There it is. Old Rosskan fire. Please don't waste my time with pleasantries, I know your people don't waste time with it and I don't either. Can we agree to be honest with each other? We have enough to deal with the Astartes. Alright?" It appeared as if a weight was lifted off of Alexey's shoulders. The years of training in etiquette and manners melted away in no time. He slouched his back, pulling out a small winter cap to place on his head. "Glad we can find agreement even when others cannot." The yelling of the Captains still rung in the hallway. "Let's go inside before they notice we're late."

It is an odd place to be between demi-gods. They are giants within armor to make a tank blush, wielding weaponry and strength not able to be conceived by the average soldier. The Lifeguard had fought for three campaigns alongside the Mastodontii, becoming quite accustomed to their tactics and strategies. Alexey had been raised from birth to assume his role as supreme commander of the Strelky, the grand auxiliary forces who support the Silver Cataphracts in their endeavors.

Currently First Captain Sergei 'The Bear' was having the same argument he'd been in with the damn Primarch of the Mastodontii, Tollund Ötztal. The Great Hunter.

As always, Sergei presented his case with the vigor and frozen fury of most Rosskans, "Those lasers will make a convention assault impossible. We'll have a hard enough time organizing out fleet to the orbit of the world so we aren't destroyed by surface-to-stellar batteries! We must move before more satellite defenses can be mustered! They've made another dozen in the time you've been having your 'talks'."

"Those discussions," always Tollund had a way with words that completely enraptured Francia, "As you so easily dismiss could lead to a completely peaceful solution. Even while that may fail, we are exploring completely bypassing those satellites and batteries by contacting sympathetic elements with Rosean. If you would only give it time, my brother."

"You! Are not! My fucking brother!" Sergei slams his Bolter into the table, smashing it and the weapon in two. "You will not see what is clearly necessary in front of you! This world has huge populations of algae which can be harvested to feed worlds which struggle to survive. And you want to preserve a few million when billions could suffer from our inaction? I have damn patience, but not the patience. To do. Nothing!"

If it had been any other Primarch Sergei would either be dead or demoted by now. Always his fiery temperament had brought him to blows with his own Primarch, who admired him for the tenacity that grew within him. Alexey had come to expect it by now, but he never lived in fear of it. Despite the rage Sergei never succumbed to it. No one had ever been hurt by it, except maybe Sergeo himself.

Tollund in regular expected fashion took the bluster and anger without a beat lost. The debate continued for hours, with what to do about this possibility or that outcome or any possible result of their actions. Sergei attempted to out think Tollund, to bring cold reason and hard facts into the equation. While Tollund spoke circles around the furious Captain by showing the clear virtue of handling this with the least amount of blood shed possible.

"The Imperium needs every soul. That includes our own and those of whom we wish to incorporate. You cannot rush progress, Captain."

Alexey spoke up at last, "Yes you can, Primarch. That is exactly what the Imperium is doing. That is what the Imperail Truth is, and that is the entirety of the Rosskan people's history for the past few centuries. Progress obtained from pure will and might."

The room fell silent. A Captain out speaking to the Primarch, this was a possibility. A human outright speaking against him, correcting him, and calling him wrongful was. It gave Francia more than plenty of reasons to take a few steps to the side when Tollund turned about. Instead of a angry glare, a friendly smile looked down upon the Strelky's Major General. "You agree with the Cataphracts philosophy? Not surprising. But you do not have authority here, despite being in such a prominent position within the militia forces of Rosskar. I will let you speak your mind, go on."

"Well, the Roseans obviously do not wish to be part of the Imperium. Their continued deployment of satellites, and the fact we much reach out to fringe groups and extremists to find support displays the sad fact that the majority of the population support this anti-Imperial sentiment. We must act quickly, as Sergei says. Not because he is a Silver Cataphract, but because every satellite represents another thousand or more crewmen dying in the upcoming void battle."

Francia stepped from the shadows to speak out against her colleague, before Tollund was able to reply. The Primarch saw the look in the woman's eyes, and happily allowed her the room. "So, you think just because we can't see the extent of the Pro-Imperial Rosean sentiment, we can't be sure that we could avoid even a space battle? We're talking about millions of lives, an advanced civilization that could even teach us something. This world deserves some time to allow us to reach out to them. If the Imperium struck out at the first signs of resistance, Rosskar would be ashes right now."

All debate was ended with the sound of thunder. A figure marched into the room that demanded immediate reverence and respect from everyone except Primarch Tollund. It was Alexandri, dressed in green and white with a golden power maul in one hand, a lighting claw in the other. His face bore a great, massive long brown beard that ran down the front of his huge suit of armor. The Silver Cataphracts progenitor seemed full of glee as he surveyed the room. "Sorry!" His voice boomed in the room, a making the soft voice of Tollund appear like a faint whisper. "The warp is a fickle mistress. Anyways, my forces have already taken up position on the opposite moon. Those lasers! Dear, they nearly sniped by shuttlecraft. Let us all be thankful they aren't that accurate? Haha!"

Sergei signed heavily, looking to his Primarch with a mix of annoyance and barely concealed anger, "I'm going to say you had a few on the way, didn't you, Alexandri?" "Perhaps so, perhaps not. Where is my favorite nephew though?" Alexey smiled wide at his Uncle, speaking up, "Here." "Aaah! Alexey! I'm glad to see you, we must meet somewhere else when this is all over!" Tollund actually grew annoyed by his fellow Primarch's actions. He wanted to speak with his brother on how best to solve the Rosean problem. Hopefully with his wise council, they would be able to avoid the complications experienced between himself and Sergei. "Brother, please. Could we speak about Rosean?" Alexandri turned to face his brother, "What about that shit heap of a world?" "How are we going to deal with it!"

Sergei would never forget the look on Alexandri's face as he spoke the words, "It has already been dealt with, brother."

Tollund's face didn't have time to match up with the horror and revulsion as he uttered the words, "What did you just say?" "Yes, I had my flagship push the lesser moon into the sea. The tidal wave caused will sink the Rosean continent underneath the sea. The problem has been dealt with."

The room went silent. Both sides having been shocked by this act. Sergei was disgusted, Alexey was horrified. While others were left simply stunned Francia charged ahead to stand before the armored bulk of the Primarch. Her words spat forth like venom, her eyes filled with anger, "You act without the rest of us? You are callous, cruel man who on-" One swat was all it took for Alexandri to rip her into several pieces with his power claw. It was remarkable how a hulking giant such a Primarch can move so fast. A flick of the wrist, and a life was ended. "Tollund," Alexandri said flexing his surging blades, "See in the future that you keep better discipline amongst your lesser ranks. I will not suffer an insult like that again. Alexey! Let's go shoot something! I'm sure there must be something to hunt in the underholds!"

This is when Sergei, and Tollund, first began to truly despise Alexandri.

The End.

Burning Worlds

The world was on fire.

One could not tell if it was day or night from the eternal glow, or the ash that choked the sky. The battlefield was a picture of hell, the hell man had once believed in before the Imperial Truth had swept such superstition away. But here and now, that mythical hell was reborn upon Yaga Prime, sending countless souls to damnation.

Striding through the flames, the Sons of Fire burned everything before them. The human defenders of this world, who had refused to abandon their gods and beliefs, were now either ash or small bands of fleeing survivors, each being run down and burned one after the other.

The war had, been won in a single hour and twenty-seven minutes, though the battle still raged on three weeks later. One hour twenty-seven minutes. That had been how long it had taken for his ships to cripple the enemy fleet, and fire-bomb every single major city on the planet. Over half the enemy flotilla had been lost in the opening salvoes, the rest in the hours and days after. The wreckage now orbited the capital planet, the heart of this system. Following that, twenty-four Modalis-class atmospheric missiles had been launched from the Eternal Conflagration at the surface of Yaga Prime. Each targeted a key strategic location, major cities, strategic hubs, and within seconds billions had burned. Thus, the war for Yaga Prime was won in one hour twenty-seven minutes. In the months that followed, all that remained was to complete the cull.

First Captain Emiya could feel the blistering heat inside the confines of his Terminator Plate. That meant that outside the temperature must be blistering, near that of the Plasma Reactors his suit had once been designed for. He strode dispassionately through the carnage, through the fire, flanked by his standard bearer Kleast, the standard singed at the edges, and master of signal Amerauk. The first company was at the heart of the pursuit, passing the blazing hulks of tanks and troop carriers. The crackling sound of burning flesh was everywhere, and the smell, the smell of burned man. That smell was lodged in the nasal cavities of every last Son of Fire. Most loved that smell. Emiya disliked it. I am in the wrong Legion. I take no pleasure in what I have to do. Most of his brothers took glee in burning all before them, the sickness that it seemed consumed more and more of his Brothers. Even before their Primarch had joined them, the Legion had taken to the use of flame weapons more often than not. Emiya had been young then, and had hoped their Primarch would be a great leader, one who could stand shoulder to shoulder with his Brothers as the Crusade pushed ever onwards. Then they had found their liege lord, and all had changed. “Emiya,” A deep, booming voice suddenly crackled through the vox. He knew instantly who it was. His Primarch. The Burned King. The Fire Rider. Inferox. “You are needed. One of the Sigillite’s spawn has arrived to see our progress, and I need you here with me.” “And why is that sire?” “So you can restrain me if I get fed up of her twittering and want to see how well she burns.” He could see in his kind’s eye the Primarch’s mighty flame-claw gauntlets flexing. Inferox was hardly co-operative. He was pointed at a world, and told to burn it. To have a representative of the Regent of Terra come, had to mean something was up. “I’m on my way,” Emiya began, but the line was already dead.

“Kleast? Contact Captain Tamyo and tell him command’s passed to him. I have been summoned.” “The Primarch?” “Who else?” Kleast lowered the standard as he turned to Emiya. “Keep him calm. The last thing we need is another ‘accidental’ death. Emperor knows we’ve had enough of them in the past.”

The Emperor's Justice

“Let those who desire the Emperor's justice step forward!” Bohemond's voice echoed off the bare walls of the Palace of Justice with authority and conviction. The throng immediately fell silent, and the militiawoman policing the crowd gestured for the first supplicants to approach. They were somewhat hesitant about approaching the seated Space Marine, but a swift jab in the smalls of their backs with the militiawoman's pike propelled them forward.

“Who are you who, and why do you seek the Emperor's justice?” Bohemond found comfort in the old ritual. He had practised a variation of it before being reunited with his father, and throughout the Great Crusade he had made a point of holding court on each world the Knights of Justice had brought into the Imperium. Was the Emperor not an Emperor for all mankind? Did all mankind not benefit from His rule? Did all of mankind not benefit and deserve His justice?

“Balthazar, farmer of Mindan province m'lord,” mumbled the first figure, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. “G-G-Greigor, merchant of Mindan province m'lord,” stammered the second. Bohemond noted that he was dressed somewhat finer clothes than the farmer, and clutched a feathered cap in his trembling hands. He had dispensed justice to all stations of people throughout the Imperium, from feral tribesman barely capable of civilised speech to his fellow Primarchs and their Legions, and this case would receive just as much attention as one of the conflicts Bohemond had resolved between his brothers.

“This man didn't pay me a fair price for my livestock!” Balthazar pointed accusingly at the merchant. “He claimed he had little coin but I know that's not true, I saw he had more!” So it was a matter of coin, it often was with these commoners. Part of him wanted to scream at these men for wasting his time, for holding him here whilst he could be chasing down the renegades and traitors and following the last command of his father – but what did these simpletons know of that? How could they know of the Great Betrayal? How could they understand the scale of the suffering wrought on the Imperium by Hextor and his cohorts? How could they understand a love so great that an Emperor had for all mankind he would kill his own children? They could not, but they could make sense of it here in this dispute, and thus the message would spread to others. Now more than ever in these dark times were stories of Imperial virtue needed.

“And this is true?” Bohemond questioned the merchant, fixing his gaze upon him.

“W-w-well yes m'lord, I did have more, but I was saving it to buy from other farmers so that they would have coin to buy food,” squirmed the merchant, desperately looking everywhere but at the Space Marine. “And the only reason Balthazar knew I had more money was because he broke into my wagon and forced open my lockbox!”

It was now the farmer's turn to feel the eyes of the Primarch fall upon him. Bohemond did not even need to speak a word before the words began to tumble out of the farmer's mouth.

“M'lord, he had more coin than I've ever seen! More than I saw that time we collected that sum for the orphans of the plague. He could've easily afforded to give me more, I've got seven mouths to feed and...” “That's a lie!” The merchant protested. “It wasn't nearly as much as he claims, and besides Balthazar only has four children!” “Well they eat so much it feel like seve...”

“SILENCE!” Bohemond's yell almost bowled the two men over. “Greigor, do you deny withholding funds from Balthazar?” “N-n-no m'lord.” “And you, Balthazar, do you deny violating a man's property? No protests, a simple yes or no.” Balthazar opened his mouth as if to say something, but simply shook his head.

“Then I am ready to give the Emperor's judgement,” Bohemond pronounced. “Greigor, to not give a man or his efforts their due worth can lead to the direst of circumstances. Some of my brothers felt slighted by their kin, and as a result it has led to anger, defiance and even rebellion.” This revelation brought a gasp of shock from the assembled crowd, who had up until now remained silent. “I therefore order you to pay Balthazar a sum equivalent to a fair price for his stock no later than forty days from now.” Balthazar's face took on an incredibly arrogant look, one that painfully reminded Bohemond of one of his fallen siblings. “I have not finished,” Bohemond snapped. “Balthazar, I spoke to Greigor about respect. Would you rather that Greigor had broken into your dwelling and simply taken your livestock? No, you would not. Society cannot function if we deviate from our laws, and committing one offence for the sake of righting a previous one is unjust and incorrect. You will therefore be fined the sum of money Greigor will pay you, payable no less than one day after you have received the coin, and thus the Emperor has given justice on this matter. Give thanks for this justice.”

“We give thanks for this justice!” The militiawoman began to chant, and soon the crowd took it up.

“We give thanks for this justice!”

“We give thanks for this justice!”

“We give thanks for this justice!”

Bohemond smiled and gave thanks.

The Duel at Isstvan V

‘I have long waited for this moment, Bohemond,’ replied Aubrey, ‘ever since you purged by brothers with vengeance in your heart. Ever since you humiliated me, and left me before our false father’s judgement. For years I have dreamt of this reckoning. Only one of us will walk away from this, you know that.’

‘I know that,’ agreed Bohemond.

‘You betrayed me and my brothers,’ said Aubrey, and Bohemond was surprised to hear genuine emotion in his brother’s voice. ‘You cast them down and purged them, because they were not human. Because they were Xenos,’ the last part coming out as a hateful hiss.

‘I did what I had to do because your eyes needed to be opened,’ answered Bohemond. ‘Xenos were never our friends, they were always against us. Father thought you knew better, he thought you’d understand. But you were naive, you never saw the threat they posed until too late. And now look at you, turning on us in the heat of battle.’

‘You turned on us. You shamed us and humiliated us. You will not do so again.’

‘Then you shall all die!’ snarled Bohemond. ‘Hektor is mad. Look at all this death! How can this be right? You will hang from Traitor’s Gibbet for this sedition, for I am the Emperor’s loyal servant and through me his will and vengeance will be done.’

‘The Emperor is a spent force,’ snapped Aubrey. ‘Even now he whittles away on some trivia in the dungeons of Terra while his realm is in flames. Even now he gives up on hope in favour of his own selfish desires. Are those the actions of a being fit to rule the galaxy?’

‘No more words,’ Bohemond adopted a combat stance with his blade. ‘Come then, brother. Let us decide this, you and I. For eternity.’

The battlefield fell silent as Aubrey drew his own blades, a matching pair of Black blades with snakes wrapped around the blade and outwards, forming both the guard and the hilt. The din of the battlefield could not mask the sound as they slid from their sheathes like the snakes that adorned them, before Aubrey, scorned son, spurned healer, bitter warlord and herald of the true gods, took his stance.

Both swords pointed towards the dirt as he put his right foot forward, shifted his body forwards, his silver locks draping down, only a single, almost glowing, piercing, emerald eye peered out from the shadows.

"For Lazarus."

Aubrey struck first, moving faster than thought, his cloak swirling about him. Bohemond met the blow with his mighty blade, and a radial wave shot out from it, throwing up the ash in swirling clouds.

Bohemond grunted as he blocked the incoming blades. He moved far more slowly than Aubrey, but everything he did was solid, dense, and indomitable, every movement clinical, a ruthless economy of muscle and motion, each thrust and parry executed to perfection without the audacity of dramatic flair.

Bohemond’s blade wove an exquisite dance, while Aubrey’s blades slashed at Bohemond with wild abandon, and the air rang with the clash of metal against metal, with the fizzing crack of opposing power fields.

Bohemond wrenched his blade back, the silver steel breaking through the air in lashing chops, blurring into a crescent that reflected the flames that lit the sky above. Each carving strike crashed against Aubrey’s blocking blades. Both warriors moved beyond mortal capability, with speed that defied sight. Yet one was a knight, a champion of justice and honour, the other a visionary whose vision had turned dark, and who fought with savage relish against his hated foe. Aubrey’s grin had been a brittle facade at the best of times since the fall of Lazarus. Now it turned to glass.

Aubrey beat away a sword-strike and went for Bohemond’s gorget with his other blade. At the last minute he jutted the blade down, slipped below the defence and cut a long gash in the primarch’s breastplate. This time the blade cut deep, paring already fractured armour and delving into the ribcage below.

Bohemond roared in painand jerked clear, cracking Aubrey’s blades away with his own mighty sword and staggering backwards.

He now snarled defiantly, turning his pain to anger, fuelling his body with rage and barrelling back at him, smashing him with perfectly directed sword-blows. Aubrey lurched away, stumbling across the uneven dirt carpeted with the bodies of his Legion and Bohemonds, while Bohemond lumbered after him. More blows came in – hard, heavy, earth-shaking blows, blows to sunder armour and shatter steel. Aubrey was driven further, only barely able to weather the explosion of fury directed at him. His armour was cut apart and his body battered and bruised by his once-brother’s sustained assault.

‘Die,’ Bohemond breathed. Desperation ruined his voice, rasping it from bleeding lips. ‘You should never have survived that tainted world you call home. Father should have ended you when he saw how fall you’d fallen, the company you kept.’

Summoning up one last burst of energy, Aubrey bludgeoned aside the mighty blade and pulled away, beckoning his adversary to come after him. Bohemond followed, his armour cut apart, his mighty sword slick with blood. A vengeful Knight, come to avenge his sons.

Aubrey held position, panting hard, trying to drag up energy for the final clash. His hearts thudded, his lungs burned. He held his twin blades poised, waiting for his enemy to move.

Come to me. You can see my weakness.

Howling anger, Bohemond did just that, and Aubrey took his chance.

One blade took the mighty sword, as he stepped to one side. The other blade flicked out, biting deep into the breastplate of his brother’s armour, and the Lord of the the Knights of Justice screamed, a sound that sould never have existed in the mortal realm as his breastplate gave in and the blade bit deep into his flesh. Hot blood sprayed from the wound and the mighty black blade slid from Bohemond’s hand as he snarled in fierce agony.

As Bohemond crouched, bleeding, he began to speak into his Vox, giving final orders to his sons as they tried to flee the field. He knew his fate, he knew he was done, but he had one last oath of defiance left to give.

Aubrey smiled down upon him, drawing his blades back. His vengeance was nigh, his victory complete. This would be a message to all who follow the False Emperor, all who refused the promise of the future, all who cast him down as a weakling, a Xeno-Lover.

His serpentine Black Blade clove the air as it swept towards Bohemond. Unnatural warp-forged steel met the iron flesh of a primarch, its aberrant edge cutting through Bohemond’s skin, muscle and bone with a shrieking howl that echoed in realms beyond those knowable to mortals.

Blood and the monumental energies, the very fabric of creation bound within the meat and gristle of one of the Emperor’s sons erupted from the wound, and Aubrey fell back as the searing powers blinded him, dropping the black sword to his side. He heard a shrieking wail, as of a choir of banshees, whip around him as phantom, skeletal hands clawed at him, and a thousand voices tore at his mind.

Bohemond was dead. His head peered up at him, sightless eyes staring in accusation, his lips still moving with an unfinished curse upon them.

‘Thus was ever your fate Brother,’ Aubrey whispered to the head at his feet. ‘Lazarus is avenged.’

The Skeleton in the Caves

As a babe, the Primarch whould come to be known as Golgothos crash landed on a desolate, grey planet known as Sepulchra. The surface of Sepulchra were inhospitable badlands, with gale force winds kicking up dust storms which could rip the flesh off a man. Fortunately, Golgothos' pod crashed with such force that it pierced through the surface into the caverns below, and it is in these caverns that Golgothos made his home.

As a child, Golgothos lived by foraging for caveworms and scraping moss off of walls. As he grew, he began to hunt larger and larger game. The beasts of Sepulchra fell to his bare hands, and Golgothos would consume everything, leaving only the bones behind.

However, Golgothos' life was not safe, for deep within the caverns lived a clan of Orks. Many times as he was feeding, Golgothos would be discovered by wandering Orks, and be forced to flee. For many years he was forced to live cautiously, fleeing before the echos of Ork grunts.

It was not until he was a man grown that Golgothos chose to face the Orks in battle. The Orks had driven all game from the caverns, and so Golgothos was starving. Delirious and exhausted, Golgothos wandered passageways he had never been to before. Stumbling around a bend, he happened upon three Orks, arguing over the roasting corpse of a cave drake. Golgothos attacked the Orks with a ferocity he did not know he had posessed, kicking, clawing, biting, with his screams of fury echoing across the planet. The Orks never stood a chance.

After that, armed with an Ork Choppa, Golgothos grew to enjoy hunting orks. The Orks came to call him "Da skellytun in da caves," and told eachother tales of the bony creature which ripped apart Orks with its bare hands. Eventually, Warboss Skullgub decided he had had enough, and rallied his Orks to hunt Golgothos.

For months, Skullgub harried Golgothos. While Golgothos was mighty, he could not face hordes of Orks at once, and so he was forced to make numerous tactical retreats. Fleeing before the echoing CLANKS of Skullgub's mega armour, Golgothos came upon a pair of massive metal blast doors. Golgothos had never seen anything man made before, and so he marveled at the doors. However, he was quickly ripped out of his confusion by the CLANK CLANK CLANK of skullgub's approach. Golgothos banged his fists against the control panel in desperation, and miraculously, the door opened.

Within, Golgothos found polished metal hallways, with deep recesses in the walls. In each recess he found the ancient, dusty remains of a man: Golgothos had happened upon a crashed Catacomb Ship from the dark age of technology. He went deeper into the ship, looking for some choke point or other tactical advantage, and found it: A door leading into a personal Tomb. He looked within, and found, laying on a Beir, a well dressed skeleton. The skeleton was decorated with gold jewelry and gems, as well as medals which marked him as a military officer. On the officer's hand, dull grey and coated with a layer of dust, was an ancient Power Fist. With his mighty new weapon, and an advantageous choke point, Golgothos was able to drive off Skullgub's Orks.

The Discovery had confused Golgothos, however. He had never seen another human being before, never even conceived of the possibility that there were others. And yet, here in this catacomb, he had found the skeletal remains of hundreds of men. Golgothos began to think that Men were gods, or perhaps demons, meant to torment the Orks. He spent the next few years guarding the catacombs, and tending to the remains of what he believed to be fallen gods.

Eventually, Skullgub managed to corner Golgothos away from home as he was hunting. Outnumbered, outmatched, and staring down the gob of a gigantic mega armoured warboss, Golgothos called out to the gods for aid. With a loud CRASH, the roof before him caved in, and before Golgothos' tear-filled eyes was a Drop Pod of the Imperium of Man. From this Drop Pod emerged the Emperor himself, along with some of his mighty Space Marines. The Emperor cleaved Skullgub in two with his mighty power sword, and the Marines made short work of the remaining Orks.

The Emperor offered Golgothos a mighty legion to lead, and Golgothos required no convincing. As far as Golgothos was concerned, before him stood the King of the Gods, and such a being should not be questioned. The Emperor did not approve of Golgothos' superstition, but at least it was superstition of human superiority. Golgothos was given the VI Legion, which he named The Entombed.

The Entombed maintain Golgothos' faith to this day, believing humans to be Gods, sent to punish impure and inferior xenos. They guard their fortress monastary, called the Catacomb, and pay much respect to the dead.

The Burning of Alessia

His grey eyes flickered across the assembled data-screens, darting from one end of the cycling display to the other. The faint green backlight from the screens were all that illuminated the large circular chamber, with the logic engines and tactical displays making up the vast majority of the room's walls.

He drew in a slow breath, turning over this puzzle in his mind. This was his throne-room, his sanctum, his greatest hall—and today he had naught left to him but one final tribe, the eponymous Thunder Kings, where twelve ought together stand. He did not bear his sword and shield today, and the screens did not display the miasma of information he found so much beauty and truth in. There was nothing to command today, and his patience—infinite as it was—had long begun to set into weariness and bitterness.

Agrica had stood with him, solemn and silent as a statue throughout it all. The tall, fair-haired Astartes looked as if he might have been handsome once, but a lifetime of war had imparted upon him a steel jaw and plentiful other skin regrafts along his face. He'd kept his eyes forward for all these long weeks, imparting some small . . comfort to the brooding Primarch. He didn't have to stay. He should have gone, to fight for whomever he thought best, but he did.

It was a long while before Brennus finally spoke, his ordinarily calm, thunderous voice now sounding soft, and solemn.

“I know now my failure,” he said, looking towards Agrica. If the Astartes was alarmed, he gave no notice, and merely turned to straight back at his progenitor. “Where one legion should stand, I have created twelve. Respectively united by shared fraternity, perhaps—but what was I but their commander, in truth? Not a father.”

Agrica said nothing. Not yet.

Brennus continued, pausing only briefly to examine his son's expression. As he looked back towards the screens and continued, a wry smile now appeared on his face.

“It is fitting that only one tribe remains. Only one legion. Agrica, I am proud and flattered that you waited here, where you need not have. There must be one legion. One,” the Primarch spat out. His form shook as an uncharacteristic vehemence seized him, his throne groaning as he now—after weeks—finally stood.

“Not all that have fallen are vanquished,” faithfully intoned Agrica, bobbing his head slightly forward.

Brennus let out a withering sigh, each heavy step causing the machines around him to rattle. He stalked towards the heavy door leading out from his throne-room, pausing just one pace before it. Agrica now too moved forward, taking up a position beside his master. “We are not yet fallen,” Brennus whispered, “Not yet. I cannot forgive Selioax, however—and I cannot forgive Alessia. It must burn.”

And though it pained him, Agrica agreed.

The Battle of Belahaam

Darius had sensed the growing darkness long before the first astro-projections had come bearing the ill news of what had happened at Ishtvaan V. Darius felt sick to his stomach. How could this had happened, and worse how could he not have seen this. He had visited all his brother primarchs and had often looked into their futures. If only he had dove deeper....

No matter, it was too late to dwell on past mistakes. All Darius could do now was look to the future and hope he could still make a difference. Rallying his legion for Holy Terra not knowing what he would soon be getting into. As they drew close to Belahaam, a sector near Nocturne, Darius felt a massive flux in the warp. The Voidwatcher and his legion had begun secretly operating in the region, using the ancient text provided by Uriel. Realizing what was going on, Darius began channeling a spell to contain the growing storm, but it required his complete attention to maintain.

Having corrupted near by Guard and PDF over to chaos Voidwatcher used their fleet to engage Darius. He didn't care if they succeeded or not, they were merely the bait. As the Sand Keepers engaged the traitor guard fleet, the Black Augur's fleet appeared from behind, though the psychics of the Keepers had already foresaw this and quickly turned ships to face the new threat. In reality this was yet another distraction as several Black Augur squads began boarding the Sand Keeper ships. Several ships were sabotaged before the Keepers realized what was going on and several pitched battles erupted on the ships.

Meanwhile on the surface of Nocturne, The Sand Keepers 1st company, the Immortals deep struck down near the site of the ritual only to find a swarm of guardsmen and a Black Augur company defending it. The crazed cultists bellowed and shrieked incoherently as they charged them and the terminators quickly ran to meet them. As the lines crashed into each other there was never any doubt as to who would be the victor, even the Augur could do little against their mighty terminator armor. The guards fell in droves all around the Immortals as they advanced, the body of an Augur strewn among every other one. But this was another trap! When the Immortals got about half way through the guardsmen and cultists several units of Black Augur tanks had surrounded them. Soon the thunderous roar of cannon fire descended upon the Immortals. Armed with power weapons and storm bolters, there was little the Immortals could do even with their psykers.

Without a choice they pressed on, ignoring as the cannons rained death upon them, but it slowed them enough to allow the Children of Amrok to regroup and redouble their efforts. The bloody battle raged on with the Immortals inching their way forward while being hounded by the tanks the whole way. When they finally arrived they quickly went to work cutting down the last of the Black Augurs, however, it was too late.

Darius's battleship lurched and rumbled as cannon fire pierced its hull. Every shake threatened to break his concentration on the spell that was holding back the warp storm. His legion was fighting hard to commandeer enough ships to even the odds but every death only made it harder. With every scream of pain and dying thought the warp stirred, fighting to get out of his grasp. Sweat trickled down his forehead and along his face.

On the bridge of Darius's command ship, a Lord of Change materialized itself before Darius along with a host of Flamers of Tzeetch. The crew did their best to defend against it. Torrents of Warp flame and doom bolts flew in every direction and many of the proud Keepers died where they stood. The greater daemon slew marine and librarian alike with ease until it reached Darius. Knowing he would have to defend himself, Darius released his spell over the warp to block a doom bolt.

At that moment the battle was lost. In a flash the warp storm erupted from the ritual site on the planet, engulfing The Immortals and the remaining guardsmen on the planet. The voidwatcher shook his head slowly as his brothers entire legion was caught and dragged into the storm. It was a shame that Darius did not see how foolish the Emperor's cause was. In the end he was just another blind fool.

Assorted Other Material

Primarch Stats

Inferox The Burned King

Inferox, the Burned King, the Fire Rider, Primarch of the Sons of Fire: WS7 BS5 S7 T7 W6 I5 A4 LD10 SV2+/3++

Unit Composition •1 (Unique)

Unit Type •Infantry (Character)

Wargear •Armour of Hades •Flame-Claw Gauntlets •Phosphex grenade launcher

Special Rules •Primarch •Soul of Fire •Sire of the Sons of Fire •Very Bulky

Sire of the Sons of Fire Inferox is the pinnacle of his Legion, the dispenser of justice and the bestower of favour. All his sons aspire to be one with the flame like him, and fight all the harder under his eyes. All models with the Legiones Astartes (Sons of Fire) rule may re-roll the dice when using flamer based weapons in defensive fire, and gain the Crusader special rule. In addition all Medusas, Basilisks and Whirlwinds in an army led by Inferox may take Phosphex ammunition.

Soul of Fire The blazing heart of his pitiless legion, Inferox epitomised the power of unchained fire, its ability to consume all and leave nothing behind. Inferox is immune to all flamer based weaponry, and Fusion, Melta, Plasma and Volkite weaponry have their strength reduced by 2 when firing at him. In addition all his shooting attacks have the shred special rule.

Armour of Hades This blazing suit of armour, wreathed in flames gives Inferox a fearsome visage, and makes it harder for foes to hit him. The Armour of Hades confers a 2+/3++ save, and in addition all successful hits against him in close combat must be re-rolled.

Flame-Claw Gauntlets The Primarch’s signature weapons, these can both project streams of tainted fire at range, or else be used as devastating close-combat weapons. They have two profiles, one for the ranged shots, and the other for close-combat attacks.

Flame-Claw Gauntlets (Ranged) Range: Template Strength: 6 Ap 3 Type: Assault 1, Shred, Ignores Cover

Flame-Claw Gauntlets (Combat) Range: Melee Strength: 8 Ap: 2 Type: Melee, Shred, Murderous Strike, Paired (+1 Attack)

Phosphex grenade launcher This weapon fires the deadly, earth-tainting Phosphex to utterly purge Inferox’s enemies. Range: 18” Strength: 5 Ap 2 Type: Assault 1, Crawling Fire, Lingering Death

The Entombed Chapter Tactics

Undertaker: Elites slot apothecaries in terminator armour. For every Undertaker, you may take a squad of Terminators as a troops choice.

Erebus, Lord of the Grave: 2+ poison weapon but very low WS. High T and many W. Improves the FNP of the entire army by 1.

The Emperor's Eyes Chapter Tactics

All units suffer -3 leadership ////// would they also not have the and they shall know no fear rule? What with them being cowardly and all./// evidentally, people have agreed that it makes no sense for a cowardly legion to exist. So this is the best i can do

Tactical Squads may take a Stalker Bolter per marine for 3 pts per marine. Grants Precision shot.

Assault Marines may take another chain sword for 3pts and gain another attack OR take a storm bolter for 7pts per model. ////// Would cowards who favor long range even have Assault marine's? would they not eschew closecombat entirely?//// They have a special caste for it, dedicated to clise combat

Scouts may take snipers for free.

Terminators may take a storm bolter instead of a melee weapon for 10pts per model /////// they come with a storm bolter and power fist...?/// They can get another

You may redeploy one unit after the game has begun. Use the deepstrike rules.

If a chaplain joins this squad,they gain 3ld

SPECIAL CHARACTER Venerable Dreadnought Occhio Cost 250 Stats: Armor WS4 BS7 S7 F14 s12 r10 I2 A1

Unit • 1 Contemptor Dreadnought Occhio Type • Vehicle, Walker Special Rules • Atomantic Shielding • Fleet

Unit • 1 Contemptor Dreadnought Occhio Type • Vehicle, Walker

Special Rules • Atomantic Shielding • Fleet


Heavy Conversion Beamer

  Range   Str	 AP      Type

Up to 18” 7 - Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

18” to 42” 9 4 Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

42” to 72” 10 1 Heavy 1, 5” Blast, Firing Calibration

• Occhio may also have Extra Armour..................... +20 points • The Occhio may also have a Searchlight..........................+3 point • The Occhio may also have a carapace-mounted Cyclone Missile Launcher.............................................................................+45 points

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