
The Adamus is a new assassin branch showed in September 2022 for the Officio Assassinorum.
These new, latex-covered, butt-cheeks endowed assassins resemble the male versions of the Callidus assassins. Except, instead of morphing to blend in, they go straight for the jugular. Operationally, think of them as a temple of Slade Wilson "DEATHSTROKE" Eversors but much more subtle, with psychological clarity, with a calculating savvy and a cunning mind of a chess master. Anesthetically, they can also be considered a hybrid mix between Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe.
tl;dr - GW invents snowflake Eversor
Overview[edit | edit source]
You know the phrase "Cut off the head of a snake"? Yeah, this is the Adamus entire modus operandi. Of course, you may say, "Hey wait a minute, isn't that the job of ALL assassins?" and you will be correct. It is just that, for the Adamus, they're headhunters trained to specifically target leaders. Somehow. Other assassins would target low-hanging fruits if upper management asks them to do so in really weird and unorthodox ways, not for the Adamus though. Despite all the other assassins having to deal with infiltrating, slipping past, ripping and tearing or shooting their way through the guards surrounding the leaders, he just magically teleports behind them. Totally.
Ergo, its operatives are experts in the art of the decapitation strike. And, because of their more traditional and orthodox approach, this makes the Adamus Temple the oldest of the formal orders of the Imperium's Officio Assassinorum. Adamus assassins do this by studying how their enemies fight, noting their strengths and learning their weaknesses, which they then ruthlessly exploit, completely NOT like the other assassins, you hear me? Operationally, they're said to be trained in rigorous martial arts and tactics to match and then overwhelm their adversaries in a melee fight before decapitating them and leaving their subordinates disheveled and uncoordinated.
Their standard-issue equipment always comes with a Nemesii Blade and a Needlespine Blaster that seems eerily similar to the Eversor's Executioner Pistol and wear the standard-issue Panoply of the Assassin for protection.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Here's a fun fact, the Adamus is most likely based on the original Imperial Assassin miniature from 1989. Seriously, just look at it.