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The Alienhunters are the branch of the Inquisition that, unsurprisingly, hunts aliens. They are properly known as the Ordo Xenos.

In addition to highly-trained Inquisitors and access to the best soldiers and technology of the Imperium, the Ordo Xenos has a Chamber Militant called the Deathwatch, composed of the best alien-hunters from all the Space Marine chapters. While the other Ordos often field whole armies of soldiers devoted to their causes, the Alienhunters often seem to prefer a small team basis, usually revolving around the highly trained deathwatch marines as their missions are often more information/objective grabbing or specific target elimination rather then whole-scale war-ranging. Should a situation arise that requires more manpower, the Inquisitor in charge of the team usually points a few Imperial Guard regiments and a space marine chapter in the right direction. Meanwhile the deathwatch will hang around to offer support in paricular roles that a highly trained team is needed for.

Seems to be the most overall levelmind of the three Inquisition branchs mostly because they don't work with brain rotting chaos. This might be also because the alienhunters often deal with at least semi-civilised foes compared to the others dealing with madmen, although you might get your head blown off if you point this out.

The Xenos Enemy

The Enemy Without, the Xenos that assault mankind are every bit as varied and unpredictable as the minions of Chaos can be. Ranging from civilised races every bit if not more advanced (HERESY!) then humanity who compete for the galaxy, to primitive but effectively brutal murdering hordes to psychic xenos that invade from the realm of Chaos, the alienhunters must be prepared to face all of these threats.

Here is a concise list of the many threats of the Enemy Without that the Imperium faces. Learn well young apprentice and guard yourself against their predations:

  • Eldar: Sneaky, impossibly arrogant space elves. They are known to try to twist humans into their pawns. They come in a variety of sub-races which is even more a headache as you can't tell if they are going to greet you, dance for you, ignore you or torture you right off the bat. Learn how to distinguish them, as on occasion they may be willing to work alongside humanity against a more dangerous enemy.
  • Tau: Blue skinned, hoofed weeaboo space communists who dare to think the Emperor's domain is theirs for the talking!
  • Tyranids: Space locusts who spend half their time trying to devour the Emperor's worlds and the other infecting his subjects.
  • Orks: Dumb as rocks but at least they don't infect anyone with their spores....yet. But they do have numbers on their side, as well as fully automatic fire.
  • Hrud: No one knows what they truly look like.
  • Necrons: Men of iron, the mechanicus get strangely aroused by them....begin heresy investigation!

Possibilities of heresy

Like with the other ordos there is a high possibility of heresy corruption in the alienhunters. Prolonged contact with alienkind can alter the perceptions of the Inquisitor and make them think the xenos aren't all that bad; sometimes, they may even openly question the necessity of destroying them. Some Inquisitors become attracted by Xenos technology and start trafficking it to get their hands on it. Others become the tools or agents of Xenos cleverer or who have stronger psychic powers then their own.

The threat of biological corruption is a particular worry. There are many xenos diseases in the galaxy and some xenos even breed through infecting other species. Look no further to Genestealers for example and all the particular horror revolving around them and how they spread.

There is at least one known case of the Eldar of Ulthwe having a pact with an Inquisitor cell of the alienhunters for mutual assistance/information. And there have also been several cases of Inquisitors..."fraternizing" with the Eldar, usually by Radicals who argue that "well they look human enough and they enjoy it just as much as we do, if not more". And to be fair, they do have a point.

Gideon Ravenor, famed Inquisitor of the Ordo, was known to be in contact with the Eldar and even to address in them in an honourable fashion, quite unlike the usual gung-ho attitude any servant of the Emperor should rightly assume with the dirty xenos.

Oh where, where is my codex?

They were supposed to get a Codex like the Daemonhunters and Witch Hunters (which were First and Second Books of the Inquisition, respectively), but the Sisters of Battle got split into their own White Dwarf army list, and the entire Inquisition got folded into the new Grey Knights, leaving the Deathwatch out in the cold. The alienhunters often seem to get diddled by GW for no good reason, perhaps because they don't want their glorious high end selling Grey Knights to have some competition

There is hope however.

With the inclusion of Supplemental Armies, such as Farsight and others, it is not unlikely that the Deathwatch will become a supplement for the new 6th Edition Space Marine Codex. Assume if it does happen they make Veteran Squads troop choices at a higher cost and limits on vehicles. GW would be insane not to do it, so most likely not happening.

Notable Members

See Also

Institutes within the Imperium of Man
Adeptus Terra: Adeptus Administratum - Adeptus Astra Telepathica
Adeptus Astronomica - Senatorum Imperialis
Adeptus Mechanicus: Adeptus Titanicus - Explorator Fleet - Legio Cybernetica - Skitarii
Armed Forces: Adeptus Arbites - Adeptus Custodes - Planetary Defense Force - Sisters of Silence
Imperial Army: Afriel Strain - Adeptus Astartes - Gland War Veteran
Imperial Guard - Imperial Navy - Imperial Knights - Militarum Tempestus
Imperial Cult: Adeptus Ministorum - Adepta Sororitas - Death Cults - Schola Progenium
Inquisition: Ordo Astartes - Ordo Astra - Ordo Calixis - Ordo Chronos - Ordo Hereticus
Ordo Machinum - Ordo Malleus - Ordo Militarum - Ordo Necros - Ordo Sepulturum
Ordo Sicarius - Ordo Xenos
Officio Assassinorum: Adamus - Callidus - Culexus - Eversor - Maerorus - Vanus - Venenum - Vindicare
Great Crusade: Corps of Iterators - Legiones Astartes - Remembrancer Order - Solar Auxilia
Unification Wars: Legio Cataegis
Other: League of Black Ships - Logos Historica Verita
Navis Nobilite - Rogue Traders - Ambassador Imperialis
Abhumans & Denizens: Beastmen - Caryatids - Felinids - Humans - Nightsiders - Troths - Neandors
Ogryns - Ratlings - Scalies - Scavvies - Squats - Subs - Pelagers - Longshanks
Notable Members: God-Emperor of Mankind - Malcador the Sigillite
The Perpetuals - The Primarchs - Sebastian Thor
Erda - Ollanius Pius