Warhammer 40,000/9th Edition Tactics/Orks
This is the current 9th Edition's Ork "taktics". 8th Edition Tactics are here.
Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Why Play Orks[edit | edit source]
Everyone loves them and, of course, because GREEN'S DA BEST!
Orks are pretty strong in melee, but their shooting phase can also be surprisingly potent mostly due to sheer number of shots (prepare buckets!). Combine this with their crazy gadgets and makeshift giant war machines, and the Orks have got you covered. In 9th Edition Orks tend not to rely overly much on powerful combos and rule interactions, but even their most basic troops (excluding grots) have a very solid statline. However, this increased reliability and scariness has come at the expense of the weird fun they had in previous editions.
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Numbers are on your side. In a 2000-point game it's quite feasible to field over 100 models, and that's just from troops. It is of course another matter if you should. But you can.
- Some Great kulturs and Warlord Traits. In 9th there is no clear winner amongst the kulturs (factoring in gubbinz, special stratagems and warlord traits), although Evil Sunz did get hit with a nerf bat compared to 8th Edition.
- At a minimum, Ork models are WS 3+, Str 4, T5 and have 2 attacks. Army wide T5 is very nice indeed. This means massed bolters and the like need 5+ to wound a Boy.
- Ghazghkull has finally evolved to something somewhat resembling a Primork, even if his armour makes him seem much larger than he would be without it. He is a beast nevertheless. Unfortunately you will never see him shoot again out of cc.
- Your Slugga Boyz, Kommandos and Stormboyz will typically have at least 3 Attacks each, with getting 4 being very easy to do and 5 being achievable with some basic combos as well. No 6A for boyz like in 8th though.
- Orks are the most customizable army in 40k.
- Many of the Ork infantry kits come with a ton of extra parts that make them great for kitbashing.
- Warhammer Fantasy and the Age of Sigmar Orruk ranges are very easy to kitbash with minimal converting needed, especially for Snakebites armies.
- New models have been coming steadily for Orks in the last couple of years. The new buggies and Beast Snaggas are pretty epic.
- The sheer number of options! Typically, no two Ork armies are the same.
- Most people think of Orks as a melee-oriented army that also has a bit of shooting, and that's not untrue. However it's quite viable to run Orks as a shooty army that also has strong melee capability. Or you can run them as a fast mechanized army, an army full of big stompy/zappy fings, an army that ensures board control by drowning the table in a sea of boyz, or whatever else you want. Not all of those options are competitive of course but all are playable in casual games.
- Orks are more fun to play than any other army in 40k. Full stop. Even if you get tabled, you're guaranteed to have fun while doing so.
- Everyone will like you since there aren't that many salty Ork players, and if you're a salty Ork player then shame on you.
- WAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Need declaration again since it is once per game ability (and decent one at that). So we can scream WAAAAAAAGH!!! Again with accordance to the rules :).
- The venerable Boy is choppier than ever with a tasty -1 AP on his basic choppa.
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Some playstyles require very large numbers of models to play properly and even vehicle lists require serious numbers of models. This can get extremely expensive.
- Some models have a very poor money-to-points value (Mek Gunz, I'm looking at you).
- 5" Movement across the board for most infantry. Orks are slow and heavily reliant on movement tricks to avoid getting shot to death. Unfortunately some of those shenanigans got nerfed in 9th (Evil Sunz, Da Jump).
- Orks in general only have BS 5+, although this is partly mitigated by high volume.
- Most Orks only have a 6+ Armour save. Therefore, even with their high toughness some Ork army builds are prone to taking excessive casualties if exposed to enemy fire for
too longany period of time; this is compounded by the previously mentioned slow movement rate and morale issues mentioned below.
- Da Lads aren't nearly as safe from morale as they used to be, owing to changes to Mob Rule and removing or heavily nerfing all special rules concerning morale. Granted, it provides a little protection against the actual worry of Morale for giant ork blobs, Combat Attrition, but expect to actually have to roll these now. This creates problems for mek gunz, killa kanz, deffkoptas, and those shiny new squighog boys where losing one model creates a chance of losing another expensive model or two. Currently our best morale mitigation is Breakin' Heads. It is a stratagem now, instead of being a built in ability, so it now can only be used once per turn, it costs 2 CP, it still requires Warboss or Nob proximity AND it still causes d3 MW. Very bad indeed but that is all we have.
- Cover means that MEQ armies now have 2+ in cover. While Orks do have access to high-AP guns, these tend to be concentrated in a few key units.
- Very few Ork weapons have a range over 36", and most have considerably less range than that. This is partially mitigated by 9th edition's smaller minimum table sizes (although there is nothing stopping you and your opponent from using the same 6x4 tables you've had for years) but it is compounded by cover rules.
- Moving large number of models is time consuming and can cause opponents to accuse you of slow playing. Some tournaments ban movement trays which help speed up play. This really limits the types of armies you can realistically play in a time-constrained setting unless you can grow an extra set of arms to help you move your 180+ troops with precise measurements...
- To compound the previous point, Ork armies tend to be more effective when they have more models.
- Some units are over-costed, most notably the iconic Stompa, which is about 30% more expensive than it should be. Recent price drop made it better tho as it was previously hilariously overcosted by close to 100%. still not really viable tho.
- Similarly to Stompa Nauts got nerfed too while being good in 8th.
- Grots are also stupidly overcosted clocking in at 5p per model, the same cost as a Guardsman while being inferior to them in literally every way. On top of that they got nerfed even more by losing obsec. They are T3 but that does not mean they will stay much longer on the board nor that they will do any damage at all (though really, how much damage were you expecting the little gits to do?).
- Generally, the buffs from characters are weak in comparison to other armies.
- VERY limited options to reroll hits and wounds. This has always been the case but it means Orks rely on points efficiency and stratagems, which...
- Orks stratagems are kind of mediocre in 9th. We lost most of our top stratagems like flying edbutt, green tide or fighting again and new ones are nowhere as potent. They are mostly overcosted and very situational.
- Looted vehicles can't be played in Matched Play, outside of Counts As. They can be used in Narrative and Open Play via Chapter Approved 2018, but well, that was three years and an entire edition ago. Looted vehicles have effectively been squatted.
- The craziness (read FUN!) of Ork stuff is currently far less than it used to be. This increased overall reliability, but took a lot of the random fun out of playing this army (looking at you, SAG and Ramshackle).
- The new boyz set that is soon to be released is an exclusively mono-pose set. Which means that you will start to see A LOT of duplicates if you decide to field large amounts of them. Oh, and its probably going to land at around 40 dollars. Making this already expensive army even more costly
- Hordes in general were hit hard in the edition change:
- Blast weapons get a guaranteed 3 shots against units of 6+ models, or max shots against units 11+ models, so your large mobs of Boyz are really going to suffer.
- Fighting in 2 rows is only possible if you're within 0.5" with your first line - which can be a real pain if your models tend to overhang their base.
- Nerf or removal of all morale mitigation rules hit them hard. There is no incentive to run hordes and they suffer to the point of suffering enough casualties to offset any benefits of T5.
- The new coherency rules severely punish poor positioning and conga lines in general - be mindful with your casualty removal!
- You now need to form a triangle at the tips of your line to stay in coherency.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- DAKKA: 9th give Orks a whole new weapon type, Dakka, that has replaced the profiles for a large number of Assault and Heavy weapons in the Ork list. A Dakka weapon is Rapid Fire, but instead of doubling at half range, it goes to an explicitly specified number which is usually less than (i.e. worse than) the 2x Rapid Fire provides.
- Some folks have complained that this change was apparently added at the last minute. There are several places in the Ork codex where an emphasis on assault weapons is retained - SPEEDWAAAAGH!!! and Evil Sunz clan culture, for example. However, this is now weird and inconsistent, as there are next to no assault weapons that are impacted by those rules (Kustom mega-blasta, a few others, and a buggy or two). It kind of seems like the original idea was that Dakka still counts as assault (which it arguably should be) but then the assault part was cut without any other adjustments.
- With as many RAW goofs and badly-interacting rules (Trukkboyz, Dakka, Speedwaagh!) as we've seen in the first iteration of the new Codex, it seems possible that the Beast Snagga box and the early codex release was rushed out the door with little consideration.
- WAAAGH!: Your most iconic feature remains a once-per-game affair. It's also become two-staged that is triggered in the Command Phase.
- Regular Warbosses who call the Waaagh! make Orks Core/Character units able to charge after advancing and add an additional attack on that turn, and as of recent, they also gain +1 to Strength and a 5++ Invulnerable, which drops to 6++ the round after. On the next Command Phase, these units keep that extra attack until the command phase after that, meaning you have two turns full of bashing.
- Bosses on Trikes and warbikes can call the SpeedWaagh! that makes all your units able to fire assault weapons after advancing without penalty (which is almost totally inconsequential as we have very few assault weapons left that aren't on certain buggies), you are adding +1 to dakka weapons number of shots and your biker and vehicle units all improve the AP of their guns by 1. On the next Command Phase, your vehicles and bikes keep the AP improvement on their guns until the Command Phase after that, making this more of a DakkaWaaagh.
- Of note is that Ghazzy can also call a "Great Waaagh!", triggering both the basic and SpeedWaaagh at the same time.
- 'Ere We Go!: A near-universal ability, this makes your orks all re-roll charge distances. You absolutely will be relying on this. As suspected in new codex it was changed to all or nothing reroll with always rerolling both dice instead of one or both in line with older codexes.
- Mob Rule: Sadly gone are the days of entire walls full of boyz, as this no longer incentivizes us to fill them to the brim or even go over MSU. Instead, this makes a unit within 6" of another <Klan> Mob unit not count as being below half-strength in regards to morale. A sad day indeed... this means that outside of one rather expensive and needing specific circumstances stratagem (so one unit per turn only) there is no way to save units from morale.
- It is also a problem for smaller units with relatively expensive models. It nerfs Mek gunz to oblivion as they do not split now and a loss of just one give you 50/50 chance you will lose another 45 point model. Same but to a somewhat lesser extent goes for squighog riders, deffkoptas and killa kanz. Each time you lose a model from one of these units, in 1/6 you will lose at least one more 25-50 point model, and Gork and Mork forbid you would lose 2 of them before morale!
- Beast Snagga: Your new orks all have a special rule. Not only do they get a 6++ Invuln due to being more muscly, they also add +1 to hit enemy monsters and vehicles, their favored prey.
- Ramshackle: A rule tied to your vehicles. Rather than merely a gimped FNP like last edition, your cobbled-together vehicles now reduce any incoming damage from weapons below S8. Decent enough if you're trying to run over mobs with your trukk and they're getting feisty, but it's going to make the enemy want to focus fire their lascannons/plasma harder. It is present on almost all vehicles excluding LoW and battlewagon variants. With anti tank it is inconsequential but improves survivability of light vehicles immensely against things like heavy bolters or autocannons. This might force the enemy to spend anti-tank shots on light vehicles or risk letting them rampage.
- Specialist Ladz: Essentially makes sure that Ghazzy, Makari, Badrukk, Grotsnik, Wortsnagga and any Specialist Mobs can be taken in any detachment without breaking Kulturs, though they won't always benefit from them either. It is very nice and enables a lot of list building flexibility. Unfortunately there are also serious limits to it.
- I'M DA BOSS!: You can only have one warboss or wartrike per detachment. Well, that's to be expected.
- CORE units: Various rules like clan traits, secondaries etc. works just with the CORE units. There is no list of such units in the codex, so let' s have it there: (it’s all your non-character infantry, plus Warbikers, minus Flash Gitz)
- Gretchin
- Boyz
- Beast Snagga Boyz
- Burna Boyz
- Tankbustas
- Kommandos
- Meganobz
- Nobz
- Warbikers
- Stormboyz
- Lootas
Clanz[edit | edit source]
The six main Clans are all here, as well as Freebootaz who have been promoted to full Clan status.
Bad Moons[edit | edit source]
- Clan Kultur – Armed to da Teef: All Dakka and Heavy weapons add +6" to their range. Any time a model rolls a natural 6 to wound when shooting, that shot's AP improves by 1.
- Sadly no longer makes shooting more reliable, but the boost to range makes your gunlines even less approachable and the extra AP on a wound is nice because it affects weapons that auto hit like Skorchas.
- Note that dakka weapons better profile also benefits from this. Shoota boyz hitting at 24 inches isn't half bad.
- Warlord Trait - Da Best Armour Teef Can Buy: Your Warlord gets a 4++ invulnerable save and +1 to armour saves, so a proppa-flashy Bad Moons Warlord can be like Ghazghkull! (except nobody is as cool and deadly as Ghazghkull). Provides actual protekshun against power fists.
- Note that this is one of the ways to give your megaarmoured warboss AS of 0 (effectively ignoring AP -1 and -2). This is also pretty good on the biker/wartrike/squigasaur bosses since it isn't infantry only.
- Shiny Gubbin - Da Gobshot Blunderbuss: Replaces a Kustom Shoota. Range 12", S5 AP-1 D1 Heavy 2D6 auto-hits. Basically 2 scorchas.
- Decent if you go for shooty support character that needs to be relatively close to the enemy but there are better choices. This is also range 18" technically since the Bad Moon trait affects it.
- Stratagem - Showin' Off (1 CP): Use after any Bad Moons Core/Character unit shoots. Any Dakka weapons they use score an additional hit if they score a natural 6 to hit.
- In the same way that dem yellow marines make bolters scarier, this helps make gunlines of more of a threat. This gives you at least a glimpse of how effective such an army can be as your lucky shots help mulch multi-wound enemies even faster than before.
- It is good but being stratagem it means only one unit will benefit from this so to maximize effect you need big unit that is very shooty. It's best for maxed Tankbustas or Lootas. (and it's likely you'll have these embarked, excluding them from being selected for it). This can be really good on a squad of Warbikers. Each one gets 12 shots if you WAAAGH!! and the extra range and AP makes this gross on them. Another funny combo is using it on a Big Mek with Da' Ded Shiny Shoota relic for quite a lot of dakka.
Blood Axes[edit | edit source]

We'z da best cuz we use Taktiks! |
The Blood Axes are all about using tactics that other factions wouldn't expect them to use, anywhere from sneak attacks to covered advances. Truly, the pinnacle of orkish strategy. These orks tend to be the ones most likely to be hired out by other factions, and they'll tend to use them in their own flashy style. |
On the tabletop, just imagine if the Ultramarines and Raven Guard were green. And dumb. And used tactics that may or may not be entirely ethical. Or tactical. They actually became much MUCH better. With the amount of movement and deepstrike shenanigans this clan can do it can be really hard to handle by their enemies. Overall it is strong mid tier clan. Suitable for several different lists but highly specialised. Kultur is middle of the road, useful but not super amazing, its warrior trait is good, relic is solid and can easily win you the game with tons of reserves shenanigans (3 Gorkanauts in reinforcements for 0 CP anyone?) and its stratagem enables redeployment of infantry across the table. Snikrot while cheap is unfortunately not amazing. Score of 6/10. |
- Clan Kulturs – Taktiks: When attacked from more than 18" away, always gain the benefit of being in cover. Additionally, they can either shoot or charge (but not both) after falling back. Per the current FAQ, if they're embarked when they try to do so, the transport they're on also has to have this Kultur.
- Cover extends to every model, including vehicles, which rarely get cover. 2+ Morkanauts, 2+ Stompas! (Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachments excluded). Even Dakkajets get cover while in mid-air!
- Shooty units get cover more reliably, forcing the enemy to get closer to orks on purpose or commit extra resources to deal with them. If your unit gets charged you can disengage and keep shooting. As for your melee units, they can guarantee going first (overwatch is rarely a big deal, and if it was, then just don't fall back), which will entice the enemy to burn up CP for Counter Attack.
- Cover part has very VERY nice synergy with kommandos giving them impressive 3+ save when they are over 18” from enemy,
- GREAT FOR TRANSPORTS, since they can fall back without preventing the units inside from shooting (if they are Blood Axes too).
- Warlord Traits:
- I've Got A Plan, Ladz!: After the army is set up, you can choose up to three Blood Axes units and redeploy them or throw them into combat reserves without paying additional CP.
- That's very good especially as you can go above your normal deep strikers limit and react to enemy deployment.
- If you plan to put a lot of guys into reserves this is very cheap way to do it.
- Extra Kunnin': Once per battle round, reduce the CP cost of a Strategic Ploy Stratagem by 1 to a minimum of 1. Future usages of that Stratagem cost the normal amount of CP.
- Counta-Taktics: Blood Axes Core units within 6" may Heroically Intervene as if they were a Character.
- Duk N' Covva: At the start of your opponent's Shooting phase, if the WL is wholly within a terrain feature, select one Blood Axes Boyz or Blood Axes Kommando unit wholly within the same terrain feature. Until the end of the phase, that unit can't be selected as a target by enemy models more than 12" away from the terrain feature.
- I've Got A Plan, Ladz!: After the army is set up, you can choose up to three Blood Axes units and redeploy them or throw them into combat reserves without paying additional CP.
- Shiny Gubbinz:
- Morgog's Finkin' Cap: Each time during the command phase, you gain a bonus CP on a 4+. It's a bit gambling, but free CP is not something to easily deny, especially if they're big ones. 4+ is also more reliable than typical 6+ and it works even if you do not use any CP.
- Straight Shoota: Replaces a kustom shoota with a 24" Dakka 14/10 S5 AP-1 D1 shoota that ignores Look Out, Sir and inflicts an extra mortal wound on unmodified wound rolls of 6.
- Fight Detecta: If your opponent has set up Reinforcements within 12" of the bearer at the end of their movement phase, you may select one Blood Axes Core unit not within Engagement Range of enemy models and within 6" of the bearer. That unit may immediately charge the Reinforcements, adding 2 to their charge roll.
- Noise Box: Enemy units within 6" of the bearer must subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic and Combat Attrition rolls. If the bearer has killed at least one enemy Character, subtract 3 from the Leadership characteristic instead of 1.
- Stratagems:
<tabs> <tab name="Battle Tactic">
- Youngbloodz (1 CP/2 CP): Add 1 to the strength of a Blood Axes Stormboyz unit selected to fight in the Fight phase. 1 CP for a unit with 10 or less models; 2CP otherwise.
- Got'Em Trapped (2 CP): In the Fight phase, select one enemy unit within engagement range of two Blood Axes units, excluding Characters. Each time a Blood Axes unit makes an attack against that unit, unmodified hit rolls of 6 score one extra hit.
- Trigga Discipline (1 CP/2 CP): In the Shooting phase, select a Blood Axes Lootas unit and an enemy vehicle. That Lootas unit may reroll hits against that vehicle. 1 CP for a unit with 10 or less models; 2CP otherwise.
</tab> <tab name="Requisition">
- Speshul Ammo (1 CP/2 CP): Use when a Blood Axes is selected to shoot. Until the end of the phase, shootas in that unit including the shoota portion of a kombi-weapon are buffed to Dakka 4/2 and AP -1. 1 CP for a unit with 10 or less models; 2CP otherwise.
</tab> <tab name="Strategic Ploy">
- Ded Sneaky (1 CP): One Blood Axes Infantry unit without the Mega Armour keyword that walks within 3" of the table edge can head right back into reserves. What's sneakier than walking your lootaz to one edge of the table just so you can dump them out in a much more advantageous edge of the table where they can blast apart something very vulnerable or drop them on enemy backline objective if he is not sitting on it.
- Surprize! (1 CP): At the start of the Fight phase, select one Blood Axes Kommando unit wholly within a terrain feature. Enemy units within Engagement range cannot fight first and never count as having made a charge, and must subtract 1 for hit rolls against that unit.
- Gloryboyz (1 CP): Select an enemy unit that was the target of a charge by a Blood Axes unit. Until the end of the phase, Blood Axes Stormboyz add 2 to charge rolls against that unit.
- Spotted Em'! (1 CP): At the start of your shooting phase, select an enemy unit within 12" and visible to a Blood Axes Kommando unit. For the rest of the phase, that unit does not benefit from cover against shooting attacks by Blood Axes units.
- Taktical Awareness (2 CP): At the start of any phase, select a Blood Axes unit. Until the end of the turn, that unit may perform an action even if it advanced, shoot without failing any actions, and use aura abilities while doing an action if it's a Character.
</tab> </tabs>
- Special Character:
- Boss Snikrot: Can infiltrate like Kommandos, gives nearby gangs of them +1 to their hit rolls and gets +1 to his own wound rolls when close to scenery. He makes nearby enemy units suffer -2 Leadership. He's not threatening enough to fight alone, unless he's hunting lone and weak characters or shooty units (Don't waste 2 damage attacks on 1 Wound models). In cover, he gets a 3+ save, but otherwise he should be in melee - preferably while hiding next to some setpieces so he can add +1 to wound. He lacks ranged weapons apart from Stikkbombs. Most useful as a force multiplier for Blood Axe Kommando units. He is an extremely cheap HQ, at only 95 points. Take him and some Weirdboyz if you want to limit the HQ Tax.
- Don't make him your warlord. The CP refund is best for a guy in the back (like that one mek nobody notices).
- While many of the named characters are permitted to join armies outside of their klans, Snikrot sadly has been passed up. What a loss. It is weird as with amount of characters in specialist mobz section one would think Blood Axes, being famed for their ways as mercenaries, would actually get their man there.
- Boss Snikrot: Can infiltrate like Kommandos, gives nearby gangs of them +1 to their hit rolls and gets +1 to his own wound rolls when close to scenery. He makes nearby enemy units suffer -2 Leadership. He's not threatening enough to fight alone, unless he's hunting lone and weak characters or shooty units (Don't waste 2 damage attacks on 1 Wound models). In cover, he gets a 3+ save, but otherwise he should be in melee - preferably while hiding next to some setpieces so he can add +1 to wound. He lacks ranged weapons apart from Stikkbombs. Most useful as a force multiplier for Blood Axe Kommando units. He is an extremely cheap HQ, at only 95 points. Take him and some Weirdboyz if you want to limit the HQ Tax.
Deathskulls[edit | edit source]
- Clan Kultur – Lucky Blue Gitz: All Ork models get a 5+++ against Mortal Wounds, and all units can re-roll a single hit or wound roll each time they shoot or fight. In addition, all your Infantry units get ObSec. ALL OF THEM. Except the grots, sadly...
- Works better the fewer shots a unit throws. Maximum synergy with Big Meks with either Shokk Attack Guns or Kustom Mega-Blastas. A Mork(or possibly Gork)-send for lone special weapons in a squad, like a unit's Boss Nob's Kombi Rokkit AND to re-roll his Power Klaw punches.
- This one is good kultur. Having infantry get obsec is really funny and very useful, plus having the FNP save plus 1 extra re-roll per unit can be very good.
- This is the KMB Kultur. Not only can the reroll mitigate overheating or help to more reliably wound T8, but the 5+ against MW can prevent the bearer from exploding 1/3 of the time.
- Warlord Trait - Opportunist: Gain 1 CP for each enemy vehicle destroyed within 6" of the Warlord. In addition, your Warlord can target enemy characters within 12" even if they are not the closest model. Like Big Killa Boss but with Sniper.
- This one is not that good as first part is situational and dependent on your build and enemy list working more often with cc boss. In contrast second part is obviously designed for shooty bosses. Seems like the best recipient would be a Deffkilla Wartrike; he’s fast enough to zip in close and finish off vehicles with his Klaw and meltagun-like shooting, and he has three boomsticks and a skorcha equivalent to snipe characters. It’s still not an ideal setup, but if you really want to use this trait this is the best way to do it.
- For ultimate cheese put this on a Big Mek in Mega Armour with the Ded Shiny Shoota and a Tellyport Blaster. Deepstrike him 9" away from an important character and light it up with 14 shots at S5, AP -1 and D2. If that doesn't gib the character then the Tellyport Blaster will.
- Shiny Gubbin - The Fixer Uppers: Mek or Big Mek only. Any time they patch up a vehicle, they can restore an additional wound on a 2+ and deal d3 mortal wounds on an enemy vehicle within 12" at the same time.
- While sad that you can no longer use this to make meks out of warbosses, this does give you the means of dealing additional damage outside of another round of shooting wile also leaning into the repairs.
- Stratagem - Wreckaz (2 CP): Choose a Deathskulls Core/Character unit in your army during the fight or shooting phase. It gains +1 to wound enemy vehicles during this phase.
- Kind of on the expensive side for what it does, but can be very nice when cast on something with a lot of low S attacks tagging a vehicle.
- Special Character:
- Mad Dok Grotsnik: Only special character in Orks who isn't an HQ, instead relegated to Elites. He's a Painboy with T5, a 4+ save and personal 5+ FNP. One Scalpel Short of a Medpack means he'll be forced to charge the nearest enemy if no allies are around; this almost never comes up. Unlike regular Painboyz, he can't bring a Grot Orderly with him or take a bike. Points-wise he's a little more expensive than a basic Painboy but cheaper than one on a bike. All that extra cost is in personal durability, not improving his aura or melee ability. Worth it if your opponent is bringing a lot of snipers, and you don't want your Boyz having their 6+ FNP picked off quite as easily.
- His model is rather outdated and undersized. The plastic Painboy model is a great base for converting him.
- 9E has seen him finally free to join whatever army he wishes but he will not get klan kultur. Aside form that this enables you to create Ghazz retinue... He will not be able to fix Ghaz for some reason tho.
- Mad Dok Grotsnik: Only special character in Orks who isn't an HQ, instead relegated to Elites. He's a Painboy with T5, a 4+ save and personal 5+ FNP. One Scalpel Short of a Medpack means he'll be forced to charge the nearest enemy if no allies are around; this almost never comes up. Unlike regular Painboyz, he can't bring a Grot Orderly with him or take a bike. Points-wise he's a little more expensive than a basic Painboy but cheaper than one on a bike. All that extra cost is in personal durability, not improving his aura or melee ability. Worth it if your opponent is bringing a lot of snipers, and you don't want your Boyz having their 6+ FNP picked off quite as easily.
Goffs[edit | edit source]

We'z da best cuz were da biggest and don't Muck about!! |
The most brutal clan led by Ghaz smashes anything in front of them. This makes them the face of the army, and that is a role they perform well. Goff strategy doesn't tend to evolve far beyond the need to get stuck in and apply choppas to the forehead. |
On the tabletop, they hyper-focus on melee. They also house the most named characters in the army. Their Kultur is brutal and will multiply the melee power of any squad significantly, and as orks can easily go 100% melee power... the warlord trait and relic are not amazing but ok. The stratagem, on the other hand, doubles down on the clan trait, potentially changing a scary melee unit into pure terror. The only downside is that it is all focused on melee and nothing else. Easily 8/10. |
- Clan Kultur - No Mukkin' About: Add +1S whenever a unit attacks after charging or performing a Heroic Intervention. When a model rolls an unmodified 6 to hit when attacking with a melee weapon, it scores a bonus hit with the same weapon against its original target (using the same profile).
- Generates extra hits, so a Mega-Choppa using Slash generates 1 extra hit for every 6, not 3.
- The exploding hits is mathematically equivalent to +1 to hit, only with better synergy with things like full re-rolls to hit. For melee, that makes this strictly better than the Freebooterz trait, as you don't need to murder a unit to turn it on and you get +1S on the charge.
- Warlord Trait - Proper Killy: +1A, -1AP to melee attacks. Ghazghkull uses this to lethal efficiency.
- No longer a dud - makes your Power Stabba a proper Power Sword and gives the Big Choppa enough AP to work similarly to a Power Klaw without the hit penalty against T4. Doesn't say it doesn't affect relics...so it does. Eadwoppa's Killchoppa becomes AP-3. Power Klaws become AP-4, for truly denying 3+ saves.
- Shiny Gubbin - Da Irongob: An off-turn weapon that deals d3 MWs to an unfortunate bastard on a 2+. Its fluff is hilarious and awesome. It is also good way to put some much needed mortal wounds on secondary characters. The fact that this is done after all the other attacks your bearer has can make this quite the funny idea, especially if you manage to kill Abaddon with this thing.
- Stratagem - Unbridled Carnage (2 CP): At the start of the fight phase, pick one Goff Core/Character using this kultur. The extra hits now trigger on a natural 5+, making your mobs even more brutal.
- This one can be really useful if you really want something dead right and propa. Typically it doubles number of extra hits but it is not good enough to use it every turn.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
Goffs get all the good stuff, the best Warboss, the only character with a Rokkit Pack, the only mob in Headquarters, and the only musician. Gitz...
- Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka: DA BIG ORK IS REAL!!! The Prophet of Gork and Mork himself, the Beast of Armageddon is an HQ choice and has been fully revamped as of Saga of the Beast. His fluff now portrays him as having survived decapitation--courtesy of a Mr. Ragnar Blackmane of the Space Wolves--and features him stitched up and piloting a massive new suit of Mega Armour equipped with "Looted Macro Capacitors." Crunchwise, he sports an array of even more powerful rules than before (or in some cases exactly the same as before)! Firstly, he comes with a statline closer to that of a fucking Redemptor Dreadnought than a Warboss and carries the Monster Keyword as a result, and 9E amps up his ego by adding Supreme Commander. This means he can be taken in supreme detachment freeing some much needed HQ slots elsewhere for no extra cost. His new weapons include the Mork's Roar (a freakin' Quad Heavy Bolter using Dakka, this unfortunately means you will rarely see him fire out of CC as he needs to be in CC to shine and you want to advance him every turn), Gork's Klaw (a 4 Damage Chainfist with no penalty to Hit) and... Stikkbombs? Sure, why not. Being the Prophet of Gork and Mork not only grants him a 4++ invulnerable save, but also ensures he can only suffer a maximum of 4 damage in a given phase (Shooting, Psychic and Assault). This gives him survivability for two to three turns despite having over 10 wounds but it also means enemy will not waste more shots on him than necessary to do those 4 wounds. His Great Waaagh! that combos the base Waaagh! and SpeedWaaagh!. He can further buff any Ork you take with Da Boss is Watchin', which negates combat attrition penalties for all nearby Orks (mediocre but it helps). On top of that, he also grants all Goff units within 6" of him a re-roll of to Hit with Melee attacks. That's right, it's not like how Chapter Masters, who now only pick ONE model, it's EVERYONE. And it is much needed as rerolls are now few and far between in our codex. On top of all that he can hilariously be put inside battlewagon, taking 18 out of 20 transport capacity no less. It is bonkers to even try to imagine his massive frame sitting on top of battlewagon or trying to squeeze himself inside XD.
- Overall Ghazghkull is now in a curious place. As a Character now with more than 10 Wounds, he can and obviously will be targeted by everything on your opponent's board right from the get go. In addition, being a Monster now means the only way to get him anywhere in a hurry is your questionable battlewagon transport tactic. Note ghazz is no longer eligible for Tellyporta. On the flip side, he is a mortal terror when it comes to dealing out damage and his ability to hardcap the damage he takes each phase will ensure that unless your opponent is hyper aggressive with the Psychic Powers and closing into Melee, he will be difficult to delete outright. Ghazzy's no longer just a flat upgrade to a normal Mega-armoured Warboss but now something more akin to a Dreadnought or a Carnifex, and should be used accordingly. Time will tell how well this works out for him. Being a Supreme Commander also makes him impossible to ignore for enemies.
- Monster keyword is a big handicap to him as he is unable to gain most synergies with the rest of the army. Painboys or Painbosses cannot heal him at all for example (medi squig stratagem is gone).
- In regards to throwing him in non-Goff Armies: You'd be perfectly fine to, though you're sacrificing his very important re-roll to hit aura in order to do so. If you're just looking for a massive motherfucker who wants to smash things and keep your lesser boyz in place, then he'll do that just fine.
- Note that if you decide to use him with Battlewagon there are risks involved. Always take two meks to accompany him and negate 1/6 chance of losing him when enemy shreds it. His big base also means that enemy surrounding battlewagon well can mean his demise even with use of emergency disembark.
- Makari: HOLY FUCK IS HE BACK. He's a modestly tough grot with 4 Wounds, and thanks to his 2+ invuln, he will be tanking everything...until you fuck up. Then you'll quickly learn the follies of being a Grot Character. Stick with some other grots because he'll let any such mob within 12" use his less-than-stellar Ld6 to keep in the fight (not worth it). Perhaps the most baffling piece of gear he has is his stabba, a piddly CCW using his S3 and 4+ WS, but if he rolls a 6 to hit that's an automatic d3 Mortal Wounds - Enough to down Primaris and Custodes. Honestly his best use might be just to tank Overwatch with that 2++ save. As an added bonus, if he's within 3" of his best pal Ghazzy, he projects a 6+ Feel No Pain aura for all Goff nearby, as well as a boost to his Movement speed which lets him to keep up da boss. He also do not take force org slot if Ghazzy is present.
- He counts as a Goff, but he will never get a Kultur. Silly Grots, abilities are for Boyz!
- If you run Ghaz he can easily replace a painboy if you are not too interested in healing those 2 wounds on something. Ghazz cannot be healed either way. Since he does not take a slot this might be quite viable.
- Funny enough right now there is a very weird exploit with him and grot shields. Since he is a grot he can use grot shields but since he is character with less than 10 wounds he is also a target for the Look Out, Sir! rule. This means that with proper setup whatever Makari is protecting cannot be targeted and Makari cannot be targeted either. Your opponent would have to kill whatever provides Look Out, Sir! to Makari rather than Makari (no easy feat due to 2+ inv) and only then could target the intended unit. However this looks like oversight from GW and will probably be FAQed sooner or later. Use only if you feel like being THAT guy.
- if you do use Makari just avoid Vindicares
- Boss Zagstruk: He is a named Stormboy with 6W and 7A (6 standard plus Choppa) with a power axe tier set of Vulcha's Klaws for ripping up marines. Pretty decent considering the overall number of attacks and hitting on 2+. As with all Stormboyz he moves 12" and can advance 6" instead of rolling while risking a mortal wound. He is T6 now so pretty decent with 6W 4+ save and 5+++ Cybork body making him quite survivable. Nearby Stormboy units that fail their attrition checks while within 6" halve how many of those boys leg it, which make sure that your rocketboyz aren't completely hosed from a bad fight.
- As this morale thing is one of very few rules that really helps with those terrible morale tests it is very welcome and makes stormboyz that much useful. Note that it specifically states number is rounded down and there is no statement of minimum one. This means that if you would lose 1 stormboy to morale you lose none.
- It might be good idea to take multiple small Stormboy units with him instead of one big blob forcing enemy to split fire (and potentially waste shots) while retaining ability to mitigate losses and gain better manoeuvrability. If you can, take maximum of 3 Stormboy units.
- Codex replaces his Stikkbombs with Blitz Missiles, basically a d3 shot Range 18" S6 Ap-1 Dd3 Blast, a more direct way of blasting mobs. Note this weapon luckily retains Assault property.
- Relatively cheap at 110p.
- Mek Boss Buzgob (Forge World): Clan Goff. Need update as all forgeworld stuff. Forge World Compendium's out, and Buzzgob has had some changes, the biggest of which are that he's LOST his Kustom Force Field, and gone up in price AGAIN to 100 points! A Big Mek with better BS, T, W, A, and LD. No wargear options, but he comes with Mek Arms as an alternate melee weapon (they generate 2 extra attacks per fight now instead of 3 hits per attack, and can only be used twice each fight for a max now of A4, but have S×2 D2 and still no AP though), and he has two Grot Oilers accompanying him for twice as many repair boosts/ablative wounds. His cost is now 40 points higher than a normal Big Mek with a Big Choppa and Grot Oiler. There is nothing really fancy about him, he's just a straight points-for-stats upgrade. If you were going to bring a Big Mek anyway, consider carefully spending the extra 40 or so points to get Buzzgob instead.
- Buzzgob's Dredheadz: A new addition, during the Command Phase he can let one friendly Goff Deff Dreads, Mega Dread, Meka Dread, Killa Kans, Gorkanaut, or Morkanaut unit within 6" of him add +1 to every To-Hit roll. Holy Mork this is bonkers! Really. Now that warbosses grant +1 to hit in melee this obviously should be used for shooting - slap this on 6 killa kans with rokkits (which now have d3 shots and vehicles don’t suffer for moving and shooting) for some ridiculously cheap and strong shooting
- Named Characters: Buzzgob MUST take the Inspiring Leader Warlord Trait from the Core Book. Nope, he doesn't even get an Ork Warlord Trait anymore.
Something interesting to note is that his anti-horde capabilities can be quite ridiculous. With FAQ'd Goff Warlord Trait and a Weirdboy with Fists of Gork and Lucky Stick, Buzzgob can put out 24 S4 AP-1 attacks, that will hit on 2+ while also generating additional attacks on 6s. Because why shouldn't Orks have a blender as a melee weapon?Nerfed like crazy, someone doesn't want us having any fun.
Evil Sunz[edit | edit source]
- Clan Kultur – Red Ones Go Fasta: Gain +1" of Movement (+2" for Speed Freeks instead), as well as +1 to advance rolls. All units ignore penalties to hit with Assault weapons after advancing.
- Gone is their main selling point of +1 to charge as well as most assault weapons so second part of their trait is almost totally inconsequential.
- They were hit the most by a nerf bat overall and dropped from top tier alongside Defskullz to low tier their only saving grace is their gubbinz.
- Warlord Trait - Fasta Than Yooz!: During the command phase one Evil Sunz Core unit within 6" of the warlord can charge even if they advanced or fell back this turn.
- Synergizes with Kustom Boosta Blastas, Megatrakks, Deffkilla Wartrike's and any vehicle using Ramming Speed to reap some extra Mortal Wounds. Bonebreaka Battlewagons also want to always be charging, and fighting first is just great.
- Mediocre in comparison to other stuff but not useless. Note that during WAAAAGH!!! turn this is totally inconsequential for advancing units but can still allow stuff to fall back and charge.
- Relatively useful in combination with SPEEEDWAAAAGH!!! as it allows for mini WAAAAGH!!!like effect on top of shooty boost without taking Ghazghull.
- Shiny Gubbin - Rezmekka's Redder Paint: CHARACTER, it includes vehicles and bikes too. Add +2" to the bearer's Movement characteristic. In addition, if the bearer is engaged with enemy units, they now have to fight last, allowing you to get some retinue to fight first or at the very least munch another model or two before the enemy strikes back.
It CAN be taken on vehicle but doesn’t have to. Slap it on squig rider, or even boss in mega armour to make him run faster than Eldar. And obviously to freeze enemy units till he rips them apart. Fun stuff.
- This is hands down one of most powerful relics for close combat warboss and if you put it on that kill rig you can tag A LOT of units with this.
- Also decent on Wartrike due to its significant footprint.
- Stratagem - Drive-By Dakka (1 CP): Choose a Speed Freeks unit at the end of your shooting phase. It can move again, but it will be unable to charge this turn.
- Very good for objective grabbing or denial. Boosta Blastas can advance to get their flamers in position, then dash away; Wartrikes can do the same, but they do want to get in melee. Meanwhile, Shokkjump Dragstas can pull silly stunts like teleporting into a firing position from the other side of the table, shooting and teleporting back to wherever you want them on the field. Too bad its dakka is just so-so.
- For one CP it is Not bad. With things like deffkoptas or warbikes this lets them go almost anywhere on the table, which might be a game changer especially in later turns when you just have to grasp that objective to win. IF you take a full squad of 6 Deffkoptas, this can be really powerful just hopping forward to shoot rokkits, then hop back behind obscuring terrain all game long. That's 12d3 rokkitz every turn popping in and out.
Special Character
- Zhadsnark Da Ripper (Forge World, Legends): Clan Evil Sunz. As all things Forgeworld he needs an update before being usable in any semblance of coherent way. Now more of a sidegraded Warboss on a bike in the Forge World Compendium, with an almost identical statline to a generic biker boss but with 1 LESS Toughness; his unique PK 'Da Pain Klaw' hits on 2+ unlike a regular Warboss' 3+, is AP -4 instead of -3, and deals a Mortal Wound to Infantry and Monster targets on a 6 to hit, in addition to any other damage; and his Warbike (Da Beast) is equipped with Big Shootas instead of Dakkaguns giving him double range over a Warboss on Warbike. Additionally, he always Advances 6" rather than having to roll for distance when Advancing, which gives him an impressive 21" move. He has no wargear options of course, so no Attack Squig, though he does get Stikkbombs which a regular biker boss doesn't. But still, all that with near-Warboss-level abilities for only 5 more points than a regular biker boss with Killsaw.
- The guy isn't quite as much of a deal as he once was. A Combination of Da Killa Klaw Shiny Gubbin and either the Brutal But Kunnin or Best Armour Teeth Can Buy Warlord Traits can make a Warboss on Warbike vastly superior.
- On the down side; in 7th this guy was an awesome boost for Warbikers, giving them Skilled Rider and making them Troops. All of this's gone. The only way he helps Warbikers now's through his Speedwaaagh! Special Rule.
- Until he is updated skip him. Even his model from FW was just renamed Warboss on Warbike.
Snake Bites[edit | edit source]
- Clan Kulturs – Da Old Ways: 9E's overhauled this to a considerable degree, making it less laughable than previously. Now any attacks below S8 will never wound on a 1-3, making them quite tanky against anything short of plasma and power mauls. In addition, all Squig models that charged or made a heroic intervention add +1 to wound.
- This one is kind of situational. First part resembling limited transhuman (transorky?) physiology means it works exclusively on weapons of S6 and S7 (only S7 in case of T6 models and largely inconsequential for T7+ models. The second bit benefits only a select few models, but considering they're all either solid picks or phenomenal ones, a detachment of squig cavalry is well worth considering.
- This makes squigs on the charge capable of wounding nearly everything in the game on no worse than a 4+
- It moved from not being used ever to situational. So low to mid tier.
- Warlord Trait - Surly as a Squiggoth: The first time your warlord dies, they can get back up instead with d3 wounds and outside of engagement range. If your warlord is acting as your central beatstick, then this will at the very least give them another turn to fight on. Mozrog grabs this.
- Pretty decent stuff if enemy have tools to one shot your boss.
- Shiny Gubbin - Brog's Buzzbomb: Once per game you can toss a 6" Grenade 3D6 S5 Ap-1 D1 Blast that hits on a 2+. After you resolve the attack, all units within 6" of this target suffer a mortal wound.
- It is nice but one shot only makes it questionable and the splash damage is token.
- It is fluffy as hell but pretty meh otherwise.
- Stratagem - Mystic Chanting (1 CP): One unit can deny a psychic power as if they were a psyker. You've seen it with the Templars, you've seen it with the World Eaters, it's always welcome.
- Decent especially if you don't have weirdboy or he is out of range for that one crucial power.
Special Characters:
- Mozrog Skragbad: The tamer of the White Squig, a legendary squigosaur with a 4++ Invuln on top of the damage reduction native to such beasts. Aside from buying a thumpgun, this boss also carries a special S+1 AP-2 D3 claw, providing a decent enough answer to heroes.
- Frankly this guy is INSANE for measly 170 points. He will be extremely hard to kill, and than he can get back up. And he will positively murdefy anything he targets in CC (partly due to his great white squig being able to dish scary numbers of mortal wounds).
- Zodgrod Wortsnagga: A strange nutter who values grots as test subjects, this weirdo can take one mob of Core Gretchin and make them add +1 to hit for the entire game as well as be able to shoot on top of any objective actions. That first part there is actually quite powerful since you can make those grots a nasty surprise when grouped up. Also helping things is that he makes enemy monsters within 6" fight last, allowing him and his tiny terrors to wear down the beast - and as a Beast Snagga, that's what he does best.
- He is pretty situational. Grots have maybe only two uses, both of which involve dying, and his modest price isn't quite modest enough for the boost. His ability against monsters is okay, but he's not killy enough compared to other HQ options to go after this rule specifically.
- Furthermore, though he boosts grots' effectiveness, he himself does little for them in the middle of the game. Beyond saving them from their in-built morale flaw, taking a second runtherd and having Zodgrod run ahead with the lads (where his weapon and other ability will be more useful) might be more beneficial.
Freebooterz[edit | edit source]

We'z da best cuz wez piratez!! Nothin elsa ta say. |
Freebooterz is all about showing off to each other, fighting for teef, and doing whatever they feel like. The Freebooterz are the outcasts of ork "polite" society; each one has been either banished from his tribe or simply wandered off and got lost. Over time, these wayward boyz get together into "krewz" and ply the stars to follow their own interests, blowing people up with kroozer kannons, hoisting the main sail, and wearing cool tricorn hats. |
On the tabletop, Freebooterz build up their steam as they kill gitz, gaining more and more pluses to hit with each unit destroyed. Coupled with their warlord trait, they'll almost never miss in the fight phase, and even when they're shooting they can get more hits off than not. They strike a fine balance between the melee blender and the dakka with some interesting shenanigans on top of that. Those guys are awesome now competing with goffs. They are not as killy but they are much more rounded and have many more tricks. Their Clan Kultur is pretty amazing, their warlord trait is okish, and both their stratagem and relic are simply game-changing. 9/10. |
- Clan Kulturs – Competitive Streak: Each time any other friendly unit with this Kultur destroys an enemy unit this phase, all units gain a +1 to hit
- Does work with Gretchin - the Gretchin themselves can't benefit from this kultur, but since they have the <Klan> keyword, their kills can be used to trigger this in units that can benefit.
- Note that as your game gets bigger, this gets exponentially better, as you're getting higher chances to kill something before the end of the phase.
- As many armies use MSU units to keep objectives, this can be easily triggered on them.
- A massive nerf to the previous version in the same edition.
- Got bought back to +1 to hit rolls again!
- Warlord Trait - Killa Reputation: Friendly units within 6" add +1 to their Leadership score while enemies within 3" take -1 Leadership and take a -1 to combat attrition checks. All very morale-based, and thus really dependent on you actually killing enough things to force them to break.
- With MASSIVE nerf to mob rule +1Ld is not inconsequential enabling Ld6 vehicle units not to risk morale losses after losing only 1 model.
- Shiny Gubbin - The Badskull Banner: Enemies within 6" of the bearer lose ObSec. That's right, this steals ObSec, breaking a pretty important task that most troops need to work: capping.
- This works on vehicles too, so you can throw this on a Wartrike for a MASSIVE bubble of anti-capping.
- It synergises very nicely with the stratagem below basically making your character able to sit on an objective and hold it regardless of circumstances. And since we can build pretty durable characters....
- Stratagem - Get Da Loot (1 CP): Pick a Freebooterz Infantry unit. They have ObSec until your next command phase.
- This is awesome. You can make whatever you need ObSec for 1 turn, both denying and taking enemy objectives even if they have superior numbers.
- Special Character:
- Kaptin Badrukk: Gives all nearby Flash Gitz (not Freebooterz - he'll buff the Flash Gitz of other Klans, and won't buff his own klan if they're not Freebooterz) re-rolls on 1s to hit (including him, since he has the keyword). He has the warboss keyword but not the warboss rule, so he can declare a Waaagh! but doesn't have the +1 to melee hits aura a warboss normally has. With decent stats and a 3+/4++ save he can handle a fight in melee reasonably well for a shooty git, but you do not want him there. You want him running with Flash Gitz shooting stuff. Maybe a bit pricey (95-100, depending on if you buy him an ammo grunt), but if you're bringing a decent sized unit of Flash Gits already, considering how many dice they roll that re-roll-on-1s may be worth it.
- His extra-super-duper-cool-gun, Da Rippa, is effectively a heavily modified Kustom Mega-Blasta: 24" Heavy 3 S7 AP-3 D2, overcharges to S8 D3 and if any 1s are rolled to hit in each burst of 3 shots, the shooter suffers a mortal wound. Fortunately, with 6 wounds Badrukk can tank it with ease, and he re-rolls 1s to hit, so the odds of him actually suffering the 1 mortal are negligible - slightly more than 8.1%. That means if he shoots 5 times, he still only expects to suffer slightly more than a third of a mortal wound. If you buy and use an ammo grunt, the danger goes up very slightly, because normally a 2 or 3 to hit is just a miss that doesn't hurt him, but with the grunt, you might re-roll into a 1, but it's just not that big a deal.
- If you're still worried about mortals from his gun, you can strap a painboy or painboss to him.
- Also worth noting his re-roll hit rolls aura applies to all attacks made by Flash Gitz, including melee. Flash Gitz are not a melee unit by any means, but if they do get into melee combat, it certainly helps.
- His extra-super-duper-cool-gun, Da Rippa, is effectively a heavily modified Kustom Mega-Blasta: 24" Heavy 3 S7 AP-3 D2, overcharges to S8 D3 and if any 1s are rolled to hit in each burst of 3 shots, the shooter suffers a mortal wound. Fortunately, with 6 wounds Badrukk can tank it with ease, and he re-rolls 1s to hit, so the odds of him actually suffering the 1 mortal are negligible - slightly more than 8.1%. That means if he shoots 5 times, he still only expects to suffer slightly more than a third of a mortal wound. If you buy and use an ammo grunt, the danger goes up very slightly, because normally a 2 or 3 to hit is just a miss that doesn't hurt him, but with the grunt, you might re-roll into a 1, but it's just not that big a deal.
- Kaptin Badrukk: Gives all nearby Flash Gitz (not Freebooterz - he'll buff the Flash Gitz of other Klans, and won't buff his own klan if they're not Freebooterz) re-rolls on 1s to hit (including him, since he has the keyword). He has the warboss keyword but not the warboss rule, so he can declare a Waaagh! but doesn't have the +1 to melee hits aura a warboss normally has. With decent stats and a 3+/4++ save he can handle a fight in melee reasonably well for a shooty git, but you do not want him there. You want him running with Flash Gitz shooting stuff. Maybe a bit pricey (95-100, depending on if you buy him an ammo grunt), but if you're bringing a decent sized unit of Flash Gits already, considering how many dice they roll that re-roll-on-1s may be worth it.
Specialist Mobs[edit | edit source]
You can upgrade one unit per detachment into a specialist mob, replacing their <Klan> keyword with the appropriate subkultur. Since you can bring only one of them, you have to value which one is the one your army would benefit the most from. This also means that any subkultur Warboss will be alone unless you bring yet another detachment. Overall most of them are ok if you have an odd unit in a detachment that does not benefit from a clan trait the rest of the army uses. For example, tankbustaz in a Goff detachment. Most are pretty meh and you will use them just because it is small boost here and there. Also keep an eye open for any Armies of renown, the Speed Mob for example are worded such that they don't get a Kultur but get another benfit instead, so it stakes with the specialist mobs.
- Big Krumpaz - Krumpin' Time (deff dread, morkanaut, gorkanaut, mega armour nobz, mega armour character): +1 to hit in melee, offsetting the penalty for using klaws or killsaws. Ouch. The big dread meks are all hitting on 2s now.
- This one is very nice and can be considered to replace even good klan traits, especially if said clan trait is shooting oriented, i.e. Bad Moonz or Freebootaz.
- Boom Boyz (Big mek, mek, warboss, nob, tankbustas, deffkoptas, wagon): Blast weapons gain -1AP. Read "Tankbustas become AP-3". There is effectively no reason not to give this to your Tankbustas, unless they're Freebootaz or maybe Bad Moons.
- Flyboyz (Blitza-bommer, burna-bommer, dakkajet, deffkopta, wazbom blastajet): Gain light cover against being shot by anything greater than 6" away.
- None of these units particularly benefit from any Kultur, aside from Bad Moons or Freebootaz, especially the planes.
- Madboyz - Frantic (biker, cavalry, character, mob): Roll a d3 at the start of each battle round, and your affected units get a buff for that turn. Can't be re-rolled.
- Rash: Pile in 6" instead of only 3".
- Inspired: When this unit shoots or fights, you can re-roll one failed hit or wound roll.
- Frenzied: +1S. Now we're talking! Unless it's Beastsnagga boys, then it may not matter.
- Fun but totally unreliable, because you're skipping on a kultur yet you don't know what you'll get. All of the effects can be reliably gained elsewhere, so it can be useful for, say, formerly Evil Sunz Squig riders, who'd gain very little from their clan rules.
- 'Orrible Gitz (gretchin core): The unit gains ObSec, and any units that aren't Runtherds within 3" suffer a -1 to hit with a gun on account of their hideous stench.
- Adds some use to Grots, effectively making them an obsec blob that inflicts -1 to hit on melee enemies. You do have to get them all the way up there though. Besides who even uses grots anymore.
- Pyromaniacs (Burna boyz, burna-bommer, boomdakka snazzwagon, kustom boosta-blastas, deffkilla wartrike, nob, warboss): When determining the number of shots made for burnas, skorchas, burna bottles, burna exhaust, Killa Jets, and skorcha missiles, the result can never be below 3. Flamers usually don't benefit from many kulturs, so this is okay for, say, a Burna Boyz unit.
- Supa-skorchas are not mentioned, because GW does not acknowledge FW products on their codices. Do not give it to a Snazzwagon: it literally has a single flame weapon to benefit.
- Sneaky Gitz (Warbosses, Boyz, Nobs, Kommandos): -1AP in melee when the target is "receiving the benefit of cover". AP-2 choppas! Good because it stacks with regular Kommando buffs. Justifiable for Kommandos in the same detachment as otherwise shooty kulturs, like Bad Moonz'.
- Trukk Boyz (boyz, nob, warboss): Trukk Boyz can jump out of a trukk after it makes a normal move, and any Trukk carrying Trukkboyz has +1 to hit while shooting (which also affects the passengers because "any modifiers that apply to the transport also apply to the passengers"). This gives you extreme threat range: move 12", disembark 3", move another 5". You just cleared 20" in one go and are going to begin the charge mere 4" away from the enemy deployment zone. Even further forwards when using Waaagh! Definitely the best Spec Mob we have. This our new Da Jump. Combine it with the old Da Jump, though.
- Page 197 (end of first paragraph) of the core book states that "The pluralization (or not) of keywords do not affect which units the rule in question applies to", meaning this kultur affecting a "NOB" (Nob with Waaagh banner) also affects "NOBZ" (Nobz squad, Mega Armored Nobz squad). A full squad of those with klaws or saws is a lot scarier than boyz with choppas.
- Bear in mind that the riders become a specialist mob, not their ride. That means the trukk is eligible for a custom job, and still benefits from the detachment's kultur: A Trukk Fortress on Wheels is harder to destroy, which any smart opponent would try to do ASAP, and Blood Axes, Snakebites and Deathskulls can further help with durability. Meanwhile, an Evil Sunz trukk goes fasta, and with Squig-hide Tyres becomes M14.
Armies of Renown[edit | edit source]
To be an army of renown, your (entire) army has to follow a set of restrictions when selecting units, but in exchange they get thematic benefits.
Speed Freeks Speed Mob[edit | edit source]
Speed Freak focus Mob. What the Evil Sunz wish they were. Bikers, Deffkoptas and Buggies with the support of two jets. No infantry. Huge amount of movement. A lot of shooting and mortal wounds in charge. And pretty simple rules thanks all the restrictions. Mostly played as Evil Sunz, Freebootas or Blood Axe.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- Your army may only be Speed Freeks, Aircraft & Wagon units. Yes, empty wagons. And yes, Kannonwagon is not a wagon…
- The army gets access to one extra WT, six stratagems, and two kustom jobs. The army also gains the Speed Mob keyword, but we're not going to list that as a benefit since all that does is unlock access to two kustom jobs, and we should always remember "Speed Mob" was a 8th edition rule that allowed speed freek vehicle units to act independently. Which is gone.
- If the army is battle forged, the Outrider detachment (aka the only one you can take to remain battle forged) becomes "+3CP if your warlord is here".
- Speed Freeks (Buggies, koptaz & bikers, but not aircraft) from your army gain the Adrenaline Junkies ability:
- This unit never gains a Clan Kultur, but its inclusion in a Detachment does not prevent other units from that Detachment (excluding other adrenaline junkies) from gaining a Clan Kultur. AKA your Dakkajets can be Bad Moons, because aircraft are the only clan units in your entire army that aren't also adrenaline junkies. All two of them, as aircraft were nerfed to be 0-2 in detachments.
- +1A when this unit charges or makes a heroic intervention.
- When this unit advances, until the end of your shooting phase, it counts as having made a Normal Move instead. Advance & Dakka! Dragsta teleport & shoot! Suck on that, Evil Sunz! Does count as having advanced for charge purposes, but at least Evil Sunz have a warlord trait to let a unit of bikes advance and charge. You can't bring a "normal" WAAAGH! in this list, only SpeedWAAAGH! is used.
- Models in this unit have a 6++. Upgraded to 5++ until the start of your next movement phase if the unit advanced. Feel free to drive around the barrel to get better invuln.
- Speed freeks bikers gain Objective secured.
Warlord Trait
- Speed King: Friendly non-character speed freeks within 6" of this warlord re-roll 1s to wound.
Kustom Jobs
- Drag Chains: Whenever this speed mob vehicle falls back, select one non- vehicle/monster unit it was engaged with and roll 1d6. On a 2-5 it suffers 1d3 MW, full 3 on a 6.
- You'll use this with the army of renown's fall back & shoot stratagem...but only there.
- Raised Suspenshun: An speed mob vehicle can still shoot at enemies that aren't engaged with it even when engaged by other enemies. Excellent on a Megatrack Scrapjet or Squigbuggy: vehicles can shoot guns in melee but cannot fire Blast at units they're engaged with. Now they can fire them at units they're not engaged with.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Battle tactic">
- Blitza dakka (1CP): When a speed mob unit fires at a unit within 12", re-roll 1s to hit. Re-roll 1s & 2s for a Kustom Boosta Blasta. Holy shit, pay CP to get the aura a SM captain has but only on 1 unit and only within 12".
- Chaaarge! (2CP) +1S and -1AP when a Warbiker unit chaaarges. Pseudo Nobs on warbikes! Specifically Warbikes btw.
- Crashin' through (1CP): When a speed freeks unit charges, if it has a spiked ram, then it cannot use it this turn. Instead, roll 1d6 for every model in that speed freeks unit:
- If it is a biker, for every 4+ the enemy suffers a mortal wound
- If your speed freeks unit is also a vehicle, for every 4+ it does 1d3 mortal wounds
- If the charging unit is a Megatrakk scrapjet or Kustom Boosta-blasta, it does 1d3 MW on 2-5 instead, and 2d3 MW on a 6.
</tab> <tab name="Strategic ploy">
- More Gitz over here! (1CP): When a speed mob unit falls back it can still shoot. If it is a Boomdakka Snazzwagon, hit rolls of 6 score an additional hit
- Attack out o' da sun' (2CP): At the end of your turn, remove a unit of Deffkoptas, and set them back up at the end of your next movement phase, with the usual restrictions.
- Do other factions have stratagems that allow their units to act normally for one turn, then completely dissapear during the enemy turn, escaping all retaliation, then reappear the next turn and act normally?
- Yes and no. There are such cases but they were fixed soon in FAQ to either drop or disappear in a single turn to give opponent a chance. This is pretty much crazy. Expect the same in this case. Will be nerfed after the Christmas.
- So no nerf at all, despite couple of opportunities. GW really want to play this rule like it' s written. And people play it like this. On the end, it is not so scary, because the strategem cost 2CP and the whole Speed Mob is terribly CP hungry. So you use it twice in the game and than come out of CPs.
</tab> <tab name="Wargear">
- Lotsa squigs!: Add 1 to the number of squigg mines a Rukkatruck squiggbuggy unit has remaining. Pure creative bankrupcy.
</tab> </tabs>
Psychic Disciplines[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Power of the Waaagh! Discipline"> This is the psychic discipline table your Weirdboys can use. You can either roll randomly, or choose one. Don't forget every psyker also automatically knows Smite.(WHAT DA ZOG?! WHERE IZ POWER VOMIT?!)
The best in the list are typically Da Jump > Warpath > Fists of Gork; if you're taking more than 3 powers, you should probably start duplicating powers for redundancy. Bear in mind each Weirdboy can use a second power if there are 20 friendly orks nearby. But no bonuses to casting sadly.
- 'Eadbanger (WC 5): Targets any enemy unit within 18". If you can beat their Toughness on 1d6, they eat 1d6 mortal wounds, but no more than 1 model can die to this - a second model will drop to 1 wound remaining, and then any remaining mortal wounds are lost.
- Only better than Smite against Toughness 2 or less, and remember, the target unit needs multi-wound models in it to really suffer from this, meaning no unit in the game is worth casting this against. Hard pass.
- Warpath (WC 6): A friendly <KLAN> Core/Character unit within 18" increases the Attacks stat of each model by 1 until your next Psychic phase.
- This is very good, especially on big boyz units. Meganobz or even Ghazzy will not scoff at extra attacks either. Overall very universal and there are very few situations you will not cast it on something.
- Combo with Da Jump and potential 150A (on wAAAAAGH!!! turn) is nice indeed.
- Da Jump (WC 7): A friendly <KLAN> CORE unit within 12" is removed from the table, and set back up anywhere more than 9" from enemy units. This used to be objectively one of the best Psychic Powers in the entire game. Now with the very low chance of succesful charge it' s useful mostly on the shooting units.
- Put any CORE unit you like in charge range of anything on the board - and with 'Ere We Go!, you have a 48% chance to make the charge. Which is pretty bad. Also because Da Jump itself only has about a 50% chance to be cast it definitely makes no sense to build a gameplan around Da Jumping anything. Old times of Da Jumping boyz are definitely gone.
- You can also use this to pull ranged units like Lootas out of melee if they get caught. They count as having moved, but it's better than using a Fall Back move and not being able to shoot at all that turn.
- Because this does not happen in the movement phase, several skills and stratagems designed to punish deep strikers do not apply.
- Fists of Gork (WC 6): A friendly visible ORKs CHARACTER model within 12" gains +2 Attacks and Strength until the next psychic phase, improving to +3 if you rolled an 11+ on the psychic test. More effective than Warpath on characters, but ultimately Warpath is more versatile. Can be absolutely hilarious when slapped onto a melee-oriented Warboss or Ghazz.
- Stacks with Warpath, if you find yourself in a situation where it makes sense to do so.
- You might consider adding a dedicated Weirdboy to put this on your killiest Boss.
- Works on GRETCHIN characters! You know you want to.
- Da Krunch (WC 6): Targets an enemy unit within 18" of the user. Roll 1d6 for each model in the unit, inflicting a mortal wound for each 6 rolled, adding +1 to the roll if you rolled a 9+ when casting. Sadly, all the options for going again with this power have vanished, exchanged for making it slightly easier to cast in your pursuit of flattened hordes.
- Skip this - you need to target a unit of 11+ models to beat Smite, at which point you should be solving your problems with Boyz.
- Jabbin' Fingerz (WC 6): One visible enemy unit within 18" of the Psyker gets -1 to hit until your next psychic phase.
- Inarguably excellent, but hard to support grabbing over Da Jump and Warpath. If you have two Weirdboys, this can be very good on your second one.
</tab> <tab name="Beasthead Discipline"> This is the discipline Wurrboys and Kill Rigs take. Roar of Mork and Squiggly Curse are the best powers for the Kill Rig you probably took - use Squiggly Curse or Smite (or both) for murder depending on battlefield conditions, and use Roar of Mork to help prevent something you want to murder from either escaping or charging you before you can charge it. With the Kill Rig, Frazzle seems like another no brainer due to its massive footprint.
- Roar of Mork (WC 6): One visible enemy unit within 18" of the Psyker gets -2 to advance and charge rolls, plus the Psyker gets an 18" aura that gives -1 Leadership to all enemy units.
- Debuffing enemy mobility means you can g
- Frazzle (WC 6): Roll 1d6 for every enemy unit within 9" of the Psyker; they take 1d3 mortal wounds on a 4+.
- So slightly more than 2/3 of the time, every unit within 9" takes on average 1 mortal wound. You need 3 units in the bubble to surpass Smite, and you're forced to split the mortal wounds across multiple units - you're better off with Squiggly Curse.
- The Kill Rig's enormous base and already impressive datasheet make this a solid pick for drifting straight into a group of enemies and rolling the dice. Give it the Scorched Gitbonez to really ensure you can get those d3 autohitting lascannon shots.
- Bitin' Jawz (WC 6): Pick a visible enemy model within 18" of the Psyker and draw a line between the two of them: every enemy unit touched by the line (including the model picked at the beginning) suffers a mortal wound.
- Worse than Frazzle, on average - the same odds of going off and the same number of wounds per target unit, but an 18" line is usually fewer units than an 18" bubble. Hard pass.
- Spirit of Gork (WC 6): One visible Squig unit within 12" of the Psyker gets 1 extra bite attack from its Squigs, and a 6 to wound inflicts a mortal wound on top of whatever damage it initially deals.
- The wording of this power states that the unit gets an extra attack from each of the biting "weapons" that the unit is equipped with. A unit with three Squighog Boys would have three Squighog's Jaws, adding three attacks, and so on.
- Beastscent (WC 5): One enemy unit within 18" of the Psyker doesn't get any cover benefits against attacks from Beast Snagga units until your next Psychic phase.
- This is primarily useful if you find yourself needing to ignore Dense Cover, simply because -1 to hit is a much bigger deal to you than +1 to enemy saves. It does debuff a target unit instead of buffing a target unit, so your Beast Snaggas can stay embarked and still get the benefits when they shoot your chosen target, but Beast Snaggas are uniformly better in melee than at range, and if they do shoot, they want to shoot a monster or vehicle, which usually won't have cover.
- Has some utility for your Kill Rig, because it's a WC 5 power like Smite is, meaning a Rig can try this and Smite for maximum odds of buffing the Wurrtower.
- Squiggly Curse (WC 7): Pick an enemy unit within 12" of the Psyker and roll 1d6 for each model in the unit (maximum of 6): the unit takes a mortal wound for each 4+ roll, plus if at least one model dies every other enemy unit within 6" of that one takes a mortal wound.
- Worse than Smite against the target unit, but if you get even one spillover mortal wound, you're doing better than Smite, with the major caveat of your damage being split across multiple units. The best offensive power in this discipline.
- You should generally skip this - too hard to successfully cast for a rather minor benefit.
</tab> </tabs>
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Generic">
- Follow me, Ladz!: If your warlord charges, any <Klan> Core that charges an enemy engaged with the warlord also adds +1 to their charge rolls. Makari takes this...if anyone's insane enough to give him a WT.
- Absolutely something to consider, as your boss shouldn't be alone in getting caught in a fight.
- Big Gob: Auras improve their range by 3" to a maximum of 9". Zagstruk has this.
- Sadly this is useless on KFFs. However, anything else you need works perfectly fine. There is better stuff here tho.
- 'Ard as Nails: Attacks against the Warlord suffer -1 to wound.
- A massive switch compared to before, but this will mess up things like power axes, allowing you to even the field with equal enemies. Grotsnik has this trait.
- Brutal but Kunnin': Each time the warlord fights, if the warlord allocates all attacks to one enemy unit, then for each attack that did not make it to the Inflict Damage step they can make an additional attack. This behaves more like a second fight phase but in the same unit activation. Snikrot has this.
- This is hands down the best trait for a killy warboss. With the way its worded, the rule also applies to any additional hits granted by the Goff Clan trait!
- Note that things like Squigosaur jaws will not give extra attacks on Squighog jaws weapon (it is specifically stated they can do maximum of 3 attacks) but rather they will generate extra attacks for the Warboss himself.
- Also note that if the Squigosaur rolls any 6's to wound (and do 3 mortal wounds), the attack sequence for that attack immediately ends which technically means that this wound generate an additional attack. XD.
- Also procs off a foot-sloggin Warboss' Attack Squig's extra attacks, allowing to turn your loveable rascals measly bites into proper Power Klaw blows.
- Kunnin' but Brutal: At the start of the fight phase, if this Warlord is in engagement range of any enemy units, it can fight first that phase.
- A bit situational since if you charge, you're fighting first usually. This is good for the next fight phase in the opponent's turn, but...they can just fallback and shoot your warlord. A bit meh.
- Might is Right: Grants your Ork Boss +1 Strength and Attack.
- Great for a Wartrike or Big Mek, elevating them to proppa Warboss Strength.
- It is decent but for power klaw Warboss Brutal but Kunning is better.
</tab> <tab name="Beast Snaggas">
- Bigkilla Boss: Your warlord gets +2 attacks and +1 to hit if they are targeting a vehicle or monster in melee.
- As this got shoved to the Beast Snaggas, you can clearly see more uses for this. That on-foot beastboss' claw? Now outpacing the power klaw they can't grab.
- Blood Axes Warbosses get an extra mile out of it, as they can charge after falling back.
- Stack with Fists of Gork power for maximum carnage!
- This one is very good, but highly situational and dependent on enemy list.
- Beastgob: Squigs within 6" of the warlord add +1 damage to their attacks but not those of any riders. Best suited for cavalry-heavy forces. Zogrod and the Kill-Rig have this.
- It is nice in squig heavy armies but there is much better stuff.
- Half-Chewed: Warlord gains 4+ FNP when fighting a monster or vehicle in melee.
- Situational.
</tab> <tab name="Speed Freeks">
- Roadkilla: When the warlord charges, one enemy unit that was nearby eats d3 mortal wounds on a 2+.
- Way to make MW dishing monstrocity with several overlaping skills to murdyfy most things he touches with tons of MW.
- Up in their Faces: The warlord can shoot after falling back.
- Kinda redundant on Blood Axes, who can already do that with their Kultur.
- Nope.
- Junkboss: Warlord gets a 4++ save.
- 4++ is always good. Can be put on Wartrike or Warbike Warboss.
</tab> </tabs>
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
No more Kleverest Boss; most of the stuff that wasn't a patch from Psychic awakening was UTTERLY LOST. Same as Unstoppable Green Tide, Loot It, Mob Up, Fight again, Flying Edbutt and whatever thing you may have liked. Gone. Also, they said "beast snagga are not primaris orks", yet a fifth of the stratagems are Snagga-only. Very CP hungry stratagems: only 7 out of 25 of them cost 1 CP. Overall, stratagems were heavily nerfed to be rather situational without many that are auto-include. Thank goodness we've got some stellar relics and warlord traits to spend CP on.
<tabs> <tab name="Battle tactic">
- Careen! (1-2 CP): When an ork vehicle that is not within engagement distance explodes, you can use this to move it up to 6" before resolving the explosion. Trukk of peace. Costs 2CP if the vehicle is either Titanic or, sadly, a Wagon.
- It is nice to snipe stuff or save your guys, but vehicle needs to explode first.
- Get stuck in, ladz! (1-2 CP): You know how other factions got their "fight twice" stratagem locked to a single unit? Well you don't get that: When one of your Boyz or Beast snagga boyz unit gets selected to fight, move +3" when they pile in or consolidate, not cumulative with other sources of additional movement. 2 CP if the unit has 11 or more models.
- Frankly not worth it with exceptions of bodies on objectives situations. It would be most useful on big blobz but not for 2CP. Another proof GW is preferring MSU now.
- Ramming speed (2 CP): The vehicle rolls 3d6 for the charge (which is still locked to targets up to 12" away). Roll 1d6 for one unit within movement range of it, they suffer d3 MW on a 2+.
- The Megatrakk Scrapjet and Kustom Boosta Blasta both inflict MWs on the charge, which can stack with Ramming Speed's. The Scrapjet also has a melee weapon to actually fight with.
- Very solid and stacks with Er' We Go.
- Gun crazy show offs (2 CP): A Flash Gitz unit can shoot twice, targeting the closest eligible enemy unit.
- Decent if you run big unit of Flashgitz.... which you probably do not.
- Hit 'em harder (2 CP): +1D to a Meganobz unit's power klaw or killsaw. Of use when attacking 3W targets, plague marines or when using killsaws so they can't do only D1. Bonk.
- Great stuff to make sure you kill entire models if they are 3W or have some FNP shenanigans.
- Tough as squig-hide (2 CP): Beastsnagga transhuman. A Beast snagga infantry, cavalry or monster can't be wounded on anything other than a natural 4+.
- The more obvious effect is reducing effectiveness of S6-S10 weapons against your snaggas, but keep in mind it will deny any "+x to wound rolls" modifiers as well.
- Breakin' Heads: If a non-Gretchin unit fails a morale test next to a <clan> Warboss or nobz unit, it suffers D3 MW but the test is passed. Rip.
- This is rather terrible. We are limited to one Warboss per detachment, you need to pay 2 CP, you are hit with MW and you need to be close to Warboss or Nobz. We will use it as there are no other ways to stop losing models from morale, but man IT IS SOOO BAD! It has some mileage with Deathskulls as their 5+ against MW can make it so that multiwound models like Nobs or MANZ can take the hit without complication. It's still expensive but it's not useless given proper circumstances.
</tab> <tab name="Epic Deed">
- Orks is never beaten (2 CP): Before one of your characters is removed from play, it can still attack (meaning if he already fought this will not work). Use the lowermost stats bracket when the character's profile changes as it takes damage. Like Ghazghkull's...or the Kill Rig.
- Not useless but another nerf.
- Da bigger dey iz... (2 CP): +2D for melee when the beast snagga warboss (Beastboss, Beastboss on Squiggosaur and the named Snakebites dude) fights a titan target.
- For all your imperial knights killing needs.
</tab> <tab name="Requisition"> Single use unless it's a Strike Force battle (where it's 2 uses) or an Onslaught battle (where it's 3).
- Extra gubbinz (1 CP per use): +1 relic.
- Big Boss (1 CP): Select a character that isn't your warlord, he gains a warlord trait.
</tab> <tab name="Strategic Ploy">
- Tide of Muscle (1 CP): A non-gretchin core unit can ignore charge modifiers.
- For 1CP it is very good to negate terrain modifiers and or enemy shenanigans (cough... Custodes... cough).
- It is reasonable and will help in places where 'Ere We Go nerf would hurt us the most.
- For 1CP it is very good to negate terrain modifiers and or enemy shenanigans (cough... Custodes... cough).
- Unstoppable momentum (1 CP): Now locked to the nob on smasha squig, so you may no longer combine it with rammin' speed. It allows the Nob on smasha squig to charge again if there are no models in engagement range of it, presumably because it dealt so many Mortal Wounds that it killed it on contact. Remember back then when GW assured us mortal wounds would be rare?
- Another element to MW killing machine.
- Grot shields (2 CP): At the start of the enemy shooting phase, that is, before they actually choose targets, select one of your infantry units within 6" of gretchin infantry. That unit cannot be chosen as a target if the gretchin unit is a closer eligible target. No "they take MWs as they intercept the shots", they simply cannot be selected as a target, which would even screw with enemy snipers, hilariously.
- Decent if grots were only a little less crap. As is skip.
- RAW there is very THAT GUYish exploit involving MAKARI with it. Will be FAQed probably but for not do not do it.
- Tellyporta (2 CP): Select a non-monster (AKA not Ghazghkull) ork unit of 20 Power or less (Morkanauts are 19P), and you can deepstrike it, even if it is a transport full of orks.
- If you use this on a transport, it will often arrive on turn 2 due to mission restrictions. That means whatever is inside it will attack on turn 3 at best (unless trukkboyz), and Boarding Plank is gone. Keep that in mind.
- You can deepstrike a whole Dread or Speedmob, and can use Ramming speed to net the charge. Megatrakk scrapjets are among the buggies that benefit the most out of it, as it's one of the two slowest buggies. Morka and Gorkanauts are also among the only Lords of War that can deepstrike.
- Lumbering strides (1 CP): Pay 1 CP to use the old version of 'Ere We Go rule for Morkanauts, Gorkanauts and Stompas; they can reroll one of the dice for the charge roll instead of both, e.g.: you rolled a 1 and a 6, reroll just the 1. Unknown how it reacts when combined with Ramming Speed but RAW it does.
- Burn 'em all! (1 CP): When a Burna-Bommer attacks with its skorcha missile racks, each unit within 3" of the target (doesn't specify only foe) suffers 1 mortal wound.
- This actually is pretty good as you can bomb something after flying off the board, then come back and shoot a missile at something for mortal wounds. If you hit a unit of Termagants or something, that's 3 inches from the ENTIRE unit, so you can easily hit 5-6 other nearby units. That's a lot of mortal wounds from the 1st bomb and then this strat.
- Monster Hunterz (2 CP): Use at the start of any phase. Select one enemy Vehicle or monster and up to three friendly beast snagga units. +1 to the wound roll when the chosen units attack the target.
</tab> <tab name="Wargear">
- Cuttin' flames (1 CP): Burna Boyz melee becomes AP-2. Losing their melee weapon is price of having normal flamers.
- Previously burnas had it built in. Now it is strat... Probably tradeoff for d6 12" flamers but still paying CP for something he had build in previously. Not exactly a buff ey?
- More Dakka! (2 CP): A unit's Dakka weapons are considered to be in half range. Most Dakka weapons are mounted on fast vehicles and are 30". That means the slowest buggy has a Dakka range of 25", 1" longer than no man's land. Niche. For 2 CP rather underwhelming and useful only on stuff with a LOT of dakka. So probably only some rare Dakkajet situation when you not have him fly close to the enemy.
- A little bit on expensive side but can be devastating on say Dakkajet.
- Cloud of Smoke (2 CP): Select a speed freeks vehicle at the beginning of your opponent's shooting phase. Until the end of the phase, any speed freeks vehicle within 6" of that one gets -1 to be hit. Especially good for protecting Deffkoptas, Squigbuggies, Boosta Blastas, Scrapjets and Dragstas, which do not have the inherent -1 to be hit Snazzwagons and Warbikers do.
- It is mostly useful for massed buggies lists obviously. Sadly do not work on Dread Mob guys.
- Tankbusta bomb (1 CP): A model in a unit with the tankbusta bombs unit can use one of these instead of attacking that turn. If the attack hits, inflict 2d3 MW to an enemy vehicle.
- not bad to take down something tough with only few wounds left.
- models with the tankbusta bombs are Boyz, Kommandos, Tankbustas
- Snagga Grapple (2 CP): Completely unrelated to the still-useless Wartrike's snagga klaw. Select a beast snagga boyz unit at the start of the enemy's movement phase; on a 4+ an enemy unit cannot fall back from it. Doesn't work on titanic or fly models, though it does work on tanks lol. So, 2 CP to fail half the time. Epic. Can be used with Get Stuck In to create a big mass of no-falling-back, half the time.
- Can be used for mind games against desperate breakout.
- Groundshaker Shells (1 CP): Halve the movement characteristic and substract 2" from advance and charge rolls of a non titanic/fly unit when attacked by a 'eavy lobba. What units have a 'eavy lobba? That is besides the NEW KILL/HUNTA RIG TM!
- Force Field Boosta (2 CP): Pay CP to have the old 5++ KFF. But at least it's not wholly within anymo- AT THE END OF THE TURN THE KUSTOM FORCE FIELD OVERLOADS AND CAN NO LONGER BE USED FO
R THE REST OF THE BATTLE "Go get fucked. t. GW".
- Frankly new KFF was heavily nerfed. Yes, it is for those inside 6" without wholly, but downgrade from 5++ to 6++ is terrible. We can't get new good things without nerfs it seems. This would be a way to mitigate it for a price, but making it one time only and then render the KFF useless is just a dick move. It can still reap some benefits first turn when enemy goes first and have a lot of firepower but you are paying basically cost of KFF mek on top of 2CP to do it once... Overkill if you ask me.
</tab> </tabs>
Relics[edit | edit source]
Shiny Gubbinz made by the best Big Meks in galaxy for greater WAAAAAGH! This section is, unlike stratagems, very solid.
- Beasthide Mantle: Beastboss, Painboss, or Wurrboy only. The bearer adds +1 to attacks and a 5+++ FNP, making it more useful for the first two, who actually have melee weapons to work with. That said, an FNP is still welcome on the wurrboy.
- As if the squigosaur warboss wasn't tough enough! Very good stuff.
- Da Dead Shiny Shoota: This Ork-sized Uzi replaces a Kustom Shoota (but not Kombis), more than doubling its rate of fire up to 18" Dakka 14/10 S5 AP-1 D2.
- Generally not worth spending a slot on it except on a big mek. This plus a Tellyport Blasta can make for a surprisingly shooty boss.
- Da Killa Klaw: Replaces a Power Klaw, improving its AP, D, and accuracy by 1 each: Sx2 AP-4 D3.
- Solid choice for anything with a PK.
- Da Krushin' Armour: Mega Armour only. This grants a 1+/4++ and a 5/6 (2+) chance to deal 1d3 mortal wounds charging. Megabosses will love it for the chance to hurt before you even swing your massive choppa, while mega-meks, who lack any invulns, will appreciate the chance to even protect themselves even better than the KFF ever could.
- Headwoppa's Killchoppa: Replaces a Big Choppa, 'Uge Choppa, or Beastchoppa. Sx2 AP-3 D2. Each roll of a natural 6 to wound inflicts a mortal wound on top of everything else.
- Cheap and useful. S12 without a hit penalty, useful AP, deletes 2W models, potentially even deleting the dreaded Gravis.
- The closing of the loopholes on rolling 6+ due to stratagems makes this a good bit less dangerous, but the massive hike in strength means that you can harm a good lot more without the drawbacks of a power klaw.
- Skorched Gitbonez: Psyker only. Gets +1 when casting witchfire powers. It also grants a 4+++ FNP against wounds lost during Perils, which is more important.
- Your entire set of Witchfires is 'Eadbanger (which is garbage), Da Krunch (which is mediocre at best), Bitin' Jaws (which is garbage), Frazzle (which is bad unless put on killrig), and Squiggly Curse (which is downright ok, actually).
- Hard skip.
- If you are taking Da Krunch for whatever reason, this does make it more likely you'll trigger the +1 to rolls on a psychic test result of 9+. Killing 1/3 of a unit of expensive 1W infantry might be worth it.
- Supa-Cybork Body: Infantry only, 4++ Invuln and halves all incoming damage, making you way more survivable than ever. Like seriously, your megaboss is now fucking Calgar-tier tanky and can shrug off lascannons.
- If you go for durability this is the stuff, but sadly can't go on a squigosaur.
Kustom Jobs[edit | edit source]
Crucial part of any vehicle-dependent army. Improve your vehicles by spending points and PR. True Big Meks drive only Kustom Jobed buggies and Dreads :-)
You can only use each Kustom Job once (or twice if you take a Mek Workshop) and the same vehicle can't have two kustom jobs. On top of that, you can't slap this on a Specialist Mob vehicle.
Overall kustom jobs took a big hit. Best ones were removed or nerfed. There are more limitations and you can put it only on singular model units. That last part is frankly the worst. I would understand if you have to pay for every model in unit being upgraded but as is it is quite bad and limits list building significantly if you want to use them. There are very few you will EVER consider now.
<tabs> <tab name="Vehicle Jobs">
- Da Booma: Replaces a Battlewagon's, Bonebreaka's or Gunwagon's Kill kannon with a 36" Heavy 2D6 S8 AP-2 D2 Blast gun, doubling your shots. Congratulations, your relic puts you on par with a baseline IG Russ.
- Combining it with the nerf to gunwagons... not worth it, really. Big big nerf.
- Fortress On Wheels: Gives a Trukk, Battlewagon, Bonebreaka, or Gunwagon a 5++.
- Good one for that crucial transport. Nothing crazy tho.
- Gyroscopic Whirlygig: A Shokkjump Dragsta (singular) no longer suffers a wound when teleporting. It does not actually guarantee the jump itself. No longer affects the whole speedmob, which no longer separates into different units, which can no longer shoot all their weapons when advancing, which can no longer charge after advancing.
- Nerfed to the ground.
- MOAR DAKKA!: Available to any vehicle. When shooting, roll a d6; on a 4+, each Dakka weapon on the vehicle fires 1 extra shot ("make one additional attack with each Dakka weapon this model is equipped with"). On a 6, they fire 2 extra shots. Half the time, nothing happens and the mek simply took you for a fool. Most "noticeable" (ork bs is 5+) on vehicles with four big shootas, like wagons and Dakkajets (6 supashootas).
- As above, only really worth taking on a Dakkajet, where it's effectively a seventh Supashoota that only works half the time.
- Underwhelming because you pay full points for something that will not work 50% of the time. Fluffy tho.
- Nitro Powered Squigs: Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy only. When resolving an attack made by this unit's squig launcher or heavy squig launcher, add 1 to the wound roll, meaning it wounds most infantry on a 2+, and vehicles on a 4+. Damn.
- Good one but forces you to take a singular Squigbuggy when they operate best in squads.
- Red Rolla: Makes the Bonebreaka Ram go from +1d6 A to +3+1d3 A on the charge. So +1.5 A on average, as many times the Bonebreaker gets to charge during the game (1 unless you play Blood Axes (which you don't)).
- Useless. Skip.
- Shokka Hull: Available to all vehicles. After an enemy attacks this unit in melee, they suffer d3 mortal wounds on a 4+. Not only does this work after you get hit, half the time it does nothing.
- Very situational. Mostly skip it.
- Souped Up Speshul: Boosts the Snazzwagon's Mek Speshul to Dakka 16/12, an increase of 14%. Eh.
- Nope.
- Squig-Hide Tires: Vehicles that aren't Walkers or Flyers only. Add 1" to the movement characteristic and +2" to advance distance... yet vehicles can't advance and charge. Or advance and shoot because their guns are Dakka/Heavy. Only useful for non-Evil Sunz Wartrikes/Biker bosses, who already move some 20" before charging anyways.
- Skip unless that +1M is crucial for some reason.
- Stompamatic Pistons: Deff Dreads, Gorkanauts, and Morkanauts only. Add 3" to Movement and +1 to advance rolls. Good for getting them into melee ASAP...but they're still slow enough that it'll be hard to do so before 2nd turn, at which point it'd be easier to tellyport them in.
- Since you want to take a dread mob of deff dreads, and a Morkanaut is a shooty platform, this is only for the Gorkanaut... if you are willing to pay extra.
</tab> <tab name="Mek Jobs">
- Bionik Oiler: Makes the grot oiler usable twice in a game. If you're the sort that relies on this to be useful, then you know that you're buying this.
- Overcosted - don't pay 10 points for a 5-point oiler.
- Enhanced Runt-Sucker: Improves the Shokk Attack Gun to Heavy 2d3, in case you really want to show mobs what's what.
- Overcosted on a fundamentalt level because the gun already has blast - meaning you're paying about 14% more points for no improvement against a unit of 11+, a 2.78% improvement against a unit of 6-10, and a 14% improvement against a unit of 1-5. Since it's fairly costed for small targets and then overcosted against bigger ones, and you can't know ahead of time what you'll be facing, hard pass.
- Extra-Kustom Weapon: Adds an additional shot to a Kustom Mega-Blasta/Kustom Mega-Slugga.
- Note this is allegedly only for spanners/meks, but no actual rule stops you from giving it to a Deff Dread. Theoretically, you should be able to take this on a quadruple mega-blasta deff dread for 4d3+4 shots, but the RAI is pretty explicit here, so you'll be that guy if you do this.
- Skip it. 1 extra shot is not worth it. If you are going to take it, only a Big Mek in Mega Armour has the BS4+ to make this possibly worth the cost.
- Smoky Gubbinz: Requires a Spanner. If the unit he is in sits stationary, then they gain light cover.
- Okish, but not amazing. Clearly intended for Lootaz.
- Zzzapkrumpaz: Requires a Spanner. Any time a model in this unit attacks in melee, a natural roll of 6 to wound in melee deals a mortal wound on top of whatever damage is normally inflicted. Read, "For Burna Boyz".
- Not worth it. Burna boyz or lootas do not have melee damage output nor inclination to be in melee to benefit from this.
</tab> </tabs>
Specialist Detachments[edit | edit source]
You can't play Specialist Detachments in tournaments anymore as of Chapter Approved 2020, but they're still all good in casual play.
Kustom sets of WT + Shiny Gubbin + Stratagems behind a 1CP paywall to give your mob that extra fluffyness should you want it. A single detachment may pick a Specialization only once, so if you want (and can afford!) to use more than a single specialist detachment, you have to use them on different detachments. source Imperium Nihilus - Vigilus Defiant campaign supplement, 2018.
General Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Field Commander (1 CP): This stratagem bears special mention. For one command point, you can designate a character with a Specialist Detachment keyword and they gain the warlord trait associated with that detachment. Can't be used on named characters or to give your warlord a second warlord trait. This stratagem can be used once for each Specialist Detachment
- Orks become the faction with the most Warlord traits: Your Warlord, your Blood Axe Finkin' Kap warlord, a Blitz Brigade Warlord, a Kult of Speed Warlord, a Dread Waaagh! Warlord and a Stompa Warlord. Not telling you pull a Tale of Six Warlords on your own (which you totally can, by the way), but you can easily have 2-3 simultaneous warlord traits. SHOW DEM SPIKY LONGEARZ WHO IZ DA MOST KUNNIN' AN' BRUTAL OF ALL!!! WAAAAGH!!!.
Blitz Brigade[edit | edit source]
Warbosses, Battlewagons, Gunwagons, & Bonebreakas get the Blitz Brigade keyword.
- Remember that this also technically includes the Battlewagon with Supa-Kannon due to the Battlewagon keyword.
- Not amazing, but if you're taking a lot of Battlewagons anyway....
- Opening Salvo (1CP): Use it in your Shooting Phase of your FIRST battle round (so it's effectively One Use Only). Pick a Blitz Brigade Gunwagon and it doubles the range characteristic of its weapons until the end of the phase. All weapons, so its optional 4 Big Shootas benefit as well.
- Most useful for the Killkannon as it's the option with the lowest (24") range. It goes without saying to use the Gunwagon's Periscope.
- Includes Da Boomer for a mighty 72" range.
- Technically this works on the Gunwagon's melee weapons, too, but that's meaningless, since the rules for weapon type melee don't pay any attention to the weapon's range.
- Most useful for the Killkannon as it's the option with the lowest (24") range. It goes without saying to use the Gunwagon's Periscope.
- Krush 'Em (1CP): A Blitz Brigade Bonebreaka rolls 3d6 for its Bonebreaka Ram ability and chooses the highest result, which means this Strat can only be used if the Bonebreaka charged.
- You could use the Tactical Reroll instead of this (so this alone isn't reason enough to upgrade the detachment), but it also means you could save that to re-roll something better, like a Power Klaw punch. Or a second Bonebreaka Ram.
- Hold On, Boyz! (2CP): Use it before you move a Blitz Brigade Battlewagon. Pick a friendly <Clan> infantry (doesn't make the usual Flash Gitz exception apparently) wholly within 3" of the Battlewagon. Remove that infantry unit from the field, move the Battlewagon, then set up that infantry unit within 3" of the Battlewagon and more than 3" away from enemy models. The unit that hitched a ride doesn't count as having been embarked (so it also wouldn't count as having disembarked either), cannot move that phase, cannot charge, and counts as having moved (but not advanced).
- A callback to the old rules where you could fit in as many Orks in a transport as it could physically hold, it does away with the transport capacity reduction a Battlewagon suffers when it takes a Killkannon. It also means a clean Battlewagon can move 60 Orkz (20 inside, a Mobbed Up 40-Ork unit holding on) on a single go! However, as Mob Up happens at the end of the movement phase, this is limited to turn 2 at the earliest.
- The lack of charging is kind of sad, but combine it with Da Jump and you can have 2 30-boy units in the enemy deployment zone turn 1.
Warlord Trait - Back-seat Driver: If the Blitz Brigade Warlord is embarked inside a Blitz Brigade transport, that transport gains +1" Movement speed, as well as the 'Ere We Go ability, which no Battlewagon type has.
- Combine it with the Evil Sunz' Redder Armour to get a Battlewagon that moves 15", advances ~4.5", and then charges (near a Deffkilla Wartrike) the equivalent of (3d6 keep the two highest)+1" while doing 1d3 mortal wounds on a 2+ plus another 1d3 mortal wounds on a 4+, while carrying 60 Orks. That's a 33" threat range, aka a TURN ONE CHARGE, 9" deep inside the enemy's deployment zone.
- 'Ere we go for Battlewagon is a big deal. Sadly, only one of your vehicles will get it, and it will have an enormous target painted on it instantly.
- Remember you can embark on a transport as long as you finish your move within 3" of it. If taking multiple Battlewagons, deploy your driver boss within running/embarking distance of all of them and watch your opponent sweat not knowing which wagon you plan to drive down their throat next turn.
Shiny Gubbin - Da Blitz Shouta: At the start of the Shooting Phase, if the Blitz brigade bearer is inside a blitz brigade battlewagon, pick an enemy that is visible to it. Until the end of phase re-roll 1s to hit for all attacks made by friendly Blitz Brigade units within 6" of that Battlewagon that target the enemy you picked.
- Naaah thanks. A 6" aura of Bad Moons kultur that only affects battlewagons, especially Gunwagons, and that only works when your warlord is unable to contribute to combat. Hard pass. Plus, if you have multiple warbosses who are embarked on the same transport, doesn't hit the other warbosses.
- There's two ways to approach using this gubbin: barely at all or fully committed. Either you take a bunch of loaded up Gunwagons w/Killkannons an' all da ova flash to create a pseudo-tank formation, or you blow your remaining points on a throw-away warboss to take the relic if you're already running a battle-taxi heavy list with sum extra gunz. The relic on its own isn't good enough, so you either go all in and structure your entire list around it, or you take it as an afterthought.
Dread Waagh![edit | edit source]
Big Meks, Gorkanauts, Morkanauts, Deff Dreads, & Killa Kans gain the Dread Waagh! keyword, for your inner Mekboy to unleash a whole army of truly ded 'ard Orks. Especially Gork(and possibly Mork)anauts, as this detachment's buffs are ranged for the most part; Goffs looking for melee buffs aren't going to find them here, but other clans, and especially Deathskulls, can make good use of the buffs.
- Worth taking if you're taking 3 of Gorky/Morkanauts, or a single SAG with the Shiny Gubbin, nearly useless on anything else.
- Kustom Ammo (2CP): Pick a Dread Waagh! unit in the Shooting Phase. It can shoot twice with all of it's ranged weapons in that phase.
- Like a Bad Moons "Showin' Off" that works on a Morkanaut's Kustom Mega-Zappa/Gorkanaut's Deffstorm Mega-Shoota, so they can behave like the small Stompas they are, works for a Mek with Souped-Up Shokka as well if rolls are decent.. though Deff Dreads've neither the BS nor the numbers to make much out of this Strat.
- A Deathskulls Big Mek with the Souped up Shokka can fire 2d6 shots, re-rolling 1s to hit, wound, and damage at AP-5, and then do it again with this Stratagem; you can also use a CP-reroll to bump the shots or S up. This will blow away Land Raiders by looking at them, and if lucky (cos Deathskull...) you can wreck an Imperial Knight. Also, as a Deathskull, if you're within 18"... you can snipe a character with enough ordnance to slag a titan.
- For an anti-infantry Mek, give a Bad Moons boss on a Warbike a Kombi-Skorcha with the Blunderbuss for 3D6 Heavy Flamer shots, or 2 Kombi-Flamers for 4D6 autohits.
- The recent FAQs now allow this to be used on Killa Kans to spurt out a decent amount of firepower from a 6 Kan unit. Still probably best used on a Naught.
- Mek Connections (1CP): Used at the end of the Movement Phase on a Dread Waagh! unit next to a Mek Workshop. If it gets a "Kustom Job", the "Somethin' Extra Special" ability triggers on a 4+ instead of a 6+.
- Very on the nose shilling by GW, yet of little value to both Deff Dreads or Killa Kans, which'll be too far away for it to matter, and lack the dakka to make it count. Morkanauts are worthy, and yet you're still paying 1CP for a 50% chance of nothing.
- And don't forget your expensive war machine will spend turn doing nothing waiting for the upgrade... Skip it.
Warlord Trait - Dread Mek: Can only be taken on a model with the Big Mekaniak ability. Whenever this ability's used on a Dread Waagh! model, it regains +1 Wound.
- Synergizes with the Deathskulls Da Fixer Upperz Shiny Gubbin, which together guarantee 4 Wound repairs. Da Fixer Upperz also confer the Big Mekaniak ability on their own, so you could give it to a Warboss and fluff him as a Mekboss. Not saying you should do it, only that you can.
- Weak in comparison to other, more viable stuff in the Codex. Skip it.
Shiny Gubbin - Da Souped-Up Shokka: A Shokk Attack Gun with 2D6 shots instead of just 1D6.
- A Deathskulls Big Mek with maximum dakka (Warbike's 2xDakkaguns + Mega-Blasta + Souped-Up Shokka) can use the 'Opportunist' WT to snipe SM Lieutenants and above. And he'll be extra difficult to fight against, because he'll be surrounded by big metal boyz he can repair.
- Unlike the stock SAG, this thing has a decent chance of actually working. That is actually how a SAG should look like, stock, but alas. Still very random, but finally worth its points. Unfortunately, that doesn't make it worth taking an entire detachment just for that, and paying CP. So if you took it for something else, take it, otherwise skip it. Alternatively, this's one of the best units Ork have to kill something scary like a Knight, unit of Dragoons or any big vehicle, and's almost considered a 'Must Take' in competitive Ork army lists.
- Make the Big Mek your warlord and give him the Big Killa Boss Warlord Trait, so he'll get +1 to wound against vehicles. Then if you roll S2 he's still wounding your opponent's centerpiece model on a 5+, and with a 1 CP re-roll has decent odds of getting a 2+ to wound against Knights. Give him a Grot Oiler to eat sniper shots, because he's going to attract a lot of them.
- Although, this gun alone can take out a tank or equivalent in one turn, so for the threat alone it's worth having - watch your opponent turn inside out trying to get out of your Mek's eyeline whilst still being able to hit the rest of your army.
Kult of Speed[edit | edit source]
Speed Freeks in the detachment (that is Deffkilla Wartrikes, Nobz on Warbikes, Warbikers but not the Index character bikers, Deffkoptas, and the 5 new Speed Freeks vehicles but not Wartrakks, Warbuggies, or Skorchas) all gain the Kult of speed keyword, so you can unleash the full Mad Max experience. While Evil Sunz are the first clan that comes to mind, in truth all clans can see the benefit of punching the enemy in the face as quickly as possible.
- Not really worth it considering how squishy all units that can take it are. Nobz on Warbikes are proverbial glass hammers and regular Warbikes are not able to be much more than distractions or objective grabbers. That leaves you with new stuff and Deffkoptas to work with. If Index stuff would work here, some kind of Warbike deathstar combo could be considered, as it is a nice way to give speed boost to your already externally fast units so they can get and be massacred that much faster. Could be used for some shenanigans with new Warbuggies probably.
- Judging by personal playtesting, this detachement is only really useful for one thing: the Deffkilla Wartrike. The Shiny Gubbin's a great durability buff, the Warlord Trait (while mostly useless) allows you to use Warbikes as a meatshield that never runs away, and both of the Stratagems are designed either to get you into close combat or tie up enemy units, which (unsurprisingly) is the whole shtick behind the Deffkilla Wartrike. TLDR; if you're bringing the Wartrike, take it. Otherwise, pass.
- Turbo-Boostas (2CP): Use this Stratagem at the start of your Movement Phase. Pick a KULT OF SPEED unit from your army. If that unit advances this phase, double that unit's Move characteristic instead of rolling a die.
- 28" move Bikers, 32" move for Evil Sunz. Since the most distance you can get on a Deffkilla Wartrike's 6" Speedwaaagh aura is 14"+6"+6" = 26" (28" for Evil Sunz), that means your Warbikers get to begin the charge INSIDE the enemy's deployment zone, all but guaranteeing a Turn One Charge.
- A Warboss on Warbike with the 'Follow Me, Ladz!' WT can push his aura 14"+3.5"+9" = 26.5" (28.5" for Evil Sunz) from your own deployment zone, if you don't feel like giving GW your money for a Wartrike when you have a perfectly good Biker Boss.
- Charge Through 'Em! (2CP): Use this Stratagem before a KULT OF SPEED unit from your army makes a consolidation move. That unit Consolidates 2d6" instead of 3".
- So not only are you reaching the enemy, but tying up the rest of his army as well. That's 5CP gone in the first turn, and yet it can also take away the enemy's Shooting Phase with it.
- Just make sure that whatever you consolidate into can't fight in melee. Also, useless against Smurfs, T'au, and Aeldari - all the other stuff that can retreat and still shoot.
Warlord Trait - Quick, Ladz!: Friendly kult of speed units within 12" of the Warlord gain morale immunity (UGH) on the condition they Advanced in the same turn. Could be of some use when your Warbikers leave your footslogging Boyz squads well behind.
Shiny Gubbin - Skargrim's Snazztrike: Nooo, Skargrim's dead! Deffkilla Wartrike exclusive, it gets +1T and a 5++, so it effectively replaces the "'Ard as Nails" WT. Or you can combine it and then you have a Toughness 8 Wartrike. "Fuck your Warboss on Warbike" -- GW.
Stompa Mob[edit | edit source]
Can only be used in a super heavy detachment, so it's not possible in a 2000pts game unless you are playing Forge World stuff such as the Kill Tank and Gargantuan Squiggoth. Otherwise, the only super heavy you can field is a Stompa, and 3 of those is way more than 2000 pts.
- It is a nice little thing, but does not make Stompas viable. They're still overcosted by 300-400 points.
- Only the Stompa actually gets the Stompa Mob keyword, making this completely useless to our other, more cost-effective superheavies. Thanks, GW.
- However, any one model in the detachment, with no other restrictions, becomes a Character who can only receive the Warlord Traits and Shiny Gubbin from this detachment. This means you can legally make any other superheavy the character - it won't be allowed to receive the Warlord Traits or Shiny Gubbin since it won't have Stompa Mob, but it will be a legal target for your Weirdboy to give +2S and +2A to.
- Stomp, Stomp, Stomp! (1 CP): At the start of the fight phase, pick a Stompa in melee range of an enemy unit and roll 1d6 for each model within 3" of the Stompa. It causes a Mortal Wound for each 6 rolled.
- Waste of perfectly good CP.
- Stompa-Porta (4 CP): Deep strike one of your Stompas, with all the usual limitations. Use your imagination, we shouldn't need to tell you how to use this.
- Yeah, nice. Its main use is protecting a Stompa if you do not get first turn, and skipping footslogging it to it's intended target. Its price cost is prohibitive, though, and the Stompa is so overcosted, it's not enough to compensate.
Warlord Traits
- Gork's One: +1 to hit and wound rolls in the fight phase.
- So 2+ hitting and 2+ wounding on virtually anything, even with multiattacks. Decent.
- Combine this Warlord Trait with a Weirdboy using Fists of Gork on the Stompa... You now have 8 Attacks at Strength 12 on your top profile with +1 To Hit and To Wound. Maximum stompage!
- Remember, you're either hitting at Strength x 2 (Gork-damned Strength 24!) or you're 'just' hitting at S: User but get to triple your attacks. 24 S10 Attacks definitely ain't bad. If you really wanna double down on the Choppy Stompa of Doom, upgrade your Weirdboy to a Warphead (or have him bring a friend), use Warpath on the Stompa to gain 9 Attacks (27 when Slashing) and run a Deffkilla Wartrike along with it so it can potentially move 18" in a single turn. Use the Ramming Speed strat to get a 3D6" charge and deal some Mortal Wounds. Whatever you charged is most likely dead now. Stomp.
- Mork's One: +1 to wound rolls in the shooting phase.
- Actually +1 to hit on BS 5+, with its array of weapons, could be a way for it to kind of approach being viable for a change... but NOOO, let's give it +1 to wound rolls that are already decent on its main guns.
- This actually really helps all your small arms. Your Big Shootas will force more saves on Marines while your Gatler will delete portions of infantry units each time it fires. Oh and it can actually wound other T8 units on 4s now, if you run out of footsloggers to shoot!
Shiny Gubbin - Tezdrek's Stompa Power Field: A shiny 5++ Invulnerable Save for your Stompa, just what it needs to stay in the fight.
- Okay, 5++ that will work in melee, as well as shooting, is nice indeed; it basically means the Stompa is more like W53 instead 40 in practice. However, it's still not enough to compensate for the terrible overcosting of stompas.
Secondaries[edit | edit source]
9th edition makes orks to be brutal, but kunnin'. We need to choose and plan the secondaries right. And it is not easy, because a lot of them simply do not fit the ork army playstyle of any kind. <tabs> <tab name="Battlefield Supremacy"> One of these definitely works with your list.
- Engage on All Fronts: 2 VP if you have 3 units wholly within 3 quadrants of the board, 3 if it is all four and none of those units are within 6" of the center. Works good with buggy list and kommandos. The fact is, that Engage is counted on the end of your turn, so enemy can't stop you and it's ok to be in the midfield. Linebreaker makes you keep 2 units alive in enemy deploy. But gives you more VP.
- Linebreaker: 3 VP at the end of your turn if you have two non-AIRCRAFT in your opponents deployment zone. Now you can take this either two ways: place as many units as you can back there and completely outnumber him, or take two or three extremely tough things like g/morkanauts and have them wreak havoc from the backline.
- With Blood Axe shenaningans this is walk in the park.
- Domination: 3VP at the end of your turn if you control more than half (usually 4) of the objective markers. Perfect for when you are taking swarms. See the Milk Da Skullz! the tactic by yours truly (Just L) at the bottom.
- Green Tide: Similar to Engage On All Fronts, but requires a unit with 11 or more models to score, and only needs 2 of the table quarters to net 3 VP, and gets you 5 for all four. Not bad for footsloggers, but a more trukk or buggy-heavy list will probably prefer the former.
- Since GW is pushing hard for MSU units making maxed squads of infantry all but obsolete it will not see much play.
- Now, rules as written, you divide the board into four equal quarters when you select this one. Nothing saying you can't divide it up into four equal columns, perpendicular to your deployment zone, instead of four squares... and hypothetically, it'd be reeeeeeal kunnin' to have a big blob of whatever gitz you want running up the board while still remaining in each of those objective columns.
</tab> <tab name="No Mercy, No Respite">
- Thin their Ranks : You gain 1 VP for every ten destroyed models. Does not give you enough VP even against other orks. Only remotely worth if playing into Necrons with buckets of Warriors.
- Grind Them Down: You gain 3 VP if you kill more units than the enemy. Could work. If not you are losing either way.
- While We Stand, We Fight : This got changed to where it is now your top three most expensive units. Very useful when you have those 10 flash gitz in a battlewagon or you deepstrike a gorkanaut and don't bring it in until turn 3... If you play buggies, opponent need to kill all 3 of the buggies from the original unit. This could work...
- Stomp'em Good: Gain 3 VP for destroying more units in melee than your opponent did each round, plus 1 VP if it's at least 2 units and double your opponent's total. Destroyed grots don't count.
- Okish for melee heavy goff armies.
</tab> <tab name="Purge the Enemy">
- Titan Hunter: 10, 12, and 15 points if you kill 1, 2, and 3 TITANIC units, respectively. If there is even 1 titanic thing, take it.
- Bring it Down : 1 point for every vehicle you kill with <10 wounds, 2 if it has 10-19 wounds, and 3 if it has 20+ wounds. It's pretty sucky now after FAQ 1/21, except pretty rare lists like Guard with 10 Leman Russes or something like that. Definitely not autotake anymore. On the other hand, this change boost our buggy lists and smashagun spam lists pretty well.
- Cut off the Head: Slay the Warlord. It has a different name, but you get a certain amount of points for killing the warlord, with the max you can get being 13. The VPs go down the longer it takes to kill them. If you play with 4 planes, or the enemy warlord is a Tank Commander and you have tons of long-range anti-tank, try it. Otherwise, skip.
- Assassinate: For each dead character, get 3 VPs. Only take this if you can't take anything else since your opponent usually won't have 5 characters, or if they do, they will be as tough as a grot's rear end.
- Da Biggest and Da Best: Get VP for letting your Warlord go ham on the enemy. Each task he completes in a turn is worth 3 VP, but you can only score a max of 5 VP per turn from this objective. That's Ork math for you. His to-do list includes killing a MONSTER or VEHICLE in melee, killing a CHARACTER in melee, and destroying 5 or more models.
</tab> <tab name="Shadow Operations">
- Raise the Banners High: At the end of the movement phase, perform an action with INFANTRY at an objective marker that doesn't have any bad guys within range of it. You get 1 VP for every banner raised at the beginning of the Command Phase, and 1 for every banner raised at the end of the game. If the bad guys take control of the objective, it's bye-bye banner. Do you have enough lads to secure all your fancy flags?
- Investigate Sites : Sitting in the center of the battlefield with no enemies around for a couple of turns? Srsly? Skip
- Teleportation Homer : 4 VPs for pass the action with your INFANTRY in the enemy's deployment zone until the end of your next command phase. Sounds nice, but you need to do it 3 times at least to have enough VP. Really hard to do. Skip.
- Get Da Good Bitz: Up to three objective markers that aren't in deployment zones get a "Good Bitz" token, and da Boys can take an action to loot it for 3 VP. Only Orkz <CORE> units can pull this one off, which doesn't mean much with how much of your boyz have it.
- It is highly dependent on the misssion as it is definately not worth it if there are 1 or 2 objectives in the middle ground.
</tab> <tab name="Warpcraft"> (Note: Our psychic stuff kind of sucks, even though we are the best psykers around. You are going to want to skip all of these, but you should look at them anyway.)
- Abhor the Witch: 2 points for killing a non-character PSYKER, 3 for killing a character PSYKER. Can't take it if you have a psyker. After 1/21 FAQ and CA2021 not so great even against GKnights and Thousand Sons.
- Mental Interrogation: Psykers fight 18” warp charge 4 and you have to pass it 4 times in 5 turns. Again the same story - how to do it with one Weirdboy? Skip.
- Psychic Ritual: Choose a Weirdboy and complete this ritual 3 times within 6” of the center of the battlefield. Could work but it's hard to justify wasting one HQ Weirdboy's casting for 3 turns... Even worse if you grab a Kill-Rig, as now you're wasting artillery.
- Pierce the Veil : To get 15 VPs you need to get a psyker within 6” of the enemy edge and 6” away from any enemy unit. No idea how to do it with a single weirdboy. Skip.
</tab> </tabs>
Wargear[edit | edit source]
Ork equipment is crude but it gets the job done.
Infantry Weapons[edit | edit source]
All the various guns and blades that your green hordes carry into battle. <tabs> <tab name="Choppy"> These are all the melee weapons for our INFANTRY models. This is NOT the Index Choppy Weapons List, which includes only the Big Choppa and the Power Klaw.
- Attack Squig: The standard Warboss' best friend. S4 AP-1 D1, can make 2 extra attacks with this "weapon".
- Beast Snagga Klaw: The Beastboss' answer to the Power Klaw. It's effectively the same (S+4 on S6 still equals S10, but not as hobbled by any debuffs) but only deals D2. Again, quite a dangerous tool to have, and the weapon of choice for most enemies.
- Beastchoppa: The HQ version of the choppa, AP-2 D2 and still providing a bonus attack. It's slightly weaker than the big choppa, but at least your beastboss isn't paying for it.
- Big Choppa: A significantly superior Power Maul, with S+2 AP-1 D2 for only 5 points. It is quite a nice upgrade to S7 for Nobz and to S8 for Warbosses (S9 with Might is Right), especially as it does not confer the -1 to hit of the conventional Power Klaw. AP-1 is quite decent for maiming things that are not TEQ or vehicles, too.
- Choppa: The Orky CCW, Classic Free AttackTM and all. Better than ever in 9th edition with -1 AP like dem spehss mahreenz, except they need a motor-powered chainsaw and you just need a heavy blade and a lot of muscle! Your bread and butter, and what makes both Stormboyz and Boyz so good. Also has a lot of variety visually, as throughout the official Ork model range we have Swords, Serrated Swords, Side-Handle Swords, Hook Swords, Battleaxes, Serrated Axes, Chainaxes, Warhammers, Chainswords, actual chains, tyre irons, Spanners, and Wrenches which all share the same Choppa statblock, despite being vastly different weapons, similar to how Power Swords, Power Mauls, and Power Axes were all lumped under Power Weapon in previous Editions. This means that as long as you have the bitz, you can arm your mob in a way that best fits the theme of your army; Deathskulls could have Imperial Chainswords, etc.
- Most of your Nobz can now ditch their Slugga to go full on melee with an extra Choppa along side your main weapon!
- Grabba Stikk: Only for Runtherd. A Choppa that gives +1S.
- Grot-Prod: Only for Runtherd. A Big Choppa with only D1.
- Icon of da Revolushun (Legends): Da Red Gobbo's banner. SUser AP-1 D1, a To-Wound roll of 6+ throws an additional Mortal Wound at the target, better AP than Makari's Stabba but with less Mortal Wounds.
- Killsaw: Trades out the flat 2 damage of the Klaw for 1d3 damage and AP-4. If you can somehow take two, they give you an extra attack. Now available in pairs to a most Nobz. Bring a hurricane of BZZZZZZZZZZ to your enemy!
- Power Klaw: Still our Swiss Army Knife after all these years. Will rip and tear gits of all sizes, doing the exact same as before at 3 less than in 8th. The con this edition is that a PK reduces the user's To Hit roll by -1.
- Notably in 9th a warboss gives all CORE and CHARACTERS +1 to hit in melee, including himself, nullifying the hit penalty and letting him still swing it with 2+ WS.
- Power Snappa: The beast snagga's alternative to the Klaw. It doesn't boost the user's strength as much (S+2 to Sx2), but it won't suffer the penalty to hit. Combined with the Beast Snagga's improved strength and you're pretty much getting an equivalent experience to the klaw.
- Power Stabba The very Orky and very awesome version of a power weapon, available to almost every Nob, including Stormboyz and Boyz Boss Nobs. A simple weapon with Strength User and AP -2. Conversion opportunities galore. Seriously, use the ripped off arm of a Space Marine that's still holding his power weapon! The original bit is in the Nob kit if you want to use it, it's one of the Cybork bitz, namely the harpoon arm. Not worth it anymore, because for the same price and 1 less AP, you can get +2 strength and an additional damage. Stick with the big choppa if you can't afford double killsaw.
- Rokker Choppa: A Rokker Shoota can be used in melee as a Choppa with S+1.
- Tankhammer: Tankbustas' weapon. You only get one attack with this weapon, if you hit you cause d3 mortal wounds, but the bearer is slain.
- 'Uge Choppa: The Mega-Armour Boss' new weapon, touting a monstrous S+3 AP-3 D2. Hooo boy, you're pretty much grabbing this because you want to splatter something massive, as the Big Choppa is a much more viable option in most cases. Would be a terrifying mulcher if bumped to D3, though it is still good - and it damn better better be as the megaboss has nothing else to use.
- 'Urty Syringe: For Painboys and Grotsnik himself. An extra attack that wounds non-Vehicle or Titanic models on a 4+, AP0 D1.
- Waaagh! Banner: A Big Choppa with no AP.
- Weirdboy Staff: A Big Choppa with Dd3 instead of flat 2 (making it worse against anything with 2 wounds, and equal against anything else).
</tab> <tab name="Shooty"> These are all the range weapons for our INFANTRY models. This is NOT the Index Shooty Weapons List, which includes only the Shoota, Kustom Shoota, Kombi-Skorcha and Kombi-Rokkit and neither the Codex Shooty Weapons List which includes the same except for the Shoota.
- Big Shoota: Range 36" Dakka 5/3 S5 AP0 D1.
- Burna: The orky flamer. Range 12" Assault d6 S4 AP0 D1. The melee capacity has been relegated to a stratagem, but it's finally a full flame-thrower now!
- Da Eyez of Mork: The Wurrboy's sole armament. Range 12" Assault 2 AP-3 D2. Not a bad implement for nailing a single goon, and as a Beast Snagga he has something to reliably nail monsters.
- Dakkagun: This one is actually not for our Infantry models, but Bikes are not vehicles either, so here they are. Basically a Big Shoota with Range 18", all Warbikes come with two of these.
- Deffgun: Lootas' weapon. Range 48" Dakka 3/2 S7 AP-1 D2. Basically an Imperial autocannon, but better.
- Grot Blasta: Gretchins's pistol. Range 12" Pistol 1 S3 AP0 D1.
- Kombi-Rokkit: A Kombi-Weapon made from a Shoota and a Rokkit Launcha. The new rules for Kombi-weapons allow these weapons to see a lot more use, as anyone who takes these doesn't have to be so tight-arsed about firing their anti-tank weaponry anymore. Unfortunate with Orky BS it is hard to justify the expense.
- Deathskulls meganobs and warbosses might benefit from one, since they get the one reroll in shooting. Ignore the shoota part and you've got a 56% chance of hitting something with a rokkit.
- Kombi-Skorcha: New Kombi-Weapons rules help here too, especially since the auto-hitting Skorcha isn't affected by the -1 To Hit for firing both weapon profiles. Notably, the shoota is a Dakka weapon so you can't fire with it when advancing. The skorcha's profile: Range 12" Assault d6 S5 AP-1 D1.
- Kustom Grot Blasta (Legends): Da Red Gobbo's pistol. Range 12" Pistol d3 S5 AP-1 D2.
- Kustom Mega-Blasta: The Orky equivalent of Plasma Guns. Orks of course only fire on the maximum charge (sayf-dee, wotz dat?), so you'll always be taking Mortal Wounds on 1's to hit. S8 AP-3 Dd6 means this packs a fierce punch.
- Kustom Mega-Slugga (Legends): A Plasma Pistol by any other name. As above, but Pistol-class (Range 12" and you can shoot it in melee). Spannas (Index only), Big Meks (Legends) and Meks only.
- Kustom Shoota: Essentially an Ork Storm Bolter. It is very cheap at 2 points and with 6/4 strength 4 shots you will usually hit at least once with Ork BS. Warbosses, Big Meks and Meganobz can use this. You can also give one to a Kommado, if that's what floats your boat.
- Rokker Shoota: A sonic weapon that kills the enemy with Musik. Range 24" Assault 4 S4 AP-1.
- Rokkit Launcha: One of the best weapon options at S8 AP-2 D3. Short range (24") compared to almost all other missile/rocket weapons in the game. Can blast holes in almost anything, but generally it's a single shot at BS5+. Tankbustas special rule to re-roll against Vehicles can make this a devastating weapon.
- Deathskulls get one reroll per shooting phase, so tossing a single rokkit into any given squad isn't a bad option. It's a 56% chance to hit something with a reroll. If you happen to roll a 6 on the first try, your opponent may weep when you use the reroll to confirm the second hit!
- Mork's Roar: Updated Ghazzy's personal gun. It's a quad heavy bolster, or a quad Big Shoota with an AP of -1, or 6 Shootas with an extra strength and AP and 36" range.
- Pair of Rokkit Pistols: Only for Tankbustas. Basically 2 Rokkit Launchas with one less S and Range 12", but being Pistols you can shoot them in melee.
- Shokk Attack Gun: Still the same and still disappointing. Range 60" Heavy 1d6 S2d6 AP-5 D1d6 Blast. If the S roll is 11+ each hit causes d3 mortal wounds in addition to normal damage.
- Shoota: Basic Bolter-type gun. 18" Dakka 3/2 S4 AP0. Sadly, this means that you can no longer use this after advancing, but close-quarters turns into more of a wall of bullets since this has less restrictions than being Rapid-Fire. Generally Slugga+Choppa is the preferable load-out for Boyz, but it's not bad on Evil Sunz or Bad Moons.
- Slugga: It's a Bolt Pistol. Always remember to shoot in CC. Hitting on 5+ is not that great, but those few free wounds are always a good thing. Doubling down on the buckets of S4 dice the enemy has to make saves against is critical to Orky success. Dubiously useful on Overwatch.
- Snazzgun: Flash Gitz' shiny weapons. Range 24" Heavy 3 S6 AP-2 D2.
- Squig Bomb: Tankbustas' kamikaze Squigs. Range 18" Assault 1 S8 AP-2 D1d6. Can not target models with FLY, after firing it the bearer (the Squig) is slain.
- Stikkbomb: Common grenade for almost every unit. Range 8" Grenade 1d6 S3 AP0 D1 Blast.
- Tankbusta bomb: No longer an actual weapon, tankbusta bombs is now a keyword that allows certain units to cough out some mortal wounds as a stratagem. Don't forget you have it; it's great for shaving a few wounds off a hard target.
- Tellyport Blasta: For Big Meks with Mega Armour. Range 12" Assault d6 S8 AP-2 D3 Blast.
- Thump Gun: Range 18" Assault d3 S6 AP-1 Dd3 with Blast. This allows your Beast Snaggas to pop through mobs like Necrons and Fire Warriors with relative ease.
- Twin Big Shoota: Yes! You guessed it! a Big Shoota with double the shots and double the price.
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Vehicle Weapons[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Choppy"> These are all the melee weapons for our Vehicle models.
- Deffrolla: Battlewagons hit on 2+ in close combat with this? With AP-2 and D2? We can run over guys again! It might be decent idea to stick a Battlewagon into CC with something that is not dedicated vehicle killer after emptying its embarked infantry. It will be stuck, but it will be protected from shooting.
- Dread Klaw: Deff Dread's standard weapon. Sx2 AP-3 D3, gives you an extra attack using this profile. Very effective at krumpin' almost everything, and 9th allows you to take four of them again.
- Grabbin' Klaw: Hits only once, but at -3 AP and D3 damage.
- Kan Klaw: 9th Edition simplified Killa Kans back to having only one weapon, so now all the drills and buzz saws have the same profile. It increases your Killa Kanz Strength by 3 (to S8) instead of doubling it, but still hits at AP-3 and 3 damage.
- Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork): A huge Klaw for your Gorkanaut (or possibly Morkanaut). Comes with 2 attack profiles:
- Crush: Sx2 AP-4 D6 Dmg. Hits like a tonne of bricks.
- Smash: Doesn't boost the Naut's Strength, only has an AP of -2, but it does cause 2 guaranteed wounds per hit. Which is handy, since it lets you make 3 hit rolls for each base Attack, tripling your Attack output.
- Mega-Choppa: A Stompa's go-to carving weapon. Like the Klaw of Gork (or possibly Mork), it comes with 2 attack profiles:
- Smash: Sx2 AP-5 D9. This is for, obviously, smashing other huge, armoured foes such as Knights, Baneblades, or Gorka/Morkanauts wot dat triez to look more flash.
- Slash: S User AP-2 D2. Gives 3 attacks for each Attack roll (multiply Attack stat by 3 for each Slash). This is for krumpin' tiny gitz that try to climb up ya feetz.
- Nose Drill: For your new Scrapjet, S+2 AP-2 Dd3.
- Saw Blades: For some of the new Buggies, S+1 AP-1 D1.
- Snagga Klaw: for your Deffkilla Wartrike, S+2 AP-2 Dd3, you can re-roll to wound. A kind of Power Klaw with the downside that can not be swapped for the new "Da Killa Klaw"
- Spiked Ram: For some of the other Buggies that don't get Saw Blades, a Special Rule rather than a weapon, inflicts D3 Mortal Wounds on a 4+ against one enemy unit within 1" after it finishes a charge move.
- Spinnin' Blades: 3 hits for each attack with this weapon, at +1 Strength and AP -1. Deffkopta use only, good for mowing down GEQs.
- Wreckin' Ball: Gives S+1 and AP-1 for a whopping 3 points. Can only hit with this weapon a maximum of 3 times, which is the maximum amount of attacks a Trukk can make, the unit most likely to have one anyway. At 3 points a pop, throwing them onto any Trukks you're running is not a bad way to spend floating points. Can help you actually deal damage if you decide to slam a Trukk into an opponent's shooty vehicles. Puts a Trukk up to S7 (in the first combat profile), which wounds most Space Marine vehicles on a 4+ and reduces their armour save to a 4+. If you charge a Dreadnought, don't expect the Trukk to survive the Dread's turn to fight. Frankly since Trukks die so fast it is probably better to get that extra Grot.
</tab> <tab name="Shooty">
- Bigbomm (Legends): Droppables for Warkoptas, pick an enemy unit it flew over and roll 1d6 for each model in that unit up to five dice, and inflict a Mortal Wound for each 5+.
- Big Shoota: Range 36" Assault 3 S5 AP0 D1.
- Twin Big Shoota: Get 6 instead of 3 shots.
- Boom Bomb: Droppables for Blitza-Bommers, pick an enemy unit it flew over and roll 1d6 for each model in that unit up to twelve dice, counting each VEHICLE or MONSTER as three models, and inflict a Mortal Wound for each 4+.
- Bubblechukka: A game inside a game. Distilling the Orks' random-table FUN (individual definitions of FUN may vary) down to a single weapon. Roll 1D6 for the number of shots, Str, AP and damage respectivly. You re-roll the dice every time you fire it, and it has Blast. Still more useful than last Edition. Note that you have to pick the target you're shooting before you know the stats of the weapon, which makes this thing a risky affair. Its total lack of reliability is quite terrible (though very amusing).
- 9E has shifted around the way this gun's randomied by having three random profiles. The first profile is a Heavy 3d3 blast with S6 AP-2, more prone to crush guardsmen and inconvenience marines. The second profile is a Heavy d6 blast with S8 AP-3 D3, making it more in line to crush marines of any sort and potentially harm tanks. The third profile is a single S10 AP-4 D3+d3, meaning its favored prey is more a tank or monster.
- Burna Bomb: Droppables for Burna-Bommers, pick an enemy unit it flew over and roll 1d6 for each model in that unit up to ten dice, +1 to any rolls against INFANTRY, and inflict a Mortal Wound for each 5+.
- Burna Bottles: Boomdakka Snazzwagon's grenades. Range 6" Grenade 2d6 S4 AP0 D1 Blast, ignores cover.
- Burna Exhaust: Kustom Boosta-Blasta's burnas. Range 8" Assault d3 S4 AP0 D1, autohits.
- Deffkannon: Stompa's big gun. Range 72" Heavy 3d6 S10 AP-4 Dd6 Blast.
- Deffstorm Mega-Shoota: Gorkanaut's main gun. Range 36" Heavy 18 S6 AP-1 D1.
- Grot Blasta: GW decided that, for some strange reason, some VEHICLES needed a Range 12" Pistol 1 S3 AP0 D1 that hits on 4+.
- Grot-Guided Bomm (Forge World): Range 72" Heavy 2d6 S8 AP-3 D2, can target hidden units, and's fired at BS2+.
- Grotzooka: Only for Killa Kans. Range 18" Heavy 2d3 S6 AP0 D1 Blast.
- Kannon: Your day-to-day cheap-as-chips Kannon. Shells come in familiar Frag and Krak varieties, although the Frag equivalent is both Blast and S4 rather than 3.
- Killa Jet: It can be used either as a Skorcha (though it's called Burna) or as a Multi-Melta: range 8" Assault 2 S8 AP-4 Dd6, if the target is within 4" roll 2 dice for damage and keep the highest.
- Killkannon: Range 24" Heavy d6 S8 AP-2 D2 Blast.
- Kopta Rokkits: 2D3 Rokkits and Blast (basically a Rokkit Kannon but Heavy instead of Assault), meaning it's devastating against vehicles and heavy infantry alike. Only offset by that orky BS5+.
- Kustom Mega-Blasta: Standard Ork Plasma Rifle. Range 24" Assault 1 S8 AP-3 Dd6, bearer suffers a mortal wound on a roll of 1 to hit.
- Kustom Mega-Kannon: A giant D6-shot Dd6 overcharged Plasma Gun with Blast. Mortally wounds itself on hit rolls of 1, because Orks don't fire Plasma Guns on low power. Definitely the best choice for Mek Gunz, and taking advantage of Grots' BS4 a gun-line of these can threaten Terminators, Dreadnoughts, and other Heavy Infantry/Lighter Vehicles. Wimp out of late-game one-dozen-boyz VS 3-terminator brawls via disengaging, and have Mek Gunz loaded with these babies take care of the big, mean 2W 2+ Save kanned Humies.
- Kustom Mega-Zappa: Morkanaut's main gun. Range 36" Heavy 3d3 S8 AP-3 D6 Blast, on one or more rolls of 1 to hit the bearer suffers a mortal wound.
- Kustom Shokk Rifle: The Shokk Attack Gun's baby brother and the Shokkjump Dragsta's signature weapon. Assault 2, 24", S8 AP-3 D6 D, user takes a mortal wound on a hit roll of 1 but causes a mortal wound on wound rolls of 6+. Basically a stronger plasma gun, and the Dragsta's improved BS makes sure it can actually hit reliably.
- Lifta-Droppa (Forge World): The weaponised tractor beam returnth! Range 48" Heavy 1d6 Blast, auto-hits and inflicts a Mortal Wound for each shot if 2d6 equals or exceeds the target's Strength. Average roll of 7 means this can deal with most things.
- Stompa Lifta-Droppa (Forge World): Slightly different to the smaller Battlewagon-mounted version. Range 48" Heavy 4d3 AP-4 D1d3+3, roll 3d6 if you hit and successfully wound if the roll's higher than the target's Toughness. Average roll of 10 or 11's equal to or higher than anything in the game, even a Warlord Titan's only T9.
- Lobba: Similar to other races' Mortars: Heavy D6 Blast and indirect fire. The Lobba, however, has an above average Strength of 5 that should help offset your gunners' terrible BS (even if it's still AP0). Ignoring line of sight helps with positioning it tremendously.
- Mek Speshul: Boomdakka Snazzwagon's main gun, Range 24" Assault 9 S5 AP-2 D1.
- Rack of Rokkits (Legends): also known as Twin Rokkit Launcha, you get 2 shots instead of 1.
- Rattler Kannon (Forge World): Warkopta's signature gun, but also available for Meka-Dreads, Range 24" Heavy 2d6 S5 AP-2 Dd3.
- Rivet Kannon: Kustom Boosta-Blasta's main gun, Range 36" Assault 6 S7 AP-2 D2.
- Boombits (Forge World): Identical statwise to the Lobba in almost every way, except a shorter range of only 12", and auto-hit instead of ignore line of sight.
- Rokkit Kannon: Megatrakk Scrapjet's main gun, Range 24" Assault 2d3 S8 AP-2 D3 Blast.
- Rokkit Launcha: Range 24" Assault 1 S8 AP-2 D3.
- Shotgun: Range 12" Assault 2 S3 AP0 D1, +1 to hit if the target is within 6".
- Shunta (Forge World): Range 24" Heavy 1 S8 AP-2 D2, if a vehicle's wounded by this then it can't Advance during its next turn, would be good for keeping enemy armour out of range so they couldn't shoot back, but hampered by short range itself.
- Skorcha: Range 12" Assault d6 S5 AP-1 D1, autohits.
- Skorcha Missiles: Range 24" Assault d6 S5 AP-1 D1 Blast, ignores cover.
- Small Bomms (Forge World): Droppables for Fightas and Fighta-Bommers, pick an enemy unit it flew over and roll 1d6 for each model in that unit up to five dice, and inflict a Mortal Wound for each 6+.
- Smasha Gun: D3 shots that wound if you equal or beat their T on 2d6 instead of rolling normally, and now have Blast too. Obliterates T6 and below, becomes ineffective at about T9 and up (and obviously can't hurt anything with a T>12). Statistically, compared to a regular D6 roll, this works out at the same wound probability vs T10 as an S5 weapon (6+ on 1d6, 16.67%) - but conversely, against T4, you've got better odds of wounding than a 2+ on 1d6 (~91% compared to 83% - it's halfway to the 97% chance for 2+ with a reroll) and you're at better odds than a 3+ on 1d6 against T6. On top of this, it has the best non-random AP in the army alongside the Big Zzappa (-4),and has Damage d6.
- Snagga Klaw: Range 8" Assault 1 S4 AP0 D1, you can re-roll to wound.
- Squig Launcha/Heavy Squig Launcha: The signature weapon of the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy. Sadly the different Squigs are gone. The launcher now comes as an 18" Assaut D6 S5 AP-2 D2 weapon. The Heavy version doubles range and shots and gains +1 to hit thanks to the vehicle's Grot Gunner, while the regular Squig Launcha uses BS 5+.
- Stikkbomb Chukka: Range 12" Assault d6 S3 AP0 D1 Blast, can only be used if there is a unit embarked.
- Stikkbomb Flinga: Range 12" Assault 2d6 S3 AP0 D1 Blast.
- Stikksquig: Same as the Stikkbomb with a different name.
- Supa-Gatler: Stompa's gatling. Range 48" Assault 3d6 S7 AP-2 D1, see Psycho-Dakka-Blasta in the Stompa section.
- Supa-Rokkit: Stompa's missile. Range 100" Heavy d6 S8 AP-3 Dd6 Blast, one use only.
- Supa-Shoota: Our flyers' basic gun, Range 36" Assault 3 S6 AP-1 D1.
- Tellyport Mega-Blasta: Range 24" Assault 3 S8 AP-2 Dd3, if the target suffers an unsaved wound and survives roll a d6, if it's greater than the target's Wound Characteristic it is slain.
- Traktor Kannon: No longer specifically targeted at flyers. Now this weapon is a strength 8 -2 D6 damage beast that hits automatically. If targeting a VEHICLE with FLY you may roll 2d6 and pick the highest when rolling for damage, the flyer will also explode without needing to roll.
- Can wreck havoc against T'au gunline making their vehicles (all of which have FLY) damage their not-at-all-gundam suits as well as their surrounding infantry screens.
- Twin Boomstick: Range 12" Assault 2 S5 AP0 D1, if the target is within 6" you get +1 to hit.
- Wazbom Mega-Kannon: Range 36" Heavy d3 S8 AP-3 Dd6 Blast, bearer suffers one mortal wound on one or more hit rolls of 1.
- Wing Missiles: Megatrakk Scrapjet's secondary gun, Range 24" Assault 1 S8 AP-2 D3, +1 to hit vehicles and -1 to hit anything else.
- Wing Rokkits (Legends): Fighta's and Fighta-Bommer's secondary weapons if they don't go for Small Bomms. Identical statwise to the Rokkit Launcha in literally every way. Don't know why they didn't just give the aircraft a Rokkit Launcha?
- Zzap Gun: Range 36" 2d6 Strength, rolled on every shot. Normally does 3 Damage with AP-3, but if you get an 11+ on the Strength roll, it inflicts four Mortal Wounds instead - three to the target and one to itself. If you're feeling lucky, consider keeping a Mek with a heavy weapon nearby to fix the damage (buy him a snazzy Shoota so he can join in the long-range blasting).
- Big Zzappa (Forge World): Range 36" 2d6 Strength like its mini-me above, but with AP-4 and D4, the best non-random Damage in the army.
</tab> </tabs>
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
In general, Orks've a pretty good selection of units to choose from in every FOC slot. Except Fortifications, we don't talk about that...
HQ[edit | edit source]
You get Big Meks, Warbosses, and Weirdboyz to lead your Waaagh!
<tabs> <tab name="Warboss"> This Orky beat-stick automatically comes with a Kombi-Rokkit, PK, and two Sluggas (double shots while in melee lol), probably you want to change the Kombi-Rokkit for a Kombi-Skorcha if you have the points or for the very cheap Kustom Shoota (free). He has a high Strength value and the option to replace his Power Klaw with a Big Choppa. He also has access to an Attack Squig (Only costs 5 points). He also gets 5++ now.
- He has a 6" aura of +1 to hit for characters and core. Pretty good, but if you want the buff for everyone, then take the WAAAGH! Banner Nob.
</tab> <tab name="Mega-Armour"> Back with a brand-new model. Like the big man above, only with a slightly reduced movement speed, an additional Wound, and a sweet 2+ save. Sadly, his loadout is static, toting only a 'Uge Choppa and his grot-mounted Big Shoota (which actually hits on a 4+). This pretty much forces him into being thrown at the biggest things that the choppa would need to be used on - and why would anyone want any different? 5++ is present as well.
- Want to have a save of 0+? All you have to do is take this dude, give him the Bad Moons WL trait (4++, +1 save) and Da Krushin Armour (same as Bad Moons WL trait, plus damage when you charge), and voila! A save of 0+. Can also be done with the MA Mek.
</tab> <tab name="Warbike (FW)"> With the new FW update, this is a pretty cool dude. Gets the base stuff of your stock Warboss (4+/5++, S6, A5), and it comes with a few upgrades as well. It can take a killsaw (still go with PK for da killa klaw), toughness and wounds of 7, and the ability to auto advance 6". This is one of the guys that are great to go around and smack everyone they want, but still take a bike squad to protect it while getting to combat.
</tab> </tabs>
- Big Mek:
<tabs> <tab name="Big Mek (Legends)"> The deprecated Nob mechanic. Can replace its Slugga with anything from the Souped-Up or Choppy Weapons lists, or a Kustom Force Field. Additionally, he has access to the Killsaw. Note that he can replace both the slugga and the Choppa with a souped-up or Choppy weapon. Not point-efficient, but FUN nonetheless. Comes with the Big Mekaniak rule, allowing a friendly Non-FLYING VEHICLE (there is nothing that states you cannot repair units with fly) within 3" of the Big Mek to regain D3 Wounds at the end of the movement phase (Better than Mek's 1 Wound repair). Taking a Grot Oiler automatically increases this roll by 1 once per battle. A vehicle may only be repaired once per turn. The rules require the Big Mek model to be "on the tabletop" to elect a vehicle within 3" to be repaired, so he can't use it inside transports.
</tab> <tab name="Kustom Force Field"> Like the classic Big Mek, but comes with an obligatory Kustom Force Field at the same points as a Choppa Slugga Mek. Units within 6" of the mek gain a 6++ invuln. Note this says units within, not wholly within, so you need only one model to touch the field. This makes it useless for Beast Snaggas and slightly useful for anyone else as it now works in melee as well as at range.
- This upgrade benefits smaller units more often than larger ones. It's a 6" bubble measured from the 1.5" base of a Big Mek means you have an effective diameter of approximately 22" - almost 2 feet of board space. Move your Big Mek before moving other units, to keep models inside the bubble. If Big Mek is embarked in a transport only the transport gets the benefit.
- 6++ is not amazing in comparison to old 5++ but it is something.
- Note the stratagem to buff it to 9" and 5++ for one turn. It would be good stuff for 2CP if it did not destroy KFF afterwards. I am not entirely sure if the KFF stops functioning altogether or if the strat just cannot be used again, but in the case of the former, paying 2CP for that is not worth it outside of very specific circumstances.
</tab> <tab name="Mega-Armour"> A heavier, more armoured version of the Big Mek. Comes with an extra Wound, a Kustom Mega-Blasta and the option to take either the Tellyport Blasta or a KFF. Probably the best version of Mek thanks to the good armour save (albeit without invulnerable saves). He can provide some utility thanks to the KFF, though its mostly useful for a single round. With the proper relic it can transform him in a dangerously shooty boss thanks to his improved BS of 4+. He's vulnerable in close combat though not a completely useless chump thanks to the high strength of the Power Klaw.
- The Tellyport Blasta got a serious reworking, making it unable to kill things as easily. Now it's a classic Assault d6 S8 AP-2 D3 Blast weapon, shifting the focus slightly from monsters more to mobs of Necrons or Space Marines, where that high strength would do more than just gib whatever it hits. Not that the gibbing hurts or anything, but you have better weapons to use for that.
- With Da Ded Shiny Shoota and a Tellyport Blasta and his improved BS of 4+, he can deal serious damage and make for an excellent secondary HQ.
- With proper warlord trait this guy can be made into interesting assassin unit, as he can drop in from a tellyporta inside 12" of characters and murdering them despite Look Out, Sir. This will of course only work against relatively squishy characters without significant invulns.
</tab> <tab name="Warbike (Legends)"> Same as a normal Big Mek, except with the movement and guns of a Warbike. Comes with 1 additional toughness and wound. This Big Mek comes with the Big Biker Mekaniak rule, which means that he can only repair friendly Ork Non-FLYING VEHICLES (there is nothing that states you cannot heal repair units with fly) within 1", and only if he didn't move more than 5" that turn. Also doesn't have the ability to take a Grot Oiler. Mostly useful for precise positioning of KFF and slightly longer base. Movement limit on fixing vehicles makes the normal Big Mek waaaay superior in that duty (and he can actually ride in those vehicles).
- ...But now that you can't use a Big Mek to repair a vehicle when embarked, you need to keep it outside to be effective. This makes the BMonW much more useful as it can actually keep up with your vehicles, although you can still only repair if you moved 5".
- One tactic to make the Deffskulls warlord trait viable is to give this guy two Kustom Mega Blastas, and watch as he melts enemy characters dumb enough to get close to him. With re-rolling one hit, wound, and damage roll, you can really put the hurt on some characters.
</tab> <tab name="Shokk Attack Gun"> Proof that GW still doesn't understand statistics, or that none of the rules creators actually play Orks. No longer has the random table to roll on and instead fires D6 shots at a Strength of 2d6 and AP-5. Any Strength roll of 11 or higher makes each shot cause D3 Mortal Wounds. No longer has a chance of accidentally vaporising your Big Mek. On paper these changes seem nice; unfortunately this weapon is a serious victim of template removal. Though Blast makes it less likely to whiff and vaporise only one sad Cadian, BS4+ isn't exactly the most desirable for firing such a massive heap of random. Fun trivia: it does sport one of the longest ranges (60") in the entire codex.
- This guy will cause 1 hit with d6 wounds and AP-5 on average, for 110 points. Skip him.
- The Souped Up Shokka is a kustom job that for 15 points changes d6 into 2d3... to say it is underwhelming it is understatement. Why would you pay 15 points for one more shot on average?
- A big downside is that you have to select a target first, so you cannot choose your target based on the strength rolled.
</tab> </tabs>
- Deffkilla Wartrike: The shiny cousin to the Warboss on Warbike, which allows use of SPEEDWAAAGH!!! Currently it is the only non FW model to do that.
- His melee damage is lower than a PK; he only gets +2 Strength but does have rerolls to wound, so basically a not as good PK. He does throw down six S5 boom stick shots as an insurance policy, plus his exaust burna doubles as a flamethrower or meltagun equivalent, which he can shoot into melee bechause he's a vehicle. His melee damage potential is nothing to write home about and definitely worse than Warboss on Warbike. However, its role is now different; he is now more the support character because:
- Pop-up Cloud of Smoke stratagem from its large base to get -1 to hit to your buggies.
- Give him a Freebootaz relic Da Badskull Banna and you get a very nice 6” anti-obsec “not an aura” measured again - from its large base.
- His melee damage is lower than a PK; he only gets +2 Strength but does have rerolls to wound, so basically a not as good PK. He does throw down six S5 boom stick shots as an insurance policy, plus his exaust burna doubles as a flamethrower or meltagun equivalent, which he can shoot into melee bechause he's a vehicle. His melee damage potential is nothing to write home about and definitely worse than Warboss on Warbike. However, its role is now different; he is now more the support character because:
- Beastboss:
<tabs> <tab name="Beastboss"> The Beast Snagga edition of the Warboss, meaning he'll only be useful if you focus your army on those newfangled greenskinz. He's not something to sneeze at, as while he only has a measly shoota that hits on a 4+, his melee weapons (a choppa with AP-2 and D2 and a power klaw-alike with S+4 AP-3 D2) are nothing to sneeze at, especially when focusing on what Beast Snaggas do best: Killing big things.
- He's kind of in a weird place in between regular warboss and mega-armoured or squigosaurus warboss.
</tab> <tab name="Beastboss on Squigosaur"> Man, sure sucks that Warbosses never got something like this. You're buying a slightly tougher but considerably beefier monstrosity, carrying not only 9 wounds (just enough to not be visible behind cover) but also reducing all incoming damage by 1. Probably central to this entire shindig is the squigosaur's jaws: three extra attacks which can practically gobble up terminators, especially if you roll a 6 to hit and score 3 mortal wounds. This guy is awesome. Cheap at 140p, killy as hell and very durable. Take him if you only have free slot. </tab> </tabs>
<tabs> <tab name="Weirdboy"> Nob psyker. Has a melee weapon staff S+2 and Damage D3. Has the Waaagh! Energy rule which lets them cast a second power when there are over 20 friendly Ork models (counts vehicles but not Gretchin) within 10". Bonuses to cast are gone so Da Jump will fail 50% of the time.
- Da Jump allows them to teleport entire INFANTRY units across the field, following normal deep strike rules, and can be used turn 1.
- If the older model doesn’t strike your fancy, then the Orruk Weirdnob from AoS is a perfect substitute.
</tab> <tab name="Wurrboy"> The Beast Snagga edition. Unlike the base Weirdboy, this guy only has a ranged attack, the "Eyes of Mork". Though fairly short-ranged, these beams are quite strong at S6 AP-3 D1d3. His powers are okay, but he will probably not see play as the Killrig is far superior and supports the same set of powers. </tab> </tabs>
- Painboss: Da bigga Painboy. He's something of a stronger Painboy, but he also acts as a Warboss. That said, being a Beast Snagga (and gaining access to their 6++ Invuln and bonus to hit big things) can only go so far when you lack any shooting and have to rely on either your base power snappa or the bigger beast snappa klaw (Essentially a power klaw, but more scrappy) to defend yourself. To this end, you should be hiding behind your mobs, using your medical skills as best you can before finding your prey and ripping them to pieces.
- Note that unlike Painboy he is a HQ, which makes him a good pick if you do not have enough Elite slots available. And since you will spam Kommandos and Stormboyz like crazy....
- Word of warning, however. This gits' sawbonez ability is designed only for Beast Snaggas and bikers. As a result, while he can still provide a FnP to all the lads around him, he can only HEAL other Snaggas and bikers. Which, unless you're spamming said options, drastically reduces his effectiveness.
Troops[edit | edit source]
Now we have 3 choices instead of 2. Sadly, one of them is unusable so we are practically back to two.
- Boyz: They're now 8 points. They hit on a 3+ and S4 in melee and are T5. Choppas got AP-1 so they are now vastly superior to taking shootas, to the point of shootas being totally obsolete - especially as they lost assault, and have not gained any range. The biggest problem with Boyz now is the massive nerf to morale with how Mob Rule works now. If they're within 6" of another <Klan> Mob unit, they'll never count as being below half-strength. This means that big blobz of Boyz will lose a lot of models to morale if the enemy kills only a few of them per turn. Granted, you will still lose them at 1/6 rate, but the enemy can just split fire and kill a few from every squad to force multiple morale checks, and you can save at best 2 units of them with CP. This in many cases will cause enough casualties to remove all the models we would have kept thanks to T5. With the nerf to 'Ere We Go as well, big blobz of 30 are not very viable anymore. It might be worth considering taking more MSU units of Boyz.
- As a counterpoint, it takes 10 Bolter shots (on average) to kill enough Boys to not automatically pass the Morale check.
- The Boyz will chew through any infantry in the game; armour, however, is a problem that a nob with dual killsaws will quickly remove for you. With Warpath, they are kicking out 4 attacks each and with WAAAGH!!! they can go up to 5. No 6A per model like in the old codex though.
- Sluggaz and Choppas: Pistols for everyone! And, of course, 3 S4 AP-1 attacks per model with WS3+. There are two ways to buff the amount of attacks (Weirdboyz, Goff trait).
- Shootas: Instead of Choppa/Slugga you get a Dakka 3/2 18" shoota, losing that extra attack in melee as well as AP-1. Also has synergy with some Kulturs, particularly Bad Moons. Sadly even that amount of shooting (60 shots from 30 boyz, or 90 when up close) is not that good against anything other than chaff due to lack of AP. Also don’t shoot what you intend to charge (unless it's a knight, but why would you charge a knight with boyz?), as you will make your charge harder.
- Though the new Dakka type makes firing up close far much more dangerous, this cripples your Boyz' mobility by the simple fact that they're no longer Assault, and thus can't fire after advancing.
- Beast Snagga Boyz: A 2 point-per-model upgrade to the Slugga Boyz that gets you a bump to S5, all the other Beast Snagga perks like the 6++ save, and a free power snappa for the nob. Point for point, they tend to break even with Slugga Boyz unless you can take advantage of their special rule and stratagems. Their maximum mob size is 20 models to the Sluggas' 30 though, so if you run big blobs do keep in mind you'll have notably less models make it to CC.
- One per 10 snaggas can trade his choppa for an Assault d3 S6 AP-1 Dd3 Blast Thump Gun. Given orky shooting, paying points for it on a purely CC unit is a wash in most situations, but it's definitely worth its weight if your opponent has any T5/T6 light vehicles that you can shoot at, since Beast Snaggas' +1 to hit bonus does also affect shooting attacks.
- Keep their unique stratagems in mind to get the most use out of them:
- Snagga Grapple is pretty expensive for what it does, but denying your opponent Fall Back on a coinflip might deter them from even trying.
- Tough as Squig-Hide will deny any +to wound bonuses and reduce effectiveness of S6+ weapons, like Heavy Onslaught Gatling cannons and analogs, which are the preferred means of dealing with orky hordes.
- Ordinary snagga boyz are not the best primary benefactor for Monster Huntaz, but do make a valid candidate one of for the stratagem's three targets - with it boyz will hit most vehicles on 2+ and wound on 4+, and with the sheer volume of cc attacks orks pump out you're guaranteed to shave a couple wounds off even with just AP-1. Consider pulling a surprise charge if any vehicle happens to be in range and one of your other Snagga units can benefit too.
- Gretchin: They don't get 'Ere We Go!, Clan Kulturz, Objective Secured or Mob Rule, and Runtherds buff them a little but do nothing for their morale (which is an issue with their Ld of 4). With their cost still at 5ppm, they are probably the worst unit in the entire codex. They have no damage output, no staying power (despite bumping them to T3 and giving them 5+ AS in cover) and will run when someone farts in their general direction. Oh, and they are not ObSec unless you use your one-per-detachment specialist mob on one of their units... Why would anybody take them is beyond me. Especially as 5 Kommandos that are superior in literally every way cost exactly same points.
- The Grot Shields strat is only real use for them, but even that is not worth point investment or CP. It is better now that the protected unit cannot be targeted at all. But it is not like removing grots will be a problem so you probably only gained one turn. It is much easier to just hide the unit in question behind some building.
- 20 grots runs a measly 100 points for a unit to squat on objectives in your backline while the units you actually care about are busy doing things up front. If the opponent bothers to do something about them then they've taken time to kill off a unit whose sole purpose is to sit there and die. On the other hand, 110 points gets you a squad of ten Boys with a kombi-rokkit and a rokkit launcher, a hefty amount of firepower that's Trukk-portable.
Dedicated Transports[edit | edit source]
Trukks. Yep. That is pretty much it these days.
- Trukk: Only T6 and a 4+ makes it squishy for a light vehicle, but more durable than you'd think thanks to ramshackle. Its capacity is 12 and this limits stuff somewhat. After they deposit their passengers they can tie up an enemy unit in melee for a turn (they might even get lucky if you put a Wreckin' Ball on there) and has a good chance to survive assuming the target wasn't a dedicated melee unit.
- Mounted Gun: Comes with a Big Shoota that can't be removed, but you can swap for a Rokkit Launcha via Warhammer Legends.
- Melee: Can take either a Grabbin' Klaw or Wrecking Ball. The trukk's number of attacks and strength degrades with wound loss, not it's recommended to take.
- Trukk Boyz looks promising. Especially for Nobz or Meganobz.
- Kart (Open Play, Chapter Approved 2018): The first of the Looted Wagons. It can carry only a tiny mob of 10 boyz and lacks the beloved Trukk's open top, but it has a Big Shoota on top and the option to buy a fuckton of Shootas to compensate, and grab a Stikkbomb Launcha and either 2 Skorchas or 2 more Big Shootas. While it's now a constant S6 T7 and rocks a spiffy 3+, it lacks Ramshackle and it loses BS as it takes damage.
- Big Red Button: Once per battle during shooting, you can roll a d3 to get one of three different results (Instant move 6", +1S to all guns, regen 1d3 Wounds)
Elites[edit | edit source]
Small note on Elites: It's now extremely easy to fill up an Ork Detachment relying on Elites, since you can simply fill the slots with Painboyz, Nobs with WAAAGH! Banners, or Meks.
Da Lonerz[edit | edit source]
Your specialists (mechanics, standard-bearers, medics, and slavers) that are too cool to travel about in mobs, and thus strut across the battlefield all by their lonesome. Keep them close to other units so they don't get sniped.
- Mekboy: Restores a lost wound to one Vehicle (there is nothing that states you cannot repair units with fly) within 1" at the end of each Movement phase (a vehicle can't be repaired more than once turn, so no stacking). Once per battle an accompanying Grot Oiler can assist to repair two wounds instead of one, and serves as an extra wound. Particularly handy around any of your Vehicles that might hurt themselves with Zzap Guns and Kustom Mega-Blastas. Being cheaper than a Big Mek he can't heal as well, but is a budget alternative if you don't have a lot of vehicles.
- Kustom Mega-Slugga can only be replaced by Legends weapons.
- He is pretty useless but there is one use for him. If you run Ghazzy in a battlewagon take 2 as they are the cheapest singular models in the codex and put them in the two remaining slots to protect Ghazghull from death due to the vehicle being destroyed.
- Nob with WAAAGH! Banner: The banner gives <CLAN> units within 6 inches +1 to hit in the Fight phase, meaning damn near everything in your army will be hitting on 2+ or 3+ if killa saws/PK's. Absolutely brutal on Slugga Boyz. The Nob is a character, so be sure to keep him bubblewrapped, as his save is pretty lackluster.
- It stacks with extra banners or Warboss ability but due to +1/-1 limit it will only remove negative modifiers imposed by the enemy, unless you are running PK/killsaws, than hitting with PKs on 2+ :).
- Removes penalty for using Power Klawz. Sadly, he can no longer grab one without Legends, making him a bit lackluster as a fighter.
- They are somewhat overcosted for what they do and in many cases just redundant when a warboss with his similar buff is around. However, do note his buff works even with non-CORE units, allowing a +1 to hit in melee for things which normally have no access to this, such as Killa kans.
- Painboy: <CLAN> Infantry or <CLAN> Biker units within 3" ignore wounds suffered on a 6+ thanks to Dok's Tools. This save applies to any and all wounds - including mortal ones - not just those that would normally allow a save, such as those caused by perils of the warp. The save is applied to individual damage unlike with armour save or invul. He can attempt to heal a multi-wound model within 1" of 2 wounds on a 2+ (which you can rerolled once with the Grot Orderly). You want this guy near your big 20+ Boy mobs if you run any or as many key units as possible. In melee he has access to a Power Klaw and 'Urty Syringe (which always wounds on a 2+ for Infantry and 6+ for Vehicles/Monstrous Creatures).
- This guy lost a lot of his value due to nerf of big blobz of infantry. For smaller units he is not worth that much.
- Note that medi-squig strat is gone so no extra healing or healing Ghazghull.
- Painboy on Warbike (Legends): Same as above, except with 14" Movement, T5 and 5 wounds. Pretty great to use with Bikers or Nob Bikers due to the extra wounds they now have, or for keeping up with Stormboyz or positioning properly to give 6+ to 3 units of Boyz. He's more expensive than a Warboss on a bike with PK.
- Runtherd: He's got 4 wounds and has 3 attacks. He doesn't take up a Slot if you have some grots. At 40pts he is equal to ~8 Grots, so not that expensive either. To be worthwhile you need at least 3 units of Grots around him. Almost mandatory if you are using Grot Shields. Can take various crude implements such as Grot Prod gives Gretchin one of two 3" auras:
- Ignore modifiers for Combat Attrition checks(#FeedTheSquig)
- Add 1" to movement.
- Utterly useless due to how bad grots are and how much he costs. Skip.
- No longer an Elite. You can only bring one for each unit of Gretchin Infantry you have.
Da Mobz[edit | edit source]
Aspect Orks that excel in their one particular field, but are pretty bad at everything else. Think of them as the 'shot' to the Ork Boyz' 'pike' in your 'pike and shot' formation.
- Burna Boyz: Their main downfall is lack of armour and high numbers to mitigate deaths by shooting. Burnas were changed to be d6 12" S4 but lost -2 AP in CC. This makes Burnas a dangerous to low save blobz of enemies but makes them ineffective against anything with half decent saves (though a large mob can make it up a bit in sheer volume). You also have to take 1 spanner for every 4 burnas taking away 3 burnas in maxed squad. And while you can give spanner other kinds of weapons (most notably KMB) this makes their role kind of unfocused. Spanners can repair nearby vehicles though. Spanners cannot have burnas. KMBs seem to be the best option here since they cost the same as Rokkitz, don't suffer from -1 to hit, and have better stats overall. The different weapon options are:
- Codex:
- Big Shoota - No AP.
- Kustom Mega-Blasta - probably best of codex choices. You don't care if spanner dies really.
- Rokkit Launcha - bad because of heavy.
- Legends:
- Slugga and Choppa
- Kombi-Weapon with Rokkit Launcha
- Kombi-Weapon with Skorcha - This one is the best by far but also pricey.
- Kustom Mega-Slugga
- Codex:
- Ork Kommandos: Slugga Boyz that come in a smaller mob with vanguard deployment (anywhere 9" away from enemy deployment zone) and gain massive bonuses while in cover, bringing their save to 3+ and gaining a bonus to wound rolls (consider making them a Sneaky Gitz specialist mob to double up on this one). These are now essential in 9th edition for grabbing objectives and doing your secondaries. Try and keep in cover the whole game to get more mileage out of them, as otherwise they'll drop as fast as any Boyz unit, and the smaller mob size does not do Kommandos any favours here.
- They have a number of wargear options available if you run 10-15 bodies in the mob (which you should, but not for these). Most are not worth taking as you can only take one of each per squad and they actively downgrade your boyz by taking away their choppas in exchange for something that doesn't fit the unit's purpose:
- Breacha Ram: A discount powerfist that has no hit penalties and denies enemies cover, excellent against MEQ and usually the only option actually worth the points.
- Burna: Your run of the mill flamer and the other one actually worth any consideration, although as with most flamers it's only really effective against GEQ.
- Shokka Pistol: A puzzling pistol with extra damage against vehicles. The only option that doesn't replace a choppa, but still hardly worth the points as you might go the entire game without shooting it even once due to 6" range and Blast (preventing it from being shot while in cc). If not for Blast, would otherwise be fairly straightforward upgrade to a slugga, although still not worth the points as it's half the price of another boy in the mob.
- Big Shoota: Fits poorly with the unit that's otherwise made to be entirely CC.
- Kustom Shoota: Same as the Warboss', essentially two shootas strapped together. Again, doesn't have much of a place in this unit.
- Rokkit Launcha: Same deal as Boyz, 10 points for a Heavy weapon on a strictly cc infantry unit that hits on 5+. Hard pass.
- There are also two other special additions which you get at the same squad size, both of which are absolutely worth taking:
- Distraction Grot: Count as being in cover and gain the +1 to wound rolls bonus, once per battle when selected to fight. This is for that important turn when your sneaky boyz finally get out of cover to punch something.
- Squig Bomb: Orks are breeding them like crazy these days. Some extra mortal wounds on a 3+, which can also be released if you decide to fire Overwatch. Note that unlike Overwatch shots, this is a special ability, so it'll still hit on 3+ even then.
- The Nob gets his own choice from the usual Big Choppa or Power Klaw. Unlike other units, they cost the same for the Kommandos' boss, so pick whichever you like.
- They have a number of wargear options available if you run 10-15 bodies in the mob (which you should, but not for these). Most are not worth taking as you can only take one of each per squad and they actively downgrade your boyz by taking away their choppas in exchange for something that doesn't fit the unit's purpose:
- Meganobz: 3 Wounds, T5 and a 2+ save (No invul save) and movement 5". No longer slowest infantry unit in the game. They suffer against higher AP weapons. Kombi-Weapons can now fire both guns at the same time, at the cost of subtracting 1 from all To Hit rolls, which usually only matters if you take a Kombi-Rokkit. It's now possible to replace the default loadout for 2 Killsawz which gives an additional Attack. If you have CP to spare, the Tellyporta lets them take a page out of the Terminators' book while also compensating for their slow movement.
- PK/Killsaw and Kombi-Skorcha: This provides decent shooting, a nice charge deterrent.
- PK/Killsaw and Kustom Shoota: Keeps unit cheap, lose shooting reliability.
- Double Killsaws: Deprives them of their shooting and pricy, but they are better at killing TEQ and vehicles.
- Note they can use stratagem to get +1 to their damage with PK or Killsaws. This makes them very reliable against certain targets.
- Nobz: Primaris boys before Primaris were cool. Nobs hit on 3's, are S5, and have a 4+ save. The main problem with Nobz is that their wargear can quickly make them very expensive.
- People struggle to find the Nobz the right place in the list. The only succesful way seems to be the combination of 2 squads of 10 Big Choppa + Choppa Nobz + 1 Warboss. All as Trukkboyz (so you need 3 detachments). Trukkboy Warboss gives +1 to hit to Trukkboy Nobz = you have 60 Big Choppa attacks + 30 Choppa S5 attacks all hitting on 2+ and all able to move (12+3+5)=20” + (advance) + charge in T1.
- Equipment: You can basically go for any combination of 2 weapons from the range Slugga, Choppa, Big Choppa, Power Klaw, Killsaw or Power Stabba. In fact, you take either 2 choppas or some big CC weapon like PK or BC in combination with Choppa. Killsaw and Power Stabba makes no sense right now. But if you want to waste some points, you can give a Nob a PK and a Big Choppa and choose which one to use according to the enemy. Or you can take one Kombi Weapon instead of both.
- Swapping weapons in the Codex requires swapping out both their Choppa + Slugga, but the Index requires swapping out a Choppa for a Melee weapon and/or Slugga for a Shooty weapon. If you take a shoota or kustom shoota you can't take an extra choppa or other wargear.
- Power Stabbas: Give AP-2 for cheap so they can hit like marines with power axes. Makes them Anti-MEQ.
- Kombi-Skorchas: Full squad of Nobz with Kombi-Skorchas is scary (and expensive). Put them in a Trukk and then fire from its Open Top. With added Trukk survivability this is even better. Then see your opponent cry when they burn his units to ash.
- Killsaws: Basically same as on meganobz but on faster, cheaper unit.
- Nobz on Warbikes Forge World: As with all fW stuff pending update they are somewhat problematic. T5 and 3 wounds. Also has Keepin' Order. Deadly to vehicles or monsters but very squishy. Do not go near any kind of infantry, especially big squads or dedicated CC units. They will just destroy them outright. They suffer from the same problem as Warbikers being overcosted for both survivability or damage output. They can work as anti-vehicle but Meganobz or tankbustas are better.
- Can use Billowing Exhaust Clouds stratagem to give -1 to Enemy shooting To Hit rolls.
- Only available models for this unit are the expensive Forge World Ork Nob Warbikes upgrade kit, kitbash the normal Warbikers and Nobz kits, each Warbiker kit comes with one Nob so if you have a lot you can make a Nob Biker kit. Alternatively if you don’t mind giant Boars, then the Gore Gruntas from Ironjawz makes a good counts-as (this actually works really well if you’re doing a Snakebite army). Basically "konvert all yer shit" is the point here.
- Tankbustas: Tank Hunters lets them get +1 to hit against anything with Vehicle (also works in melee, but you'll get most benefit from it while shooting). They are absolute monsters at killing Vehicle, but unreliable when shooting non-vehicles. High Strength and Blast makes your expensive tank hunters into surprisingly effective infantry-mulchers and a very dangerous objective-squatter.
- Rokkit Launchas: Default weapon. Great for anti-vehicle, no need to swap out. Note it is Heavy d3 now so moving them will impair their shooting.
- Pair of Rokkit Pistols: One every 5 models. Doubles number of attacks for less range and threat. But can be used in melee, if the target doesn't die or kill them first.
- Tankhammer: One every 5 models. Exchange rokkit launcha for a suicide attack to cause massive damage, which adds to your morale tests. Since Tankbustas want to stay out of melee, not recommended.
- Bomb Squigs: You can get two Bomb Squigs for every five Boyz. You can release only one per shooting phase or overwatch and they can do d3 mortal wounds on 3+ or 2+ against vehicles. That's incredible. Overall, they are very good and a reliable sources of MW and I would always take the max.
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
Not as crowded as Headquarters, both options are pretty good at what they do. Grotsnik's a Deathskulls-exclusive super-Painboy, the other's a Gretchin hero that buffs his fellow countrymen.
- Mad Dok Grotsnik: Clan Deathskulls. Only special character in Orks who isn't an HQ. He's a Painboy with T5, a 4+ save and personal 5+ FNP. One Scalpel Short of a Medpack Changed significantly. He can always ALWAYS charge even if he advanced or fell back from CC, but he also HAS to charge if charge is at all possible. Unlike regular Painboyz, he can't bring a Grot Orderly with him or take a bike. Points-wise he's a little more expensive than a basic Painboy at 85pts, but cheaper than one on a bike. All that extra cost is in personal durability, not improving his aura or melee ability. Worth it if your opponent is bringing a lot of snipers, and you don't want your Boyz having their 6+ FNP picked off quite as easily.
- Can heal any Ork INFANTRY or BIKER, not just clan only. And he can be taken in any klan detachment without disrupting it. He will not get any kultur beside his own though.
- His model is rather outdated and undersized. The plastic Painboy model's a great base for converting him but with how weird this guy is you can let your imagination wild.
- Very unlorewise he is unable to heal; Ghazghull despite being his personal "physician".
- Da Red Gobbo (Legends): He may still be a Grot, but the leader of Da Revolushun can still take more of a beating than most Gretchin and can share his Ld score with any Grots that are nearby him. His Icon of Da Revolushun isn't strong but can still fish for Mortal Wounds and his Kustom Grot Blasta has just enough power in it to harass two-wound units. His most flavorful trick (befitting his Christmas-themed getup) is "Has yoo been a good little Grot this year?": pick a unit of Gretchin (Kans and Mek Gunz included) within 3" after the movement phase, and on a 2+ they gain Stikkbombs for the rest of the battle. Granted, on a 1 they take a mortal wound instead, but let's be honest, that's not a big loss. I'm just gonna leave this here, but he also benefits from the Grot Lash that Runtherdz carry, and surprisingly, with a 4+ WS (the coat must have some reality-bending drugs in it), he has an even better chance of decking the halls of everyone bigger than him.
- Also also, a 30-Grot unit is already hitting on 3+ and with Dakka Dakka Dakka, that's a lot of shots going through, and since they'll be more often than not close enough to throw grenades, you may as well give them some Stikkbombs. If they've been good, that is.
- Bear in mind unit can throw only one stikkabomb so it is not like this is massive. At best 5 extra shots.
- Extremely good little Grots
can use Extra Stikkbomb strategemand throw 10D6 granades hitting on 4+ plus Dakka Dakka = cca 20 hits 3/0/1. Have 20+ grots in the unit? Even more!:) Sounds like a New Years party - loud, explosive, expensive and definitely fun! (Except no grots don't get no stinkin stratagemz) - Since he is LD 6 improvement of ld is not like supermassive but it helps.
- He's slightly less useful as grot support than runthered for the same points. However, he additionally fills an Elites slot for cheap.
- Sadly he was immediately assigned to Legends. So in some setups like tournaments and stuff he'll be probably disallowed. Thanks GW.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
Another FOC slot bursting at the seams, with a bunch of different ways you can arrange your army, which mostly fall into one of four subcategories for your convenience.
Da Squiggly Fings[edit | edit source]
- Squighog Boyz: So for a long time, Warhammer Fantasy was the only place where Orcs had boars...well, now with the new Beast Snaggas da Orkz got some hogs as well. These goons are quite strong, with the squig's jaws and the ork stikkaz providing power able to overpower marines and dent monsters while the saddlegit weapons providing some annoyances. The stikkaz and also provide some short-ranged shooting that improves at 6", meaning it's more worth it when charging. If you're facing a tank, you can buy bomb squigs to chuck at them. They are obviously subject to "new models" syndrome being very good and resilient (T6 3W no less) for 25p. They are also designed as backbone of squig heavy army.
- How do they compare to the bikers? Well, they're the same price, but are forced into smaller mob sizes (3-6). They are tougher but slower, more scary in CC but lack any serious shooting or protection against enemy shots and lastly they don't have nob with them which translated to no special weapons and Ld of 6 (so bettrer take them in MSU). That said, they're offered all the benefits that come with being Beast Snaggas. Of course, the welcome buffs to Strength and Toughness make them capable of splattering GEQ like nobody's business.
- Boar boyz from wFB/AoS can be VERY easily converted as alternative models.
- Nob on Smasha Squig: Another new model. You can buy up to two nobz without taking a slot when taking squighog boyz. They are useful for keeping up with those oversized squigs and provide some mortal wounds on the charge (5 dice causing MW on 4+ each). His combat output suffers though, as he only has a slugga for shooting and the big choppa plus some squig attacs to add some variety in combat. Overall not bad for 65p.
- Note they can be outfitted with extra relics and warlord traits to turn them into MW missile with big gob and Edwoppa Killchoppa for example.
Da Littla Buggies[edit | edit source]
Everything small and nippy on wheels, so your Warbikes and every variant of the OG Warbuggy. Some are good, some are less so.
- Warbikers: They look good now. For 25p per model you are getting solid amount of shooting back but not insignificant CC power. With their speed they can invoke their 5/3 Dakka gunz pretty easily for a total of 10 S5 shots per model at close range and then charge. That is A LOT of firepower. Each biker has 3 Choppa attacks, T5, 4+ AS, and 3W (4 on the Nob). They can also advance 6 inches automatically if need be and have built in -1 to hit them in shooting. Their max size was cut down to 9 tho.
- They can be taken in MSU for pretty good harass/objective grabbers or maxed squads for some serious Dakka, but than they are susceptible to morale and it sucks to lose 50-75 points to morale in one go.
- Nobz on Warbikes (Forge World) A very similar unit to the warbikes, in term's of stat's it has +1 strength, attacks, and wounds and any model can take a nob weapons (big choppa, choppa, killsaw, power klaw, power stabba). The draw back is the unit is 5 points more expensive base, the fancy toy's can be expensive to take on a whole unit, and you lack Big Red Button so your slower when you advance, and Cloud of Smoke so your easier to damage. So ironically there more of a glass cannon compared to the regular bikes, expensive if you go for a lot of toys but can do a heck of a lot of damage.
- Warbuggies (Legends): T5 and 5 Wounds with 4+ armour. More like a cavalry unit with WS3+ and 4 melee attacks. Take the Twin Big Shoota to kill infantry and the Rack of Rokkits if you wish to threaten vehicles. The buggies can also arrive as reinforcements from a board edge thanks to Outriders, and dive straight into the enemy's back line. Buggies are extremely useful as a cheap distraction unit, and also have a high chance of stripping some Wounds to boot. Their speed and ability to provide support weapons are very useful to the Ork advance, but are rivaled by their cousin the Deffkopta, which isn't stuck in Legends. The Twin Big Shoota adds little beyond normal Ork shooting. The Skorcha or Rokkit Launcha remain the primary reasons to take these vehicles.
- Unit Synergy: Rokkit Warbuggies make good escorts for Battlewagons, on the accounts of being able to block off assaults, screen against mobile anti-tank elements, or to block enemy vehicles from moving away from the Deffrollas. Warbuggies provide much-needed anti-tank firepower for Zhadsnark lists, while maintaining a low enough profile that one can easily provide cover saves for the Buggies by using Bikes to screen them.
- Neckbeards swore by them and so should you, no friendly game should be without some.
- Wartrakks (Legends): Warbuggies that trade 2" Movement for one more Wound, at a cost of 5 extra points, other than that no different so refer to above.
- Skorchas (Legends): Wartrakks that trade their Twin Big Shootas for a (surprise surprise) Skorcha. Their points costs and abilities are identical to Wartrakks (other than the gun, of course). Skorchas are awesome - and the Wartrakk's high Movement enables them to position well for a barbecue. You can freely Advance close to the enemy, flame them, and then do it again if they try to charge you. They are fragile and being charged from more than 8" denies their overwatch. A good tactic is to use two regular Warbuggies or Wartrakks with Twin Big Shootas, and two Skorchas. Any more Skorchas likely won't get in position and will waste their shot, whereas one or more Twin Big Shootas can continue to fire regardless and make the unit useful.
- Grot Bomm Launcha (Forge World, Legends): As with all things FW this needs and update. Now in the Forge World Compendium Legends PDF, giving it an actual points cost again. A Wartrakk equipped with nothing but a single use 72" Heavy 2D6 S8 Ap-3 D2 Blast Grot Bomb. You don't need line of sight and you get BS2+ when you're shooting it. Very cheap now at 50 points, and has the potential to nuke your enemy's armour from across the board turn 1, but becomes almost completely useless afterwards, except perhaps for holding back to contesting a late-game objective.
- If you actually want to make a couple of these (for whatever reason - no judging), just use some blitza-bombs and extra fins from the Ork Flyer kit and stick them onto some Wartrakks. Grots are also relatively cheap and easy to get - we'll let you figure out what to do from here.
- Some rumoured to have been converted from old 2oz liquor bottles (the kind drunks sneak on airplanes) The unit was named liquid courage! That's simply beyond class.
Da Bigga Buggies[edit | edit source]
The newer and bigger wheeled vehicles that replaced the old Warbuggies, all are pretty solid choices that will serve you well. All of those have new Ramshackle rule increasing their resilience against S7 or lower multiwound weapons. Their main downside is that they are static monobuild models without options. Not helping things is how the November 9th balance dataslate has locked each unit here to being 0-1, meaning that you can't group up on the ones you really need.
- Boomdakka Snazzwagon: One of two units in the codex with a built-in -1 To Hit (other is warbikers). It no longer explodes on 4+ for 6" d3 Mortal Wounds, and now just explodes on a 6 like everything else.
- Don’t forget that the Snazzwagon can fire ALL of its weapons. Even though it’s at 5+ to hit (except for the Big Shoota and the Grot Blasta, which hit on 4+), the sheer amount of DAKKA will eat GEQ and some MEQ for breakfast.
- Kustom Boosta-Blasta: Torch anyone within 8" or foolish enough to charge at that range with x4 Burnaz (no d6 12" sadly). Also brings to bear a 36" 6-shot Autocannon. Deals d3 Mortal Wounds to a charged enemy unit on a roll of 4+ (only use for close combat if you are doing so to primarily shut off that units shooting, then hopefully you do a couple of wounds in addition).
An important caveat: since the exhausts are 4 separate weapons they each score maximum (3) hits against units with 6 or more models.Generally flame weapons and these Burna Exhaust weapons do not have the Blast special rule, so they just shoot d6 times each.
- Megatrakk Scrapjet: One of the most orky vehicles of all time - a salvaged jet fuselage with tank treads bolted on. The pilot retains his bomber jacket and flight goggles. Slower but tougher than its brothers, a decent anti-vehicle skirmisher due to 3d3 Rokkit shots, plus a single wing missile (also rokkit stats) per turn with a +1 to hit against vehicles but a -1 against non-vehicles. In addition, it can do some work against troops as well, due to it having two twin bigshootas with one firing 10 shots at 5+ and the other hitting on 4s with +1 to hit due to grots fora total of 20 shots from each buggy. In melee it has WS4+ with 4 attacks with its Nose Drill which gives S+2 to essentially make this thing a drive-able Powerfist (again, very orky) at S8 AP-2 Dd3. But it prefers range over melee.
- No splitting them into units now and only unit of 1 can take kustom job and of course corkscrew was removed...
- Point for point is probably the best of the new buggies.
- Deff Skwadron boyz on the table is a happy happy sight indeed :).
- Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy: Winner of 9th ed among the buggies. It got much cheaper at 90ppm. Its squig launchers lost multiple profiles but the new one is solid S5 AP-2 D2 Blast, and most importantly neither of those require line of sight. Heavy one have better range 2d6 instead of 1d6 and have +1 to hit due to grot gunner. Their kustom job adding 1 to to wound roll on heavy squig launcher is very good as well, unfortunately it requires it to be in unit of one... As with other buggies it can fire all its weapons including secondary, like shotgun and stikkbombz. Rukatrukk is also not terrible in CC with its 4 S7 AP-2 D2 attacks and WS of 4+.
- Shokkjump Dragsta: This one was nerfed the most in 9th. M14" makes this one of the quickest Ork units. It also has one of the only weapons in the entire codex with BS3+ which also happens to be a 24" two shot Plasma Cannon. This is also one of few assault weapons left in the codex which lets it always shoot. On top of that this buggy supports single rokkit and sawblades similar to ones from rukatrukk. The other awesome ability is if its Advance roll is 4+ it teleports and can set up anywhere over 9" from an enemy model; on an additional 4+ the model receives d3 Mortal wounds.
- It has decent anti-armour capabilities due to its weapon. It hits on 3+ (4+ when it advances) and can go up to 2+ with freebootaz. Additionally, every 6 on to wound rolls causes extra mortal wounds on the target.
- This vehicle is probably best utilized with Deathskulls kultur as a re-roll to hit, to wound and for damage can be massive on those two shots. Potentially even better than the Bad Moons Clan Kultur.
- Evil Sunz Clan Kultur adds +1 to the advance roll, meaning you get to Back to the Future on a 3+. The main gun is assault, so an Evil Sunz Dragsta can teleport and still hit on 3+.
- Gyroscopic whirling can be applied only for unit of one which is pretty bad combined with number of MW being upped to d3 and loss of jump shoot jump stratagem.
- Overall for its cost this buggy do not support enough firepower and most of its shenanigans are very limited.
Da Buzzy Fings[edit | edit source]
Anything that flies, be that by strapping a Rokkit to your back or replacing a Warbikes' wheels with propellers.
- Stormboyz: Slugga Boyz (including obligatory Nob) that fly 12". They have built-in deepstrike 9" from enemy units. They can no longer advance and charge on their own, their full throttle rule instead giving them a flat advance of 6 with rolling a d6; a result of 4+ means 1 MW applied to the unit as one of rickety jump packs explodes (or implodes) and these losses count for morale. They are also limited to unit size 5-15 now with GW pushing hard for smaller units.
- Best use for them seem to be deepstriking MSU to hold objectives or bigger 10-15 squads to flank and attack infantry that is hiding outside of line of sight.
- Boss Zagstrukk is a nice add-on to them if you run a lot.
- Deffkoptas: New models compatible with AoBR ones.... Finally! They can deepstrike using their "Swoopin' Down" rule and interestingly enough are VEHICLES and SPEED FREEKS. They're still one of the fastest Ork units with M14" and auto advance of 6". They are still very fragile.
They now come in squads of 3-6 models at 50 points each, meaning they are sadly no longer the cheap Fast Attack option they once were to grab objectives and such.
Kopta Rokkits are 2D3 now but became Heavy instead of Assault, so you can't fire them after advancing (but you also don't get a penalty for firing while moving either, because Vehicle).
Heavy Shootas and Killsaws are gone (thanks a bunch GW from all those that painstakingly converted them or gods forbid have GorkaMorka models) but one in three models can take a Kustom Mega Blasta and Big Bomb for +5 points.
The Big Bomb comes with a pseudo Template rule, where you pick a spot the Kopta moved over and every unit (friend or foe) takes D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ (5+ for non Vehicle/Monster Characters).
Their Spinning Blades make 3 hit rolls per attack now at S5 AP-1 D1. Perfect against small squads of GEQs.- Their cost means that they will have to be used differently. No longer objective grabbers, but fast anti tank.
- KMB+boom bomb combo does not seem like it is worth it. Losing shots is never a good thing on a BS5+ model and you can only swap 1 in 3 so you will almost never utilise its assault capability. We have better sources of mortal wounds (unfortunately it comes as a fixed loadout with the new kit, so hopefully you have enough unused Rokkits around to convert one).
- Great candidates for the Ramming Speed strat. Start them behind obscuring terrain, fly them up, then ramming speed, or put them in deepstrike for free and ramming speed for 3d6 charge. Should be an easy 9 inch charge. Their large bases make it easy to move block enemies too if you only take a squad of 5.
Da Uvver Stuff[edit | edit source]
And last but not least, the slightly heavier stuff that still belongs in the Fast Attack category.
- Grot Tanks (Forge World): As with all FW stuff those guys are pending update. The Forge World Compendium is out, and they're still a weird unit - their Movement stat is 6+1d6 that changes every turn, which is more reliable than the 2d6 they had previously but can still hurt their short-ranged weaponry. They've also lost their Invulnerable Save of 6+, which wasn't great but did help, though it's mitigated slightly by giving them Ramshackle instead, the same thing that keeps Trukks running. The Grotzooka is the only weapon that's different from other vehicle guns - with Heavy 2d3 and +1S over a Big Shoota. It's a better anti-infantry choice than a Big Shoota, but is 18" range.
- No longer need a Big Mek in the detachment in order to be taken, so all-Grot flotillas are back in business. Also once again in the Fast Attack slot, after inexplicably being moved into Heavy Support in the 2020 Munitorum Field Manual and 2020 Power Ratings Update.
- Minimum 7" Movement on a vehicle is unreliable for getting into position compared to other buggies you can take, but still a vast improvement over the previous system, as it actually gives them a chance to get their firepower out there.
- If you want Grotzookas in your army (They aren't great compared to other options), take Grot Tanks over Kanz. Grot Tanks are cheaper by 5 points, have Ramshackle, come in flocks of up to 8 instead of 6, and are at least a little bit faster (but swingy).
- Now for the cons - they can't melee like Kanz with 1 worse WS, S, W, and A, they have wonky movement (but you can re-roll if you REALLY need to), and they suffer from morale (which Kanz also do). If you want a cheap weapons platform with crap range use this, but if you want a better variant that's more reliable try a Grot Mega Tank.
- If you want Grot Tanks in your army, but think Forgeworld prices are too high, you can substitute them for Grot Trakbikes. Shown off in White Dwarf 452 as a Games Workshop employee's custom-job, each Trakbike is basically just one Chimera track unit, with a Gretchin driving it from a sidecar with a pintle-mounted gun. You can make two Trakbikes from a single Chimera, giving you four scratch-built Grot Tanks for only £60, instead of four purpose-built ones for £74, and the two spare Chimera hulls can be used as well once you patch up the holes in the walls, maybe as bunkers or something.
- If you want Grot Tanks in your army, but don't think Forgeworld prices are high enough, you can substitute them for Rebel Grot Cuttas and Big Luggas from Gorkamorka, available occasionally on Ebay whenever a particularly beardy individual has a clear-out. Not needing them to carry loads of Gretchin, they've plenty of space for the big guns, and them being sail or pedal-powered still fits in with their random movement.
- Grot Mega-Tank (Forge World): As with all FW stuff those guys are pending update. Forge World Compendium, Forge World Compendium, Forge World Compendium! With a wide variety of weapons and better stats than the normal Grot Tank, it's tougher, doesn't have to deal with morale, and now doesn't suffer from randomness overload either. Grot Revolt is gone, so no more rolling a d6 every Shooting Phase and on a 1, you can't shoot at all, and on a 6 you gain +1 to hit but all your guns can only target one unit. On the other hand Grot Revolt in itself was a fluffy rule, and it'll surely be missed by many a Rebel Grot player. Even its biggest drawback of random movement is sort of fixed, having 6+1d6" whilst at full health, though that progressively goes down after damage until you get to 1d6" in the lowest bracket, but by that point you're only on 2 Wounds anyway and aren't likely to last much longer.
- Important: Make sure to roll your movement before you declare your advancing. This is very useful because the guns are generally so close range that a bad movement roll will leave you unable to shoot anyway.
- Ramshackle: Just like the chibi versions below, the Mega-Tank has this, improving its survivability a tad.
- Mek Gunz are a more reliable alternative for heavy firepower, especially as the Mega-Tank can only mount infantry-sized weapons, but it can mount a lot of them like a Land Raider Crusader.
- Can choose to load up 7 Rokkits per turn at BS4+. Better at shooting TEQ units than Tankbustas, and thanks to a slight points drop, a Mega-Tank is now equivalent to 9 tank-hunting Orks. You lose 2 Rokkits, but you're more likely to hit with the ones you do have, and they're on a much tougher and faster platform.
- Grot Tanks and the larger Grot Mega-Tanks are some of the coolest models produced by Forge World (though you should save your precious teef and make them yourself out of hot wheels cars!) If you disagree, I sincerely recommend you consume a primed stikkbomb, and you know how.
- Just like the smaller Grot Tanks below, you can substitute Mega-Tanks with Trakbikes, using Baneblade track units instead of those of Chimeras. With two Mega-Trakbikes and a Supa-Kannon for a Battlewagon or something for £85, that's almost two Mega-Tanks for the price of one (£79).
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
This's now a very heavily-contested slot, with a whole host of different options to choose from. Generally speaking though, all these units fall into one of four rough categories, which can help when it comes to picking for synergy.
Da Boyz[edit | edit source]
You've got two mobs available here, Lootas and Flash Gitz, very different units that seem to be going after the same target but in their own unique ways. One's long-range and packing massed Autocannons, and the other's short-range and totting suped-up Heavy Bolters. Both are good anti-MEQ, but suit opposite playstyles, so pick whichever one fits in with your meta.
- Lootas: Lootas have always been polarizing- either players love them or hate them, and this didn't change much in 9E. Their Deffguns are Dakka 3/2. They're the best long range shooting infantry the Orks have at 48" but come at a hefty price of 14 pts per model. Tankbustas and Flashgitz are better in small squads, but with Lootas it's go big or go home - a max squads of 15 is near-mandatory. D2 is useful in Marine-heavy metas, bringing down Firstborn and Primaris marines with ease but less effective versus W3 targets like Terminators or anything in Gravis armour. They are a stationary backfield unit holding an objective - which sits somewhat ill with 9E missions where mobility is key. AP-1 is also kind of lackluster for heavy firepower most people want them to provide.
- Possibly the best candidates for More Dakka! strat, especially with Bad Moons.
- Flash Gitz: Dakka Nobz. They gained <CLAN> keyword this edition. Actual usable BS4+ (though Heavy means BS5+ if they move, which they will with that 24" range). Snazzguns got killier, can now threaten even light vehicles with S6, though their real target is infantry. Especially the 2W ones. Gun-crazy Showoffs is a stratagem now that allows them to shoot second time - but only closest enemy unit and it of course costs CP.
- Always get the Gitfinda Squig; it's five points and adds +1 to hit for da Kaptain. Also take Ammo Runts whenever you can afford them - the reroll is nice. Ammo runts are not separate models anymore so no soaking damage but no extra slots in transport either.
- These guys are Nobz. As such, they can break faces in a combat...but you can't shoot Snazzguns in melee, and their accuracy suffers on their way there. Conversely, if you don't close in, you're paying for 3A you're not using. So there best targets are enemies you soften up with shooting then can charge and kill off in the melee.
Da Wheelz[edit | edit source]
You've got a lot, and I mean A LOT, of specialised Battlewagon variants, covering every base from troop transport to assault tank to mobile artillery. It's rivaling the Leman Russ Battle Tank in terms of mods, making a Spearhead Detachment blitz brigade all the more viable. There're also the Big Trakk and Looted Wagon knocking about, but they're not in the best place right now, having lost of lot of their former options of editions gone by. Battlewagon variants while interesting are basically artificial creations concerning 1 model kit. GW did this to inflate codex after cutting all the stuff that had no current models.
- Battlewagon: Like most other Ork vehicles it benefits from 'Ere We Go. The base Battlewagon is highly customizable and pretty tough (especially now with Ramshackle). It can be upgraded to deliver a fair amount of dakka on its own, and its melee capability can be upgraded to make it a serious threat as well. However, its most important qualities are that it's an Open-Topped vehicle that can transport up to 20 Boyz (or 10 Meganobz). (It can also now transport Ghazghkull Thraka who hilariously takes up 18 of 20 slots.) The Battlewagon can therefore function either as a rolling bunker for shooty Orks, or as a battle taxi for choppy Orks. The Battlewagon can also be upgraded with a variety of Kustom Jobs. However, a Battlewagon with no upgrades or weapons at all costs 105 points, and the price only goes up from there.
- Every weapon on the 'Wagon is an optional extra:
- 'Ard Case: It'll be more durable(+1 T), but your passengers can't shoot. More of a sidegrade, and a highly situational one at that.
<tabs> <tab name="Choppy Bitz">
- Choppy bitz: You can buy all three if you want, but the Deff Rolla is usually your best option. A Choppy Battlewagon should be used to ferry models, after which it can turn into a MEQ-chewing lawnmower that can also soak overwatch from something that would shred its occupants.
- Deff Rolla: It's AP-2, and any attacks with it are at WS 2+ at Str 9 and doing 2 wounds each. 15 points is a pretty decent price for this upgrade since it turns the Battlewagon from a "Meh" melee threat into a "holy crap" melee threat.
- Grabbin' Klaw: The Klaw allows you to make one additional attack with this weapon, and this weapon only. It uses the base WS of 5+ which isn't great, but it does at least allow your wagon to make more attacks than it would otherwise be able to for only 5 points more.
- Wreckin' Ball: Like the Grabbin' Klaw, for 5 points the Wreckin' Ball adds one additional attack that can only be made with this weapon. Compared to the klaw it has higher strength and lower AP.
- Choppy bitz: You can buy all three if you want, but the Deff Rolla is usually your best option. A Choppy Battlewagon should be used to ferry models, after which it can turn into a MEQ-chewing lawnmower that can also soak overwatch from something that would shred its occupants.
</tab> <tab name="Shooty Bitz">
- Big Gunz: A Battlewagon may be equipped with either a Killkannon, Kannon or Zzap Gun. Be wary of the typical poor Ork BS, however, not to mention that the only gun worth taking (the Killkannon) also reduces the transport capacity to 12. If you want to take these weapons, use the Gunwagon instead.
- Killkannon: A hybrid Kannon that that fires heavy high-explosive shells similar in effect to a single shot from a Leman Russ Battle Tank. Again, save this for the Gunwagon.
- Kannon: The Frag shell is comparable to 1-6 Boys shooting Sluggas. The AP shell will only hit once every three turns. Don't waste the points.
- Zzap Gun: Random strength is unreliable especially at low number of shots and BS of 5+. Don't waste the points EVER.
- More Dakka: Due to their low cost and high shot output these are the guns you'll most likely equip your Battlewagon with.
- Big Shoota: While these aren't particularly powerful they have good range, and Dakka 5/3 means that they can spit out quite a few shots at half range or closer. Don't forget that they can shoot in melee due to Big Guns Never Tire.
- Lobba: Long range indirect fire. Can hit models out of line of sight and can be thrown on top of any other gubbinz you take. Almost worth it due to the fact that Orks have so few indirect fire options.
- Rokkit Launcha (Index only): 4 Rokkit Launchas opens up some tactical possibilities for this vehicle. However, let's face it, BS 5+ is still a problem, they're expensive, and you aren't going to convert your Battlewagon to have a Legends-only loadout anyway, so don't bother.
</tab> </tabs>
- Gunwagon: Battlewagon variant 1. Designed in theory to be shooty. Comes with 'Ard Case and Kannon by default (Swap-able for a Killkannon or a Zzap Gun), cannot take a Deff Rolla and has a transport capacity of 12 by default. In exchange it has a Periscope that grants +1 to hit with its main weapon. Unfortunately it lost the ability to fire the main gun twice somewhere in the transition to 9th Edition. Waaaaay overcosted for what it does.
- Killkannon/Da Booma: A Killkannon upgraded with a Kustom Job to Da Booma is virtually mandatory. Unfortunately all the other Big Gun options are garbage even with a conditional BS of 4+, so they can be skipped.
- The Gunwagon is otherwise a good platform for Big Shootas and if you're going to take a Lobba, it's going to be on here.
- Bonebreaka: Battlewagon variant 2. Designed for close combat. Takes 'Ard Case and Deff Rolla by default and again can transport only 12 models, but also gets D6 extra attacks in the turn it charges. Base cost 175 again. So kind of steep. Forget the ranged options, none of its weapons are assault and you want it to get into close combat asap. This thing only worth the +20 points compared to the regular Battlewagon if you gear it up to close combat with a kustom job, lest it becomes a huge point sink.
- Dedicated Melee: Skip Red Rolla it costs 20p and changes d6 into d3+3. Another casualty of kustom jobs nerf. Goffs may give additional hits, Blood Axes allow you to fall back and charge every turn until you're wrecked, while Evil Sunz allow you to close in the distance even faster. Naturally, it synergizes with the Deffkilla Wartrike and with the Evil Sunz warlord trait so you can still charge in after falling back. This thing is good at what it does: being tough as hell and mopping up infantry. If this thing gets the charge, it can AND WILL murder fuck anything not a TEQ. However, this setup also makes it a priority target so consider placing it in reserve (strategic, or Tellyporta) and even then you might want to spend on Ramming Speed to ensure your charge connects. This can easily cost you anywhere between 2 to 6 CPs so plan accordingly.
- Overall overcosted, probably to force Kill Rig down our collective throats.
- This is a prime candidate for Ramming Speed on turn 1 if you go second. Another option is to put it in reserves and drop it in and then ramming speed, but that's 4 cp worth of strats. Could be a good distraction, though.
- Hunta Rig: So with all the stuff the Beast Snagga's got, the one slot they couldn't fill in was the Heavy Weapons slot. This gives you both a giant artillery platform and a wagon to carry your beast snaggas and NOTHING ELSE (but they are not primaris orks noooo...), all in a giant squig-powered chariot. It's chief weapons are the 'Eavy Lobba to smash hordes, even from behind any LOS-blocking terrain, while the Stikka Cannon gives you something specially tailored to nail the favored prey of the beast snaggas with a re-roll to hit and keeps them from running away. It's no slouch in melee either, as it not only has the squig itself fighting, but also a bunch of boyz to hack away. Its most dangerous weapons are the saws, but they're also the most affected as the rig decays in health.
- The Groundbreaker Shells stratagem halves the movement of whatever you hit, which can prove to be especially evil if you also have a mob of boyz waiting in the wings to sweep in and clear the herd afterwards.
- The rig is a particularly good target for the Ramming Speed stratagem, as it not only throws it at an enemy from further away but it also drops some MWs on top of that, which can help with wiping the mob.
- Kill-Rig: 30 points more than the Hunta Rig slaps a big ol' Wurrboy Tower on there, eating up some transport slots (10 spaces instead of 15) and turning this wagon into a Character. On top of the two Beasthead powers you now get, you also get a special cannon that auto-hits with a ferocious S9 AP-3 but is hamstrung by being Dd6 - meaning that it could just dent a monster instead of outright blasting it to bits.
- Incidentally, while it's only Assault 1, it can improve to Assault d3 whenever the rig casts something - this can help a bit with mitigating the randomized damage.
- Superior to hunta rig due to amount of shenanigans one can take due to it being characters not to mention psychic powers potential.
- Note its warlord trait is set and cannot be changed.
- Big Trakk (Forge World):Improved Trukk with a 14” move, T6, and W12, transport capacity of 12, Open-Topped, Spiked Ram dealing Mortal Wounds in charge, Ramshackle like an old good Trukk, plus 2 Big Shootas for the nice price tag of 85pts. Now you can rumble forward with the boyz faster and crush into the enemies in a more spectacular way than with old Trukk, and much cheaper than with a Battlewagon. Or take the Tankbustas for a ride!
- A Big Trakk can take a Killkannon and reduce its transport capacity to 6, or a Supa-Kannon and reduce it further to 0. But honestly, face to the fact, the Big Trakk has BS5+ and no dakka improving abilities, why take it? If you want the Killkannon, take a Gunwagon. Wanna Supa-Kannon? Take Kannonwagon.
- One of the coolest models we have btw.
- Good target for Ramming Speed stratagem. In combination with Spiked Ram and little bit of dakka from two Big Shootas, this annoying small light infantry units are finally dead and the reach is impressive.
- Should be Dedicated Transport. There is almost always better Heavy Support to take.
- Kannonwagon (Forge World): As with all FW models update is needed. This thing has had a major (40) points drop in the Forge World Compendium, going from 210pts in the 2020 Munitorum Field Manual to only 170, the cheapest it's been in quite a while! Transport capacity is reduced to just 6 when compared to a regular Battlewagon and you don't have the option for an 'Ard Case to give it T8, but in exchange you've a big gun that's dead killy. The Supa-Kannon's 60" Heavy 2d6, S8, AP-2 and Damage 3 (DAMAGE 3 !!!) Blast - dead killy. It's kinda a better Ork Vindicator. This thing was made to bring down anything big, but Blast means it can also now delete blobs of heavy infantry once you've eliminated enemy armour. 2D6 shots is however pretty random.
- Kannonwagon Grot Gunners: BS4+ when firing main cannon, meaning you actually stand a chance of hitting something.
- Three Big Shoota for free for more fun.
- Lifta Wagon (Forge World, Legends): Everyone's favorite weaponized tractor beam now automatically hits its target D6 times, rolling 2D6 per hit. Each roll that equals or exceeds the target's Strength inflicts a mortal wound. The wagon itself can fire Heavy weapons (i.e. the Lifta-Droppa) while moving without penalty, and has access to the same melee and small gun options as the Battlewagon (Deff Rolla/Wreckin' Ball/Grabbin' Klaw, and up to two from the following: Rokkit Launcha, Big Shoota). Less shots, less damage, but you don't need to roll to hit with an Ork BS5+ and it inflicts mortal wounds.
- The effectiveness of the Lifta-Droppa damage output is limited by its number of hits. It can't do enough damage to threaten enemy vehicles, and it lacks the output to deal with any substantial hordes. Unless you are going against an elite heavy army with expensive 1W models, this thing is more of a point sink then a boon.
- Open and Narrative Play only:
- Wagon (Open Play, Chapter Approved 2018): Looted Wagon #2, and perhaps the most likely position for it. While it starts with just a Big Shoota (replaceable with a Skorcha or Zzap Gun), you know you really want more shit on this. Starting off is the big gun (Lobba, Killkannon, or Zzap Gun), then you got an option to get two more of the following (Big Shootas, Skorchas, Rokkits) and a Stikkbomb Launcha. Compared to the Battlewagon, it loses out on wounds, but it's T8 and exchanges its transport capacity for the ability to keep on firing.
- Mobile Fortress: PoMS, now orkified. Fire heavy weapons and drive without penalty!
- Shoot 'Em Again: If you move less than half its movement speed (or not at all), the Lobba or Killkannon can shoot again.
- Big Red Button: Once per battle during shooting, you can roll d3 for a random result (Instant move 6" which fucks shooting, +1S to all guns, heal d3 wounds).
- Wagon (Open Play, Chapter Approved 2018): Looted Wagon #2, and perhaps the most likely position for it. While it starts with just a Big Shoota (replaceable with a Skorcha or Zzap Gun), you know you really want more shit on this. Starting off is the big gun (Lobba, Killkannon, or Zzap Gun), then you got an option to get two more of the following (Big Shootas, Skorchas, Rokkits) and a Stikkbomb Launcha. Compared to the Battlewagon, it loses out on wounds, but it's T8 and exchanges its transport capacity for the ability to keep on firing.
Da 'Ard Stuff[edit | edit source]
This is anything with legs, be they metal or fleshy, all are equally stompy. Your walkers range in size from Sentinel-class Killa Kans and Dreadnought-shaped Deff Dreads, giving you all the tools you might need to tackle any job. The Squiggoth's pretty solid too, but's more of a transport that can also krump, rather than a krumper that can also transport. Gorkanauts and Morkanauts were moved to Lords of War unfortunately, so now you either need 3 to fill out a Superheavy detachment or one in a Superheavy Auxiliary detachment for 1CP (and thereby forgoing your klan trait).
- Killa Kans: Lacks 'Ere We Go!, Mob Rule and Clan Kultur. Unlike Deff Dreads, these little guys don't split up on deployment so Leadership 6 and lack of Mob Rule can see things go very wrong very fast, especially as casualties that Explode will always wound their squad mates. Not even a Warboss' Breakin' Heads is an option to work around morale, since they have the Gretchin keyword. A minimum-sized unit is 3 now, so no singular Kans anymore. They are versatile in melee and at range, with their great (for Orks, anyway) BS4+, decent selection of weapons, and three S8 AP-3 D3 Kan claw melee attacks per Kan. They are admittedly WS 4+ but they also get +1A if there's more than two in a unit, thanks to Scrag 'Em. The lack of 'Ere We Go! means these little guys might just fail the charge, but you want them at range. Have a Command Point handy. Each Kan has a Kan Klaw, and a Big Shoota which it can replace with one of the following:
- Grotzooka: Decent for mowing down infantry at range with 2d3 S6 shots per Kan, but the lack of AP will force you to rely on sheer volume of shots against Power Armour equivalents. Its short-ranged (18"), making it pretty lackluster all things considered but it is at least free. Skip.
- Kustom Mega-Blasta (Index only): As with the Deff Dread, S8 plasma goodness. Better AP than the Rokkit Launcha in exchange for 1d6 rather than 3 flat Damage, but you wound yourself on 1s.
- Rokkit Launcha: As with the Deff Dread, your alternative S8 firepower option. Flat 3 damage to the Mega-Blasta's 1d6 and no wounding yourself on 1s, but one less AP. Overall best choice if you want to capitalise on your 4+ BS and need anti-tank, but on the expensive side for extra 15p.
- Skorcha: Your BS4+ isn't terrible, so not an auto take compared to other Orks units, but if you're going melee you might want to pack a Skorcha for guaranteed hits. Especially helpful for Overwatch if they get counter-charged, and it's also not that expensive at 5p per model.
- Big Shoota Default choice. It is kind of lackluster but its free. Probably the best choice if you want to shoot GEQs while heading towards CC.
- After some games I love those nasty rascals. Multiple wounds and some toughness makes them somewhat durable, and people tend to underestimate them. The lack of speed is a main disadvantage, but when in range, see all those MEQs die. If you're lucky with your attacks in CC they can rip most character models apart as their claw always inflicts 3 damage.
- They're still pretty cheap at 40 points with a Big Shoota. They hit on 4s in melee, but can get WS 3+ with a Waaagh! banner and make 4 (or 5 with WAAAAGH!!!) attacks each, which isn't bad considering they are T5 W5 Sv3+.
- They are also decent screen with their big bases and can even be distraction carnifex thing.
- Problem is in bigger units they suffer heavily from morale. Losing a 40p model due to morale after losing one or two others is really bad.
- Deff Dreds: Start organised as a 3-model unit, but split into individual units during deployment (as per Dread Mob). They are in a really good place now for their base cost of 85ppm. Keep them away from large groups of basic troops, as they will either tarpit the Dreads for eternity or straight up kill them. Their preferred targets are vehicles and monsters. Each Dread comes with two Dread Klaws and two Big Shootas as standard, and can replace any of them with these (and you typically will as big shootas are a bad choice for this guy):
- Kustom Mega-Blasta: 10 extra points per gun for d3 S8 plasma goodness. Better AP than the Rokkit Launcha and it is D6 rather than 3 flat Damage, but you wound yourself on 1s. An important note is that these weapons retained the Assault type, being one of only a few Ork weapons that did, and as such can be shot even if the Dred advances (potentially without loss of accuracy dependent on the klan).
- You want to go all or nothing with this. A Kustom Mega Dredd with 4 of those is on the expensive side but 4d3 plasma shots is nothing to scoff at.
- If you're playing Deathskullz, always consider taking one of these. A single KMB perfectly utilizes every single one of the rerolls you get from the kultur, lowering your chance at overheating.
- Rokkit Launcha: 10 extra points per gun, your alternative d3 shots of S8 firepower. Flat 3 damage to the Mega-Blasta's D6 and no wounding yourself on 1s, but one less AP. Decent choice overall but we can get rokkits elsewhere with better chances to hit.
- Skorcha: Some close-range firepower for a close-combat Dread that wants auto-hits. Costs only 5 extra points and d6 S5 and AP -1 is a great deal. Frankly with BS5+ this is the best option as it both works as a Charge deterrent and can bbq some enemies on the Dred's way into CC or even after he's already TheRE.
- More Dread Klaws : These do not cost anything, so a 4-klaw Dred that will positively shred any hard target in CC is very viable option now. Each Klaw gives +1A to the Dred's three base attacks.
- With usage of Tellyporta stratagem they are decent anti-armour with their d3 Dread Klaws. Jumping 3 and then moving them up on, for example, an Imperial Knight, can do some damage and most importantly eat Overwatch for your character with Da Killa Klaw or even GHAZZY to let them get in and wreck face!!!... though you are probably better off with 10 Meganobz anyway.
- Kustom Mega-Blasta: 10 extra points per gun for d3 S8 plasma goodness. Better AP than the Rokkit Launcha and it is D6 rather than 3 flat Damage, but you wound yourself on 1s. An important note is that these weapons retained the Assault type, being one of only a few Ork weapons that did, and as such can be shot even if the Dred advances (potentially without loss of accuracy dependent on the klan).
- Meka-Dread (Forge World): As with all Forge World units, an update is needed. Lacks Mob Rule. As of the Forge World Compendium, it has been stripped of almost everything, as it no longer has access to a Kustom Force Field, Mega Charga, Rokkit Bomms, Big Zzappas, Rattler Kannons, and Shuntas, so immediately it's less of an alternative to a Morkanaut. Hope you magnetised those arms... In exchange, it gets the same Ramshackle that Trukks get, and the ability to fix one friendly vehicle within 1" for 1d3 lost Wounds which can't be itself... yay?
- Dread Rippa Klaws: The basic weapon loadout consists of one of these and a Killkannon, but you can swap either for one of the other or a Dread Killsaw. It's an okay CCW with S×2, AP-3, and D1d3+3. Only 4 attacks base, though +1 if there are 2 Klaws.
- Dread Killsaws: The alternative melee option, only S+1 D2, but AP-4 and +1 attacks with this weapon when you fight. Only Strength 8 to the the Klaws' Strength 14, but has an easier time of getting through thick armour.
- Mega Dread (Forge World): As with all forge world update is needed. Once again a playable option in the Forge World Compendium, but functionally very similar to the Meka-Dread, with the same weapon options available. The difference between the two, is that instead of being able to fix things, this one can roll an additional dice for it's Charge distance and discard one of them. It also has a couple of Boombits, which are R12" Assault 1d6 S5 AP0 D1 auto-hit, which is nice I guess?
- Squiggoth (Forge World): As with all forge world update is needed. More limited than the Trukk in what it can transport, but hits hard in melee and can take a beating with its 18 wounds. Units embarked on the Squiggoth as well as the Squiggoth's own gun can fire their weapons normally from it if an enemy is 1" or less away (i.e. in melee range with the Squiggoth), but can't target that particular enemy. Stampede! inflicts 1d3 Mortal Wounds on a 2+ to every unit within 1" at the end of a Charge as of the Forge World FAQs. Also if you don't want to pay the outrageous Forgeworld price tag, the Stegadon from Age of Sigmar could make a great conversion.
Da Gunz[edit | edit source]
Two classes of batteries to bring along to the fun, big and small. The smaller Big Gunz are your Heavy Weapons Squads, able to provide close fire support for your Boyz and Grots, or rain down suppressive barrages from out of sight. The bigger Mek Gunz are your Basilisk Artillery Guns and Griffon Heavy Mortar Carriers, more aimed at engaging heavy armour whilst the footsloggers do their own thing.
- Big Gunz (Legends): Benefit from Grots' 4+ Ballistics Skill. Fewer points than the Mek Gunz selection, you get a maximum of six to a unit. They suffer from being the cheaper version, as they've only got 3 Wounds to the Mek Gunz 6. The guns only cost 8 each, but are required to buy the type of gun (15 or 20 points) for each model. This works out to 23 (Kannons/Zzap Gun) or 28 (Lobba) points each.
- Kannon: Cheap and effective, with your standard D6 S4/1 S8 Frag/Krak rounds. It's one of the few sources of S8 shooting in the Index, and cheap too. Due to the FAQ they can not get the Deatskulls Clan Kultur anymore, and unfortunately GW did not even give them DakkaDakkaDakka! In exchange. Regardless of this they are a good point-for-point unit.
- A single missile launcher heavy weapons team is 27 points, Kannon team is 23 points. Orks lack 12' of range and access to orders (which are both important) but we have a much tougher platform.
- Lobba: D6 S5 hits that ignore line of sight and an impressive 48" range, but doesn't have AP. The appeal of these doesn't come from their potency on the battlefield, it comes from their dirt cheap utility. Now you have a 48" range poking stick, plus a rear-line screen against Deep Strikers or Infiltrators. They can be hidden out of line of sight and still be effective. They can use their Grots to spread out and claim as much board space as possible, which is made especially useful by their ability to be anywhere and still hit targets. Not the most offensive choice, but a great trolling/denial Detachment.
- Zzap Gun: Its gun's random 2d6 Strength. If you roll 11+, you don't roll To-Wound, this model takes 1 Mortal Wound and inflict 3 Mortal Wounds to the target. The gun platform has to take the Mortal Wound, but you can keep a Mek nearby to fix up the damage.
- Take a look into Mek Guns to see some Mathammer.
- Kannon: Cheap and effective, with your standard D6 S4/1 S8 Frag/Krak rounds. It's one of the few sources of S8 shooting in the Index, and cheap too. Due to the FAQ they can not get the Deatskulls Clan Kultur anymore, and unfortunately GW did not even give them DakkaDakkaDakka! In exchange. Regardless of this they are a good point-for-point unit.
- Mek Gunz: Those guys were almost auto include in 8th. Now not so much. They benefit from Grots' 4+ ballistics skill but not from Clan Kultur rules, which is a shame. The chassis and the crew are 45 points and operate as single models, then there's one of 4 variants applied for free on top of that. The model is expensive monetary for what it is, so kitbash or make your own models (You can easily make mek guns out of stompa parts). Currently they can be taken in units of 1 to 3 (sorry for all of you who sold a kidney to have 18). They are still decent but since they are Ld4 and do not split after deployment morale is a big issue. Losing only 1 cannon gives you 50/50 chance of losing second 45 point model or potentially even all 3 and limiting it costs CP and prevent you from saving other units.
- Bubblechukka: Random as hell. It now rolls once and this point to choose one of 3 profiles for its gun good against different things. The roll only occurs after a target has been picked so it's very tricky to ever get this right! It was made faster to play and slightly more reliable but still so random it is still questionable. Skip this gun, just go for the Kustom Mega-Kannon, the Smasha Gun or the Kannon.
- Kustom Mega-Kannon: It's fantastically lethal but lose some range in exchange (36"). If you are taking a battery of these, keep a Mek nearby to fix the guns when they inevitably overheat. Gun itself is typical plasma equivalent S8 AP-3 D6 damage. Could be a good idea to outflank these from reserves with 1 or 2 full squads. They come in, shoot with 3d6 super plasma, then die gloriously.
- By far best of the mek gunz now.
- Take few with Freebootaz buggies to trigger the clan culture.
- Smasha Gun: D3 shots, but it lost its cool unusual rule of wounding that circumvented transhuman. It is flat S8 AP-4 D6 blast weapon now. It wins over Kustom mega variant with its 48" range and lack of gets hot, but KMK is probably better overall.
- Traktor Kannon: No longer autohit. Now it is Heavy 1 but it adds 1 to hit or 2 if target is aircraft (so it typically negates rules like supersonic and add 1 to hit). It is S8 AP-2 and d3+3 or d6+3 against aircraft. Frankly 1 shot with 3+ is not great and should be skipped in favor of KMK.
Flyers[edit | edit source]
Ork Flyers don't get 'Ere We Go! or Mob Rule. You've a Flyer for every occasion; the Dakkajet, Fighta, and Fighta-Bommer are generalists, whilst the Burna-Bommer's anti-infantry, the Blitza-Bommer's anti-vehicle, the Wazbom Blastajet's anti-tank, and the Warkopta's a transport.
- Burna-Bommer: Anti-infantry firepower and bombs. For 135 ppm it is kind of affordable. Gone is 'Edbutt and exploding on 4+ with 3 flat MW. It was too much, admittedly, but they've gone too far other way. You get two Burna Bombs, and can drop one per turn on a point you fly over. You roll a D6 for every model inside 6". No restriction on the number, so if you can bomb a lot of units in close proximity to each other this can mean a lot of dice, but typically just reasonable amount. On a 5+, or 6+ vs CHARACTERS, units that those models belong to take mortal wounds. The Twin Big Shoota gets +1 to hit thanks to its Grot Gunner. You can also buy some supa shootas and scorcha missiles for an extra 15p (decent 2d6 blast weapon).
- Overall this guy is nowhere near as auto-include as it was, but it's also far from useless, especially against armies with significant chaff.
- Blitza-Bommer: A bomber that's a little more focused on attacking vehicles. Its guns are still anti-infantry (with the Grot Gunner giving it a +1 to hit with the Big Shoota), but its Boom Bombs count Vehicles and Monsters as three models when working out how many dice they get to roll for Mortal Wounds - and they inflict Mortal Wounds to all targets on 4s, while Burna-Bommers' Burna Bombs require 5s for non-Infantry. Bomb squadrons of smaller vehicles for maximum pain.
- Dakkajet: Your basic fighter. No bombs, but it instead has 4 supa shootas. You can get up to 2 more for 10 points each. It is very cheap for a flyer at 100p, but realistically you will always take the 2 extra super shootas for a total of 120p. Each super shoota is Dakka 6/4 S6 AP-1 D1, so at half range this one will get 36 shots. Pretty decent. It also has standard flyer abilities Airborne, Hard to Hit and Supersonic. It hits on 5s and there is no way to make it +1 to hit outside of Freebootaz trait, but the volume of shots compensates for that.
- Combining it with Speedwaaagh bumps it to 42 shots at AP-2, which will positively shred most non-TEQ or non-vehicle units.
- Realistically, this model is the only viable target for the More Dakka kustom job.
- Wazbom Blastajet: Your anti-tank plane. At base it costs 170p but it'll go as high as 200-210p if you pay for the extra gubbins. It has BS4+ since it's manned by a mek and they're all BS4+ now :). That is really nice considering how many guns it has. It has built-in smasha gun (heavy d3 S8 AP-4 damage D6 Blast) and 2 wazbomb mega kannonz (36' Heavy d3 S10 AP-3 D6 blast and standard Gets Hot rule), and can take 2 supa shootas or swap the KMK for tellyporta mega-blastas.
- Tellyport Mega-Blastas: 20pts extra. You can replace both. It loses some range and 1 point of S and 2 points of AP for d6 shots and d3+3 damage which is more reliable. Probably worth it since this is a flyer so range is typically no issue.
- Blastajet Force Field: You can swap out the Stikkbomb Flinga (which is mostly useless) for one of these for 20pts. It is probably a good idea if you have multiple aircraft since it is 9" 5++ inv but works only for ORK AIRCRAFT.
- Supa Shootas: You can drop 20 points on a pair of these if you feel the need for even more dakka (6/3 S6 AP-1) which, let's face it, you probably do.
- It is quite decent but most expensive of all the flyers as you can easily take two Dakkajets for one of those but BS4+ and very good anti-tank weapons is worth it.
- Attack Fighta (Forge World, Legends): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book. Same profile as other Ork flyers, now with 12 Wounds to bring it in line with the others. Comes with twin Twin Big Shootas, and either Small Bomms (roll 1d6 for each model in one unit you flew over in the Movement Phase up to a max of ten dice, and cause a Mortal Wound on every 5+, but can only be used twice per battle) or Wing Missiles (24" Assault 1 S8 Ap-2 D3).
- This's what happens when the Warboss gets too thrifty with his flyers. Overcosted and inferior to its counterparts, it's easily outperformed by every other Ork Flyer available. Only bring this for Narrative purposes, as it isn't even fun enough to bring to a friendly Open Play game.
- It basically looks like something between a proper Ork flyer and a Deffkopta, having the worst characteristics of both without most their benefits. When it eventually got points in the Forge World Compendium Legends PDF, its saving grace was that it was dirt cheap, at 120pts and 6PL.
- Fighta-Bommer (Forge World, Legends): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book. 8PL instead of the 6PL for the Attack Fighta, but much more useful. Has three Twin Big Shootas, and you can switch out its Small Bomms for two Wing Missiles or two Grot-Guided Bombs. Still kinda mediocre, but it actually does the job of the Blitza-Bomba better.
- "Chinork" Warkopta (Forge World, Legends): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book. No longer a Dedicated Transport as of the Forge World Compendium, even though its statline's much more in line with the Trukk it was once an alternative to, to the point that you can now proxy it by replacing a Trukk's wheels with propellers. You can use it to Deep Strike ten ladz, but weight limits mean they can't bring Mega Armour or Jump Packs with them. Movement of 16" plus 6" advancing gives a 22" movement. A much more worthwhile take than a Trukk, assuming your enemy doesn't have a strong anti-air presence. Now with Open-Topped.
- Deffguns: Gets two of these Loota weapons for free.
- Rattler Kannons: Can swap the Deffguns for two of these, and they're now completely different weapons to the previous iteration. Heavy 1d6 24" S6 AP-2 D1 shots apiece. So the number of shots has halved but it's stronger. Sounds nasty. Two of them will generally average two saves for anything T4 or T3, which sounds meh, but AP-2 and D1 means that could leave a mark; just be careful what you aim at.
- Also comes with a Big Shoota, which can be swapped for a Skorcha, Rokkit Launcha, or Kustom Mega-Blasta. Sadly the Skorcha'll be out of range if you deep strike (8"R, must Deep Strike >9" away), but given that you can move it 22" then fire a Skorcha at full effect, you're obviously going to deploy it normally if you take these.
- No longer has to worry about moving and shooting thanks to Big Guns Never Tire.
- Bigbomms: You can get two of these and they cost 10 points each. Drop them on units you move over, and they deal a Mortal Wound to each model in the unit on a 5+, up to a maximum of 5.
Lords of War[edit | edit source]
DISCLAIMER: As it stands, virtually all Ork Super-Heavies are hilariously overpriced and underpowered in the current edition. Seriously, it's a zoggin' mess. Those that do perform marginally well are either ludicrously overpriced in actual money or are locked into formats that are seldom used and even less likely to be openly accepted by certain others in a community setting. Unless you're just playing a friendly game with people in your own close group, it is generally advisable to avoid these choices altogether.
Which is a shame, since they all look really Zoggin' cool.
Da Wheelz[edit | edit source]
All your Kill Tanks and Battlefortresses go here, as well as any super-heavy vehicles looted from other races.
- Kill Tank (Forge World): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book. Seemed nice and cheap for its T8 and 24 wounds at 365 pts plus wargear, which brought it up to about 420+ pts. But everything changed when the Forge World Compendium attacked. A 4+ save improved to a 3+. A transport capacity of 12 ladz remained but lost its patented pseudo-open-topped rule that lets ladz inside fire but hit on sixes. It's BS4 became BS5 with 1+ to hit when it's main gun is within half range. The main gun's still either a Bursta Kannon or a Gigashoota, and it comes with a Skorcha and a Twin Big Shoota as well. And the price for all of this? 275pts for the Kill Blasta, 325pts for the Kill Bursta.
- Bursta Kannon: A R36" Heavy 3d6 S10 AP-3 D3 creature that'll vaporise whatever you hit, having gained an additional dice worth of shots.
- Giga Shoota: A R48" Heavy 30 S6 AP-2 D1 monstrosity that'll likely be getting a lot more hits than it used to. Changing from Heavy 6d6 reduced its maximum number of shots slightly, but really improved its average and minimum. Should average seven wounds against T4 or T5, a little under nine against T3 or less. Along with saves at -2, expect to be removing three or four MEQs, or twice that many GEQs, each time you fire. Perhaps not the most points efficient weapon, but think of the feeling of firing all that dakka. This one is the most efficient for encouraging close combat for the tank. When you're stuck in cc, you can just back up and blast away hitting on 4s, or if you're stuck you're still hitting on 5s with the plus 1 to hit. Putting More Dakka on this doesn't feel so bad since you're guaranteed 30 shots instead of 3d6 which can be swingy.
- Reinforced Ram: S+1 AP-1 D3, deals 1d3 Mortal Wounds to the charged unit on a 2+, which coupled with the 8 S9 attacks and the WS4+ makes close combat a friendly place to be for the Kill Tank.
- Kill Tank Grot Riggers: It can regain 1d3 Wounds each turn, which's neat, I suppose.
- All in all it's your cheap super-heavy (though not in money terms, FW being who they are), but since you're an Ork player just do as the Orks do; scratch-build one out of plasticard and spare parts like a true Mek would.
- Kill Krusha (Forge World, Legends): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book.It's a Kill Tank with a Krusha Kannon, which has four different firing profiles;
- Boom Shells: 60" Heavy 2d6 S8 AP-2 D2 Blast.
- Tankhamma Shells: 60" Heavy 1 S10 AP-3 D6, re-roll To-Hit against Vehicles.
- Scrap Kanisters: 18" Heavy 3d6 S5 AP-1 D1, auto-hit.
- Blast Burnas: 48" Heavy 3d6 S5 AP-1 D1 Blast.
- Grot Riggers: It regains 1 Wound every Command Phase, not as good as the regular Kill Tank's but better than nothing.
- It can also take any two of Twin Big Shootas, Rokkit Launchas, or Skorchas. Generally less effective than the Kill Bursta or the Kill Blasta at their respective specialties, but much more flexible than either, a jack-of-all-trades deal. In between the two in price at 290pts.
- Deff Rolla Battle Fortress (Forge World, Legends): As with all FW things it needs update to be in line with 9th age book.In all respects a bigger, badder, better brother of the Battlewagon. It has similar stats, but with 24W and built-in T8 with Open-Topped. Stock it has a pair of Zzap Guns and one Kannon that can be exchanged in any combination for Kannons, Lobbas or Zzap Guns, a Deffrolla which's the same as on the Battlewagon, so it ALWAYS hits on 2+ as its worst WS is 5+, and the Deffrolla adds 3 to it so unless enemy has some shenanigans you just do not care about damage as long as this thing's in CC.
- It also has two Twin Big Shootas, Skorchas or Rokkit-Launchas, and additionally up to five Big Shootas too.
- There're also Grot Riggers, but with the amount of Wounds this thing has, regaining one every Command Phase's nothing to write home about.
- Overall it seem to be designed do do exactly same thing as a Battlewagon, ferrying 20 models (or 10 if they're Meganobz) down the field while protecting them and shooting a lot of guns until it can disembark its occupants and charge into something jucy with its 8 S10 AP-3 d3 damage hits. It just does it better than a Battlewagon (better resilience, better shooting, no limits on the number of models due to weapons, more guns), but costs more.
- In comparison to the Battlewagon, it also doesn't have the option to take more or bigger guns to turn it into a moving artillery piece at the expense of carrying capacity.
- Open and Narrative Play only:
- Battlefortress (Open Play, Chapter Approved 2018): The third and biggest of the Looted Wagons. It's already starting off with a bundle of guns, mostly big shootas with a killkannon/twin big shoota/lobba/zzapgun and deffkannon/mega gatler on top. While the deffkannon option is the killy option, the mega gatler gives the rig 30 slots to transport a proppa mob of boyz. It's also special for getting legit sponsons for an extra zzap gun/rokkit and a twinned big shoota/skorcha for fun.
- Krushin' Tracks: Unique to this wagon is a legit weapon. While its attacks dwindles alongside wounds, it always deals S9 AP-2 Dd3 pain.
- Battle Fortress: As expected, this thing can always fall back and then shoot or charge right after. It can also move and shoot without penalty and can shoot at enemies within 1" with the twinned guns. Unfortunately, don't expect cover to save it unless you have at least half the behemoth covered.
- Big Red Button: The random roll for all looted wagons, selected once per battle during shooting (move 6" with all cargo inside, +1S to all guns, heal d3 wounds).
- Battlefortress (Open Play, Chapter Approved 2018): The third and biggest of the Looted Wagons. It's already starting off with a bundle of guns, mostly big shootas with a killkannon/twin big shoota/lobba/zzapgun and deffkannon/mega gatler on top. While the deffkannon option is the killy option, the mega gatler gives the rig 30 slots to transport a proppa mob of boyz. It's also special for getting legit sponsons for an extra zzap gun/rokkit and a twinned big shoota/skorcha for fun.
Da 'Ard Stuff[edit | edit source]
Just like in Heavy Support, you have a couple of different Stompas to suit your needs, as well as a larger version of the Squiggoth. Both 'nauts are now here which is unfortunate.
- Stompa: Yay, the Stompa got cheaper. It now runs a total of 675pts, which doesn't bring it to the point of being actually good (for that you would need to cut out 100-150 more points), but much closer. It was also somewhat buffed in some places, but it retains some of its problems. Has FORTY WOUNDS with T8 and 3+ armour. Has Grot Riggers and can heal d3 Wounds at the end of Movement on a 2+, which could save it from going below a bracket (not likely with amount of shooting coming its way). It also has four levels of bracketing which is one of worst things about it, as that negates many of the benefits of having 40W. It can Fall Back over INFANTRY and SWARMS models and charge freely. At its top bracket, it boasts WS3+ and 6 attacks at S20, with its Mega-Choppa causing a flat 9(!) wounds per failed save at AP-5, or it can make the slash attack for triple the number of attacks at AP-2 and d3 damage. Points-wise it's probably still better to take two Gorka/Morkanauts but to go for a full Super-Heavy detachment you would need 3 of them (so around 1000 points). Its ranged weapon compliment is fairly impressive but inconsistent and less effective than it seems at a first glance due to BS5+.
- Supa-Gatler is an infantry-mulching Dakka 24/16 S7 AP-2 D1 (gone is psycho-dakka-blasta rule, which is sad if only due to epicness of its name).
- Supa-Rokkit No longer one-time use that can fire Heavy d6 100" at S8 AP-3 D6 Blast. Would be nice if it ignored LOS, but nope.
- Da Deffkannon, which clocks in at 72" Heavy 3d6 S10 AP-4 Dd6 Blast. Nice, but suffers from BS5+
- Aside from that, the Stompa supports an array of standard secondary weapons: 3 big shootas, a twin big shoota and a scorcha.
- Clan Kultur: Because of the changes to the Supreme Command detachment, the only way these guys give a command point bonus is if you take a Super Heavy detachment. And let's be honest, that ain't happening in a 2,000 point game. But for Apocalypse games, here is the rundown for each of the main kultures:
- Goffs: Fair. Melee focus for being more stompy.
- Evil Sunz: Mediocre. Increases mobility.
- Bad Moons: Mediocre. Increases shootiness.
- Blood Axes: Good. Gives 2+ save at 18" or more and shooting after falling back (apparently it can then charge due to the bigger and stompier rule).
- Deff Skulls: Good. Makes it slightly more durable with resistance to mortal wounds spam and slightly more reliable with To Hit and to wound.
- Snakebites: Useless. No impact on T8 vehicle.
- Freebootaz: Decent. +1 to hit on that amount of heavy weapons is not insignificant. However it requires a trigger, which can be problematic.
- It got a lot more affordable after 3 editions of being severely unplayable due to costing 200% of its real value in points, but it's still overcosted by around 150p. Still nowhere as bad as it was.
- Gorkanaut: Clearly the winner of this edition despite being moved to Lords of War section. The halfway house between a Deff Dread and a Stompa. For 365 points it is not cheap, but 24W S8 T8 orky goodness is very nice indeed. More dakka edition with its Deffstorm Mega-Shoota which has a ridiculous rate of fire of Dakka 30/20! S6 AP-1 shots. It also comes with 2 Twin Big Shootas (another 20/12 shots), a couple of Rokkit-Launchas (2d6 rokkits) and a Skorcha (12" now) if you felt it didn't have enough guns. It lost 1 A but this giant metal abomination can still throw down 5 S16 AP-4 flat 6 damage (instead of previous d6) attacks or 15 S8 AP-2 D2 attacks per turn at WS3+. Be mindful that its melee ability degrades though. It also has a transport capacity of 6 for some Tellyporta fun.
- Morkanaut: The Morkanaut had not fared as well as the Gorkanaut, which got almost exclusively buffs all around the board. It can take a Kustom Force Field for 30p, which is a steep price for 6++ aura. Previously, keeping all models within 9" of it was an issue, but it was worth it due to massive base size of the 'nauts. Nowadays, not so much - it is almost always better to take an extra Big Mek with KFF instead. Its ranged Plasma weapons put it at greater risk than its Gorkanaut counterpart. Its secondary guns got similar upgrades as Gorkanaut and general changes to the standard weapons (it comes with 2 Twin Big Shootas, 2 Rokkit-Launchas and a Kustom Mega-Blasta) but its main gun, unlike most stuff in the new codex had not been upgraded at all at 3d3 S8 AP-3 Dd6 shots. 'Big n Stompy' means it can fall back and charge, but not shoot, which is unfortunate for gun platform. It can carry 6 regular infantry models. It is also somewhat overpriced for what it does in comparison to other stuff in the book Clocking at 350p or 380p with KFF, but high amount of wounds (24) and a solid 3+ armour save makes them durable. In close combat it has the same weapon as the Gorkanaut but with 1 less A (3 fewer if smashing)
- Nerfs to the KFF and not upgrading its 3d3 main gun hurt this model significantly, especially with it becoming a LoW, so the return on points has to be higher to justify the CP expenditure.
- Economical Consideration: The Stompa has almost the same monetary price. So - unless you are restricted either by points or by detachment - it may be better to go for a Stompa. Sadly Stompa is somewhat overcosted, so it is basically monetary value vs relative tabletop value. You could buy Stompa for extra bitz and convert a ‘nought.
- Kustom Stompa (Forge World): As with all FW things it needs an update to be in line with the 9th edition book. This thing is now stupid good with the FW update and you should always take this over the regular one, since it is much cheaper and has better guns (the one bad side is you can't take the Kustom Job, but screw that for how amazing this thing is). It has the Deffkannon, Supa-Gatler, and Kustom Stompa Rockets (same stats as regular but you have an infinite amount). You also have an absolute murder melee weapon as well, which is S x2 AP5 D9, and you can also cause D3 mortal wounds on a wound roll of 4+. It can be swapped out with the Mega-Choppa, but you don't want to take that. Instead, take the Stompa Lifta Droppa, which is four smasha guns but you roll 3D6 to wound and the damage is D3+3. It still has the Belly Gun, which got nerfed against infantry, but buffed against everything else as it is now 3D6 shots instead of the 2/4D6. The best part? Having all of the guns and no melee weapons, this thing only costs 850 points, which is around 60-70 points cheaper than a regular Stompa, and it is more deadly. Always take this over a regular one.
- Evil Sunz Visions in the smoke psychic power gives you full reroll on hits and More Dakka makes your shooting exploding on 5+ and ignoring all -1 to hit modifiers. Pure shooting Kustom Stompa has 27-90 shots minimum, so it worth every teef!
- Gargantuan Squiggoth (Forge World): As with all FW things it needs an update to be in line with the 9th edition book. Ever wish your Battlewagon was bigger, 'arder, greener, killier and even more expensive? Well, here you go. Transport capacity of 20, two Twin Big Shootas, and two Supa-Lobbas, with the option to buy up to four Big Shootas and/or replace one or both Supa-Lobbas with a Killkannon or Big Zzappa. Absolute murder in melee with 8 attacks and an AP-4 D6 Damage melee weapon, and all of its guns can still shoot when it's in combat (except at the unit it's fighting) like the smaller Squiggoth. All for the low, low price of 450-500 points with guns, and don't forget you need to buy a unit to ride in it too (if you're going mad on points, try fifteen Tankbustas and 5 Bomb Squigs, fifteen Lootas, or two squads of ten Flash Gitz). Stampede! inflicts D6 mortal wounds on a 2+ to every unit within 1" at the end of a Charge as of the Forge World FAQs, rather than just on a 2 as originally written.
Fortifications[edit | edit source]
- Mekboy Workshop: The new codex changed a lot and almost made it worth taking. It would make it worth it if Kustom Jobz were not so heavily nerfed. Firstly, the costs were reduced by 15 points. Secondly the effects and special rules got an overhaul:
- (Big) Meks now repair an additional wound when within 1" of the main building. This one you will not used much as most of static gunline build is gone.
- Including a Mekboy Workshop lets you take each Kustom Job twice (still only one per Model). Not massive as Kustom jobs were heavily nerfed and mostly kind of meh, not being worth 70pt investment on top of their normal cost but could be useful in certain very specific builds... still probably not worth it.
- (Big) Meks within 1" gain a unique action. This lets them affix a Kustom job onto a vehicle within 3" without spending any points or increasing the Power Level. While it is stated that the restrictions of how many of each Kustom Job can be included in your army still apply, it says nothing about giving an additional Kustom Job to a vehicle. The only downside is that at the end of each round you roll a D6 for each Kustom Job gained that way and a 1 means you lose that job and also can't regain it again. This one is fluffy but requires one of your vehicles to stay behind. It might be viable on a stompa or something big or very, very fast to hang back a turn before zooming into the fight with it's new chrome rims. Very orky, but again kustom jobz are kind of crap now... So probably not.
- Big'ed Bossbunka: Because of course Orkz needed new setpieces. This is essentially a Gargant's head that got ripped off and turned into a fortress. It looks cool as hell and is as fluffy as they go. By default it comes with the Gaze of Gork - a dual-mode weapon that can either turn into a line-of-death that can reliably ding monsters and splatter anything below them at S9 AP-4 D3 or a massive blast that spills over to others nearby the initial target. Of course, this is also open-topped so you can throw a pack of boyz to bunker in here and open fire, and you have the option for big shootaz to pile it on.
- You can buy the Shoutin' Pole, which can make an encamped Warboss' aura become even bigger. While this is appreciated by covering more boyz, it also requires that you camp your boss in here - and that's not proppa orky.
- for 75pt it is quite nice piece to hide lootas or tankbustas in. However range is a problem as its most effective weapon is only 18". Since ork Static gunline is non existent this limits its usability significantly.
- There's nothing stopping you from tellyporting this in for 2 CP and dropping a bunker full of Lootas behind your enemy's army or right smack in the middle of the table… except the enemy screening.
Tactics[edit | edit source]
General tips[edit | edit source]
It's easy to kill the Orks. You gain very much if you go first. So focus on how to survive going second. With Orks it's super easy to lose before you move.
- Cover your army in KFF
- This is much less viable with 6++ only. But it can help first turn if orks are going second. Be ready to burn that field off.
- … or play the list with the in-built invuln like Speed Mob or Beast Snagga
- Hide behind the terrain and make sure, you have enough terrain to play regular 9th edition game on the table.
- OVERSATURATE ENEMY FIRE with a lot of targets OF ONE TYPE. Look at the winning lists from large tournaments. All these armies tend to be one type of target. Wanna play Boyz? So play pure (or almost pure) INFANTRY and make enemies anti-tank fire useless. Wanna play buggies? Vice versa.
- Plan your casualities. Wanna keep your buggies safe? Block your opponent's movement with front deployed Kommandos and harass with the jets above their head. Buy your buggies a turn or two.
Our new Stratagems mostly suck. Spent your Command points for extra detachements - specialists and WARBOSS CHARACTERS are great but limited to 1 per detachment. Plus you want most of the VEHICLE units in as small units as possible because of morale - buggies, mek guns, deffkoptas. So you need A LOT of slots.
9th ed tactical tips[edit | edit source]
9th edition and the new Nachmund GT mission pack changed the way how to do the proper Waaagh. The point is, you need to be more kunnin!
Good list is just the half of the work. You must have a plan with secondaries. And build the list around this plan. Good old times of building the list and looking for some right secondaries after that are over. To do it right, follow few rules:
- Do not bet on “selective killing” secondaries like killing the characters, vehicles or psykers. Most of the good opponents do not offer you enough easy VP. Have a plan for all 3 regardless on the opponent.
- Example is ES Speed Mob with 2 large squads of Koptas, squad 3 Squigbuggies, 3 x 6+ squad of warbikers and 2 jets.
- Koptas and Squigbuggies will be the most expensive but either sitting in back or running away via strategems - so really hard to kill. Great units for To The Last. That is the first secondary.
- Squads of Speed Mob Warbikers can move 20” and do the Nachmund Data with 100% sucess rate. So this is the second secondary.
- Jets and Warbikers will be in different quaters regularly = Engage all Fronts is your third secondary.
- Example is ES Speed Mob with 2 large squads of Koptas, squad 3 Squigbuggies, 3 x 6+ squad of warbikers and 2 jets.
- General killing secondary No Prisoners is after last update however pretty cool for Orks. Because we kill mostly a lot. So you can be pretty sure, you score at least something.
- Do not forget, it is not necessary to score high or be alive on the end. Important is scoring MORE than your opponent. So valid tactics is to be focused on scoring denial - flooding the table with a lot of obsec models, screen the quaters to deny Nachmund data and occupy objectives in first turns.
- This is important especialy with the primaries. It' s easy to score 4 every turn. And pretty much fine to score 8. But hard to score 12. It is just 4 x 8 = 32VP from 45 you can score quite easily. But if you flood the table and manage to score 12 in first turns, you can be dead on the end, but with 2x12 + 2x8 = 40VP on primaries. And that is a lot. And this is the point of the second most common ork list of these times - Goff preasure list.
- Do not underestimate the mission specific “extra missions”. There is usually about 15 VP that can be scored.
- Only one of the Ork Codex secondaries is pretty much OK - Get da Good Bitz. Propably not the best secondary on the table, but can work. Do not bother with the rest.
Most common lists Nachmund Spring 40.2022[edit | edit source]
We' ve got a new Codex last summer and krumped a lot with the Freeboota Buggy spam until crescendo of nerfs before the Christmas. However, we' ve got not only nerfs, but also the new extension in Warzone Octarius: Critical Mass. This changed our playstyle significantly.
- SPEED MOB - no infantry, super fast moving, obsec bikers, Koptas disappering into da sun and two jets for sure! One of the two most productive types of the list is based on Octarius extension.
- You can see Evil Sunz Speed Mob for extra moving sheneningas with two units od Deffkoptas.
- The second valid option are Blood Axe with less Koptas and more buggies for free reserves and deepstrike tricks protecting your valuable Wazbooms and Scrapjets and - of course - for extra CP' s. All Speed Mobs are very CP hungry.
- Last but not least are the Freebootas. +1 to hit on 2 Wazbooms is very nasty and do a lot of damage. Keep them save in T1, mostly in reserves! Your obsec biker warboss will be able to score high with the anti-obsec freeboota Banner.
- Secondaries mostly based on TTL, Engage and some other stuff like Telyport Homers, Good Bitz or Nachmund Data
- GOFF PREASURE LIST - point of this list is to charge and press your opponent deep in his part of the table and score and deny scoring early, because you will be propably dead on the end. You can see a huge ammount of the variation. Some of them are not even Goff, but Deathskull for extra obsec on MANz or Blood Axe. Some of them are very much pure infantry, some of them rely more on the vehicles. A lot of Trukkboyz, Squighog Boyz, mighty Beastboss on Squigosaur or a lot of footsloging Warbosses. There are generaly two subtypes:
- Alpha strike version relying on T1 charge = Trukkboyz, Killrigs, Warbikers, Kommandos, etc. The point is to get most of your army in close combat in T1. Preferably in opponents deployment zone.
- Beta strike version with more Squighog boyz, Battlewagons, MANz etc. trying to punch harder with stronger units in turn 2.
And now comes the list from the chapter called “interesting experiments with results”:
- GOFF TRIPLE KILLTANK or variations with Squiggoths - take 3 Kill Tanks and Ghazzy. Fill the tanks with Beast Snagga Boyz and MANz, add some Warboss/Big Mek in MA with KFF. And put aside two squads of Squighog Boyz for objective grabbing. Declare and Great Waaagh and see what happens…
Pretty clever. Kill Tanks are very cheap T8 wounds. Kill opponents anti-infantry while he's trying to kill your 72W with T8 and 6++/5++.
Typical list by Marcus Robinson - 1st on Warhammer World Matched Play Event / Sep 21++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Orks) [46 PL, 9CP, 825pts] ++
Clan Kultur: Goffs
Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]
+ No Force Org Slot +
Nob on Smasha Squig [4 PL, 65pts]
+ HQ +
Big Mek in Mega Armour [6 PL, 115pts]: Kustom Force Field, Kustom Mega-Blasta
Warboss in Mega Armour [6 PL, -1CP, 115pts]: 4. Brutal but Kunnin, Da Krushin’ Armour, Stratagem: Big Boss
+ Troops +
Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 115pts] . 8x Beast Snagga Boy: 8x Choppa, 8x Slugga . Beast Snagga Boy w/ Thump Gun: Thump Gun . Beast Snagga Nob
Beast Snagga Boyz [5 PL, 115pts] . 8x Beast Snagga Boy: 8x Choppa, 8x Slugga . Beast Snagga Boy w/ Thump Gun: Thump Gun . Beast Snagga Nob
+ Elites +
Meganobz [12 PL, 140pts] . Boss Meganob: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw . Meganob: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw . Meganob: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw . Meganob: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw
+ Fast Attack +
Squighog Boyz [4 PL, 80pts]: Bomb Squig . 3x Squighog Boy: 3x Saddlegit Weapons, 3x Squighog Jaws, 3x Stikka
Squighog Boyz [4 PL, 80pts]: Bomb Squig . 3x Squighog Boy: 3x Saddlegit Weapons, 3x Squighog Jaws, 3x Stikka
++ Super-Heavy Detachment -6CP (Orks) [45 PL, -6CP, 875pts] ++
Clan Kultur: Goffs
Detachment Command Cost [-6CP]
+ Lord of War +
Kill Tank [15 PL, 325pts]: Bursta Kannon
Kill Tank [15 PL, 275pts]: Giga Shoota
Kill Tank [15 PL, 275pts]: Giga Shoota
++ Supreme Command Detachment +2CP (Orks) [15 PL, 2CP, 300pts] ++
Clan Kultur: Goffs
Detachment Command Cost [2CP]
+ Primarch | Daemon Primarch | Supreme Commander +
Ghazghkull Thraka [15 PL, 300pts]
Total: 106 PL, 5CP, 2,000pts
- GREENTIDE with 90+ boyz etc. - Does not work anymore. Morale kills you. Skip this at all costs.
General Advice to Avoid Slow Playing[edit | edit source]
- Make a sheet with all stats and CP counter. Don' t be the guy, that spends most of the time looking in 3 different books the stat of his weapons…
- Put weights in their bases to help them stay on their feet.
- Use movement trays.
- Get married and have kids so the children can help you move all your Ork Boyz.
Army Building[edit | edit source]
Orks have possibly the greatest potential for conversions. Use this to your advantage.
To start off, pick up the Start Collecting! Orks, which will give you a Painboy, a unit of Boyz, some Nobz, and a Deff Dread. Now onto the conversions. Pick up the Start Collecting! Ironjaws or Ironjaws army, give the 'Ardboyz shootas from your Boyz/Nobz (counts as Boyz), pin a couple Space Marine Bolters together and pop them on top of your Gore-Gruntas for bikes, and give the Warchanta a suitably big shoota for a counts-as Warboss. If you got the army, give the Brutes shootas for Nobz in Mega Armour and slap some kinda Power Fist or Dreadnought gun onto the Megaboss for a Big Mek/Warboss. Now that you have a solid core of Infantry, a few HQs, a fast attack and a heavy support, it's time to bring in the big guns. Grab the Speed Freeks set for a whole lotta red 'uns, and pick up a Mek Gun or two. Everything after this can be made with fun kitbashes. Here's some popular examples:
- Looted Tactical Squad/Guardian: Use as Boyz
- Looted Assault Squad/Gargoyles/Swooping Hawks: Use as Stormboyz
- Looted Devastator Squad/Dark Reapers: Use as Lootas
- Looted Terminator Squad/Wraithguard: Use as Meganobz
- Looted Contemptor Dreadnought: Use as a Warboss in Mega Armour
- Looted Nemesis Dreadknight: Use as a Big Mek in Mega Armour for the lulz
- Looted Roboute Guilliman: Use as a Warboss in Mega Armour
- Looted Bike Squad/Thunderwolf Cavalry/Serberys Sulphurhounds: Use as Warbikes
- Looted Invader ATV/Tauros/DOOMWHEELS/Steam Tank: Use as Warbuggies
- Looted Sentinel/Ironstrider Ballistarius/Centurion Squad/Eldar War Walker/XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit: Use as Killa Kans
- Looted Dreadnought/Onager Dunecrawler/Penitent Engine/Canoptek Spyder/XV88 Broadside Battlesuit/Wraithlord: Use as Deff Dreds
- Looted Defiler/Triarch Stalker/Tyrannofex/XV104 Riptide Battlesuit/Wraithknight: Use as Gorkanauts
- Looted Warhound Scout Titan/Hierophant: Use as Stompas
- Looted Thunderfire Cannon/Rapier Armoured Carrier: Use as Mek Gunz
- Looted Ghost Ark/Leman Russ Battle Tank/Land Raider: Use as Battlewagons
- Looted Tomb Blade/Reaver Jetbike/Gyrocopter: Use as Deffkoptas
- Looted Valkyrie/Stormraven/Archaeopter/Orca: Use as Warkoptas
- Looted Doom Scythe/Thunderbolt Fighter/Heldrake/Xiphon interceptor/Nightshade Interceptor/Razorshark Strike Fighter/Tyranid Harpy: Use as Dakkajets
- Looted Carnifex/Great Knarloc: Warboss/Ghazzy/Deffrolla/Deffdread. Google it. Do it.
- Looted Emperor: Google it in google images.. hur hur
- Looted Trukk: Looted Trukk
- Here's a neat little trick! The Boyz box set includes enough bits to make 11 models, for a unit with a minimum size of ten. That extra Boy can be used for basically anything you want, given good enough kitbashing. Want a Mek or Weirdboy, but not willing to shuck our the 25-30 dollars for one? Boom, you just got one for free, and all you had to do was slap some extra gubbinz on a Boy.
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