Stormtrooper Company Creation Tables

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Revision as of 17:34, 4 June 2023 by 1d4chan>MrPhantom (Company Type)
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Also check out the Planet generator and System generator tables for further fluffing.

Company Type

Company Type d10
Tempestus Scions: Elite of the Departmento Munitorum, Schola Progenium trained spec ops soldiers assigned as Stormtroopers. 1-4
Grenadiers/Militarum Veterans: Elite troops taken from veterans of a planet's existing regiments. Can range from Cadian Kasrkin elite to Death Korps Grenadier veterans. 5-7
Inquisition Stormtroopers: Schola Progenium trained men permanently assigned to the Inquisition, such as the Prison Guards at Mimas in the Solar System. 8-9
Inquisition Militarum Veterans: Veterans of regular regiments taken into Inquisitorial service. Comes with PTSD guarantee. All Guardsmen Party lite. 10

Training World predominant terrain d100
Jungle 1-25
Desert 26-50
Ice 51-60
Ocean 61-65
Wasteland 66-75
Urban 76-80
Dead World 81-85
Airless 86-90
Agriworld 91-100

Mind, they will still receive environmental training in artificial arenas, but the Imperium has enough manpower to specialize even its special forces so this is where they are expected to be deployed. When given the choice in sending a company to an urban world and a jungle world and a jungle and an ice unit is available, the generals will send the Jungle stormtrooper company to the jungle world, and there being no urban unit available, will send the Ice world company to the urban world where they are trained for but not specialized in, to give an example. If you are rolling IG veterans or planetary elites sent as Kasrkin equivalent roll up the regular IG table to determine the line units before finishing up the veterans here.

Company Tactical information

Specialization d10
Airborne 1-3
Mechanized 4-6
Foot Troops 7-8
Stealth Operations 9-10

Special Tactics (d100)
1-10 Sudden Ambush
11-20 Siege Breakers
21-30 Trench Warfare
31-40 Air Assault blitz
41-50 Shock Troopers
51-60 Armored Assault
61-70 Joint Deployment
71-80 Demolitions
81-90 Close Quarters Combat
91-100 Hit and Run

Special Equipment (d100)
1-10 Taurox Variant
11-20 Valkyrie Variant
21-30 Variant Combat Gear
31-40 Exotic Animal Companion
41-50 Variant Pattern Basic Weapons
51-60 Blessed Wargear
61-70 Augmented Troops
71-80 Special Vehicle
81-90 Variant Heavy Weapons
91-100 Terrain Specialized Equipment

Company Leadership d10
Tempestor Prime/Main officers 1-3
Commissar 4-5
Both Commissar and Tempestor Prime/Main Officer 6-8
Guard Officers (may reroll if not a grenadier company or if a Grenadier company may choose this roll) 9-10

Company size d10
Very Small 50-100 1-2
Small 100-200 3-4
Medium 250-400 5-8
Large 500-700 9
Massive 800-1000 10

Company Renown

Company renown d10
Unknown 1-3
Well Known 4-7
Legendary 8-10

Company demeanor d100
Cool-Headed (Always calm. All the time.) 1-4
Pragmatic (Will use everything and every tactic to win.) 5-8
Fanatical (The Emperor demands, then it shall be done no matter what.) 9-12
Choleric (Darn they angry badasses.) 13-16
Phlegmatic (Men of few words and focused on the job.) 17-20
Stern (No fun allowed.) 21-24
Faithful (Say their prayers every day.) 25-28
Arrogant (Look at those mudded grunts.) 29-32
Socially Adaptable (They stick with the average Guardsmen and aren't dicks.) 33-36
Quick-Witted (They think faster than they can shoot.) 37-40
Resourceful (They can make a Hellgun from pipes, circuits and duct tape.) 41-44
Cynical (We all are going to die in the end.) 45-48
Brutal (Who else would beat a civilian for asking questions?) 49-52
Disciplined (They even brush their teeth simultaneously.) 53-56
Mentally Conditioned (They saw some serious shit.) 57-60
Cruel (Guardsmen simply stay away from them, including the Commissars.) 61-64
Heroic (Guardsmen actually look up to them.) 65-68
Martyrdom Mentality (Forever atoning for the sins of their ancestors.) 69-72
Stubborn (They'll never back off even when facing legions of daemons.) 73-76
Psyker Intolerant (They simply don't like them.) 77-80
Strong Willed (They shrug off psychic shenanigans.) 81-84
No Nonsense (Look, don't tell them stupid stuff but facts on what we're dealing here with.) 85-88
Cocky (*Sees Slaaneshi Daemonettes charging him* C'mere ladies, I have plenty for each of you *Starts shooting them*). 89-92
Laid Back (Commissar, take it easy. Too much worrying never helps.) 93-96
Roll for TWO DEMEANOURS. 97-100

Company Relations

Company Friends (d100)
1-5 Administratum
6-15 Adeptus Arbites
16-30 Adeptus Astartes (a specific chapter)
31-35 Scholastica Psykana
36-45 Adeptus Mechanicus
46-50 Adepta Sororitas
51-55 Adeptus Titanicus
56-60 Ecclesiarchy
61-75 Imperial Guard (of a specific world)
76-83 Imperial Navy
84-85 Inquisition
86-88 Navis Nobilite (Navigators)
89-91 Officio Assassinorum
92-93 Knight House
94-98 Rogue Trader Dynasty
99 Schola Progenium
100 League of Blackships

Company Enemies (d100)
1-2 Roll on the "Company Friends" table.
3-31 Orks
32-42 Eldar
43-51 Tyranids
52-68 Chaos Space Marines
69-79 Daemon Prince/Daemon/other specific disciple of Chaos
80-87 Specific Chaos-aligned group
88-96 Dark Eldar
97-100 Other Xenos (See here for inspiration. Alternatively, see below.)

Minor Xenos Species/Empires(1d100)
1-10 Tau Empire (alternatively, you may select a particular Tau force or leader)
11-20 Hrud
21-30 Fra'al
31-40 Uluméathic League
41-50 Yu'vath/Legacy of the Yu'vath/Rak'gol
51-60 Enslavers
61-65 Bargesi
66-70 Tarrelians
71-75 Thyrrus
76-80 Hellgrammite
81-85 Loxatl
85-90 Saharduin
91-92 Xenarch
93-95 Cythor Fiends
96-97 Nightmare-Engines of the Pale Wasting
98-100 Other Xenos Species (pick one or roll/write one up)
Warhammer 40,000 Faction Creation Tables
Imperium Adeptus Custodes Shield Host - Grey Knight Brotherhood - Imperial Guard Regiment - Imperial Knight House - Inquisitor - Legiones Skitarii - Legio Titanicus - Renegade Space Marine Chapter - Sisters of Battle Order - Space Marine Chapter - Tempestus Scions Regiment - Underhive Gang - Noble House
Chaos Chaos Space Marine Warband - Chaos Warband - Heretical Cult - Lost and the Damned Regiment - Renegade Knight House - Dark Skitarii Force - Traitor Titan Legion
Xenos Creature Creator - Dark Eldar Kabal - Eldar Craftworld - Harlequin Masque - Genestealer Cult - Necron Dynasty - Ork Klan - Tau Cadre - Tyranid Hive Fleet - Wych Cult
Planets Forge World Generator - Dark Mechanicus Forge World Generator - Planet Generator - Solar System Generator
Misc. Power Armour