
An abhuman species found only on the world of Verdant. Not that much detail is known about them, other than the fact that Verdant is a forest world and that they are incapable of leaving their planet because of... reasons. Their scientific name, Homo sapien verdantus, could be translated from Latin to mean "pledge, vow, oath / green men", which gives us a hint that they might be plant people. This could at least give them an excuse why they can't leave their world, if they are physically or psychically connected to the planet's flora.
Due to their potentially tree-hugging nature, it is unknown whether they are as much of a bunch of prancing, prissy-little pansies as an Eldar Exodite. Who knows? Maybe they are a bunch of filthy PETA-humping vegans or badass Vietcongs on acid. They originally had less information than the Neandors and Pelagers, with even the god-damned Longshanks getting more screen time than these hobos. With Liber Xenologis, we actually got a bit more information from these guys and they are now definitely confirmed as space Dryads, as they are described as having a woody appearance and having the ability to ‘converge’ with the environment of their homeworld (AKA, literally becoming part of a tree). Also, their reasons for staying in their world was given a proper explanation, with their king swearing to protect the planet if it protected them. So we got a bit of Eldar Exodite action going on here...
Some modellers have taken a liking to the idea of "tree people" in the Imperium and have modified their Imperial Guard models by plastering on as much green paint or Green Stuff as possible. Others have viewed them as some sort of space Dryad, or an entire race of Poison Ivy look-a-likes, or even the Jolly Green Giant. At least we know they are still around.
On the bright side, they're probably useful for agriculture related stuff.
Because of their plant-like nature, expect some levels of Monstergirl art to appear.
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A squad of custom made Troths. The plant details are not bad, all things considered. [Source:]