Warhammer 40,000/9th Edition Tactics/Adeptus Mechanicus
This is the current 9th Edition's Adeptus Mechanicus tactics. 8th Edition Tactics are here.
Why Play Adeptus Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
Because you like Cyborgs, technosorcery, and some of the scariest guns in the Imperium. Alternatively, because you want to play a bunch of greedy hoarders that make the Blood Ravens seem positively philanthropic in comparison.
- Incredibly flexible - you can adapt to the board on the fly with your Canticles and multiple-choice specializations.
- Canticles of the Omnissiah traits have been buffed to be actually useful (instead of gunning for shroudpsalm every round) and Doctrina Imperatives--a new rule that gives a buff and debuff army wide. Do note that they only affect Cult Mechanicus and Skittles, respectively.
- Durable across the board. For infantry alone, a basic Skitarius is T3 4+/5++ W1 and already shares the troop slot with T5 W3 2+/6++ Kataphron Breachers. Everything outside the troop slot has at least an extra wound on this profile.
- Abundant invulnerable saves with the entire roster having at least 5++.
- Shroudpsalm on demand ensures cover saves for your entire army, even if the opponent gets an angle on you or if there's no terrain on the board.
- Mobile - practically everything in the army tags at least one of the following and usually more:
- Is loaded with Assault weapons.
- Has an 8" or 12" move.
- Has deep-strike or pre-game move.
- Ignores penalties for moving with Heavy weapons.
- Wonderful models, with the entire range having started in late 7e, fully in plastic (*cough* servitors) and most kits being bountiful with spare bits.
- Knight of the cog allows you to take a knight in your army for each detachment you have (FAQ needed to see if it costs 3CP or 1CP, check back later).
- Some of the best Troop and Heavy Support units of any Imperium faction.
- Some good buffs from 8th edition to make shelved units like Infiltrators and Ruststalkers playable. Ironstriders in particular have gone from almost unusable to one of the best fast attack options for the faction. Praise the Omnissiah!
- A well-balanced army with some strong options post-nerf.
- Models have an incredible level of detail that will always look impressive and reward skilled painters.
- A lot of rules. You have your canticles (which only affect Cult Mechanicus), your doctrinas (Which only affect Skitarii), the Skitarii WLTs (which have to be declared each Command phase), the new marshal that allows you to ignore the negatives on one unit with the doctrina, our flying transport being a CF of dumb rule writing, AND we have core keyword bingo! Bring a sheet of rule interactions with your games and a list of all the buffs you can get in the Command phase, because confusion will occur and you will miss multiple buffs if not careful.
- No psykers and no direct defense against them, unless you're from Graia, soup in the Inquisition, or have your snipers blow every witch off the board on the first turn. Obviously the terrain used in the battle impacts the viability of that last option.
- As a consequence of the above, you have no reliable source of Mortal Wounds as your only sources of them are 6s on wound from various units and through stratagems. But BOY OH BOY, do you get those MWs on 6s if you play the right strats and take the right units!
- Poor leadership across the board makes Morale relevant for once and forces you to either run MSU or pay for data-tethers and play your infantry around the broad-spectrum ones (though there are a couple really good strats to completely ignore this for multiple units near an objective marker).
- Your generic HQ sculpts have very little room for customization; sure, they have options but it can be really difficult to tell which gun is which from across the table, meaning they will all tend to look the same. Resorting to kitbashing or aftermarket parts can get around this a little.
- Very crowded Fast Attack slots with many good options competing for them - you're going to have to think long and hard on what you're gonna go with, or shell out the cp for an Outrider detachment to build your strategy around.
- Remember those abundant 5++ and 6++ invul saves? In 9th you have almost no 4++ and absolutely no 3++ in the whole Codex.
- Extremely schizophrenic meta position. They started 9th with OP cheese like CORE Ironstrider spam, got castrated by GW's October 2021 FAQ and the lack of rebalancing for an entire year, then Geedubs invalidated most all the nerfs in the 2022 dataslates, rubber-banding them back to the start (albeit still with the third lowest win rate in the game.)
- 10th Edition's faction focus kicked the Vanguard in the dick by dropping them to an Imperial guardsman statline (BS4+ Sv5+ Invuln 6+) from their previous halfway point between marine and guardsman (BS3+ Sv4+ Invuln 5+), with almost no buffs to compensate. No word on the Rangers or other unit changes, but that doesn't exactly bode well for the cog-boys' future in the meta.
- The high level of detail is a double-edged sword, taking a long time to paint. Long spindly protruding bits mean you will break something off at some point.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- Forge World Dogmas: An AdMech <Forge World> detachment gets this on everything except Servitors.
- Objective Secured: AdMech detachment Troops all get this.
- Knight of the Cog: Each AdMech detachment can add a Questor Mechanicum Superheavy Auxiliary detachment to grant the Knight of the Cog keyword. Mostly just allows them to benefit from Mechanicus stratagems and not screw with any battle-forged benefits.
Canticles of the Omnissiah[edit | edit source]
At the start of each battle round, you can activate one of the Canticles of the Omnissiah. Each Canticle can only be used once per game. They affect every unit that has the ability, which is listed on specific datasheets, but in actual practice every Cult Mechanicus unit has the ability and no Skitarii unit does (and no unit has both keywords).
Your army must be 100% Mechanicus (omitting any Unaligned, Agent of the Imperium, or Knight of the Cog units) to make use of these. So, if you want to "soup", you lose out on these. What is really good about Canticles now is that you are choosing them at the "start of each battle round", not on your turn. That means you can declare Shroudpsalm on turn 1 even if your opponent is going first.
- Benediction of the Omnissiah: One of the best ones, even if it is a bit redundant. It allows you to re-roll one hit, wound, and damage roll each time the unit shoots.
- As usual for rules like this, significantly better on smaller units and significantly worse on larger units.
- Chant of the Remorseless Fist: Add +1 to Strength when attacking in the fight phase, replacing Invocation of Machine Might.
- Incantation of the Iron Soul: Lets you ignore all penalties to combat attrition checks and mortal wounds on 5+++ (4+++ in Graia's case).
- Invocation of Machine Vengeance: Roll an additional unkept d6 any time a unit advances or charges.
- Litany of the Electromancer: Absolutely changed to be more defensive. Any melee attacks against a unit suffer a -1 penalty to hit.
- Shroudpsalm: Grants army-wide light cover, one of the best canticles. Depending on how much terrain is on the board, it might be best saved for turn 2, when the range closes and lines of sight become easier.
Doctrina Imperatives[edit | edit source]
Returning from 7E, your Skitarii got their boosts back...in a way. Instead of being essentially one of two different boosts with iterative tiers, you've got something more varied. As long as any Doctrina Assembler unit (Read: HQ and Datasmith) is on the field, they can swap it out at the beginning of the round and they last until the end of the round like canticles. Also like canticles, you can't use one more than once per game, but also like canticles, they're optional - you can choose not to take any imperative for a round if you like.
- Aggressor Imperative: The unit adds +3" to their movement, but their armor saves degrade by -1. Great for closing the gap, but consider swapping out for another one as soon as possible.
- Bulwark Imperative: The unit's armor saves are improved by +1 to a max of a 2+ save, but the unit suffers -3" movement.
- Conqueror Imperative: The unit's WS improves by +1 but their BS is worsened by -1. More for your serberys and sicarians than the rest.
- Protector Imperative: The unit's BS improves by +1 but their WS is worsened by -1. For your rangers and vanguard, this isn't really a concern, so feel free.
Holy Orders[edit | edit source]
So remember how the Space Marines had their Masters of the Chapter turned into something you paid for with power levels and points? Yeah, those Holy Order traits from Engine War are like that too now. You can now induct any nameless Tech-Priest into a holy order, which also helps things. Each order comes with one direct perk and a second, progressive perk. The progressive perk has one initial part that's active at the start of the game, but during the command phase, you can opt to activate the advanced part of the ability on the next command phase if you perform an action to change it.
- This means that for an entire turn your model won't be able to move or shoot in any way, and has all auras turned off. 'Pick a unit' abilities such as Awaken the Machine, Machine Focus, and Master of the Machine can be used before performing the action, however, so if you are planning on using an advanced order trait, it's probably worth putting on an Enginseer or Technoarcheologist.
<tabs> <tab name="Genetor (25pts)">
- Adaptive Mastery: Once per game when the genetor's on the field and you trigger a Battle Tactic Stratagem, you can opt to get a discount of 1 CP.
- Learnings of the Genetor:
- Initial - Biochemical Aggression: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core or Kataphron Servitors unit within 6". That unit will auto-wound on a nat 6 to hit in melee. Particularly handy if you pick up a more melee-focused dogma.
- Advanced - Hypercybernetic Physiology: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Servitors (Kataphron or generic, we don't care which) unit within 6". Until the next command phase, this unit gets a 6+++ FNP. A bit of a shame you lose out on melee capacity, but if you don't already have a tanky servitor via a dogma, this can plug up that hole.
</tab> <tab name="Logos (40pts)">
- Scriptural Prognosis: Once per game when the logos is on the field and you trigger a Strategic Ploy Stratagem, you can opt to get a discount of 1 CP.
- Analyses of the Logos:
- Initial - Predicted Barrage: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core unit within 6". This unit will ignore the AP of any AP-1 or AP-2 weapons, which can be absolutely disgusting because of how much this invalidates.
- Advanced - Flaws of the Foe: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core or Kataphron Servitors unit within 6". Until the start of the next command phase, this unit can ignore all cover whenever it attacks. This is quite potent because of how versatile this can prove to be.
</tab> <tab name="Magos (30pts)">
- Aggressive Subroutines: Once per game when the magos is on the field and you trigger an Epic Deed Stratagem, you can opt to get a discount of 1 CP.
- Divinations of the Magos:
- Initial - Predatory Programming: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core unit within 6". This unit adds +2 to their advance rolls until the next command phase, which can prove especially handy for Metalica.
- Advanced - Overloaded Safeguards: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core unit within 6". Until the next command phase, any nat 6 to hit with a ranged attack deals another hit, which can make gunlines devastating, since this works like +1 to hit, only it stacks with being BS2+ or having full re-rolls the way you want. The only downsides are that it doesn't work on a weapon that auto-hits and the additional hits won't proc abilities, so e.g. it has reduced benefit on radium carbines, since on a 6 to hit you'll get 1 auto-wound and 1 hit that needs to roll to wound. Often the best of the Advanced progressive abilities, because it doesn't require a potentially slow tech-priest to keep up with a potentially fast unit and the benefits are reliably under your control in terms of guaranteeing their relevance to the battle. A Dominus applying this to a BS3+ unit with the Protector Imperative up gets you a BS2+ unit that re-rolls 1s and hits twice on 6s to hit, which is 7/6 expected hits per shot taken - incredibly good on transuranic arquebi, for example.
</tab> <tab name="Artisan (35pts)">
- Archaeotech Modifications: Once per game when the artisan's on the field and you trigger a Wargear Stratagem, you can opt to get a discount of 1 CP.
- Fabrications of the Artisan:
- Initial - Enhanced Biomechanical Interface: During the movement phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core or Kataphron Servitors unit within 6". Until the next movement phase, this unit can charge and shoot after falling back, though it suffers a penalty of -1 to ranged hit rolls if it Falls Back.
- Advanced - Exquisite Calibration: During the command phase, you can pick one <FORGE WORLD> Core unit within 6". Until the next command phase, this unit adds +1 to the strength of all ranged attacks made by that unit. Galvanic rifles now wounding MEQ on 3s and T5 on 4s is amazing.
- The only real S points that are usually worthwhile are S3->S4->S5 and S7->S8->S9; S5->S6 and S6->S7 are useful against relatively fewer targets. The most benefit you can get from this is doubling your effectiveness if you go from wounding on 1s to 2s, and the least is going from 4s to 5s; in addition, this has reduced benefit on anything that auto-wounds (like Arc or Radium weapons) or otherwise has abilities that trigger on natural 6s to wound (since any roll that only wounds thanks to this buff necessarily won't trigger the ability).
- That means the really useful targets for this are few and far between, and if you use it, you'll have to accept some form of reduced utility. For example, slapping this on transuranic arquebi boosts them from S7 to S8 (excellent against T4 and T8, both of which are common), but not only doesn't improve them against T3 or T6, your ability to deal out mortal wounds doesn't improve.
- The only real S points that are usually worthwhile are S3->S4->S5 and S7->S8->S9; S5->S6 and S6->S7 are useful against relatively fewer targets. The most benefit you can get from this is doubling your effectiveness if you go from wounding on 1s to 2s, and the least is going from 4s to 5s; in addition, this has reduced benefit on anything that auto-wounds (like Arc or Radium weapons) or otherwise has abilities that trigger on natural 6s to wound (since any roll that only wounds thanks to this buff necessarily won't trigger the ability).
</tab> </tabs>
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Tech-Priest Traits"> Tech-Priest models only (Datasmith, Dominus, Manipulus, Technoarchaeologist, and Enginseer). Bear in mind the only <FORGE WORLD> Cult Mechanicus Core units that exist are both kinds of electro-priests and, while near a Datasmith, Kastelans.
- Emotionless Clarity: During the command phase, you can select a <FORGE WORLD> Cult Mechanicus Core unit within 6" of the warlord. This unit can charge after falling back.
- Masterwork Bionics: Hooo boy, this is tanky. The warlord gains a 4++ Invuln and reduces all damage taken by 1 to a minimum of 1. If you really want your dominus to last, this is the one.
- First-Hand Field Testing: Pick a single non-relic weapon the warlord wields. This weapon adds +1 to its Strength and Damage characteristics.
- Necromechanic: Each time your warlord uses Master of Machines to repair a friendly model, that model regains 3 wounds rather than the default d3.
- Can be combined with the 'Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land' relic if you cannot afford to lose that Onager.
- Cartogrammatist: One <FORGE WORLD> Cult Mechanicus Core unit can be set into reserves to then deep strike later. Double-dip that Lucius trick, but only on Electro-Priests (Kastelans have no way to be Core before they hit the table, which is when you have to pick the unit to deep strike).
- Supervisory Radiance: During the fight phase, pick one <FORGE WORLD> Cult Mechanicus Core unit within 9" of the warlord. This unit can re-roll to hit for this phase, which can be handy for your electro-priests.
- If you combine this with the Zealous Congregation stratagem on Corpuscarii, against a target you need a 5+ or 6+ to wound (usually T6+, but T7+ with Remorseless Fist up) you're better off re-rolling even successful hits, to fish for 6s to hit, which will get you 1 auto-wound and 2 more hits that need to roll, getting you a higher average than if you only re-roll failures.
</tab> <tab name="Skitarii Traits"> Skitarii Marshal only, so far. These are all based around buffing your <FORGE WORLD> Skitarii Core units during the command phase, and last until the next command phase. Do note that these only affect a single unit of skittles within 9" of the Marshal, or one unit of skittles with the Data-Tether keyword anywhere on the field.
- Multitasking Cortex: The selected unit can perform an action and shoot at the same time. Useful for battles with objectives, as you need to balance firepower with VP scoring; wasted for standard "Kill each other until there's one army standing" games.
- Battle-Sphere Uplink: The first half of Metalica's dogma, applied to one unit; advancing and firing assault weapons or moving and firing heavy weapons carries no BS penalty. Useless on Metalica, useful on other forge worlds - good synergy with a Rad-Saturated FW, due to the massive vanguard assault 3 spam.
- Programmed Retreat: Lets one unit shoot after Falling Back. Useful for pulling back your frontline infantry if they overextended and got charged. Particularly good if you like deploying your fast attackers mid-field, since they're vulnerable to charges from the enemy deployment zone.
- Archived Engagements: Allows the selected unit to attack first in the Fight phase. Take this for Sicarian-heavy lists due to their high number of attacks and potential for Mortal Wound fishing. Also useful for mounting a defence by your gunline infantry against a charge by hostile units; at the very least, the skittles being attacked might manage to scratch the charging enemy's paint before going down.
- Firepoint Telemetry Cache: Selected unit gets Light Cover (+1 to saves against ranged attacks) until the next command phase. If they're entirely on or within a piece of terrain and are Infantry, they get an extra +1 to their saves against ranged attacks as well as the Light Cover bonus.
- Recommended for a Marshal that's supervising large bricks of Vanguard, since this can make your frontline firepower pretty goddamn tanky; RAW, you can give your front-line troops a 2+ basic save against ranged attacks with clever positioning or the right Doctrina Imperative, letting your tinmen gain a MEQ save at T3.
- Eyes of the Omnissiah: Selected unit can re-roll advance and charge rolls. Another good one for melee-heavy lists; use it to get your Sicarians into a closer position for their all-important charge, then rush the bastards and hope for the best.
</tab> <tab name="Forge World Specific"> These are the warlord traits available to you if you play one of the codex forge worlds.
- AGRIPINAA, Verse of Vengeance:
- GRAIA, Mantra of Discipline:
- LUCIUS, Luminescent Blessing: CORE units within 9" can ignore unmodified wound rolls of 1-3 until the next command phase.
- MARS, Panegyric Procession: Warlord and a unit within 6" of it can choose a canticle to affect them, instead of the one affecting your army. Very situational due to its reliance on your WL's placement, but it can allow you to swap out a relatively useless canticle for a better one.
- Ashrunner: From Warzone Charadon: Book of Rust. Warlord gains +3M, +1S, and +1A.
- Master Annihilator: From Warzone Charadon: Book of Rust. Pick one friendly METALICA unit within 6" in your Command Phase. Radium weapons in that unit gain +6" range and +1S. Good for Vanguard-heavy lists when combined with a Manipulus' boost to AP and range, otherwise pretty meh due to the paucity of radium weapons beyond our infantry.
- Radioactive Emanation (Aura): From Warzone Charadon: Book of Rust. Non-METALICA units within 6" suffer -1T that is non-cumulative with other rules that reduce T. Pretty shitty next to the other WL traits; it all but requires your warlord to be in melee to get any use out of it (with the appropriate pitfalls), and it doesn't even stack with your tinmen's aura.
- Tribute of Emphatic Veneration:
- RYZA, Citation in Savagery: At the start of the Fight phase, select one friendly RYZA CORE unit within 6" of your warlord. Until the start of the next Fight phase, each time a model in that unit makes a melee attack, their attack's AP is boosted by 1.
- While the -1 AP is good if you're melee souping in Vanguard, remember that your melee-focused troops (Sicarians, Fulgurites) already have a good deal of AP and that you'll run into an invincible save before long. It's certainly not terrible, but there are better traits for melee lists out there.
- STYGIES VIII, Veiled Hunter: Select two units in your DZ at the start of the battle, then put them somewhere else in your deployment zone. Alternatively, put them into Reserves without having to pay CP.
- The first is pretty shitty unless you roll first and absolutely need to counter a part of your opponent's deployment, but the second lets you spring some nasty surprises on your enemies (particularly considering that the rule doesn't prohibit dropping two units of three Balistarii each 9" from the flanks of your enemy's advancing tanks/transports).
</tab> </tabs>
Secondary Objectives[edit | edit source]
Choosing your secondaries is one of the new parts of 9th and a way to make sure your army always has a way to score on something your army has built around.
<tabs name="Secondary Objectives"> <tab name="Purge the Enemy">
- Accretion of KnowledgeCodex: At the end of the game, you get 3 VP for each model you killed with a WT, relic, or the Vehicle keyword and 14+ wounds. Pretty much an improved Slay the Warlord since you can also score against any model with a WT or relic because of a stratagem; lists where you can't get this up to 6 VP at least are few and far between. Note that this objective can't be scored on Monsters, and it's generally arbitrary whether a model is one or the other (e.g. Riptides and Ghostkeels are both Monsters, if you're fighting Tau).
- Assassinate: 3 VP per Character killed. We have the best sniper rifles in the game if we can set them up, and with a 60" range we can hit the entire goddamn table. This is an excellent secondary for us.
- Bring it Down: 2 VP per Vehicle or Monster with W10 or less, 3 VP for W11 or more. Worth considering if your enemy brings enough tanks to max it out. If your enemy brings nothing but high-wound vehicles, you can double-dip this and Accretion of Knowledge for 9 VP per W14+ vehicle you destroy, but that will usually not be the best choice.
- Titan Slayers: 10 for killing a single Titanic, 15 for 2, and no additional rewards for more.
- Slay the Warlord: 6 VPs for killing the enemy Warlord; you have the best snipers in the game, but the problem lies in this secondary's value. It's only 6 points - Assassinate and Accretion of Knowledge will both surpass this as soon as you kill your third valid target, and they'll equal it at two valid targets.
</tab> <tab name="Warpcraft">
- Abhor the Witch: This is really a Purge the Enemy type objective, but it is what it is. Score 5 victory points at the end of the battle for each enemy PSYKER CHARACTER unit that is destroyed, and 3 victory points for every other enemy PSYKER unit that is destroyed. The only secondary in this category you can take in pure admech but stacks nicely with your super-snipers and Assassinate to remove those dirty witches. As with all armies very good against Grey Knights and Thousand Sons
- One of Admech's strengths is we can take allies with little penalty so an inquisitor or a guard patrol can add up to 5 psykers cheaply if you want to switch the other psychic objectives on.
</tab> <tab name="No Mercy, No Respite">
- Eradication of FleshCodex: Gain 3 VP for each battle round where you have at least one Adeptus Mechanicus Vehicle on the field and your units have killed more Infantry units than the enemy killed your Vehicles.
- First Strike: A worthwhile consideration, but the biggest problem with this, much like Slay the Warlord, is that we simply have other things in this category which we're more likely to earn more points with - the hard cap of 8 is deeply unfortunate. Score 5 victory points at the end of the battle if any enemy units were destroyed in the first battle round, and score an additional 3 victory points if more enemy units than friendly units were destroyed in the first battle round.
- Thin their Ranks: Kataphrons provide some quite lovely anti-infantry firepower, and you also have solid AT. A very worthwhile secondary to supplement Titan Slayers and Bring it Down. Bear in mind the math on this one: its net VP is functionally 1 per W10+ model killed, and then 1/10 floored of the W9- models you kill.
- While We Stand, We Fight: The "Keep Cawl and the Knight Alive" secondary. Works well with Cawl's Moving Castle if you want to stack some bigger things in that area. We've also got access to more healing on our vehicles than most armies, making this one seem particularly appealing (for castles who have little choice) the reality is you might keep Cawl alive but that Knight is gone as is your third vehicle. However if you want to leverage this you don't take Cawl or a Knight you take a skitarii horde with cheap characters and surround your characters with 150 skitarii and secutarii and say "bring it".
</tab> <tab name="Battlefield Supremacy">
- Hidden ArchaeovaultCodex: At the beginning of the game, your enemy can pick one objective. You score 2 VP at the end of each round you control this objective, and score an additional 5 if you end the game with this objective under your control. It's a good thing that you have plenty of ways to castle around the objective and Acquisition at Any Cost makes sure you won't let your grip falter from a bad turn of shooting.
- Uncharted SequencingCodex: Select one unique objective marker for each round at the beginning of the game. Score 3 VP if you control the objective you selected for that round.
- Domination: If I hold all objectives I've won primary and this doubles up on it for a big timmy win. The problem is in the game where you lose primary and need to make points back you will lose big. The horde and navy builds can do this but engage on all fronts is better. The castle will struggle with this one as it struggles with primaries.
- Engage on All Fronts: Not the best choice for a Cawl castle. The cogboys prefer to keep under the bubbles of Cawl and Kastelans. However, a brilliant choice for the skitarii horde or navy, which were made for this.
- Linebreaker: A worthwhile consideration if Dragoons hadn't been nerfed to oblivion. If you want take this mission use serberys raiders and Imperial Knight allies. The navy is probably the best mono build to attempt this but has easier options.
</tab> <tab name="Shadow Operations">
- Investigate Sites: One of the better secondaries to go with a Castle. Concentrating your forces near the center and then blasting away under the cog banner is a solid method for gathering points, just make sure to bring some chaff to handle the digging while the big guns fire. **Alternate take: a poor choice; it sounds good in theory, but many enemies will want to take the centre and you tend to want a gap between your vehicles and the enemy. It also makes it harder for a castle list that already struggles with the primary as it gives you an extra point to hold; meanwhile, the skitarii horde can do it but might well be better with raise the banner high on most missions.
- Raise the Banners High: Similar to Domination, and if you're going for one you may as well take both. If you decide to plant yourself on a point and not move, you're more than capable of becoming a real thorn to get rid of. However, one must be careful not to spread oneself too thin.
- Alternate take: one of the stronger skitarii horde choices and a passable navy choice. The main thing to note is that on missions with 6 objectives this will be a lot higher scoring than on missions with 4 objectives.
- Repair Teleportation Homer: The main problem with us using this secondary is that it requires infantry. We've got speedy serberys raiders, but our infantry is neither quick enough to get there nor durable enough to reliably get the full action off without support. You could punch all the way there with a moving castle, but you could have also spent the turns moving getting points from Investigate Sites.
</tab> </tabs>
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
<tabs name="Stratagems by Type"> <tab name="Battle Tactic"> This category can be rendered cheaper by Genetors.
- Assassin Constructs (1 CP): Select one Sicarian unit during the Fight Phase. This unit gains a bonus attack if they charge, get charged, or perform a heroic intervention.
- Dunestriders (1 CP): Pick an Ironstrider Engine or Serberys unit during the Movement Phase. They always add 6" to their advance rolls instead of rolling, their Heavy weapons are turned into Assault (which is only useful on the useless Radium Jezzail), and they suffer no penalties for shooting after advancing. All of this makes for an incredible gift, as it allows your ballistarii to fire even as they change positions and lets the dogbois open fire as soon as they inhumanly can.
- Electromancer's Wrath (1 CP): During the shooting phase, select a single non-vehicle enemy unit within 12" of a friendly Electro-Priest unit. Roll a d6 for this unit, subtracting 1 if they're a character. On a 2-5, this unit suffers d3 mortal wounds, doubling to 2d3 on a 6. Not too impressive, but it gives you some off-turn shooting. Helps us make up for a lack of smite for those juicy MWs. This is functionally the Dataspike strat but better, due to the enhanced range.
- Elimination Volley (2 CP): Select a Kataphron Servitors unit during the Shooting Phase. Any time this unit fires at an enemy within half range and rolls a nat 6 to hit, the attack automatically wounds. Way different than before, but this makes sure that your attacks make their mark at all costs.
- Machine Superiority (1 CP): Select one Skitarii unit during the fight phase. This unit adds +1 to their Strength characteristic for the rest of the phase.
- Zealous Congregation (2 CP): During the Fight Phase, select an Electro-Priest unit from your army. Any nat 6s to hit this unit makes during this phase automatically wound.
- Radically nerfed when trying to get your Fulgurites up to 4++, because an auto-wound from them can't be mortal. Has a more significant impact on Corpuscarii, who already want nat 6s to hit.
</tab> <tab name="Epic Deed"> This category can be rendered cheaper by Magi.
- Data-Blessed Autosermon (1 CP): During the command phase, select one Adeptus Mechanicus unit within 6" of a Tech-Priest. Both of these units can now use a single canticle that you hadn't already used, which works if you plan on shepherding a specific model onward.
- Dataspike (1 CP): Select a Tech-Priest unit when they are about to fight. Select an enemy vehicle within engagement range and roll a d6; on a 2-5, the enemy suffers d3 mortal wounds, but on a 6 this turns to 3+d3 mortal wounds. A way easier way to crack tanks open.
- That means the expected number of mortal wounds is 13/6, slightly more than 2. By contrast, the Skull of Elder Nikola artifact deals 1.5 (9/6) mortal wounds per target at 12", and the Arc Grenades stratagem deals 2 at 6".
- Benevolence of the Omnissiah (1 CP): Use when an Adeptus Mechanicus VEHICLE is about to suffer a mortal wound. The model ignores each mortal wound on a 4++ for the rest of the phase.
- Tech-Adept (1 CP): Select one Tech-Priest unit during either the Command Phase or the Movement Phase. When used in the Command Phase, this lets you trigger the Machine Focus or Awaken the Machine ability twice, which are on your enginseers and technoarchaeologists, respectively. When used during the Movement Phase, the techie can make two repair rolls a turn, but remember, you can't repair the same model more than once per turn.
</tab> <tab name="Requisition"> All of the following have a hard cap on the number of times they can be used (1 for Combat Patrol, 2 for Strike Force, and 3 for Onslaught).
- Archaeotech Specialists (1 CP): The stratagem for extra relics.
- Artefactotum (1 CP): Skitarii sergeants can also grab extra relics from the following: Cage of Varadimas, Omniscient Mask, Skull of Elder Nikola, or Temporcopia.
- Quick recap: the cage is the one that lets the wielder hit a non-vehicle in melee to give it -1 to hit rolls, the mask is a 6" bubble of nat 6s to hit hitting an additional time, the temporcopia inflicts Always Strikes Last on a unit within 3", and the skull deals 1.5 mortal wounds to each vehicle within 12" when the wielder shoots.
- Mechanicus Locum (1 CP): The extra WTs stratagem. Especially useful if you have a Skitarii Marshal and a Tech-Priest, because the Marshal has access to better Warlord Traits in general but only a Tech-Priest can take your Forge World-specific WT.
- Host of the Intermediary (1 CP): Also grants additional WTs, but only to the sergeants of a Skitarii unit. Again, this allows your force to manipulate things from the front (and without the baggage of an exposed hero) though this warlord may be much squishier, depending on how you build its unit.
- Remember, Skitarii warlord traits don't require the warlord to be on the table, provided the target to be buffed has data-tether. You can access any traits you buy this way while the warlord is embarked and/or waiting to deep strike, provided you brought data-tethers to the party.
</tab> <tab name="Strategic Ploy"> This category can be rendered cheaper by Logi.
- Acquisition at Any Cost (1 CP): Once per game only. Select an objective marker during the morale phase. Any Adeptus Mechanicus unit from your army completely within 6" auto-pass any morale checks. Handy, but much less so than the old version and wasted on Graia.
- Binharic Overide (1 CP): Once per game at the start of any phase, you can change the Kastelan battle protocols on one of your units. However, they are stuck in the new mode for the rest of the game. If your Fist Kastellans have already reached melee but their Datasmith was killed before changing to Conqueror Protocols, this will let them avenge him.
- Booster Thrust (1 CP): At the end of the turn, you can throw one Pteraxii unit back into reserves as long as it was not set up this turn. Throw them back wherever on the next movement phase. With how flighty they are, you'll be throwing this around a bit if you want to keep them away from retribution.
- Circuitous Assassins (1 CP): Use at the end of the Movement phase. Select one Sicarian unit that is wholly within 9" of any battlefield edge. Remove that unit from the battlefield. In the Reinforcements step of the next Movement phase, you can set up that unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy units and wholly within 9" of any battlefield edge. Damn, those ninja-bots are fast.
- Note that this lets you get Sicarians into any battlefield edge, including that of your enemy. If there's good terrain on the board, it's entirely possible for you to drop a 10-man unit of murderous ninja-bots into the opponent's DZ while keeping them in cover for a turn 2 charge, or just lock down an area of the board. This also makes Sicarians pretty good for actions that have to trigger at the end of the Movement phase - just drop them in a corner of the table then trigger the action.
- Crushing Weight (1 CP): Select a unit of Ironstrider Engines or Kastelan Robots that just charged. Select an enemy unit within engagement range of this unit and roll a d6 for each of your models that is within engagement range, dealing a MW on a 2+. While hardly enough to wipe out an enemy unit, it can help push the edge a little bit, especially for fisting kastelans and sydonian dragoons. Dont be afraid to throw your balistarii into combat with this too to avoid being shot; there are a number of ways to let you fall back and shoot in the codex now, and this is an extra little bonus.
- Deeply Sunk Talons (1 CP): Use this stratagem in your opponent's movement phase when a non-vehicle enemy unit within 1" of any Pteraxii Sterylizors unit from your army is chosen to fall back. Roll one D6; on a 2+, that enemy unit cannot fall back this turn.
- Electro-Shocked (1 CP): Select one enemy unit engaged with a Cult Mechanicus Core or Cult Mechanicus Character unit to fight last. Expect to use this a lot to protect your electro-priests from some counter-attack or ensure that the Pseudogenetor can make a swing before your hero gets broken.
- Keep this in mind for your forward-roaming tech priests supporting skitarii units, too. Heroically intervening a charge and letting your guys fight first can really help throw the balance of combat in your favour, especially when it's mostly considered an electro-priest strat.
- Machine Spirit's Revenge (1 CP): Select a Adeptus Mechanicus vehicle that's lost its last wound; it explodes with no need to roll for it. Apparently, the Mechanicus has no problem stealing a page from the Death Guard playbook as well. A farewell "Fuck you" from your fallen Dragoon.
- Especially useful with the termite drills. You're charging those things into combat after deep striking anyways, either to soak overwatch for its assaulty passengers, or to punk an enemy vehicle or monster. In most cases, if you aren't playing with your head up your ass, the drill should bite the dust with enemies near it. When it does, HAHA BOOM BUTTERCUP. Unfortunately, due to being only for AdMech vehicles it means you cannot charge the Dominus-class Knight into melee and make it explode in the middle of the enemy's army. Fortunately, you have a Drill...
- Very nice with archeopters too, their giant base size means they have quite a big range of dishing out D3 MW, and they tend to die anyway.
- Tactic Obliqua (2 CP): Use when a Serberys Raiders unit becomes the target of a charge. So long as this enemy unit isn't within engagement range, you can immediately Normal Move them in any direction, potentially forcing the enemy to pick a new enemy to charge. Your raiders won't be able to overwatch or set to defend for this turn, but that's fine.
</tab> <tab name="Wargear"> This category can be rendered cheaper by Artisans.
- Arc Grenades (1 CP): A previous unit rule that now costs CP to use but got a bit of a boost. Pick one Adeptus Mechanicus Arc Grenades unit (i.e. Skystalkers) within 6" of an enemy vehicle during the Shooting phase. Roll a d6 for this enemy vehicle; on a 2-5 this vehicle takes d3 MWs, 6 ups it to 2d3 MWs. Expect to use this plenty, as it's a very easy way to dent vehicles with troops.
- The expected mortal wounds from this is 2.
- Remember, this works even if the unit is down to only one model left, and it works even if the unit is engaged. However, when you deep strike, you'll be out of range during your shooting phase.
- Chain-Taser Protocols (1 CP): Select one of your units during the Fight Phase. Any taser weapons they have now deal 2 extra hits on a nat 5+ to hit. This can help stack up the blows in your favour in a fight. Makes taser goad infiltrators and sydonian dragoons very dangerous in larger numbers.
- Electro-Filament Countermeasures (1 CP): Use at the end of your Movement Phase. Select one Archaeopter unit from your army (can be any of the three variations) that is equipped with a command uplink. Until the start of your next turn, one enemy unit within 6" is now immune to auras of your enemies.
- Remember, a model inside the aura projects its aura outside even though it itself won't benefit, while a model outside the aura range has the portion inside disabled.
- Be aware that an ability is an aura if and only if it's labeled as such, so an ability that satisfies the game definition of aura but isn't labeled as such isn't nullified by this in any way. For example, the selected enemy unit isn't immune to a fellow enemy unit's Explode ability.
- Enriched Rounds (1CP): When one unit from your army fires radium guns at a non-vehicle enemy unit, they will automatically wound on a nat 4+ to hit.
- For its cost, this Strat is great with a Vanguard-heavy list; assuming a 20-man unit of all-carbine VG shooting on their standard 3+ to hit, you're looking at a maximum (60 shots*1/3rd chance of 5+ hit roll) 20 auto wounds followed by any regular attacks.
- Galvanic Volley Fire (2 CP): When a pack of Skitarii rangers fire, you can pull this to turn their galvanic rifles into Heavy 3 guns, giving them the chance to really blanket the enemy in firepower. 60 shots at full range can and will take down many things, making this great for your backliners to fuck up anything that's getting too close to your HS.
- Incense Exhausts (1 CP): Pick one Adeptus Mechanicus Smokescreen unit during the enemy's Shooting Phase. All shots made against this unit take -1 to hit.
- Infoslave Skull (2 CP): Use after an enemy unit arrives on the battlefield as reinforcements within 12" of one of your core units. You can immediately shoot at the enemy as if it were the shooting phase, now without penalty. Coteaz called, he wants his shtick back.
- Overloaded Systems (1 CP/2 CP): Use whenever an enemy Vehicle suffers a wound from an arc weapon (the increased cost happens if the target is Titanic). If this enemy has a wound track, roll a d6; on a 2+, this vehicle counts as having half as many wounds until your next Command Phase. This can be particularly terrifying if you try, say, immobilizing an enemy transport with arc rifles in the very beginning or bullying a redemptor with an arc maul.
- Seismic Bomb (1 CP): Use in your movement phase after moving one Archaeopter Fusilave model from your army (aka the bomber variation). Select one enemy unit your bomber moved over that phase. The enemy is shaken in their next movement phase: halve its move characteristic and the result of any advance or charge rolls made for it. Shaken does not affect Fly or Titanic units.
</tab> </tabs>
Stratagems by Phase[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Before Battle">
- ARCHEOTECH SPECIALISTS (Requisition): If your Warlord is Adeptus Mechanicus, pick one Adeptus Mechanicus Character and give them any relic they can hold. This is how you make an Enginseer into a relic caddy for backseat supervision, or buff a Priest.
- ARTEFACTOTUM (Requisition): 1CP cost, usable only once per battle (twice in Strikeforce, thrice in Onslaught). Lets you give one Skitarii Princeps a relic (The Cage of Varadimas, the Temporcopia, The Omniscient Mask, or The Skull of Elder Nikola), so long as they can wield it according to the relic's description.
- HOST OF THE INTERMEDIARY (Requisition): One Skitarii Princeps gets a Skitarii Warlord Trait; as ever, the WLT can't be used by another model in your army. Very good for creating a front-line mini-Marshal, like giving Eyes of the Omnissiah to a Ruststalker Princeps.
- MECHANICUS LOCUM (Requisition): Host of the Intermediary for Tech-Priests. Applies to one Adeptus Mechanicus Character, giving them a Tech-Priest WLT.
- BOLSTER DEFENCES (Mechanicus Defence Cohort – Strategic Ploy)
- CYBERNETICA COHORT (Specialist Detachment)
- SERVITOR MANIPLE (Specialist Detachment)
- ENHANCED BIONICS (Servitor Maniple)
- INDENTURED MACHINES (Agripinaa – Requisition)
- LEGIO TELEPORTARIUM (Lucius – Wargear)
- KNIGHT OF THE IRON COG (Metalica – Requisition)
</tab> <tab name="During Deployment">
</tab> <tab name="Any Phase">
- BINHARIC OVERRIDE (Strategic Ploy)
- BIONIC ENDURANCE (Skitarii Veteran Cohort – Strategic Ploy)
- RAD-OVERSATURATION (Metalica – Battle Tactic)
</tab> <tab name="Friendly Command Phase">
- TECH-ADEPT (Epic Deed)
- RAD-BOMBARDMENT (Mechanicus Defence Cohort – Strategic Ploy)
- ORDER IN ANARCHY (Metalica – Battle Tactic)
</tab> <tab name="Friendly Movement Phase">
- CIRCUITOUS ASSASSINS (Strategic Ploy): For 1CP, a Sicarian unit gets removed from the board and can be set back up on the battlefield in the reinforcement phase of your next turn. Standard reinforcement rules apply: they have to be set up within 9" of any battlefield edge and more than 9" away from any enemy models.
- DUNESTRIDERS (Battle Tactic): Ironstriders, Dragoons, and Serberys units get 6" movement when Advancing, any Heavy weapons become Assault, and they don't suffer the usual -1 to hit after advancing. Really goddamn useful for getting your laschickens into position or threatening a turn 1-2 charge with the Dragoons/Serberys skirmishers.
- SEISMIC BOMB (Wargear): Used in the movement phase, once an Archeopter Fusilave finishes its move. One unit that isn't Titanic or Fly-ing has its move, advance, and charge roles halved until your next movement phase. This is really useful for tying up enemy powerhouses, like high-damage tanks or melee blenders.
- TECH-ADEPT (Epic Deed)
- EXPEDITED PURGE PROTOCOL (Skitarii Veteran Cohort – Strategic Ploy)
- STRAFING FIRE RUN (Cybernetic Cohort)
- MARCH TO WAR (Metalica – Battle Tactic)
</tab> <tab name="Enemy Movement Phase">
- DEEPLY SUNK TALONS (Strategic Ploy): Lets your Pteraxii prevent an enemy unit from Falling Back on a 2+ roll.
</tab> <tab name="Enemy Psychic Phase">
- STEEL MIND, IRON LOGIC (Graia – Wargear)
</tab> <tab name="Friendly Shooting Phase">
- ARC GRENADES (Wargear): Pteraxii Skystalkers only, targeting a vehicle in 6" of the unit. Gives you a 4/6 chance of D3 mortal wounds, 1/6 chance for 2D3 mortal wounds, and 1/6 chance of doing nothing. Usually not worth it due to simple unpredictability and the randomised mortal values.
- ENRICHED ROUNDS (Wargear): For 1CP, your Vanguard's radium carbines auto-wound on unmodified 4+ hit rolls against non Vehicle units (note that re-rolled dice with no other modifiers are "unmodified"). Very effective and cheap on 20-man Vanguard units, and also a very good way of becoming That Guy if it's spammed all across the board.
- BINHARIC OFFENSE (Skitarii Veteran Cohort – Battle Tactic)
- CITATION OF RUIN (Mechanicus Defence Cohort – Battle Tactic)
- PRE-CALIBRATED PURGE SOLUTION (Mechanicus Defence Cohort – Battle Tactic)
- NOOSPHERIC MINDLOCK (Servitor Maniple)
- DEAFENING ASSAULT (Metalica – Wargear)
- EXTINCTION ORDER (Metalica – Epic Deed)
- PLASMA SPECIALISTS (Ryza – Battle Tactic)
- PURITY OF THE MACHINE (Metalica – Battle Tactic)
- WRATH OF MARS (Mars – Battle Tactic)
</tab> <tab name="Enemy Shooting Phase">
</tab> <tab name="Friendly Charge Phase">
- CRUSHING WEIGHT (Strategic Ploy)
- POWER SURGE (Cybernetica Cohort)
</tab> <tab name="Enemy Charge Phase">
- TACTICA OBLIQUA (Strategic Ploy)
</tab> <tab name="Any Fight Phase">
- ASSASSIN CONSTRUCTS (Battle Tactic): Sicarians only, gives all models in the unit an extra attack if they were charged or charged someone. Combine this with Machine Superiority and the Temporcopeia/Cage of Varadimas on a Ruststalker unit to make your opponent cry.
- DATASPIKE (Epic Deed)
- ELECTRO-SHOCKED (Strategic Ploy)
- AGGRESSION OVERRIDE (Skitarii Veteran Cohort – Battle Tactic)
- BLARING GLORY (Metalica – Strategic Ploy)
</tab> <tab name="Any Morale Phase">
- OMNISSIAH'S EXALTATION (Metalica – Strategic Ploy)
</tab> <tab name="End of Friendly Turn">
- BOOSTER THRUST (Strategic Ploy): Lets your Pteraxii fuck off back into deepstrike at the end of your turn, but cannot be used if they've been set up on the field this turn. Nowhere near as useful as it used to be, but can get your glass cannons out of a pinch if absolutely necessary.
</tab> </tabs>
Wargear[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Arc">
- Arc weapons: Haywire is back! All codex Arc weapons (sorry hoplites) wound VEHICLEs on a natural 4+ and gain +1D; Arc Lances are the major exception.
- Arc Claw: Default Breacher weapon, at A+1 S+1 AP-3 D1, D2 vs VEHICLEs.
- Arc Lance: S+3 AP-1 D1, D1d3 vs VEHICLEs. 10 Hoplites with re-rolls can reliably destroy a DEQ in a single round of combat.
- Do not auto-wound VEHICLEs on 4+, unlike all other Arc weapons.
- Arc Maul: An up-volted power maul S+3 AP-2 D1, D2 vs VEHICLEs.
- Arc Scourge: Cawl's signature melee weapon, Sx2(10) AP-2 D1, and auto-wounds VEHICLEs on unmodified 2+ to wound, not 4+.
- Servo-arc claw: Found only on the technoarchaeologist, this is an upgraded servo-arm: still only 1 attack per Fight, but S+3 AP-2 D3, D4 vs VEHICLEs.
</tab> <tab name = "Omnissian">
- Omnissian Weapons: These are just master-crafted Power Weapons, or if you prefer, flat D2 Force Weapons.
- Omnissian Axe: S+2 AP-2 D2 for Domini and Enginseers.
- Omnissian Staff: S+3 AP-1 D2. Exclusive to the Manipulus.
</tab> <tab name = "Servo">
- Servo Weapons: Can only make 1 attack each time the bearer fights.
- Servo-arm: Sx2 AP-2 D3 for Enginseers and basic Servitors.
- Servo-arc claw: Found only on the technoarchaeologist, this is an upgraded servo-arm: still only 1 attack per Fight, but S+3 AP-2 D3, D4 vs VEHICLEs.
</tab> <tab name = "Taser">
- Taser weapons: +2 hits on a natural 6 to hit, but for 1CP you can make it trigger on 5 or 6 via Chain-taser Protocols.
- Taser goad: S+2 AP-1 D1, available to Skitarii Alphas, mandatory on Pteraxii Alphas, and an option for entire squads of Infiltrators. Mostly a status symbol on the former, but a potent anti-horde weapon on the later.
- Electrostatic gauntlets: S+2 AP-1 D1 as well, but not actually taser weapons, so Chain-Taser Protocols won't work on them.
- Taser lance: The Dragoon's big poking stick with S+3 AP-2 D2.
- Taser goad: S+2 AP-1 D1, available to Skitarii Alphas, mandatory on Pteraxii Alphas, and an option for entire squads of Infiltrators. Mostly a status symbol on the former, but a potent anti-horde weapon on the later.
</tab> <tab name = "Transonic">
- Transonic weapons: Unmodified wound rolls of 6 deal +1 mortal wound.
- Transonic Blades: S+1 AP-3 D1. High AP lets them absolutely rape anything without an invulnerable save, while the strength gives them the advantage against MEQ-toughness and below. Combine with the Ryza wound boost to really paint the table red.
- Transonic Razor: SU AP-2 D1. Mediocre next to the Blades now that they're a free upgrade, with worse AP and strength.
- Chordclaw: This is a Space Marine chainsword: A+1 SU AP-1 D1, unfortunately trash compared to transonic blades. Keep it on the Princeps alone since he can take it along with his blades.
</tab> <tab name = "Other">
- Cavalry Sabre: Found on Serberys Raiders. S+1 AP-1 D1 weapons, mostly a decorative weapon since Raiders are not really a melee unit and only get 2 attacks with it.
- Clawed Limbs: Found on the Raiders and Sulphurhounds, A+2 S+1 AP0 D1, akin to chainswords. Can help clear chaff if you charge after your dogs' primary volley, but don't count on them to do heavy work.
- Control Stave: A power maul by another name and hence an Arc Maul but worse, S+3 AP-1 D1. Exclusive to the Skitarii Marshal.
- Electroleech Stave: S5 AP-2 D2, 6s to wound inflict 2MW instead, way more consistent with the new codex.
- Hydraulic Claw: Breacher power fist, Sx2 AP-2 D3 with no penalty to hit.
Unfortunately there is no way to boost their damage, as breachers lack CORE.Guess what fuckers. Dominus-Breacher melee punch is in. - Kastelan Fists: Better than power fists, hitting at S10 AP-3 with flat 3 Damage, all without any penalty to hit, gains +1 attack per fist with the new codex.
- Power Sword: Available to Infiltrators and Skitarii Alphas. As with any power sword, designed as an anti-marine weapon and shines against heavy infantry in the hands of Infiltrators. More of a fashion statement on Alphas, though.
</tab> </tabs>
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Arc">
- Arc weapons: Haywire is back! All codex Arc weapons (sorry hoplites) wound VEHICLEs on a natural 4+ and gain +1D on average; Arc Lances are the major exception.
- Arc Lance: S6 AP-1 D1, D1d3 vs VEHICLEs.
- Arc Pistol: Available to Skitarii Alphas, 12" Pistol 1 S6 AP-2 D1, D2 vs VEHICLEs.
- Arc Rifle: 30" Rapid Fire 1 S6 AP-2 D1d3, D3 vs VEHICLEs.
- Heavy Arc Rifle: 36" Heavy 2 S6 AP-2 D2, D3 vs VEHICLEs Breacher signature gun. Not that much of a step up from its smaller cousin. S6 AP-2 D2/3 can still be used to bully marines and vehicels. However Kataphrons now lack any way to improve their damage output.
</tab> <tab name = "Cognis">
- Cognis Weapons: Assault weapons that distinguish themselves from standard equivalent armaments by being easy to fire on the move and having increased shots.
- Cognis Flamer: 1d6+2 because cognis makes this more reliable than your run of the mill flamer. It lost its superiour overwatch from 8th but like all new flamers, gained a 12" range up from 8".
- Cognis Heavy Stubber: The old reliable .50 Browning in space. Available to the Skorpius variants and the Onager as a supplementary weapon for self defense, or to pick off infantry while its main gun is busy elsewhere. Essentially superior to the trash stubbers they manufacture for the Adeptus Militarum by being assault instead of heavy and firing 4 shots instead of 3.
- Twin Cognis Autocannon: It's two autocannons, stuck together. However, because it's cognis it fires 6 shots instead of 4 and is assault. The martians really do keep all of the best hardware for themselves.
- Twin Cognis Heavy Stubber: The Skorpius Dunerider has one of these.
- Twin Cognis Lascannon: Again, two lascannons but stuck together. It bucks the cognis trend by not having more shots than your standard lascannon but it is assault; instead of more shots it hits harder, at d3+3 damage, making them much more reliable when it comes to wrecking heavies.
</tab> <tab name = "Eradication">
- Eradication weapons: Reverse Conversion weaponry (or Mechanicum Melta), hitting harder the closer they are. Useful against a variety of targets; positioning is paramount.
- Eradication Beamer: While Neutron lasers are considered the default and anti-tank option for your Onagers, this can be seen as the cheaper all-rounder one. Heavy D6 Str8 AP-3 D2, it's primarily weighted against multi-wound infantry from 13"-36" and still capable of doing light anti-tank duty. At 18" and closer it can switch to a AP-4 D3 profile.
- Eradication Pistol: Daedalosus carries a hand-held version!
- Eradication Ray: The more expensive option on the Dominus. Generally better damage output than the Volkite against marines or light vehicles, but unreliable in the number of shots.
</tab> <tab name = "Flechette">
- Flechette weapons: Essentially 5-shot lasguns. While the weapon profile is unimpressive on its own, the sheer volume of shots shreds light infantry. Even so 50 shots does average 1.85 wounds on terminator, so pick weak units as target. The high number of shots makes them a ideal for certain stratagems like Wrath of Mars (50 shots does average 5-6 mortal wounds).
- Flechette Blaster: Pistol 5 version that Infiltrators and Pteraxii alphas get.
- Flechette Carbine: Main armament of the Skystalkers, with 18" Assault 5.
</tab> <tab name = "Galvanic">
- Galvanic weapons: Described as hand-carried rail guns in the fluff, but rather poorly reflected in the crunch as S4 AP-1 D1 weapons.
- Galvanic Carbine: An Assault 2 18" version of the Galvanic Rifle totted by Serberys Raiders. The gun itself is forgettable, but the rule on the model that allows it to target characters and inflict Mortal Wounds on 6s is what makes it an actual menace.
- Galvanic Rifle: The basic Heavy 2 30" gun of your Rangers. Pretty good gun for such a cheap light infantry unit, with its impressive range it'll likely contribute something even while your skittles are camping backfield objectives. Can be combined with the Galvanic Volley Fire stratagem to make it rapid fire 2 when someone tries to get the jump on your backfield rangers.
</tab> <tab name = "Phosphor">
- Phosphor weapons: Guns that deny their victims dense cover and feature S5 AP-1 across the board, with some exceptions.
- Heavy Phosphor Blaster: Has now been split into 3 different weapons. Normal HPB remains the same at 36" Heavy 3 S6 AP-2 D1. This is the shoulder mounted weapon for Kastelans.
- Kastelan Phosphor Blaster: Can now be taken as a single to rock a fist and a gun on a single bot; is nearly the same as the shoulder gun but with worse range and AP: 24" S6 AP-1 D2.
- Phosphor Blast Pistol: Now gains D3 shots to fit its name, but has Blast, making it useless in melee where a pistol is supposed to shine.
- Phosphor Blast Carbine: One in three Sulphurhounds gets to replace one of the pistols with a 24" Assault 2d3 Blast gun. Pretty great on its own, but costs as much as its wielder in points, so you might want to stick to pistols.
- Phosphor Blaster: 24" Rapid Fire 1", a pocket Heavy Bolter sidearm on your Kataphron Destroyers.
- Phosphor Pistol: Your Sulphurhound cowboys are toting two of these each. They come at S4 though.
- Phosphor Serpenta: Another sidearm for your Dragoons and Domini. It's 18" Assault 1, so you won't be firing it in melee unless you're a Dragoon.
- Phosphor Torch: 12" S4 phosphor flamers of your Sterylizors. Can be fired straight out of deep-strike.
- Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster: Better version of the Kastelan gun mounted on the Onager: 36" Heavy 8 S6 AP-2 D2. Finally a different choice for the Onager.
- Heavy Phosphor Blaster: Has now been split into 3 different weapons. Normal HPB remains the same at 36" Heavy 3 S6 AP-2 D1. This is the shoulder mounted weapon for Kastelans.
</tab> <tab name = "Plasma">
- Plasma weapons: High-risk high-reward weapons with high baseline AP that let you choose between two profiles: a standard one to kill single-wound models, and a Supercharged profile that bumps to S8 and D2, making it the go-to marine killer; on the flip side, unmodified rolls of 1 now either kill or Mortally Wound the wielder.
- Plasma Caliver: An Assault 2 version on your Skitarii. The only version available on an expendable model, so supercharge it to your heart's content. Its range was increased to 30" in the switch over to 9th, and the increased range is highly appreciated.
- Plasma Cannon: It's on servitors.
- Plasma Culverin: Being 36" Heavy 1d6 it has a bit less power than two plasma cannons while only costing a few points more than one of them (but still more expensive than the identical IG Executioner Plasma Cannon). Exclusive to the Kataphron Destroyer which takes 1 MW instead of being destroyed when overcharging plasma. Nice.
</tab> <tab name = "Radium">
- Radium weapons: Cancer guns that automatically wound non-vehicles on an unmodified hit roll of 6. Keep in mind the stratagem Enriched Rounds that boosts this to auto wounds on a hit roll of 4+.
- Radium Carbine: The primary gun on Vanguards. With 18" Assault 3, they can footslog quite far and still hit on 4+. Can be boosted by a Manipulus for +6" range and AP-1.
- Radium Jezzail: A sniper rifle (ignores Look Out, Sir) variant available to the Dragoons. Still unfortunately useless at Heavy 2 S5 AP-2 D1.
- Radium Pistol: A single-shot pistol replacement for the Carbine that you can take on your Alphas. You shouldn't.
- Radium Serpenta: The Marshal's piece, made Assault 1 instead of a pistol with the same 18" range.
</tab> <tab name = "Transonic">
- Transonic weapons: Unmodified wound rolls of 6 deal +1 mortal wound.
- Transonic Cannon: 12" Assault 1d6 S4 AP-1 D2, automatically hits sonic flamer on the Manipulus. Unlike the rail, this can actually make a noticeable impact if anything happens to be in its range, particularly any 2-wound MEQs.
</tab> <tab name = "Volkite">
- Volkite weapons: Martian death rays from the Horus Heresy that do mortal wounds on natural wound rolls of 6.
- Twin Terrax Volkite Charger: An anti-infatry upgrade for the Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill, and, thanks to the 2020 update, unmodified wounds of 6 do an MW in addition to normal damage.
- Volkite Blaster: The default 24" Heavy 3 gun on your Dominus. As with all Volkite weapons in the game, lack of AP means you'll mostly be fishing for Mortal Wounds with it. Notable for being the only Volkite gun in M42 until Cawl started making new ones for Primaris Lieutenants.
</tab> <tab name = "Other">
- Gamma Pistol: Nasty little pistol packing S6 AP-3 and flat D3, sadly no longer rerolling failed wounds against vehicles. Datasmith exclusive.
- Heavy Grav-Cannon: A 30" Heavy 5 weapon on your Kataphrons designed to bust heavy infantry, with AP-3 and D1d3 against anything with power armour saves or better. Generally the more reliable option for this role due to fixed number of shots, now that "safe" plasma is a thing of the past.
- Incendine Combustor: A Heavy Flamer with AP-2. Best paired with fists on your punchbots as conqueror doctrine does not stop you from shooting.
- Macrostubber: A 5-shot bolt pistol on the Dominus. Pretty neat how we get five bolt pistols on our HQs for free, if you compare to the average SM Captain who'd only get one at best.
- Magnarail Lance: A fancy sidearm carried by the Tech-Priest Manipulus. Now comes with 36" range but the lonely single shot severely limits its usefulness, but it's likely to shear off a model from a passing Intercessor squad due to high AP and now fixed D3.
- Neutron Laser: The lascannon that steals other lascannon's girls. Better in both looks and stats, 48" Heavy D3 S12 AP-4 Dd3+3, this beast can literally punch a hole the size of a Carnifex in a Carnifex. It costs 15pts now, being only weapon that costs points on Onager. It comes with an Cognis Heavy Stubber so very good deal.
- Stubcarbine: 3-shot 18" bolt pistol sidearms that Infiltrators get to go with their power swords. Nothing to write home about, but does let them drop a non-negligible amount of dakka on things, so it's nice to have.
- Sulfur Breath: The thing that gives Sulphurhounds their name, 12" Pistol 1d6 S4 AP-2 D1, automatically hits.
- Torsion Cannon: 48" with 1d3+3 damage, it's basically a kataphron-mounted lascannon. S8 and AP-4 packs a punch, but 1 shot at BS4+ is still pretty iffy.
- Transuranic Arquebus: The rifle that's so awesome, it earned its own page. Expensive, but probably the best sniper in the game, contending with bolt sniper rifles. Has enough range to reach anything on the board end-to-end, while its S7 AP-2 D1d3 profile means that it doesn't rely on just the Mortal Wounds to kill things and can actually snipe tanks. Recently buffed to be merely heavy 1, but also nerfed to only include a max of 2 in a twenty-model squad.
- Mechanicus Pistol: Your enginseers have decided they're too good for a dinky Laspistol, and upgraded to this creatively named sidearm. Still nothing you ever want to be in range to use, but 2 shots with S4 AP-2 means enginseers no longer get laughed at by Skitarii alphas.
</tab> </tabs>
Special Issue Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Enhanced Data-Tether: Portable wifi hotspot for a squad of skitarii. These units add +1 to their Leadership score and gain the Data-Tether keyword. This particularly allows them to benefit from marshal WTs and stratagems without needing to be nearby - Especially useful for your shooty boys.
- Broad-Spectrum Data Tether: Crawler-mounted cell-tower equivalent that gives a nearby friendly more bars of reception and the Data-Tether keyword. One friendly <Forge World> Skitarii Core unit within 6" of the BSDT's user adds 1 to their Leadership and gains the Data-Tether keyword. Available to Onagers, Ballistarii. and Dragoons, allowing broader coverage for marshal WTs and stratagems.
- Command Uplink: Same as the BSDT, but exclusive to the Archaeopters, only 3" of range, and an aura applying to all units within range, not just one.
- Omnispex: Enemy units do not benefit from light cover when targeted by a unit with an omnispex. 5 points, and with split fire on everything suddenly your Skitarii's special weapons just got a lot scarier. Solid contender against the EDT, especially in a unit with arquebi or calivers. Not as useful anymore since it can't proc better hitting with the strategem, but useful on sniping rangers to negate characters trying to boost their saves hiding in cover, teh kowardz, TEH FEWLZ.
Relics[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Weapons">
- Anzion's Pseudogenetor: It's a tangle of mecha-tentacles that can vivisect enemies in battle. That's justification enough to use it. It gives a model using it 3d3 S+2 AP-1 melee attacks in addition to the model's normal melee profile (so it can use this weapon or its base melee, plus 3d3 attacks from this thing). Particularly great since it's a supplemental weapon, not a replacement.
- Pater Cog-Tooth: Replaces an Omnissian Axe (making this Dominus or Enginseer only), increasing its strength and damage by 1: S+3 AP-2 D3.
- S6->S7 is a nearly universally useless step, making this weapon awful; even on a Dominus, who would like this weapon more than an Enginseer would, Anzion's Pseudogenetor is better. Never take this.
- Phosphoenix: Replaces a Phosphor Serpenta (making this Dominus only), increasing its AP and rate of fire. 18" Assault 3 S5 AP-3 D2, and friendly <FORGE WORLD> CORE units within 6" of the shooter can ignore Dense Cover when shooting a unit hit by the gun during the same phase.
- Purgation's Purity: Replaces a Radium Serpenta (making this Marshal only) with one that can automatically wound on a 4+ to hit (regardless of target keywords) and a radically up-gunned profile with better range, rate of fire, ap, and damage: 24" Assault 3 S4 AP-2 D2.
- Sonic Reaper: Replaces a Transonic Cannon (making this Manipulus only). Upgrades the S and AP by 1 each, to S5 AP-2, but radically changes the mortal wound output: instead of a nat 6 dealing 1 mortal wound in addition to normal damage, a nat 5-6 deals 2 mortal wounds instead of normal damage (meaning a 5 auto-wounds and both a 5 and a 6 functionally ignore all saves, but maximum damage dealt goes down, making this weapon worse against some thankfully rare targets, like Astropaths and Razorwing Flocks).
- Uncreator Gauntlet: Replaces a Power Fist (making this Datasmith only), granting it +1WS, +1A, and an automatic mortal wound inflicted every time the wielder hits a vehicle.
</tab> <tab name="Non-Weapons"> Artifacts you can equip to a Skitarii sergeant with the Artefactotum stratagem are marked appropriately.
- Cage of VaradimasArtefactotum: Any time the bearer hits a non-vehicle unit in melee, the enemy suffers a -1 penalty to hit until the end of the phase. Best used to lock up a key opponent at all costs.
- Exemplar's Eternity: Skitarii Marshal only. Replaces the Servo-Skull Uplink ability with an aura that lets a <Forge World> Skitarii Core unit within 6" of the marshal re-roll 1s to hit and wound, not just to wound. Pretty much an auto-take.
- Omniscient MaskArtefactotum: Any friendly <Forge World> Skitarii Core units within 6" of the bearer deal an additional hit on a nat 6 to hit in melee. Since this is better the more attacks the buffed units are making, if you have a way to deliver them, this is best on a Ruststalker Princeps and second best on a Sulphurhound Alpha, since those units have the most numerous attacks available and you're likely to deliver 3 units at once if you deliver them at all.
- Amounts to +1 WS, except that it stacks with WS2+ (bringing expected hits to 1 per attack) and works with re-roll abilities at full capacity instead of having diminishing returns.
- Raiment of the Technomartyr: Yet another old item with a new set of rules. In addition to granting the bearer a 5+++, you can nominate a <Forge World> Core unit within 6" of the bearer each command phase to shoot without any modifiers to BS or hit rolls. A great deal more useful now since it can be used on things aside from overwatch.
- Skull of Elder NikolaArtefactotum: Nikola Tesla's skull that is used to obliterate enemies with bolts of lightning. At the start of the shooting phase, you can pull out the skull and roll a die for each enemy vehicle unit within 12". On a roll of 2 or 3, the unit suffers a mortal wound, on a 4-5, the unit takes d3 mortal wounds, and on a 6 it suffers 3 mortal wounds (net average per unit: 1.5). A good bit better now as a non-weapon that can be fired alongside your other weapons. A great option for a serberys or pteraxii alpha as they have the movement to get in and around a lot of vehicles.
- TemporcopiaArtefactotum: During the fight phase, you can force one enemy unit within 3" of the bearer to fight last. Why yes, this is quite the thing to throw. Stick it on a sicarian princeps and watch your opponent cry.
- Since you'll usually fight before anything you charge anyway, this is best used on a unit that's been charged.
</tab> </tabs>
Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]
Specialist Detachments are not valid because they are 8E holdovers that were invalidated by the codex, and only their Army of Renown replacements are legal, as per this document by GW.
Armies of Renown[edit | edit source]
The new version of the specialist detachment, introduced in the Book of Rust.
Mechanicus Defense Cohort[edit | edit source]
This army is quite the wall of steel and lasers. Without the Skitarii to provide the quick-firing weapons, you're going to be blasting things with prejudice. Your units will be tougher to shift.
- Restrictions: Your army has to be from the same <Forge World> and cannot take any Skitarii.
- Bear in mind this cuts off access to all three of your transports.
- Benefits:
- All units gain the Mechanicus Defence Cohort keyword, enabling the Warlord Trait to work.
- Extremis Sentinel Protocols: All of your kataphrons, servitors, and kastelans gain the Extremis Sentinels keyword; they also lose access to forge world dogmas.
- Any model with this keyword reduces any damage taken by 1 (to a minimum of 1) whenever they're wholly within the DZ or wholly within range of an objective. Yeah, you'll need it because kataphrons are your only troops.
- Whenever any units with this keyword get charged, you can choose to either hold steady (allowing overwatch shots to hit on a 5+, but doesn't by itself let you overwatch) or set to defend (blocks overwatch, but they get a +1 to hit until the end of their next fight phase). That's half of the Agripinaa dogma (the half you don't get is -1AP at half range with guns).
- Warlord Trait - Cacophonous Leadership: While a friendly Mechanicus Defense Cohort unit is within 6" of the warlord, that unit has the Objective Secured ability. EXTREMIS SENTINEL models in such units count as one additional model when determining control of an objective marker.
- Kataphrons gain the least from this.
- Relic - Forgefire: Replaces a volkite blaster, making it only usable on the Dominus. It upgrades to 36" and AP-2, but nerfs to only deal 1 mortal wound on a nat 6 to wound, instead of the 2 a standard blaster does, so you don't want this at all. Give the same Dominus the Phosphoenix if you want a gun relic.
- Stratagems:
- Citation of Ruin (2/3 CP, Battle Tactic): Select one Extremis Sentinels unit during the shooting phase. This unit gains Big Guns Never Tire (shooting all guns while engaged, not just pistols) and ignores the -1 penalty for doing so with Heavy weapons. Costs 2 CP unless the unit had 4+ models, where the cost goes to 3 CP.
- Not useless on Kastelans, but clearly intended for Kataphrons.
- Pre-Calibrated Purge Solution (1 CP, Battle Tactic): Select one Extremis Sentinels unit wholly within your DZ during the shooting phase. Any time you shoot an enemy unit wholly within their DZ, the unit adds +1 to hit.
- Tricky, because your units that can be targeted with this always rock at least one weapon with range 24" or less. You probably won't get much use out of this.
- Bolster Defenses (2 CP, 1 Use Only, Strategic Ploy): Select one Area Terrain or Obstacle terrain feature in your DZ before the game begins. This terrain feature now counts as light cover or doubles the benefits of light cover if it already did.
- Next-level worthless, because you have no Skitarii to take cover in the bolstered defenses, and your electro-priests have no interest in light cover. You can use this to keep some standard servitors safe, but that's about it.
- Rad-Bombardment (3 CP, Strategic Ploy): If your warlord is on the field, you can order one orbital rad-strike per game. At the start of the Command phase, you can pick one point. At the start of your subsequent Command phase, roll a d6 for every unit within 6", subtracting 1 for any Characters. On a 4+ the unit takes d3 MWs; on a 6 they also suffer -1 to their Toughness for the rest of the turn.
- Pretty bad, but you can potentially use it to frighten the enemy off an objective.
- Citation of Ruin (2/3 CP, Battle Tactic): Select one Extremis Sentinels unit during the shooting phase. This unit gains Big Guns Never Tire (shooting all guns while engaged, not just pistols) and ignores the -1 penalty for doing so with Heavy weapons. Costs 2 CP unless the unit had 4+ models, where the cost goes to 3 CP.
Skitarii Veteran Cohort[edit | edit source]
The opposite of book 1's army of renown. Instead of plodding weaponry, this army is far more mobile. Your Skitarii are now front and center as the fighty bastards they are. However, you'll need to sacrifice all the heavy firepower of things like the Kataphron and Kastelans are no longer a means for being walls.
- Restrictions:
- Your army has to be from the same <Forge World> and can only take Skitarii.
- The only exceptions to this rule are the HQs; you can take only one each Dominus, Manipulus, Enginseer, and/or Technoarchaeologist in the army.
- Every detachment you take must include a Skitarii Marshal, and one of those Marshals must be your Warlord.
- Your army has to be from the same <Forge World> and can only take Skitarii.
- Benefits:
- All your Skitarii gain the Skitarii Veteran Cohort keyword, with your rangers and vanguard getting extra love in mandatory paid upgrades - +2 points per model and +1 PL per 10 models.
- Skitarii Rangers gain +1 to Leadership and Attacks, improve their Invulns to 5++, and count as being in light cover when fired at until they move each round. All in all everything you need to keep them a little better protected in the open so long as they camp.
- Skitarii Vanguard gain +1 to Leadership and Attacks, improve their Invulns to 5++, and roll an additional unkept d6 when advancing. When hit by a blast weapon, this unit always counts as being below 6 models, essentially telling cannons to eat hot irradiated shit before blasting them.
- All your Skitarii gain the Skitarii Veteran Cohort keyword, with your rangers and vanguard getting extra love in mandatory paid upgrades - +2 points per model and +1 PL per 10 models.
- Warlord Trait - Calculate without Diversion (Skitarii Marshal only): Rather than the classic Skitarii way of being dependent on data-tethers, this is just dependent on Doctrina Imperatives. All of these abilities require the Warlord to be on the battlefield, unlike the standard 6 Skitarii warlord traits.
- Once per game when the Protector Imperative is active, you can use the Binharic Offense stratagem at a cost of one less CP.
- Once per game when the Bulwark Imperative is active, you can use the Bionic Endurance stratagem at a cost of one less CP.
- Once per game when the Aggressor Imperative is active, you can use the Expedited Purge Protocol stratagem at a cost of one less CP.
- Once per game when the Conqueror Imperative is active, you can use the Aggression Override Stratagem at a cost of one less CP.
- Relic - Cantic Thrallnet: During the command phase, one Skitarii Veteran Cohort Core unit within 6" of the bearer or Skitarii Veteran Cohort Core Data-Tether unit anywhere on the board can use any one doctrina imperative in addition to the one active for the rest of your army, even if it was already used earlier in the game and without preventing it from being used later. The Marshal's ability to ignore deprecation applies to only one of the two imperatives on this unit if you apply it, but you can choose which one.
- Stratagems:
- Aggression Override (1 CP, Battle Tactic): One Skitarii Veteran Cohort unit that made a charge gains +1A for all models for the following fight phase. Time to flatten with foot-claws and transonic shivs!
- Binharic Offense (3 CP, Battle Tactic): Select one enemy unit and two Skitarii Veteran Cohort Core units during the shooting phase. Until the end of this phase, the two units can only fire on this one enemy, but they add +1 to wound when doing so (meaning you get less benefit on Vanguard than Rangers, but it's still useful). Focus Fire FTW.
- Bionic Endurance (2/3 CP, Strategic Ploy): Use during any phase where a Skitarii Veteran Cohort Core unit would lose a wound. Until the end of this phase, the unit gains a 5+++ FNP, which is a nice gift. Cost increases to 3 CP if the unit has 10+ PL. Amusingly enough, the removal of CORE from Ironstriders and Dragoons means no units this strat can target can get over 10 PL, but you can reach 10 PL with a 20-skittle unit, since it will be PL 8 base + 2 for the mandatory Veteran Cohort upgrade.
- Expedited Purge Protocol (1/2 CP, Strategic Ploy): Use in the movement phase as a non-vehicle Skitarii Veteran Cohort Core (i.e. all of them, since there are no skitarii core vehicles) unit advances. This unit can then charge right after advancing. Only costs 1 CP when used on Rangers or Vanguard, otherwise it costs 2 CP.
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
- Common Keywords:
- Did you guess IMPERIUM and ADEPTUS MECHANICUS? Most units are SKITARII with the actual tech-priests, kastelon robots, and kataphran servitors having CULT MECHANICUS instead. There's also <FORGE WORLD>, which determines your Forge World Dogma.
- Attaching a Questor Mechanicum Superheavy Auxiliary detachment grants the models in that detachment the Knight of the Cog keyword.
HQ[edit | edit source]
- Skitarii Marshal: So remember how the Secutarii had their own HQ that supported his boys in various ways? Well GW finally decided to get off their asses and provide something like that to the modern-day Mechanicus as well. Totes a radium gun (thankfully assault, not pistol) as well as a weapon equal to a power maul. Very useful in that they allow a nearby <Forge World> Skitarii or a <Forge World> Skitarii Data-Tether unit anywhere on the board to ignore the penalty applied when using a Doctrina. The great weakness is that they have zero repair ability, so you'll need another HQ to cover that niche.
- Also provides a 6" aura of re-rolling 1s to wound for <Forge World> Skitarii Core units, which means for Skitarii, the Marshal is radically better than a Dominus, although they stack.
- Broadly speaking, has access to the best warlord traits, but sacrifices access to your Forge World specific warlord trait. Accordingly, if your only WT models are marshals anyway, you have less incentive than usual to stick to a stock Forge World over a custom one.
- Has a particular lack of synergy with Vanguard, in that re-rolling 1s to wound is of no benefit if you auto-wound. Assuming BS3+ Vanguard (so 1 in 4 of your shots that hit auto-wound), the benefit of a nearby Marshal is reduced from a 7/6 (1.167) multiplier to 9/8 (1.125). With BS2+ Vanguard (e.g. from the Protector Imperative), the Marshal goes from a 7/6 (1.167) multiplier to 17/15 (1.133).
- Tech-Priest Dominus: Your cog-standard non-Cawl HQ for those times you want to play as those other forgeworlds, no longer an "HQ tax" due to Enginseer changes. Akin to a Space Marine Captain (aura of re-roll 1s to hit), Techmarine (repairs D3 wounds to any AdMech model other than itself) and a bit of Apothecary (repair isn't restricted to vehicles, and can be healed by a fellow techie) all rolled into one. At T4 5W 2+/5++ this very tanky support character will require serious firepower to remove. Just watch out for enemy witches. Its main concern is to boost and heal your firebase, whatever it might be (Vanguard, Onagers, Kastelans, etc.), but 24" guns allow it to be good at midrange since it doesn't give up shooting (BS2+) for repairs. A flexible loadout, it'll be defined by what you want it to do:
- Shooty: Pick the Volkite Blaster and the Phosphoenix relic for good and reliable volume of fire, its range fitting nicely alongside Vanguard. The Phosphoenix will help your Vanguard shoot through Dense Cover.
- Choppy: Go with the Macrostubber and the Volkite Blaster, and give it Anzion's Pseudogenetor for an additional 3D3 S+2 AP-1 hits on top of your 3 Omnissian Axe attacks and Pistol 5 Macrostubber attacks, the latter of which happen at BS2+.
- Repairman: Give it the Necromechanic WT so that it restores a flat 3 wounds every time it repairs something. Fun to combine with the Tech-adept Stratagem to repair the same vehicle twice, repairing up to 6 wounds per turn that way, bringing an Onager back to full stats or keeping multiple Kastelans from dying.
- Tech-Priest Enginseer: The Enginseer is a perfect cost-saving option for an army trying to make a battalion and can be taken in the same slot as a Dominus or Manipulus or as an extra HQ option not taking up a slot with the new Brotherhood rule. With T4 W4 3+/5++ it's basically a squishier Techmarine with lackluster combat ability, but that's ok because its main role is being a cheap repairman and HQ.
- Repairman: Repairs whatever a Dominus can at the end of Movement, and on top of that, during Command grants a friendly vehicle model (aside from Kastelans) +1 to hit, which is something not even the Dominus can do. While no longer the same as the IG version, still useful as a budget buffer. The big downside to the buff is that it happens during Command and wants to target models faster than the Enginseer is, which may give you difficulty in getting your support model to keep up with what they're babysitting.
- If all you care about is the +1 to hit, BS3+ -> 2+ is a 25% increase in output, which means for a 55 point model, it's worth the effort on a 220 point target. That's more than any target you can field, which means you should never field an Enginseer just for the accuracy buff - make sure it's doing double duty as something else as well.
- Note that the Enginseer has very little synergy with the various Holy Orders - the +1 to hit they can grant won't work on any unit the Holy Orders can buff. There are units they can repair that can be buffed with Holy Orders, but that's the extent of it.
- Relic Caddy: They aren't champions like SM Captains are, but since most of their job is to stand around being available, they could just as well be useful by carrying army-boosting relics after you gave the Dominus/Manipulus theirs.
- Buying advice: Enginseers are a must-have if you want to fill HQ slots, at only 55pts per model for a small, tough character that can heal vehicles. The only problem is that they cost $30 a pop, unless you go for the $11.50 metal ones from the webstore. An alternate solution to that starts with looking closely at the chaos cultists in the "dark vengeance" kit. The robed ones look remarkably like Enginseers, right? Hell, one has an axe that looks remarkably like a cog. You can buy them for 20 bucks on eBay and kitbash them with the ton of bits leftover by your Skitarii squads, techpriest Dominii and Onagers. A little work and you have your all the Enginseers you need for less than the cost of one. Another option would be the Forge World titan tech priest! A lot cheaper than the Enginseer, and Forge World quality too! Another Option that you DEFINITELY want to consider when trying to reinforce your army is actually buying the Start Collecting: Adeptus Mechanicus Box. Great if you planned on getting Skitarii Vanguard/Rangers and the Dunerider anyways since it effectively saves you about 60 (57) bucks when paying 95 dollars for the box, essentially you're getting the Rangers and half of the Enginseer for free.
- Repairman: Repairs whatever a Dominus can at the end of Movement, and on top of that, during Command grants a friendly vehicle model (aside from Kastelans) +1 to hit, which is something not even the Dominus can do. While no longer the same as the IG version, still useful as a budget buffer. The big downside to the buff is that it happens during Command and wants to target models faster than the Enginseer is, which may give you difficulty in getting your support model to keep up with what they're babysitting.
- Tech-Priest Manipulus: In the command phase, boosts 1 unit's arc/radium/galvanic rifles with +6" range and gives them an additional -1AP. Ridiculous on a squad of 20 vanguard, very impressive on 20 rangers!
- The problem with this guy is his cost relative to what he does: even under absolutely optimal conditions where he's buffing a 20-dude Vanguard unit with nothing but Radium Carbines in it, he raises the cost of the whole shebang from 160 points to 230, which means it's only worth it against Sv2+ - against e.g. MEQ, you're gaining 33.33% damage output for a 43.75% increase in cost. The benefit he provides to Galvanic and Arc rifles is less. At best he should be your third pick behind a Marshal and a Dominus.
- Technoarchaeologist: The generic version of Daedalosus from the Blackstone Fortress game, acting as a support HQ to a Dominus or Manipulus. His weaponry is unique for an HQ but nothing special; he carries a Servo-Arc Claw and the pistol version of the Eradication Beamer. Instead, his real benefit comes from his special rules. He emits a 12" aura that shuts off enemy deep strikes. On top of this, he can pick a friendly <Forge World> Core or Servitors unit within 6" during the command phase, letting Kataphrons perform objective actions and allowing the chosen unit to perform objective actions as well as shoot.
Troops[edit | edit source]
Skitarii[edit | edit source]
In 9th edition, objective control is paramount to victory, more than it ever was now with non-scattering deepstrikes and double-fights to pile in multiple units. Enter reliable and spammable Skitarii, who are now back in force. Literally, as the new Codex allows each standard Ranger or Vanguard squad to have up to 20 dudes at 9 points a pop. Unlike your regular Imperial GEQ, their 4+/5++ give these T3 dudes a chance of survival, and they're cheap enough that they can be used to control the field while your other units, like the much heavier and damaging Cult Mechanicus troops, clean up said field. Despite their status as light mortal infantry, they carry enough BS3+ firepower that it matters.
Unfortunately, 9th edition nerfed the number/type of special weapons they can take per squad. If the squad has 9 models or less, you only get one special weapon of your choice. For every 10 models in the squad, you can have one of each. Frankly speaking, if you're looking to take a squad for these weapons (like the Transuranic Arquebus), you're better just running MSU squads to keep it cost-effective, especially if you plan on using transports to putter them about the field. <tabs> <tab name="Skitarii Rangers">
- Skitarii Rangers: Their 30" Galvanic Rifles have enough range to contribute to fights and the S4 needed to be a bother, which makes this squad great at garrisoning backfield objectives and ruins. Note that their guns are worse than Rad Carbines in most ways, but the exact differences depend on many factors; for example, Galvanic Rifles scale with BS better than Rad Carbines do. Against MEQ, a base Galvanic Rifle deals 12/36 of a wound, and with +1 to hit goes to 15/36. Radium Carbines against the same target do 12/36 and 14/36, respectively. However, being Heavy 30" instead of Assault 18" makes them much better at laying down fire from the backline. Also helpful is their ability to move at the beginning of the game, putting them in an ideal position immediately. All in all great value from the cheapest unit in your army. Unless you are sitting on backfield objectives, Vanguard are usually better.
- Transuranic Arquebi are the special weapon this squad should take, as if you're taking rangers they should be backfield and their awesome 60" range doesn't waste Galvanic Rifle range as the other guns do, and with actual stats (S7 AP-1 D1d3) on top of regular sniper rules there will always be targets of opportunity for them to attack. Dealing 2D to vehicles, even flyers, from your deployment zone isn't too hard to do, and is actually pretty comfy coming from a troop unit whose job would usually be to just stand back and bodyblock rear line deepstrikers. However, you need a surprisingly high number of these to consistently snipe characters.
</tab> <tab name="Skitarii Vanguard">
- Skitarii Vanguard: Vanguard are your Skitarii frontliners. Their 18" Assault 3 Rad Carbines let them advance and still hit on a 4+. These guys auto wound on nat 6s to hit non-vehicles which can be buffed to a nat 4+ to hit with a strat.
- With that strat, these guys get disgusting: assuming 20 vanilla vanguard, you've got 60 S3 shots, with a potential 30 auto-wounds at best for 2CP a pop.
- Put them with a Marshal for re-rolls, or give them the Manipulus buff for AP-1, and there just aren't a lot of things that want to make 30 AP-2 saving throws... with their Rad saturation aura (-1T is better than +1S), they can also help as melee soup support to Sicarians and Electropriests.
- Always grab Plasma Calivers with these dudes as your first special weapons pick. If you kick up to a larger unit, then and only then reach for Arc Rifles, as they don't synergise well with the basic carbines the unit sports. NEVER take the Transuranic Arquebus with these guys; it's designed for backline sniping, and these guys will be up front.
- The custom forgeworlds and new warlord traits massively buff vanguard, especially boosting AP. The Rad-Saturated FW's triple firing S4 AP1 is pretty nasty on its own, and gets even nastier (if a touch expensive) when you bring in stuff like the Manipulus' AP-1 buff or the nat 5+ mortals stratagem.
- Unlike Rangers, Vanguard find themselves in melee more often. It's worth noting that you can upgrade the alphas, but with only 2 attacks and a 4+ WS it won't do much. However, as of now, all weapons are free on Alphas, and melee weapons don't replace anything. Just don't forget to magnetize those hands, because good things like free upgrades never last.
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Cult Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
Kataphrons are the big guys of the Cult Mechanicus are closer to tankettes than they are to people: their Ogryn-sized T5 frames make them difficult to remove from an objective, and with W3 your HQs can actually repair them. Their long-ranged firepower doesn't suffer the penalty for moving, since they're Bikers that ignore Breachable terrain like infantry, beasts, and swarms do. Great firepower coming from Troop units, and very easily buffed by your mostly-shooty HQ section.
Jokes on you, the Q1 2023 Balance Dataslate gives Kataphrons the Core keyword, this changes everything about them. <tabs> <tab name="Kataphron Destroyers">
- Kataphron Destroyers: Dedicated anti-MEQ gunships. Though well-protected against small arms (3+/6++), they are a prime target for your enemy so they have to be defended. Park them in cover with a Dominus and they can turn it into a miniature bunker with a good bit of firepower.
- Guns:
- Heavy Grav Cannons are reliable; 30" Heavy 5 S5 AP-3 D1 deletes weaker targets, and D2 against anything with a 3+ save melts heavy infantry and can even dent monsters and tanks.
- Kataphron Plasma Culverins cost more: 36" Heavy 1d6 S7 AP-3 D1, Blast and can Overcharge for S8 and D2, but 1s to hit deal the shooter a mortal wound.
- Only ever worth it if you fire them in Overcharge mode, and even then, remember you're sinking a lot of points into BS4+ dakka here. Furthermore, against most targets, the heavy grav-cannon outperforms the culverin simply due to costs - the culverin makes the model cost 25% more for usually less than 25% more dakka, even ignoring the mortal wounds you suffer.
- Sidearms: Their Phosphor Blasters are the budget option to use against targets of opportunity. However, Cognis Flamers are radically more damage per point against everything in the game if the target is within 12".
- Guns:
</tab> <tab name="Kataphron Breachers">
- Kataphron Breachers: Trades some firepower for 2+ armour but, most importantly, at discount price. Enough to be heavy speedbumps yet disposable. Breachers bring 9W for 105pts and their Heavy Arc rifles (36" Heavy 2 S6 AP-2 D2) are not only basically anti-infantry autocannons, but also tear D3 chunks out of vehicles and autowound them on 4+, so they can even help your overworked Onagers. Unlike Destroyers, Breachers aren't defenseless in combat, with four WS4+ attacks using Arc Claws (S6 AP-3 D1/D2 vs vehicles). With those stats, they are a screen by themselves. If you NEED an objective to be positively, absolutely defended, activate Acquisition at Any Cost and they'll be very difficult to remove, with 4A and a 2+/5++ save. (Alternate take if supported by vanguard S6 Ap-1 still wounds marines on 2's and a unit of 6 will kill 3.75 tac marines) their not gonna touch a dedicated melee unit but can still give a bad day to enemy troops or small characters) and now we have unlimited warlord traits prime hermeticon increases their melee output by 50%
- Torsion Cannons are hard to defend. S8 AP-4 is nice but they cost a lot, are single-shot and D1d3+3 is all it provides. Likewise, Hydraulic Claws are like power fists...but with only AP-2 instead of the AP-3 of Arc claws they will struggle to go through their targets' armour Sv, and Breachers aren't dedicated melee units, could throw one into maybe kill Vehicles and Monsters in melee.
- Agripinaa breachers are really strong if you have a huge amount of CP as a 6 man squad can potentially bring 5 back from the dead and relocate if just one survives. Which considering their tankiness is quite possible. Do this a few times and count the firepower you've soaked.
- The clue is in the name for these guys though; the above chap is absolutely correct in his analysis for the average game, but GW covers bases for more narrative games too: Fortifications & other Immobile units are auto-hit so when you need to breach through some Fortifications you have at least 9 S10 -2 AP auto-hitting hydraulic claws vs the S6 of arcs, and that's 9 lots of 3+ rolls instead of iffy 5+.
- In 9th edition this is staple unit for holding objective for a turn, something that Skitarii realistically cannot do. Keep them below 6 count and they will give you a relatively cheap and tough scoring unit that is needed sorely for narrative and matched games.
- The clue is in the name for these guys though; the above chap is absolutely correct in his analysis for the average game, but GW covers bases for more narrative games too: Fortifications & other Immobile units are auto-hit so when you need to breach through some Fortifications you have at least 9 S10 -2 AP auto-hitting hydraulic claws vs the S6 of arcs, and that's 9 lots of 3+ rolls instead of iffy 5+.
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- It's worth noting that these puppies can be a huge fire magnet. A smart opponent will point medium weaponry at these guys and frankly, they're not quite as tough as they seem. Point efficiency and multiple wounds don't mean a lot when a punisher cannon can delete a 3 man squad in one round of shooting.
- To compensate, provide them with the Stygies VIII Dogma or Agripinaa's stratagem to increase their survivability considerably.
- Or take as Ryza plasma destroyers hoping you'll play a knight list and can make your points back in one round of shooting accepting there won't be a second round.
- Or Lucius and deepstrike them in guaranteeing destroyers one round of fire.
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Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]
- Skorpius Dunerider: No longer do Infantry have to footslog. M12" T6 W12 Sv3+ and a degrading statline like any vehicle. It has four Cognis Heavy Stubbers; the fact that hit penalties are capped at -1 also means you can advance and shoot to still hit on 4s. It carries any 12 Secutarii or <forge world> Infantry models.
- Terrax-pattern Termite (Forge World): Forge World has handed down new rules for the Drill in Imperial Armour 9E. For 180 points (+10 to upgrade to Volkites) you can have access to a deep-striking transport that can carry up to 12 <Forge World> or Secutarii Infantry models, except for Cawl; other infantry without a Forge World keyword, like X-101, are out of luck. It has also gained Imperatives and the Skitarii keyword, which open up all sorts of interesting new possibilities. Its relevant statline for carrying your dudes is M8" T8 W14 Sv3+, so when that M degrades, you'll notice.
- The Drill's primary weapon is the Melta Cutter, which now has a profile of a Heavy 5 meltagun. Although this is a mixed change for most armies, for Mechanicus, this is an upgrade, giving you access to melta. This option also has the choice of Storm Bolters (which you should never take), Heavy Flamers (12" S5+1 AP-1 D1 autohits), or paying for Volkites (20" S5 AP0 D2, nat 6s to wound inflict +1MW). Heavy Flamers are the cheaper choice, but the Volkites deal much more damage per point against everything, at least until your BS degrades.
- There is no good reason to take Storm Bolters anymore. (Good luck trying to remove those from your models.)
- The Drill is no slouch in melee, either: WS4+ Melee 3 S14 AP-4 D1d3+3, +3 damage vs vehicles, and the Attacks degrade rather than the WS.
- Deep striking and laying down 5 melta and 7 heavy flamer or 8 volkite shots combined with Corpuscarii, Vanguard, or Servitors is devastating. They are a reliable means to score board control secondaries such as Engage On All Fronts/Linebreaker or Deploy Scramblers/Teleport Homer. You can, of course, also use them to deliver Ruststalkers, if you were trying to come up with a solution you liked.
- The Drill's primary weapon is the Melta Cutter, which now has a profile of a Heavy 5 meltagun. Although this is a mixed change for most armies, for Mechanicus, this is an upgrade, giving you access to melta. This option also has the choice of Storm Bolters (which you should never take), Heavy Flamers (12" S5+1 AP-1 D1 autohits), or paying for Volkites (20" S5 AP0 D2, nat 6s to wound inflict +1MW). Heavy Flamers are the cheaper choice, but the Volkites deal much more damage per point against everything, at least until your BS degrades.
Elites[edit | edit source]
Cult Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
- Cybernetica Datasmith: The herder for your robots. Quite competent as a fighter in its own right, with a Terminator stat line, complete with a 2+/5++ and a power fist, as well as a pretty scary pistol that can reliably one-shot Primaris marines - but its main purpose is to tend to your Kastelans and provide an extra relic and/or WL caddy for your patrols/battalion.
- Keep in mind that the protocol change takes place on your next turn after you've declared it. Consider what you're up against and structure your game plan accordingly - since your opponent knows what you're up to a turn in advance, you'll have to play the rest of your army around your Kastelans to get the most use out of them.
- You can use the 1CP stratagem 'Binharic Override to change the active protocol for a unit immediately and lock your robots into that protocol for the rest of the game, but Command Points are generally worth far more than the Datasmith's measly 45 points.
- Your Datasmith can carry a WL trait without using an HQ slot - if you want to save CP in ninth.
- Don't miss the fact that it's got 6" Move to the bots' 8".
- Generally speaking, it'll make back its cost in points if you've changed Protocols at least once with it. If you also manage to get it in melee and take some wounds off something, you've already got more than what you paid for.
- As of the 9E codex, these guys become even more vital to your bots. Not only do they not take up an elite slot if taken with some Kastelans, they also can exclusively repair them and have a 3" aura that grants them the Core keyword. While you won't be expecting much from any WTs that can buff them, there are plenty of stratagems that suddenly open up just by keeping this cyborg nearby. It also counts as a Doctrina Assembler, meaning that it can pull double duty and keep an eye on some skitarii as well.
- Tech-Priest Enginseer (Astra Militarum):What's this? Two Enginseers? Well the thing is the Guard Version of the Enginseer also has the keywords Cult Mechanicus and Forge world, same as your codex Enginseer. They lack adeptus mechanicus keyword instead haveing the Astra Millitarum of course, but RAW: so long as every unit in your detachment has either Cult Mechanicus Or the forge world keyword (And every unit has that last one) then: yes you can take the gaurd uof the Enginseer since the whole detachment share's a faction keyword.* There are some quirks to this however, namely since the keyword used to give your army Objective Secured is Adeptus Mechanicus, if you put a Astra militarum Engineseer in, your detachment will lack Objective secured, see next paragraph. So with the legalese of why you can take the Guard Version of the Enginseer, why would you want to? At a full 20 points cheaper then normal Engineseers they have, worse gun, worse bionic save, can't take holy orders and, the death blow, can't benfit from Canticles of the Omnissiah and prevent the whole army from benfiting from them since they lack Cult Mechanicus. What they do have to make up for it is that they have a more expansive list of target vehicles they can repair, a list that includes Forge world vehicles, Astra Miltarium, or Questor Mechanicus Knights. Normal enginseers can only repair forge world vehicles. As such these guys have a clear use case: only take them if your all ready planning to ally with guard or an Imperial Knight formation beyond just a single Free Blade and as such would lose canticles anyway. In fact since the Engineseer would make you lose Objective secured there better for small Admech Forces allied to larger detachment's of Knights or guardsmen as a way to get extra repairs in and also squeezing in a few Admech support unit into the detachment, knights in particular would like this since they can give repairs and a few supporting options. If on the other hand you have a primary admech force, you'll have to keep them in there own Detachment separate from main 'bulk' of your admech army, and in that case you'll need at least 3 detachments for this to make sense, your primary admech, the Astra Admech and the guard or knights, which can be prohibitive in CP and number of detachments you can even take. Bottom line: losing access to Canticles make them a hard pass in an admech army, but if you want to put a small admech force to support a larger Knight or Guard Detachment, espically knight's since they don't have access to repair's natively the way guard can, then they might be considered as option.
- This logic also extends to guard servitors as well, but since there objectivly worse then your own were not even going to dignify them with a unit entry.
- Electro-Priests: The blue man group fit within an interesting niche in that they're utterly flimsy with only T3, but then they have a 6+/5++/5+++. Their shining point is that they're able to dump mortal wounds at close range on the charge. Of course, the issue is actually getting them there because they're just people.
<tabs> <tab name="Corpuscarii Electro-Priests">
- Corpuscarii Electro-Priests: Same cost as Fulgurites and not as killy in close combat (they can only put out mortal wounds with their Voltagheist Field charge, which inflicts a mortal wound on a 6+ for each model in one unit charged). They also can't buff their V-field, which means they'll be stuck with a 6+/5++/5+++. However, their Electrostatic Gauntlets deserve a special mention. They have two profiles, either Melee 2 WS4+ or 12" Assault 3 BS3+, but both are a flat S5 AP-1 D1, with any nat 6 causing 3 hits instead of 1. Congrats, you functionally have taser goads at 12" range and melee. Sure, they're ugly models, but that's an awful lot of firepower from 5 little guys.
- As expensive as it is. A squad of 20 will put out 60 dice rolls. It would take three Leman Russ Punishers with one upgraded for three Heavy Bolters to exceed it. With that much firepower your likely to kill or heavily wound anything short of a Super Heavy.
- Can't benefit from the Lucius or graia dogma or Shroudpsalm at all, but a great choice for tactical reserves.
</tab> <tab name="Fulgurite Electro-Priests">
- Fulgurite Electro-Priests: Get them in close combat and they'll dump Mortal Wounds on people. Of course, getting them to close combat is the trick. If you footslog them, they will die. Fulgurites are ideal if you're running Movement stratagems and transports. Always field these guys in squads of 10 or bigger. At just 2 attacks per model, they simply do not attack often enough to really take advantage of the mortal wounds you can get off the staves unless you attack with enough models, and you NEED them to kill something in close combat as quickly as possible to get that sweet, sweet 4++ save. Still, the Voltagheist field is nice for some pre-combat mortal wounds if you charged, and with Fanatical Devotion, you ignore any wounds taken on a 5 or 6, which is nice.
- Despite the desire for large units of these guys, and the steep cost to deep strike many units of them remember, pulling off a deep strike charge is only feasible when you maximize how many attempts you're making. Don't field just one unit and expect it to make that critically important charge roll - field at least three per thing you want charged, so you can get your odds of at least one getting the charge off to above 50% (in this case, 62.33%). (As of engine war if your deepstriking your Lucius and you can always solar flare a character forward to get them in range of a reroll charges aura from amongst the new warlord traits (with +1 to charge on a manipulus). This potentially makes them viable again.
- 9th hits these hard - they need to be in big enough units to get that critical unit kill, but then they become vulnerable to blast weapons (against which their saves mean fuck all).
- The big problem with these is that while they are superb after killing a unit they are weak if they haven't, so they need to wipe an enemy unit on the turn they get into combat or risk getting wiped when they hit back. Use transports or strats to get them close to a weakened unit before you charge them.
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- Servitors: Your cheapest unit, often a point filler and objective sitter. A poor ranged unit equipped with free melee weapons. While a unit of 4 servitors are 30 points with free servo arms; there are worse melee units for the cost. Also helping matters is that they won't take up a slot when taken alongside a Tech-Priest of any kind - Expect to spam this mercilessly considering how a dominus and manipulus can already grab a technoarchaeologist or enginseer without taking an HQ slot or how Datasmiths can be taken with Kastelans.
- These guys are stupidly cheap infantry and as such can perform actions without any waste to yourself. They wont stay alive if shot at, but they will waste a unit's shooting if they want to get rid of them, so its a win/win.
- If you would take a Plasma Cannon unit for 42 points, take Plasma Culverin Vanguards for 55 points to do the same job, better (for a single unit with one plasma weapon).
- If you would take 2x Multimeltas in a unit for 60 points, there admittedly isn't a better infantry option in-faction for the same role, but Onagers will do the same job, better.
- With the buff to meltas (half range is damage D6+2), and "strategic reserves" being based on PL cost, two units of servitors with meltas and a tech-priest, dropping 9" away on turn 2/3 would put out 8 melta shots, hitting on 4s in their buffed profile. For extra lolz, make sure you are in the reroll 1s canticle, have that tech-priest be Dr. D, who then could put a +1 to hit on the thing you want melta'd, so you are hitting on 3s rerolling 1s. For best results, shoot a thing that has T7 or so, no invulnerable save: average 4d6+8 damage!
Skitarii[edit | edit source]
- Secutarii Forge World: The Titan Guard are Super-Skitarii, but with a downside. Their Secutarii special rule means they don't benefit from any <Forge World> dogmas or stratagems. However, they don't keep the rest of your army from benefiting from the dogma if they are Battle-forged, though they can still enjoy Doctrinas. This introduces some unwelcome hurdles for using them. They don't benefit from the auras of Cawl or a Dominus since they both specify a <Forge World> unit. This is because apparently, being assigned to guard Titans means you immediately lose all Forge World specific equipment and training, despite the fact that Titans are both drawn from specific Forge Worlds and the fact that the Codex specifically states that the Titan Guard is drawn from a Forge World's 1st Macroclade. In exchange, they gain the niche ability to heroically intervene any enemy within 6" that charges a friendly titan sharing the same <Titan Legion> keyword.
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- Secutarii Peltasts: Ad-mech Dark Reapers. 5++ makes them slightly sturdier than Vanguard. Their Galvanic Casters have 2 firing modes: 18" Assault 3 S4 AP0 D1 and 24" Heavy 1 S5 AP-2 D1, making them worse than Vanguard at killing almost everything in the game. Once per game they can give themselves -1 to be hit instead of shooting. Maybe not worth the cost of the models now, but multiple shenanigans ensue. Unlike other Skitarii the Alpha carries the special equipment and can't take both an EDT and a melee weapon.
- Do not give the Alpha a pistol, ever. None of our pistols are worth giving up the free Galvanic Caster. Melee is not good for them at all.
- Their Blind Barrage can only be used to protect themselves, not a different unit as they could in previous editions. It's also shittier than the free Dogma you get from being Stygies VIII, which Peltasts can't use.
- Generally, Peltasts are best left to fulfil a scouting and objective-sitting role. They perform quite well against most basic infantry targets regardless of their immediate circumstances, and their lack of <Forge World> synergy means that they can be sent out independently without really missing out on any buffs.
</tab> <tab name="Secutarii Hoplites>
- Secutarii Hoplites: Budget Skitarii with budget TH/SS. These guys melt to massed low strength firepower but can hold their own against a charge from a knight gallant. They are very strong in melee especially when buffed with the omniscient mask. They are also very points efficient for what they do, so don't underestimate the shooting of a large blob of arc lances. At S6 AP-1 per shot, or melee S+3 (S6) AP-1 hits that both do 1 damage each or changes to D3 vs vehicles, hoplities are the perfect unit to tie up vehicles and even infantry in melee combat. Anything short of Terminators will fear a charge from Hoplites.
- S6 AP-1 D1d3 isn't going to scare many t7 vehicles, but those light vehicles you are good against are usually (land speeders, etc) absolute death to Admech troops. The other decent targets are things like Ogryn, Kataphron Destroyers, Grotesques, and the like. This makes hoplites decent because they come with decent durability to start but not as good offense as other choices. Kinda niche, but also much cheaper than our other elites.
- At only 1 pt more than Vanguard, these guys make for great cheap bodyguards. In addition to a flat 5++, they have a shield that gives them a 4++ against melee and reflects a mortal wound back on the attacking unit on any unmodified saving throw of 6 in CC. Arguably the best meatshields we have, especially against melee-focused infiltrators and other meatshields.
- Hoplites benefit massively from access to a Termite, and it provides them with the only guaranteed way to get into charge range without getting shot off the table.
- Put them into combat with vanguard to wound MEQs or lower on a 2+
- While they lack a <Forge World> keyword, Hoplites can still benefit from Acquisition at any Cost, making them pretty good at contesting and holding mid-board objectives.
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- Sicarians: The spindly droids are a decent bit are a good bit more mobile than the electropriests. That said, they're a lot less shared between the two. Both of them have a 4+/5++ save and 3+ to both WS and BS as well as 2 wounds at T3.
<tabs> <tab name="Sicarian Infiltrators">
- Sicarian Infiltrators: The taser variant that used to destroy hordes has been weakened, the power sword variant that wrecked marines hasn't changed. They have even freer reign on starting positions than even the rangers. Their aura now deals a -1 to leadership within 3" as well as denying re-rolls to hit and to wound on any attacks made against them within 12", severely hampering the value of HQs they'll be fighting. Just remember to keep them in cover until you're ready to charge them because they still suffer from T3 and only a 4+.
- Flechette Blasters outperform Stubcarbines against T5 or less and T8 or higher, and while Stubcarbines will absolutely do better against T6 and T7, you're still attempting to scratch paint - against a Rhino, for example, a minimum unit shooting expects to deal 0.93 wounds with the Blasters and 1.11 wounds with the Stubcarbines. Flechette blasters with 50 shots make superb (if high variability) Wrath of Mars strat targets.
- In melee the Power Sword's increased AP relative to the Taser Goad mean that it will outperform it against the targets you'd expect it to; the taser goad was nerfed to only add hits on natural 6s, greatly weakening its combat effectiveness as the conqueror doctrina imperative no longer multiplies hits.
- Following Engine war this unit is in a bit of an odd place its most commonly fielded variant has become less efficient in CC while its existing rivals in the corpuscarii became more efficient. Equally, the new pteraxii are competing with it in terms of deepstrike firepower. While not out for the count, expect less of them.
- A notable thing to consider is their new capability to actually infiltrate, unlike before, meaning they can start anywhere on the board outside on 9" of the enemy's deployment zone. This is a massive boon as you can either hide these guys turn 1 out in the field to scan for octarius data, or take a massive brick of 10 with the temporcordia to threaten a turn 1 charge if you go first, or hunker down with the defensive doctrina and shroudspalm (Mars is great for these guys), and bait your opponent into trying to kill them. Then they've overcommitted, blast them away with your chickens!
</tab> <tab name="Sicarian Ruststalkers">
- Sicarian Ruststalkers: These guys are your Mortal Wound sources for Skitarii-heavy armies. They're faster than fulgurites on the whole, slightly tankier than a pre-kill fulgurite due to their 4+ save and natural invuln, and have better AP than the fulgurite staff with their blades. However, they lack their 4++ invuln after a kill and can't consistently put out as many mortal wounds.
- Always buy the Princeps the Blades as it's now free and it doesn't have to give up its chordclaw.
- You can have a full unit of 10 infiltrate post-deployment for 1CP; this is incredibly cheap for the ambush potential they provide. Note that since you can drop 9" away from any battlefield edge and enemy with this, you can let your enemy advance then drop a unit of rusties with the Eyes of the Omnissiah WLT and Temporcopia relic into a piece of cover in or near the enemy DZ. They should now have a +2 save against ranged attacks and the ability to force a charging enemy to fight last, making them a bit more difficult to shift prior to their charge into the enemy's rear.
- The above stratagem (Circuitous Assassins) also lets them serve as great action monkeys and VP scorers for more shooty armies, particularly with secondaries like Repair Teleport Homers, or Linebreaker/Engage On All Fronts. Infiltrating them into the opponent's DZ then triggering an action is an entirely legal strategy, as is using it to get them out of combat.
- 2CP for two strats gives them +1 to attacks and strength for the fight phase, so a full blades-equipped unit goes up to 41 S6 AP-3 melee attacks at WS+3. This is incredibly nasty against MEQs and kinda good against TEQs.
- Assuming we go with a Terminator statline, let's do some mathhammer. 3+ WS gives you a 2/3rds chance of hitting, or 0.66. 41 attacks * 0.66 chance to hit is 27 hits, with a 1/6 or 0.16 chance of a MW (27 hits * 0.16 chance of a 6, so 4.32 MWs on top of regular damage). S6 vs T5 means we're wounding on 3+, so a 0.66 chance of wounding, which gives us 17.82 wounds. If their invulnerable save is a 5++, we lose (17.82*0.32) 5.7 wounds; if it's 4++, we lose (17.82*0.5) = 8.91 wounds). The result is, respectively, 12 and 9 (rounded) wounds, which will take out most of a 5-man termie unit before it has a chance to hit you even once due to the relic.
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Adeptus Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
These units aren't Skitarii or Cult Mechanicus due to coming from an older edition.
- Larsen Van der Grauss: imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, tech-priest, and Mars mean you can field this guy just fine, but bear in mind he isn't in the Cult Mechanicus. He's also largely pointless: M6 A2 WS4+ S3 BS4+ T3 Sv4+/5++ W2 Ld8 with two guns: 6" Grenade 1d3 S3 AP0 D1, +1S and +1D against targets within 1" of terrain, and 12" Pistol 1 S5 AP0 D1, unmodified 6s to hit explode twice so you hit 3 times, and he can ride any of your transports. Larsen is from the Rogue Trader Kill Team in 8E but has no 9E rules discussing him (9E only has Astra Cartographica rules, which he isn't a member of), but he does so very little for you it's doubtful your opponent will be bothered if you take him.
- X-101: The named servitor from Blackstone Fortress. It comes with a Grav-gun, a hydraulic claw, and a 5+ BS and WS. Has the standard Mindlock ability regular servitors have with a minor upgrade - it goes up to WS/BS 4+ and Ld9 while close to a Tech-Priest without caring about <forge world> - and gets a further +1 to hit if it's targeting a VEHICLE. Unfortunately, since it lacks the CHARACTER keyword, it's just going to get popped the second it steps out into the open. And since it can't take a transport, you can't even really kamikaze it. Even at 25 points, still not worth it.
- Its lack of CHARACTER keyword is actually a boon for performing actions, but for only 3 points more you could take an actual unit of Servitors, so just don't take this robot.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
- Ironstrider Engines: The Ironstriders garnered a bit of controversy during the codex's release. Because they were somehow labeled Core, this meant that they could benefit from a lot of things, including buff auras and certain stratagems. The July errata neutered this a bit by removing them from Core, but their firepower remains just as potent as before.
<tabs> <tab name="Ironstrider Ballistarii">
- Ironstrider Ballistarii: Your mobile backfield and occasionally midfield anti-tank/elite sniper of choice. The new codex has given them extremely good buffs in the sense of adding +1 to their saves, +1 shot for each of their two auto cannons, and 3+D3 damage on their lascannons. Cheap, deceptively durable when need be in a Mars, Lucius, or Data-Hoard detachment, mobile, and able to output unfair amounts of damage, which makes these a top tier threat in the new Admech codex. Get them while they're hot before the guaranteed price hike.
- Lascannon Ballistarii are absolutely beyond disgusting right now when run in a Mars/Data-Hoard (Auguries) Outrider detachment. Not only are they severely undercosted for their damage output, but taking them in small squads of 1-3 makes them immune to morale since they're Ld8 and allows a very efficient usage of the Mars Dogma to re-roll 1 hit roll per unit and the canticle for them to re-roll a hit, wound, and damage roll (if you use Data-Hoard, instead you just need to get within 24" to get full re-rolls to hit, but you don't get the once per game Dogma). They are extremely mobile and play as one of the most threatening backfield anti-tank snipers in the entire game, and if need be, can run out into the center of the board when you've mopped up anything that can threaten them. They will most certainly be nerfed in the near future, as they are extremely undercosted at 75 points a pop for two D3+1d3 assault lascannons. Play the angle game with them. Peek them out to get a bead on any armor threat, and they will kill it.
</tab> <tab name="Sydonian Dragoons">
- Sydonian Dragoons: Received a similar buff to what its ranged cousin got, giving it +1 to its save characteristic, and the -1 to be hit from its incense clouds also work in melee now. Gaining a point of AP on their taser lance to make them S8 AP-2 D2 and a stratagem to make their taser weapons explode on 5s and 6s, it seems that the new codex has listened to the anguished cries of all Dragoon enthusiasts who had their melee chickens gutted in the transition to 9th edition. Now cheap as chips at 50 pts a pop (+5 for the Taser Lance), they may actually see the tabletop!
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- Serberys Riders: The reigning champs of the skirmishing department. Not only are they very fast, but also pack a powerful punch and can do so while being able to hide behind cover.
<tabs> <tab name="Serberys Raiders">
- Serberys Raiders: Serberys Raiders are Skitarii Rangers that are mounted on cybernetic dog-mounts. T4, 2W, and a new 5++ Invulnerable save make them a bit of a sidegrade coming from the old codex where they had lost a wound. Nevertheless, gaining a point of AP on their carbines still puts them into one of the best Fast Attack choices in the Adeptus Mechanicus 9th edition codex. They can do it all. A 12" pregame move is extremely handy in the hands of a skilled player, able to set up early board control before the game has even begun. Charging them can be a nightmare due to their stratagem that allows them to immediately make a move if they become the target of a charge, and they can target characters with their carbines and deal mortals on 6s to wound as they are snipers. There's practically no downside to at least taking two small units in your list. They're fantastic screens and harassers, and with certain combos, can actually output respectable damage.
- If you really want to meme it up, take two units of nine of these guys in a Mars detachment, pop Wrath of Mars, and delete any character you see hiding behind their army if you manage to get in range. Wrath of Mars makes them deal mortals on 6s to wound, which they also already do because they are snipers. That's right. Two mortal wounds for each natural 6 to wound.
- Remember to keep tabs on your mortal wounds separately if you do this - once the stratagem has dealt 6 mortals it can't deal any more, so if you manage to roll 7 or more 6s to wound (which is extremely unlikely), each 6 to wound past the 6th only deals 1 mortal. In actual practice, doing this with 8 galvanic carbines (i.e. 16 shots) on the same turn you are applying Benediction of the Omnissiah and the Protector Imperative will usually inflict 5.242 mortals on anything, 4.326 if you're BS3+ (e.g. from taking the penalty to Advance). Getting the alpha into range is of almost no benefit, getting you from 5.242 to 5.525 or from 4.326 to 4.547.
- If you really want to meme it up, take two units of nine of these guys in a Mars detachment, pop Wrath of Mars, and delete any character you see hiding behind their army if you manage to get in range. Wrath of Mars makes them deal mortals on 6s to wound, which they also already do because they are snipers. That's right. Two mortal wounds for each natural 6 to wound.
</tab> <tab name="Serberys Sulphurhounds">
- Serberys Sulphurhounds: Fast-moving Skitarii Vanguard gunslingers riding cyber-dogs that breath fire. Identical in statline to the Raiders, but with different special weapons and rules. Basic models are equipped with dual phosphor pistols (same stats as the Phospor Blast pistol but strength 4 instead of 5.) as well as a sulphur breath (same stats as the phosphor pistol, but 12", Pistol D6, and auto hits.) The Alpha carries a single Phosphor Blast Pistol and a power maul, neither of which can be swapped out. Finally, one model can swap a phosphor pistol for a Phosphor blast carbine (24", Assault 4, strength 5, AP -1, 1 damage with all the usual phosphor rules). Their Pistoleers' special rule allows them to advance and fire pistols, and they share the rad-saturation rule with the Vanguards. As with the Serberys Raiders, the Sulphurhounds are a skirmisher unit that is cheap, though not as cheap, fast, character sniping or ranged as the raiders.
</tab> </tabs>
- Pteraxii: Another unit that was the center of attention due upon the Codex's release. The Booster Thrust Stratagem RAW allowed them to immediately jump back into reserves after landing out of them, making them nigh-untouchable. With the errata breaking this option over its knee, the pteraxii are back to being glass cannons - Booster Thrust now can't target a unit that was deployed this turn. Otherwise, it's a stratagem all Pteraxii share, to, at the end of your turn, jump back into reserves and be forced to deep strike back onto the table on your next turn.
<tabs> <tab name ="Pteraxii Skystalkers">
- Pteraxii Skystalkers: Flying drop troops that vomit shots. They have a special stratagem, Arc Grenades, that lets them supplement their friendly Shooting phase shooting with spending 1 CP for, on average, 2 mortal wounds to a vehicle within 6", but actually a 1/6 chance each of 0 and 2d3 and otherwise 1d3, so it's very swingy for something as precious as a CP. They can shoot after falling back, which is why it's so stupid the Alpha trades an 18" assault gun for a 12" pistol. Their ranged output is 5 S3 shots per dude, and their melee output is taser goads on everyone.
- Expect your opponent to blow them out of the water the turn after they drop - they're fragile glass cannons, and no savvy opponent will let them live.
</tab> <tab name="Pteraxii Sterylizors">
- Pteraxii Sterylizors: Close range Pteraxii, with a 12" Flamer that ignores the cover bonus (that's in deep strike range). Then if they charge, they each make 3 S4 AP-1 attacks, and the Alpha makes 4 S6 taser goad attacks. Unfortunately, the alpha is forced to carry a substantially worse gun than the rest of the unit - it'll land fewer shots at worse S and worse AP, and that's assuming you can shoot it, as it's the only model in the unit that can't shoot after advancing.
- 2pts more than infiltrators for an AP -1 flamer making their firepower equal to infiltrators - these are glass cannons like skystalkers, don't expect them to survive to fly off again or have a second shot - I'd stick with your infiltrators for efficiency, but it's close.
- With the Deeply Sunk Talons stratagem to stop a fallback on +2, they can have both survivability and suppress enemy non-flyer tanks/artillery. It can be kept in combat for the next turn and if the enemy you were engaging is no longer important, you can make it soar to the skies, even if stuck in combat range, to descend in deep strike the next turn.
- For 2ppm more than Skystalkers, there is a lot to recommend them. Even if you want to use Wrath of Mars on one of the two units, Sterylizors get more hits out of deep strike without having to spend additional CP or coordinating a Dominus/Cawl to be within aura radius (d6 auto-hit averages more hits than 5 shots at 3+). Add the fact that you can survive a bit longer using Deeply Sunk Talons and have way better melee and the answer to the "what should I build my box of Pteraxii as?" question is pretty straightforward.
</tab> </tabs>
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
- Kastelan Robots: More slot-efficient than the Dunecrawler, as you can get 6 in a unit. (Spamming them is a trap though, since they're extremely vulnerable in the Fight phase; 2-4 is enough.) They still have the same Monstrous Creature statline, can reflect guns back at their shooter (for a Mortal Wound now), and are fast (8") but relatively expensive (85ppm). They rock a 5++ against ranged attacks that, on a nat 6, inflicts a mortal wound on the shooting unit, so there may be situations where you'd rather take the invuln than the better armor save, in the hopes of dealing a mortal wound.
- Worse than a properly equipped (Neutron Laser and 2 Cognis Heavy Stubbers) Onager Dunecrawler at shooting everything, but better in melee. However, radically easier to buff, since a nearby Datasmith lets them count as core.
- They do make an incredibly good Distraction Canifex.
- Alternative opinion: Spam all you want! The fact that 9th edition allows vehicles to shoot at units they are in melee with means your bots can flame and light up your targets with ease. Just be wary of anything that can "robot rock" your bots into the ground in a single melee phase. They can't shoot shit if they're already dead.
- <tabs><tab name = "Aegis Protocol">Sv2+, the Protocol that the robots enter the battle in.</tab><tab name = "Protector Protocol">Great for shooting, bumping up their BS to 3+ but banning them from moving. It's recommended if you are going shooty, deck them out with triple phosphor.</tab><tab name = "Conqueror Protocol">WS2+ and re-roll charges. If you are going punchy, get Fists and the Incendine Combustor. Kastelan Fists in melee will punch holes in virtually anything, so consider fists if you live for the image of your robots ripping tanks in half.</tab><tab name = "Kastelan Fist">Your base CCW is A3 WS4+ S6 AP0 D1, improving to WS2+ under Conqueror Protocol. Each arm can mount a Fist instead of a gun. The first arm will bring you to A4 WS4+/2+ S10 AP-3 D3 and the second will up that to A5, so the second arm is a lot less useful than the first.</tab><tab name = "Kastelan Phosphor Blaster">Instead of a fist, each arm can take a gun, which is 24" Heavy 3 S6 AP-1 D2, Ignores Dense Cover.</tab><tab name = "Heavy Phosphor Blaster">The longer-ranged shoulder weapon, clocking in at 36" Heavy 3 S6 AP-2 D1, Ignores Dense Cover. Incapable of hitting anything as hard as the Combustor does, but can shoot things much farther away. Take this with arm phosphors for maximum long-range murder.</tab><tab name = "Incendine Combustor">The shorter-ranged shoulder weapon, clocking in at 12" Heavy 1d6 S5 AP-2 D1, Automatically Hits.</tab><tab name = "Notes">A critical difference here between LUCIUS and Stygies VIII when deep striking is that the former deep strikes in after it's too late to change Protocols outside of Binharic Override (costing a second CP for the unit), so unless you're willing to shell out the CP, you'll be in Aegis Protocol on the turn you arrive. Be certain if you do this that they are where you need them to be for the rest of the battle, as they will no longer be able to move.</tab></tabs>
- Onager Dunecrawler: Your best bet at dealing with heavy armor, and with plenty of solid options for the Turret. They come with a 3+/5++. They can no longer squadron, so taking a few will eat your Heavy Support slots. Very cheap at 100 pts per model for what it brings.
- While the Skorpius Disintegrator may have greater shooting utility, volume, and consistency, the Onager has the durability, due to the disintegrator lacking an invulnerable save. Additionally, it can babysit your backline ranger units and provide the DATA-TETHER keyword.
- Each Dunecrawler can choose 1 turret weapon, either Smoke Launchers or a Broad Spectrum Data-Tether, and can take an optional extra cognis heavy stubber.
- <tabs><tab name="Daedalus Missile Launcher, Gatling Rocket Launcher, and Twin Icarus Autocannon">All weapons are range 48", type Heavy, and get +1 to hit Aircraft. Heavy 1 S7 AP-3 D1d6, Heavy 5 S6 AP-2 D1, and Heavy 4 S7 AP-1 D2, respectively.</tab><tab name="Eradication Beamer">36" Heavy 1d6 S8 AP-3 D2, Blast, and can change profiles for 18" but AP-4 and D3. D6 shots is quite random, but blast does help it a bit. On average it will fare decently well against both vehicles and infantry. S8 means it will wound t4 targets on a 2+, and t7 vehicles on a 3+ (same as the Neutron Laser). The dissipated beam is rather interesting in an anti-MEQ role, punishing non-MSU squads due to AP-3 D2 at 36" range. The focused beam became more reliable as well, cranking up AP and Damage one point further to a potent AP-4 D3. Begone TEQ and light vehicles! A*D averages against the three Blast targets: 7/8/12 at long range, 10.5/12/18 at close range.</tab><tab name="Neutron Laser and Cognis Heavy Stubber">48" Heavy 1d3 S12 AP-4 D1d3+3, Blast and 36" Assault 4 S4 AP0 D1, respectively. The Neutron Laser's average A*D is 10/15, and is usually your best gun against anything in the game. Always remember: you only receive 1d3 shots, make them count! Consider using an Enginseer to awaken the machine-spirit and keep the Dunecrawler in its top bracket. Without my Enginseer, my Neutron Laser is useless. Without my Neutron Laser, my Enginseer useless. I must fire my Neutron Laser true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me.</tab><tab name="Twin Onager Heavy Phosphor Blaster">8 shots at S6 AP-2 D2 and ignoring dense cover is good for deleting MEQ units, not a bad choice by any means.</tab><tab name= "Cognis Heavy Stubber">A straight-up addition, now free, so take it. This is the one that the Skitarii is firing from out of the hatch in the pintle mount and is separate from the Neutron Laser weapon option (which includes another cognis stubber coaxially mounted to the Neutron Laser). At 36" range it will rarely be out of targets. You're mounting it on a t7 3+/5++ chassis that has easy access to repairs, as well as numerous other defensive buffs, it will last a while to get its shots off.</tab><tab name= "Broad Spectrum Data-Tether">Gives one forge world SKITARII CORE unit within 6" +1 LD. More importantly, it grants the selected Skitarii unit the DATA-TETHER keyword. Great addition for a backline Crawler that can babysit your Ranger units.</tab><tab name= "Smoke Launchers"> Gives your Crawler the SMOKESCREEN keyword. Consider the alternative, a Broad-Spectrum Data Tether.</tab></tabs>
- Skorpius Disintegrator: If it’s mobile firepower you’re after, you’ll want the Skorpius Disintegrator. You can choose one of two turret options, but both come baseline with 3 Cognis heavy stubbers and a prow-mounted disruptor missile launcher that packs a highly explosive wallop: 36” Heavy d6 S7 AP-2 Dd3, Blast. Random attack volume and damage make it unpredictable but it is a decent weapon nonetheless. It also comes with a broad spectrum data-tether and imperatives. It has the exact same stats as the Skorpius Dunerider, except for an additional point of toughness (T7).
- Probably the most critical difference when deciding between this and the Dunecrawler is the invuln save, or rather lack thereof on the Disintegrator. So in summary, the Disintegrator has better firepower for the cost than the Dunecrawler but is less durable, which means it can be shot off the board dishearteningly quickly.
- <tabs><tab name="Ferrumite Cannon">48” Heavy 3 S8 AP-3 D3. An excellent option for reliably blasting chunks from enemy vehicles, monsters or elite, multi-wound infantry, thanks to no randomness in shots or damage. This weapon does statistically less damage than the dunecrawler's neutron laser, but don't forget your other guns: the dunecrawler is 125 for 2 stubbers and a neutron laser, but the disintegrator is 145 for 3 stubbers, a missile launcher, and the ferrumite cannon. That means a Dunecrawler is more efficient against T8+ or targets with very good saves, while a Disintegrator with a Ferrumite is better against medium targets - typically T4-T7 with a 4+ or worse save or T3 with a 3+ or worse save.</tab><tab name="Belleros Energy Cannon">36” Heavy 3D3 S5 AP-1 D2, Blast, can hit things out of LOS, making this a waste of your time because none of the tank's other guns can ignore LOS and the BEC isn't worth the cost if you're going to hide this thing behind terrain and lob pot-shots. </tab></tabs>
Flyer[edit | edit source]
- Archaeopter: The brand-new dragonfly planes. Though seemingly unremarkable, they benefit from being hyper-maneuverable by pivoting before moving, and being able to hover as well. You also have the option of either a Command Uplink, which lets friendly <Forge World> units within 6" use its 9 Leadership, or Chaff Launchers for reducing any damage it takes from shooting by 1 to a minimum of 1. With only 10 wounds at T7, that'll be necessary, moreso after factoring in the damage track influencing your BS and movement scores.
- They are also the most maneuverable aircraft in the game, surpassing eldar flyers. Use their huge bases to obstruct your opponent's movement, which can be done with these aircraft as you have far greater control over where they'll end their movement on the board.
- All Archaeopter variants are perfect options for the Machine Spirit's Revenge stratagem. If you find you are down to minimal effectiveness due to lack of wounds, throw yourself into hover mode and suicide charge headfirst into the centre of their forces. With such a large base size, a 6" bubble of D3 mortal wounds can reach significant distances, and really help the model earn back a lot of its points for only 1CP.
<tabs> <tab name="Transvector">
- Transvector: The transport option, though its capacity of 6 <Forge World> Infantry models is weak. Its armament is rather meager with four Cognis Heavy Stubbers. These will absolutely benefit from Chaff Launchers, as it gives you a slightly better chance at withstanding the anti-aircraft fire so you can drop your pack. The Command Uplink will also see use as you'll already have this at the front lines. These are more durable than Duneriders, but they cost much more for equivalent transport capacity. If all you want to do is deep strike some units, a Termite may be a better choice.
- You can field 2 per Flyer slot, not 1.
- You can pair them up, which provides multiple benefits. Mechanically, you do it during deployment - when you would deploy one, you instead select two to pair. This gets you the following benefits and drawbacks:
- Units can now start the game embarked across both transports, with some members in each.
- The transports can deep strike; when they do so, all embarked models must immediately disembark more than 9" away from enemy models.
- When the transports deep strike, they can and must deep strike on turns 1, 2, or 3, regardless of mission rules to the contrary.
- When you set up the two transports, they have to be set up within 9" of each other.
</tab> <tab name="Fusilave"> Fusilave: The bomber. Your guns are improved negligibly to four separate Cognis Heavy Stubbers, but you also get the bombs. Every turn after moving, you get to roll up to 10d6 worth of dice on one enemy unit you flew over (with monsters and vehicles acting as 6d6), with every 4+ resulting in a mortal wound. It is actually much more of a support and board control unit than a pure damage dealer platform. It will allow you to control enemy movement, deal a few mortal wounds here and there, and later if that thing does survive, grab an objective in hover mode.
- Avg 3 mw on a vehicle, 2.5mw or a 5 man squad make this hard to justify sure 5mw on a 10 man Intercessor or Custodes squad. Very respectable output no matter what you're dropping explosives on.
- Good thing about this bomb is that isn't one use and have a nifty trick to halve enemy mobility with a stratagem. You can chose enemy squad that is closing with your shooting units and likely it wont charge, while you shoot them with impunity. Bomb itself will deal solid 5 MW to a unit of monstrous creatures like Necron Wraiths. Target of stratagem and target of bombs may not be the same, you just have to fly over. Maxiumum effect of stratagem will be on fast land targets, like bikes, dragoons, rhinos, all land transports, daemon engines, large squads of advancing infantry like ork mobs.
- Also best candidate out of three for Electro-Filament Counter Measures, since you are going to be close and personal anyway. May turn off enemy defenses from auras like Dark Shroud, Lions helm, or debuff enemy warlord traits, abilities and artifacts, that are auras...
- With the changes to flyers in 9th, RAW means you can fly over the top of units and straight off the table, dropping your bombs without giving your opponents the chance to shoot back. As you get 1CP back every turn, you can effectively cripple one unit of your choice with the strategem and bomb pretty much any unit(s) you want with a free pivot before flying straight off the board again. Coming back onto the board is not considered movement (effectively it's deep strike) so neither bomb nor strat work on that round.
- Also best candidate out of three for Electro-Filament Counter Measures, since you are going to be close and personal anyway. May turn off enemy defenses from auras like Dark Shroud, Lions helm, or debuff enemy warlord traits, abilities and artifacts, that are auras...
</tab> <tab name="Stratoraptor"> Stratoraptor: The gunship. Your Cognis Heavy Stubbers are complimented by two Heavy Phosphor Blasters and a Twin Cognis Lascannon. Indeed, the weapons are all made to wipe the floor with any priority targets in comparison to the Fusilave's carpet bombing. You'll certainly want the Chaff Launchers on this, since you are bristling with a lot of guns. Alternate take this is the best allrounder flyer as it is not dependent on your opponents list like the Fusilave. As taking the command uplink allows access to the strat that turns off auras which seems strong in certain matchups. </tab> </tabs>
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
See here for an in-depth discussion of Knights on their own; what matters to you is that Cawl, Domini, Manipuli, and Enginseers can fix Questor Mechanicus Knights, and any of the three or a Datasmith can propagate the Knight of the Cog stratagem onto them (they also have access to a new stratagem from our Codex, Rotate Ion Shields, but they can do that without any assistance from us at all). If you want to maximize the impact of this:
- Datasmiths are the cheapest of the four options to propagate the Stratagem, but Enginseers are the cheapest that can both propagate and repair. In either case, none of your relics are directly relevant, and neither are your dogmas, but Monitor Malevolus will somewhat reduce the cost of maintaining Knight of the Cog, Chorister Technis will exponentially improve your ability to guarantee the Canticle you want (especially easy, as always, with Cawl on hand), and Necromechanic will greatly improve how reliably and quickly you can repair the Knight, which is one of the big reasons to bother with this combo in the first place.
- The best Knight to take is the Crusader, since that's the only one not forced to take a melee weapon on one of its arms.
- By default the Crusader is the best take because of how much firepower and anti-horde it wields. The only reason not to bring it is because the enemy is fielding some really, really tanky units that want to go toe-to-toe in CC, at which point you either want to bring the Atrapos for titan-killing or some Armigers to wear your enemy's heavies down before your valuable stuff finishes them off.
Forge Worlds[edit | edit source]
Agripinaa[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, wave after wave will be sent to the meatgrinder.
Thematically, Agripinaa is the defense forgeworld, having resisted chaos sieges for millennia.
Crunchwise they hold their ground with enhanced overwatch and wave after wave of disposable Kataphrons. If you love Kataphrons but the enemy kills and locks them in melee too fast for you to have fun, give this forgeworld a try.
When the Cadian gate breaks open and the enemy comes knocking on your door, let Agripinian steel crush the serpent 'neath their heel.
<tabs> <tab name= "Forge World Dogma"> Staunch Defenders: Any models with this dogma that shoot an enemy within half range improve their gun's AP by 1. Any time an enemy unit charges a unit with this dogma that isn't engaged, the charged unit counts as being in defensible terrain: it can opt to either set to defend or hold steady (which is 5+ overwatch if you overwatch, but it doesn't enable overwatch by itself). </tab> <tab name= "Warlord Trait"> Verse of Vengeancetech-priest: Pick one Agripinaa Core within 6" during the command phase. Any models that die in this unit can roll a die; on a 4+, shoot with 1 weapon or make 1 melee attack. </tab> <tab name="Stratagem"> Indentured Machines(1 CP, Requisition): Limited by game size. Select one unit of Agripinaa Kataphron Servitors (now reworded to lock out those generic non-treaded servitors). This unit's Toughness is now improved by +1. While it's nice to see your ever-reliable tanks be even tankier, it was nice to have the ability to just throw another pack of them wherever you need them. </tab> <tab name= "Relic"> Eye of Xi-Lexum: At the start of each of your shooting phases, pick one enemy vehicle within 18" of the bearer. You can re-roll all failed wound rolls for friendly Agripinaa Core/Kataphron units within 6" of the bearer that target the enemy you picked for the rest of the phase.
- Plus side is that it's now far more potent. Downside is that the beneficiaries of this buff aura have been severely restricted to either Kataphrons or Skitarii. Not such a loss, as Kataphrons are practically made to obliterate tanks.
</tab> <tab name= "Tactics"> Tactics: NEEDS UPDATING FOR 9TH EDITION </tab> </tabs>
Graia[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, the best planet is made by yourself with the will of Omnissiah.
The more fanatical of the worlds.
They refuse to flee but are hard to kill and don't care about shooting plasma during melee.
<tabs> <tab name= "Forge World Dogma"> Refusal to Yield: All units with this dogma automatically pass attrition checks and gain a 5+++ FNP against mortal wounds. That FNP gives you a bit of a security net if you try to overcharge your plasma guns, but the bigger deal is that losing models won't hurt you as hard since you can rest assured that your bots will stay standing. </tab> <tab name = "Warlord Trait"> Mantra of Disciplinetech-priest: One friendly GRAIA Core unit within 9" of your warlord can perform Heroic Interventions, moving 6" when doing so. If you've got your heroes as backline shepherds, then you'll find plenty of use here. </tab> <tab name = Stratagem> Steel Mind, Iron Logic (1 CP, Wargear): When an enemy psyker uses a power within 24" of a GRAIA unit, roll a d6. On a 4+, the power is nullified. Identical to the Black Templars' Abhor the Witch and World Eaters' Scorn of Sorcery stratagem. </tab> <tab name= Relic> The Cerebral Techno-Mitre: Tech-Priests only. All of the bearer's auras and abilities usable in the Command Phase improve their range by +3" to a max of 9". Considering how much your troops will be depending on your priests, it's only natural that you'd want something that can make sure they can support as many units as possible. </tab> <tab name = Tactics> Graia's Vengeful Vanguard: Take one or two full sized units of Skitarii Vanguard with Data Tethers, make sure they're close to your warlord (with Emotional Clarity), and see them live up to their name. Your opponents face will drop when he realizes that those squishy looking cyborgs are slightly harder to kill than usual thanks to the FNP ability. Next he'll note that his men are feeling queasy being near your radio-active bucket-heads (-1 on toughness). Those making it to the next shooting phase will find themselves staring down the barrel of a triple shot rifle which your unit has no issue shoving down their throat before pulling the trigger. Your Skitarii Vanguard will be able to shoot in close combat, and thanks to their radio-active aura, will wound most troops on a 3 or a 4. Regardless of whether you're outnumbered two to one, your shooting phase will become a devastating affair. Use the Protector Doctrine for a +2 to hit and enjoy the rerolls provided by your Dominus. You can give your warlord the Omniscient Mask and use the Conqueror Doctrine for a second round of pain in the Combat Phase. In addition; you can consider using the Canticle 'Doctrine of Might', giving your Vanguard perhaps that little push to finish the job. </tab> </tabs>
Lucius[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, space itself bends to the will of the Machine God.
One of the Durable mobility worlds, Lucius is resistant against anti-GEU weapons and can Teleport in Deathstars.
Lucius specializes in the durable Infantry side of the Mechanicus, Shrugging off Autocannons, and placing up to a 30 man anywhere on the board.
Surprise Electro-Priests or Kataphrons will wreck.
Use augmented armour and brilliant teleportation to show the enemy the power of the Hollow Forge!
<tabs> <tab name ="Forge World Dogma"> The Solar Blessing: Any D1 attacks allocated to a model with this dogma that isn't receiving the benefits of Light Cover lets the model add +1 to their armor saving throw. In addition, all guns add +3" to their range.
- This is a pretty decent boost. The change from negating AP-1 to boosting against D1 attacks makes it more potent against most power weapons and Dark Eldar splinter weapons while remaining as strong against lasguns and bolters. However, it means that heavy bolters and the like remain a threat.
- Works very well on basic Skitarii units, markedly improving their staying power.
</tab> <tab name = "Warlord Trait"> Luminescent Blessing (Tech-Priest Only): Pick a Lucius Core unit within 9" of the warlord during the command phase. Any attacks that roll below a 4 to wound against this unit fail outright, making for some scary durability for your skittles and electro-priests. </tab> <tab name = Stratagem>
- Legio Teleportarium (1 CP, Wargear): During deployment, use this Stratagem to set up a LUCIUS non-vehicle unit in reserves instead of deploying; at the end of any of your Movement Phases you can deep strike it anywhere that is more than 9" away from opposing models. This is why you pick Lucius as your Forgeworld.
- Gimped (probably necessarily) to now only be used a limited number of times per game (once for patrols, twice for strike forces, three times for onslaughts). Also, now you can't teleport vehicles. No more surprise Kastelans.
</tab> <tab name= Relic>
- The Solar Flare: Once per game, at the end of your movement phase the bearer and up to 1 friendly Lucius Core unit within 3" can teleport instead of moving normally. When they do so, remove them from the battlefield and place them anywhere that is within 30" of their starting position, more than 9" away from any enemy, and wholly within 6" of each other if you teleported 2 units.
- An immensely useful relic on an already popular forge world, the solar flare can allow a character to teleport away from a dangerous melee unit or next to an objective in the hope of securing it. If you teleport a unit of Kastelan next to the enemy, you can use this relic to send a Dominus or Datasmith to support them.
- You can also use this to bail your skitarii out of getting trapped in combat if the enemy has an ability that prevents them from falling back, as this teleportation doesn't count them as doing so.
</tab> <tab name = Tactics>
- The Unstoppable March: Lucius gives insane benefits to your basic skitarii troops to the point where they become absurdly durable and hard to shift when taken in full twenty man squads. By stacking numerous buffs onto a single twenty man unit of skitarii - Luminescent Blessing, Bulwark Doctrina, Logos primary ability, and Firepoint Telemetry Cache - you can make a brick of twenty vanguard have Sv3+ (2+ against ranged attacks that don't ignore Light Cover or that are D1, 2+ while entirely on/within terrain, 1+ if both apply), ignoring AP-1 and AP-2, are unable to be wounded on 2s and 3s, and have the potential of falling back and shooting or teleporting with Artisans or Programmed Retreat and the Solar Flare, respectively. Just go right on up and march straight up the table and watch in amazement as your opponent realizes they can hardly kill your 8 point models. Then use Enriched Rounds/Galvanic Volley to ruin your opponent's day even more.
</tab> </tabs>
Mars[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, only faith in the machine will save us.
Thematically, Mars is the exemplar. The first and holiest forgeworld, the heart of the entire Adeptus Mechanicus.
Crunchwise, while some forgeworlds are defined by the gimmicks that differentiate them from the red planet, Mars itself focuses on what differentiates the Adeptus Mechanicus from other factions: your Canticles and sheer firepower.
Make your enemies kneel before the glory of the Omnissiah with prayer and Martian Might!
<tabs> <tab name ="Forge World Dogma"> Masters of the Forge: Skitarii units receive the Canticles of the Omnissiah. Whenever a unit shoots or fights, they can re-roll one hit roll. Not bad, as it can at least grant a bit of freedom from the magi.
- The first bit is overwhelmingly important and puts the focus on Mars as the best Forge World. Canticles are powerful and only Mars allows their best units access to them.
</tab> <tab name = "Warlord Trait"> Panegyric Procession (Tech-Priest Only): During the command phase, you can pick one Mars Cult Mechanicus Core unit within 6" of the warlord. For this turn, they and the warlord both can benefit from a canticle (this can be any canticle, including one already used) that is separate from the rest of the army. </tab> <tab name = Stratagem> Wrath of Mars (1/2 CP, Battle Tactic): Use this before a MARS unit in your army attacks in the shooting phase. Each time you roll an unmodified 6 to-wound, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Costs 1 CP for a unit with a Power Rating of 10-, and 2 CP if the unit's PR 11+.
- Combo with Protector Imperatives and/or Cawl/Dominus/Exemplar's Eternity Marshal (with the final one working best) for sharper cheddar.
- For Rangers, you'll need 27 shooters to on average deal the maximum 6 mortal wounds base; that reduces to 21.6 with Protector up, 18 with GVF up, and 14.4 with both. The Cawl/Dominus aura multiplies that by 6/7 and Exemplar's Eternity multiplies it by 6/7 twice (i.e. x36/49), so with GVF, PI, and Exemplar's Eternity, you get all the way down to 10.58, i.e. 10 is enough to get to nearly 6 on average.
- For Vanguard, you get more shots base without needing GVF, but that's slightly deceptive because on a 6 to hit you're forced to auto-wound, which prevents the mortal wound from this strat. Baseline that means Vanguard are better than Rangers at this strat, but Galvanic Volley Fire makes the Rangers better, as at that point they're strictly better, since 6s to wound still let them deal mortal wounds.
- Also amazing with Flechette Blasters - you only need 10.8 of these base and it gets better from there, so 170 points of Skystalker is plenty for your needs - and Sulphurhounds, where you need 7.45 base and 6.97 with PI up. In fact, Sulphurhounds are your most efficient delivery method for this strat.
- Another option is Corpuscarii Electropriests, given their high volume of shots and their taser effect - they're actually more efficient than Skystalkers base, although not under PI.
- Quite bad with Kastelans, due to their cost per shot, even with combustors and dual blasters.
</tab> <tab name = Relic> The Red Axe: Replaces an Omnissian Axe (so Enginseers and Domini only), vastly increasing its AP and A: S+2 AP-5 D2 and gives 3 additional attacks per swing. Looks scary, but armour saves can only be lowered so much before reaching an invuln or reducing all the way to no save, with additional penetration wasted. In the weird event you wanted to upgrade the melee of a Martian Enginseer or Dominus, you'd be a lot better off with Anzion's Pseudogenetor. </tab> <tab name = "Special Character"> Belisarius Cawl: Unfortunately, the once staple of every Mars list back in 8th edition and post Engine War has fallen drastically from grace in the new codex. Where he used to grant full rerolls to everything around him has now been replaced by only rerolling 1s and picking a single unit for free rerolls. His ability to manipulate your canticles into you gaining two you wanted practically every turn has now been changed to picking a single unit to benefit from another canticle aside from the one already active. His melee and damage output has gotten buffed, but that nowhere near offsets the nerfs he has gotten within the new codex. He thankfully doe now cost a new and much more reasonable 160 Points from the previous 180. In addition to the other recent points drops that Mechanicus got recently, it makes taking Cawl far less of a hassle if you do decide to take him with you considering what he does offer </tab> <tab name = Tactics> Cawl's Moving Castle: Basically a continuation of the most viable 8th edition Index build. Big daddy Cawl and a whole bunch of Kastelans set to Protector mode. You can switch protocols in turn one now, via the Binaric Override Stratagem. Combine it with the Wrath of Mars Stratagem to delete whatever unit is in front of you off the table with 9 re-rollable S6 cover-ignoring AP-2 shots that deal mortal wounds on To-Wound rolls of 6 per model. Mars' Infiltrator Ambush: This combo relies on a 10-man squad of infiltrators with blasters and the Wrath of Mars Stratagem. Normally, 50 str 3, ap - shots aren't very impressive, but the pseudo-rend effect granted by the stratagem can prove to be a nasty shock for the unprepared. To top it off, most opponents familiar with Ad mech won't be expecting such an alpha strike in a non-Lucius list. Also applicable with a large brick of Serberys Raiders, as they already deal mortals on 6s, making Wrath of Mars deal 2 mortal wounds per wound roll of 6. Plus, this can target characters! The Ballistarii Party: Lascannon Ironstrider Ballistarii are already extremely undercosted and overpowered right now, so let's make them even fucking better. Get a Mars Outrider Detachment and get three squads of 2-3 each to maximize the effienceny of the free reroll you get. Canticles being granted to them allows you access to Shroudpsalm to weather some return fire if you're anticipating your opponent to catch them outside of obscuring terrain, and Benediction of the Omnessiah to give those units another free hit reroll, a wound reroll, and a damage reroll. Within Mars, your laschickens will delete practically anything they see and for a very affordable price. </tab> </tabs>
Metalica[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, the relentless noise of machinery deafens the weak.
In fluff, Metalica is as close to machines as possible, and that's just how they like it. Their world is scorched clean of life and covered in metal, and the sounds of their industry are deafening.
In the crunch, they are relentless and efficient, not letting something like close combat or assaulting get in the way of them shooting. They are all about movement, whether it's assaulting with rapid fire weapons to get just into range, or using their warlord trait to ensure that your key units aren't tarpitted, you can and will show them the ordered might of the Omnissiah!
The Book of Rust hasn't tampered with this role, but it has given Metalica a few more tricks so they can be a bit more customized.
<tab name = "Forge World Dogma">
- Relentless March: Units with this dogma do not suffer penalties to hit with Assault weapons after advancing and do not suffer penalties to hit with Heavy weapons after moving. In addition, enemy units engaged with a unit with this dogma are always counted as being below half-strength.
- This is so scattered in terms of what it does that it's challenging to find situations where it can really outperform other worlds - if you advance into position, shoot, and get charged, Agripinaa is better, and if you walk into position, shoot with your Rangers, and then charge for some reason, Ryza is better, for ensuring the charge succeeds and making sure the fight goes as well as possible.
</tab> <tab name = "Warlord Traits">
- Ashrunner: Your warlord gains +3" movement and +1 S and A. Truth be told, your HQs really shouldn't be that close to fight, though the extra speed might be more palatable.
- Master Annihilator: During the Command phase, pick one Metalica unit within 6" of the warlord. This unit adds +1S and +6" to the range of any radium weapons they own that aren't relics. The vanguard will absolutely enjoy this, as they're now even further away from those meddlesome bolters alongside being able to ding a marine even if they don't trigger poisoning.
- +1S is underwhelming on a normal weapon, let alone radium weapons, but this stacks with a Manipulus, for +12" range, +1S, and AP-1. 30" with 3 shots at S4 AP-1 is a Galvanic Rifle with the buffing strat up before you consider your auto-wounding ability, so this warlord trait sidelines Rangers.
- Radioactive Emanation: Your warlord has a 6" aura of -1T which doesn't stack with any other -1T rules and applies to all non-Metalica units, even allies, so never put a Warlord with this near an allied Knight.
- Tribute of Emphatic Venerationtech-priest: Pick an enemy unit within 12" of your warlord at the end of your movement phase. This unit suffers -1 to hit. Pretty basic way to nerf the enemy, and easier to use than the stratagem.
</tab> <tab name = Stratagems>
- Blaring Glory (1 CP, Strategic Ploy): Select an enemy unit within 6" of a METALICA unit during either the fight or shooting phase. This unit cannot re-roll anything, which can be absolutely EVIL.
- Deafening Assault (1 CP, Wargear): Use during the shooting phase. When one of your METALICA units shoots, the enemy unit they target (Provided that it's not a vehicle) halves its movement and can't overwatch or set to defend.
- Now the ideal way to set up your melee units so they can make a guilt-free charge.
- Extinction Order (1 CP, Epic Deed): Select a single area terrain feature your warlord sees during the shooting phase. Until the end of the phase, any METALICA units that sit within 6" of the warlord gain +1 to wound when shooting an enemy unit that's hiding within the designated terrain feature.
- Knight of the Iron Cog (1CP, Requisition): One House Raven unit gains the Canticles ability, despite lacking the Adeptus Mechanicus keyword. No limit on being spammed, despite being Requisition and used before battle, as all Requisition strats are. On paper this is great, in practice: Imperial Knights can just attach a freeblade to a Mechanicus force without messing up your Canticles and
Doctrina without needing a extra CP point for each knight. If you plan to bring more then 1 knight the CP cost of a knight lance can quickly skyrocket, espically with needing to use this keyword on each and every unit. and for each knight you have less points to spend on stuff that benefits from having active canticles or doctrina. On paper good, in practice, bit of a balancing act.
- March to War (1 CP, Battle Tactic): One METALICA unit advances 6" instead of needing to roll for it.
- Omnissiah's Exaltation (1 CP, Strategic Ploy): When an enemy unit takes a morale check within 6" of a METALICA unit, they suffer a -1 to that roll.
- Order in Anarchy (1 CP, Battle Tactic): Nominate one METALICA unit during the Command phase. Whenever this unit fights an enemy within 12", they add +1 to hit.
- Purity of the Machine (1/2 CP, Battle Tactic): When a METALICA unit shoots or fights, they can ignore any modifiers to hit or wound rolls, making this a very versatile perk to ride on. Costs 1 CP for infantry and 2 CP for vehicles.
- Rad-Oversaturation (2 CP, Battle Tactic): At the start of any phase, you can boost the range of one Skitarii Vanguard unit's cancer aura to 6", making them more able to blast out any pests before they make a charge.
</tab> <tab name = Relics>
- Adamantine Arm: Essentially a stronger Servo-Arm with Sx3 (12) AP-3 D4 and +1 to hit, but note that the bearer gets it in addition to their other wargear - this isn't a replacement. It's still just one hit, but on the bright side, it's a slightly more reliable hit that'll hit as hard as a Dreadnought.
- Almost always worse than Anzion's Pseudogenetor.
- Bionics of Veneration- 4++ and 3" aura that inflicts -1 to hit on enemies.
- Delta Pistol: Replaces a Gamma pistol, meaning Datasmith only, gaining more Range, S, AP, and D, on top of re-rolling to wound against Vehicles: 18" Pistol 1 S10 AP-4 D4, re-rolls wounds against Vehicles. Radically better than the Adamantine Arm if you have a model who can carry it.
- Metalican Lung: 3" aura that lets allies re-roll to wound enemies inside this aura.
- If you can manage to get within range without being engaged, this is primarily excellent on guns that want 6s to wound (Volkite on your Dominus and Drill, your Manipulus' Transonic Cannon, all of your Transuranic Arquebi, Serberys Raider guns). It's also great on melee that wants 6 to wound, which is your Fulgurites and your Ruststalkers.
- For all of these units, you want to re-roll successful wounds that aren't 6 if the 6 would be more than double the baseline output, which is a decision dependent on the target's save and potentially FNP rules. Fulgurite Staves almost never benefit, but Galvanic Carbines almost always do, with everything else in between.
- If you can manage to get within range without being engaged, this is primarily excellent on guns that want 6s to wound (Volkite on your Dominus and Drill, your Manipulus' Transonic Cannon, all of your Transuranic Arquebi, Serberys Raider guns). It's also great on melee that wants 6 to wound, which is your Fulgurites and your Ruststalkers.
- Omni-Sterilizer: Replaces an eradication ray, meaning Dominus only. Does away with having two profiles, giving you one that's 1 AP and D better than the near profile anyway: 24" Assault 1d3 S6 AP-4 D3, Blast.
- Still worse than the Volkite Blaster against some targets, like Knights, even before the 5 point cost of the gun you need to buy in order to qualify for this relic. Worse than Ryza's Dominus gun-relic, Weapon XCIX, against almost everything in the game, before you even consider that Ryza's costs fewer points; hence, like Ryza, you never want this, since Volkite + Phosphoenix is just better.
</tab> <tab name = Tactics> Metalica's White Tide: Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Infiltrators and Sydonian Dragoons at the front, followed by Skitarii Vanguard. Corpuscarii make solid frontline soldiers for Metalica, seeing as Relentless March allows you to move them down the field quickly while maintaining their 3+ S5 Assault 3 TASER shooting efficiency. 5++/5+FNP and 6-9 hits per 5 models for Overwatch makes these guys relatively beefy and pretty intimidating for their point cost. Run your Tech-Priest Dominus behind them and take the Prime Hermeticon warlord trait. Now they're hitting on 3+ and rerolling 1s for shooting, as well as rerolling all failed hits in the Fight phase. The sheer number of S5 hits generated by these guys overtime will grind your enemy's forces into dust. Your Dragoons boost the leadership of all your guys by 1, and their Taser Lance is a freakin' S8 AP1 D2 deathstick. Infiltrators generate a ridiculous amount of hits with the Taser Goad when the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative stratagem is in effect, and their Neurostatic Aura, when combined with the Deafening Assault stratagem, will cause your enemy's units to melt before their eyes. Keep some squads of Vanguard armed with Plasma Calivers close by to take down anything too tanky, and watch as your army literally washes your opponent off the board. Did I forget to mention Taser? Because FUCKING TASER. BY THE MACHINE GOD, FUCKING TASER IS HERE.
- As an alternative solution, you can also give your Dominus the Ordered Effeciancy warlord trait, which allows your dudes to fallback and shoot. Your priests will lose some of their punch, but they'll make it up in Overwatch by forcing your opponent to charge them again. And again. And again.
Metalica's Skirmishing Skitarii: Metalica's Forge World trait makes Rangers a little more capable. It turns their guns from Rapid Fire 1 to Assault 1 if they advance, meaning you can play your Rangers more aggressively. With their 30" range you can dash up the board and start making very early shots on your opponent. Keep in mind this rule only takes effect if you advance, meaning that you can advance one turn and get shots in as an Assault weapon, then a later turn if you want to let the opponent get in half range you still get the Rapid Fire Benefit. This is good if you're up against a close-ranged enemy because you can be in a position to shoot them, but they can't shoot you. Combine with Protector Doctrina Imperative strategem and a Data Tether to hit more shots and to turn those 4's into 6's, giving you more AP -1 hits. Arc Rifles are Rapid Fire as well so consider running a squad with them to be your vehicle hunters. Overall a good tactic at lower point games but starts to lose its strength around 1000 points. Probably not worth trying at 1500 and above.
- Considering that Rangers and Vanguard are 9ppm, and 5pt EDTs are now a thing, you can actually field a surprisingly large number of these guys, and expect them to last for a while. Leave room for some Dragoons to boost leadership, some arc rifles for vehicles and some plasma calivers for TEQ, and you can end up with a pretty effective pseudo-space marine horde list.
</tab> </tabs>
Ryza[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, firepower alone won't be enough.
Thematically, while Ryzans are masters of plasma, their protracted war against the orks has forced them to develop aggressive close combat doctrines.
Crunchwise, where ranged elements already stand out in AdMech armies, Ryza boosts your sometimes overlooked melee infantry. This way they become a balanced offensive force with many options, so that they're not confined to a single gimmick like other forces are.
Bring ruination to your enemy both at range and face to face, until you're drenched Red in Cog and Claw!
<tabs> <tab name = "Forge World Dogma">
- Red in Cog and Claw: All models with this dogma add +1 to their charge rolls and +1 to wound on any melee attacks made after charging, getting charged, or performing a heroic intervention.
- Remember, Fulgurites and Ruststalkers gain substantially less benefit from +1 to wound than your other melee units, and so do e.g. Arc Mauls wielded against a vehicle. Stay away from those and stick to weapons that benefit more from +1 to wound, like Corpuscarii and anything wielding Taser Goads.
- +1 to charge rolls raises your odds of managing a deep strike charge from 27.78% to 41.67% - still not high enough to be reliable, but it's something.
</tab> <tab name = "Warlord Trait"> Citation in Savagerytech-priest: During the fight phase, pick one Ryza Core unit within 6" of the warlord. This unit gets -1AP on melee attacks. A nice buff for a lot of our melee units. </tab> <tab name = Stratagem>
- Plasma Specialists (2 CP, Battle Tactic): Use during the shooting phase. Pick a Ryza unit and add 1 to the damage for all plasma weapons.
- Drastically nerfed since it no longer adds anything to wound.
</tab> <tab name = Relic>
- Weapon XCIX: Aka Weapon 99 (or "ekseeaieks"), replaces a Volkite Blaster. 24" Heavy 3 S7 AP-2 D2, with wound rolls of 6+ causing two additional Mortal Wounds.
- Volkite Blaster + Phosphoenix will usually outperform Weapon XCIX + Macrostubber even before the Phosphoenix has a chance to buff your army.
</tab> <tab name = Tactics>
- The Plasma Barbeque has unfortunately been nerfed to hell with kataphrons losing CORE and any way to re-roll hits along with Plasma Specialists going to 2CP and losing its boost to wounding.
- However, as the dedicated melee forge world we can take full advantage of all the abilities to mess with the order of the fight phase. Temporcorpia on ruststalkers/infiltrators and the electroshock stratagem on priests or robots can make your opponent fight last while the skitarii warlord trait can make dragoons fight first. This will let you entirely control the fight phase by letting 3 of your units fight even if the enemy charged you first.
- As a note for dragoons for 1CP you can boost them to S9 and able to wound anything in the game on a 2+ as toughness seems to be capped at 8 now.
</tab> </tabs>
Stygies VIII[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, innovation is the only way forward.
Stygies VIII specializing in both speed and durability, as well as being the sneeky lot of the Mechanicus.
Vanguarding lets units get a head start and -1 to hits make your shooter durable.
Ideal for your chicken walkers and Walking Tanks.
Know the enemy - out-think the enemy - defeat the enemy. Study them from the shadows before delivering the killing blow.
<tab name = "Forge World Dogma">
Shroud Protocols: Any attacks against a friendly non-Core Vehicle from over 18" and 12" for any other units counts as shooting through dense cover, so hooray, that hit penalty stays! Additionally, any time one of your units charges, the enemy cannot Hold Steady or Set to Defend.
<tab name = "Warlord Trait">
- Veiled Huntertech-priest: You can re-deploy two Stygies VIII units within your DZ or throw them into reserves on the first turn. This is all very helpful in giving you scouting power that exceeds your rangers. The units you throw into reserves don't even add into your CP costs.
- Excellent on Aircraft, because Aircraft can deep strike from reserves. If you put non-Aircraft into your reserves, make sure you choose something that can pose a credible threat from a board edge.
</tab> <tab name = Stratagem>
- Clandestine Infiltration (1 CP, Wargear): Use up to twice during deployment. A Stygies VIII Core Infantry unit can be deployed to any place that is over 9" away from the enemy DZ and from any enemy units. Can be used once, and a second time if playing a Strike Force or Onslaught battle (i.e. 2000+ points).
- This has gotten way stronger. Now you have a ticket to pretty much throw that pack of Skitarii into that tower you realize is in perfect range for your arquebus to snipe out. That big enemy line you see can now be worked around as you throw some Kataphrons into a spot that they can't charge for a turn.
</tab> <tab name = Relic> Relic: The Omnissiah's Hand: Once per game, you can trigger this at the end of the fight phase. Roll a d6 for every enemy model within 12", scoring a MW on a 2-5 and d3 MW on a 6. It's not much still, but now you have a laser light show that can at least ding a bunch of models you couldn't otherwise reach. </tab> <tab name = Tactics> Stygies VIII's Electronic Infiltration Boogaloo: Get a full unit of 20 Fulgurite Electro-Priests or two, pregame move them near your enemy with the Forgeworld specific Clandestine Infiltration, activate the Chant of the Remorseless Fist canticle to reroll 1's in close combat, then charge the thing you want dead. It will die. Your 20 dudes will now have a permanent 3++ save and will be in your enemy's face. If whatever you faced somehow didn't die because the dice gods hate you, you can always activate the Zealous Congregation Stratagem to have them fight again in the same turn. Costly in terms of Command Points, but whatever you're facing will be deader than dead. </tab> </tabs>
Custom Forge Worlds[edit | edit source]
Unlike every other army with custom faction traits, these dogmas aren't simply pick-and-mix. The amount of customization, while present, is limited to forcing you to pick one of four "primary" forge world traits, and then one of the three "secondary" traits within that primary forge world.
<tabs> <tab name="Rad-Saturated Forge World"> Balances long range and close combat. Can be unfocused, but also balanced and useful in plenty of situations.
- Radiant Soldiers: All ranged attacks from beyond 12" that hit your Core units suffer -1S, akin to the Heresy-era Iron Hands. Great utility, since ranged infantry-based armies are very common for AdMech. Helpful not only for your Skitarii tinmen, this will also help protect your electro-priests. As a general rule, this is radically worse than the Stygies dogma.
- Mostly what this does is protect your T3 skittles from S3 and S4 weaponry (S6 weapons are relatively uncommon and the protection afforded is minor, but that also happens), your T4 skittle cavalry from S3, S4, S5, and S8 weaponry, and if you keep your Kastelans near a Datasmith, your T7 Kastelans from S4 and S8 weaponry.
- Luminary Suffusion: Supercharges Rad-Saturation to have 3" of range, theoretically letting it apply to your guns if you can get very close. Not very practical, considering your Vanguard are meant to be mid-range shooters rather than dedicated melee scrappers.
- Machine God's Chosen: When rolling for combat attrition, you ignore all modifiers. Morale protection much worse than Graia's. If you field large units of 20 skittles, once you're down to 10 or fewer, this will cut your morale losses from 1 + 1/3 remaining to 1 + 1/6 remaining.
- Scarifying Weaponry: Your Radium weapons all improve their S and AP by 1 (i.e. +1S -1AP), making them considerably better at dealing with enemy heavies (the +1S is nearly meaningless, but the -1AP is huge; watch out for things like Armour of Contempt, though). Useful only to Vanguard-heavy lists, since it affects only their guns, that Dragoon's rad sniper rifle that nobody uses, the radium pistols you shouldn't be fielding, and the Marshal's radium serpenta.
- In terms of the radium jezzail, going from S5 to S6 and AP-2 to AP-3 isn't very useful, so to illustrate, consider a model where both buffs help: shooting a warboss in mega armour (T6 W7 Sv2+/5++). Assuming BS3+, the base gun hits for 15/36 of a wound, and after both buffs, it hits for 24/36 - a 60% increase. That's the absolute maximum this buff can help - against any other target, the benefit is worse.
</tab> <tab name="Expansionist Forge World"> Focused on Skitarii mobile infantry.
- Accelerated Actuators: Any units that charge, get charged, or perform Heroic Interventions improve the AP of their melee weapons by 1. Great for your melee units, which you do have lots of, but worse than the first half of Ryza's dogma, which is +1 to wound instead of -1 AP.
- Acquisitive Reach: All rifle and carbine weapons add 6" to their range, primarily buffing Vanguard.
- Forward Operations: Your Skitarii Core units can move up to 3" before the first turn but can't end the move within 9" of an enemy, giving you some early scouting ability, and can easily give certain ones the edge they need to make a turn 1 charge.
- Rugged Explorators: No penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons, and Vehicles suffer no penalty for advancing and firing Assault weapons - this is the first bullet from Metalica's dogma, and then the second Metalica bullet but worse, since only Vehicles get it.
</tab> <tab name="Data-Hoard Forge World"> Where the other forge worlds focus on Skitarii, Data-Hoarders enhance your long-neglected vehicles and even Kataphron - meaning they primarily focus on your Skitarii, since your only non-Skitarii Vehicles are Kastelans. In fact, a Data-Hoard Forge World is your best bet if you want to rely on transports.
- Magnabonded Alloys: Your vehicles now all have a 6+++. Absolutely welcome.
- Autosavant Spirits: Blessed Autosimulacra! Your vehicles regain a wound at the start of your command phase! For free! Even better is that these vehicles count as having double the wounds for the sake of determining degrading stats, making this absurdly good for a vehicle-heavy army.
- Omnitrac Impellors: Kataphrons and Onagers add +2" to their movement. Those units don't really need to move a lot, but sometimes they need to get a firing arc or escape, and they can't. This makes it easier. Kataphron Breachers become deceptively fast.
- Servo-Focused Auguries: Cognis weapons fired at half range get to re-roll to hit, and with 36"-48" range that'll be noticed. Good utility for Duneriders, Archaeopters, and especially Ballistarii, which operate far away from the Magos' re-rolls. Utterly useless on Kataphron Destroyer Cognis Flamers, of course.
- This is better than the Agripinaa dogma on Cognis weapons but worse than it on everything else. Excellent on Skorpius Duneriders and all three Archaeopters.
- This on Ballistarii is better than Mars, because you get re-rolls on all your hit rolls, not just one per unit, and Canticles frankly isn't as good an ability as permanent 6++. However, you lose out on Cawl, the Mars Warlord Trait (which only works on Kastelans anyway, in terms of Vehicles), the Mars relic (which is garbage anyway), and the Mars stratagem, which only has synergy with large units anyway.
</tab> <tab name="Reignited Forge World"> A forge world whose focus is on all their troops, making sure that they can always have an edge.
- Purgation Protocols: All Core units improve the AP of a ranged weapon by 1 if they roll a nat 6 to wound. Basically the first half of Agripinaa only worse for most guns, and particularly bad on radium weapons, since auto-wounds can't roll to wound to try to improve their AP.
- Data-Bleed Generators: Any time an enemy model makes a melee attack against you after charging, getting charged, or performing a heroic intervention, it suffers -1 to hit.
- Engineered Nanophages: Melee attacks against an enemy model with an armor save of 3+ or better improve their AP by 1, making throwing anything at tanks or marines that much better.
- Purified Datasphere: All auras (except Rad-Saturation) add +3" to their range. Mostly there to improve support and data-tethers, but it also helps the Sicarians with their electrostatic.
</tab> <tab name="Slaved Systems Forge World"> Essentially lets you copy another forge world. They gain that forge world's dogma and WT and if they aren't some support detachment, they also get the forge world's stratagem as well. This doesn't sting as much as some other "custom factions that just ape off another, more popular faction", but it's still not very desirable. </tab> </tabs>
Starting Your Army[edit | edit source]
Buying[edit | edit source]
There is a new Start Collecting Box and it is pretty awesome. You have your standard unit of 10 Ranger/Vanguards and a Enginseer, not the coolest thing ever. But then you get a Skorpius. A few of these and you have your infantry of choice and either their rides or the best Mechanicus tank lined up and ready to go.
Army Composition and tactics[edit | edit source]
There are some starter list archetypes as an example. Open the fourth one if you dare. <tabs> <tab name = "The Navy"> Take a bunch of D-Day landers (transports), fill them with infantry, storm the beaches, rush to the objectives and hold them. Often a custom FW. This is our mechanised option and the TAC variant and is often supported by some backfield artillery fire in a second Stygies detachment. (Cawl isn't worth it if you can't feed him enough units to buff so the survival option is generally better.) A nice all-round option, but the more specialist options may outperform it if played correctly. This style also has the advantage of letting you lean more into infantry or vehicles, giving you more flexibility in how you want to grow your list. Unlike with the Skitarii horde, if the lascannons are hitting your boats they're not hitting your artillery. Its downsides are that it is not as killy as the crusher and not as great at the mission as the horde but neither does it have their weaknesses. </tab> <tab name = "The Infantry"> Take 6 large units of Vanguard, 3 max units of Raiders, 3 units of 10 Hoplites and some Corpuscarii reserves, and we have the core of a Skitarii horde. Take in Ryza or an expansionist Forgeworld and swarm the objectives - this is the board control list. You're gonna be a lot less shooty than the others, but you're not limited by the need to play within buff range. While our infantry is pretty solid for its points meaning they can hold the board and objectives. This is a build designed to play the mission, not kill your opponent. The other problem with the horde is that if you try and add one or two vehicles to it, all your opponents' lascannons or equivalent will target them and they will evaporate, whereas if you have no vehicles, the lascannon are wasted on a Vanguard. In practice this means ignoring our vehicle options. </tab> <tab name = "The Ranger Firing Squad"> Something to note before even considering attempting this is that this setup is not meant to be the entire list, but a nice backbone for any firing line you may set up. It does require aura/placement synergy between four (optionally five) units to turn a standard block of 20 Rangers into a downright disgustingly lethal shooting unit that can absolutely blend MEQs and butcher anything short of a Knight statline.
This setup requires the following:
- To start, a block of 20 Skitarii Rangers to form the 'Ranger Firing Squad' part of the setup. Everything else is only there to buff these guys, so paying some extra points for wargear isn't a terrible idea. +10 points for the Omnispex to ensure that what you're shooting at will get hit and another 10 for the Enhanced Data-Tether will help with morale, in the unfortunate event that whatever you send your withering hail of firepower at has enough working limbs left during their turn to shoot back.
- A Tech-Priest Manipulus' Galvanic Boost ability will substantially buff their guns, making them go from 30" AP-1 to 36" AP-2. The extra range will help with shooting without needing to worry about taking shots back, and the extra AP point will go a long way to ensuring that whatever you hit will die. In addition, you should give this unit either the Magi or the Artisans Holy Order. Magi will give your Rangers an extra hit on unmodified 6's, which is great. Artisans will bump up the Rangers' rifles to Strength 5, which means you'll be wounding MEQs on 3+.
- A Skitarii Marshal given the Exemplar's Eternity Relic will give your Rangers the ability to reroll hit rolls and wound rolls of 1, which is obviously useful.
- A Tech-Priest Enginseer will be a carrier for whatever Holy Order you didn't give the Manipulus, meaning that both of them combined will buff the guns to an insane degree. It is a lot of points, though, so it may be a good idea to make him pull doubletime on an Onager or something, which is why I prefer to use an Enginseer for this over a Technoarchaeologist.
This is already very good, but can be made even better. The Galvanic Volley Fire Stratagem increases your output of fire by 50%, leading to 60 shots from a full unit, while the Protector Doctrina will let your Rangers hit on 2+. Finally, taking another Enginseer (or Technoarchaeologist) and giving him the Logi Holy Order will let your Rangers shrug off AP-1 and AP-2, which has the potential to completely kneecap your opponent's shooting. Keep in mind that doing that last bit will add another 95 points to this setup, so it's your choice as it isn't strictly needed.
- Finally, the Forge World buffs. Most of these are pretty nice, but you can choose whichever. Agripinaa will improve your guns' AP by -1 when firing at a target within half range, which may bump up your guns to AP-3. Lucius will give your guns an extra 3" of range and a free +1 to the Armor Save when shot at with a Damage 1 gun when out in the open, which is handy. Mars will let you reroll a hit and wound roll (the damage roll reroll is useless here), which is nice, but the real benefit is getting access to Canticles and the Wrath of Mars Stratagem. Metalica will let you move and shoot without penalty. Stygies VIII gives you the benefits of Dense Cover if being shot at from over 12" away. Ryza is useless.
- Custom Forge Worlds are also pretty good here. The Rad-Saturated Forge World debuffs ranged attacks that hit your guys with -1 Strength. The main buff from the Expansionist Forge World isn't great, but the Acquisitive Reach secondary trait gives your Rangers' rifles an extra 6" of range. Finally, the Reignited Forge World is essentially just a worse Agripinaa, but take it for the secondaries if you like.
In the end, we have turned a group of 20 infantry firing 40 shots at BS3+ 30" S4 AP-1 D1 into 20 infantry (potentially ignoring AP-1 and AP-2) firing 60 shots at BS2+ 36" (or 39" or even 42") S5 AP-2 (or AP-3, depending on the Forge World) D1, with rerolls of 1 to hit and wound with exploding hits on 6s, which statistically gets you 70 hits from 60 shots, all for the low price of 435 points (not including wargear). If you really wanted to be That Guy, leaving out the Logi carrier and putting the first Enginseer into Brotherhood of the Cog means that this setup is technically legal for a 500 point Patrol Detachment. </tab>
<tab name = "The Skittle Rad-Horde"> This setup requires the following:
- Rad-Saturated Forge World with Scarifying Weaponry: SW is pretty much the only useful dogma for the RSFW, and the sheer number of Vanguard in this list make heavy use of its +1 to Strength and AP.
- Four bricks of 20-model Skitarii Vanguard, with two plasma calivers on two of the bricks, two arc rifles for each squad, and an omnispex on all of them. These guys are the backbone of your gunline; the arc weapons and plasma calivers will tear chunks out of vehicles and do some manage to TEQs, while the carbines can be combined with Enriched Rounds once per shooting phase to near-delete a MEQ unit.
- Three Skitarii Marshals: one with Exemplar's Eternity and Firepoint Telemetry Cache, one with Programmed Retreat and The Cage of Varadimas, and one with Multitasking Cortex.
- The Marshal with Exemplar's Eternity sits centre-board with the Plasma Caliver Vanguard squads, providing re-rolls on 1s to hit and wound along with persistent Light Cover on one squad. This guy is there to let you constantly supercharge your Plasma and get the most out of your Enriched Rounds, while also giving them (essentially) Armour of Contempt against AP-1 weapons.
- The Programmed Retreat Marshal stays with any squad pushing up the board. The CoV coupled with the Vanguard's -1T in Engagement Range will make them a little more survivable in a frontline brawl, and whatever's left of the unit can proceed to shoot back once they Fall Back on the next turn.
- The Multitasking Cortex Marshal stays with the Skitarii you have sitting on any objective markers. This guy is here to ensure you can score VPs from Actions without leaving one of your 20-man bricks unable to shoot for the rest of your turn.
- Two Archaeopter Fusilaves with Chaff Launchers: These are here to slow down powerhouse units with the Arc Bomb strat and dish out mortal wounds on a 4+ to squads they fly over. They'll also help absorb attacks aimed at mid-board units for a while, with the chaff launchers helping to decrease and can be kamikazed (via Machine Spirit's Revenge) into enemy lines when badly damaged for extra mortals.
- About 5-7 Ironstrider Balistarii, with 2-3 Dragoons as backup: The Ironstriders are here to do the heavy lifting on anti-armor, since their lascannons outperform the Onager's "Delete This" gun (the Neutron Laser) on pure points-per-damage. The Dragoons are here to achieve midboard control and threaten your opponent's troops (vehicles included) with long-range charges through the Dunestriders strat followed by a charge.
- Depending on how terrain-dense the board is, you may want to swap the Dragoons out for more Balistarii, since it's a pain in the ass to move Dragoons around on a terrain-dense board. Also consider that Ironstriders won't last long in an open slugging match, so play the angle game for all you're worth.
- 5 Pteraxii Skystalkers: These guys are here as objective scorers and harassment units. Drop them from deepstrike onto unclaimed objectives or on your enemy's flanks, then use them to harass their units before they're destroyed/fuck off back into deepstrike.
<tab name = "The Tournament Crusher/The Friendship Ruiner"> The core of the best theorycrafted Admech lists revolve around a Lucius Battalion with multiple 20-man Skitarii bricks of Vanguard and Rangers (swap out for either depending on your local meta) and a Mars or Data-Hoard (Auguries) Outrider detachment to slot in Lascannon Ironstrider Ballistarii. Lucius with the multitude of durability buffs they can give to your basic skitarii makes them nigh-unstoppable to just march around the board, gunning down other infantry and even vehicles/monsters if you start investing command points into them, and just literally not dying. Mars/Data-Hoard, on the other hand, pumps up your lascannon Ballistarii to absurd levels of efficiency, giving them canticles or 6++ and re-rolls to hit. Slot in a unit of Infiltrators or a big brick of Serberys Raiders for a spicy Wrath of Mars platform.
- Important to note that you will commonly spend an additional four command points to buy additional warlord traits and relics, and get both the Logi and Artisans Holy Order upgrades. You'll be starting with very few command points, but the pure efficiency this Admech list archetype puts out makes it beyond manageable.
</tab> </tabs>
Modeling Tips[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Kastelan Robots"> Kastelan Robots are still derpy Baymaxes. And as mentioned before electro-priests look like ass. You might be screwed on the priests, but we do not need to settle for the derpbot 9000.
- The cheapest and easiest way to improve their look is to simply rotate the head 180 degrees and lower them further into the torso. That will give you a much cooler domed head with a smaller silhouette, and a more sinister and inhuman appearance.
- wargameexclusive.com makes alternate resin heads for Kastelans. Or pretty cheap Penitent-Engine-looking alternatives if you wanna go that way. If you like those models, they also make a female Dominus (Domina?) and Kataphrons WITH LEGS. And a pin-up version of the Tech-Priests and some Skitarii for Promotions.
- Forge World does make the Castellax which looks godly (and a little bit like the Hulkbuster) but is a tad expensive. You can kitbash a Datasmith with a spare TPD (every Admech player should have a ton left over from SC and Forgebane boxes) and some Skitarii/Sicarian bits. Keep in mind when (if) the 30k dataslates drops you will need to do some work to make your Castellax and kit-bash Kastelans stand out from each other.
- Or if you have some Kataphron bits left over conversions may solve some problems. Flip the head around to the smooth side, leave the thigh armor off and your Kastelans start looking better.
- Gluing the barrel of the Heavy Grav Gun in place of the Incendine Combustor for a good-looking shoulder gun. If you have any Grav-guns from Space Marines left over (please say you do) glue them to the back of the Power Fists and voila. Even better, use the grav-bit from combi-weapons. Take two, glue onto the back of the fist, then grab the armor off the top of the razorback turret and glue over the grav.
- Glue the "three sensors" bit from the sensors/comms of the Icarus Dunecrawler kit onto the Katelan's face plate for the Armored Trooper VOTOMS look.
- There's also a shapeways store for bits that resemble FW Castellax. Link here:https://www.shapeways.com/shops/stahlgeist-eisenfabrik
- New Years Open Day 2019 at Warhammer World revealed new "Ambot" sculpts for Necromunda, seen here: [1]. A few gun swaps, as these come with wrist bolters and no shoulder cannon, and you'll have suitably bad-ass robots, finally. Just keep in mind the Ambots are significantly shorter than the Kastelan, however each Ambot kit comes with twice the amount of legs required so some converting can make them tall enough.
</tab> <tab name = "Electro-Priests"> For the Electro-priests take some Servitors. Grabbing the Extra Arc claws and Hydralic Fists and put those on and you have electric dudes with melee weapons.
- For the Corpuscarii Priests using the Heavy Bolter Servitor and replacing the barrel with an Arc Rifle might be enough.
- Mix the Electro-priests kits with some Empire Flagellants for good looking fanatics.
- If you have any Ranger heads left over from a skitarii troops box, a bit of crafty knife work to flatten the joint can make excellent alternatives for electro-priests.
- Another option are the Negavolt Cultists from Blackstone Fortress, if you want a more creepy, servitorish look.
- Alternate Route: Use this for both budget and style, you see those Skitarii you have lying around? Go onto Forge World and check out the Hoplites kit, while using Hoplites as counts as might cause issues with certain players. They look better than the original "gym bro" models, are cheaper than buying two kits of priests, and it makes a lot more sense.
</tab> <tab name = "Kataphron Breachers"> Blackstone Fortress comes with UR-025, an Imperial Robot model. Snap off the Assault Cannon barrel and stick some leftover Kataphron guns for Breachers. </tab> </tabs>
Hereteking It Up[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Overview"> Every techpriest makes compromises with their given situation. You're no different, you think a gun or a bit looks a little weak, you find some aspect lacking, you need your army to have a bit more something to it. Do not worry, for the Omnissiah has planted some wonderful gifts within some dusty tomb upon some backwater planet.
Simply put, kitbashing Necron bits onto your dudes is significantly easier than you imagine. Despite being completely new to the hobby, I managed to add a bunch more charm and stuff to my dudes. All the while remaining completely budget. In this section I'll cover how you can use these STCs to your advantage. </tab> <tab name = "Skitarii">
- Special Weapon spam is very common with Skiitari, issue is that only one of each type is given. Necron players tend to have a lot of extra guns lying around. As such lets just use theirs!
- For plasma the Deathmark guns work the best in my opinion. While over sized, the sleek design combined with the cooler look makes them the best candidate for a Assault weapon. Clip off the arm resting the weapon at the hand, while it may be a bit skuffed, it will fit seamlessly with any mechanicus arm you have. Cut off the hand holding the gun under. Then just glue the sucker on!
- For Arc Rifles we use the Tesla Carbine. Once again the size might be an issue but the look is blessed, very similar process. Go ham.
- The Super Sniper Rifle is trouble. Haven't done this myself but a gauss flayer might work.
</tab> <tab name = "Kataphrons"> Kataphrons can bring some pretty eh responses from people, whether it be the treads, heads, or the things that make xenos deads. There are things to improve upon it.
- The Treads are the hardest part to change. A destroyer base could be used but i found the process to be rough. A heavy destroyer might work but then it all starts to be expensive. At this point your on you own. May the Machine God be with you!
- Kataphron heads have been described as "too Fleshy" by many friends of mine. As such one can use the Death Mark or Destroyer heads instead. They're completely metal, fit better than you'd expect, and also are hilariously heretekal and will manage to piss off both your local Necron player and every Imperium nerd around you.
- The killy bits are meh, the only main gun I have issues with are the Arc Rifle. Meanwhile the side guns for the Destroyers look... weak. For the Arc rifle a Tesla Cannon or Gauss weapon could work. For the Destroyer side guns a Gauss Blaster looks MUCH better.
- If the model itself doesn't jive with your machine spirit, you could always go for Myrmidon Destructors and then start gluing Necron bits to it. Though this might be more costly.
</tab> <tab name = "Knights."> Imperial Knights are a very thematic and useful ally for us, especially with our desperate need for durability... Lets tek 'em up! (Specifically armigers, you'll need special kits for the big bois...)
- Name of the game is canoptek, specifically canoptek spiders. Get the backs and glue those on, the face is nice, the legs are eh, and the guns are perfect! Look up Canoptek Knights for examples.
</tab> <tab name = "Misc.">
- Gauss weapons can be deconstructed to grab the pylon looking bits in them. They make good props and can fit onto more then you can imagine, them make good backpacks.
- Necron torsos, chest plates, etc. Are good terrain pieces, they can also be used to additionally fortify Kataphrons.
- See those Flayed Ones? Now look at those Rust-walkers, go ham.
- The C'tan Void Dragon's wings could be placed upon a Dominus. Praise the Wings of the Machine God!
</tab> </tabs>
General tactics[edit | edit source]
Forge Worlds usually dictate what kind of list to run (see that section). But, basically, there are natural synergies between Forge Worlds and list templates.
- Mars: Gaining Canticles for your Skitarii units, a free re-roll per unit (great for low rate of fire and powerful guns like the Neutron Laser and Cognis Lascannon), and Wrath of Mars on units that throw out a lot of shots (Infiltrators, Vanguard, etc.).
- Works well with the Skitarii Veteran Cohort, as this army of renown allows units to retain <forgeworld> keywords, so you're getting a lot of buffs on your Rangers and Vanguard.
- Stygies: Protecting transports for our CC techno-priests.
- Ryza: Plasma kataphrons, and going all in with melee.
- Lucius: Making your basic troops in bricks of twenty impossibly durable for their cost. Easily the best forgeworld when it comes to running you multiple twenty man bricks of basic troops in.
- Graia: infantry spam with 6+++ is decent, though the shooting in CC is the reason to run this Forge World and an infantry spam list.
- Agripinaa: Kataphron spam lists are best, since you get both the canticle to shoot/fight on death, but also the recycle servitors for dead kataphrons.
- Metalica: There's a natural tendency to run infantry spam, but one could argue that a shooty Mars-like list should work well since the main tactic here would be to use the fall back and shoot WT. The difference, obviously, is that you cannot castle up and just delete things off the board. Instead, you will want to move that blob around and have your WL out in the front-ish lines. Why? Because the Metalica canticle gives your enemy -1 to hit within 9" (including melee).
- Rad-Saturated Forge World: Scarifying Weaponry and 10 or 20-man bricks of Vanguard with the Omnispex and one/two Plasma Calivers each, backed up by an Exemplar's Eternity/Firepoint Telemetry Cache Marshal. Make sure to bring some vehicles, too - that boost to your rad-troopers may be nice, but it won't do shit against anything with T6 or up.
Specific Enemy Tactics[edit | edit source]
Against Chaos[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Chaos Space Marines"> </tab> <tab name = Daemons> </tab> <tab name = "Death Guard"> </tab> <tab name = "Thousand Sons"> </tab> <tab name = "Renegades and Heretics"> </tab> <tab name ="Renegade Knights"> </tab> </tabs>
Against Imperium[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name = "Space Marines"> </tab> <tab name = "Blood Angels"> </tab> <tab name ="Dark Angels"> </tab> <tab name ="Deathwatch"> </tab> <tab name = "Grey Knights"> </tab> <tab name = "Space Wolves"> </tab> <tab name = "Talons of the Emprah"> </tab> <tab name = "Adeptus Ministorum"> </tab> <tab name = "Imperial Knights"> </tab> <tab name = "Imperial Guard"> </tab> <tab name = "Inquisition and Assassins"> </tab> </tabs>
Against Xenos[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name =Orkz> </tab> <tab name =Necron> </tab> <tab name = "Craftworlds"> The vanilla space elves are probably the most varied of the various eldar in their playstyle, but they share a few critical weaknesses with the rest of their kin. First, while they have a select few exceptions in Wraithguard, Wraithblades and Wraithlords, all of their infantry is GEQ standard squishy. Unlike your GEQ troops, many of them don't have a backup invulnerable save to fall back on when you bring out weaponry with any AP of note. To that end, Rangers with Galvanic Rifles can easily scythe down Aspect Warrior squads far before they can ever get into range to use their own weaponry. Which brings us to their next prominent weakness; minimal range. Though generally faster on foot than your dudes, the average range on a majority of their infantry is... pitiful. As in rapid fire/charge range pitiful. Virtually your entire codex will outrange a majority of any non-vehicle they bring to bear against you, so make use of that wiggle room. Craftworlders aren't without teeth though, despite their codex's age. Outside of allied Psyker support, you have virtually no native defense against their rather potent Psychic Phase and the mortal wounds they can casually toss about each turn. Whenever possible, use Transauric Arquebuses to snipe any Farseers, Spiritseers or Warlocks on the field to neuter their supporting/offensive capabilities. Lastly, though you certainly have units that can go toe-to-toe with them in melee, they're a touch more suited to it than you. Howling Banshees excel at slaughtering GEQ targets and can shut down any Overwatch opportunities for units they charge while Wraithblades are disgustingly durable blending machines that can even take down Space Marines with relative ease. </tab> <tab name = "Dark Eldar"> </tab> <tab name = "Harlequins"> This one-trick pony space elf faction has exactly one focus; melee. Among the various eldar factions, Harlequins are the most dangerous to you due to their blistering speeds and ability to ignore any terrain or models as they flit across the field to get into your tender gunlines. Their Troupes can also gravely threaten your vehicles if decked out in Fusion Pistols. Lastly, they can prove surprisingly resilient with their universal 4++ invulnerable saves. Fortunately, they're still T3 elves and you specialize in delivering dizzying quantities of firepower. Though Rangers can more safely engage Troupes long before they dive into your gunlines, Vanguard are ideal for overwhelming their invulnerable saves with the sheer amount of shots they output. Additionally, the guaranteed wound on a hit roll of 6 completely invalidates any given invulnerable save they may have made. You will also greatly outnumber any respectable Harlequins army by a considerable margin. </tab> <tab name = "T'au"> </tab> <tab name = "Tyranids"> </tab> <tab name = "Genestealers"> </tab> </tabs>
Allies[edit | edit source]
Fortunately, AdMech in 9th Edition is overall a pretty solid army, with most options covered. However, we also suffer no real penalties for taking allies (only that you need an AdMech WL to get the faction canticle). Obviously, points spent outside AdMech also lowers the effectiveness of our numerous buffs, so make sure you are maximizing the areas we lack if you start to soup. <tabs> <tab name = Inquisition> Aside from a Graia strat, which you can soup in, we have no answer to psychic nonsense. So, the Inquisition is a natural ally for us--and free through the "Agents" detachment designation.
- A single Inquisitor is probably best, and particularly a basic one is dirt cheap and allows you to have some of your own psychic powers (and importantly deny one, too).
- Another reason to take an Inquisitor is the leadership buff that can help out our low LD infantry in the front lines.
- Xenos-Hunter: Kitted out at 88 points (and -1 CP): Simple Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos, WLT: Esoteric Lore, Psyker (Smite & another power), Bio-Corrosive Weapons Relic, Daemon Hammer and Combi-Melta.
- Put this bad boy in a drill with your Fulgurites (and a Manipulus with Hermeticon), and he will be shooting a buffed Melta shot, rerolling hits and wounds against XENOS, and can charge in with four Daemon Hammer hits, rerolling both hits and wounds--and wounding all non-vehicles on 2s anyway.
- Xenos-Hunter: Kitted out at 88 points (and -1 CP): Simple Inquisitor, Ordo Xenos, WLT: Esoteric Lore, Psyker (Smite & another power), Bio-Corrosive Weapons Relic, Daemon Hammer and Combi-Melta.
</tab> <tab name = Knights> Obviously, there is a lot of synergy with Mechanicus Knights, and Knights are cool. Only problem is that the new detatchment rules make taking one knight CP expensive. Taking 3 and using AdMech as an ally could be strong but then you're more of a knights than an AdMech list... If you chose not to take melee units from the Admech, Amiger Warglaives have strong potential while adding anti-tank. S single Castellan with 3 Dunecrawlers is most likely all the anti-tank you'll ever need. </tab> <tab name ="Space Marines"> AdMech has some nice medium melee options but nothing super killy. Adding in SM, BA, Custodes or SoB can plug this gap nicely especially in a Skitarii horde, as all of these have killy infantry. Really fluffy with running IronHands. Or if you're a fan of Priests of Mars, Black Templars. </tab> <tab name = "Imperial Guard"> Non LoS artillery is something AdMech lack. Sure we have disintegrators, but nothing like guard wyvern or basilisks </tab> </tabs>
Keep in mind that these are merely suggestions, and are prone to change based on new rules, stratagems, and units. Feel free to play with this as you will. Remember, these are your cyberpunk dudes.
<tab name="10th">
General Tactics | |
Imperium | |
Chaos | |
Eldar | |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids | |
Votann |
<tab name="9th">
General Tactics | |
Imperium | |
Chaos | |
Eldar | |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids | |
Votann |
<tab name="8th">
General Tactics | |
Imperium | |
Chaos | |
Eldar | |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids |
<tab name="7th">
General Tactics | |
Imperium | |
Chaos | |
Eldar | |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids |
<tab name="6th">
General Tactics | |
Imperium | |
Chaos | |
Eldar | |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids |
<tab name="All">
General Tactics |
Imperium (8th) |
Chaos | |
Eldar |
Necrons | |
Orks | |
Tau | |
Tyranids |