Approved Literature

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Revision as of 18:24, 13 January 2022 by 1d4chan>Blajbara (Historical Fiction)
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This page lists the genre fiction which is popular on /tg/, along with a brief description and the notable area's of merit. While paragons of Fantasy and Science Fiction...


There is, of course, crossover. Grimdark fantasy and SF has Horror elements, mythology is all over the place and (in the sagas) blends into history, and on and on. We feel safe so far in the assignments we've provided; but if you have an alternate opinion, the Discussion tab is the door to the right.

And don't say we didn't warn you . . .

This article contains spoilers! You have been warned.

You hate 'em, we try to avoid 'em. But if you're planning on reading without 'em, just skim through the authors and titles in bold. Maybe you'll see a name you don't know and will feel like searching that in whatever FBI-monitored and corporate-spidered engine you like best.


First up, what list would be complete without Gary's own Appendix N of classic (mostly) pulp - so Read That First. Mostly here we'll be looking at authors not in that list although we cannot avoid Howard, Leiber, Tollers and the 'Cock.

Science Fiction

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Alternate History

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Historical Fiction

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Weird Stuff

This is for things which may not strictly be the best stuff but have some off beat noteworthy qualities which might make it worth a look regardless. Sometimes "flawed but novel" can beat "generally good but run of the mill".


SF/F, classical style.

History / Philosophy

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Other Recommendations