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Moloch is/was the Archdevil ruler of the sixth layer of Hell; Malbolge in D&D and Malebolge in Pathfinder.

D&D[edit | edit source]


Moloch was once the lord of the Sixth Layer of Baator. During his time the Reckoning of Hell took place, which saw him on the side of Baalzebul alongside his fellow fallen Celestials. After being humiliated and defeated he and his fellow Archdukes were summoned to appear before Asmodeus to grovel. Moloch, being a dumbass, took the advice of his adviser/consort Malagard to defy Asmodeus. Instead of begging like his peers he proverbially whipped out his dick and invited Asmodeus to suck it. Looking at this display unimpressed for an uncomfortable long amount of time he kicked Moloch out and stripped him of his powers as an Archduke before he hit the ground. Malagard, not expecting this to actually work, laughed her ass off all the while and kicked the loser out before being imbued with the power of the Lord of the Sixth.

Now a refugee, Moloch started to plot revenge. Alternating between Baator and the Material Plane, he gathered whatever forces and power he can in an attempt to get revenge. One of his plots involved the Apocalypse Stone, a very high-level module for AD&D involving the end of the world. Moloch is currently still at large.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Pathfinder[edit | edit source]

Flame on Bull Head Silhouette
Aliases Ashen Bull, General of Hell, God of Fires
Alignment Lawful Evil
Divine Rank Demigod
Pantheon Archdevils of Gell
Portfolio Fire, Obedience, War
Domains Evil, Fire, Law, War, Ash, Devil, Smoke, Tactics
Home Plane Melqart Keep, Citadel Ba'al, Malebolge, Hell
Worshippers Beshzens
Favoured Weapon Whip (ironically not the sword or axe he's always depicted wielding)

As the general of Hell, it is Moloch's job to lead its armies to victory all across the planes. He doesn't just command devils: petitioners, other denizens of Hell and mercenaries who flocked to the banner of Hell all answer to him. Moloch runs a tight ship and suffers no insubordination, punishing transgressors harshly. Those who deliver on his expectations are rewarded accordingly, but he demands constant service. Moloch is a great tactician as well, having studied war in all of its forms for eons to become a true master. Despite being the master of Malebolge, he commands forces on the front lines, much like how Bel does it on Baator. This makes it seem that he and Barbatos have switched places when compared to their D&D kin. Moloch himself kind of looks like Bel as well, except he's combined with Deathwing; a giant burning dude with black metal that's also his skin and fire streaming between the gaps.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

The deities of Golarion
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Adanye - Aesocar - Andoletta - Apsu - Arqueros - Chohar - Dammerich - Eldas - Erastil - Falayna - Folgrit - Ghenshau - Gruhastha - Grundinnar - Ihys - Iomedae - Kelinahat - Kroina - Lymnieris - Myr - Neshen - Olheon - Osiris - Ragathiel - Shizuru - Smiad - Sturovenen - Svarozic - Tanagaar - Torag - Tsukiyo - Vildeis - Wadjet - Winlas - Zohls Aegirran - Arshea - Arundhat - Atreia - Benorus - Bes - Bharnarol - Bolka - Chaldira Zuzaristan - Chinostes - Cihua Couatl - Dalenydra - Eritrice - Halcamora - Irez - Isis - Jaidi - Jaidz - Kazutal - Kelksiomides - Khepri - Korada - Kurgess - Lady Jingxi - Lysianassa - Lythertida - Mazludeh - Neith - Omrataji - Ondisso - Qi Zhong - Ranginori - Rowdrosh - Sairazul - Sarenrae - Seramaydiel - Shei - Shelyn - Soralyon - Tlehar - Trudd - Yelayne - Ylimancha - Yuelral Alglenweis - Ashava - Bergelmir - Black Butterfly - Cayden Cailean - Cernunnos - Chadali - Chucaro - Dajermube - Desna - Elion - Findeladlara - Hathor - Hembad - Immonhiel - Jalaijatali - Jin Li - Keltheald - Ketephys - Kofusachi - Lalaci - Marishi - Milani - Picoperi - Pulura - Reymenda - Selket - Sinashakti - Skode - Skrymir - Thisamet - Tolc - Uvuko - Valani
Neutral Abadar - Alseta - Amaznen - Anubis - Aroden - Dranngvit - Erecura - Horus - Imbrex - Irori - Jerishall - Kerkamoth - Kols - Luhar - Ma'at - Magdh - Magrim - Matravash - Otolmens - Ra - Ravithra - Suyuddha - Thoth - Valmallos - Vineshvakhi Aakriti - Aerekostes - Atropos - Balumbdar - Barzahk - Brigh - Casandalee - Ceyannan - Chamidu - Daikitsu - Dammar - Drokalion - Fandarra - Feronia - Gozreh - Grandmother Spider - Iapholi - Imot - Likha - The Lost Prince - Monad - Mother Vulture - Mrtyu - Naderi - Nalinivati - Narakaas - Nethys - Ng - Nivi Rhombodazzle - Onos - The Pale Horse - Pharasma - Pharimia - Phlegyas - Ptah - Ragdya - Saloc - Shyka - Sivanah - Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones - Teshallas - Vale - Vavaalrav - Vonymos - Yamatsumi Abhoth - Acavna - Ashukharma - Azathoth - Bastet - Besmara - Bokrug - Calistria - Count Ranalc - Gendowyn - Gorum - Groetus - Hei Feng - Il'surrish - Kalekot - The Lantern King - Lubaiko - Mhar - Narriseminek - Nephthys - Nocticula - Sekhmet - Sobek - Speakers of the Depths - Ssila'meshnik - Sun Wukong - Tawil at'Umr - Tjasse - Ydajisk - Yig - Yog-Sothoth
Evil Achaekek - Aksha - Akuma - Alichino - Andak - Ardad Lili - Aroggus - Asmodeus - Baalzebul - Barbariccia - Barbatos - Barravoclair - Belial - Bifrons - Bohga - Bundha - Caera - Cagnazzo - Chugarra - Chupurvagasti - Circiatto - Crocell - Deumus - Dhalavei - Diomazul - Dispater - Doloras - Dradjit - Draghignazzo - Eaqueo - Eiseth - Eligos - Farfarello - Fharaas - Furcas - Gaap - Gavidya - General Susumu - Geryon - Graffiacane - Haborym - Hadregash - Hudima - Hydim - Iaozrael - Inkariax - Inma - Ioramvol - Jiraviddain - Jyotah - Kaikyton - Kalma - Kunkarna - Libicocco - Lissala - Lorcan - Lorthact - Losarkur - Maeha - Mahathallah - Malacoda - Mammon - Mephistopheles - Minderhal - Moloch - Morrobahn - Mursha - Nergal - Onamahli - Ose - Otikaya - Pirias - Prihasta - Quindiovatos - Raetorgash - Rahu - Rasvocel - Ravana - Rubicante - Ruzel - Rytara - Sabnach - Sicva - Sugroz - Surpa - Titivilus - Unity - Uruskreil - Uzumae - Vassago - Vevelor - Vibhishah - Vois - Walkena - Wylgart - Xanderghul - Xhasnaphar - Yaezhing - Yan-gant-y-tan - Zabha - Zaebos - Zepar - Zon-Kuthon - Zurapadyn - Zursvaater Aesdurath - Ah Pook - Ahriman - Ajids - Alazhra - Ananshea - Anogetz - Apollyon - Arazni - Arlachramas - Atlach-Nacha - Ayrzul - Bound Prince - Braismois - Chamiaholom - Charg - Charon - Chimon - Chinostes - Cixyron - Corosbel - Dachzerul - Diceid - Droskar - Ealdeez - Fumeiyoshi - Folca - Geon - Ghatanothoa - The Green Mother - Hastrikhal - Hataam - Hshurha - Iggeret - Jacarkas - Kelizandri - Laivatiniel - Lao Shu Po - Llamolaek - Mneoc - Muronna - Nalmungder - Nameless - Nataka - Norgorber - Osolmyr - Ozranvial - Pavnuri - Raumya - Roqorolos - Ruapceras - Scal - Set - Shawnari - Slandrais - Stygidvod - Szuriel - Tamede - Tresmalvos - Uaransaph - Ulon - Urgathoa - Velgaas - Venkelvore - Vermillion Mother - Vorasha - Xhamen-Dor - Xiquiripat - Xsistaid - Yabu - Ymeri - Zaigasnar - Zarongel - Zelishkar - Zipacna - Zyphus Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Apep - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Camazotz - Chaugnar Faugn - Chavazvug - Cthulhu - Cyth-V'sug - Daclau-Sar - Dagon - Dahak - Deskari - Dretha - Flauros - Ghlaunder - Gogunta - Guyuku - Gyronna - Haagenti - Haggakal - Hastur - Hellion - Igramalash - Isph-Aun-Vuln - Ithaqua - Izyagna - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kitumu - Kostchtchie - Kro'akoth - Lady Nanbyo - Lahkgya - Lamashtu - Lanishra - Marbas - Mazmezz - Menxyr - Mestama - Mog-Lathar - Mordiggian - Murnath - Nhimbaloth - Nightripper - Nulgreth - Nurgal - Nyarlathotep - Oaur-Ooung - Ongalte - Onmyuza - Orcus - Orgesh - Ovonovo - Pazuzu - Ragadahn - Rhan-Tegoth - Rovagug - Rull - Sezelrian - Shamira - Shax - Shiggarreb - Shivaska - Shub-Niggurath - Sifkesh - Sithhud - Socothbenoth - Thamir - Thremyr - Thuskchoon - Treerazer - Tsathoggua - Urazra - Urxehl - Ushitora - Varg - Vepar - Verex - Xoveron - Yamasoth - Ydersius - Yhidothrus - Zagresh - Zevgavizeb - Zogmugot - Zura
The deities of Golarion
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Adanye - Aesocar - Andoletta - Apsu - Arqueros - Chohar - Dammerich - Eldas - Erastil - Falayna - Folgrit - Ghenshau - Gruhastha - Grundinnar - Ihys - Iomedae - Kelinahat - Kroina - Lymnieris - Myr - Neshen - Olheon - Osiris - Ragathiel - Shizuru - Smiad - Sturovenen - Svarozic - Tanagaar - Torag - Tsukiyo - Vildeis - Wadjet - Winlas - Zohls Aegirran - Arshea - Arundhat - Atreia - Benorus - Bes - Bharnarol - Bolka - Chaldira Zuzaristan - Chinostes - Cihua Couatl - Dalenydra - Eritrice - Halcamora - Irez - Isis - Jaidi - Jaidz - Kazutal - Kelksiomides - Khepri - Korada - Kurgess - Lady Jingxi - Lysianassa - Lythertida - Mazludeh - Neith - Omrataji - Ondisso - Qi Zhong - Ranginori - Rowdrosh - Sairazul - Sarenrae - Seramaydiel - Shei - Shelyn - Soralyon - Tlehar - Trudd - Yelayne - Ylimancha - Yuelral Alglenweis - Ashava - Bergelmir - Black Butterfly - Cayden Cailean - Cernunnos - Chadali - Chucaro - Dajermube - Desna - Elion - Findeladlara - Hathor - Hembad - Immonhiel - Jalaijatali - Jin Li - Keltheald - Ketephys - Kofusachi - Lalaci - Marishi - Milani - Picoperi - Pulura - Reymenda - Selket - Sinashakti - Skode - Skrymir - Thisamet - Tolc - Uvuko - Valani
Neutral Abadar - Alseta - Amaznen - Anubis - Aroden - Dranngvit - Erecura - Horus - Imbrex - Irori - Jerishall - Kerkamoth - Kols - Luhar - Ma'at - Magdh - Magrim - Matravash - Otolmens - Ra - Ravithra - Suyuddha - Thoth - Valmallos - Vineshvakhi Aakriti - Aerekostes - Atropos - Balumbdar - Barzahk - Brigh - Casandalee - Ceyannan - Chamidu - Daikitsu - Dammar - Drokalion - Fandarra - Feronia - Gozreh - Grandmother Spider - Iapholi - Imot - Likha - The Lost Prince - Monad - Mother Vulture - Mrtyu - Naderi - Nalinivati - Narakaas - Nethys - Ng - Nivi Rhombodazzle - Onos - The Pale Horse - Pharasma - Pharimia - Phlegyas - Ptah - Ragdya - Saloc - Shyka - Sivanah - Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones - Teshallas - Vale - Vavaalrav - Vonymos - Yamatsumi Abhoth - Acavna - Ashukharma - Azathoth - Bastet - Besmara - Bokrug - Calistria - Count Ranalc - Gendowyn - Gorum - Groetus - Hei Feng - Il'surrish - Kalekot - The Lantern King - Lubaiko - Mhar - Narriseminek - Nephthys - Nocticula - Sekhmet - Sobek - Speakers of the Depths - Ssila'meshnik - Sun Wukong - Tawil at'Umr - Tjasse - Ydajisk - Yig - Yog-Sothoth
Evil Achaekek - Aksha - Akuma - Alichino - Andak - Ardad Lili - Aroggus - Asmodeus - Baalzebul - Barbariccia - Barbatos - Barravoclair - Belial - Bifrons - Bohga - Bundha - Caera - Cagnazzo - Chugarra - Chupurvagasti - Circiatto - Crocell - Deumus - Dhalavei - Diomazul - Dispater - Doloras - Dradjit - Draghignazzo - Eaqueo - Eiseth - Eligos - Farfarello - Fharaas - Furcas - Gaap - Gavidya - General Susumu - Geryon - Graffiacane - Haborym - Hadregash - Hudima - Hydim - Iaozrael - Inkariax - Inma - Ioramvol - Jiraviddain - Jyotah - Kaikyton - Kalma - Kunkarna - Libicocco - Lissala - Lorcan - Lorthact - Losarkur - Maeha - Mahathallah - Malacoda - Mammon - Mephistopheles - Minderhal - Moloch - Morrobahn - Mursha - Nergal - Onamahli - Ose - Otikaya - Pirias - Prihasta - Quindiovatos - Raetorgash - Rahu - Rasvocel - Ravana - Rubicante - Ruzel - Rytara - Sabnach - Sicva - Sugroz - Surpa - Titivilus - Unity - Uruskreil - Uzumae - Vassago - Vevelor - Vibhishah - Vois - Walkena - Wylgart - Xanderghul - Xhasnaphar - Yaezhing - Yan-gant-y-tan - Zabha - Zaebos - Zepar - Zon-Kuthon - Zurapadyn - Zursvaater Aesdurath - Ah Pook - Ahriman - Ajids - Alazhra - Ananshea - Anogetz - Apollyon - Arazni - Arlachramas - Atlach-Nacha - Ayrzul - Bound Prince - Braismois - Chamiaholom - Charg - Charon - Chimon - Chinostes - Cixyron - Corosbel - Dachzerul - Diceid - Droskar - Ealdeez - Fumeiyoshi - Folca - Geon - Ghatanothoa - The Green Mother - Hastrikhal - Hataam - Hshurha - Iggeret - Jacarkas - Kelizandri - Laivatiniel - Lao Shu Po - Llamolaek - Mneoc - Muronna - Nalmungder - Nameless - Nataka - Norgorber - Osolmyr - Ozranvial - Pavnuri - Raumya - Roqorolos - Ruapceras - Scal - Set - Shawnari - Slandrais - Stygidvod - Szuriel - Tamede - Tresmalvos - Uaransaph - Ulon - Urgathoa - Velgaas - Venkelvore - Vermillion Mother - Vorasha - Xhamen-Dor - Xiquiripat - Xsistaid - Yabu - Ymeri - Zaigasnar - Zarongel - Zelishkar - Zipacna - Zyphus Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Apep - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Camazotz - Chaugnar Faugn - Chavazvug - Cthulhu - Cyth-V'sug - Daclau-Sar - Dagon - Dahak - Deskari - Dretha - Flauros - Ghlaunder - Gogunta - Guyuku - Gyronna - Haagenti - Haggakal - Hastur - Hellion - Igramalash - Isph-Aun-Vuln - Ithaqua - Izyagna - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kitumu - Kostchtchie - Kro'akoth - Lady Nanbyo - Lahkgya - Lamashtu - Lanishra - Marbas - Mazmezz - Menxyr - Mestama - Mog-Lathar - Mordiggian - Murnath - Nhimbaloth - Nightripper - Nulgreth - Nurgal - Nyarlathotep - Oaur-Ooung - Ongalte - Onmyuza - Orcus - Orgesh - Ovonovo - Pazuzu - Ragadahn - Rhan-Tegoth - Rovagug - Rull - Sezelrian - Shamira - Shax - Shiggarreb - Shivaska - Shub-Niggurath - Sifkesh - Sithhud - Socothbenoth - Thamir - Thremyr - Thuskchoon - Treerazer - Tsathoggua - Urazra - Urxehl - Ushitora - Varg - Vepar - Verex - Xoveron - Yamasoth - Ydersius - Yhidothrus - Zagresh - Zevgavizeb - Zogmugot - Zura
The Empyreal Lord of Golarion
Archon Angel Azata Agathion Unknown
Current Andoletta - Arqueros - Asteria - Cocidius
Dammerich - Duellona - Eldas - Erlang Shen
Falayna - Ghenshau - Inanna - Kelinahat - Kroina - Lada - Lalaci - Lugus - Ogoun - Olheon - Oro - Radigost - Sheave - Smiad - Svarozic - Tahmineh - Tanagaar - Tanit - Winlas - Zohls
Arshea - Benorus
Dalenydra - Hors - Immonhiel - Keltheald - Lymnieris - Neshen - Pulura - Ragathiel - Sarenrae - Seramaydiel - Shemhazai - Soralyon - Tolc - Vildeis
Aizen Myo-o - Ashava - Atonga - Black Butterfly
Cernunnos - Chadali - Chucaro - The Forgotten - Hembad - Ibeji - Itzamna - Jalaijatali - Maahes - Marishi - Muyingwa - Ogma - Picoperi - Qetesh - Reymenda - Sinashakti - Thisamet - Tsukuyomi - Valani - Vikramaditya
Bharnarol - Chavod - Eritrice - Halcamora - Irez - Jaidz - Kelumarion - Korada - Lorris - Lythertida - Ondisso - Rowdrosh - Shei - Lady Taramyth - Uskyeria - Walks with Golden Stars - Ylimancha Jegudiel - Mazludeh - Melek Taus - Sandalphon - Shei Five Dawns - Sixlife - Uriel
Former Moloch Nybbas - Dispater - Mammon Baalzebul - Belial
The Fiends of Pathfinder
Lawful: Asuras - Devils - Rakshasas - Velstracs
Neutral: Daemons - Divs - Sahkils
Chaotic: Demodands - Demons - Lilus - Nindorus - Qlippoth
Any: Oni
Lords: Ahriman - Archdevils
Demon Lords - Four Horsemen