Solar System

A general introduction to the neglected celestial bodies of humanity's home system in 40k.
Sol/Sun[edit | edit source]
It is the sun, yellow, G Class, with 5 billion years of life left under normal circumstances. General graveyard of heretics and their possessions (no pun intended).
Mercury[edit | edit source]
Mining world. That's it. Literally. The lore is that long. However much ore is left after tens of thousands of years is a matter of debate. Mercury was the last inner system planet to submit, the sparsely populated miner conclaves happily accepting Imperial compliance.
Venus[edit | edit source]
An Imperial Industrial world. Before the Great Crusade it was ruled by the War Witches, whoever they are, but was brought under the control of the Imperium by the early Iron Warriors. Infamous for its pleasure orbitals, which put Pleasure Worlds to shame.
Earth/Holy Terra[edit | edit source]
The capital planet of the Imperium, the homeworld of mankind and the most important world in the whole of the Imperium. Unless you are an astronaut, you are here.
Luna/Moon[edit | edit source]
Used to be ruled by gene-cults with a lot of growth vats before the Emperor set off uniting the Solar System. Refusing to be annexed and sending the envoy back as a somehow living sack of flesh, this caused big Emps sent the XVIth Legion(and co.) upon them, with the gene-cults finally saying "OK, we surrender, call off your wolves." As such, the Luna Wolves were christened.
Mars/Sacred Mars[edit | edit source]
Home of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the biggest forge world of all by several degrees of magnitude. Phobos is also a Mini Forge World / Defense Platform while Deimos got moved to Saturn, specifically Titan.
Jupiter[edit | edit source]
A gas giant Forge World, though the entire population is in orbit on one of the moons or in the various stations and docks that surround it. Jupiter is THE Imperial Navy's foremost shipyard and drydock. It only makes ships, though the planet is also ringed by a dense cloud of broken ships that are waiting to be scrapped and re-purposed into new materials. It is a hotly contested Imperial political debate as to whether Jupiter is sovereign to the Mechanicum or the Imperium (technically it would be politically between the Mechanicum and the Administration, as the Imperium is the unification of these two entities). They went totally green though, the hippies. Back in the Age of Strife, the planet was home to groups of Void Clans, while the moons were occupied by monstrous Xenos hordes until the Great Crusade wiped them out. The Horus Heresy did quite a number to the Jovian moons, with several of them devastated by Perturabo and the Iron Warriors. However, they were quickly reclaimed early in the Great Scouring.
- Io: The large moon closest to Jupiter and the most volcanic hellhole in the system. Has some Mechanicus habitats.
- Europa: Once an icy rock with a massive ocean beneath its surface, it was terraformed into an Ocean Moon. Also has habitats.
- Ganymede: Was once a Forge Moon that was used for experimentation on recovered Squat technology (Warp batteries, specifically Warp-Plasma generators). However, the experiments went awry and created the Contagion of Ganymede, a hole into the Warp that unleashed a Daemonic invasion and devastated it. The moon was declared Perdita and quarantined. Yeah, maybe testing something related to the Warp on a Forge-anything was a terrible idea that shouldn't need hindsight to reveal. However, since Roboute Guilliman returned, the Grey Knights got off their asses and recovered the moon, allowing the Imperium to convert it into a Hub-Fortress for the supply of the Indomitus Crusade.
- Callisto: The furthest large moon with thin atmosphere and an underground ocean. Also has a bunch of habitats.
- Lysithea: An asteroid moon that was invaded and conquered by Xenos during the Age of Strife. Reclaimed by the Pale Nomads in their early campaigns.
- Ananke: Asteroid with habitats.
- Iocaste: Another asteroid with habitats.
- Thule: An asteroid placed into orbit of Jupiter and turned into a Forge Moon in the final years of the Dark Age of Technology. The Dark Mechanicum hijacked the shipyards and used them to build the Abyss-class battleships used by the Word Bearers during the Horus Heresy. Shortly after their construction, Lorgar used them to destroy Thule and all proof of their existence.
- Kadal: A massive lump of iron-nickel that was turned into the system's main munitions fortress. Was destroyed by Alpha Legion infiltrators.
- Saros Station: A highly luxurious resort station built above the Great Red Spot, said to rival the Imperial Palace itself.
- The Caul: A massive debris field that surrounds Jupiter, filled to the brim with wrecks of all sorts.
Saturn[edit | edit source]
Though an inhospitable gas giant, the rings and many of the moons of Saturn were populated prior to the Great Crusade and formed a pocket empire called the Saturnyn Ordo that were occupied by some unnamed Xenos race. Given the Ordo's forces were called Void Hoplites, they were likely the Greeks to Terra's Romans, like the Interex army.
The worlds were swiftly liberated by the fledgling Imperium and were absorbed fully shortly thereafter where they became one of the first recruiting worlds of the Solar Auxilia and formed a cornerstone of the Imperial Army.
At some point during the Horus Heresy, the Saturnyn Ordo was seemingly dismantled and the rings and moons of Saturn were designated a quarantine zone by Malcador. Access became heavily restricted as he forwarded his plans to create the Grey Knights under the veil of secrecy with standing order to destroy any unregistered ships that approach.
Later, the moons were ravaged by the Night Lords Legion during the Solar War as a prelude to the invasion of Terra. Though the depopulation of the planet probably aided in keeping the secrets of the Inquisition after the war ended, and the planet and its moons have remained an Inquisitorial stronghold ever since.
- Titan - Homeworld of the Grey Knights chapter. Is itself orbited by Deimos, once the moon of Mars that has since been relocated. It now acts as the Grey Knights' own private Forge World. Malcador pulled it into the Warp during the climax of the Horus Heresy, which made time move so fast that by the time it came out, the first Grey Knights' numbers had increased from 8 to a thousand.
- Enceladus: Once upon a time this was the capital of the Saturnyn Ordo, where they signed the treaty with the Emperor and joined the Imperium. Is now the Palace-Fortress of the Ordo Malleus where many inquisitors have private estates.
- Iapetus: Formerly home to a hold-out of anti-Imperial rebels who fought against the Death Guard and lost. Is now home to a naval fortress, although they serve the Inquisition and Grey Knights almost exclusively.
- Mimas: Inquisitorial prison, holding the worst criminals kept in isolation and guarded by psychic wards, gun servitors and their own Stormtrooper regiment. The fact that the prison guards are special forces men should give an idea as to how much of a hellhole this place is.
- Tethys: Designated a Death World due to daemons trapped on the surface that are used as a training tool for aspirant Grey Knight Paladins who need to go to the surface and make a pilgrimage without wearing their armour. Canon differs on whether Tethys is also the location of the archive of the massively fortified Librarium Daemonica or whether it is located on Titan itself.
Uranus[edit | edit source]
Uranus has no solid surface and its 27 moons were too small for permanent settlement (The largest: Titania is less than half the radius of Luna). Nevertheless, it was surrounded by a series of orbital cities populated by peaceful artisans called the Azurites. They built a stable warp route called the Elysian Gate allowing ships to bypass the normal Mandeville points in the Sol System. The main problem with the Warp Gate being built by the Azurites instead of being archaeotech is that unreliability of Warp travel is the ultimate reason for why the Imperium struggles to defend itself and stable routes would mean no need for Navigators. The Mechanicum would care more about not losing this tech than maintaining the Golden Throne. Of course, the alternative is that the tech is still known and used and that the Warp troubles actually are the result of Chaos constantly trying to disrupt the Imperium. Which may make more sense as Navigators use maps and routes which logically shouldn't even exist in the Warp, especially since the Imperium is the archenemy of what is basically the Warp's consciousness. There are also many instances in stories, games, and other lore of Imperial ships (or Chaos ships) appearing directly into planets' orbits. Which, shouldn't actually be possible with normal Warp travel and the ships should instead appear outside of the system and make their way to worlds within under thrust.
The Azurites peacefully agreed to become absorbed into the Imperium of Man, but were assaulted by pirates who initiated what would later be called the Unheard War. The Azurites petitioned the Imperium for aid and a force of fifty Imperial Fists were sent to provide support. The Space Marines quickly broke the pirate invaders within twenty minutes of battle, but as a parting gift, the pirate fleet fired boarding torpedoes loaded with psykers infected with a psychic plague called the Screaming, which was contagious through sound and caused its victims to mutate horribly and die screaming.
As the only vaccination against the plague, the Imperial Fist forces purposefully deafened themselves and fought through the waves of mutated citizens to the station reactor and initiated a self destruct, preventing the plague from spreading any further. For their sacrifice, the Emperor ordered the Bell of Lost Souls to ring for the first time.
Despite the small size of its moons, they were heavily fortified during the Horus Heresy and acted as Rogal Dorn's "Second Sphere" of defense during the Solar War. These forces were overwhelmed by Perturabo and a fleet of over 4,000 vessels brought through the Elysian Gate. The Imperial Fist fleet avoided engagement by sniping as many ships as they could from their fortresses and managed to hold off against the sheer number of invaders for around 36 hours before retreating, saving themselves for later engagements around Jupiter and buying more time to withdraw to Terra.
Uranus was only reclaimed during the Great Scouring.
Neptune[edit | edit source]
Neptune's moons were settled during the Age of Terra some point between M15-M18, though the population devolved into hideous mutants.
The IXth Legion were given the task of bringing them to compliance, and fought a bloody war through the tunnels of its moons that cost them 12,000 men, though due to the beneficial quirks of their gene-seed they were able to replenish those numbers directly from the conquered mutant population. It is curious to note that the mutants were conquered instead of exterminated, same with those of Baal come to think of it. Perhaps they, and those of Baal, were less "mutants" in the traditional sense and more like each person was a unique abhuman. In other words, had stable genetics and would technically breed true if not for each individual being genetically a unique abhuman in this case. Either that, or the Imperium has a different definition of "mutant" than modern humans do.
The moons of Neptune were frequently infiltrated by chaos or genestealer cults at later periods.
Pluto[edit | edit source]
The dwarf planet Pluto is the site of several relay stations that allow for early detection of incoming vessels to the solar system. It (along with Uranus) also houses the Khthonic Gate warp gate allowing ships to bypass the normal mandeville restrictions, making the location a strategic asset which is heavily fortified.
Prior to the Siege of Terra, Rogal Dorn seems to have killed either Alpharius or Omegon during the Battle of Pluto in the Horus Heresy, though this was simply a prelude to the proper Solar War.
A massive fleet of Sons of Horus swept in through the Khthonic Gate and successfully landed on the fortified moon of Kerberos, and managed to successfully turn its guns on the loyalist defenders. Sigismund ordered a full retreat, but he had predicted this outcome and also ordered his Tech Priests to initiate an overload which destroyed the moon outright, scattering the traitor fleet and allowing Sigismund to belay the retreat order turn and counter-attack. With few options available to the traitors, "Little" Horus Aximand assaulted Sigismund's flagship and managed to capture it, although he was bested in personal combat before Sigismund managed to escape and withdraw the remainder of his fleet to Terra, having bought the loyalists several days of time.
Sedna[edit | edit source]
The furthest known object of note in the outer system. Sedna was home to a strange and little-known but powerful Xenos race that terrorised the Sol System during the Age of Strife. It was apparently not a planet, as it's referred in records as the "false/nemesis planet", so it was probably a World Engine-like ship (meaning the 'little-known' race might actually be 'Crons). It was site of the Sedna Campaign, the last major battle in the system until the Horus Heresy, in which eight full Legions were unleashed against the xenos and wiped them out with great effort and an unknown psychic weapon. Sedna has since been forgotten in modern times and it's uncertain if it still exists.
Irl Fluff[edit | edit source]
The Sun takes up nearly all of the mass (99.86% of it!) in the solar system. Occasionally shits out solar flares that create auroras and, if they're big enough, can wipe out electronics or even everything that lives. It'll also get swole as fuck and turn red in a few billion years and eat Mercury and Venus, roast Earth and wipe away Saturn's rings.
Mercury has a big-ass core when compared to the rest of the planets in the system. As it rotates, one side gets fried by the sun and the other gets frostbitten. It also has lots of pits with flat floors and bright circles around them. How'd they get there? No one knows.
Venus is the closest the solar system has to a Death World. Clouds of acid that kill whatever tries to walk around on the surface, a thick, opaque atmosphere that traps the sun's heat, ungodly amounts of volcanoes and the planet turning itself inside out every 100 million years all mix into one extreme cocktail that makes Venus a not fun place to be.
Then there's Earth, the planet you're standing on. Life just sort of popped up some 4.6 billion years ago and stuck around since. The place basically got exterminatus'd five times over the course of its history. The worst one was performed by itself. And some people think that the sixth exterminatus is happening right now thanks to us humans.
Next door is Mars, Earth's smaller cousin. It originally might have had water and life on it at some point, but because of its low gravity the breathable air fucked off and so did the water, killing whatever might have lived there. Nowadays, it has a shitty atmosphere, one giant mountain and a canyon that could stretch across the USA. Also its two moons might be captured asteroids.
In between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter is a belt of asteroids, often referred to as the Main Belt, or just the Asteroid belt, despite not being the largest collection of asteroids, and consists of several smaller asteroid belts. The most notable asteroids in this belt are Ceres, a dwarf planet with some evidence of a subsurface brine reservoir, and Vesta, the largest remnant of a protoplanet that has been hit by so many other asteroids that we have found parts of it on Near earth asteroids and an entire collection of meteorites from there.
Jupiter is the biggest planet orbiting the Sun. Period. So big in fact, that it can be bright enough to cast its own reflected light on Earth. Jupiter is also what amounts to a vacuum for incoming asteroids, as any that try to sneak by Jupiter get sucked up by its gravity and collide with Jupiter or sucked into two gravitational anomalies known as LaGrange points and become a member of a group of asteroids known as the trojan belt. And though it has a zillion moons, people really only care about four of the biggest and closest moons, called the Galilean moons, admittedly because they're large enough to be seen with a telescope. Io is the closest of the four, and its closeness really fucked it over because it's pretty much shitting its brains out 24/7. Europa is literally a smooth criminal and it definitely has an ocean under its icy crust; if life exists anywhere else in the system but Earth, Europa is the likeliest suspect. Ganymede is not only the biggest of the four, but the biggest moon in the Solar System. And it also probably has an ocean under its surface too. Callisto is the farthest of the bunch, the oldest moon of the bunch and was sentenced to death for heresy by several firing squads that shot meteors. In fact, Callisto is so covered in craters that the entire surface is just crater. Any new meteor that lands will just make new craters over the old ones.
Saturn has fuckhuge rings that actually made the first person to see the planet with primitive telescopes thought that the rings were two other planets. Though mostly featureless, the occasional storm can make bits of Saturn's surface look like the atmosphere of a daemon world, like the weird hexagon-shaped tornado in the north pole. It also has a bunch of huge moons, including the only moon in the system with a visible atmosphere. And that moon is Titan, which has lakes of liquid methane. Methane has to be extremely damn cold to be a liquid, so this moon might be considered a Death World. Maybe. Iapetus has no atmosphere, but some jackass painted part of it black for no other reason than to just make the place look cool, but it just looks like it was sprayed with shit. Then there's Mimas, which has a giant crater on its surface that makes it look like the Death Star (and its temperature map looks like Pac-Man). Enceladus is in the same boat as Ganymede and Europa, except people actually know that there's legit water under the surface thanks to some machines we threw at Saturn. And the moon is pissing out water vapor right now.
Uranus has a name that results in it being the butt of quite a few jokes. It also rotates on its side for some fucking reason. And because of this it has sideways rings too.
Neptune is the bluest planet of literally every damn planet in the solar system. It also has a big moon that's probably a planet from beyond Pluto that got captured by the planet's gravity. And in 3 billion years or so, this moon will either crash into Neptune or turn into another ring system a la Saturn. Alas, we know very little of Uranus (stop laughing) and Neptune because of their sheer distance; much of our info was gleaned from Voyager 2, which remains the only probe we sent out that managed to pay them a visit.
Pluto is the last of the bunch, and it has the largest moon in comparison to the planet it orbits. In fact, the moon is so damn big that it's more like they orbit around a point between each other. It also has a heart shape on its surface. It was recently demoted to the new category of Dwarf planet after it was found to be a member of a large asteroid belt, larger than the so-called Main belt, known as the Kuiper belt. The belt is also home to other world-sized objects like Arrokoth, Eris, Makemake, Orcus, Haumea and Quaoar, the majority of which are round and have their own moons.
Sedna is a faraway red rock slightly bigger than Ceres that's named after an old Eskimo goddess of the sea. It has one of the longest orbits of the system and it's believed to come from the inner reaches of the Oort Cloud, a spherical asteroid field that forms a gigantic bubble around our star. Very little is known about it due to its massive distance.