
"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven."
- – Matthew 5:3
Back in the days before the Age of Strife, humanity had whole planets dedicated to housing criminals, a fair number of them were barely habitable heavy gravity worlds (called scientifically "Super Earths") for some reason. Then the Eldar started creating Slaanesh and society fell apart and these prisons were left isolated. The convicts then got out as things broke down and proceeded to go nuts in orgies of violence and sex. For the next few thousand years these louts ate food and drank water and moonshine with large amounts of mercury and lead in them, were subject to unhealthy doses of radiation, engaged in plenty of incest, and leadership (and the ability to acquire mates and spread one's genes which goes with it) was determined by who was the best at beating others with lead pipes. This gave birth to the first Ogryns or otherwise known as Homo sapiens gigantus (sapiens being used in the loosest sense of the word). As no Ogryn has ever been recorded that was intelligent enough to farm or hunt, let alone distill, exactly where their food, water, and moonshine came from is an open question. By the time the Emperor got around to reunifying human civilization, there were dozens of planets full of dim-witted, durable, strong, three-meter tall dudes called Ogryn, in defiance of both evolution's tendency to diverge and how it tends to solve problems related to gravity (whales are big and heavy because they don't need to fight as much gravity - much bigger and heavier than flying birds, for whom gravity is a constant concern).
Ogryns in the Imperium[edit | edit source]

Though the Imperium of Man typically destroys anything too divergent from the human form, the Ogryns' DNA were considered stable enough to classify as a new evolution, or Abhuman. The Imperial Guard has been using Ogryn as heavy shock troopers for millennia, helped by the Ogryns' massive strength, iron-hard loyalty to the Emperor, and literal mindlessness. Perhaps the most appealing aspect of commanding Ogryn is that their loyalty to the Emperor of Mankind is firmer than that of a Space Marine. The Ogryns believe that the Emperor has personally issued them every order (being worked down from the chain of command) and as a result they will follow orders without question to the best of their ability. Technically this is already Imperial Guard policy to some degree, but only Ogryns actually believe it's literally true. The only reason that they aren't used even more is that they don't take well to transports - on top of their size, they have a tendency to get claustrophobic and aren't likely to willingly enter cramped, dark spaces (e.g. the inside of a Chimera)[1].
Ogryns are usually used as close quarters soldiers; due to their physical dimensions it is very difficult for Ogryns to operate human-sized weapons and equipment, even if they could understand its operation, and are prone to becoming over enthusiastic or frustrated with equipment they are given, meaning that they tend to use objects in a brutal manner. Therefore they are issued heavily built, automatic shotguns that are essentially "Ogryn-Proof" and can be used as a club if the Ogryn ever runs out of ammunition, as well as oversized grenades. Since they are considerably stronger they can also wear more armor than a regular human guardsman, but, this being the Imperium, under no circumstances are they given sophisticated or expensive equipment, let alone the sort of close combat weaponry they would excel with. While your average guardsman may not be too hot in hand to hand combat with an Ork unless you're a Catachan Jungle Fighter, an Ogryn can crush Orks (including Nobz) into pulp and their feats of strength typically surpass even those of Space Marines, in game terms their strength, toughness, and wounds stats are all on par with members of the Adeptus Custodes (that said, a Custodian can easily smash an Ogryn to a chunky soup of blood and gore, Custodians are just as big and can outmaneuver an ogryn with ease, not to mention having superior equipment and training).
Particularly intelligent Ogryn are given genetic enhancements called Biochemical Ogryn Neural Enhancement (BONE) and become BONE'EADs, effectively squad sergeants. These enhancements make the Ogryns even more intelligent, being able to remember names, count on their fingers and make tactical decisions beyond "KILL IT!". Thankfully, other Ogryns accustomise to them quite easily, and rather than having to force their way into command by beating up the alpha male of the pack, other Ogryns will follow the BONE'EADS because "they know best". Hilariously, some Bone'eads take the title to heart, and use the metal plated cybernetic implants as an improvised weapon; thankfully, as with all things made for Ogryn, the implants are manufactured to take a bashing.
Since the Great Rift opened and psykers started appearing with greater frequency, Ogryn psykers have started being documented. Coincidentally - or perhaps not - long established truisms about Ogryn intelligence are starting to unravel; one example was fully capable of normal speech (without neural enhancement) and had even taught itself to read and write.
Bullgryns[edit | edit source]

Some Ogryns are instead given Ogryn-sized tower shields made from barricade walls and custom-built carapace armor which incorporates loose tank tracks; known as "Bullgryns" (trademarkable shorthand for bulwark Ogryns), these Ogryns serve as living, mobile bunker walls on the battlefield. The idea is that all of that armor, behind a huge-ass shield designed to be interlocked with the neighboring shields, and with a big strong Ogryn inside of it, will soak up bullets, lasers, and other incoming nastiness that might hit more important things. It's a pretty sound theory. Each Bullgryn also carries an arm-mounted grenade launcher for fighting back with (though, being Ogryn-sized, it performs more like a handheld mortar).
Instead of slabshields and grenade gauntlets, some Bullgryns are instead issued with power mauls and deflector bucklers (which generate invulnerable saves in the form of force fields) that double up as a makeshift bludgeon; this being the Imperium, no Bullgryn is ever issued a maul and a slabshield, as of 8e Bullgryns may now be equipped with slabshields and mauls, slabshields and grenade gauntlets, deflector bucklers and mauls, or bucklers and gauntlets; however they may not dual wield any weapons be it mauls, slabshields or deflector bucklers. And issuing both a slabshield and a deflector buckler to the guy whose only job is to stay alive while getting shot is heresy, while issuing a Grenadier Gauntlet and Maul before telling them to go ham is also heresy.
The Ogryns take their protective duties very seriously and will often form a line at the slightest sound of gunfire, which can be most inconvenient in crowded trenches. Yet Guardsmen advancing behind a Bullgryn squad swiftly forget such mishaps as shots whine harmlessly from the Ogryns' shields, leaving those soldiers crouched in their lee unharmed. Needless to say, casualties are high among the Abhumans themselves, but the close-range bombardments of the Ogryns' Grenadier Gauntlets means that any opposing foe would get a fist full of Ogryn-sized explosives in the face.
They may or may not be the spiritual successor of the Ogryn Charonites.
Ogryn Charonites[edit | edit source]

Ogryn Charonites are a type of heavy assault Ogryn troops used by the Solar Auxilia during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Charonite squads have been biochemically and cybernetically altered using ancient technologies, possibly of xenos origin, that have been deemed unholy by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Because of this they considered controversial to the cogboys/gals. With the Ogryns' hands and forearms replaced by a brutal collection of mechanisms known as Charonite claws, which amplify their already fearsome strength, Ogryn Charonite squads can rip through armor plating with ease, devastating their foes in the brutal confines of boarding actions.
During the height of the Great Crusade, Auxilia Ogryn Charonites could readily be found among the arsenals of several void-capable human pocket-civilizations of Segmentum Solar, such as the Saturnyne Enclaves. Despite protests from the Mechanicum, the Solar Auxilia found them to be so useful that they simply ignore the screeching of a enraged Magos. The Solar Auxilia obtained a dispensation for the creation and use of Charonites in limited numbers. This was further facilitated by the strong ties the early Solar Auxilia maintained through their own origins with the Saturnyne Enclaves, Terra and the celestial keeps of Pavonis which had all retained much of their independence from the Imperial rule.
Despite their semi-heretical nature, the Charonites were so god damned loyal that most of them fought at the behest of the Imperium rather than snitching the Emprah and joining bad boi Horus. In retrospect, the Charonites were maybe the precursors of the Bullgryns. It is not known whether they are still in use, but due to their closet heresy, it can be safe to assume that all of them were either decommissioned or mothballed.
Servitor-Ogryn[edit | edit source]

Servitor-Ogryns AKA Slave Ogryns or more formally known as the 'Jotunn' H-Grade Servitor-Ogryn are, as the name implies, Ogryns that have been converted into Servitors.
Aside from Militarum work, Ogryns also excel at manual labor. After all, their massive muscles allow them to lift massive objects without trouble and their simple minds easily obey authority. If needed, Ogryns are even refitted with augmetics to help with the job. For some, this process goes so far as to convert them into little more than beefy servitors as it didn't take long for Imperial authorities to realise an Ogryn's physical potential. The worst part about all this is that as abhumans, Ogryns won't be afforded all the rights a normal human would, however meager those right may be. Even if technically they count as human in the eyes of Imperial law, that doesn't mean anything if the Imperial authorities don't care.
That said, however, the oversight of a worker's guild isn't the same as that of a Commissar and regimental command. In the new Necromunda supplement House of Chains, there exists an entire gang roster made of Ogryns who decide that enough is enough and rebel against their masters. In this way, they look up to House Goliath as kindred who shared a similar past.
In short, the Ogryn Slave Gang works similarly to Goliath in that they're big and beefy with less focus on being quick, but equipment is harder to come by. Specialists in particular lack the ability to take multiple loadouts, attributing to the limited supply of running an uprising, while those Ogryns with augmetics pretty much come with them upon hiring without any means of buying more. The most dangerous of handicaps, however, is that they're wanted - in the event that any Slaves are caught, the opposing army gets some extra credits for capturing a dangerous outlaw.
The majority of these Ogryn Slaves are the aforementioned Jotunn H-Grade Servitor-Ogryns, whose specialty makes these big bois be armed with two augmetic fists. The gangs will sometimes modify the Jotunn, to change one hand with an arc welder and give the Servitor Furnace Plate Armour to wear. Whilst these 'freed' Ogryns are technically Hired Guns - offering their services to whoever ever pays them the highest - House Orlock and House Van Saar managed to obtain an entire regiment of these guys. So whilst every other House have to find and buy them for service, House Orlock and Van Saar has them automatically in their army list.
Awakened Ogryn[edit | edit source]
You ever wonder how much havoc an Ogryn could cause if they had psyker abilities? Well guess what, now you can find out! What’s that you say? It’s impossible? Well yeah normally you’d be right about that as barring possibly some chaos mutated Ogryn there had never before been a known example of a psyker appearing among the Ogryn…until now! See over on Necromunda there was a rogue human psyker, or wyrd as the locals called them, who went by the name of Ursan Graves and who lived down beneath Hive Primus in a place called Heretic’s Hold. This community was built around the wreck of an old starship that was half sunken into a subterranean sea, a ship which Graves decided to claim for himself as his stronghold. After settling in, he and his gang of fellow rogue psykers in an attempt to increase their numbers eventually developed a psychic surgery using a narcotic called Ghast that could theoretically turn anyone it was applied to into a psyker. Unfortunately as it turns out the average human’s body is too squishy and their subconscious mind too active to survive the surgery and the resulting surge of warp energy without exploding. Graves luck changed though when he decided to try out the surgery on some Ogryn. Thanks to their stronger bodies and lack of creativity 1 of the 5 test subjects, who was nicknamed “The Thinker” by the gang, actually managed to survive the procedure and proved to be a devastatingly powerful addition to their ranks. Later after Graves was nearly killed by a bunch of Ironhead Squat Prospectors who broke into his ship and ran off with a squat ancestral shard full of all kinds of valuable data that had been hidden away, Graves decided to start making more of these “Awakened Ogryns” with some of them later ending up in the hands of the other underhive gangs. So now you can own your very own non-sanctioned psyker Ogryn! Now sure they’re considered abominations by Imperial authorities and associating with one is liable to get you shot for HERESY! but they’re also still just as super loyal, come equipped with augmented fists by default, and now thanks to the surgery they can crush people with their minds, wreath themselves in burning flames, toughen themselves up by transmuting their own body into living metal, inflict fear on enemies, jinx other peoples weapons, or overcharge their own weapon with psychic power for added damage! If you’re an Enforcer or Arbites stationed on Necromunda now might be a good time to put in your transfer papers while you still can.
Later on after Abaddon created the Great Rift by obliterating Cadia, Necromunda stopped being the only place with psychic Ogryn. According to the book Ghazghkull Thraka: Prophet of the Waaagh!, a female Ogryn member of a Penal legion going by the title Indentured Conscript C455-I spontaneously developed psyker abilities while protecting her commissar from mortar fire during a fight against the Xenos species called the Delq on the planet Karkhemish Secundus, a battle which ended with the Imperials ultimately failing to take the world. Normally she would have been executed as an abomination for her troubles, however her commissar owed a favor to a certain Lord Inquisitor Tytonida Nebaszinar Falx who after hearing about her faked a report saying the Ogryn was executed for cowardice and recruited the Ogryn into her retinue. While there the awakened Ogryn rather cleverly changed her name to Cassia and and met the Space Wolves Rune Priest Orm Hendriksen who acted as her mentor. As time time passed Cassia began developing an increased intellect and with Falx's permission, she began studying old Ordo Biologos texts from the Lord Inquisitor's personal library. Over the course of two years of repeated studying, the Ogryn eventually taught herself how to read and write in fine calligraphy and began keeping a journal of her thoughts -- something which was incredibly surprising, as that automatically makes her smarter than three-quarters of the Imperium’s regular human population! Maybe that psychic next step for human evolution the Emperor was trying to achieve was actually referring to psychic Ogryn! *BLAM*HERESY!*BLAM*
Ogryn Formations[edit | edit source]
Generally speaking, Ogryns are Auxilia forces to the Imperial Guard; having regiments on paper, but usually getting broken up and assigned to other Guard regiments on a squad-by-squad basis. But the Imperium does occasionally utilize entire formations of Ogryns: On the smaller scale, a Rampant Detachment is a platoon-sized formation of Bulgryns which can be trusted to hold the line and break up enemy assaults and is assigned its own dedicated junior officer to command them.
Other detachments that get deployed from place to place include "Abhuman Penal Suppression Detachments", which is a long-winded way of saying prison wardens or riot police. For example, the 51st detachment is made up of those Ogryns deemed "unfit" for frontline duties (either by injury or due to lack of intelligence even by Ogryn standards), and have been assigned positions on Imperial Naval vessels keeping troublemakers in line. The practice has since been taken up across other vessels and Imperial Guard bases where they have been used to quell riots among the local populations.
At the larger end of the scale, whole Regiments of Ogryns have been deployed in their entirety, with the Monglor Auxilia being deployed to Armageddon, which comparatively were considered "less brutal" than the Ogryns from Krourk, though only one Monglor regiment remains in active service since the Eldar caused their homeworld to turn renegade.
One other regiment includes the Orcan Stonecrushers which were enthusiastically integrated into the Imperium, but since their world had such oppressively high gravity it was turned into a Penal World and the Ogryns were permitted to be the custodians.
Tohruk[edit | edit source]
The Tohruk are described as the "debased cousins of the ogryn" and allied with the Night Lords. If they're considered debased by Ogryn standards when the Krourk are around, then they're definitely debased, and as such it's small wonder the Night Lords decided to make a pact with them.
Additional Material[edit | edit source]
Gav and Bob[edit | edit source]
A story about some of the best Ogryns that gave their lives for the Emprah.
Warhammer 40K: Darktide[edit | edit source]
"Strange life... Not part of the Astra Mili... the Astra Miliata... th.. the...PFFRM! Not part of the Imperial Guard no more."
- – Ogryn Skullbreaker, succinctly showing off their IQ and also the devs subtly making fun of the weird naming conventions of 40k.

A first-person co-operative horde shooter in the vein of the Left 4 Dead series, it puts a rare spotlight on Ogryns because it's the first game that you can actually play as one.
The big lugs in it are a bit brighter than you'd expect rather than having an IQ of room temperature (doesn't really matter which scale) by the likes of asking everyone else to make sure that the Emperor is a God or saying that they sure hate abhumans - but what are abhumans again?, though they remain as pleasant and endlessly naïve as usual, being the friendliest class with Psykers even while Ogryns of course also dislike it like everyone else that this guy can just read their thoughts whenever they want. Their relatively higher intelligence is explained in that certain Ogryn voices/personalities will occasionally mention their Bone'ead implants, although the others could be explained by Ogryns starting to become less derpy than usual because of the Great Rift. Speaking of voices they also come in three templates: The Bodyguard, The Bully, and The Brawler.
This game was practically responsible for making Ogryns rise to meme stardom, mainly stemming from their massive sizes, immense strength and powerful weapons. Making everyone believe that ogryns are an abhuman race comprised of pure gigachads that kill xenos, kill 'eretics, luv the Emprah, luv the Imperium, luv the lil' uns, and luv their rashuns, simple as. It's not uncommon to find an entire squad of rejects comprised only of Ogryns turning hordes and any other enemy that dares fight them into red mists or turned into pulp. In short, playing as an ogryn basically unlocks that one part of our Mon-Keigh brains where we wanna go full on ape mode: smacking things with either our fists, palms or big sticks, the "Apes together strong" mentality, protecting those smaller than ourselves, and talking like a retard caveman.
Obviously because it's the first time an Ogryn is actually playable it's also the first time we get a better look at some of their weapons. Such as ripper guns have their burst limiters turned off, massive choppas that could make an Ork feel inadequate, a explosive pilebunker, a massive shield with a metal beating stick, a metal beating stick and a fancier beating stick with a button to make it glow-y. Besides that it also adds a bunch of toys for our favorite giant gigachads: A giant fucking shovel that would make a Death Korps fanboy cream (which happens to be latrine shovel at that), giant break-action grenade launchers that shoot either giant shotgun shells (Kickback) or proper grenades (Rumbler) and Twin-linked heavy machine gun probably ripped off from a Sabre Battery with Quad Stubbers.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
They may not look so friendly but they're loyalty is undeniable
Their little Rippah, ain't she beautiful?
"Little men in spikey armor charged us again and again!"
"We broke them and threw them onto the rocks."
"But there were no medals. No food. Only big angry words."
Early concept art for the Ogryn Skullbreaker class.
They luv the funny hat man and they luv their shiny stickers n medals
The biggest loyalist Chads of the Imperium.
Ogryns may not be the brightest, but they at least don't turn to Chaos (willingly)
Screw Female Space Marines, when do we get Thicc Ogryn GFs?
Ogryn from Necromunda: Hired Gun
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Nork Deddog - THE most famous of Ogryns
- Ogryn Brute - Ogryns on Chaos, which are exactly as bad to fight against as it sounds like
- Robin Cruddace
- Ogg the ogryn: a series of videos focusing on the journey of ogg during his time serving in the guard and his first video is the one linked earlier in the page
External Links[edit | edit source]
- Ogryn: Skullbreaker Class Trailer
- A Day in the life of a true Ogryn Geezer
- What an Ogryn values in life
- The Ogryn's natural beauty
- Lore-accurate Ogryn conversation
- The Bravest Ogryn
- Ogryn showing their drip
Forces of the Solar Auxilia | ||||||||
Command: | Solar Auxilia Tactical Command Squad | |||||||
Troops: | Ogryn Charonites - Solar Auxilia Flamer Section Solar Auxilia Lasrifle Section - Solar Auxilia Medicae Section Solar Auxilia Veletaris Storm Section - Thallax | |||||||
Legio Cybernetica: |
Castellax Class Battle-Automata | |||||||
Transports: | Aurox Armoured Transport - Dracosan Armoured Transport - Termite | |||||||
Light Vehicles: | Auto-Gurney - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - Rapier Armoured Carrier | |||||||
Tanks & Ordnance: |
Basilisk Artillery Gun - Carnodon Leman Russ Battle Tank (Leman Russ Incinerator) | |||||||
Superheavy Vehicles: |
Malcador Heavy Tank (Malcador Annihilator - Malcador Defender Valdor Tank Hunter) - Stormhammer - Stormblade | |||||||
Flyers & Bombers: |
Thunderbolt Fighter - Voss Lightning Strike | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Arvus Lighter - Devourer Dropship Galaxy Troop Ship - Tetrarch Heavy Lander | |||||||
Allies: | Legiones Astartes - Adeptus Mechanicus Sisters of Silence - Adeptus Custodes |
![]() ![]() | |
Adeptus Terra: | Adeptus Administratum - Adeptus Astra Telepathica Adeptus Astronomica - Senatorum Imperialis |
Adeptus Mechanicus: | Adeptus Titanicus - Explorator Fleet - Legio Cybernetica - Skitarii |
Armed Forces: | Adeptus Arbites - Adeptus Custodes - Planetary Defense Force - Sisters of Silence |
Imperial Army: | Afriel Strain - Adeptus Astartes - Gland War Veteran Imperial Guard - Imperial Navy - Imperial Knights - Militarum Tempestus |
Imperial Cult: | Adeptus Ministorum - Adepta Sororitas - Death Cults - Schola Progenium |
Inquisition: | Ordo Astartes - Ordo Astra - Ordo Calixis - Ordo Chronos - Ordo Hereticus Ordo Machinum - Ordo Malleus - Ordo Militarum - Ordo Necros - Ordo Sepulturum Ordo Sicarius - Ordo Xenos |
Officio Assassinorum: | Adamus - Callidus - Culexus - Eversor - Maerorus - Vanus - Venenum - Vindicare |
Great Crusade: | Corps of Iterators - Legiones Astartes - Remembrancer Order - Solar Auxilia |
Unification Wars: | Legio Cataegis |
Other: | League of Black Ships - Logos Historica Verita Navis Nobilite - Rogue Traders - Ambassador Imperialis |
Abhumans & Denizens: | Beastmen - Caryatids - Felinids - Humans - Nightsiders - Troths - Neandors Ogryns - Ratlings - Scalies - Scavvies - Squats - Subs - Pelagers - Longshanks Shadowkiths |
Notable Members: | God-Emperor of Mankind - Malcador the Sigillite The Perpetuals - The Primarchs - Sebastian Thor Erda - Ollanius Pius |