Warhammer 40,000/8th Edition Tactics/Adeptus Mechanicus
Please note that this is the tactics for 8th edition Adeptus Mechanicus. Their current tactics can be found here.
Why Play Adeptus Mechanicus[edit | edit source]
Because you like Cyborgs, technosorcery, and some of the scariest guns in the Imperium. Alternatively, because you want to play a bunch of greedy hoarders that make the Blood Ravens seem positively philanthropic in comparison.
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Some of the best Heavy Support choices in the game, Yup, all three of them.
- Incredibly flexible - you can adapt to the board on the fly with your Canticles and multiple-choice Warlord traits that let you pick one of three effects each turn.
- Durable across the board.
- For infantry alone, a basic Skitarius is T3 4+/6++ W1 and already shares the troop slot with T5 W3 3+/6++ Kataphron Breachers. Everything outside the troop slot has at least an extra wound or better invulnerable save than this profile.
- Abundant invulnerable saves with the entire roster having at least 6++. Kastelans and Onagers stand out with 4++ (or 5++ at worst) on T7 models.
- Shroudpsalm on demand ensures cover saves for your entire army, even if the opponent gets at angle on you or there's no terrain on the board.
- Vehicles will almost always have a nearby HQ on hand for repairs.
- Mobile - practically everything in the army tags at least one of the following and usually more:
- Is loaded with Assault weapons.
- Has a 8" or 12" move.
- Has deep-strike or pre-game move.
- Ignores penalties for moving with Heavy weapons.
- Wonderful models, with the entire range having started in late 7e, fully in plastic and most kits being bountiful with spare bits.
- Questor Mechanicus Knights, if you bring any, get to enjoy your Canticles, along with repairs from the ever-present HQs.
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Many armies lost stuff in the transition from 7E to 8E, but AdMech stands out. Some notable parts being...
- AP4 Galvanic Rifles? Now you need to roll a 6, yet Heavy Bolters and Bolt Rifles have AP-1.
- Infiltrators crippling enemies with their mere presence? Now it's a 1" -1 Leadership aura. Oh no, not that...
- No more Dunecrawler squadrons. No squadrons at all in fact. Combined with the rule of 3 and we have a distinct lack of vehicles on the table compared to the likes of Imperial Guard.
- Haywire wounding mechanical stuff on a 2+? Nope, now it's a chance of dealing more damage, yet Eldar Haywire does Mortal Wounds on a 4+. Bull. Shit.
- Most of the cool stuff from 30k Mechanicum has yet to get rules, and with Forge World's unpredictable release schedule, there's no telling when we'll ever get them. RIP Cyraxus.
- You know all those cool cyborg warriors from Visions of Heresy and such? None of them are here, not without a lot of greenstuff and imagination.
- No pyskers and no direct defense against them unless you run the Graia forge world. Ring in the Inquisition...
- Your mortal wounds are almost all dealt in melee unless you're playing Mars. Combined with your lack of transports means that units with good invulnerable saves need to be kept FAR away.
- Corpuscarii Electro-Priests look like ass. With cogs. And sausage fingers...
- Crummy Leadership means you often take minimum squads to prevent losses from Morale tests. You can still reach marine-tier leadership using cheap upgrades and models you were still going to bring, though.
- If you want to use Cawl (which you do), you HAVE to play Mars. Space Marines have 13+ named characters, we have Cawl and Dadaelosus.
- In fact, we only have four other HQ: An expensive Captain-equivalent, a cheap repairman/battalion filler, a strange buffer from Killteam, and one named useful guy. They're not defenseless in melee, but you don't really want them there, which is a bit of an issue because a lot of your army (Siccarans, Vanguard, Dragoons, Breachers, Electropriests & melee Kastelan) wants to smash face.
- The solution is to field a knight, but that isn't exactly a cure considering EVERYONE does that and EVERYONE builds lists to deal with it...
- Ryza Plasma Destroyers in a Servitor Maniple. For 2 CP per shooting phase, they have a slightly lower average damage output than a demolisher cannon...PER MODEL.
- Overall, there's some weird balance issues in this army. A lot of the units compete for similar roles rendering some useless while others are overpowered.
- Warlord traits and relics often lack the quality of character to put them on - its why there's no admech smash captain.
TL;DR: the rules of three really hurt the Mechanicus.
Faction Keywords[edit | edit source]
Did you guess IMPERIUM and ADEPTUS MECHANICUS? The rest are either SKITARII or CULT MECHANICUS. That's right, finally merged into one army. There's also FORGE WORLD, which determines your Forge World Dogma.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
Canticles of the Omnissiah[edit | edit source]
Once per turn, you can activate one of the Canticles of the Omnissiah. One use per canticle, or roll a D6 to get a random one (and possibly re-use one). Note a detachment must be 100% Adeptus Mechanicus to make use of these. Putting allies in another detachment is fine, though. What is really good about Canticles now is that you are choosing them at the "start of each battle round", not on your turn. That means you can declare Shroudpsalm on turn 1 even if your opponent is going first.
- Incantation of the Iron Soul: Lets you re-roll failed Morale Tests.
- If you run big blobs of Vanguard, it's not the worst thing out there.
- Litany of the Electromancer: Also known as the Zap Rap. It will help you hand out Mortal Wounds, but all things considered, this is one of the least useful Canticles. You get a 1 in 6 chance for each unit that's in melee with you to suffer 1d3 mortal wounds.
- Most useful against tough to budge MSU units such as Marine Combat Squads and IG Infantry Squads if you can engage enough units (because lots of units to hit) and units that are expensive per wound like deathcult, aspect warriors, terminators, and lychguard (because every wound hurts). Extra effective if it's both, namely characters and elite min squads.
- The effect is resolved as soon as its chosen and does not apply again during the rest of the round. Its wording may suggest it apply as soon as a unit enters the 1" range during the round, but being w40k a FIFO (First In First Out) and 'read as it is' game, the rule has to be applied as it's written, without supposing its behavior.
- Chant of the Remorseless Fist: Re-roll 1s in the fight phase.
- It's decent. Use it the turn when your Electro-Priests, Sicarians, and Dragoons make it into combat. It is especially beneficial to the latter two due to their taser weapons. Combine with the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative to more than double damage output on a large alpha strike unit. Depending on your list prime hermeticon or omnissian mask may be more effective.
- Rangers go from wounding Guardsmen 16.67% of the time to 19.44%... but +1S increases this chance by 22.22%, so it is generally better to pick Invocation of Machine Might if the unit gets benefits from a strength difference.
- Shroudpsalm: Grants Army-wide cover, one of the best canticles.
- Pick it at the start of Battle Round 1, and then try to roll for it every phase afterward with Cawl's ability. This will allow your Infantry to pretend they are Space Marines and means your Kastelan Robots and Dunecrawlers are some of the very few vehicles in the game that can get a 2+ Save.
- The 'Prepared Positions' (2CP) stratagem also gives you army-wide cover at the "start of the battle round before the first turn" if you go second (W40k April 2019 update p.7). So, kind of at the same time than Shroudpsalm, meaning you could use it to save CP. Or if you have the CP, you can use Prepared Positions and then Shroudpsalm. After two turns of army-wide cover, your army's bound to be all in actual cover at their destination points. Or in contact with the enemy, where you'll go Machine Might on them.
- Invocation of Machine Might: +1 Strength
- makes the difference between wounding a Marine on a 4 instead of a 5, or Guardsmen on a 3 instead of a 4. The best thing is that you can save it for when your taser bois make contact with the enemy.
- Benediction of the Omnissiah: One of the best ones, even if it is a bit redundant. It allows you to re-roll 1s in the shooting phase.
- While Domini already gives this to you (and Cawl even better), it still helps your far away units, like Ballistarii, deepstrikers or people in the new transports, so it is useful. Kataphrons are so big that they may not fit all units under the Dominus' aura alongside Kastelans and Dunestriders, so there's that too.
- One of the better options to use with the 'Knight of the Cog'(1CP) stratagem, as Knights generally lack the ability to reroll hits.
Forgeworld Specific Canticles[edit | edit source]
If your warlord is drawn from a codex forgeworld replace one of the weaker canticles with one based on that models forgeworld. (Since it's based off the warlord a Stgyies army could benefit from the Mars canticle by having a Martian warlord). (Warlords from custom forgeworlds are stuck with codex canticles)
- Ryza - +1AP melee - a nice buff for a lot of our melee units.
- Mars - Heavy weapons +1S and no penalty for moving and firing - cawl castles will be happy. One of the best buffs you can get considering you don't get to reroll to wound rolls. Even better for Knights, use the knight of the cog strat and prosper.
- +1S means RFBC gets S9 which actually turns it into a proper anti-vehicle gun. AGC especially endless fury can shred lighter vehicles with S7.
- Knight Valiant/castellan gets S8 Siege Beaker Cannons that are not trash tier against vehicles. Also, Traitors Pyre would be S8 with rerolls to wound which is awesome!
- Helverins get s8 autocannons and Moiraxes can threaten anything with S7 lightning locks and graviton pulsars. Graviton pulsars cna finally be effective against lighter vehicles.
- Lucius - +1 inv capped at 4++ - pretty strong once you've used shroudpsalm.
- Metalica -1 to enemy hit rolls (melee and ranged) if you are within 9" of the attacker. More useful against melee than shooting. Your opponent just needs to pull back so they at 10" away and your bonus goes away. (alternate take is that by the time they pull back to 10" they're going to have a hard time charging you.)
- Graia - overwatch on 5's - does nothing on Agripinaa units but is pretty useful considering our volume of firepower (a nice trick is swap to this canticle in the charge phase).
- Agripinaa - infantry and cavalry 5+ to shoot or fight once when they die. A free chapter banner but doesn't affect vehicles. Won't work well in every army, so you have to build around it. Also, can be a bit tricky to set up for, unless you know you are about to get your teeth kicked in by your opponent's beta strike. (alternate take Aggripinaa list's tend to be based around kataphron spam which have pretty decent firepower and range and are infantry so could be ok but doesn't play well with others.)
- Stygies - shoot after falling back but -1 to hit - situational but great in the right circumstances. Not one you want to roll up, but a potential target for Gloria Mechanicus.
Soldiers of the Machine God[edit | edit source]
It's Objective Secured with a different name.
Forge World Dogmas[edit | edit source]
The main thing that gives the Adeptus Mechanicus their character and radically alters their playstyles is what Forge world they hail from. Everyone has their own favorite group and way of playstyle, so choose a Forge World and try to find what synergizes best with their traits, relics and stratagems.
Custom Dogmas[edit | edit source]
Unlike every other army with custom faction traits, these dogmas aren't all pick-and-mix. The amount of customization, while present, isn't really as diverse, forcing you to pick the main trait and one of several different secondary traits.
Rad-Saturated Forge World
Balances long range and close combat. Can be unfocused, but also balanced and useful in plenty of situations.
- Primary - Radiant Soldiers: All ranged attacks from beyond 12" that hit your Infantry units take -1 to strength, akin to the Heresy-era Iron Hands. Great usefulness, since ranged infantry-based armies are very common for AdMech. Helpful not only for your Skitarii tinmen; Heavy Bolters wounding Kataphrons on a 5+ ought to be frustrating for the enemy.
- Secondary - Luminary Suffusion: Supercharges Rad-Saturation to inflict -1S on top of the usual -1T, making Skitarii Vanguard & Sulphurhounds very useful debuff frontliners. A very complete dogma: their infantry is hard to kill at range, and debilitates the enemy once they finally reach them. Also increases the range of the Rad-Saturation aura from 1" to 3" and extends its effects to enemy Vehicles.
- Secondary - Scarifying Weaponry: Your Radium weapons all get an AP of -1, making them considerably better to deal with infantry. Useful only to Vanguard-heavy lists, since it affects only their gun and that Dragoon's rad sniper rifle that nobody uses.
- Secondary - Omnissiah's Shield: Melee weaponry that hit your Infantry units now reduce their AP by 1. Different from Lucius', but you do have the other half of your dogma.
- Secondary - Machine God's Chosen: When rolling for morale, your units halve the number of casualties taken. Morale protection comparable to Graia's.
Expansionist Forge World
Focused on Skitarii mobile infantry.
- Primary - Accelerated Actuators: Any units that charge, get charged, or perform Heroic Intervention improve the AP of their melee weapons by 1. Great for your melee units, which you do have lots of.
- Secondary - Forward Operations: Your Rangers can move up to 6" before the first turn, giving you some early scouting ability.
- Secondary - Acquisitive Reach: All rapid-fire weapons add 6" to their range. Rangers gain awesome range, and Kataphron Destroyers' phosphor blaster sidearm will operate at a similar range to their main gun.
- Secondary - Rugged Explorators: All assault weapons can be fired without penalty after advancing, which is a great boost for a more mobile gunline. That's basically Metallica's dogma, plus a melee trait.
- Secondary - Dominus Command Net: The Broad-Spectrum Data Tether now adds +1 to the Ld of all models within 9". Makes morale slightly easier to move with.
Data-Hoard Forge World
Where the other forge worlds focus on Skitarii, Data-Hoarders enhance your long-neglected vehicles and even Kataphrons.
- Primary - Magnabonded Alloys: Your vehicles now all have a 6+ FNP just like your man-chines. Absolutely welcome.
- Secondary - Omnitrac Impellors: Kataphrons and Onagers add +1 to their movement. Those units don't really need to move a lot, but sometimes they need to get a firing arc or escape, and they can't. This makes it easier. Kataphron Breachers become deceptively fast.
- Secondary - Servo-Focused Auguries: Cognis weapons fired at half range get to re-roll to hit, and with 36"-48" range that'll be noticed. Good utility for Duneriders, Archaeopters and especially Ballistarii, which operate far away from the Magos' rerolls.
- Secondary - Autosavant Spirits: Blessed Autosimulacra! Your vehicles regain a wound at the start of your turn! For free! Granted, most of your vehicles are fire magnets to begin with, but this does give you survivability.
- Secondary - Trans-Node Power Cores: If you're hell-bent on relying on the Arc weapons, this can give you bit of a boost by adding a bonus hit when you roll a 5 or 6 to hit with them. That IS +66% hits for Kataphron breachers, though.
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
Note on what named characters can take.
- Cawl - Static Psalm-Code only.
- Daedalosus - Codex Warlord traits only no dogma specific traits.
- Larsen Van der Grauss (If taken in an Elucidian Starstriders detatchment) Codex warlord traits or Static Psalm-code.
Holy order warlord traits explicitly cannot be given to named characters but the extra warlord trait strategem can target named characters.
Codex Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
- Monitor Malevolus: Once per battle, you can re-roll a single hit roll, wound roll, or damage roll made for your warlord. In addition, if your army is battle-forged, roll a d6 each time you or your opponent uses a stratagem. On a 6, you gain a command point, though it's been capped at a single CP regained per battle round.
- The free reroll is still worth a CP on its own, though.
- Magos Biologis: You can re-roll failed wound rolls when attacking enemy infantry, beast, or monster units with your warlord.
- Good for a Dominus with relics that meets the enemy instead of being support. For dedicated melee, the Prime Hermeticon might serve you better.
- Mechadominator: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls they make for any of their vehicles that target your warlord.
- A) You have Onagers with Neutron Lasers, why are enemy vehicles still alive? B) Vehicles aren't Snipers (besides Knight Castellans with Oathbreaker Guidance System), nor should your Magos be duking it out against a Dreadnought.
- Necromechanic: Each time your warlord uses an ability to repair a friendly model, that model regains 1 additional wound. Doubles your Knight-repair rate, which normally heal only 1 wound instead of the usual D3.
- Can be combined with the 'Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land' relic if you cannot afford to lose that Onager.
- Chorister Technis: Whilst on the battlefield, you can re-roll one die whenever you randomly select which canticle you use. Notably, if the warlord is from Mars, he can only re-roll the first result. And if he isn't, the FAQ states he's only rolling a single dice anyway, the Martian double-dogma being rolled for separately from non-Martian detachments.
- Giving Cawl an assistant with this does still help him; you'll go from 3/4 Shroudpsalm odds to 7/8, for example.
- Prime Hermeticon: Infantry units within 6" can re-roll failed hit rolls in the fight phase.
- This is the only way you can get anything useful out of Breachers in close combat. If you're using only Skitarii for melee, the Omniscient Mask could help you better.
Holy Order Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
The following four warlord trait options were added in Psychic Awakening: Engine War, and they are pretty much flat upgrades to anything found in the codex. Each trait offers one of three auras that are selected at the beginning of your turn, and can be swapped out as the situation demands. Two things to take note, however: If you end up going second, you will have no bonus active; and many of the auras affect models, not units - position your units responsibly.
- Learnings of the Genetor:
- Hyper Cybernetic Physiology: FORGE WORLD Kataphrons and servitor models within 6" of the warlord have a 5+ feel no pain save.
- Biochemical Aggression: When a FORGE WORLD model which unit is within 6" of the warlord makes an attack with a melee weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 improves the AP of the weapon by 2 (0 becomes -2, -2 becomes -4).
- Excoriate Fear Response: FORGE WORLD units within 6" auto-pass morale.
- Analyses of the Logos:
- Predicted movements: FORGE WORLD Infantry units within 6" of the Warlord can overwatch on a 5 or 6
- Empyric Prognosis: Roll one D6 when a friendly FORGE WORLD model would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound in the psychic phase whilst its unit is within 6' of the warlord; on a 4+ that wound is not lost.
- Flaws of the Foe: FORGE WORLD models within 6" gain a bonus to the AP of their ranged weapons. On an unmodified hit roll of 6, improve the AP of the attack by 1.
- Divinations of the Magos:
- Overloaded Safeguards: Ranged weapons fired by FORGE WORLD Models within 6" of the warlord will score an additional hit on an unmodified roll of 6.
- Aggressive Subroutines: FORGE WORLD units within 6" may re-roll charges.
- Predatory Programming: FORGE WORLD Units within 6" may roll one additional D6 and discard one of the dice when making an Advance roll.
- Fabrications of the Artisan:
- Exquisite Calibrations: FORGE WORLD models within 6" gain a bonus to the AP of their ranged weapons. If the target is within half range, improve the AP of the attack by 1.
- Master of the Motive Force: Arc weapons on friendly FORGE WORLD models within 6" of the warlord gain a bonus against Vehicles. On an unmodified wound roll of 6, they deal 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
- Enhanced Engine Interfaces: FORGE WORLD Vehicle models within 6" of the Warlord can shoot in a turn they fell back.
Tactical Objectives[edit | edit source]
- 11 - Will of the Omnissiah
- 1 VP for choosing to roll for the active Canticle of the Omnissiah. Also known as "a free VP".
- 12 - The Machine Eternal
- 1 VP if you restored all the wounds of a damaged VEHICLE.
- 13 - A Victory For Logic
- 1 VP if an enemy PSYKER was destroyed, failed a Psychic Test, or had a power denied (through either Deny the Witch or Graia's Stratagem).
- 14 - Rumors of Revelation
- Roll a d6. Score a VP if you control the objective corresponding to the number you roll, which is improved to d3 VP if your Warlord is controlling it.
- 15 - Destroy and Acquire
- 1 VP if you destroy at least one vehicle and the vehicle in question did not explode/crash and burn.
- 16 - A Quest For Knowledge
- d3 VP if you control an objective that was controlled by your opponent at the start of the turn, d3+3 if you control 3 such objectives.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
Universal[edit | edit source]
- Gloria Mechanicus (2 CP): Use at any time. You can immediately change the Canticle being canted to another (either by picking or rolling). You can't pick one you used before (unless you stack it with the stratagem below), but you can benefit from the Mars Dogma.At any time also means during opponent turn...say he just mass charged your forces and you want to turn on Litany of Electromancer..
- Divine Chorus (2 CP): Use once per battle, when you you would determine a Canticle; lets you choose the Canticle, even if it's already been used this game.
- Zealous Congregation (3 CP): At the end of the Fight Phase, select an Electro-Priest unit from your army. They can fight a second time this turn. Great way to make sure your Fulgurites get that 3++ for the game.
- Elimination Volley (2 CP): Use in the Shooting Phase; if a Kataphron Destroyer unit and a Kastelan Robot unit with the same FORGE WORLD keyword are within 6" of each other, they both add 1 to hit that phase. Makes supercharged Plasma Culverins safe.
- Binharic Overide (1 CP): Use at the end of any phase to change the Kastelan battle protocols on one of your units. However, they are stuck in the new mode for the rest of the game. Obviously, this also means you can't use this on a given Kastelan unit twice in a single game. If your Fist Kastellans have already reached melee but their Datasmith was killed before changing to Conqueror Protocols, this will let them avenge him.
- Archaeotech Specialist (1-3 CP): This is the stratagem that lets you take extra relics.
- Scryerskull (1 CP): Identify d3 hidden set-up markers / Identify a mysterious objective / One of your AM units shoots without the penalties from Dawn Raid (appearing in 3 Narrative Play missions), Low Visibility (used in Battlezone: Night Fight) or Cover of Darkness (used in Maelstrom of War: Cloak and Shadows)
- Unfortunately, these rules are specifically named, so any new rule in the future with the same or similar effect (reduced accuracy at range and/or due to low-light conditions) will not be covered by this stratagem.
- Dataspike (1 CP): Use after fighting with a character. Resolve one additional attack against an enemy vehicle within 1". If you hit, the vehicle takes 1d3 mortal wounds.
- Your Dominus or Datasmith can injure a Dreadnought equivalent(DEQ) but not really finish one since they can't withstand the punch back. Belisarius can use this and his arq scourge to take out a DEQ, but overall merely fluffy.
- Cognis Overwatch (1 CP): A unit can overwatch with Cognis weapons at full Ballistic Skill. Onagers no longer come in units, but Ballistarii still do, and 4-8-12 autocannon / 2-4-6 lascannon shots at BS3+ are no less scary than the Neutron Dunestrider's six heavy stubber shots.
- Protector Doctrina Imperative (1 CP): Use before a SKITARII unit attacks in the Shooting Phase. That unit gets a +1 to hit for all rolls in that phase, which is boosted to a +2 if it has either a broad-spectrum data tether or an enhanced data tether. Makes Ballistarii hit at full BS even when advancing, Icarus arrays hit ground units on a 2+, Transuranic Arquebi on a 2+, Vanguard with EDT hit on 2+ even when advancing and makes their supercharged Plasma Calivers safe.
- Conqueror Doctrina Imperative (1 CP): Use before a SKITARII unit attacks in the Fight Phase. That unit gets a +1 to hit for all rolls in that phase, which is boosted to a +2 if it has either a broad-spectrum data tether or an enhanced data tether. Save this one for your Dragoons and your Infiltrators. Their taser weapons will thank you.
- Benevolence of the Omnissiah (1 CP): Use when an Adeptus Mechanicus VEHICLE or KNIGHT suffers a mortal wound. The model ignores each mortal wound (and ONLY mortal wounds) on a 5+ for the rest of the phase.
- Note that the knight codex has a stratagem with the exact same effect. Because these two stratagems have different names, you can use both of them within the same phase, allowing you to protect two knights instead of one if you have them in your army. It makes the synergy between the mechanicum and knights even creamier.
- Tech-adept (1 CP): You can use this stratagem to allow a character to make two repair rolls a turn, even on the friendly model. Can save severely wounded Vehicles if you've got a tooled-up repair HQ (4 wounds a turn on a Knight / 8 on a Dunestrider), or get a pair of Kastellans back into shape.
- The exact wording of the stratagem says "The character can immediately attempt to use that ability again, and can even use it to repair the same model", so you can double heal the same model by RAW.
- Machine Spirit Resurgent (1 CP): Use at the start of your turn. A vehicle can use the top row on its damage chart until the end of the turn.
- Onagers and Knights are the only thing in codex with damage charts. Useful on the Knight since it will get shot at before your infantry even get close to the enemy, but you have enough tech-priests to keep Onagerson the top-chart.
- Rage of the Machines (1 CP): Use during shooting. One vehicle model, regardless of models in unit (clarified in the April 2019 FAQ), can ignore the penalty for moving and shooting a Heavy weapon, and advancing and shooting an assault or cognis weapon. Not suffering penalties on their Heavy Cognis weapons, this allows Ballistarii to advance and hit on a 3+ instead of move normally and hit on a 4+.
- Dunestriders (1 CP): Pick a unit of Ironstriders or Dragoons. Roll two dice and add the result together when determining how far they can advance.
- Acquisition at Any Cost (2 CP): Use at the end of any of your turns. Select an infantry unit from your army within 3" of an objective marker. Until the start of your next turn, you can add 1 to all saving throws made for that unit and increase the attacks characteristics of all models by 1.
- If stacked correctly with other buffs, you can make your units INCREDIBLY hard to kill. For example, using it on a squad of Vanguard in cover (or Shroudpsalm) gives your tin-men a 2+/5++ save, turning them into mini-terminators. Or use it on Kastellans / Kataphron Breachers, just to be nasty.
- Even better, that 10 man squad of Fulgurite Electropriests that just charged, and killed, that enemy unit that was sitting on an objective could gain a 2++/5+++ and 3 attacks apiece, as this stratagem does not specify armour saves...
- Alternatively if you use this on a squad of Secutarii Hoplites they will have 3 attacks each (4 for the Alpha) and have a 3++ in melee and a 3+/4++ vs shooting. Unless you are going up against Khorne Berzerkers they are gonna be stikcing around (even if they are charged by Berzerkers they'll kill 5 of them with reflect mortal wounds)
- Infoslave Skull (2 CP): Use after an enemy unit arrives on the battlefield as reinforcements within 12" of one of your infantry units. You can immediately shoot at the enemy as if it were the shooting phase, but you must subtract 1 from all the resulting hit rolls. Coteaz called, he wants his shtick back.
- Machine Spirit's Revenge (1 CP): Select a Adeptus-Mechanicus vehicle that's lost its last wound; it explodes with no need to roll for it. Apparently, the Mechanicus has no problem stealing a page from the Death Guard playbook as well. A farewell "Fuck you" from your fallen Dragoon. ESPECIALLY useful with the termite drills. You're charging those things into combat after deepstriking anyways, either to soak overwatch for its assaulty passengers, or to punk an enemy vehicle or monster. In most cases if you aren't playing with your head up your ass the drill should bite the dust with enemies near it. When it does HAHA BOOM BUTTERCUP. Unfortunately, due to being only for Adeptus-Mechanicus vehicles it means you cannot charge the Dominus-class Knight into melee and make it explode in the middle of the enemy's army. Fortunately, you have a Drill
Psychic Awakening: Engine War[edit | edit source]
- Olfactorum Aggressor Imperative (1 CP): Use in your movement phase. Select one Serberys Sulphurehounds unit from your army. until the end of the phase, they can auto-advance 6" without rolling and can shoot as if they did not move.
- Steelrain Fusilade(1 CP): Use in your shooting phase when a unit of Pteraxii Skystalkers are chosen to shoot with. Select one enemy unit that is not Titanic. If you hit the target (not wound, Hit), they become suppressed until the start of your next turn. Suppressed units subtract 1 from their ranged hit rolls.
- Hilariously, this stratagem applies not only to infantry, but also tanks and monsters. Imagine a single shot from a strength 3 gun suppressing a Leman Russ tank crew. Furthermore, you only need to score one hit. the rest of the unit can be shooting at something else.
- Deeply Sunk Talons (1 CP): Use this stratagem in your opponent's movement phase when an enemy Infantry unit within 1" of any Pteraxii Sterylizors unit from your army is chosen to fall back. Roll one D6; on a 2+, that enemy unit cannot fall back this turn.
- Raptorial Strafing Fire (1 CP): Select one Archaeopter Stratoraptor model from your army. It gains +1 to its hit rolls when shooting at units that cannot fly.
- Tactic Obliqua (2 CP): Use when a Serberys Raiders unit becomes the target of a charge for the first time this turn. Instead of firing Overwatch, that unit can move or Fall Back as if it were your Movement phase. It cannot advance, but it can move in any direction.
- Seismic Bomb (1 CP): Use in your movement phase after moving one Archaeopter Fusilave model from your army (aka the bomber variation). Select one enemy unit your bomber moved over that phase. The enemy is shaken in their next movement phase. halve its move characteristic and the result of any advance or charge rolls made for it. Shaken does not affect Fly or Titanic units.
- Evacuation Sequence (0 CP): A free stratagem for when your Dunerider is destroyed. Embarked units do not need to roll if their ride gets shot out from beneath them. They always disembark safely.
- Electrostatic Overcharge (1 CP): Use when a unit of Corpuscarii Electro-Priests is chosen to shoot. Their Electrostatic gauntlets improve their AP from 0 to -2
- Pattern Iteration Identified (1 CP): Use when an Ironstrider Ballistarii unit from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of the phase, they add 1 to the wound roll. does not work on TITANIC units.
- Circuitous Assassins (1 CP): Use at the start of the Movement phase. Select one Sicarian Rustalkers unit that is wholly within 9" of any battlefield edge. Remove that unit from the battlefield. at the end of that movement phase, you can set up that unit anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from any enemy units and wholly within 9" of any battlefield edge. Damn those ninja-bots are fast.
- Perpetual Incense (1 CP): Use at the start of the fight phase. One Sydonian Dragoons unit from your army becomes harder to hit in melee. Enemies subtract 1 from their hit rolls when targeting them.
- Mechanicus Locum (1 CP): Use before the battle to give one Adeptus-Mechanicus character a Warlord Trait. Does not currently have a use limit (everyone gets a warlord trait), but no duplicates.
- Electro-Filament Countermeasurers (1 CP): Use at the end of your Movement Phase. Select one Archaeopter unit from your army (can be any of the three variations) that is equipped with a command uplink. Until the start of your next turn, enemy models aura abilities have no effect whilst within 6" of that unit.
RAW this affects the auras of enemy models in the area around the aircraft, not preventing enemy models issuing auras. Therefore a model inside the aura projects its aura outside even though it itself won't benefit, while a model outside the aura range has the portion inside disabled.
Specific issues that confuse people:
- Bodyguard rules (either the bodyguard or the unit being guarded not both are required as the aura specifies both to function),
- Vehicle explosions (vehicle explodes but does not effect the area within 6" of the aircraft and protecting the aircraft itself)
- Thunderfire cannons - Cannon only - Crewed artillery doesn't affect the cannon so its not removed but it can't fire.
- Gunner only - cannon is removed as crewed artillery can't detect the gunner.
- Both- cannon is not removed but can't fire
- Psychic powers are not auras and can be manifested - but may create auras eg. Null zone which would be disabled.
- NB: Lots of players misread this as removing the auras of models or don't understand what an aura is, so expect rules disputes. #Check the TO can read in advance
Questor Mechanicus-specific[edit | edit source]
- Knight of the Cog (1 CP): Use at the start of any battle round before determining which Canticle of the Omnissiah will be in effect. Select a Questor Mechanicus unit from your army that is within 12" of a friendly ADEPTUS MECHANICUS CHARACTER. That unit gains the Canticles of the Omnissiah special rule until the end of the next turn.
- One good use of Knight of the Cog is to allow your Knight Castellan to reroll with its Plasma Eradicator(?) to mitigate those mortal wounds. Not as good as giving it a 2+ save in the open but something you may use.
- Clarified as per April 2019 FAQ to allow the target unit to gain the benefit of the canticle even if no other unit in that units detachment has the Canticles of The Omnissiah rule.
- Rotate Ion Shields (1 CP/3CP): Use when an enemy targets your Knight - +1 to any invulnerable saves for the rest of the phase (costs 3CP if you use it on a Dominus class knight so make sure it's going to take some hits if you use it there), to a maximum of 4++ with the Spring 2019 FAQ. Indirectly allows you to play more aggressively with your Knight.
Wargear[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Arc weapons: Haywire as we knew it is dead. Instead it became 1d3 damage against vehicles...but it has to actually wound them first, not to mention vehicles became more resilient themselves with the adition of an armour save. Thus, think of them as regular weapons with a bit of extra chip damage against vehicles from time to time.
- Arc Claw: At S+1 with AP-1 it'll have the strength to wound infantry and light vehicles the Breacher manages to catch, and the AP to be a bother.
- Arc Lance: with S+3 (S6) ap -1 D 1 it'll do well Vs most medium melee infantry but where it really shines is wrecking vehicles where it does D3 damage. 10 Hoplites with re rolls can reliably destroy a DEQ in a single round of combat.
- Arc Maul: A Power Maul with a nifty rule you'll never use (but priced as such), iconic to Skitarii Alphas. A decent melee weapon for its price with nice Strength and AP.
- Electroleech Stave: S5 AP-2 makes it behave like a SM power axe with extra damage and chance for mortal wounds. Now you only need to get those Fulgurites into melee.
- Cavalry Sabre: Found on the Serberys Raiders. S+1, AP-1, D1 weapons. The weapon itself is fine, though the targets that the Raiders want to use it against are few.
- Clawed Limbs: Found on the Raiders and Sulphorhounds. S+1 with +2 attacks. Can help clear chaff but don't count on it to do heavy work.
- This is for both the Clawed Limbs and Cavalry Sabre, but remember to look at them as a paired choice. One attack with the Saber (two with the Sgt) and two with the Limbs needing 4+ to hit won't beat the world, while S4 is good but not intense and only attack having AP means you're not going to mow things down. But the Raider is a Skitarii. You can bump to hit well, and there are methods of improving AP or number of attacks. Even buffed it won't be a powerhouse, but you can do far more than the base stats would lead you to believe.
- Hydraulic Claw: Essentially a power fist with less armour penetration. The weapon isn't bad, what is bad is the Breacher it is mounted on: what it gains in chance to wound it loses in chance to hit, and its meagre AP doesn't let it capitalise on the D3 damage (which is the actual strength of power fists, not their strength). Barely better than the Arc Claw.
- Kastelan Fists: Better than power fists, hitting at S10 AP-3 with flat 3 Damage, all without any penalty to hit.
- Omnissian Axe: Like a Force Axe but with a flat D2 instead of D1d3, for Domini and Enginseers.
- Omnissian Staff: +2 strength, -1 AP and Damage 2. Exclusive to the Manipulus.
- Power sword: Available to Infiltrators and Skitarii Alphas. Its better AP means it's of more use than an arc maul for an Alpha against marines and cheaper too...but at only 1 per squad it's more of a fashion statement than a weapon.
- Servo-arm: It's one power fist attack (including -1 to hit) with 1 worse AP but flat D3. For Enginseers and Servitors; so they're not going to be in melee on purpose, but at the very least it's free now.
- Taser weapons: Lousy AP but good strength, relies on each hit roll of 6+ causing 3 hits instead of one, meaning they can benefit from Conqueror doctrina to explode on 4+. Rerolls to hit (Remorseless Fist Canticle, Prime Hermeticon WT, Omniscient Mask relic) are common enough.
- Taser goad: S+2, available to Infiltrators and Skitarii Alphas. In Engine war the taser goad has been reworded to natural 6's sad times.
- Taser lance: S+3 AP-1 D2, now hitting at Str8 whether you charged or not.
- Electrostatic gauntlets: Not a taser weapon per se, but behaves exactly the same. Being S5 instead of S(User+2) and wielded by Corpuscarii only makes this weapons unable to be boosted by either Conqueror or Machine Might...but they can also be used as 12" Assault 3 taser guns.
- Transonic weapons: No longer getting better on subsequent combat rounds, these Ruststalker weapons are now CCWs that cause Mortal Wounds on a wounding roll of 6+. Only Ryza rerolls wounds.
- Chordclaw: Can only be used for one attack each fight (and no longer fleshbane), but does 1d3 damage that becomes 1d3 mortal wounds on a 6+.
- Transonic Razor: The regular flavor. Fishes for mortal wounds and nothing more.
- Transonic Blades: Razors with +1Str. Wounds marines easier, and can be combined with Machine Might to ravage guardsmen, but remember mortal wounds don't care about the target's toughness.
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Arc weapons: Gone are the days of reliably wrecking Land Raiders from across the table. However, Arc weapons can reliably attack infantry and are actually quite cheap for their stats. S6 AP-1 won't cut it against vehicles, so their 1d3 damage against them should be seen as a novelty extra chip damage instead of a dedicated anti-tank rule. While they wound vehicles on 5+ and lowering their saves to 4+, actual Anti-tank wounds vehicles on 3+ and makes them save on 6+.
That's something Bolt Rifles do, and with Bolt Discipline they actually do it better.If you rely on chip damage, then it's not anti-tank.- Arc Pistol: Available to Skitarii Alphas, S6 AP-1. All in all a darn good pistol. Shares a 3 point cost with the Phosphor Blast pistol.
- Arc Rifle: It's no plasma caliver, but it still packs a punch and at only 2pts now it's practically a steal, being able to wound GEQ on 2+ and even chip their tanks.
- Heavy Arc Rifle: 36" Heavy 2 Breacher signature gun. Behaving like an anti-infantry autocannon, its better AP-2 and base D1d3 make it able to deal with heavier, multiwound infantry like Primaris and even Crisis suits. Actually useful against light vehicles like Land Speeders and Sentinels, tearing out huge D1d6 chunks out of them. And now it costs only 6pts.
- Cognis Weapons: Heavy weapons that can still be fired after advancing (at a -2 penalty), though only Ballistarii can make something out of an advance.
- Cognis heavy stubber: The old reliable .50 Browning in space. Available to the Skorpius variants and the Onager as a supplementary weapon for self defense, or to pick off infantry while its main gun is busy elsewhere. Essentially a regular heavy stubber on the Onagers since they only advance D3", so you're better off doing a normal move. A dirt-cheap auto-include at mere 2pts — it will make double its points back whenever it kills just a single Guardsman/Cultist.
- Twin Cognis heavy stubber: The Skorpius Dunerider has one of these.
- Twin cognis autocannon: 20 points for 4 autocannon shots, which is cheaper than what other armies get (except Guard) while still allowing Ballistarii to sprint at full speed when needed. And cognis overwatch from a full unit of three is no joke. Nice.
- Twin cognis lascannon: Again, cheaper than what other armies get, plus cognis shenanigans.
- Flamer weapons: S4 AP0, 1d6 autohits no matter how many enemies they fight. We've got two flavours, neither of which are the regular or Heavy flamer.
- Cognis Flamer: Picks the better of two d6 when rolling for attacks on overwatch. Considering it's actually better on overwatch than when shooting normally, and the Destroyer's primary weapon has much longer range, its main job is to be a deterrent. A damn good one. Benefits MASSIVELY from the Techpriest Manipulus boosts, Metalica's and Graia's Warlord traits.
- Incendine Combustor: A Heavy Flamer with a longer 12" range (so it can be used right out of infiltration/deepstrike), this thing is great for clearing out hordes. Works well on punchy Kastelans.
- Eradication weaponry: Reverse Conversion weaponry (or Mechanicum Melta), hitting harder the closer they are. Useful against a variety of targets, positioning is paramount.
- Eradication beamer: Heavy D6 Str8 AP-2 D1d3 allows it to comfortably tackle Primaris, Crisis suits and even terminators from 13"-36", whilst still doing good antitank. This is its main range. At 12" and closer it gains AP-4 and D1d6, but halves its shots to D3. While respectable against vehicles, you don't want your Onager that close to the enemy, and the Neutron Laser is better antitank. Still, it's a cheap, cost effective and versatile weapon.
- Eradication Ray: A good weapon for your Dominus to close in, this 24" Heavy D3 S6 AP-2 weapon gains AP-4 and D1d3 at a range of 8", just before the charge. So better make it your charge.
- Flechette Blaster: No more S2 and shred, it's essentially a 5 shot Laspistol now. Have fun wounding Death Guard on 5+.
- Galvanic Rifle: The Galvanic Rifle got shafted. While it remains a 30" S4 Rapid Fire gun, Precision shots aren't a thing anymore and it's AP0 unless you roll a 6+ to wound, upgrading then to AP-1. It's like Necrons and Primaris Marines stole all our Galvanic Rifles and left us with second-hand crap. And yet, with Chapter Approved's discount to Rangers it is one of the best Imperial SI guns in the game.
- Galvanic Carbine: An Assault 2, 18" version of the Galvanic Rifle. The gun itself is relatively forgettable- the special rule on the model that allows it to target characters and do mortal wounds on 6s to wound is what makes it work so well.
- Gamma Pistol: What Arc weapons wish they were. S6 AP-3 flat D2, rerolling failed wounds against vehicles. Datasmith exclusive.
- Heavy Grav-Cannon: A very expensive 30" Heavy 5 Str5 AP-3 weapon that causes D1d3 to enemies wearing power armour or better. Won't wound termies on a 2+ like it used to, but now it can take down hordes in addition to the heavy infantry it's originally intended for. It's the most potent Troop weapon, only surpassed by supercharged plasma.
- Macrostubber: Essentially 5 shot bolt pistol. Good for the melee Dominus, since pistols can't be used with other weapons but can still shoot in combat. Better than a Volkite against hordes of light infantry.
- Icarus Array: Oh, boy. This is gold now. Despite being an anti-air array (-1 to hit vs non-flyers), 10 reasonably powerful shots on a BS3+/4+ Onager mean it will deal some heavy damage on a lot of things. Especially since half its shots are 2D or better, so it hurts even heavy infantry. And if you look up how many things have the Fly keyword you can't help but rejoice.
- Magnarail Lance: A new weapon carried by the Tech-Priest Manipulus. 18" Heavy 1 S7 AP-3 weapon that deals d3 damage or a flat 3 damage if the bearer did not move. Can go up to 21" range if you use the Manipulus' bolster weapon rule.
- Neutron laser: The lascannon that steals other lascannon's girls. Better in both looks and stats, 48" Heavy D3 S10 AP-4 D1d6 (treating 1 & 2 as a 3), this beast can literally punch a hole the size of a Carnifex on a Carnifex. Sure it costs 50pts, aka half the actual Onager's cost, but it's cheaper than two lascannons while way better than them, and it allows an extra Cognis Heavy Stubber to be mounted on the crab tank.
- Phosphor weapons: The old Luminagen rule no longer helps the rest of your army, but its fire now outright Ignores Cover instead of merely reducing it. Usually S5 AP-1, they remain good anti-infantry weapons on their own right, even more so when dealing with infantry that depends on cover, like Scouts.
- Phosphor Blast Pistol: The iconic Skitarius Alpha's pistol. While the Arc pistol is better, it's only one pistol; you can afford to look cool.
- Phosphor Blaster: 24" Rapid Fire 1", making it a pocket Heavy Bolter. Cheaper than a Cognis flamer, a good sidearm for your Destroyers when you have them well protected.
- Phosphor Serpenta: The carbine of the phosphor line at 18" Assault 1. Luminagen no longer helps with the charge, so it's merely an extra shot for Dragoons, if you can afford it. Not being a pistol, Domini can shoot it alongside their main weapon, unlike the Macrostubber.
- Heavy phosphor blaster: 36" Heavy 3 S6 AP-2 allows ranged Kastellans to ravage GEQ and MEQ alike, even if they keep to cover. And then it can mount three of them and shoot them twice.
- Twin heavy phosphor blaster: Two heavy phosphor blasters, it just can't split its fire. It's a fairly good anti-infantry loadout for your Onager, though it's the budget option to shooty Kastelans.
- Plasma weaponry: These high-risk high-reward weapons now let you choose between two modes both with good AP-3: a Safe mode "good enough" to kill single-wound marines (Str7 only wounds them on 3+ now), and a Supercharge mode that has S8 and D2, making it excellent against terminators, other multiwound infantry and even vehicles. The risk: gets hot now kills you, no matter the wounds and saves the wielder had. Fortunately for you, AdMech has many ways of making supercharges a safe and efficient option. In fact, just Ctrl+F "safe".
- Plasma Caliver: Now only Assault 2, but waaay cheaper at 11 points, making your Skitarii a cheap and most efficient source of plasma.
- Plasma Cannon: As meh as the servitor they're available to. If you're looking for cheap plasma, Skitarii wield it better.
- Plasma Culverin: The old Culverin recieved a massive boost to range at a light expense to its rate of fire. Being 36" Heavy 1d6 it has a bit less power than two plasma cannons while only costing a few points more than one of them (but still more expensive than the identical IG Executioner Plasma Cannon). Kataphron Destroyers are expensive (though they are 20 points cheaper after Chapter Approved 2018 and can now revive with Servitor Maniple), so overcharge responsibly, AKA, when they reroll 1s.
- Radium Weaponry: The cancer guns still do 2D on a 6+ to wound. Still good, just not as unique since in 8E wounds don't carry over and anything is wounded on a 6+.
- Radium Pistol: You're giving the Alpha's main gun for a single shot pistol. Their base weapon does in a turn what this pistol does in two or three. If you choose to drop your main gun for a pistol, there are better alternatives...although this one is free.
- Radium Carbine: 18" Assault 3, allowing Vanguard to cover lots of ground and still hit on 4+. Their high rate of fire is enough to proc double wounding so often that this is statistically the best vehicle killing Standard weapon inside of 18". Their special rule helps them with the big stuff; they will be more difficult to wound, but will be dealt 2D when they. And they have a good rate of fire against the small stuff.
- Radium Jezzail: More power than other armies' sniper rifles, at S5 Heavy 2. A bit less range at 30" but it can be mounted on a Dragoon for just 4 points, becoming a fast, resilient and annoying sniper.
- Stubcarbine: S4 pistol 3, with good 18" range for a pistol, it's mostly a sidearm to the Infiltrator's powersword, which is cheaper than alternative Flechette/Taser goad loadout.
- Torsion Cannon: Basically a slightly cheaper Multi-melta that lacks the melta rule, single shot on a BS4+ Breacher. Unreliable vs vehicles, overcosted vs infantry, the Heavy Arc Rifle will serve you better.
- Transonic Cannon: AP-1 2D sonic flamer. Only available on the Manipulus.
- Transuranic Arquebus: The best sniper in the game, albeit with a decent 15pts cost. Str7 AP-2 D1d3, with the usual +1MW on a wound roll of 6. Hitting characters up to 60" away means it can drop that pesky Ancient/Librarian/Commissar with a single shot from the other side of the table, especially when under a boost to hit. Its range and strength allows it to tear chunks out of tanks and hunt other snipers at a safe distance. The catch: you can't shoot and move at all, a complete 180° from 7E. Excellent for Rangers.
- Volkite Weaponry: Martian death rays from Horus Heresy that do mortal wounds on to-wound rolls of 6+.
- Twin Volkite Charger: A cheap 8pt upgrade for the Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill, 15" Heavy 4 S5 0ap D2 weapon makes it a useful weapon against infantry and lightly armored multi wound characters, unlike other Volkite weapons this one lacks the mortal wounds on to-wound rolls of 6+. Although this may simply have been an oversight on ForgeWorlds part.
- Volkite Blaster: Cheap, 24" Heavy 3 makes it reliable for the Dominus who keeps to his machines away from the enemy, unlike the more expensive Eradication Ray with random shots. S6 and mortal wounds on to-wound rolls of 6+ makes it a good weapon for its cost.
Special Issue Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Enhanced Data-Tether: Portable wifi hotspot for a squad of skitarii. Re-roll failed Morale tests for units that have an EDT. Units with an EDT (Rangers, Vanguard, and Serberys) increase the bonus from the DOCTRINA IMPERATIVE Stratagems from +1 to +2 to hit, allowing your Vanguard to do stuff like advance and still hit with supercharged plasma calivers on a 2+ with no risk of overheat. At 5pts its dirt-cheap and should be considered even for base-size squad since the Doctrine Strategem is gravy.
- [This Item had its points changed in Chapter Approved 2018]
- Broad-Spectrum Data Tether: Crawler-mounted cell-tower equivalent that gives nearby friendlies more bars of reception. Friendly units within 3" of the BSDT's user add 1 to their Leadership during the morale phase. It also gives the same boosts as the EDT to the DOCTRINA IMPERATIVE Stratagems. Available to Onagers, Ballistarii and Dragoons, keep near their large bases to get the Ld bonus, which can be combined with the EDT.
- Omnispex: Enemy units gain no cover bonus from attacks made by a unit with an omnispex. 7 points, and with split fire on everything suddenly your Skitarii's special weapons just got a lot scarier. Solid contender against the EDT, especially in a unit with Arquebii or Calivers. Not as useful anymore since it can't proc better hitting with the strategem. But useful on sniping Rangers to negate characters trying to boost their saves hiding in cover, teh kowardz, TEH FEWLZ
Relics[edit | edit source]
- Weapons
- Anzion's Pseudogenetor: It's a tangle of mecha-tentacles that can vivisect enemies in battle. That's justification enough to use it. It gives a model using it D6 S4 AP-1 melee attacks that re-roll to wound against infantry in addition to the model's normal melee profile. Particularly great since it's a supplemental weapon, not a replacement.
- Pater Cog-Tooth: Replaces an Omnissian Axe, increasing its strength and damage: S+2, AP-2, D3.
- Phosphoenix: Replaces a Phosphor serpenta with true phosphex, increasing its AP and rate of fire. 18" Assault 3 Str5 AP-3, ignoring cover like regular phosphor does.
- Uncreator Gauntlet: Replaces a power fist, so can only be taken on a Datasmith. Same stat line as a power fist, but also causes 1 mortal wound whenever you successfully wound a vehicle.
- Non-Weapons
- Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land: A returning favorite from the Cult Mechanicus codex, it's Arkhan Land's personal pimp cane. At the start of your turn the bearer heals 1 wound, and can reroll the repair roll if he targets an Adeptus Mechanicus unit. Combine with the Necromechanic Warlord Trait if you want a dedicated repairman that just will not die.
- Raiment of the Technomartyrs: Yet another old item with a new set of rules. In addition to granting the bearer a 6+ FNP save, if a Forge World model (not unit) within 6" of the bearer (obviously including itself, as always) fires Overwatch and rolls a 6+ to hit, you can make one bonus attack with the same weapon against the charging unit (bonus attacks can't trigger this rule again). Useful for any firebase to hold their ground.
- Omniscient Mask: Re-roll failed to-hit rolls in the fight phase for friendly Skitarii units within 6" of the character. If only we had a Skitarii Alpha Primus to put this on...
- The Skull of Elder Nikola: Nikola Tesla's skull that is used to obliterate enemies with bolts of lightning. Once per game during the shooting phase, you can pull out the skull and roll a die for each enemy vehicle unit within 2d6". On a roll of 2+, the unit suffers a mortal wound. Probably the worst relic in the codex, but it's listed as a non-weapon because it isn't one; the models taking wounds don't count as having been shot and the Skull wielder doesn't count as having shot after using this, and it can be used at any time during the phase, so you can Skull and then shoot or shoot and then Skull, as you like, in or out of melee.
Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]
Specialist Detachments are a type of Detachment added in the Vigilus Defiant campaign supplement, giving you access to a couple extra stratagems, relics and warlord traits, locked behind a 1CP paygate.
General stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Field Commander (1 CP): This stratagem bears special mention. For one command point, you can designate a character with a Specialist Detachment keyword and they gain the warlord trait associated with that detachment. Can't be used on named characters or to give your warlord a second warlord trait.
Cybernetica Cohort (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
The robot detachment, somewhat geared for the melee version. Kastelans and their attending Dominus, Enginseers and Datasmiths gain the Cybernetica cohort keyword.
- Power Surge (1 CP): Pick a unit of robots within 3 inches of a Datasmith. They get +3 to charge rolls.
- Deepstrike Lucius Kastelans and give a Datasmith the teleporter relic (so this strat can be used). Your Kastelan drop now has more than 72% chance of making that 9" charge. Activate 'Binharic Override' if you can afford it to double their attacks - it's not like the Datasmith will survive to change their battle protocols anyway.
- Strafing Run (1 CP): Use at the beginning of the movement phase on a robot unit with Aegis protocols active. Turns heavy weapons into assault. Great for robots with incendine combustors.
- Use when paired with the Metalica dogma to grant your gun bots around 11~12" of movement while running and gunning at full accuracy. Generally speaking, this is best used to either take and hold an objective without sacrificing shooting or quickly getting away from your opponent if they get too close.
Warlord Trait: Adept of the Legio Cybernetica: Once per battle, your warlord can repair d6 wounds to a unit of robots instead of the standard d3. Combine it with the Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land so you don't roll a one.
Artifact: Doctrine Foreas Servo-skull: Robots can attempt to change battle protocol at the start of each movement phase if they are within 9" of the bearer, who DOESN'T need to be a Datasmith, which eases his workload and enables your cheaper Enginseers or durable Dominus to do that job.
Servitor Maniple (1 CP)[edit | edit source]
Kataphron Destroyers, Breachers, Servitors and their attending Dominus and Enginseers gain the Servitor Maniple keyword. Of great value to your Destroyers, and when combined with the discounts to Kataphrons their points efficiency skyrockets.
- Enhanced Bionics (1 CP): Use before the game begins. One unit of Kataphrons or servitors gains a 5++ invulnerable save. Helps to not lose Kataphrons faster than you can bring them back.
- Doesn't say it's one-use, so you could shield all your Destroyers this way. Lucius Destroyers benefit the most, as they're immune to AP-1 and AP-2 will be wasted on them.
- A Breacher unit using 'Acquisition At Any Cost' becomes 2+/4++. That's simply very hard to shoot off the board, and lascannons aimed at them are lascannons not fired at your actual vehicles.
- Noospheric Mind Lock (1 CP): One unit of Kataphrons within 6" of a Dominus gains +1 to hit rolls for all its shooting attacks.
- Safe plasma. It stacks with 'Elimination Volley' so you get Destroyers hitting on rerollable 2+, but you can also use it as means of getting TWO SIMULTANEOUS SOURCES OF SAFE PLASMA. Ryza has it even easier with their cheaper 'Plasma Specialists' strat, and instead of using 3 simultaneous souces you can combine them to get SAFE 3D PLASMA. Need I tell you that kills Custodes in a single shot?
Warlord Trait: Master of Biosplicing: At the end of the movement phase, heal a Kataphron by sacrificing a servitor. If none are wounded, resurrect a dead model instead. It comes back with one wound. Do note it only says Servitors, not Servitor Maniple Servitors or even Adeptus Mechaniucs Sevitors. Just Servitors, so Adeptus Astartes and Astra Militarum ones are fair game, including special ones like Cenobyte Servitors! In fact, taking Astra Militarum Servitors is an excellent idea, as their heavy weapons come at a steep discount.
- THIS is the reason you take this detachment, as dead Destroyers cease to be 50pts losses and regular Servitors graduate from filler to valid Elite choices. But you have to make sure your unit has no wounded models so the dead can come back, so bring the Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land or make your actual warlord a Necromechanic.
- EXCELLENT synergy with the Agripinaa dogma, where you can revive a single model from one unit and replace up to 5 dead Kataphrons from a different unit. Or you could bring back a regular Servitor unit for a single CP, if you can afford to turn them into Kataphrons one at a time.
Artifact: The Genecog Corpus It's an Omnissian Axe that causes mortal wounds on a 6+ to wound. Not completely worthless in an army with limited access to mortal wounds, but you're still probably better off with a different relic. It does lend itself to Ryzan use, who is prone to field Plasma Destroyer formations, though.
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
HQ[edit | edit source]
- Tech Priest Dominus: Your
bogcog-standard non-Cawl HQ for those times you want to play as those other forgeworlds, no longer an "HQ tax" due to Enginseer changes. Akin to a Captain (aura of reroll 1s to hit), Techmarine (repairs D3 wounds from any AdMech model other than himself, or 1 for Knights) and a bit of Apothecary (his repair isn't restricted to vehicles, plus heals self for D3W each turn) all rolled into one. And at T4 5W 2+/5++ this very tanky support character will require serious firepower to remove. Just watch out for enemy witches. His main concern is to boost and heal your firebase, whatever it might be (Vanguard, Onagers, Kastellan, etc.), but 24" guns allow him to be good at midrange since he doesn't give up shooting (BS2+ rerolling 1s) for repairs. A flexible loadout, it'll be defined by what you want him to do:- Shooty: Pick the Volkite blaster and the Phosphoenix relic for good and reliable volume of fire, its range fitting nicely alongside Vanguard. If the Dominus is instead boosting your longer ranged units, the Raiment of the Technomartyr will provide them better overwatch to delay melee a bit more, as well as a measure of protection against snipers trying to shut down those rerolls.
- Choppy: Go with the Macrostubber and the Eradication Ray, and give him Anzion's Pseudogenetor for an additional D6 S4 AP-1 hits on top of your 3 Omnissian Axe attacks and Pistol 5 Macrostubber attacks, the later which happen at BS2+ rerolling 1s. While Magos Biologis warlords do more damage, remember you're not alone in CC and half your army choices have melee rules; supporting your infantry with Prime Hermeticon can give good results.
- Repairman: Give him the Necromechanic WT so that he restores an additional wound every time he repairs something (doubling Knight repair rate), and with Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land relic you'll be healing Mechanicum units very reliably. Fun to combine with the Tech-adept Stratagem to repair the same vehicle twice, repairing up to 8 wounds per turn that way, bringing an Onager back to full stats or keeping multiple Kastellans from dying.
- Tech Priest Enginseer: The Enginseer is now the cheapest HQ available for the army, making him a perfect cost-saving option to an army trying to make a battalion. With T4 W4 3+/6++ he's basically a squishier Techmarine, and has lackluster combat ability but that's ok because his main role is being a cheap repairman and HQ.
- Repairman: Can't repair Kataphrons and Sicarians like Domini can, but unlike them he can repair D3 from allied IG tanks (allies!). Very cheap, especially for a job that consists of "just stand near the thing". Though more cost-effective than non-Necromechanic Domini for repairing Knights, maybe it's a bit risky for them to be the warlord. That said, they can be the "warlord" while the Dominus is a formation's "Field Commander" wink wink.
- Relic Caddy: They aren't champions like SM Captains are, but since most of their job is to stand around being available, they could just as well be useful by carrying army-boosting relics AFTER you gave the Dominus/Manipulus theirs.
- Buying advice: Enginseers are a must-have if you want to spam regiments and farm CPs. And they are pretty damn good at that, at only 30pts per model for a small, tough character that can heal vehicles. The only problem is that they cost $30 a pop, unless you go for the $11.50 metal ones from the webstore. An alternate solution to that starts with looking closely at the chaos cultists in the "dark vengeance" kit. The robed ones look remarkably like Enginseers, right? Hell, one has an axe that looks remarkably like a cog. You can buy them for 20 bucks on eBay and kitbash them with the ton of bits leftover by your Skitarii squads, techpriest Dominii and Onagers. A little work and you have your all the Enginseers you need for less than the cost of one. Another option would be the Forge World titan tech priest! A lot cheaper than the Enginseer, and Forge World quality too!
- Tech-Priest Manipulus: A new HQ unit being released under the kill team brand. Described as being in between an enginseer and a Dominus in terms of power, the Manipulus carries meh to OK weapons with limited range and an ability of gimmick utility:
- At the beginning of the movement phase he can boost warriors' movement or weapons' range stats. +1" to movement isn't a lot, mostly covering positioning mistakes. +1" to charge, however, can be useful: get him in place with a Skorpius transport or Solar Flare or whatever, then infiltrate Infiltrators (lmao) or teleport Cybenetica Cohort formation Kastellans near his coordinates and use Power Surge for +4" total to charge range, aka success on a 5+ on 2d6. On the less gimmicky side, +6" to long weapon and +3" to short range weapons can allow nasty stuff like 11" cognis flamer overwatch and enable 42" range Protector Kastellan to reach pretty much anything they can see.
- Choppy: With Omnissiah Staff (S+2 AP-1 D2) and Mechadentrites (S[U] AP0 +1d6 A) on top of his base WS3+ 3A, this dude isn't biting his nails in CC like the Enginseer does. If you want him on melee on purpose, get him his Transonic AP-1 D2
cannonflamer AND a relic. Perhaps Anzion's Pseudogenetor so he has 3+2d6 attacks, perhaps the Omniscient mask if you're using him with Skitarii Vanguard and Infiltrators. Maybe make him a Prime Hermeticon Warlord if you're using him with Electro-priests instead. - Shooty: His charges are the shooty ones, his Magnarail Lance's 18" only grows up to 21" with his bonus. But Heavy 1 S7 AP-3 D1d3 grows to full 3 Dmg when stationary, which is the prerequisite for his Boost Weapons.
- Frontline Mobility: He is pretty good at accompanying one of your assault squads in a Scorpius Dunerider, be it Sicarians Ruststalkers or Fulgurite Electropriests. His aura will give assault squads needed +1 to movement and +1 to charge, which often results in making the charge. Sicarians will for example move wooping 12 on the turn they desiembark. He is fast himself, with Transonic Cannon he can always advance and move 8-13 inches a turn and help assault squads by cleaning screens. One of the better candidates for Omnissian Mask or Prime Hermeticon Warlord Trait. Sydonian Dragoons fighting around him will also benefit from mask and repairs.
- Daedalosus: A hero and technoarchaeologist from the Blackstone Fortress game, this new, named character is a surprisingly useful addition to the Hq roster. Like the Secutarii, he doesn't have a forge world but doesn't cost you your dogmas if you include him. Unfortunately, since he lacks both a FORGE WORLD and the SECUTARII Keywords, he can't take a transport, restricting him to babysit gunlines. His weaponry is unique for an Hq but nothing special; he carries a (Servo-) Arc Claw and the pistol version of the Eradication Beamer. Instead, his real benefit comes from his special rules. Once per battle, he can use his Archeotech relic to deal 1d3 mortal wounds to an enemy within 3" or heal 1d3 wounds to an Ad Mech model (not just VEHICLES!) with 3", no rolling needed. Nice for when you absolutely need to push a Onager up a Damage Chart level or pick off a CHARACTER that's getting too close. The real reason you take him, however, is for his Omniscanner. At the beginning of the shooting phase, Daedalosus can pick a visible enemy within 24" and all Ad Mech units within 6" of him add 1 to shooting rolls that target that unit. Now THAT is a markerlight. Great against flyers, and for safe overcharging plasma, all without the need to spend CP each round, and affecting multiple units (but only one target). Eat your heart out xeno scum. This WILL affect electro-priests exploding on 5s and 6s when shooting.
- Always include this guy to your lists if you can get the model/a proxy. He'll dramatically increase the effectiveness of literally anything in your with the bonus to hit. This helps countering -1 to hit buffs such as flyerspam, Tau markerlights, plaguebearers, and psychic powers. Not to mention safe, cost-effective plasma and making lascannons not miss that knight barreling towards your gunline. Did we mention he's 50 points?!
Troops[edit | edit source]
Our army is two 7E armies finally fused together, and here's where it shows. Try to strike a balance between the small Skitarii and the big Kataphrons that works well with the rest of your army, as they complement each other nicely: Kataphrons can clear the ground from afar and hold objectives, Skitarii can go and storm them. And with their new transport, storm them they can. Skitarii can also tie up enemies for Kataphrons to finish, and Breachers can bar access to your Ranger snipers. Try to guesstimate what any unit can endure, lest your lines crumble and leave your expensive heavy guns exposed to the enemy. And with the recent points drop this just got easier.
In 8th edition, table control is paramount to victory, more than it ever was now with non-scattering deepstrikes and double-fights to pile in multiple units. Enter reliable and spammable Skitarii. Unlike your regular Imperial GEQ, their 4+/6++ give these T3 dudes a chance of survival, and they're cheap enough that they can be used to control the field while your other units, like the much heavier and damaging Cult Mechanicus troops, clean up said field. Despite their status as light mortal infantry, they carry enough BS3+ firepower that it matters.
400pts can get you up to 50 Vanguard models. There are two main ways of using them: naked MSUs of 5 for body blocking and filling up battalions, or fully equipped squads of 10. Units of 5 basically ignore morale, but squads of 10 can hide their special weapons behind regular guys, and are a better use of CP as Enhanced Data-tethers not only patch their vulnerability to morale but enable them to pull stunts like advancing with safe supercharging Plasma Calivers or still hit enemies with -1BS on a 2+. An Omnispex can be used instead to ignore cover, a bonus that doesn't require CP and that is ever-present.
- Skitarii Rangers: Their 30" Galvanic Rifles have enough range to contribute to fights and the S4 needed to be a bother, which makes this squad great at garrisoning backfield objectives and ruins. While they put less volume of fire than Vanguard, their guns' better range, strength, and AP-1 on a 6+ to wound make them more effective against single-wound infantry than Rad carbines. All in all great value from the cheapest unit in your army. Unless you are sitting on backfield objectives (which our HS are normally doing) vanguard will often be better considering the difference is 1pt a model.
- Transuranic Arquebuses are THE special weapon this squad should take, as if your taking rangers they should be backfield and their awesome 60" range doesn't waste Galvanic Rifle range as the other guns do, and with actual stats (S7 AP-1 D1d3) on top of regular sniper rules there will always be targets of opportunity for them to attack. Dealing 2D to vehicles, even flyers, from your deployment zone isn't too hard to do, and is actually pretty comfy coming from a troop unit whose job would usually be to just stand back and bodyblock rear line deepstrikers. However you need a surprisingly high number of these to consistantly snipe characters.
- This unit struggles as vanguard are only a pt more expensive and better in all circumstances except sitting on backfield objectives and half our army do that really well.
- Skitarii Vanguard: Vanguard are your Skitarii frontliners. Their 18" Assault 3 Rad Carbines let them advance and still hit on a 4+, and their rate of fire is such that their 2D on a 6+ to wound can proc enough times to be a concern to heavy infantry while still dealing lots of hits to the smaller ones. With their Rad saturation aura (-1T is better than +1S), they can also help as melee support to Sicarians and Electropriests and melee soup allies.
- Statistically speaking they are actually some of your best anti-tank when within 18": A couple of failed 6s is already chunk of a vehicle gone, and is more than what a cheap troop like them has any right to do. Tl;dr they have enough dakka to actually do chip damage to a vehicle, so if there are no better targets it's not necessarily a waste of firepower.
- The not good against vehicle case. If you're relying on chip damage, its not anti-tank. Its solid mass fire but against vehicles you're hitting on 3s, wounding on 6s with no AP. So, sure, you'll chip two wounds off whenever a shot goes through, but math says (assuming no re-rolls) a squad of 5, is 10 hits per turn, 1.66 wounds, (assuming all vehicles have at least T6), against most likely a 3+ save, meaning, on average: .55 shots will get through. that means for every TEN vanguards you fire into that rhino ONE shot will reliably make it through. Congratulations on dealing 2 wounds on a 67 point rhino with 80 points of skitarii. There's an argument that 80 points of infantry dealing two wounds to a model worth more than them is worth it.
- The good against vehicle case. Your probably taking 6 units as a tax for CP anyway so that's 30 models we don't need objective holders backfield as our HS choices are sat on them. Sure a single 5 squad doesn't do much but you use the 6 tax vanguard squads as one or two blocks of firepower assumming RR1's because thats pretty consistant in our army with dominous and canticles thats 7.77 wounds on a T8 3+ armour save model ( The previous example uses a poor comparator due to its cheapness and theres no loss of efficiency when vanguard fire at beefier targets like knights and leman russes). Sure shooting infantry is going to be more efficient but in comparison to 30 rangers in RF range that do 1.94W to a knight the vanguard show there flexibility (almost 4 times the output). Not all lists have low T targets and when you hit that skew list this is a strong supplement to our HS choices. In addition as of engine War 3 of the new warlord trait auras buff vanguard fire adding ap or extra hits. Also by comparison the neutron laser on 3 onagers with RR1 only deal 6.22W to 4++ knight.
- Rangers may be a tiny bit cheaper, but Vanguards lend themselves more for bubblewrap duty: enough ROF to trigger overwatch, and their Rad aura gives you the option to commit Breachers to deal with weakened enemies. Having options is nice.
- Unlike Rangers, Vanguard find themselves in melee more often. It's worth noting that you can upgrade the alphas however with only 2 attacks and a 4+ Ws it doesn't seem worth the pts however if you do take them you only need to kill 1 or 2 models a game to recoup the cost.
- Pistols are actually surprisingly useful on vanguard squads, since most of their weapons have 18" range anyway, its not that outlandish for them to make it within 12" and get to take an arc pistol shot for 1 point more, but you have to sacrifice an extra radium carbine to do it, so its really your call.
- Statistically speaking they are actually some of your best anti-tank when within 18": A couple of failed 6s is already chunk of a vehicle gone, and is more than what a cheap troop like them has any right to do. Tl;dr they have enough dakka to actually do chip damage to a vehicle, so if there are no better targets it's not necessarily a waste of firepower.
The big guys of the Cult Mechanicus are closer to tankettes than they are to people: their Ogryn-sized T5 frames make them difficult to remove from an objective, and with 3W your HQs can actually repair them. Their long ranged firepower doesn't suffer the penalty for moving; like a Russ tank group, they ARE the gunline wherever the enemy finds them. This comes at the penalty of advancing only d3"...which you don't really care much about: the only maneuvering they need is usually just to get a line of sight to the enemy. GREAT firepower coming from Troop units.
- It's worth noting that these puppies can be a huge fire magnet. A smart opponent will point medium weaponry at these guys and frankly, they're not quite as tough as they seem. Point efficiency and multiple wounds don't mean a lot when a punisher cannon can delete a 3 man squad in one round of shooting.
- To compensate, provide them with the Stygies VIII Dogma to increase their survivability considerably.
- Or take in units of 6 in agripinaa to bring the full squad back from the dead if one model survives. With CP to burn this is horribly good on breachers.
- Or take as Ryza plasma destroyers hoping you'll play a knight list and can make your points back in one round of shooting accepting their won't be a second round.
- Or Lucius and deepstrike them in guaranteeing destroyers one round of fire.
- Kataphron Destroyers: Dedicated anti-MEQ gunships. As they trade a measure of protection (4+/6++) for amazing firepower, they will be a prime target for your enemy so they have to be defended.
- Guns: Heavy Grav Cannons are reliable; Heavy 5 AP-3 deletes infantry, and D1d3 against anything with a 3+ save melts heavy infantry and can even dent monsters and tanks. Plasma Culverins are also good. They have better 36" range But are more expensive , and Heavy d6 shots are unreliable. They shine when supercharging, becoming able to deal with anything...but they can also blow up. Now that's balance! Luckily, you can spend CP to get safe plasma: Elimination Volley (needs nearby Kastelans), Noospheric Mindlock (needs to belong to a Servitor Maniple formation) and Plasma Specialists (needs to belong to Ryza). Neither option will really disappoint, but plasma is CP-hungry. A new solution that only costs 50p and no CP would be Daedalosus, who can give +1 to hit but needs to be a bit closer (24") to the front line, and can only designate one target.
- Sidearms: Their Phoshor Blasters are the budget option to use against targets of opportunity. However, Cognis Flamers give Destroyers protection against melee at mere +1pts. Bubblewrap units are still great, but with flamers their overwatch becomes nasty; their main guns already have enough RoF to proc overwatch hits and the stats for it to matter.
- Plasma culverins are high variance over grav cannons. Their D6 shots make them unreliable and absolutely undercut their usefulness over the grav cannons, even with their higher strength. (High variance can be both a strength and a weakness depending on how well you accept risk.) Anyone running plasma destroyers will be useing one of the many ways to add +1 to hit cited above so risking 1's is not a concern. Plasma is 2pts more (negligable on such small expensive units). Don't let the T5 with 3W and 4+ with shroudpsalm to get a 3+ fool you: these guys are glass cannons and prime targets for anything that mulches heavy infantry. Anything with decent strength or a point or two of AP will turn these guys into spare parts in one go if you don't do something to protect them, even with shroudpsalm. My personal advice is to abuse the [Acquisition at any cost] stratagem to get them to 2+/5++ saves on an objective and hope they can weather the storm with enough guns still intact to do their job, OR (and my personal favorite idea) consider running them as [Lucius], as the immunity to AP1 is absolutely fantastic on them (and its pretty solid overall) and the ability to pay a CP to hide a 6-9 man unit of kataphrons in deep strike is worth its weight in gold, as they have more than enough range to be confident that they can drop in somewhere they can hit their target, and you can even give your dominus the Lucius relic to teleport him to the kataphron gunline without losing his support for the footsloggers turn one, or paying the CP to deep strike him. Also, for 50 points you should never ever not take Daedalosus, especially when you're taking these guys (they're only BS4+ after all).
- Kataphron Breachers: Trades some firepower for 3+ armour but, most importantly, at discount price. Enough to be heavy speedbumps yet disposable, do the comparison: Space marines pay 13pts for T4 3+ save wounds, Breachers pay 10pts. Intercessors pay 85pts for 10W and their guns are restricted to anti-infantry; Breachers bring 9W for 90pts and their Heavy Arc rifles (36" Heavy 2 S6 AP-1 D1d3) are not only basically anti-infantry autocannons, but also tear D1d6 chunks out of vehicles, so they can even help your overworked Onagers. And unlike Destroyers, Breachers aren't defenseless in combat, with three WS4+ attacks using Arc Claws (S6 AP-1 & D1d3 vs vehicles). With those stats, they are a screen by themselves. If you NEED an objective to be positively, absolutely defended, activate Acquisition at Any Cost and they'll be very difficult to remove, with 4A and a 2+/5++ save. (Alternate take if supported by vanguard S6 Ap-1 still wounds marines on 2's and a unit of 6 will kill 3.75 tac marines) their not gonna touch a dedicated melee unit but can still give a bad day to enemy troops or small characters) and now we have unlimited warlord traits prime hermeticon increases their melee output by 50%
- Torsion Cannons are hard to defend. S8 AP-4 is nice but they cost a lot, are single-shot and D1d6 is somewhat unreliable. Likewise, Hydraulic Claws are like power fists...but with only AP-1 like Arc claws they will struggle to go through their targets' armour Sv, and Breachers aren't dedicated melee units, could throw one into maybe kill Vehicles and Monsters in melee.
- Agripinaa breachers are really strong if you have a huge amount of CP as a 6 man squad can potentially bring 5 back from the dead and relocate if just one survives. Which considering their tankiness is quite possible. Do this a few times and count the firepower you've soaked.
- The clue is in the name for these guys though; the above chap is absolutely correct in his analysis for the average game, but GW covers bases for more narrative games too: Fortifications & other Immobile units are auto-hit so when you need to breach through some Fortifications you have at least 9 S10 -1AP auto-hitting hydraulic claws vs the S6 of arcs, and that's 9 lots of 3+ rolls instead of iffy 5+.
Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]
- Skorpius Dunerider: No longer do Infantry have to footslog. Movement 12”, 12 wounds, S&T 6, and a degrading statline like any vehicle. It has 3+, so it has ok survivability. It has four Cognis Heavy Stubbers and a Broad-Spectrum Data Tether. Its special rule, Hover Platform, means that you suffer no penalties for moving and firing heavy weapons unless you advanced. It carries almost any 10 Secutarrii or <forge world> Infantry models. It can't carry Cawl or kataphrons of either type.
- Terrax-pattern Termite Assault Drill (Forge World): Forge World finally decided to hand over the rules for a transport so now we'll have to begin removing organs just like tech-priests to pay for them. For a long time it was the only transport the AdMech had and is good if trying to run an assault list. For a base 134 points you can have access to a Deep Striking transport that can carry up to 12 Secutarii or Forge World Infantry models, except for Cawl and Kataphrons. It's kitted with weaponry to match its purpose, with a mandatory Melta Cutter (an Assault D3 melta) and a choice of two each of storm bolters, heavy flamers or Heavy 4 15" S5 AP0 D2 volkites missing the standard volkite Mortal Wound rule. The scariest thing this thing can do, however, is following its payload into melee - it's pretty shit with a WS of 4+, but if any of the 6 attacks S14 AP-4 D3 you get with it connects and doesn't kill something, you get to chain roll for extra mortal wounds on the survivors until you fail. Charge it into literally anything and you're guaranteed to have it at least partially reimburse its point cost in kills before it goes up in smoke (which it will, considering it's the only AdMech vehicle
that lacks an invulnerable save of any kindNot anymore, since the Skorpius models don't have invul either).- Storm Bolters are the default and cheapest option. Volkite chargers are the cheaper anti-horde option. Flamers cost double, but work effectively as a deterrent to anything that tries to charge your mole machine.
- You can still opt to deploy via Stygies VIII Cladestine Infiltration stratagem instead of deep striking, if you wish. This largely defeats the point of having a Deep Striking transport, as you could just use the stratagem on the actual unit you're having it carry to move the same distance, but would permit you to deliver your guys to midfield and have them somewhat protected inside the Terrax until they unload on the second turn and do whatever nefarious thing you've got planned for them, so decide for yourself if your strategy calls for it.
You do still have access to all Fortification options. While immobile, they do provide an extra layer of defense that AdMech can greatly benefit from. However, the limitation on Fortifications to one unit plus any number of characters limits their usefulness as firebases, since only half the embarked models can fire out.
Elites[edit | edit source]
- Larsen Van der Grauss See Elucidean starstriders in the imperium tactics thread - this character cannot be taken in an admech detachment but has the Mars and Admech keywords so if taken with us can use admech strategems and warlord traits.
- Fulgurite Electro-Priests: Get them in close combat and they'll dump Mortal Wounds on people. Of course, getting them to close combat is the trick. If you footslog them, they will die. Fulgurites are ideal if you're running either Movement stratagems and transports. Always field these guys in squads of 10 or bigger. At just 2 attacks per model, they simply do not attack often enough to really take advantage of the mortal wounds you can get off the staves unless you attack with enough models, and you NEED them to kill something in close combat as quickly as possible to get that sweet, sweet 3++ save. Still, the Voltagheist field is nice for some pre-combat mortal wounds if you charged, and with Fanatical Devotion, you ignore any wounds taken on a 5 or 6, which is nice.
- Despite the desire for large units of these guys, and the steep cost to deep strike many units of them remember, pulling off a deep strike charge is only feasible when you maximize how many attempts you're making. Don't field just one unit and expect it to make that critically important charge roll - field at least three per thing you want charged, so you can get your odds of at least one getting the charge off to above 50% (in this case, 62.33%). (As of engine war if your deepstriking your Lucius and you can always solar flare a character forward to get them in range of a reroll charges aura from amongst the new warlord traits (with +1 to charge on a manipulus). This potentially makes them viable again.
- What 15-techno-smurfs CAN do however is bubble-wrap units against storm-shield protected deep strikers. Any units that attempt to fight through fifteen electro-priests will take losses. You will too, but you will either kill the attacker and get a 3++ for the rest of the game ("thanks for the storm shields plebs") or they will fall back...and no longer endanger the unit the priests were guarding.
- The problem with these is that while they are superb after killing a unit they are weak if they havn't.
- Corpuscarii Electro-Priests: 2 points per model cheaper than Fulgurites, and not as killy in close combat (they can only put out mortal wounds with their Voltagheist Field charge, which inflicts a mortal wound on a 6+ for each model in one unit charged). They also can't buff their V-field, which means they'll be stuck with a 6+/5++/5+++. However, their Electrostatic Gauntlets deserve a special mention. They have two profiles, either Melee 2 WS4+ or 12" Assault 3 BS3+, but both are a Flat S5 AP0 D1, (can't be modified by Invocation of Machine Might) with any 6+ roll causing 3 hits instead of 1. Congrats, you have taser goads at 12" range AND melee. Sure, they're ugly models, but that's an awful lot of firepower from 5 little guys.
- As expensive as it is. A squad of 20 will put out over 60 dice rolls. It would take three Leman Russ Punishers with one upgraded for three Heavy Bolters to exceed it. With that much firepower your likely to kill or heavily wound anything short of a Super Heavy. Now has a stratagem to gain AP2 making them dangerous.
- Can't benefit from the Lucius dogma or Shroudpsalm at all, so probably best under Stygies, which can protect them on the approach, unless you want to deploy them using Lucius’s Deep Strike stratagem (with their volume of firepower why wouldn't you).
- Graia used to be the best Forge World to help them on the front line. However, the 6+ Refusal to Yield has been FAQ’d as not stacking with their FNP.
- Put 11 of these motherfuckers from Mars in a Termite Drill with a dominus for rerolls. Deepstrike and pop out, flick the switch on the Wrath of Mars stratagem and watch your target drown in mortal wounds.
- Cybernetica Datasmith: The herder for your robots. Quite competent as a fighter in his own right, with a Terminator statline, complete with a 2+/5++ and a power fist, as well as a pretty scary pistol that can reliably oneshot Primaris marines - but his main purpose is to change protocols on your Kastelans and cheaply fill an Elite slot for your detachment needs while at it. As such, consider him inseparatable from the bots.
- Keep in mind that the protocols change take place on the next turn after you've declared and rolled for it. Consider what you're up against and structure your game plan accordingly - since your opponent knows what you're up to a turn in advance, you'll have to play the rest of your army around your Kastelans to get the most use out of them.
- The alternative to bringing one along is to use the 1CP stratagem to change the active protocol immediately and lock your robots in them for the rest of the game, but Command Points are generally worth far more than the Datasmith's measly 41 points and leaving you unable to adapt means that your bots might very well end up useless past the turn you pop the override, so thing long and hard before you decide to drop him from your list for another skittle squad.
- Your Datasmith Can carry a WL trait without useing an HQ slot - if you want to save CP in ninth.
- Alternatively, consider that a single 'smith has the same statline and costs barely more than one model of a Space Marine Terminator, while also having more wounds and being a character. You could cheaply fill the Elites slot of a Brigade.
- Don't miss the fact that he's got 6" Move to the bots' 8". You can advance quite liberally though, since he doesn't really have much to do outside of maybe popping his pistol on anything in range.
- Generally speaking, he'll make back his cost in points if you've changed Protocols at least once with him. If you also manage to get him in melee and take some wounds off something, you've already got more than what you paid for.
- Servitors: Your cheapest unit often a brigade filler and objective sitter. A poor ranged unit equipped with free melee weapons. Costing 40 points for 2 servo arms and 2 heavy bolters, you should always prefer Rangers or Vanguards for those same points when you need some bodies down the field. Servo-Arms are now free, while the servitors are 5; there are worse melee units for the cost.
- If you would take a Plasma Cannon unit for 52 points, take Plasma Culverin Vanguards for 68 points to do the same job, better.(now 36 and 51 respectably for a single unit with one plasma weapon)
- If you would take a Heavy Bolter unit for 40 points (probably as a cheap meat shield), take Arc Rifle Rangers for 39 points to do the same job, better.
- If you would take a Multimelta unit for 64 points (why?), there admittedly isn't a better infantry option in-faction for the same role, but Onagers will do the same job, better.
- A bare-bones servitor unit is 20 points and this can be useful in the new Vigilus detachments as spare parts for your kataphron destroyers. although a heavy bolter or two might be useful when waiting for them to be needed.
- Note that you can take the Astra Militarum Servitors if you want - they're the same unit plus the Astra Militarum keyword, with no downsides, so there's no reason not to, but not much of a benefit, either, outside of certain specific allied lists (e.g. if you were allying with Yarrick or Celestine, anyway).
- (Note: This unit had its points changed in Chapter Approved 2018)
- These guys are now 20 points a squad, before ranged weapon upgrades. 2 Heavy Bolters will run 36 points for a squad; 2 Plasma, 40; 2 Melta, 62. Servo-arms are free now. Still, the guns are not why you should take these guys; being able to get Power Fist attacks for cheap, and to trade them out for Kataphrons when you need to, is a better reason to take such an elite unit.
- The actual use for Servitors with Heavy Bolters is if you're building a Brigade and you need to fill an elite slot, in which case they can hang out in the backfield, take pot shots at whatever is in range and block deep strikers. Not terrible for 36 points.
- Sicarian Infiltrators: One of the only units debuffed in engine war. The taser variant that used to destroy hordes has been weakened, the power sword variant that wrecked marines hasn't changed. They can deep strike. Their debuff aura got a punch in the cogs in the change from 7th, and is now merely a -1 to Leadership within 3". Just remember to keep them in cover until you're ready to charge them because they still suffer from T3 and only a 4+.
- Flechette Blasters outperform Stubcarbines against T5 or less and T8 or higher, and while Stubcarbines will absolutely do better against T6 and T7, you're still attempting to scratch paint - against a Rhino, for example, a minimum unit shooting expects to deal 0.93 wounds with the Blasters and 1.11 wounds with the Stubcarbines. Flechette blasterswith 50 shots make superb if high variability Wrath of Mars strat targets.
- In melee Power Sword's increased AP relative to the Taser Goad mean that it will outperform it against the targets you'd expect it to, the taser goad was nerfed in Engine War to only multiply hits on natural 6's. Greatly weakening its combat effectivness as conqueror doctrina imperative no longer multiplies hits.
- Following Engine war this unit is in a bit of an odd place its most commonly fielded variant has become less efficient in CC while it's existing rivals of corpuscarii became more efficient. Equally the new pteraxii are competing with it in terms of deepstrike firepower and serberys for speed. While not out for the count expect less of them.
- Sicarian Ruststalkers: They have some utility at dishing out Mortal Wounds, and are faster than Fulgurites, but still not a great choice when compared to your other elite options without support; the primary problem is getting there, as they need a transport or stratagems to reach CC reliably. See below for more, but you're usually better off buying Fulgurites for melee footsloggers that will live longer.
- Because the Blades cost you the Chordclaw and more points on the grunts, they're only worth it against T8 and T9 with a 4+ save or worse, which does not exist (actually, see Ork Gunwagons/Bonebreakas), and T4 or T5 with a 5+ save or worse, which does - it includes Ogryn, for example - but that's very niche. You should not buy them the Blades.
- Always buy the Princeps the Blades as it's now free and it doesn't have to give up its chordclaw.
- Assuming you were competent and took the R+C combo all around, each Ruststalker should swing for 4/9 of a mortal wound, the same as a Fulgurite (they effectively have two Chordclaws, for this math - but bear in mind their non-mortal wound output is very significantly better, and they can deal even more mortal wounds on the charge), but for 3 points more, which primarily buys you different defenses (+1W and 4+/6++ instead of 6+/5++/5+++ means that the former will live longer to lasguns but the latter will live longer to overcharged plasma, for example); notably, unlike the Fulgurites, Shroudpsalm will help protect these guys. Leadership is also a point lower, and the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative is less efficient on them than Divine Chorus is on Fulgurites, with the former buying you 3/27 of a mortal wound per CP, and the latter buying you 4/27 of a mortal wound per CP, since Ruststalkers can't take tethers - plus, since the Priests have higher Leadership, they scale better to larger unit sizes, which is important for using Stratagems that target 1 unit at a time efficiently, while the Ruststalkers prefer MSU, to have more Attacks from the Princeps.
- The tl;dr here is that Fulgurites will outperform the Ruststalkers, per point and per CP, against almost everything in the game (there are some niche exceptions, such as the Fulgurites being charged by Bloodletters/Horrors/Daemonettes), offensively; defensively, it depends on what they're being attacked with, but the Ruststalker advantage evaporates quickly in the face of better AP or Damage on incoming shots. Ruststalkers are 2" faster on the Move, though.
- If you're taking these, then it's probably for the cool factor of having spindly tin ninjas with sound weapons. From this perspective, the transonic blades are perfectly complementary to their battlefield role. If you're paying for style anyhow...
- This unit gained a stratagem to let it outflank mid game in Engine war. Its still not great as a melee unit but given its a lot more points efficient and mobile than it started out this edition it could see some play.
- Because the Blades cost you the Chordclaw and more points on the grunts, they're only worth it against T8 and T9 with a 4+ save or worse, which does not exist (actually, see Ork Gunwagons/Bonebreakas), and T4 or T5 with a 5+ save or worse, which does - it includes Ogryn, for example - but that's very niche. You should not buy them the Blades.
- Tech-Priest Enginseer: You can take the Astra Militarum Codex entry for this guy; he'll lose Canticles, but he was already a Character, so he'll mind less losing Shroudpsalm. He'll retain his Forge World and Cult Mechanicus, but lose Adeptus Mechanicus, which will cause potential problems for his Detachment. The primary reason to shoehorn him in like that is that he'll be an Astra Militarum model, so he can bring you Astra Militarum Relics - for example, he can carry the Dagger of Tu'Sakh, letting you use a relic slot to deep strike an Infantry unit, regardless of Forge World.
- Really, this model is just a cheap repairman for your Dunecrawlers and a good way for you to synergize with any IG allies.
- X-101: The named servitor from Blackstone Fortress. It comes with a Grav-gun, a hydraulic claw, and a 5+ BS and WS. Has the standard Mindlock ability regular servitors have (goes up to WS/BS 4+ and Ld9 while close to a Tech-Priest) and gets a further +1 to Hit if he's targeting a VEHICLE. Unfortunately, since he lacks the CHARACTER Keyword, he's just going to get popped the second he steps out into the open. And since he can't take a transport, you can't even really suicide run him. Even at 22 points, still not worth it.
Titan Guard (Forge World)[edit | edit source]
The Titan Guard are Super-Skitarii, but with a downside. Their Titanguard special rule means they don't benefit from any <Forge World> dogmas (auras such as Cawl's or a dominus) or stratagems. But doesn't keep the rest of your army from benefiting from the rule. if they are Battle-forged, but it does create some unwelcome hurdles for using them. They don't benefit from the auras of Cawl or a Dominus since they both specify a <Forge World> unit. This is because apparently, being assigned to guard Titans means you immediately lose all Forge World specific equipment and training, despite the fact that Titans are both drawn from specific Forge Worlds and the fact that the Codex specifically states that the Titan Guard is drawn from a Forge World's 1st Macroclade.
- Secutarii Peltasts: Ad-mech Dark Reapers. 5++ makes them slightly sturdier than Vanguard. Note that they start at 10 men, so an enhanced data-tether is more vital here. Their Galvanic Casters have 3 fire modes: A Rapid Fire 2 Strength 3 24" for blending GEQs, an Assault d3 18" Ignores LOS for tactical tomfoolery, and a MEQ killing 30" Heavy 1, s4 ap2. Once per game they can give themselves -1 to hit instead of shooting. Maybe not worth the cost of the models now, but multiple shenanigans ensue. Unlike other Skitarii the Alpha carries the special equipment and can't take both an EDT and a melee weapon.
- They tend to have a bit of overlap with your Vanguard troops, who have a similar Anti-GEQ role that focuses on volume of fire over pure stopping power. Vanguard also have access to several Special Weapons that let them perform better against MEQ and TEQ targets in a pinch. Additionally, your Vanguard can benefit from <Forge World> perks and stratagems while the Peltasts don't. However, Peltasts as a whole unit are considerably more flexible than Vanguard offensively (factoring all the models, not just the special weapons), especially now that you can choose which firing mode each model is using instead of the entire unit. Against GEQ targets, Peltasts will outperform Vanguard as long as they're consistently within Rapid Fire range, and are able to contribute firepower towards any targets regardless of line of sight. Combined with an Omni-spex, this can make them particularly effective at dealing with enemies that rely heavily on cover and LOS for defense, such as Eldar or Tau infantry. Additionally, Peltasts are slightly more durable than Vanguard are, making them a bit better suited to tank shots compared to Vanguard.
- Do not give the Alpha a pistol, ever. None of our pistols are worth giving up the FREE Galvanic Caster. Melee is not good for them at all.
- Alternate opinon: Stay the fuck out of Rapid-Fire range. Their ld is crap and they are automatically FORCED to be a large squad. Considering this basically makes them hybrid Vanguard/Rangers with no special weapons is really crap. If you have them you own an amazing horde blender. If not you really lose nothing.
- Their Blind Barrage can only be used to protect themselves, not a different unit, as they could in previous editions. It's also shittier than the free Dogma you get from being Stygies VIII, which Peltasts can't use.
- Generally, Peltasts are best left to fulfill a scouting and objective-sitting role. They perform quite well against most basic infantry targets regardless of their immediate circumstances, and their lack of <Forge World> synergy means that they can be sent out independently without really missing out on any buffs.
- Secutarii Hoplites: Budget Skitarii with budget TH/SS.vThese guys melt to massed low strength firepower but can hold there own against a charge from a knight gallant. They are very strong in melee especially when buffed with the omniscient mask. They are also very points efficient for what they do and don't understimate the shooting of a large blob of arc lances. S6 AP-1 shot, or melee S+3 (S6) AP-1 hits that both do 1 damage each or changes to D3 vs vehicles. A perfect unit to tie up vehicles and even infantry in melee combat. Anything short of Terminators will fear a charge from Hoplites.
- S6 Ap1 Dd3 isn't going to scare many t7 vehicles BUT those light vehicles you are good against are usually (land speeders etc) absolute death to Admech troops. The other decent targets are things like Ogryn, Kataphron Destroyers, Grotesques, and the like. This makes hoplites decent because they come with decent durability to start but not as good offense as other choices. Kinda niche, but also much cheaper than our other elites.
- At only 1 pt more than Vanguard, these guys make for great cheap bodyguards. In addition to a flat 5++, they have a shield that gives them a 4++ against melee and reflects a mortal wound back on the attacking unit on any unmodified saving throw of 6 in CC. Arguably the best meatshields we have, especially against melee-focused infiltrators.
- Hoplites benefit massively from access to a Termite, and it provides them with the only guaranteed way to get into charge range without getting shot off the table.
- Put them into combat with vanguard to wound MEQs or lower on a 2+
- While they lack a <Forge World> keyword, Hoplites can still benefit from Acquisition at any Cost, making them pretty good at contesting and holding mid-board objectives.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
- Ironstrider Ballistarii: A very mobile twin lascannon or autocannon platform. It has a 10 inch move, and it has a 48 inch range and can fire after advancing with a penalty. Doesn't have the dragoons -1 to hit and so is pretty vulnerable given its low armour save and T compared to our other vehicles. If taken in a large unit it has potential as two stratagems as the doctrina strategem can make them +2 to hit negateing -1 to hit defences and the engine war let them gain +1 wound. Downside is large units lack the durability for their points compared to other options and individual models while great at holding a backfield objective are not worth the CP to buff.
- Sydonian Dragoons: Solid weapon (2 Damage, 8 Strength, AP-1), good mobility, surprisingly tough (Incense Cloud), cheap cost. Often seen in units of 3-4. as only one model needs to make contact with the enemy and the others will all be within 1" of it. A unit of 6 dragoons with Conqueror Doctrina Imperative is rolling 18 attacks, hitting on 2's, dealing 3 hits on 4's - that's 33 strength 8 hits on average. Against a T8 foe that's about 17 wounds and against 3+ saves that's 9 failures, for an average of 18 damage. Without buffs such as canticles or the omniscient mask, can murder a Knight in CQ, almost wipe an entire squad of 40 boyz in a single charge, and butcher marines by the squad.
- Combine with Stygies VII Shroud Protocols to give your Dragoons a massive -2 subtraction on enemy To Hit rolls, giving them exceptional survivability against shooting and a stratagem to get them into position to charge T1 on a lot of deployments. Best deployed along a flank if able to maximise the -2.
- The Radium Jezzail is hindered by its lack of any AP. Not a bad gun, but it lacks the brute force of the Arquebus and any volume of fire. Basically, you will be fishing for 6s to do just that mortal wound plus another one if you luck out on the opponent's save. Arquebuses will have an easier time penetrating armor and deal enough damage to be threats in their own right, except now it has a -1 AP. Wahey!
- Alternate take: By the time you take a unit of 6 your looking at a similar cost to a knight which might add more shooting utility.
- Serberys Raiders: Serberys Raiders are Skitarii Rangers that are mounted on cybernetic dog-mounts. The first thing to understand about them is that, on a point per wound basis, they are extremely cheap and efficient. They clock in at just under 5 points per wound and 3 wounds per model. To get the same number of wounds in a unit of vanilla rangers, you would have to pay about 20 points more. The raiders are also fast, with a free scout move at the beginning of the game and a 12" move standard. However, they are something of a distraction carnifex. They are not great in melee, have a mediocre WS of 4+, and three attacks per model, all at strength 4 with barely any ap. They can snipe characters, causing mortal wounds on a wound roll of 6, but a bare minimum squad will only be popping off a mere 6 shots at 18 inches. Lastly, despite riding a giant, cybernetic greyhound, they have the same toughness and armor save as their troop counterpart. Overall, the raiders function best as a harassment unit. They are too fast for your opponent to fully ignore, lest they go after vulnerable backfield support characters and small units, but also so cheap that losing them doesn't hurt you much.
- Alternate take: These are competent vs screen units in melee (with the right support). Large units supported by a Stygies character- make sure to give him the Omniscient Mask and Learnings of the Genetor Warlord Trait. Pre-game move him to keep up with your high-speed Raiders. They now hit around 75% of the time, and on model with 3A that will have AP-3 Sabres and AP-2 Claws Limbs on 6s to wound, they can be surprisingly deadly.
- Ryza's canticle will give them an additional bit of AP. You can also get additional AP from the Custom Forge World Dogma from the Expansionist Forge World, which is a bit more reliable over the course of the game. You can also stay in that Expansionist Forge World tree and get the ability to Advance and Fire their guns with no penalty. Ryza Canticle when Charged/Charging/HI plus the Metallica benefit where it matters? Pretty good. As Skitarii they also can get +2 to hit in Melee, which is always nice.
- None of which is to say it is a melee unit by design. It has enough utility but it is best to think of them as a unit of snipers that are running around and are tough to remove (comparatively). They can put out enough shots to threaten mortal wounds against any realistic target and put the hurt down against screens and chaff. Fast, tough for their cost, able to threaten a variety of infantry targets and too threatening to be left alone (while also not being so threatening that they are guaranteed to die off before they do anything).
- Serberys Sulphurhounds: Fast-moving Skitarii Vanguard gunslingers riding cyber-dogs that breath fire. Identical in stat line to the Raiders, but with different special weapons and rules. Basic models are equipped with dual phosphor pistols (same stats as the Phospor Blast pistol but strength 4 instead of 5.) as well as a sulphur breath (same stats as the phosphor pistol, but 8", Pistol D6, and auto hits.) The Alpha carries a single Phosphor Blast Pistol and a power maul, neither of which can be swapped out. Finally, one model can swap a phosphor pistol for a Phosphor blast carbine (24", Assault 4, strength 5, AP -1, 1 damage with all the usual phosphor rules). Their Pistoleers' special rule allows them to advance and fire pistols, and they share the rad-saturation rule with the Vanguards. As with the Serberys Raiders, the Sulphurhounds are a skirmisher unit that is cheap, though not as cheap, fast, character sniping or ranged as the raiders.
- Pteraxii Skystalkers: Flying drop troops that vomit shots. ~Like~ Better Eldar Swooping Hawks, Thermal Riders give deep strike, and Soar Away lets them return to reserve to deep strike again. However, they have three movement abilities, not two, and there's no way to combine them: deep strike, leave the table to deep strike later, and have each model have a 1/3 chance (2/3 against a vehicle) to drop a mortal wound on anything the unit passed over while moving.
- Expect your opponent to blow them out of the water the turn after they drop - they're fragile glass cannons, and no savvy opponent will let them live.
- Pteraxii Sterylizors: Close range Pteraxii, with a 12" Flamer that ignores the cover bonus (that's in deep strike range). Then if they charge, they each make 3 S5 Ap-1 attacks, and the Alpha makes 4 S4 taser goad attacks. Unfortunately, the alpha is forced to carry a substantially worse gun than the rest of the unit - it'll land fewer shots at worse S and worse AP, and that's assuming you can shoot it, as he's the only guy in the unit that can't shoot after advancing.
- 2pts more than infiltrators for an ap -1 flamer making their firepower equal to infiltrators - these are glass cannons like skystalker,s don't expect them to survive to fly off again or have a second shot - I'd stick with your infiltrators for efficiency, but it's close.
- With the Deeply Sunk Talons stratagem to stop a fallback on +2, they can have both survivability and suppress enemy non-flyer tanks/artillery. It can be kept in combat for the next turn and if the enemy you were engaging is no longer important, you can make it soar to the skies, even if stuck in combat range, to descend in deep strike the next turn.
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
- Onager Dunecrawler: Your best bet at dealing with heavy armor, and with plenty of solid options. a 3+ 5++, and their Emanatus Force Field allows them to reroll 1s on invuln saves if another Dunecrawler is within 6 inches. They can no longer squadron, so taking a few will eat your Heavy Support slots.
- While the Skorpius Disintegrator may have greater shooting utility, volume, and consistency, the Onager has the durability, due to the disintegrator lacking an invulnerable save.
- Turret:
- Neutron Laser: Never leave home without one. Heavy d3 48" S10 AP-4 Dd6 and treats 1's and 2's on damage rolls as 3's. The most expensive weapon option, but two or three Neutron Lasers will cripple or destroy even the strongest vehicles. Do note that the option to take a Neutron Laser is Neutron Laser and Cognis Heavy Stubber, which gives you both weapons (paid for individually points-wise), with the stubber mounted under the laser itself. Note that the way the rules are worded, a Neutron Laser Dunecrawler with a Cognis Heavy Stubber can purchase a second Cognis Heavy Stubber as well, giving you 6 s4 shots to pop off besides your big gun. A worthwhile investment. In a pinch you can use 1 CP for Protector Doctina Imperatives and have this nuke a flyer out of the sky on a 2+ (only if you have the broadspectrum data-tether, but why would you not)?
- Icarus Array: It slices, it dices, it makes everyone cry. If you field more than one Dunecrawler, always field one of them equipped with an Icarus Array and a Broad-Spectrum Data Tether. 10 shots at BS2 against anything that has the FLY keyword (hint hint: skimmers, jumppack/jetpack infantry, fliers, etc) means it will handily rip and tear anything apart, or take a good chunk out of it. Particularly brutal against Tau and Eldar of all flavors, since most of their vehicles are skimmers. It hits other targets on 4's, however, With the Protector Doctrina Imperative Stratagem, the Icarus Array transforms into a terrifying anti-infantry gun with 5 S7 shots and 5 S6 shots hitting anything on 2's.
- Alternate Opinion: Unless you have a full brigade you might wanna save your command points. Especially since your vanguards and infiltrators are far better against the conscript/boyz/gaunt-blobs that are so strong in 8th. Your onagers are better used taking out actual fliers or tanks. (It does hit on 4s naturally anyway. No need to get greedy with your Icarus BRRRRRRT Array.)
- Alternate Alternate Opinion: If you're ever aiming it at conscripts/boyz/gaunts you are doing it wrong. When not aiming at flyers it's best at shredding medium to heavy infantry, light vehicles and "monster" units. Basically anything that falls between T4 to T6 with multiple wounds on it.
- Very good with Mars. Cawl's full re-roll makes the -1 to hit against non-FLY units a minor inconvenience, and it gets great utility out of moving from S7/S6 shooting to S8/S7 with the canticle.
- Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster: 6 shots at S6 AP-2 ignoring cover is good for deleting MEQ units, not a bad choice by any means, but it's outshined by the Icarus Array. Not the wrong choice if your meta is filled with MEQ, but vs hordes the Kastellans can pack 3 of these per unit against one Dunecrawler, before doubling their shots.
- The Icarus array packs a Gatling rocket launcher that is basically the same gun minus one shot with four extra autocannon shots but hits on 4s instead.
- The Dunecrawler kit also isn't super magnetizing friendly to the Icarus array, so between building this or a I.A; you're probably better off magnetizing the I.A. and placing the little cover on the side instead of the missiles and proxying it.
- Eradication Beamer: D6 shots is quite random, but on average it will fare decently well against both vehicles and infantry. S8 means it will wound t4 targets on a 2+, and t7 vehicles on a 3+ (Same as the Neutron Laser). The difference is in the AP, which is only -2, and it only does D3 damage per shot unless you're in 12 inch range (Which you never want to be in, anyway). A good deal cheaper than the Neutron Laser, but it will always feel like you're shooting an inferior version of it.
- Best used against Necrons as their special shielding rule tends to be ineffective on D2/3 damage rolls, and wearing down your opponent is better than having the damage ignored altogether.
- Emitter:
- Sadly, you want to take two of these for the Emanatus, but the tethers don't stack (only making the bubble bigger), the doctrina stratagem targets a specific unit, and these models can't squadron..
- Smoke Launchers gives enemies shooting at your Crawler -1 to hit for one turn, but you have to give up shooting. It's extremely situational and not recommended. Stacks with the Stygies dogma.
- Cognis Heavy Stubber is a straight-up addition, coming in at 2 points for a 3-shot bolter that can be fired on the Advance at a -2 (though why you would want to Advance the measly 1d3" your Crawler gets is beyond me). This is the one that the Skitarii is firing from out of the hatch, and is separate from the Neutron Laser weapon option (which includes another cognis stubber). Just buy it, at 36" range it will rarely be out of targets, and removing a single wound of literally anything in game earns back its points several times. You're mounting it on a t7 3+/5++ chassis that has easy access to repairs, as well as numerous other defensive buffs, it will last a while to get its shots off.
- Kastelan Robots: More slot-efficient than the Dunecrawler, as you can get 6 in a unit. (Spamming them is a trap though, since they're extremely vulnerable in the Fight phase; 2-4 is enough.) They still have the same Monstrous Creature statline, and can reflect guns back at their shooter (for a Mortal Wound now), but are now faster and cheaper. Fully shooty is actually the cheap option now. Go full phosphor and enter protector mode for 18 S6 AP2 shots per robot. Yes, a full unit of 6 will fire 108 bullets... In protector mode becomes twice as good as any unit we have. Beware combat with this option though, as without the Fists, you don't have any AP in close combat. AdMech now has fewer ways of dealing with high Toughness, and Kastelan Fists in Melee will punch holes in virtually anything, so consider fists if you are lacking in Dunecrawlers. It's recommended if you are going shoot, deck them out with 3 Heavy Phosphor Blasters, or if you are going punchy, get Fists and the Incendine Combustor. Don't mix the Combustor and Phosphor options together, they don't synergize well.
- Protector Protocol is great for shooting, but don't underestimate the other modes. Aegis Protocol will make your Robots even more tanky, with 2+ Armor and a 4+ Invul, and Conqueror Protocol lets them attack twice in combat and just fisticuff anything to death. In general, Fist Kastelans will prefer either Aegis or Conquerors, while Shooty ones will want to stay in Protector Protocol as much as possible.
- It would be great if the reflection worked like in 7th edition (where *any* saving throw of 6 reflected), but now it is only Invulnerables of 6, and the Cover Bonus from Shroudpsalm only increases the armor save. Unfortunately, the Aegis Protocol Trolling of the Index is now gone, so you will only reflect a Mortal Wound on a Invul Save roll of 6, after re-rolls but before modifiers.
- A critical difference here between LUCIUS and Stygies VII when deep striking is that the former deep strikes in after it's too late to change Protocols outside of Binharic Override (costing a second CP for the unit), so unless you're willing to shell out the CP, you'll be in Aegis Protocol on the turn you arrive.
- Speaking of Binharic Override, if you are running shooty robots, it may be a good idea to just use ASAP to get your Kastelans doubling their rate of fire on the first turn, rather than having to wait until turn 2.
- Be certain if you do this that they are where you need them to be for the rest of the battle, as they will no longer be able to move.
- The amount of overwatch shots and natural 6 STR is probably enough to keep most CC units away, even more if you're screening.
- They do make incredibly good Distraction Canifex.
- If you still feel like you need avoid CC at all costs, switching the shoulder phosphor weaponry to Incendine Combustors can be a valid option : as Protector Protocols works during any phase, 6 robots doing 12d6 S5 AP-1 hits to a charging unit, + the 72 shots of Phosphor Blasters should stop most charges in the game. However, don't let that Rhino or Knight charge you, m'kay ?
- Skorpius Disintegrator: If it’s mobile firepower you’re after, you’ll want the Skorpius Disintegrator. It comes baseline with 3 Cognis heavy stubbers and a prow-mounted disruptor missile launcher that packs a highly explosive wallop: 36” Heavy d6 S7 AP-2 Dd3. Random attack numbers and damage make it unpredictable but it is a decent weapon nonetheless. It also comes with a broad spectrum data-tether and canticles, as well as ignoring heavy weapon rules unless it advances. It has the exact same stats as the Skorpius Dunerider, except for an additional point of toughness (T7). Probably the most critical difference when deciding between this and the Dunecrawler, is the invuln save, or rather lack thereof on the Disintegrator. So in summary, the Disintegrator has better firepower for the cost than the Dunecrawler but is less durable, which means it can be shot off the board dishearteningly fast.
- Turret:
- Ferrumite Cannon 48” Heavy 3 S8 AP -3 D3. An excellent option for reliably blasting chunks from enemy vehicles, monsters or elite, multi-Wound infantry, thanks to no randomness in shots or damage. As stated in the Dunecrawler section, this weapon does statistically less damage than the neutron laser against enemies of >T9, but fails to account for the missiles, which can even out this damage loss. If your opponent fields a lot of really tough things pull out the dunecrawlers, but otherwise the disintegrator and its cannon will do fine to kill whatever it is you want, as the points cost is nearly the same (116 vs 117--crawler with two stubbers and laser).
- Belleros Energy Cannon 36” Heavy 3D3 S6 AP -1 D2 and can hit things out of LOS. A decent amount of shots make it a good contender for medium infantry killing and the LOS capability means you can park behind obstructions and hide from tank killers while still remaining mildly effective.
- Turret:
Flyer[edit | edit source]
- Archaeopter: The brand-new dragonfly planes. Though seemingly unremarkable, they benefit from being hyper-maneuverable by pivoting before moving, and being able to hover as well. You also have the option of either a Command Uplink, which lets friendly <Forge World> units within 6" use its 9 Leadership, or Chaff Launchers for reducing any damage it takes from shooting by 1 to a minimum of 1. With only 10 wounds at T7, that'll be necessary, moreso after factoring in the damage track influencing your BS and movement scores.
- Transvector: The transport option, though its capacity of 6 Skitarii, Secutarii, Techpriest or Electropriest models is weak. Its armament is rather meager with two Cognis Heavy Stubbers and a Twin Cognis Heavy Stubber. These ones will absolutely benefit from Chaff Launchers, as it gives you a slightly better chance at withstanding the anti-aircraft fire so you can drop your pack. The Command Uplink would also see use as you'll already have this at the front lines. Note that secutarii are minimum units of 10 so good proofreading GW.
- Fusilave: The bomber. Your guns are improved negligibly to four separate Cognis Heavy Stubbers, but you also get the bombs. Every turn after moving, you get to roll up to 10d6 worth of dice on any enemy units you flew over (with monsters and vehicles acting as 3d6), with every 4+ resulting in a mortal wound. It is actually much more of a support and board control unit than a pure damage dealer platform. It will allow you to control enemy movement, deal a few mortal wounds here and there, and later if that thing does survive, grab an objective in hover mode.
- Avg 1.5 mw on a vehicle, 2.5mw or a 5 man squad make this hard to justify sure 5mw on a 10 man Intercessor or Custodes squad. It could be good but many lists wont have that level of target.
- Good thing about this bomb is that isn't one use and have a nifty trick to halve enemy mobility with a stratagem. You can chose enemy squad that is closing with your shooting units and likely it wont charge, while you shoot them with impunity. Bomb itself will deal solid 5 MW to a unit of monstrous creatures like Necron Wraiths. Target of stratagem and target of bombs may not be the same, you just have to fly over. Maxiumum effect of stratagem will be on fast land targets, like bikes, dragoons, rhinos, all land transports, daemon engines, large squads of advancing infantry like ork mobs.
- Also best candidate out of three for Electro-Filament Counter Measures, since you are going to be close and personal anyway. May turn off enemy defenses from auras like Dark Shroud, Lions helm, or debuff enemy warlord traits, abilities and artifacts, that are auras...
- With the changes to flyers in 9th, RAW means you can fly over the top of units and straight off the table, dropping your bombs without giving your opponents the chance to shoot back. As you get 1CP back every turn, you can effectively cripple one unit of your choice every turn with the strategem and bomb pretty much any unit(s) you want with a free pivot before flying straight off the board again. Going to cause a bit of butthurt if its not FAQd!
- Also best candidate out of three for Electro-Filament Counter Measures, since you are going to be close and personal anyway. May turn off enemy defenses from auras like Dark Shroud, Lions helm, or debuff enemy warlord traits, abilities and artifacts, that are auras...
- Good thing about this bomb is that isn't one use and have a nifty trick to halve enemy mobility with a stratagem. You can chose enemy squad that is closing with your shooting units and likely it wont charge, while you shoot them with impunity. Bomb itself will deal solid 5 MW to a unit of monstrous creatures like Necron Wraiths. Target of stratagem and target of bombs may not be the same, you just have to fly over. Maxiumum effect of stratagem will be on fast land targets, like bikes, dragoons, rhinos, all land transports, daemon engines, large squads of advancing infantry like ork mobs.
- Stratoraptor: The dogfighter. Your Cognis Heavy Stubbers are complimented by two Heavy Phosphor Blasters and a Twin Cognis Lascannon. Indeed, the weapons are all made to wipe the floor with any priority targets in comparison to the Fusilave's carpet bombing. You'll certainly want the Chaff Launchers on this, since you are bristling with a lot of guns. Alternate take this is the best allrounder flyer as it is not dependent on your opponents list like the Fusilave. As taking the command uplink allows access to the strat that turns off auras which seems strong in certain matchups. Consider that this strat works on units while they are within 6", so if the plane goes down your CP's are wasted, but it is only 1 CP so it may be worth it as a fire magnet albeit a flimsy one...
- Sadly outside of hover mode, it always fire at -1 BS, because it lacks any rule that will allow it to move and fire without penalty. The ways to mitigate this is the base codex stratagem for ignore movement penalties (1CP), the new stratagem for +1 to hit rolls against non-FLY enemy units (1CP), or the Mars specific canticle.
- Looks like the changes coming in 9e will address this, by removing hit penalties for vehicles using Heavy weapons.
- Sadly outside of hover mode, it always fire at -1 BS, because it lacks any rule that will allow it to move and fire without penalty. The ways to mitigate this is the base codex stratagem for ignore movement penalties (1CP), the new stratagem for +1 to hit rolls against non-FLY enemy units (1CP), or the Mars specific canticle.
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
See here for an in-depth discussion of Knights on their own; what matters to you is that Cawl, Domini, and Enginseers can fix Questor Mechanicus Knights, and any of the three or a Datasmith can propagate the Knight of the Cog stratagem onto them (they also have access to a new stratagem from our Codex, Rotate Ion Shields, but they can do that without any assistance from us at all). If you want to maximize the impact of this:
- Datasmiths are the cheapest of the four options to propagate the Stratagem, but Enginseers are the cheapest that can both propagate and repair. In either case, none of your relics are directly relevant, and neither are your dogmas, but Monitor Malevolus will somewhat reduce the cost of maintaining Knight of the Cog, Chorister Technis will exponentially improve your ability to guarantee the Canticle you want (especially easy, as always, with Cawl on hand), and Necromechanic will greatly improve how reliably and quickly you can repair the Knight, which is one of the big reasons to bother with this combo in the first place.
- The best Knight to take is the Crusader, since that's the only one not forced to take a melee weapon on one of its arms.
- By default the Crusader is the best take because of how much firepower and anti-horde it wields. The only reason not to bring it is because the enemy is fielding some really, really tanky units that want to go toe-to-toe in CC, at which point you either want to bring the Atropos for titan-killing or some Armigers to wear your enemy's heavies down before your valuable stuff finishes them off.
Forge Worlds[edit | edit source]
Agripinaa[edit | edit source]

Thematically, Agripinaa is the defense forgeworld, having resisted chaos sieges for millennia.
Crunchwise they hold their ground with enhanced overwatch and wave after wave of disposable Kataphrons. If you love Kataphrons but the enemy kills and locks them in melee too fast for you to have fun, give this forgeworld a try.
When the Cadian gate breaks open and the enemy comes knocking on your door, let Agripinian steel crush the serpent 'neath their heel.
- Forge World Dogma - Staunch Defenders: Overwatch on a 5 and 6.
- Melee is the go-to method to shut down an AdMech gunline, so this dogma will come in handy A LOT, and your units are shooty enough that doubling their overwatch is going to be felt even by big models. Srsly I shot a Keeper of Secrets half to death in overwatch!.
- Warlord Trait - Reinforced Exoskeleton: All damage suffered by the warlord is reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
- Since characters cannot be usually targetted and sniper rifles are usually single damage (the MW is added separately), this trait helps your warlord survive power fists. -1D already cuts multidamage weapons' effectiveness in half.
- Canticle - Verse of Vengeance: Infantry and Cavalry in a unit that die roll a d6. On a 5+, they can make one last shooting or melee attack before dying. Considering how easily you can dispose of your troops, you'd be wise not to waste them when you can help it.
- Stratagem - Fresh Converts (1-3 CP): More like "Tide of Loyalists". You can recycle a unit of Servitors (Kataphron Breachers, Destroyers or regular Servitors). Costs 1 CP for a unit with a Power Rating of 5 or less (Servitors), 2 CP for PR 6-10, and 3 CP for a PR of 11-20 and no higher. Also, unlike the Chaos Space Marines, your now full strength unit has to walk on from your side of the battlefield. Revive expensive models that were already hard to kill? Hell yeah.
- Destroyers can make use of this stratagem since their weapons have long-range and suffer no penalty for moving, but keep in mind a base unit of 3 is already 10PP, and you can not recycle a unit worth more than 20PP. Due to the way, it's worded ("Remove that unit and set it up somewhere else at full strength) this Stratagem would prevent the enemy from scoring First Blood.
- Breachers are 8PP, which means that you have to spend 2-3 CP whenever replacing a 3-6 bot squad of Kataphron, no matter what type. Considering that the Destroyers have access to both a flamer & two heavy weapon options that generate more shots than what the Breachers can dish out on overwatch, you should always choose Destroyers if you intend to use this rule. Servitors usually wouldn't be a good Converts target, but now that they can be used to return dead Kataphrons, you could use it on them on certain scenarios.
- Destroyers can make use of this stratagem since their weapons have long-range and suffer no penalty for moving, but keep in mind a base unit of 3 is already 10PP, and you can not recycle a unit worth more than 20PP. Due to the way, it's worded ("Remove that unit and set it up somewhere else at full strength) this Stratagem would prevent the enemy from scoring First Blood.
- Relic: Eye of Xi-Lexum: At the start of each of your shooting phases, pick one enemy vehicle within 18" of the bearer. You can re-roll to wound rolls of 1 for friendly Agripinaa units that target the unit you picked for the rest of the phase, rerolling all failed to wound rolls instead if you picked a Chaos Vehicle.
- Your Neutron Lasers, Plasma Weapons, & Cognis Lascannons now hit and wound on a 3+ with a reroll or better. Use a CP for that one 2 you roll, and you are virtually guaranteed to automatically hit and wound your enemy's armoured support. Turning your Kataphrons' anti-infantry fire into decent anti-tank also takes off pressure from your Onagers. Great support relic.
- Tactics: Agripinaa strategy is centered around their Destroyers, so you'll need to field some units of 6 (so they aren't all blasted away in a single turn) and bring at least 2 Battalions, because boosting them eats away your CP, and a single revival is all of your battleforged-CP. The Servitor Maniple can eat up a Battalion's worth of CP before the first turn: -1 for the formation, -1 for the Field Commander, -1 x 3 if you decide to give them Enhanced Bionics. Sure Raiment of the Technomartyr gives you enviable overwatch coverage, but can you afford it after the Eye of Xi Lexum? May need to call the Rusty 17.
- Kataphron Conga-line: Servitor Maniple formation, boost them with the Eye of Xi-Lexum (so they can kill any target reliably) and place them near units they synergize with, like Dominus, Manipulus, Servitors, Kastellan, Vanguard screens, etc. They'll dish out lots of fire and draw lots in return, so keep reviving them with Biosplicing and Fresh Converts. That's half of your army; the other half should be exploiting the opportunities caused by the enemy being poked by and firing onto the Kataphrons: Ironstrider skirmishers can be useful. Though Cognis flamer Destroyers can take care of themselves, having a few units support them won't hurt.
- For extra resilience, make the relic the Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land. After sacrificing a Servitor to resurrect a downed Kataphron with a single wound remaining, immediately heal him up for 1d3 re-rollable wounds using Master of Machines. With Acquisition at Any Cost for 2 CP, near an objective, either in cover or with Shroudpsalm up, get a nice 2+/4++ save for when your opponent realizes that he needs to remove them right now and watch them soak up an army's worth of firepower. And if they get too hammered, just resurrect them as stated above and watch your opponents horror as he realizes he has to do it all over again. We Necron now, boys.
- Kataphron Conga-line: Servitor Maniple formation, boost them with the Eye of Xi-Lexum (so they can kill any target reliably) and place them near units they synergize with, like Dominus, Manipulus, Servitors, Kastellan, Vanguard screens, etc. They'll dish out lots of fire and draw lots in return, so keep reviving them with Biosplicing and Fresh Converts. That's half of your army; the other half should be exploiting the opportunities caused by the enemy being poked by and firing onto the Kataphrons: Ironstrider skirmishers can be useful. Though Cognis flamer Destroyers can take care of themselves, having a few units support them won't hurt.
Graia[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, the best planet is made by yourself with the will of Omnissiah.
The more fanatical of the worlds.
They refuse to flee but are hard to kill and don't care about shooting plasma during melee. They can also Have Vanguard fire point-blank.
- Forge World Dogma: Refusal to Yield: Roll a d6 whenever a model with this dogma is slain or flees. On a 6, that model refuses to yield (gee, who woulda thunk), and either the model survives with 1 wound left, or it doesn't flee. However, FORGE WORLD units with this dogma cannot fall back unless a friendly FORGE WORLD character is on the field.
- A decent Dogma, mainly useful on single wound models like massed Vanguard, though it might save a character or vehicle every now and then. Basically returns our troops to their 7th edition version. Does work to save your models from Gets Hot! deaths, unlike the FNP most models get since it blocks being slain, not mortal wounds, so you can go extra plasma happy with these folks.
- Something to keep in mind: you roll one dice if it was a big damage-dealing shot, i.e Volcano cannon, but if you lose your last wound to 14 bolter shots then thats 14 dice roll's.
- Warlord Trait: Emotionless Clarity: Models in friendly GRAIA units within 6" of your warlord can shoot with Assault and Rapid Fire weapons as if they were pistols, but better since Rapid Fire weapons still get to shoot twice for being in close range. Friendly fire? Does not compute.
- This is HUGE for Vanguard, Corpuscarii and Rangers, increasing their damage output by more than 500%, 300% and 376%, owing to them having more shots at higher BS and with special effects on 6s to wound compared to their regular fists. Not to mention you were already bringing Vanguard and Rangers, and they have a reason for being near your Dominus.
- This isn't saying "go push Rangers into melee", but allows them to kick back even if the enemy ties them up (remember they only shoot in your turn), instead of instantly shutting down. That being said, you DO want Vanguard to shoot in melee since Rad saturation will now affect your guns, which make up most of their damage output: their Arc rifles now wound those T3 Space marines on a 2+, hitting on a 3+. Not to mention they are a support-melee squad with 18" range guns; it's not like melee is something new to them.
- One nasty trick to keep in mind is making use of the Cybernetica Cohort strategem Strafing Fire Run, which turns all of a Kastelan Robot’s ranged weapons to Assault - allowing them to fire all their awesome guns into close combat like a pistol if the Warlord is nearby. This means that Genestealer unit that just charged them first turn and thinks it has them tied up unable to shoot is in for a nasty 9-shot-per-bot surprise (or a second round of flamer fire). Remember that the robots need to be in Aegis Mode at the start of the Movement Phase to activate this (but the effect stays even if you force them into Protector Mode before the Shooting Phase to double those shots), so if you want to do this you need to keep them in Aegis Mode until you think you’ll no longer need it.
- Canticle - Mantra of Discipline: The affected unit can hit on a 5+ when shooting on Overwatch. Since you're already likely to be bringing big parties to the front, you'll want a way to ensure some casualties before melee.
- Stratagem: Steel Mind, Iron Logic (1 CP): When an enemy psyker uses a power within 24" of a GRAIA unit, roll a d6. On a 4+, the power is nullified. Identical to the Black Templars' Abhor the Witch and World Eaters' Scorn of Sorcery stratagem.
- Relic: The Cerebral Techno-Mitre: Dominus only, +1 Command point if you have a battle-forged army. For obvious reasons, never take this in combination with the Stratagem for multiple relics. Graia's WT is good, but combined with Monitor Malevolus, this relic on a Brigade yields 15.6 CP + 1/5 of your enemy's.
- Tactics:
- Graia's Endlessly Enduring Electro-Priests: Take a full sized unit of Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, move them into close combat within 6" of your warlord. Now your Corpuscarii can unleash an ungodly amount of firepower in both the shooting and fight phases. In addition to this the Graia dogma allows for Electro-Priests to have a 5+ Invulnerable Save, then a 5+ Fanatical Devotion Save - or optionally a 6+ Refusal to Yield roll. The latter used to stack with the FNP but this was FAQ’d. It’s not totally redundant, however - the RFY will perform better against multi-damage hits (just one roll for a 6 damage hit instead of six if you used the FNP), and it also works to prevent morale losses. With this many saves your opponent is going to struggle to remove these guys from the board without expending a ridiculous amount of firepower. Fulgurite Priests also benefit from the Graia Dogma, as although they have no guns to shoot with the dogma combined with Siphoned Vigour makes them far more durable than a Toughness 3 model with a single wound has any right to be.
- Graia's Vengeful Vanguard Take one or two full sized units of Skitarii Vanguard with Data Tethers, make sure they're close to your warlord (with Emotional Clarity), and see them live up to their name. Your opponents face will drop when he realizes that those squishy looking cyborgs are slightly harder to kill than usual thanks to the FNP ability. Next he'll note that his men are feeling queasy being near your radio-active bucket-heads (-1 on toughness). Those making it to the next shooting phase will find themselves staring down the barrel of a triple shot rifle which your unit has no issue shoving down their throat before pulling the trigger. Your Skitarii Vanguard will be able to shoot in close combat, and thanks to their radio-active aura, will wound most troops on a 3 or a 4. Regardless of whether you're outnumbered two to one, your shooting phase will become a devastating affair. Use the Protector Doctrine for a +2 to hit and enjoy the rerolls provided by your Dominus. You can give your warlord the Omniscient Mask and use the Conqueror Doctrine for a second round of pain in the Combat Phase. In addition; you can consider using the Canticle 'Doctrine of Might', giving your Vanguard perhaps that little push to finish the job.
Lucius[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, space itself bends to the will of the Machine God.
One of the Durable mobility worlds, Lucius is resistant against anti-GEU weapons and can Teleport in Deathstars.
Lucius specializes in the durable Infantry side of the Mechanicus, Shrugging off Autocannons, and placing up to a 30 man anywhere on the board.
Suprise Electro-Priests or robots will wreck.
- Forge World Dogma: The Solar Blessing: AP-1 attacks made against a unit with this dogma are treated as if they had AP0 instead.
- Useful since AP-1 is pretty common: gauss flayers, bolt rifles, rending claws, chainaxes, heavy bolters/flamers, assault/autocannons, etc.
- You'll probably choose this Forgeworld for their Deep Strike stratagem rather than this trait, though.
- Warlord Trait: Superior Bionics: +1 to your warlord's invulnerable saves.
- Canticle - Luminescent Blessing: +1 to the affected unit's invulnerable saves to a cap of 4+. Absolutely handy for protecting a deep-striking force.
- Stratagem: Legio Teleportarium (1 CP): During deployment, use this Stratagem to set up a LUCIUS unit in reserves instead of deploying; at the end of any of your Movement Phases you can deep strike it anywhere that is more than 9" away from opposing models. This is why you pick Lucius as your Forgeworld. We didn't get many transports, but look on the bright side, every single unit in our entire fucking army now has the ability to deep strike.
- Relic: The Solar Flare: Once per game, at the end of your movement phase the bearer can teleport instead of moving normally. When they do so, remove them from the battlefield and place them anywhere that is within 30" of their starting position and more than 9" away from any enemy.
- An immensely useful relic on an already popular forge world, the solar flare can allow a character to teleport away from a dangerous melee unit or next to an objective in the hope of securing it. If you teleport a unit of Kastelan next to the enemy, you can use this relic to send a Dominus or Datasmith to support them (just remember Battle protocols are changed at the beginning of the movement phase).
- Tactics:
- Lucius' Reality Rifting Robo-Rampage: Spend 1 CP during deployment to prepare a unit of Kastelan Robots (up to 6 robots!) with Fists to teleport at the end of any of your movement phases (except turn 1). In the battle round you plan to teleport them, pick Chant of the Remorseless Fist Canticles for re-roll 1s during fighting. (Don't pick Invocation of Machine Might. Kastelan Fists are +4S, adding to base 6S. There aren't many cases where S11 will benefit over S10). Once in CC, spend another CP to permanently change the robots to Conqueror Protocol with the Binharic Override strategem. Charge is a separate phase now, soak up overwatch with Aegis protocol first, or survive a round if the charge fails. Once in CC, you get to punch everything twice. The datasmith counts as a separate unit so you can't teleport him with the robots, but on the plus side you can use that stratagem at any phase instead of just at the beginning of the battle round, allowing you to change the protocol right after you charge and rock-em-sock-em robots them to death. Or give the Lucius relic to the datasmith (deep strike at 30" distance) to change protocols later and repair the robots.
- Also consider using the phosphor blaster instead of the combustor to save 6 points per bot as 21pts for effectively a one use heavy flamer is a bit steep.
- Post Vigilus robots: take a unit of 4-6 in a Cybernetica Cohort detachment, deep strike 9" away, and then for 1CP gain +3 to charge rolls this turn making a 6" charge. When they reach combat immediately change protocols using the Binharic Override stratagem (again another 1CP) for double attacks. Watch as that knight you charge disappears...
- Holy Requisitioner 2.0: Spend 2 CP during deployment to put 5x Kastelan Robots and 9x Kataphron Destroyers into reserves. Also be sure to give your Dominus the Solar Flare. This makes the maximum possible amount of your army immune to alpha strikes. On turn two, deploy them and teleport your Dominus. Unleash 9D6 plasma, 9RF phosphor, and 90 heavy phosphor shots at your enemy. Use Neospheric Mindlock and Elimination Volley so your Robots will be hitting on 4s and your Kataphrons on 2s while being safe from overheating.
- Use Daedalosus if there is a threat that really needs to die.
- The other half of your army should be used to secure a drop zone and to sprint to objectives once the other half of your army arrives.
- Lucius' Reality Rifting Robo-Rampage: Spend 1 CP during deployment to prepare a unit of Kastelan Robots (up to 6 robots!) with Fists to teleport at the end of any of your movement phases (except turn 1). In the battle round you plan to teleport them, pick Chant of the Remorseless Fist Canticles for re-roll 1s during fighting. (Don't pick Invocation of Machine Might. Kastelan Fists are +4S, adding to base 6S. There aren't many cases where S11 will benefit over S10). Once in CC, spend another CP to permanently change the robots to Conqueror Protocol with the Binharic Override strategem. Charge is a separate phase now, soak up overwatch with Aegis protocol first, or survive a round if the charge fails. Once in CC, you get to punch everything twice. The datasmith counts as a separate unit so you can't teleport him with the robots, but on the plus side you can use that stratagem at any phase instead of just at the beginning of the battle round, allowing you to change the protocol right after you charge and rock-em-sock-em robots them to death. Or give the Lucius relic to the datasmith (deep strike at 30" distance) to change protocols later and repair the robots.
Mars[edit | edit source]

Thematically, Mars is the exemplar. The first and holiest forgeworld, the heart of the entire Adeptus Mechanicus.
Crunchwise, while some forgeworlds are defined by the gimmicks that differentiate them from the red planet, Mars itself focuses on what differentiates the Adeptus Mechanicus from other factions: your Canticles and sheer firepower.
Make your enemies kneel before the glory of the Omnissiah with prayer and Martian Might!
- Forge World Dogma - Glory to the Omnissiah: When rolling for Canticles, roll twice. All units with this dogma receive the benefits of both Canticles that are rolled for, unless a duplicate result is rolled. Cawl's special ability can fix that downside. This reliably gets you the Canticle you want multiple times in addition to an extra free army-wide rule, which is good on itself.
- If you have multiple detachments on the table from different Forge Worlds, the first roll will affect both detachments, and the Mars detachments will roll a second time for their extra Canticle. As such, whether a Chorister Technis is from Mars or not, he can only reroll 1 dice at best. Still, that's a nice 87.5% chance of getting that Canticle again and again instead of picking it once and praying for it afterwards like non-Cawl plebs do.
- Warlord Trait - Static Psalm-Code: Add 3" to the range of your Warlord's aura abilities (except Master of Machines). Cawl starts with this trait, and my-oh-my does he benefit from it!
- Canticle - Pangyric Procession: All heavy weapons on the affected unit suffer no penalty for moving and firing. On top of that, all equipped heavy weapons also add +1 to their strength. In case you really wanted to nail those big boys with the Kataphrons.
- Stratagem: Wrath of Mars (2 CP): Use this before a MARS unit in your army attacks in the shooting phase. Each time you roll a 6 to-wound, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Combo with Protector Imperatives for extra-sharp cheddar.
- Hilarious with a squad of Vanguard in Cawl/Dominus range. Lets an 80 point troop unit shit out nearly 6 mortal wounds a turn (If you can afford it).
- Also amazing with Flechette Blasters; A 110 point unit of Sicarian Infiltrators with Flechette Blasters will put out around 8 mortal wounds per shooting phase. (actually 3 and 5 with Cawl re-rolls)
- Another option is Corpuscarii Electropriests, given their high volume of shots and their taser effect. 20 of them will pump out almost 80 hits with Cawl rerolls, which turns into around 13 mortal wounds.
- With either Daedealosus or the shooty Doctrina, they can shit out 105 HITS on average. Against a Knight, you do an average of 17.5 Mortal Wounds, as well as another slightly less than 12 against armour, over 22 if you use the -2AP stratagem as well, or 17.5 if you use the stratagem and the Knight has Rotate Ion Shields, Ion Bulwark, or Armour of the Sainted Ion, totalling a minimum of 29 wounds and a maximum of 39. Kastelan Robots, eat your processors out. The only problem is getting them there, but with Ninth on the way and the new Strategic Reserves rules, that shouldn't be much of a problem...
- The OBVIOUS choice, is a squad of buzz lightyears(Kastellan robots) with phosphor blasters, just the sheer number of shots you can pull out means you'll get salt from everyone.
- Relic: The Red Axe: Replaces an Omnissian Axe, vastly increasing it AP. S+1 AP-5 D2. Looks scary, but armour save can only be lowered so much before reaching an invuln or be outright wasted. The Pater Cog-Tooth, with its boost to Str and Dmg, will serve you better.
- Special Character: Belisarius Cawl: A must have for any list. 9-inch aura of full re-rolls in the shooting phase? (6" +3" from Mars' WT) Yes please. Oh, you're not Mars? You are, you just dress differently *wink*. Another great thing is the control his +/-1 to Canticles of the Omnissiah gives you, increasing your chance for Shroudpsalm to 3/4 and nullifying the risk of a repeated Canticle. He's a beast of a unit still, hard to kill and with huge damage up-close which you won't get to see because you'll want him sitting back supporting your big guns. Unfortunately, no transports can cart him around (damnit). When it comes out, he can be carted around in a Triaros to buff gunlines in the front the backfield. With the new PDFs 20 unit squads of Secutarii are currently one of the best bodyguards for him. Switching between Peltasts and Hoplites were possible. Careful, as Forgeworld can be expensive. Even conversion kits.
- In terms of weaponry, Cawl is well armed. His ranged weapon is the Solar Atomizer, the great grandmother of all Melta Guns with Assault D3, S10, AP4 and Damage 3. His melee weapons are also good. He has the standard Omnissian Axe, Decent for MEQs but average against everything else. The Arc Scourge hits at S10 AP-1. It wounds more often than his axe but has less AP than it and the average DMG is still 2, and only against vehicles. Unlike the other "Power Fists" style weapons it hits with no penalties. After he fights with either, the Mechadendrite Hive allows him to make 2D6 additional attacks at his normal strength of 5--just mean after four S6/S10 rolls. Self-repair Mechanisms gives Cawl the ability to regain D3 lost wounds at the beginning of your turns. With eight wounds this makes him quite tanky. While he can't fight Primarchs for too long, charging without a tarpit or a meatsheild is a bad idea when combined with Solar Atomizer overwatch. They also can't self heal like he can. No one is dumb enough to charge into optimal Melta range. Well, well, almost no one.
- Remember, Cawl allows you to re-roll ANY hit rolls in the shooting phase, not just misses, giving Cawl the best to-hit shooting buff in the game. Advancing Vanguard, moving Ballistarii, people shooting at Raven Guard at night, anything.
- Sadly, Cawl no longer has the best shooting buff in the game, now that for 100pts less and two cps Space Marines can take a Chapter Master who gives full re-rolls, period. unlike Cawl, Chapter Master re-rolls work in overwatch and melee, and they still get the "re-roll hit rolls" instead of "missed hit rolls". Cry your eyes out Admech. For some reason Shrike's rule says "failed hit rolls" though, when every other chapter master (even the generic ones) just say "hit roll".
- Master of Machines grants him the ability to repair any friendly imperium model within 3" by 1 wound, except himself. Without caring even a little bit about its other keywords - he can repair infantry, cavalry, whatever. AdMech units get d3 wounds healed instead, though. I guess 10000 years of min maxing yourself lets you do these things. This means he can shoot, assault, self heal, and repair his tarpit bodyguard indefinitely if your opponent fails to table him.
- Note: Master of Machines can only repair units, it does not also bring models back like an Apothecary, so if you seek a tarpit use some Kataphrons.
- (Note: This unit had its points changed in Chapter Approved 2018 to 190 points).
- Tactics:
- Cawl's Moving Castle: Basically a continuation of the most viable Index build. Big daddy Cawl and a whole bunch of Kastelans set to Protector mode. You can switch protocols in turn one now, via the Binharic Override Stratagem. Combine it with the Wrath of Mars Stratagem to delete whatever unit is in front of you off the table with 18 re-rollable S6 cover-ignoring AP-2 shots that deal mortal wounds on To-Wound rolls of 6 per model.
- For overkill, add in a unit of destroyers and the Elimination Volley Stratagem for extra accuracy. Expensive in every sense of the word.
- Mars' Infiltrator Ambush: This combo relies on a 10-man squad of infiltrators with blasters and the Wrath of Mars Stratagem. Normally, 50 str 3, ap - shots aren't very impressive, but the pseudo-rend effect granted by the stratagem can prove to be a nasty shock for the unprepared. To top it off, most opponents familiar with Ad mech won't be expecting such an alpha strike in a non-Lucius list.
- Cawl's Moving Castle: Basically a continuation of the most viable Index build. Big daddy Cawl and a whole bunch of Kastelans set to Protector mode. You can switch protocols in turn one now, via the Binharic Override Stratagem. Combine it with the Wrath of Mars Stratagem to delete whatever unit is in front of you off the table with 18 re-rollable S6 cover-ignoring AP-2 shots that deal mortal wounds on To-Wound rolls of 6 per model.
Metalica[edit | edit source]

In fluff, Metalica is as close to machines as possible, and that's just how they like it. Their world is scorched clean of life and covered in metal, and the sounds of their industry are deafening.
In the crunch, they are relentless and efficient, not letting something like close combat or assaulting get in the way of them shooting. They are all about movement, whether it's assaulting with rapid fire weapons to get just into range, or using their warlord trait to ensure that your key units aren't tarpitted, you can and will show them the ordered might of the Omnissiah!
- Forge World Dogma - Relentless March: When a unit with this dogma advances, it treats its Rapid Fire weapons as Assault weapons until the end of the turn. Additionally, it does not suffer the -1 to shoot after advancing with Assault weapons (which stacks).
- It's not like getting units on point turn one like Lucius and Stygies do, but on the upside, this costs no CP. And the enhanced speed lessens your need for transports and fast dragoons while making life easier for your Corpuscarii. Note Rapid Fire X becomes Assault X, which prevents the extra shot at close range if they advance.
- Warlord Trait - Ordered Efficiency: If a friendly Metalica unit is within 6" of the Warlord when it falls back, it can still shoot that turn (albeit with a -1 penalty to hit). This will teach anyone foolish enough to charge your Cognis flamer Destroyers to think it better next time.
- The enemy can no longer prevent Ballistarii from shooting, since now they can still hit on 2+ after Falling Back (Protector Doctrine), in addition to their Cognis Overwatch (3+), Rage of the Machine Advance (3+) and regular Protector Doctrine movement (2+) Stratagems, meaning the enemy can neither outrun it or distract it. All while rerolling 1s for being close to the Dominus. Its ballistic skill doesn't feel moving or running, or melee, and it absolutely will not stop shooting, ever, until you are dead.
- This will win you games and is a strong reason to go Metallica on its own. Keeps your heavy guns (Onagers, Ironstriders and Kastellans) and shooty infantry (Kataphrons, Vanguard, and Rangers) safe in case they get charged and hey whaddayaknow most of those units can find a way of nullifying the to-hit penalty with Protector Doctrina strategem (or even get BETTER to-hit). Watch your opponent’s face when he realizes the Onager he’d just tied up with his FLY unit steps back and unloads.
- Speaking from personal experience, this dogma is great at counteracting CC and alpha strike lists. Most opponents who lack the means of killing your units from a distance will attempt to rob your troops and vehicles of their shooting via charging into them and making them fall back. This negates that problem and allows you to keep blasting your opponents dudes with almost reckless abandon.
- Canticle - Tribute of Emphatic Veneration: Any attacks within 9" (melee and range) of the affected unit take -1 to hit. Man, does this have uses. It rewards aggressive moment with defensive buffs, as opposed to playing a game of keep-away. It makes melee Mechanicus harder to remove, especially when dealing with units that aren't melee centric themselves. Need to protect a unit as they move into position? Now you have some cover!
- Stratagem: Deafening Assault (1 CP): Use at the start of the Morale phase. Pick one of your METALICA units. All enemy units within 6" must subtract 1 from their leadership until the end of the phase. Good times with Infiltrators.
- Relic: Adamantine Arm: Essentially a Servo-Arm that does a flat 3 damage and triples the user's Strength instead of doubling it. It's still just one hit, but on the bright side, it'll hit almost as hard as a Dreadnought.
- Tactics:
- Metalica's White Tide: Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Infiltrators and Sydonian Dragoons at the front, followed by Skitarii Vanguard. Corpuscarii make solid frontline soldiers for Metalica, seeing as Relentless March allows you to move them down the field quickly while maintaining their 3+ S5 Assault 3 TASER shooting efficiency. 5++/5+FNP and 6-9 hits per 5 models for Overwatch makes these guys relatively beefy and pretty intimidating for their point cost. Run your Tech-Priest Dominus behind them and take the Prime Hermeticon warlord trait. Now they're hitting on 3+ and rerolling 1s for shooting, as well as rerolling all failed hits in the Fight phase. The sheer number of S5 hits generated by these guys overtime will grind your enemy's forces into dust. Your Dragoons boost the leadership of all your guys by 1, and their Taser Lance is a freakin' S8 AP1 D2 deathstick. Infiltrators generate a ridiculous amount of hits with the Taser Goad when the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative stratagem is in effect, and their Neurostatic Aura, when combined with the Deafening Assault stratagem, will cause your enemy's units to melt before their eyes. Keep some squads of Vanguard armed with Plasma Calivers close by to take down anything too tanky, and watch as your army literally washes your opponent off the board. Did I forget to mention Taser? Because FUCKING TASER. BY THE MACHINE GOD, FUCKING TASER IS HERE.
- As an alternative solution, you can also give your Dominus the Ordered Effeciancy warlord trait, which allows your dudes to fallback and shoot. Your priests will lose some of their punch, but they'll make it up in Overwatch by forcing your opponent to charge them again. And again. And again.
- Metalica's Skirmishing Skitarii: Metalica's Forge World trait makes Rangers a little more capable. It turns their guns from Rapid Fire 1 to Assault 1 if they advance, meaning you can play your Rangers more aggressively. With their 30" range you can dash up the board and start making very early shots on your opponent. Keep in mind this rule only takes effect if you advance, meaning that you can advance one turn and get shots in as an Assault weapon, then a later turn if you want to let the opponent get in half range you still get the Rapid Fire Benefit. This is good if you're up against a close-ranged enemy because you can be in a position to shoot them, but they can't shoot you. Combine with Protector Doctrina Imperative strategem and a Data Tether to hit more shots and to turn those 4's into 6's, giving you more AP -1 hits. Arc Rifles are Rapid Fire as well so consider running a squad with them to be your vehicle hunters. Overall a good tactic at lower point games but starts to lose its strength around 1000 points. Probably not worth trying at 1500 and above.
- Considering that 7pt Rangers, 8pt Vanguard, and 5pt EDTs are now a thing, you can actually field a surprisingly large number of these guys, and expect them to last for a while. Leave room for some Dragoons to boost leadership, some arc rifles for vehicles and some plasma calivers for TEQ, and you can end up with a pretty effective pseudo-space marine horde list.
- Metalica's White Tide: Corpuscarii Electro-Priests, Infiltrators and Sydonian Dragoons at the front, followed by Skitarii Vanguard. Corpuscarii make solid frontline soldiers for Metalica, seeing as Relentless March allows you to move them down the field quickly while maintaining their 3+ S5 Assault 3 TASER shooting efficiency. 5++/5+FNP and 6-9 hits per 5 models for Overwatch makes these guys relatively beefy and pretty intimidating for their point cost. Run your Tech-Priest Dominus behind them and take the Prime Hermeticon warlord trait. Now they're hitting on 3+ and rerolling 1s for shooting, as well as rerolling all failed hits in the Fight phase. The sheer number of S5 hits generated by these guys overtime will grind your enemy's forces into dust. Your Dragoons boost the leadership of all your guys by 1, and their Taser Lance is a freakin' S8 AP1 D2 deathstick. Infiltrators generate a ridiculous amount of hits with the Taser Goad when the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative stratagem is in effect, and their Neurostatic Aura, when combined with the Deafening Assault stratagem, will cause your enemy's units to melt before their eyes. Keep some squads of Vanguard armed with Plasma Calivers close by to take down anything too tanky, and watch as your army literally washes your opponent off the board. Did I forget to mention Taser? Because FUCKING TASER. BY THE MACHINE GOD, FUCKING TASER IS HERE.
Ryza[edit | edit source]

Thematically, while Ryzans are masters of plasma, their protracted war against the orks has forced them to develop aggressive close combat doctrines.
Crunchwise, where ranged elements already stand out in AdMech armies, Ryza boosts your sometimes overlooked melee infantry. This way they become a balanced offensive force with many options, so that they're not confined to a single gimmick like other forces are.
Bring ruination to your enemy both at range and face to face, until you're drenched Red in Cog and Claw!
- Forge World Dogma - Red in Cog and Claw: Can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the fight phase. Yeah, the Admech has great firepower, but half your unit choices also have melee rules, plus transports and the Fast melee units have arrived. You can combine increased wounding (especially benefitting Pteraxii Sterylizors, Fulgurite & Ruststalkers) with ways to improve hit rate (Omnissian Mask/Prime Hermeticon/Conqueror Doctrina). Infiltrators and Dragoons, and also Ruststalkers and melee Kastelans, have a bit of an easier time reaching the enemy to put this dogma to use.
- Warlord Trait - First-hand Field Testing: +1S and +1D to a non-relic weapon carried by the warlord. Apparently, they are the only forge world that still innovates and tries to improve their gear.
- Ryzan Magi have access to relic alternatives for their Omnissian axe, phosphor serpenta, and volkite blaster...but they can only have one relic. This WT can be used to stack on toys without having to pay CP for them.
- The Eradication Ray is a good target for this trait, turning into a small blast autocannon. Since Ryza also wants to be in close you'll get plenty of use from the 8" upgrade, but then you could put out even more potential damage with a strength 6 ap-3 DAMAGE 3 axe. Omnissian Thunder Hammer, anyone?
- Also, the macro stubber can wipe a 5-man termie squad in a single lucky round of shooting, or maybe use the shoot twice for 1cp to rape plague marines and rubrics.
- Canticles - Citation in Savagery: +1AP to melee. A nice buff for a lot of our melee units.
- Stratagem - Plasma Specialists (1 CP): Use during the shooting phase. Pick a Ryza unit and add 1 to the wound rolls and damage for all plasma weapons. Makes plasma behave better than supercharged, safe.
- Your Ryzan Kataphron Destroyers no longer NEED nearby Kastellans and 2CP to make their plasma safe while still being powerful to remove Terminators. Since +1 to wound is better than mere +1Str, it allows supercharged Str8 plasma to be an effective vehicle killer, wounding even Dreadnoughts on a 2+ for 3 Damage.
- You can also combine it with the Sector Mechanicus Plasma Feed stratagem to gain a further +1 strength and damage. This will let you wound all but the toughest tanks on a 2+ and deal 4 damage per wound.
- Relic: Weapon XCIX: Aka Weapon 99 (or "ekseeaieks"), replaces a Volkite Blaster. 24" Heavy 3 Str7 AP-1 D2, with wound rolls of 6+ causing an additional Mortal Wound. While better than the Phosphoenix itself, the combination of Volkite+Phosphoenix does more damage than XCIX+Serpenta, even when it's enhanced by Ryza WT. There are better options.
- It is still a 24" 3-shot autocannon. There are worse choices.
- Tactics:
- Ryza's Plasma Barbecue: Run a full squad of 12 Kataphron Drestroyers with Plasma Culverins and flamers, backed up by 2 Kastelan robots. The Elimination Volley Stratagem gives them both +1 to hit allowing you to overcharge with impunity. Ryza's Plasma Specialists Stratagem, a tech priest dominus and a thorough disregard for your opponents fun gives you 12d6 Str 8 AP -3 D3 shots with +1 to wound and re-rolling ones to hit out to 36". For added horror because Kataphrons are infantry this can be combine it with the Infoslave Skull stratagem to disintegrate units deepstriking within 12", although probably without the overcharge.
- Consider using Plasma Feed if it is available, for 12d6 S9 AP-3 D4 shots. This is capable of frying almost 8 Leman Russ Battle Tanks on average.
- Consider combining this with the Vigilus servitor maniple detachment - not only can your kataphrons gain a much needed better invulnerable save but you can further buff their hit rolls for 1CP. yes using Elimination Volley, Plasma Specialists, and Noospheric Mind Lock costs 4CP per turn, but (if overcharging) you will hit on 2+ (re-rolling ones if a Dominus is nearby)with 12D6 shots, wound most things in the game on a 2+ for 3 Damage per shot...
- Ryza's Plasma Barbecue: Part 2 Electric Boogaloo: Run a full squad of 10 Vanguard, give them an Enhanced Data-tether, and 3 Plasma Calivers. Activate the Protector Doctrina Imperative Stratagem to hit with almost all of your shots, overcharge your Plasma Calivers to S8 D2, then activate Ryza's Plasma Specialists Stratagem to give +1 to To Wound rolls and +1 damage per shot. Assuming you have a Dominus in range, you now have 6 AP2 plasma shots that will almost all hit (2+ rerollable), deal 3 damage per shot, and wound t7 vehicles on 2s and knights on 3s - typically 14.58 damage (12.5 without the Dominus) for the paltry cost of 2 Command Points.
- Consider using Plasma Feed if it is available, for +1 to Strength and another +1 to damage.
- Ryza's Plasma Barbecue: Run a full squad of 12 Kataphron Drestroyers with Plasma Culverins and flamers, backed up by 2 Kastelan robots. The Elimination Volley Stratagem gives them both +1 to hit allowing you to overcharge with impunity. Ryza's Plasma Specialists Stratagem, a tech priest dominus and a thorough disregard for your opponents fun gives you 12d6 Str 8 AP -3 D3 shots with +1 to wound and re-rolling ones to hit out to 36". For added horror because Kataphrons are infantry this can be combine it with the Infoslave Skull stratagem to disintegrate units deepstriking within 12", although probably without the overcharge.
Stygies VIII[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, innovation is the only way forward.
Stygies VIII specializing in both speed and durability.
Vanguarding lets units get a head start and -1 to hits make your shooter durable.
Ideal for your chicken walkers and Walking Tanks.
- Forge World Dogma - Shroud Protocols: Your opponent must subtract 1 from their to-hit rolls when shooting at units with this dogma if they are more than 12" away.
- Same as the Alpha Legion and Raven Guard. If you want durable infantry and vehicles this is your Forgeworld, provided you keep your distance. Greatly increases the survivability of your Vanguard and Dragoons much more than Graia's 6+ FnP ever could (unless you are fighting Melee armies), not to mention it makes your enemy's plasma explode easier. It counters ranged armies and it's vulnerable to deepstriking ones, but Infiltrators are a thing. Also unlocks Stygies VIII's Infiltration Stratagem, which immensely helps out with this army's lack of transports. All in all, you can't go wrong with this one.
- Warlord Trait - Xenarite Studies: Warlord has +1 to any wound rolls made against Xeno armies. If facing Xenos armies, this makes Volkite nasty...
- Canticle - Plea of the Veiled Hunter: The affected unit gets to shoot on the same turn they fell back, though they fire at a -1 penalty to hit. This way, you'll always be layering on something to an enemy.
- Stratagem: Clandestine Infiltration (1 CP): Use the first battle round. A Stygies VIII unit can move 9" but not within 9" of the enemy.
- Can you say turn 1 charge with punchy burny Kastellans or Electro Priests? Because I can. Best part is, unlike the Lucius Stratagem, this one does not count your models as having moved. Additionally, the placement of units takes place during the first battle round meaning AFTER rolling for first turn and seizing the initiative so you know who's going first before setup, now you know if you can go all-in or need to be more conservative. If you have enough CP go ahead and place up to 50% of your army in the perfect spots.
- Sadly, this stratagem was confirmed nerfed to its beta iteration in the last ruledump. It instead gives a Stygies VIII unit a free pre-game 9" move on a 1 for 1cp basis. This is better than it seems because, when you account for deployment zones and whatnot, this allows for at worst a 10" first-turn charge (if you do a silly, and march up Servitors), though in most situations, winning the Initiative will net you a better than 3" charge with your best assault units (1" charge with Dragoons or Sicarians, 3" for everything else that isn't a generic Servitor).
- Relic: The Omnissiah's Hand: Roll a die at the end of each fight phase for each unit within 1" of the bearer. On a 4+, the unit suffers a Mortal Wound, its something?
- Tactics:
- Stygies VIII's Electronic Infiltration Boogaloo: Get a full unit of 20 Fulgurite Electro-Priests or two, Infiltrate them near your enemy with the Forgeworld specific Clandestine Infiltration, activate the Chant of the Remorseless Fist canticle to reroll 1's in close combat, then charge the thing you want dead. It will die. Your 20 dudes will now have a permanent 3++ save and will be in your enemy's face. If whatever you faced somehow didn't die because the dice gods hate you, you can always activate the Zealous Congregation Stratagem to have them fight again in the same turn. Costly in terms of Command Points, but whatever you're facing will be deader than dead.
- Stygies VIII's Invisible Robot Chicken Extravaganza: Sydonian Dragoons really excel with Stygies VIII's dogma, because your enemy's To Hit rolls get -2 subtracted from them when they try to shoot them. Get some units made up of two or three Dragoons,
infiltrate at least 3 units if you want a first turn charge(since the Stygies strategem lets your infiltrators move after deploying, you can put all your death-chickens in one giant blob and go nuts; these things already have a 10" move, you'll be able to charge anything in the opponent's army without having to roll), activate the Conqueror Doctrina Imperative Stratagem to give them +2 additional To Wound rolls when they roll a 4+ to hit, at Strength 8 AP-1 and 2 Damage. Excellent diversion units that are a pain to get rid of, but pose a real threat to most vehicles and infantry units. They have no problem popping Rhinos in a single charge.- Or a better idea: Bring 6x Dragoons and 6x Lascannon Ballistarii. Use both Doctrinas on these giant units to get WS2+ and BS2+, respectively. Infiltrate the Dragoons to cause mayhem in the backline. Have the Dominus babysit the Ballistarii to rerolls 1s. Bring 3x Icarus Crawlers and a Guard Battalion with Mortars to round out the army's anti-horde.
Starting Your Army[edit | edit source]
Buying[edit | edit source]
So you want to start hoarding technology and shooting cancer at people, but where should you start? The Skitarii Start Collecting box is excellent value, getting you a unit of Vanguard/Rangers, your first Onager Dunecrawler, and your Techpriest Dominus. All units are pretty much mandatory when running a strong Adeptus Mechanicus army. The Start Collecting box comes at a decent discount over buying the units separately. Notably, buying a seperate Dunecrawler is almost as expensive as buying the Start Collecting box, so when you feel like you need a second Dunecrawler, just buy another Start Collecting box.
Two Start Collecting boxes will net you 20 vanguard/rangers, 2 Techpriest Dominus, and 2 Dunecrawlers, which is an excellent starting point for your army, as it will be the backbone of whatever else you decide to field. Remember you can field your Vanguard/Rangers in squads of 5, so if need be, you can run four 5 man squads. A solid purchase after you have the basics down would be either Kastelan Robots, or a few close combat specialists like Sicarian Infiltrators, or Electropriests (though they are by far the ugliest models GW has ever produced.
- You can now get the Fist of the Omnissiah box (No longer in production) for that second Dunecrawler that you need, an Engineseer, Kataphrons, and another set of Vanguard for $170.
Alternately, Forgebane comes with a Techpriest Dominus, 10 Vanguard/Rangers, and a pair of Knight Armiger Warglaives. If you can find a Necron player to split it with (or have/want a necron army), it'll make for a good supplement as well.
- No longer in production, you might however find one in a non-GW hobby shop.
There is a new Start Collecting Box and it is pretty awesome. You have your standard unit of 10 Ranger/Vanguards and a Enginseer, not the coolest thing ever. But then you get a Skorpius. A few of these and you have your infantry of choice and either their rides or the best Mechanicus tank lined up and ready to go.
Your First Army Composition[edit | edit source]
Depending on your preference, you'll either be running a combined arms list, or a Heavy Support list. Adeptus Mechanicus are very Command Point hungry, so running at least one Battalion detachment is always worth it, which means you'll need 2 HQ choices and 3 troop choices. Before you start buying models left and right, consider which Forgeworld you want to run. If you want to run Mars, you will need to purchase Cawl, if you want to run anything else, one Techpriest Dominus and a Techpriest Enginseer will do. Next, you will need to run a minimum of 3 troops. If you want to run Vanguard heavy lists, I suggest you go with either Stygies VIII or Graia. Run three 10 man squads of Vanguard, preferably at least one squad full of Plasma for marine/vehicle hunting. If you want to run any other Forgeworld, I suggest you run 3 minimum squads of Rangers or Vanguard instead, just to comply with the troop tax. You now have your Battalion ready, and you've got 8 Command Points to play with.
Your Battalion Detachment has room for 6 elites, 3 heavy support, and 3 fast attack choices. Rather than using these slots, however, consider starting a Spearhead Detachment for an additional Command Point. Please note that you can give this detachment a different Forgeworld dogma, should you so desire. The sweetest Adeptus Mechanicus units are found in Heavy Support, and you'll want to run lots of them. It will require 1 HQ choice, which you can fill with a cheap, barebones Techpriest Enginseer, and a minimum of 3 heavy support choices. At the very least, you'll want one Onager Dunecrawler armed with an Icarus Array to deal with fliers. The rest is up to you. Want Kastelan beep boops? Go to town. Want more Dunecrawlers? Go crazy. Unless you are planning to run more than 3 units of Infiltrators, Dragoons or Electropriests, just keep them in your Battalion Detachment.
Another option is to simply try and maximize your Command Points by running two full Battalions. It's fairly easy to achieve since Techpriest Enginseers is an HQ choice now, and cheap as can be, clocking in at a measly 30 points. Get two additional Enginseers, and three troop choices (small or big, whatever suits your need, however 5-man ranger squads are now only 35 points), and you'll have all the slots you'll ever need, plenty of troops for objective capping, and 12 Command Points to use. Besides, having 2 additional Enginseers to repair your units isn't a bad deal, to begin with.
Brigade Minimum Requirements[edit | edit source]
If you have your heart set on building a Brigade detachment, then it can be accomplished for a minimum of 840 points.
Here are the recommended units:
- HQ: 3x Enginseer
- Troops: 6x Ranger
- Elite: 3x Servitors (or 3 Datasmiths by double the price if you want something slightly more useful)
- Fast attack: 3x Ironstrider Ballistarii with Autocannons
- Heavy support: 3x Onager Dunecrawler with Eradication Beamer or Twin Heavy Phosphor Blasters
To customize this list and bringing it up to about 2000 pts swap out an Enginseer for a TPD or Cawl. Take a large unit of 4-6 Dragoons and two lone Ballistarii. Take a large unit of 4-6 Kastelans instead of a Dunecrawler. Change the Dunecrawler guns to Neutron Lasers or Icarus Arrays. Swap a unit or two of Rangers for some Kataphrons for the added firepower or some Vanguard for frontline screening and more small arms fire. Use those 3 Elites slots for something useful like Priests or a Datasmith for your blob of robots.
Modeling Tips[edit | edit source]
Kastelan Robots are still derpy Baymaxes. And as mentioned before electro-priests look like ass. You might be screwed on the priests, but we do not need to settle for the derpbot 9000.
- The cheapest and easiest way to improve their look is to simply rotate the head 180 degrees and lower them further into the torso. That will give you a much cooler domed head with a smaller silhouette, and a more sinister and inhuman appearance.
- wargameexclusive.com makes alternate resin heads for Kastelans. Or pretty cheap Penitent-Engine-looking alternatives if you wanna go that way. If you like those models, they also make a female Dominus (Domina?) and Kataphrons WITH LEGS. And a pin-up version of the Tech-Priests and some Skitarii for Promotions.
- Forge World does make the Castellax which looks godly (and a little bit like the Hulkbuster) but is a tad expensive. You can kitbash a Datasmith with a spare TPD (every Admech player should have a ton left over from SC and Forgebane boxes) and some Skitarii/Sicarian bits. Keep in mind when (if) the 30k dataslates drops you will need to do some work to make your Castellax and kit-bash Kastelans stand out from each other.
- Or if you have some Kataphron bits left over conversions may solve some problems. Flip the head around to the smooth side, leave the thigh armor off and your Kastelans start looking better.
- Gluing the barrel of the Heavy Grav Gun in place of the Incendine Combustor for a good-looking shoulder gun. If you have any Grav-guns from Space Marines left over (please say you do) glue them to the back of the Power Fists and voila. Even better, use the grav-bit from combi-weapons. Take two, glue onto the back of the fist, then grab the armor off the top of the razorback turret and glue over the grav.
- Glue the "three sensors" bit from the sensors/comms of the Icarus Dunecrawler kit onto the Katelan's face plate for the Armored Trooper VOTOMS look.
- There's also a shapeways store for bits that resemble FW Castellax. Link here:https://www.shapeways.com/shops/stahlgeist-eisenfabrik
- New Years Open Day 2019 at Warhammer World revealed new "Ambot" sculpts for Necromunda, seen here: [1]. A few gun swaps, as these come with wrist bolters and no shoulder cannon, and you'll have suitably bad-ass robots, finally. Just keep in mind the Ambots are significantly shorter than the Kastelan, however each Ambot kit comes with twice the amount of legs required so some converting can make them tall enough.
For the Electro-priests take some Servitors. Grabbing the Extra Arc claws and Hydralic Fists and put those on and you have electric dudes with melee weapons.
- For the Corpuscarii Priests using the Heavy Bolter Servitor and replacing the barrel with an Arc Rifle might be enough.
- Mix the Electro-priests kits with some Empire Flagellants for good looking fanatics.
- If you have any Ranger heads left over from a skitarii troops box, a bit of crafty knife work to flatten the joint can make excellent alternatives for electro-priests.
- Another option are the Negavolt Cultists from Blackstone Fortress, if you want a more creepy, servitorish look.
Blackstone Fortress comes with UR-025, an Imperial Robot model. Snap off the Assault Cannon barrel and stick some leftover Kataphron guns for Breachers.
General tactics[edit | edit source]
- Grease Monkey HQ: A dominus with the Autocadeus and Necromechanic warlord trait can repair 1d3+1 damage a turn while rerolling the number of wounds healed. Add in the Tech-adept stratagem to repair a model twice for extra benefit. Then, park your Dominus next to a high priority target such as an Onager or a unit of robots and watch your opponents frustrations.
- This plus a Knight Crusader is almost broken in lower level games. Take some cheap Ranger Squads with Arquebuses (Arquebi?) for character sniping and an Enginseer for +3CP. That buys you three turns of 4++ for the Knight as well as 4W repaired. Or use an IG superheavy like the baneblade, and slap the raiment relic (for repair rerolls) on the priest. A huge firebase, getting repaired by 4-8W per round, and still useful when locked in CC. Unless your opponent brought nothing but Lascannons, they're fucked.
- Drill Baby Drill: The addition of the Termite opens up a huge list of options for inclusion. A handy group of units to cram in would be two Enginseers and a ten man squad of Secutarii Hoplites or Peltasts. Alternatively, you can cram 2 five-man squads of any of the following; Vanguard with 2 special weapons, Ruststalkers, or Electro-Priests.
- Two squads of vanguard give you access to four Plasma Calivers. Combine with a Dominus or Benediction of the Omnisiah for added accuracy. Add in the Plasma Specialists stratagem if you want to be mean.
- take Ruststalkers with transonic blades or Hoplites combined with an Enginseer carrying the Omniscient Mask. Then add in Incantation of Machine Might. Now both units are hitting on 3+, reroll all misses, with the rustalkers packing str 6 and the hoplites packing str 7. If you want to be really mean, give your Rustalkers the Ryza Forgeworld trait and let them reroll wound rolls of 1.
- You can pull off similar shenanigans as above, but using Fulgurite Electro-priests. You need to substitute the Prime Hermeticon Warlord Trait for the Omniscient Mask, but you end up putting your warlord at greater risk. To compensate, consider swapping to a Dominus and equipping them for melee with either the Pseudogenetor, the Pater Cog, or the Red Axe - or a Manipulus, with the Pseudogenetor on top of his usual D6 tentacles.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Fortunately, AdMech in 8th Edition is overall a pretty solid army, with counters for almost anything. However, if you really want to make your guys as well rounded as possible, you need to address a few things:
1. Psyker Tomfuckery. Unless you're taking Graia, you have absolutely no psychic defense. This makes AdMech vulnerable to anything that messes with morale (which is kind of a problem unless you have specifically built a list against this) and Smite spam.
2. Morale again. This is why we have to take min. squads of everything to avoid burning CPs on Auto-passing Morale Tests. This hurts things like Electro-Priests, which really do benefit from being in large groups.
3. No flying (yet). CC dudes need to footslog their way to their targets (save for Infiltrators and those who can use stratagems to Deepstrike), and we're one of the few armies that has to push through our opponents in order to get past them.
4. Few, inflexible bodies. AdMech's cheapest models cost 7-8 points each and have almost no versatility.
This usually culminates in this army being generally run as a Castle, stationary or otherwise. While this isn't too bad, you may want to consider the following allies in order to give your "Quest for Knowledge" the boosts it needs:
- Astra Militarum:
- Built in synergy between these two armies as Enginseers can repair both AdMech & IG vehicles.
- AdMech also bring fast melee options the Guard lacks - Ryza Sydonian Dragoons are a fine complement to what is otherwise tends. to be a very static army, their mobility making them more attractive than Bullgryns as a beatstick.
- You wanted transports, right? IG has an enormous motor pool to choose from, and cheap, efficient meatbags to fill them with; consider Chimeras, Valkyries, and - Omnissiah be praised - Stormlords.
- Guard is incredibly strong in 8E, and they have access to pretty much everything you need.
- Kurov's Aquila relic and the Grand Strategist WLT allow you to recycle CP.
- Catachan Guardsmen are a great screen that can hold their own against Nids and Orks when a Ministorum Priest or Straken are around. They also have efficient shooting and the ability to sprint across the board with orders.
- Lascannon Heavy Weapons Teams are an absurdly efficient anti-tank option.
- Cadian or Tempestus Basilisks provide great indirect fire support to complement your Kastelans and Crawlers.
- Blood Angels:
- Blood Angels offer unparalleled assault and mobility options for the Imperium. They are a bit glassy at times though.
- Smash Captain, which is a Captain with Jump Pack, Angel's Wing relic, and Death Visions of Sanguinius stratagem is a one-man Knight-killing machine, with (4+1+D3)x2 S8 AP-3 D3 attacks that wound T8 on 3+.
- Mephiston is a strong complement to Smash Captain. He can Deny twice and support other Blood Angels with Unleash Rage. He's also an amazing beatstick himself, with (4+D3+1)x2 S10 AP-3 DD3 attacks.
- Veritas Vitae relic allows you to recycle CP.
- Scouts allow you to drastically expand your zone of control and are a great screening option. Usually, you take Bolters if you want them to camp objectives, but choppy Scouts with Bolt Pistol and Combat Knife can wound Daemon Primarchs on a 4+.
- Lemartes and 10-15 Death Company with Bolter and Chainsword or Thunder Hammer are an awesome beta strike option.
- Blood Angels offer unparalleled assault and mobility options for the Imperium. They are a bit glassy at times though.
- Inquisition:
- Yes, we hate them too. However, these guys are more useful than you think. In addition to most of them being Psykers themselves, Inquisitors allow models around them to use their leadership for morale tests. Therefore, if you take Greyfax for example, not only are you allowed 2 Deny the Witch tests with +1 to the result, but everyone within 6" uses her Ld 10stat. Plus, inquisitors have access to Psychic powers that can either have a unit automatically pass morale tests at WC 4, or subtract 1 Ld from an enemy squad as well as rob them of their overwatch. As it stands, Greyfax, Coteaz, and Eisenhorn are your best bet, as they have enough of a psychic offensive and defensive capacity to make them worth their 85 and 100 pt. costs.
- If you want to bring any of these, take them and some acolytes in a Vanguard detachment. At only 30pts extra, the acolytes give your inquisitor some free ablative wounds and nets you a CP rather having you lose out. For a paltry 2 points per model you can equip them with Storm Bolters, making them a good fire support unit for your line infantry.
- Yes, we hate them too. However, these guys are more useful than you think. In addition to most of them being Psykers themselves, Inquisitors allow models around them to use their leadership for morale tests. Therefore, if you take Greyfax for example, not only are you allowed 2 Deny the Witch tests with +1 to the result, but everyone within 6" uses her Ld 10stat. Plus, inquisitors have access to Psychic powers that can either have a unit automatically pass morale tests at WC 4, or subtract 1 Ld from an enemy squad as well as rob them of their overwatch. As it stands, Greyfax, Coteaz, and Eisenhorn are your best bet, as they have enough of a psychic offensive and defensive capacity to make them worth their 85 and 100 pt. costs.
- Adeptus Ministorum:
- Celestine, Seraphim squads, and Dominions in Repressors are the current SOB meta in 8th, and just so happen to perfectly fill in the Fast Attack gap our army currently has. Act of Faith on a small scale is awesome, and these girls even bring their own 6++ and Psychic denial stratagems as well. Also flamers.
- On a side note, Crusaders make for great bodyguards for AdMech HQs at 15pts a pop, sporting a 3++ and an act of faith that can bring back a fallen model each turn. Not your most offensive unit, but can tarpit like crazy.
- Celestine, Seraphim squads, and Dominions in Repressors are the current SOB meta in 8th, and just so happen to perfectly fill in the Fast Attack gap our army currently has. Act of Faith on a small scale is awesome, and these girls even bring their own 6++ and Psychic denial stratagems as well. Also flamers.
- Questor Imperialis/Mechanicus:
- No shit, right? But seriously, with the addition of the new Armiger Warglaive, you finally have a means of easily bypassing your opponent. 14" movement alone is nice, but when you take into consideration the fact that its Thermal Spear (read: mini Thermal Cannon) is an Assault weapon, you are generally moving this puppy 17"-18" a turn while still maintaining fire effectiveness. It's only problem is that this thing sucks at dealing with any substantial amount of hordes, so make sure you have the infantry (or anti-infantry weaponry) to allow this thing to seize objectives and kill off big baddies with ease.
- Alternative opinion: The Armiger is overcosted for what it brings to the battlefield as a single model. An Onager Dunecrawler and Two Sydonian Dragoons bring an equivalent amount of firepower and melee damage while spreading the points between three targets. Not sure if this has been updated, but one Armiger Warglaive (or the Helverin) now costs less than an Onager Dunecrawler and a Sydonian Dragoon (even after Chapter Approved 2018). And it has a better melee profile than the Sydonian Dragoon (sort of).
- True, but it's mobility that makes it so useful. Nothing in the Admech can move as fast as this thing can each turn, and it can still do some decent anti-armour damage regardless. Think of this as something taken in addition to your regular list rather than replacing something.
- Alternate Alternate opinion: A dunecrawler with a neutron laser + stubber and a bare dragoon (with a lance) is 187 points, compared to a Armiger with their meltagun at 174. With that in mind you can think of a Armiger knight as a dragoon and a dunecrawer fused together into a single model, sharing some components and losing others. Armiger's can deal with melee units to some degree but a 3 man unit of dragoons (@ 204 points) deals with hoards easier. The shooting damage of a crawler is more consistent with S10 and the minimum 3 damage but like all tanks can't deal with melee, and can't move around to the degree of a Armiger with their assault weaponry and extra six inches of movement. So perhaps a better way to think of Armigers is a quick and tough dragoon with a two-bit neutron laser and a decent melee weapon. Do you want that in your army? Maybe. You're investing slightly less points by doing so but now possess one thing your opponent has to focus on rather than two. However, this doesn't factor in the unit sizes, since you can put three of these puppies into one unit. A max unit pack of Armigers is three targets. Three tanks and three dragoons is 39 points more and six targets. So which is better? Depends on what you need and want. 8th edition Warhammer emphasizes board control and presence on the table more than other editions, so if you can pay the $ the tanks and dragoons will likely help more, not to mention you can change out some weapons on these units to better suit your needs. Then again, a lower point game (say 1000 points) may benefit more from the added flexibility of a armigers weapons and movement than a tank and dragoon present (not to mention shaving off a few precious points). Something to consider...
- The comparison between these two options is so infuriatingly hard to decide upon that if one doesn't know better, he would think that GW is actually balancing the stuff. At the end of the day, it really depends on what your strategy is. If you are focusing on the knights, you will consider bringing the armigers for the detachment and close-range support, otherwise, you are probably better served by onagers and dragoons.
- Alternate Alternate opinion: A dunecrawler with a neutron laser + stubber and a bare dragoon (with a lance) is 187 points, compared to a Armiger with their meltagun at 174. With that in mind you can think of a Armiger knight as a dragoon and a dunecrawer fused together into a single model, sharing some components and losing others. Armiger's can deal with melee units to some degree but a 3 man unit of dragoons (@ 204 points) deals with hoards easier. The shooting damage of a crawler is more consistent with S10 and the minimum 3 damage but like all tanks can't deal with melee, and can't move around to the degree of a Armiger with their assault weaponry and extra six inches of movement. So perhaps a better way to think of Armigers is a quick and tough dragoon with a two-bit neutron laser and a decent melee weapon. Do you want that in your army? Maybe. You're investing slightly less points by doing so but now possess one thing your opponent has to focus on rather than two. However, this doesn't factor in the unit sizes, since you can put three of these puppies into one unit. A max unit pack of Armigers is three targets. Three tanks and three dragoons is 39 points more and six targets. So which is better? Depends on what you need and want. 8th edition Warhammer emphasizes board control and presence on the table more than other editions, so if you can pay the $ the tanks and dragoons will likely help more, not to mention you can change out some weapons on these units to better suit your needs. Then again, a lower point game (say 1000 points) may benefit more from the added flexibility of a armigers weapons and movement than a tank and dragoon present (not to mention shaving off a few precious points). Something to consider...
- True, but it's mobility that makes it so useful. Nothing in the Admech can move as fast as this thing can each turn, and it can still do some decent anti-armour damage regardless. Think of this as something taken in addition to your regular list rather than replacing something.
- Alternative opinion: The Armiger is overcosted for what it brings to the battlefield as a single model. An Onager Dunecrawler and Two Sydonian Dragoons bring an equivalent amount of firepower and melee damage while spreading the points between three targets. Not sure if this has been updated, but one Armiger Warglaive (or the Helverin) now costs less than an Onager Dunecrawler and a Sydonian Dragoon (even after Chapter Approved 2018). And it has a better melee profile than the Sydonian Dragoon (sort of).
- No shit, right? But seriously, with the addition of the new Armiger Warglaive, you finally have a means of easily bypassing your opponent. 14" movement alone is nice, but when you take into consideration the fact that its Thermal Spear (read: mini Thermal Cannon) is an Assault weapon, you are generally moving this puppy 17"-18" a turn while still maintaining fire effectiveness. It's only problem is that this thing sucks at dealing with any substantial amount of hordes, so make sure you have the infantry (or anti-infantry weaponry) to allow this thing to seize objectives and kill off big baddies with ease.
Keep in mind that these are merely suggestions, and are prone to change based on new rules, stratagems, and units. Feel free to play with this as you will. Remember, these are your cyberpunk dudes.
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