Arora: Age of Desolation
Arora: Age of Desolation is an upcoming Post-Apocalyptic setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition intended to debut at some point in May 2023. Conceptually, it can be summed up rather crudely as combining the Dragon Overlords of Dragonlance with the Rage of Dragons from the Forgotten Realms, being set in the titular Age of Desolation; a time of struggle and ruin after something called "Shardscale" simultaneously empowered the various dragons of the world of Arora and also set them on a frenzy of destruction. Those who survived the initial rampage now struggle for survival in five blasted realms, each ruled over by a single massively powerful dragon, where the very land has been warped in the image of the "Monarch Dragon" and dragon attacks are a constant risk, to say nothing of how the survivors are prone to fighting each other over what resources are left in the twisted lands.
Realms of Arora
Arora is divided into Five Realms, each of which is ruled over by a Chromatic Monarch Dragon and thus has been shaped by their empowered regional effects aura into a unique and deadly magical hellhole.
Gallaht is a lightning-charged realm swallowed in sand dunes and desert dust storms, ruled over by "Thunderclap" Dawilquar, a Monarch Blue Dragon.
Khoor is a gloom-covered realm of chill swamps, tangled marshes and acid rain-corroded wastes, the dominion of the Monarch Black Dragon Nycthias "The Deathly Shadow".
Mogsturma, realm of the Monarch Red Dragon Torishivar "The Crimson Doom", is a scorched wasteland of volcanoes that burst into fiery rivers of lava.
Prazzolar is a realm of icy pyramids, nexuses of great elemental magic, and blizzard-blasted tundras, all presided over by the Monarch White Dragon "Bitingcold" Rachigyostiv.
Finally, the Green Dragon "Venom Tongue" Saihan rules over Tievmer, a massive, dark and gloomy forest-world riddled with nightmares and abominations.