Daemon Weapon
Daemon Weapons are a kind of enchanted weapon present in both Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, and Warhammer 40,000. As their name suggests, they are weapons that have been granted magical powers by the process of sealing up a daemon inside of them. Obviously, the daemon tends to be rather pissed off about this, which means these weapons are usually as much of a danger to their wielder as they are to their wielder's enemies.
Since they were introduced in the Realms of Darkness duology, sourcebooks for 40k, Warhammer Fantasy and the first edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Daemon Weapons have had different powers in different editions and sourcebooks.
The very first draft of Daemon Weapons portrayed them as soul-sucking blades. They could instantly kill anything they wounded and "ate" the Strength of the casualty model; 1/3rd of this went to weapon's inhabitant daemon, 1/3rd to the bearer, and the last third was lost. This was important to track for several reasons: firstly, your Chaos Champion would essentially faint if their Strength was raised to thrice its initial value, and secondly, the Daemon Weapon could only hold 5D10 points of stolen Strength in total (generated when the blade was found). At half this total, the blade could send its bearer into an indiscriminate killing frenzy. When this total was reached, the daemon was glutted and so the weapon lost all of its powers for the rest of the battle. Aside from this trait, they granted a bonus to the bearer's to hit rolls, were a magical weapon, dispelled auras, and could pass on some of the traits of the daemon bound within. For example, if the daemon itself could fly and regenerate, so could the chaos champion bearing it.
Later editions for Daemon Weapons would simplify these rules, at least for WHFB - in the Hordes of Chaos rulebook, for example, the Daemon Weapon was a 100 point magical weapon that granted its bearer the Weapon Skill, Initiative and Attacks of one of the four Greater Daemons.
In WH40K, Daemon Weapons evolved to fill the niche of the lost Chaos Blades - the generic magical weapons of Chaos Champions from Realms of Darkness. Daemon Weapons now came in various different forms and names, each of which had their own unique special powers and attacks. 40K roleplaying games such as Black Crusade particularly exemplify this evolution.
Ranged Daemon Weapons
Some Daemon Weapons looks like a gun and shoots like a gun. But because its a Daemon Weapon, its ammunition must be as weird as humanly possible. Quite a number of these weapons also overlap with other weapon types due to the nature of these daemonic tools. An example is that all of the Nurgle Daemon weapons are found in the Chem Weapons page due to all of them being a form of biochemical weapons. So expect a lot of redirects in this section.
Chaos Undivided Weapons
Kai Gun
See main page:Kai Gun
Hades Autocannon
See main page:Hades Autocannon
See main page:Baleflamer
Harvester Cannon
See main page"Harvester Cannon
Ectoplasma Cannon
See main page:Ectoplasma Cannon

Think of a Mawcannon like jamming a bunch of guns inside a mouth of a monster or giving the monster to become a hellish dragon. You basically get the gist of things.
In a more detailed note, the Mawcannon is a Warp-based energy weapon that is used by Soul Grinders, Plague Hulks, and Blight Drone Daemon Engines. Mawcannon is so named due to the fact that these listed daemon engines basically 'vomit' a bunch of damaging warp energy on the faces of the enemy. Each of these daemon engines have a special trait befitting their Mawcannons. For example, the weapon-mouth of a Soul Grinder can vomit forth a torrent of burning Warpfire known as a Baleful Torrent which is capable of engulfing entire structures in blazing ethereal energy. The Soul Grinder's Mawcannon can also spit out huge roiling masses of mutating phlegm at ridiculous distances, destroying entire enemy squads in one great blast. It can continue this form of attack throughout its time on the battlefield, which is hilariously known as a Phlegm Bombardment which sounds more ridiculous than awesome. There are some Soul Grinders that are also capable of using their Mawcannon to fire their whip-like tongues like searing energy rays, although by that point, it loses the 'cannon' part and becomes full on creepy-Slaaneshi-lickers. All Chaos Soul Grinders are capable of using the Mawcannon in conjunction with their other weapons, such as the Iron Claw and Harvester Cannon. Whilst the Soul Grinder 'vomits' out ethereal fire, the Plague Hulk on the other hand.....basically just vomits on his enemies....underwhelming but expected. The vomit of a Plague Hulk is similiar to that of a Imperial Guard's Chem Cannon and it is capable of rotting flesh and corrode even the strongest of metal.
The Mawcannon used by Blight Drone Daemon Engines on the other hand is smaller and takes the form of an actual weapon rather than a natural ability of the construct. The Blight Drone's Mawcannon is located on the front of the creature, just above its Reaper Autocannon. The Mawcannon of the Blight Drone differs from the Soul Grinder's in several ways, first of which is that it is smaller and less powerful. As a Daemon Engine of Nurgle, the Blight Drone's Mawcannon fires out gouts of corrosive toxic bile that is powerful enough to eat through metal and liquefy flesh in seconds as opposed to the Soul Grinder's radiant Warpfire. The Blight Drone's phlegm attack is similar to that of the Plague Hulk, yet is smaller in area of effect and deals less damage to its targets.
Butcher Cannon
See main page:Butcher Cannon
Soul Burner Petard

The Soul Burner Petard is essentially speaking, a Chaos Artillery Mortar.
Imperial records indicate that the Soul Burner Petard is known only to be used by the Chaos Decimator for some reason, although it is presumed that it may also be used by other Chaos vehicles and Daemon Engines as well. The weapon is similar to a medium-sized Mortar that fires large explosive rounds over short distances.
The shells fired by the this weapon are capable of easily demolishing enemy fortifications, vehicles, and causing sufficient damage and suppressive fire to groups of infantry. The Soul Burner Petard is usually used in conjunction with a Decimator Siege Claw to engage enemy units in close combat and to make the Decimator a more effective weapon in siege warfare and siege orientated factions.
Storm Laser

The only laser weapon constructed by Chaos rather than being a bunch of hand-me-downs from the Imperium dating back to the Horus Heresy.
A Storm Laser, also known as the Decimator Storm Laser, is a bunch of large, multi-barrelled laser weapons duct taped together. As expected, this weapon is obviously used by the Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine, although it is presumed that it may also be used by other Chaos vehicles and Daemon Engines.
The Storm Laser is similar in function to the Multilaser used on several Imperial vehicles, such as the Chimera and the Sentinel combat walker. The weapon is highly effective against enemy infantry and lightly armored vehicles as such. The Storm laser is usually deployed on Decimators that will be expecting to face a obviously large numbers of enemy infantry, and is usually used either in conjunction with a Decimator Siege Claw or another Storm Laser more maximum pew pew. However, it can also be wielded in tandem with a Soul Burner Petard or a Butcher Cannon to provide supportive fire if these two weapons range becomes compromised.
Khornate Weapons
Skull Hurler

The Skull Hurler/Skullhurler aka the Pac-Man gun is a utterly hilarious and absurd weapon of Khorne. It is basically a weapon satirizing everything Khornate about the Big K (Or so we hope GeeDubs were satirizing...). This is a weapon that fires flaming skulls that chomps on enemy infantry. We can't make this shit up. Seriously what the literal Hell?
Seriously, not even WH40k Wikia and Lexicanum can save this weapon from sounding absolutely ridiculous. According to the description, this Daemonic Weapon is commonly used by the just as ridiculous Lord of Skulls Daemon Engine, typically mounted on its left arm. The weapon's barrel is shaped in the form of a large metal skull with the Mark of Khorne emblazoned upon its forehead. The large skull that serves as the Skull Hurler's barrel is filled with smaller skulls that are either fired out of the larger skull's open mouth or the over-sized skull itself can be fired out of the weapon, accounts for the weapon's potent explosive force. We are honestly not sure whether Lexicanum or WH40K Wikia's failure in describing this weapon as cool could be considered an act of FAIL or Awesome.
If that does not sound Stupid to you than you are in need for a medical checkup.
Hades Gatling Gun

Should not be confused with the Hades Autocannon although they basically fire the same.
The Hades Gatling Gun is a massive Daemonic Weapon that is commonly used by the Lord of Skulls Daemon Engine, typically mounted on its left arm. The weapon is a large, multi-barrelled gatling weapon that is capable of shredding groups of enemy infantry with a hail of fire composed of its massive ballistic shells.
These shells are rune-graven ammo and the Gatling Gun is capable of firing several hundred rounds per second at maximum. These weapons are taken if you want to shred apart Horde armies as the Skull Hurler is aimed more towards heavily armored troops. As such, some may have considered calling it a form of Bolter, but the description of the weapon is vague which have let some other people to call it a form of Autoweapon. So far the only middle ground is that the Gatling Gun at best, is a projectile weapon of sorts, so it remains to be seen.
It is also far more sensible looking than the Skull Hurler which grants the weapon extra browny points for appearance and weapons function. Although this is Chaos we are talking here, so it is a pretty low bar in the first place.
Ichor Cannon
Ahhhh...the first in a list of Khornate Dick Guns.
This is essentially the Lord of Skulls' take on a Inferno Cannon and Demolisher Cannon with its own Khornate twist. The Ichor Cannon is a large Daemonic Weapon that is commonly used by the Lord of Skulls Daemon Engine, mounted onto its front torso. The Ichor Cannon spits great goblets of burning blood upon the daemon machine's enemies. The enemys' skin would slough off and expose their muscles to the elements as they die screaming from the pain. The more fortunate ones get blasted into smithereens from the sheer shockwave and bone shrapnel of the Ichor Cannon, much alike a Demolisher Cannon.
The blood are boiled until superheated in the multiple tanks at the back of the Lord of Skulls. The daemon engine's pure Rage is enough to heat up the weapon's ammunition. So yes, Khorne does indeed take the term "Make my blood boil" to its more literal and retarded extreme. Only in Games Workshop can you come up with a more retarded idea than this.
The weapon takes the form of a large cannon with a spiked maw.
Gorestorm Cannon

The Gorestorm Cannon is another large Daemonic Weapon that is commonly used by the Lord of Skulls Daemon Engine, mounted onto its front torso like that of the Ichor Cannon. The Gorestorm Cannon is believed to fire large gouts of boiling blood upon the daemon machine's foes, boiling them alive. In a sense, the Gorestorm Cannon is a variant of the Ichor Cannon.
Since this weapon uses basically the same retarded principle as the Ichor Cannon of boiling blood, what has been said about the Ichor Cannon could already be said to the Gorestorm Cannon. Of course their function is slightly different. The Ichor Cannon functions like a blood drenched shotgun, the Gorestorm Cannon functions more in line with a flamer as it sprays a torrent of highpressure boiling blood to a wide area. It is hot enough to melt units...for some reason. Unless the blood is acid like those of the Xenomorph Aliens, then the blood should simply boil the poor SOB instead.
This weapon along with the Ichor Cannon have taken into the nickname of Period Guns/Menstrual Cannons for obvious reasons.
The weapon takes the form of a large, yet short-barrelled cannon.
Daemongore Cannon
Yet another weapon exclusive to the Lord of Skulls. Sheesh, talk about hogging the spot light. The Daemongore Cannon is a large Daemonic Weapon that is commonly used by the aforementioned Lord of Skulls Daemon Engine, mounted again onto its front torso like the previous two weapons. Unlike the previous two, the Daemongore Cannon unleashes a gout of burning filth at the Lord of Skulls' enemies. The enemies engulfed by the evil tide cannot survive, for their armor, flesh and bone are reduced to molten slurry in seconds by its hellish furnace heat.
Because of the way it functions, it could be safe to say that the Daemongore is like a Melta Shotgun, which is pretty damned Awesome when you think about it. The Daemongore Cannon is definitely more aimed towards large group of heavily armored infantry like Terminators and Centurions and could work well to even light and medium vehicles too.
The weapon takes the form of a large, multi-barrelled cannon.
Hellmaw Cannon
See main page:Hellmaw Cannon
Scorpion Cannon
See main page:Scorpion Cannon
Slaaneshi Weapons
Tormentor Cannon
See main page:Tormentor Cannon
Nurglite Weapons
See main page:Plaguespitter
Heavy Blight Launcher
See main page:Heavy Blight Launcher
Plagueburst Mortar
See main page:Plagueburst Mortar
Rot Cannon
See main page:Rot Cannon
Tzeentchian Weapons
Warpfire Flame Cannon
See main page:Warpfire Flame Cannon
Known Daemon Weapons
The largest array of usable Daemon Weapons in 40K appeared in the 2002 Chaos Space Marine codex, back in those heady days when Chaos Undivided had its own Mark. In that sourcebook were presented the following Daemon Weapons. These would pretty much all be removed in subsequent editions of the codex, though a few would come back as wargear for unique Chaos Marine characters, most notably the Lash of Torment for Lucius the Eternal and the Manreaper for Typhus.
In the 2002 edition, Daemon Weapons come with the trait "Daemonic Mastery"; in any turn in which the bearer of a Daemon Weapon inflicts at least one casualty with that weapon, at the end of the turn, the bearer must pass a Leadership test. If they fail, they suffer a Perils of the Warp attack. If they succeed, or survive the PotW attack, then they continue fighting until they next need to make a Mastery check.
Chaos Undivided Blades
The Dark Blade - A jet-black blade seemingly made of solid shadow, which consumes the souls of its victims with insatiable hunger and fuels its bearer with the strength to feed it. Treat as a Power Weapon that grants +2 Strength when rolling To Wound or for Armor Penetration.
The Dreadaxe - A soul-eating axe with a particular hunger for the essence of other warp-entities. This daemon weapon never requires worse than a 4+ to wound its target, regardless of the bearer's Strength vs. the target's Toughness, and ignores Invulnerable Saves. Unlike other Daemon Weapons, it is not a Power Weapon. This weapon is a shout-out to the original Malal Chaos Champion from early Warhammer comics.
The Ether Lance - A daemonic spear which serves as a conduit to the Warp itself, allowing the bearer to unleash gouts of empyrean energy. Functions as a Power Weapon in melee, can be fired in the Shooting Phrase as a Template Ranged S4 AP3 Assault 1 weapon.
The Kai Gun - A heretek psy-cannon crafted by the doomed Machine Smiths of Kai when their world was swallowed by a Warp Storm in M34; this two-handed daemonic gun transmutes the bearer's hatred and malice into deadly energy projectiles, giving its shots Range 24", S6, AP3, Assault 2.
Khornate Blades
Berserker Glaive - A long-handled sword-axe possessed by a Bloodletter, which imbues the bearer with its psychotic strength and fury. Functions as a 2-handed Power Weapon that grants its bearer a 4+ Invulnerable Save, doubles their base attacks, and ensures they are automatically gripped by Blood Frenzy (cannot shoot, must move normal move + d6" towards the nearest enemy unit in the movement phase) at the start of each turn. The bearer of a Berserker Glaive cannot join other units, be accompanied by followers, ride a Steed or take a transport. The Glaive's wielder must always make a Sweeping Advance when victorious in close combat.
Slaaneshi Blades
Lash of Torment - A wickedly barbed daemonic whip that absorbs the pain and fear of its victims before broadcasting it to all nearby. Functions as a Power Weapon that can make its full attacks from 2" away. A unit in close combat with the bearer of a Lash of Torment suffers a -1 penalty to their Leadership if forced to make a Morale check for losing the combat after suffering a casualty by the Lash of Torment.
Needle of Desire - A rune-etched, double-ended syringe; one end is buried in the bearer's flesh, absorbing their own drug-laced blood and concentrating it into a deadly toxin for delivery from the other end. Attacks with this weapon always wound on a 2+, and a model wounded but not killed must pass a Leadership test or lose a further D3 wounds. Because of the precision required to wield it, even a character with Daemonic Stature cannot ignore Armor Saves when using this weapon.
Nurglite Blades
Manreaper - A scythe that has been soaked in the filth dripping from Nurgle's throne. Functions as a 2-handed Power Weapon that grants its bearer +d6 Attacks if fighting a unit, or +1 Attack if fighting a single model.
Pandemic Staff - A staff that is used to conduct Father Nurgle's plagues from the Warp into the materium. Functions as a normal weapon in melee, can be discharged at an enemy unit within 12"; roll a D6 for each model in the unit, applying a normal S3 hit for each model that rolls a 4+.
Tzeentchian Blades
Bedlam Staff - An ancient Prosperan focusing staff, now steeped with so much concentrated madness that it can rattle the minds of those it touches. Functions as a Power Weapon; models struck and not killed cannot attack until the end of the next Assault Phase, vehicles hit by it suffer an automatic Crew Shaken result on top of anything else.
Warp Blade - A protective sword used to violently dissipate enemy sorcery, shattering spells in such a fashion that lurking daemons are drawn to the disturbance. Functions as a Power Weapon, but enemy pyskers attempting to use a psychic power when within 12" of the bearer must roll a 4+ on a D6 or suffer an immediate Perils of the Warp attack. Models killed by these daemonic attacks do not provoke Daemonic Mastery checks.
Notable Daemon Weapons of the 41st Millenium
The Black Blade - A huge Daemon Sword wielded by Angron during the First War for Armageddon. It was made by the Dark Mechanicum and it was capable of cutting through 5 Grey Knights in Terminator Armour with a single swing. Was broken and shattered by a Grey Knight called Hyperion during the First war.
The Black Blade of Antwyr - a different (probably) blade in that it was never broken. Incredibly powerful and capable of enslaving whole sectors of space. Currently being contained by Castellan Crowe.
Drach'nyen (The End of Empires) - Abaddon's weapon of choice. It is an extremely powerful Chaos Undivided daemon (as in, not a weapon with a daemon bound into it like a normal daemon weapon, but the daemon itself taking the form of a sword) said to be born from humanity's first act of murder and demonstrated the power to shapeshift at will, nearly killing the Emperor in the War within the Webway. It was taken into the webway by a Custodian to keep it away from the Emperor and anyone who meant him harm. Considering Abaddon now has it, we can pretty confidently say that he failed, although considering how powerful and corruptive the daemon was during the Horus Heresy, its being a sword is probably a blessing compared to what it might be capable of otherwise.
Forgebreaker - A giant Thunder Hammer that was forged by Fulgrim and given to Ferrus Manus; when Fulgrim turned traitor he took back the Hammer and, after killing Ferrus, gave it to Perturabo. It was later returned to the Iron Hands... yeah, this Hammer got around a fair bit. Somewhere along the way, everyone's favorite kleptos got their grubby red gauntlets on it.
Silver Blade of the Laer - A sword infused with a daemon of Slaanesh; used by Fulgrim during the Great Crusade after he took it from the ruined homeworld of the Laer, a destroyed race of Slaanesh-worshipping xenos, it was integral to his corruption, being the ultimate cause for his joining the Horus Heresy and killing Ferrus Manus. The daemon inside the Silver Blade then managed to possess Fulgrim (or something, the lore gets more inconsistent than usual at this point) and later gave the now-empty Silver Blade to Lucius after the Dropsite Massacre. According to canon, Lucius still wields the Silver Blade to this day.
Axe of Morkai - A Khorne weapon used by Great Wolf Logan Grimnar and which may or may not be slowly corrupting him. It was taken from a Champion of Khorne and reforged into its current incarnation by the Wolf Priests of Fenrir, who swear that their methods have cleansed it of its taint. While these are the same chumps who insist that their "runecraft" is fundamentally different to the psychic "witchcraft" used by everyone else in the galaxy, the fact that Grimnar hasn't been corrupted by it has to count for something.