Warhammer 40,000/8th Edition Tactics/Adeptus Ministorum
This is the 8th Edition's Adeptus Ministorum/Adepta Sororitas tactics. Their current tactics can be found here.
Why Play Adeptus Ministorum[edit | edit source]

Because you're a proud fa/tg/uy who can remember the good old days when the models were pewter, the vehicle armour was Papier-mâché, and the universe was populated by manly motherfuckers instead of whiny power armoured Mary Sues. And with the sausage-fest that is the Imperium, an entire army composed of badass power-armoured women with nothing but a flamer and their faith is like a breath of fresh air. What's that? Inquisitors? Fuck your shit. Go play Grey Knights. These are blasts from the past, when everything was ecclesiarchal, the force org chart was 50% HQ, and the Canoness had a goddamn laser mace. You're going to win for the same reason you always have. You're the hardest, beardiest, motherfucker around and you've been pushing these kids' shit in since they had Pokemon lunch boxes. Welcome to the new hard mode.
The Adeptus Ministorum AKA Sisters of Battle consists of the armies of the Ecclesiarchy, bringing many colorful characters such as warrior nuns armed with flame throwers, priests wielding chainsaws bigger than themselves, gun-slinging angels, disturbing yet sexy assassins, pipe organ tanks, and berserk killing machines whose pilots are driven mad by the need to redeem themselves. Do you like the idea of playing a mostly-female army of paladins? Do you like the idea of burning literally everything to the ground? Do you like playing an army that gets renamed every edition? If so, this army's for you.
Sisters have a bit of a murky history, their previous codices ranging from mediocre to nearly unplayable. Fortunately, this isn't the case any more. They were reasonably strong in the index, and the new Codex's revised Acts of Faith allow them to get the exact roll results that they need.
Pros[edit | edit source]
- You can (almost) always get the roll you want.
- The best Imperial melee horde faction with proper buffs.
- All sisters have invulnerable saves that can be bolstered to up to 4++.
- Sisters have strong Convictions.
- Sacred Rites are excellent bonuses you can choose or roll for, allowing a slight tailoring every game.
- The Sisters have some of the most beautiful models in the entire game (barring a few uggo models.) Your army will look fantastic.
- The Adeptus Sororitas retooling gave our girls a brand-spanking new and up to date model line , with exactly one exception, Canoness Veridyan. Far more than can be said for many Chaos/Xenos factions, and even a few Imperial (sub)factions. Your Ministorum Auxiliaries though..... Not all of them were as luckey( Fortunately the important ones are fairly easy to proxy).
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Without embracing gimmicks, Sisters on paper are a cross between 'human stats' in 'Astartes wargear', but with the weaknesses of both.
- "Not in Marine hands"; your S4 Boltguns just don't have the same punch after you'd tasted Space Marines' "Bolter discipline" and Doctrines.
- Your Troops are going to be wounded on 2's & 3's constantly, even from other T3 armies (i.e. Eldar's Shuriken Catapult). Uncharged Plasma shots will wipe entire squads of sisters off the table, even with 4++ via 'Celestine Cathedral' tactics.
- MEQs heavy forces and/or Horde Armies will have the advantage. Don't forget to bring along friends from the Inquisition and Assassinorum.
- Without allies, your Flyer and long-range options are severely lacking (LoL, what Flyers?!).
- If you do bring allies, you lose your sacred rites ability... Thank you GW, thank you.
- A single Inquisitor is the sole exception.
- Sisters struggle to be competitive in tournament environments. They have a very 'high bar of entry' to overcome set by the "tournament gate keepers": Knights, Eldar Flyers and Space Marines lists (Marines being the most seen & hardest to overcome).
- Knights because sisters have one S9 weapon (and its a relic), Eldar Flyers because non-Valorous Heart sisters lack abilities to deal with the -2 to hit and Tactical Space Marines (one of the worst units in the Marine Codex) simply do everything Sisters do better; they shoot better, fight better and survive better... wana try taking on Chapter Master Smashfucker?
- Many important wargear options needed to be competitive are now (Legends) only.
- A 'non-in-game' related issue is highly detailed models for the whole range. You'll have to drag through the painting process and can't just go base-wash-dry to crank them out. (However, if you like painting and taking your time, these models will scratch that itch quite well, as you'll have plenty of detail points to work on.)
- In a different but slightly related issue, most of the range is MASSIVELY over priced and really expensive. 50 FUCKING POUNDS for 1 Exorcist. A Squad of 10 Battle Sisters costs the same as a Squad of 10 Intercessors (£35) but is just over half the points, so you need to buy the kit twice to have an equal point force and the Sister box HAS LESS SPRUES, SO USES LESS RESOURCES TO MAKE. The Sisters Rhino uses the same amount of Plastic as the Chaos Rhino, but has an extra £10 stapled onto the tag for no fucking reason.
- Now the Sisters are half way between a Horde and a Standard army so they will naturally be a bit more expensive to get into than something like Space Marines, and GW has been making things more expense all over the store, as of late (which is still bullshit by the way). BUT since all the Sisters got an update, it effects almost the entire line and this doesn't change the fact that the Sisters are still well over priced for what you get in the box.
- Your anti-heavy game has a gap wide enough for a Stompa mob to comfortably stroll through. In melee and out to 12 inches you fare very well, but by 24 inches you have just overcharged Combi-Plasmas and Multi-Meltas readily available, and any further than that you have just Exorcists and Hunter-Killers.
- Braziers Of Holy Fire and Psyker Inquisitors are your only real source of mortal wounds.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- <Order> : Same as <Regiment>, <Chapter>, <Forge World>, etc, faction keywords and will have the same effect as the rest of them. Having a detachment that shares this will grant Order Convictions, the Sisters' name for the same benefit as Tactics for Space Marines or Doctrines for Astra Militarum.
- Shield of Faith: Every sister model with this rule has a 6++ invulnerable save, and every unit has a 1d6 Deny the Witch 1/phase.
- There are a few ways to boost the invulnerable save granted to sisters. Saint Celestine and Junith Eruita grant +1 to the save from Shield of Faith, while Seraphim and Zephyrim have a native +1. These all stack, but only up to a 4++
- The Sacred Rite 'Aegis of the Emperor' adds +3 to Deny the Witch tests, while a Canoness can cause -1 to psychic tests within 18"; there's also a warlord trait for another -1 within 12", and a second Deny for her. Couple with the ability to use a miracle die on a Deny the Witch test, and you have a not-insignificant anti-psyker capability. Also, Imagifiers can provide the ability to re-roll Deny the Witch tests.
- Strength of Faith: Objective Secured for Battle-forged Adepta Sororitas detachments, same as everyone else gets.
- Zealot: Only applies to Arco-flagellants, Crusaders, Death Cult Assassins, Priests, Penitent Engines, and now Sisters Repentia too! Allows you to re-roll hit rolls in the first round of each close combat they get engaged in.
- Priestly Delegation: As long as you have a Missionary or a Priest in a detachment, units of Crusaders, Arco Flagellants, and Death Cult Assassins do not take up slots in that detachment. However, if the army is battle-forged in a matched play game and a detachment does not include a MINISTORUM PRIEST then it may only include one such unit.
Acts of Faith[edit | edit source]
Acts of Faith are the central unique mechanic for Sisters, and you should note they're exclusive to Sisters of Battle units and not found on the other units in the book. The mechanic is centered around Fate miracle dice. You gain one per battle round, and earn one more at the end of a phase if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- Vengeance: Destroy an enemy unit using a unit with the Acts of Faith ability.
- Sacrifice: A Character with the Acts of Faith ability is slain.
- Purity: Resist a psychic power with a unit that has the Acts of Faith ability (doesn't count if an AoF was used to do so).
- Valour: Roll an unmodified 1 on a morale test with a unit that has the Acts of Faith ability (doesn't count if an AoF was used to do so).
When you gain a miracle dice, you roll it and add it to your miracle dice pool. When you perform an Act of Faith, you take one or more dice from the pool and substitute them for dice that would otherwise be rolled. You do this before rolling the dice. This counts as the result for those dice - roll the rest as normal. They may not be re-rolled, and miracle dice may not be substituted for a die or dice that is/are about to be re-rolled. Turn a failed invulnerable save into a success, guarantee that a unit's attack will wound something it would normally struggle to hurt - this is not something to be underestimated, especially when you account for the CP you'd otherwise spend on Command Re-rolls that would be less reliable. Remember, you can use multiple dice in the same Act of Faith, but not in the same roll - e.g. you can consume 2 for a charge. You cannot spend multiple dice across multiple attacks, in general. Under ordinary circumstances, you can only perform one Act of Faith per phase, no matter how big your army, but most of your infantry units can buy a piece of wargear that will let them perform an additional Act.
Important note to get more miracle dice: you can (and technically have to) roll Morale tests for every squad that has lost models, even squads with high enough Leadership to guarantee a pass. So roll them; every chance to get more Miracle Dice helps (and if you have Light of the Emperor, you can re-roll these to fish for 1s). Also worth noting is with the 1-per-phase limit, the order you do things in matters. So make sure you activate your important units first as if you waste a miracle on a sister squad first you can't use another for your Cannoness in that same phase. Also your opponet may try to bait out your dice on his turn.
You can use Miracle Dice in the following ways:
- Hit Roll
- Wound Roll
- Damage Roll
- Saving Throw
- Advance Roll
- Charge Roll
- Deny the Witch Test
- Morale Test
You can't use one for any other roll - for example, you can't use them to change the number of shots rolled for a flamer or Exorcist.
These are just a few examples, you may have even thought of a few more on your own by now.
- Is that an Inferno pistol in overwatch? It'd be a shame if I dropped a 6 in to hit... (see Faith and Fury stratagem for extra lol)
- Do I need to take Morale tests? Hardly a thought after I use 1s and 2s for 'em...
- Need to make that 9" charge? A lot easier after you use a pair of 5s...
- Multi-meltas rolling damage? Well GOD EMPEROR bless my cotton socks, it's now a guaranteed 6 for damage...
Now for some Bad News from the latest FAQ:
Q: When making attacks with a unit, how many Miracle dice can be used when making several rolls simultaneously using fast dice rolling?
A: One. Note, however, that if the unit was equipped with a Simulacrum Imperialis or within range of the Triumph of Saint Katherine’s Icon of the Valorous Heart ability, this would allow multiple simultaneous rolls to be replaced with Miracle dice, up to the number of Acts of Faith that unit is permitted to perform during that phase.
Sacred Rites[edit | edit source]
Similarly to the AdMech's Canticles of the Omnissiah, an army consisting solely of Adeptus Ministorum units can grant any unit with this special rule (basically, all the sisters units and none of the non-sister units) a buff of their choice (or if you roll for it, you can take two). Unlike the cogboys, these are picked at the beginning of the game and cannot be changed in mid-battle other than with a stratagem.
- The Passion: Melee attacks that roll an unmodified 6 to hit score an extra hit.
- Sororitas have plenty of melee attacks to take advantage of this, especially Bloody Rose with a priest nearby.
- Works like a +1 to hit without interfering with re-roll abilities.
- Spirit of the Martyr: If a model is killed, it can make one last shooting or melee attack on a 5+.
- A last stand of heavy weapons users around an Ancient is a popular choice for Space Marines, now your sisters get it army-wide.
- This plus miracle dice means that melta weapons, Krak Grenades and/or even the occasional flame weapon gives you some serious sting after death.
- Hand of the Emperor: Add 1 to advance and charge rolls.
- Argent Shroud and Bloody Rose will both love this.
- Even non AS & BR sisters can find this very useful as it helps get melee units in to combat and helps meltas get into range.
- Aegis of the Emperor: When a unit attempts to Deny the Witch using Shield of Faith, add 3 to the roll.
- Hey, that half of the rules no longer require relics to be useful. In fact, because of the relics and warlord traits, it is really good now. Best of all, you'll know if you need to take this or not by the beginning of the game.
- Thousand Sons, Nids, Eldar or any army relying on psychic powers will hate you for taking this.
- Divine Guidance: Ranged attacks that roll an unmodified 6 to wound improve AP by one.
- Bolt and flame weapons are both weight of fire weapons so plenty of chances for this to happen, but it's worse as a weapon gains better S or AP - don't mix this with meltas if you can avoid it.
- Bloody Rose Seraphim units caries an abundance of both you say...?
- Light of the Emperor: You can re-roll the dice for morale.
- You get "And they shall know no fear"... because that's useful in 8th edition. It can fish for those 1s on morale tests to gain a miracle die, so there's that (30.55% chance with two dice rolls).
- Remember you still get to roll for morale "every turn you take a casualty", twice, even if you can't actually fail the test or if the first roll passed (nothing says that you can't), but you must accept the second result, even if it's worse.
- Sacred Rose will love this, since they can never lose more than 1 model from morale test... and they are miracle junkies.
Note - If you choose to roll and have CP to burn (from your brigade). Then you roll two dice. If you don't like your selection CP reroll one of the two - you can then CP reroll the other if you don't like it, as your not in a phase. Then at the start of the first battle round you can use the 1 cp battle rights stratagem to reroll one of your selections and then cp reroll that. Ok that costs 4CP but most of the time you won't need to use it and gives you a lot of control if you want the benefit of two but don't want duplicates/your least popular choice.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
- Open the Reliquaries: (1 CP) Standard relic giver stratagem. As of the new codex, it is just 1 CP per additional relic as opposed to 1 CP for one additional relic and 2 CP for two additional relics.
- If running sisters with a different faction warlord, use it to give the Blade of Ass-Kicking to your Canoness, or to let you take multiple buff relics.
- Embodied Prophecy: (1CP) Use at the start of the fight phase. Select a Zephyrim squad- other Sisters units within 6" also gain re-roll wound rolls of 1 for that phase.
- Mortifiers have the Adepta Sororitas keyword. So that's a horrifying thing.
- Furious Recital: (1 CP) Target one Exorcist model in the Shooting Phase, inflict -1 leadership to every enemy unit within 12", or -2 if Chaos.
- As with every leadership debuff, best when stacked with more anti-leadership abilities for maximum damage, but consider the following: The Exorcist is an expensive, long-ranged artillery tank, and 12" is Melta range. Your Exorcists have more important things to be doing, and your CP could probably be better spent elsewhere.
- Blazing Piety: (1 CP) Select enemy Chaos unit within 6" of a Dialogus. It suffers 1 Mortal Wound. If it was a Daemon unit, it suffers D3.
- Would have preferred it had the ability to 'Select ANY enemy units/D3 If daemons' but it could be useful.
- Battle Rites: (1 CP). Start of Battle Round. You can roll a d6 and generate a new Sacred Rite if the warlord is still alive.
- After killing all their psykers and you no long need 'Aegis of the Emperor', play this next turn and swap it out for a different rite.
- Note that no where does it say you can't roll 2 sacred rites at the beginning of the game and then use Battle Rites to try get a better one at the start of the first round.
- After killing all their psykers and you no long need 'Aegis of the Emperor', play this next turn and swap it out for a different rite.
- Martyr's Immolation: (1 CP) When an Immolator model from your army would roll to see if it explodes, do not roll. It automatically explodes.
- Moment of Grace: (1 CP) Use after making a hit or wound roll for a model in your army, or even a saving throw. You may discard 1-3 miracle dice to add +1 to the roll per die discarded, maximum of a 6.
- More reliable than the old standby re-roll stratagem if you have some garbage Miracle Dice to throw away, and statistically, you probably do.
- Heroine in the Making: (1CP)An unnamed Sisters character that is not your Warlord generates a Warlord Trait. Once per battle. Very good to get the extra Miracle Dice trait on a random Imagifier.
- Divine Intervention: (2 CP) Use when a character is killed. You may spend 1-3 miracle dice. The number spent is the number of wounds the character has as it is revived at the end of the phase, placed as close as possible where it was killed and more than 1” from enemy models. You do not gain miracle dice for having lost that character this turn. This cannot be used on Celestine, Geminae Superia, Junith Eruita or the Triumph of St. Katherine, but it can definitely save your Canonesses, Hospitalers, Imagifiers or Dialogi.
- Suffer Not the Witch: (1 CP) Re-roll wounds by a Sisters unit against a Psyker in the Shooting or Fight Phase.
- Situational but useful. Do not forget about it whenever your blade Canoness is duelling other HQ's. Also exceptional on storm bolter dominions when combined with Blessed Bolts (goodbye Daemon Prince!)
- Deadly Descent: (1 CP) Use when a Seraphim unit uses Sky Strike to enter the battlefield. It may immediately fire as if it were the shooting phase, with hand flamers and inferno pistols (as of the new codex) becoming 12' for purposes of this attack. They may still shoot in the shooting phase, though the extra range of the Flamers and Inferno Pistols does not extend into the normal shooting phase.
- Extremis Trigger Word: (2 CP) Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase when you pick an Arco-Flagellants unit to fight. Until the end of that phase, replace the unit's Arco-flails ability with 'Make 3 hit rolls for each attack made with this weapon'. At the end of that phase, roll a number of D6 equal to the number of models in that unit. For each roll of 6, one model in the unit is slain.
- A good and cheapish way to make Arco-Flagellant more reliable in their damage output. This rule scale with any source of +1A you can give them (priests).
- Vessel of the Emperor's Will (1 CP): After performing an Act of Faith for a Character, gain a Miracle Die.
- Stacks with Sacred Roses' warlord trait "Light of the Emperor". Why yes, yes I DO want two, TWO Miracle dice back each and every time my warlord does a Act of Faith with one Miracle die, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
- Final Redemption: (1 CP) Start of the fight phase, pick a Repentia unit. When a model in that unit is slain for that phase, roll a D6. 4+, enemy unit that does so takes a mortal wound.
- Considering how suicidal the Repentia are already, no harm in this. In addition to Bloody Rose, this finally makes the Repentias useful at HQ killing.
- Blessed Bolts: (1 CP) Storm Bolters in a squad get AP-2 and become Damage 2.
- Make Storm bolters basically equivalent in damage output to plasma: half the strength, double the shots, and slightly worse AP.
- Devastating to medium and heavy infantry, potentially becoming a minor threat to some vehicles as well. (Which is to say, a dominion squad with this stratagem and the right blend of buffs can scrape most of the wounds off of a Russ, many daemons and monstrous creatures.) At 49 pts, 5 Sister, 2 Storm Bolter basic squad of Sisters of Battle will kill 2 Primaris on average with this stratagem, a bit more if you're using Legends and the Superior can also take a Storm Bolter.
- If you are using Divine Guidance as your Sacred Rites, 6's to wound become AP-3.
- Purity of Faith: (1 CP) Deny on 4+ for one CP.
- NO LONGER your only defense against psykers that is more than a meme. You can choose to use it after an actual Deny the Witch attempt has failed, which lets you save CP, especially if you're using Aegis of the Emperor.
- Faith and Fury: (2 CP) When you perform an Act of Faith (using the Miracle Dice) for a Hit roll, that unit may use the same Dice for the Wound Roll. Spend a 6 to hit? For 2 CP, that becomes a 6 to wound.
- Great for over watching with Inferno pistols... and melta in general!
- Gives Melta "auto hit & wound" with a 4+ Miracle die. Turns melta into "INVULNERABLE SAVE OR DIE" weapons...
- Desperate for Redemption: (3 CP) Penitent Engine, Mortifier, or Sisters Repentia unit may fight again. If you have to be informed of how devastating this is, perhaps you go back to playing Tau. Very expensive, so save this for when your max strength squad crashes into the enemy deathstar.
- Test of Faith: (1CP) When you gain a Miracle Dice from Purity or Valor, spend 1 CP to gain D3 additional Miracle Dice.
- You can't spend a miracle die to guarantee a return of 3, it MUST be rolled.
- Exceptional Proficiency: (2 CP) Celestians, shooting phase or Overwatch. May re-roll the hit roll, re-roll the wound roll.
- Judgment of the Faithful: (2 CP) A Sororitas unit may shoot if they fall back as well as charge. Good for keeping the Retributor squad in the fight.
- Mortifiers can benefit from this. Fall back, shoot with their Heavy Bolters, and charge. Even Heavy Flamers as pistol weapons benefit from being able to charge and go first (most of the time).
- Martyred: (1 CP) Gain D3 CP s when your Adepta Sororitas warlord dies.
- You cannot spend Miracle Dice on this, sadly. It MUST be rolled for. Still, it is functionally free so long as you have a CP to spend, so there is not excuse to use it whenever possible.
- Venerated Saint: (1 CP) An Imagifier may select two Tales instead of one. Use during deployment.
- This one struggles to be useful. On the surface THIS SOUNDS AMAZING! However your combos are ignore AP-1, S+1 or Re-roll Deny the Witch tests... So really just AP & S+1.
Alternative opinion this gives so much flexibility. Many a game I've come up against Thousand Sons or Grey Knights and the reroll deny with +3 has won me the game.
- Last Rites: (1 CP) Pick a Hospitallier model in your army in the morale phase. Friendly Sisters units within 6" do not count casualties when they roll their morale checks that phase.
- Another way to cheekily 'Auto Pass' morale test. Be sure to roll the morale test anyway, any 1's are free miracle dice.
- Devastating Refrain: (1 CP) Exorcist, Shooting Phase or Overwatch. You may re-roll shot generation for the Missile Launcher or Conflagration Rockets.
- Gives you even MORE consistency on a much-improved weapon system.
- Holy Trinity: (1 CP) Pick an Adepta Sororitas Unit in the shooting phase. As long as the unit has a bolt weapon, a flame weapon, and melta weapon in range and EVERYONE in the units shoots at that same target, add +1 to wound rolls for the firing unit until the end of the phase.
- All the listed weapons MUST be in range to the same target, so most times you're looking at a useful range of 'FLAMER' (8") for this stratagem.
- You lose a significant amount of tactical flexibility because of the requirements that "ALL the models in the unit (regardless of weapon carried) shoot at the same target." I.e. this means that your meltagun sister may NOT split-fire at other, more appropriate targets worthy of melta. So now you have to chose how you are going to waste your squads potential firepower, either by having melta shoot at troops (hilariously wounding most everything not T8 on 2's) or by having flamer & bolt shots wound T8 on 5's.
- Other armies have access to a strictly better version of it, such as Chaos Space marines' 'Veteran of the Long War' that don't have all the requirements but have the same benefits. GW rule writers are sexists.
- Buffed a bit as of the 2019 Codex, now that you can cheat and use a combi-flamer -OR- combi-melta to count as two of the three needed weapons types for a unit.
- Retributor squads can use this... 'meme worth stratagem' effectively.
- Give an Argent Shroud Retributor Sister Superior a combi-melta, arm 4 sisters with Hv-flamers, and if you need ablative wounds bring along an extra basic Bolter Sister. You have a 6 sister strong unit that can advance THEN shoot a target 12" away (Retributors add 4" to the Hv-flamers). But wait there's more, read "Storm of Retribution" below, then come back up here. Giggle and share.
- Celestians, Dominion or your standard Battle Sisters squad when armed appropriately can also use this (With varying degrees of success and still not as good as Retributors), so its something to consider when building your lists.
- Storm of Retribution (2 CP): When a Retributor squad shoots or fires Overwatch, gain one of the following buffs until the end of the phase:
- +1 to hit when firing heavy bolters, hitting on 2's doesn't suck but they are just heavy bolters... Meh
- Doesn't work on overwatch (FAQ confirmed).
- Re-roll wounds when using heavy flamers.
- Remember this the next time an opponent charges from further than 8", because Retributors add 4" to the range of Heavy Flamers...
- Multi-meltas gain 12"(!) extra range and add 1 to damage rolls.
- Combo this with Faith and Fury and you'll have some serious fun with Multi-meltas that have to potential to do 7 points of damage (Dd6 +1 = 7) AND earn that 'Metal distance die' at 18".
- +1 to hit when firing heavy bolters, hitting on 2's doesn't suck but they are just heavy bolters... Meh
- Holy Rage (1 CP): Start of charge phase pick a sisters unit. It can charge even if it advances that turn. Repentia with their lack of guns come to mind.
- Mortifiers can advance and use their Heavy Bolters as Assault. So a unit of them can move 9 inches, advance D6, fire their Assault 3 Heavy Bolters, and then charge.
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
- Inspiring Orator: Add 1 to this Warlord's Leadership characteristic. And friendly <Order> units within 6" can use your Warlords LD instead of theirs.
- Your Sisters' leadership is fine, talk to your local Dialogus and then report to your nearest Inquisitor if you're worried about unit Morale.
- Righteous Rage: re-roll failed charges and when you charge, were charged or perform Heroic Intervention you re-roll to wound for the first round of combat as well.
- Combine with Bloody Rose and Blade of Admonition for 49 points and strike at S5, AP-4, D3 with 5 Attacks, hitting on 2's re-rolling 1's...then weep at the lack of jump-pack options.
- Executioner of Heretics: -1 to the LD of all enemy units within 6".
- Leadership is almost never worth investing into. Best to skip it, especially since you don't have much in the way of abilities that stack with this.
- Beacon of Faith: At the start of your turns, if you warlord is on the table you gain a miracle die.
- Given how important Miracle Dice are, this is almost certainly the one you want. If you're running a warlord who needs another trait for support, use Heroine in The Making to give someone else this trait.
- Indomitable Belief: The Shield of Faith invulnerable is increased by +1 for <Order> Infantry Models whilst within 6' of the Warlord, to a max of 4++.
- Stack with Celestine aura for a 4++ on everyone. Now you really wish for jump-pack options on Canoness. Again.
- Pure of will: you can deny one additional Psychic power using the Shield of Faith rules AND enemy Psykers subtract 1 from all psychic test if within 12" of your warlord.
- Combine with the Brazier of Eternal Flame and sisters can pretty much shut down any offensive Psyker army in the game.
Armoury[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Chainsword: A nearly worthless option for a Canoness - c'mon, you can find 4 points for a power sword. That said, our Superiors can take one of these for free without having to surrender their bolter - unless you're taking a better melee weapon (Celestians, maybe), always throw in the free chainsword. It's not like you'll ever wish you *didn't* have it!
- Power Weapons: Each type of Power Weapon has its own profile now, so pick the right one for the situation (almost always the maul). All Power Weapons have a damage value of 1:
- Power Sword: AP-3. Worse than the maul against almost every target that you will encounter on the table. Low Toughness has generally poor save, S3 is too little against armoured targets. At least they will remove armour saves after the wound roll. The only good target might be folks like Eldar, where you're likely to find T3 with a 3+ save.
- Power Maul: S+2 AP-1. Broadly the most useful for sisters. S5 is an important wound roll 'breaking point' in 8th ed. Wounding marines on 3's and reducing them a 4+ armor roll is good. You can threaten wounding T5 marine bikes on 4's and T8 models on 5's as well. If your opponent has good invulnerable saves (i.e. Terminators w/ Stormshields & Thunder Hammers) the AP-1 won't matter too much and is arguably one of the best weapons against them (they just roll their 3++ Invul save if you have more AP than -1). Special mention goes to to Bloody Rose (S+2 AP-2).
- Power Axe: (Legends) S+1 AP-2. The one you want for T2,3, 6 and 7. So Eldar and maybe IG
- Blessed Blade: The best out of any Power Weapon. S+2 AP-3 D1d3. If you want to hurt everything, take this. Exclusive to the Canoness.
- Eviscerator: (Legends) This heavy chainsword is a two-handed monster: Sx2, AP-4, D1d3, -1 to hit. The big seller here is its monstrous AP and good damage. Remember that re-rolls normally happen before modifiers, but the Zealot ability allows rerolls of any hit roll, not just fails. An Eviscerator-armed Canoness rolling a natural 2 is a miss. 11pts as of the Legends update. Good, but you should probably use the Blade of Admonition relic instead for your Canoness. The relic performs better except against T6. It's
a trapWONDERFUL on your Priests with a base WS4+ and "ZEALOT", they'll hit hardbut they won'tAND hit 55.55% of the time.
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Bolt Pistol: It's a bolter in 12" Pistol 1 S4 AP0 D1 form. Shorter range, but can now be fired when locked in close combat, so it's got some use for choppy units or taken in pair by Seraphim. 1 point for Ministorum Priests since they use the AM codex prices.
- Boltgun: You know what a bolter is. 24" Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP0 D1 . The loss of AP hurts, but if your opponent has a brain he would have been keeping his 5+/6+ units in cover anyway. Apparently, the Adeptus Mechanicus forgot how to make armour piercing rounds. Again, remember it's 1 point for your Ministorum Priests.
- Condemnor Boltgun: Special Adepta Sororitas weapon (NOT a combi-weapon anymore). For 1 point you get a bolter which does Dd3 against Psykers, doubling its average damage output against them unless they have 1 or 2 wounds. Note that a vast majority of psykers are either Characters or single-wound models, meaning that in most cases the Condemnor either won't be able to shoot at its intended target or won't gain as much (or any) benefit from its higher damage.
- On the off chance that you do get to shoot at a psyker, be sure to use "Suffer not the witch" to re-roll wounds, especially if said psyker is a Big Nid or Daemon Prince.
- Now that Sisters/Dominions/Retributors/Celestians Superior and Canonesses can't take storm bolters outside of Legends, this might sometimes be useful if you can't find the points to give them a combi-weapon or Plasma Pistol.
- GW really dropped the ball on this one. This gun, in order to work, needed to grant the ability to target Characters or have a access to stratagem that allowed it...
- Condemnor Boltgun: Special Adepta Sororitas weapon (NOT a combi-weapon anymore). For 1 point you get a bolter which does Dd3 against Psykers, doubling its average damage output against them unless they have 1 or 2 wounds. Note that a vast majority of psykers are either Characters or single-wound models, meaning that in most cases the Condemnor either won't be able to shoot at its intended target or won't gain as much (or any) benefit from its higher damage.
A list of things that this weapon can target that don't have one wound.
- Combi-Weapon: Now infinite use, your choice of flamer, melta or plasma gun slapped to a bolter that can be fired independently of the bolter, bolter half only or at the same time together. Firing both the bolter and the special weapon causes a -1 to hit (meaning plasma will kill your dudettes on hit rolls of 2's now, YAY!). Sisters love combi-weapons as all of their "sergeants" have access to it, effectively allowing you to field 5 special weapons per Dominion squads and 3 per basic sisters squad. Melta is most often the superior choice, although the Canoness and Retributor Superior can make a good use of plasma due to the reroll 1 bubble - but it's now an index-only weapon for Canonesses. Plasma is also the (expensive) option if you want some volume of fire to go with storm bolters, risking the overload only if you really need it.
- Our Martyred Lady Sister Superiors like to spam overloaded combi-plasma fire both halves, TOGETHER, hoping to self DETONATE on 2's. Why? So she can get an auto 'rez' from a Hospitaller 6" away and grant the squad their Conviction's +1 to hit... thus eliminating her own future overloaded plasma ONLY shots from danger.
- Uses Miracle dice of 2 (guaranteeing death) to great effect, as normally there really isn't a great way to use 2's outside of occasional morale rolls.
- Our Martyred Lady Sister Superiors like to spam overloaded combi-plasma fire both halves, TOGETHER, hoping to self DETONATE on 2's. Why? So she can get an auto 'rez' from a Hospitaller 6" away and grant the squad their Conviction's +1 to hit... thus eliminating her own future overloaded plasma ONLY shots from danger.
- Hand Flamer: A dinky 6" ranged flamer Pistol that throws out d6 'auto hitting' shots at S3. They have a higher wound potential than a Bolt Pistol (d6 vs. 1) and according to Mathhammer are better vs. T8's (both wound on 6's). Suffer from being in direct competition with inferno pistol on any model (save the Canoness) that can take one, but possibly useful if you're already packing a combi-melta/plasma and want some insurance against hordes. They are dirt-cheap, after all.
- Seraphim take these in pairs. Two Seraphim models with two Hand Flamers each will be dropping 4d6 (~14) hits. Not shots, hits. If you are running 4++ Seraphim screen, this is an interesting option.
- Inferno Pistol: Baby Melta, 6" Pistol 1 S8 AP-4 D d6. Strong choice on Seraphims and melee Canoness. Obviously a GREAT weapon to use a Miracle Die on, particularly DAMAGE rolls.
- Think of this as 7-point melta bombs with a 6" range. Not too terrible an idea to give this out to every Sister Superior who isn't already packing a combi-melta.
- Any time you have a Miracle dice with a 6 in your pool, your opponents will give pause charging within 6" of you KNOWING that you can guarantee a hit from your "Baby Melta" during overwatch.
- Remember that you can shoot these while in melee, your opponents will often forget that you can.
- Plasma Pistol: 12" Pistol 1 S7 AP-3 D1. Effective against MEQs when fired normally, and when supercharged it hits harder and deals more damage (S8, D2) but kills the user on hit rolls of 1. Either take an inferno pistol for melee Canoness or a combi-plasma on anything else. Sadly the only shooty option for the Seraphim Superior (can't even take em in pairs... what's up with that?).
- Our Martyred Lady Sister Superiors like to spam overloaded plasma (in hopes of self detonation)... but combi-plasma are better suited for that 'Niche' task. (fire both halves while overloading)
Special Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Flamer: Your standard issue flamer: 8" Assault d6 S4 AP0 D1 'auto-hitting'. Only 6 points, but still suffers from the lack of shots, making it bad against hordes and the lack of AP against elite while requiring to take your model within a very short range of the enemy. Usually you're better off with a storm bolter.
- Note that enemies charging from further than 8" ( Definitely doable with decent odds for Orks, Gaunts, Howling Banshees, Etc. ) cannot be hit by a flamer's overwatch, as they are out of range for the flamers when they declare the charge and ONLY weapons that are in range can shoot.
- Melta: 12" Assault 1 S8 AP-4 Dd6 'if at half range roll two for damage and pick the higher of the two for damage'. Being in half range is now not as advantageous. Still a big threat and one of the few weapons that negate 3+ armour entirely. A melta wound in melta range average 4 damage. Decent damage dealers against T7 vehicles. You can use these in combination with Miracle Dice to guarantee kills on damaged vehicles.
- Plasma Gun: (Index) 24" Rapid Fire 1 S7 AP-3 D1, with an option to overcharge for +1 Strength and Damage at the risk of killing the wielder. The Index Ministorum Priest is your only source of this, though as an Astra Militarum model, he uses their discounted price. If you're not building your priest for budget or for melee, you'll probably be giving him one of these.
- Storm Bolter: 24" Rapid Fire 2 S4 AP0 D1, 2 points and one of the most cost efficient dakka in the game, especially paired with the AP-2 D2 stratagem. It's still two boltguns strapped together, so don't expect too much either.
Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Heavy Bolter: 36" Heavy 3 S5 AP-1 D1 Acceptable dakka for the cost, but your army doesn't really hurt for anti horde choices.
- Heavy Flamer: 8" Heavy d6 S5 D1 'auto-hitting'. Despite being much stronger than it's lighter variants, it's still overcosted compared to other options. Can occasionally help deter opponents from charging you inside of 8".
- Note that its a Heavy weapon now, no longer an assault weapon. Therefore, you can't advance and shoot these like you can with a normal flamer, gutting their usefulness...unless you're running Argent Shroud. Then you're fine.
- Retributors add 4" to the range of Heavy Flamers for 12" threat, making them a terrifying prospect to charge and giving Argent Shroud Retributors a shockingly large threat range against infantry. This is the best way to run heavy flamers.
- Multi-melta: 24" Heavy 1 S8 AP-4 Dd6 'if at half range roll two for damage and pick the higher of the two for damage... For an obscene 22 pts. The Multi-melta doubles the Melta's range and...that's it. For more than 150% the price and becoming Heavy. Over costed. With the stratagem, Retributors can use this as a more reliable version of the Eldar Brightlance, which is interesting, but that's a lot of CP when you could use Exorcists.
Vehicle weapons[edit | edit source]
Your choices for the Immolator's top gun.
- Immolation Flamer: Now we're talking. A lil' hefty at 30 points, 12" Assault 2D6 S5 Ap-1 D1... everything you love about the Heavy Flamer but better. First off it is an assault weapon instead of Heavy, so you can advance AND STILL SHOOT. Secondly, it shoots twice as often (duh - thanks Kevin). Lastly it gets an extra 4" of range, letting it cook things that charge into it. AUTO TAKE ON IMMOLATORS !
- Twin Heavy Bolter: Same as the above Hv Bolter, but twice the dakka (Heavy 6) AT LESS THAN TWICE THE PRICE. Good value on paper, except that the only model having access to them have a degrading statline and access to Assault weapon auto-hitting... It would be useful for long-range fire support, but that's not what Immolators are for. You should probably take the Immolation Flamer instead.
- Twin Multi-melta: Ditto. lil' more affordable now at 40 points, but still over priced... so take the Immolation Flamer.
Other[edit | edit source]
- Brazier of Holy Fire: Chainsword-armed Canoness only. -1 Ld for DAEMONs within 6". Once when chosen to shoot or when firing overwatch, a unit within 12" takes D3 MW on a 2+ (if a Daemon they take D6 instead).
- Cherubs: Cherubs are the little winged babies you see flying with units. There are different types:
- Armourium Cherub - Once per battle may remove this Cherub. If so, a model from the unit that the cherub has been removed from may fire again.
- Incensor Cherub - Once per battle you may remove the Cherub from play and gain a miracle dice. Roll 2D6 and decide which to keep. That dice must be used for an Act of Faith this phase or it is lost.
- Null Rod: Chainsword-armed Canoness only, can't be affected by psychic powers, and -1 to psychic tests while the Psyker's within 18" of a rod.
- Rod of Office: Plasma pistol & power sword-armed Canoness only, +3" to Canoness re-roll aura.
- Rules as written, the Rod of Office is a mandatory 5 point item if your Canoness has a plasma pistol & power sword.
- NOTE: this loadout is the ONLY way that you can take this item.
- Simulacrum Imperialis: Unit upgrade; once per phase can perform an Act of Faith for that unit, even if an Act of Faith has already been used already in that phase. If you're running Retributors or other damage dealing infantry units, you want this.
Relics[edit | edit source]
Remember that sisters get the Open the Reliquaries stratagem, so every character in your army can have a relic if you have the CP to spend. So don't think what 1-3 relics should I use, instead think what relic is not worth 1 CP. Order-specific relics are detailed in the Order tabs below.
Generic[edit | edit source]
- Blade of Admonition: S+2 AP-3 D3, replaces Blessed Blade. Literally more than triples your damage output against multi-wound models over a power maul. It should be your default weapon on a Canoness. Two unsaved wound rolls from this baby will outright kill most non-monstrous models on the tabletop.
- For those following the saga of Kevin the dingus, this is what he is referring to when he says 'Blade of Ass Kicking' (he's a clever one that Kevin)
- Note that while the Blade of Admonition used to be an absolute requirement for any melee Canoness, since the inclusion of the Blessed Blade (which has the same Strength and AP, and does D3 damage instead of 3) it's become less necessary. You're basically taking a relic just to move your damage to 3 from D3, which isn't always useful (especially against 1 or 2 wound models).
- For those following the saga of Kevin the dingus, this is what he is referring to when he says 'Blade of Ass Kicking' (he's a clever one that Kevin)
- Brazier of the Eternal Flame: This is the "I really hate psykers" Relic. Replaces Brazier of Holy Fire; psychic tests within 18" are taken at -2 instead of -1.
- Good if you have forewarning that psykers are being used by your opponent, but not good enough to main list it over other relics. -2 to enemy psyker test is good, but you know what else stops them from casting? Melta, applied directly to the forehead.
- Or fairly useless because most psykers will just choose to be more than 18" from your cannoness and cast smite with impunity
- Litanies of Faith: Once per turn, if the user is on the battlefield when you gain a Miracle Die you can re-roll the value of the die. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to improve the chance that you can hold that 6 in reserve for a key roll?
- 1's are also an... ok choice to hold onto too as they can be used for morale rolls, and several strategems allow you to spend a number of miracle dice to improve rolls on the table. Food for thought.
- This relic, after all the math-hammer is done, effectively gives your Miracle Dice rolls a +1 when used. If you're hunting for a specific number (i.e. 6's) the reroll gets you a ~31.5% chance to earn it.
- Mantle of Ophelia: Canoness only, gives her a 3++. You don't have the statline to be tanky enough to justify a save like this and a Canoness is not that expensive. If you're running Adeptus Ministorum as allies or with any kind of allies, there is better stuff to take. Might be fun in a small game on an
Eviscorcrazy Canoness with the Blessed blade, but honestly, either the Triptych or the Iron Surplice is probably better if you're trying to be a berserker. - Book of Saint Lucius: Increase a character's aura range by 3 inches. Usable by priests and their +1A aura and all of the Canoness' auras as well.
- 9" Imagifier -or- Dialogus auras. nuff said.
- stacks with Canoness' Rod of Office, 12" reroll 1's aura. Also your improved SoF throw.
- Wrath of the Emperor: Relic bolt pistol. 18", Pistol 4, S5, AP-2, D2. Like most Pistol relics (all of them without a little spice), it doesn't honestly warrant too much thought. The fact it is replacing a free weapon is nice because you won't have to spend points to take it and having FOUR shots at 18" is good, but it competes against some of our best melee weapons, relics and the Brazier.
- The Blessed Blade can be taken by Canoness, this pistol plus a BB makes for a solid melee potential. That said, inferno pistols exist...
- You could toss this on a Hospitaller, Dialogus or Mistress of Repentance for laughs if you have CP to burn. It's pretty funny to effectively turn a medic into a short range, but otherwise better Hv-Bolter Babe (That move and shoot baby!) whose gun isn't silenced if you get stuck into melee.
- Very useful on B-list characters of the Bloody Rose... AP-3 & D2 makes it a contender for best weapon to kill Primaris marines, terminators and bike units.
- Because GW dose not allowed our B-list characters to take other weapon options, like chainswords even, this is probably the best suited relic for them as there really isn't any other way to give em a better gun.
- All other takes aside, it's an incredibly efficient way to spend 1CP. I can't imagine a list where I don't put this on a cannoness
- Triptych of Macharian Crusade: 5+++ FNP for the model. Good but not great - mostly insurance against mortal wounds: don't bother if you're Ebon Chalice or Argent Shroud, and it's a complete waste of space for Valorous Heart (who have 6+++ anyway and can get this effect with a warlord trait).
- B-list characters don't have wargear options and therefor they often can't take relics, but they can take this one.
- Iron Surplice of St. Istaela: Model gets a 2+ save. In addition, wound rolls of 1-3 always fail regardless of modifiers. Congratulations, your Canoness is now tougher than a Terminator captain (Math-Hammer confirmed). No really, this is a really good relic as it makes a lot of the scary weapons used against sisters like Plasma, Thunderhammers, and high strength weapons become a lot less effective. She will still be weak to high concentrations of Bolter fire and the such, but combined with Valorous Heart, for that 6+FNP and the additional armor this relic can really make your Canoness a immovable object. A really good relic in game modes that require you to kill the Warlord.
Order Specific[edit | edit source]
Each listed here has more details of what they do in their respected Order section below.
- Valorous Heart - Casket of Penance
- Our Martyred Lady - Martyr's Vengeance: Replaces an Inferno Pistol.
- Ebon Chalice - Annunciation of the Creed: Replaces a Condemnor Boltgun.
- Argent Shroud - Quicksilver Veil
- Bloody Rose - Benificence: Replaces a chainsword.
- The Sacred Rose - Light of St. Agnatha: Replaces a Brazier of Holy Fire. Allows you to burn a miracle die to reactivate the 1d3 mortal wound effect in later turns.
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
Common keywords are IMPERIUM and ADEPTUS MINISTORUM. Sororitas units specifically have ADEPTA SORORITAS. Uriah Jacobus and Ministorum Priests also have the ASTRA MILITARUM keyword which allows them to interact with Imperial Guard units and transports, along with ASTRA TELEPATHICA psychic powers.
HQ[edit | edit source]
Generic[edit | edit source]
- Canoness: The Canoness is an excellent all-rounder HQ. She has the same standard "reroll 1s to hit" aura as other armies HQ's get, she BS2+ WS2+ W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+/4++ and is armed with a chainsword and bolt pistol. Now for some bad news, in the new Codex she only has two basic stock configurations, the before mentioned bolt 'pistol & chainsword' or a swap to an un-upgradeable loadout consisting of a 'plasma pistol (FAQ errata, change boltgun to plasma pistol), a power sword & the 'Rod of Office' (rules as written, mandatory item costing 5 points) that adds 3" to the reroll 1's aura (BTW this un-upgradeable plasma pistol & power sword loadout is the ONLY WAY to be able to take the Rod of Office). A Canoness armed with a chainsword and bolt pistol can swap the chainsword for a power sword or a Blessed Blade. She may also swap the bolt pistol for a comdemnor boltgun or 1 weapon from the pistol list... except a hand flamer for some reason. If she is armed with a chainsword she MAY have a Null Rod -OR- the Brazier of Holy Flame (you can NOT have both on the same Canoness). Combi-weapons and Evicerators are now a Legends ONLY options and she STILL doesn't have a jump-pack option...
- Cheerleader: (A.K.A. Support) Take Beacon of Faith warlord trait, with the Litanies of Faith relic if you want, and have her swing that rod of office atop her Battle Sanctum in the midst of your fire-base (Exorcists, Retributors etc.) like a pom-pom!
- She's not here to MURDERKILL... she has every one else do that for her (Reminder: she MUST be armed with a plasma pistol & power sword in order to take the rod of office). She's here to max-out the Act of Faith mechanics.
- Not particularly glorious but the utility of generating both a 9" reroll 1's aura AND an extra miracle die each turn for cheap can't be underestimated.
- "Book of Saint Lucius" stacks and gives your cheerleader a 12" reroll aura. Nice.
- If you do take this relic instead of Litanies, and don't much like miracle dice shenanigans, changing the warlord trait for something else is also viable ("Indomitable Belief", "Inspiring Orator" etc.).
- Melee Specialist: Surprisingly enough, the Canoness can be built into a powerful melee fighter. Give her the "Blade of Adminition" relic, and suddenly she's getting 4 attacks at S5 AP-3 3D hitting on 2s, rerolling 1s to hit, for less than 60 points. She can give characters twice her price a serious run for their money. OBVIOUSLY Being <ORDER> Bloody Rose make the above better due to "Quick to Anger" (+1A & additional -1AP). However an alternate option for Bloody Rose is the "Benificence" relic: Replace a FREE chainsword to get S+1, AP-2 D2, with 3 additional attacks instead of just 1 that the chainsword gives (NOTE: "Benificence" will become AP-3 because of "Quick to Anger"). For those who can't "MATH" good, that's 8 (9 w/ "blazing Ire") S4 (S5 w/"Tale of the Warrior") AP-3 D2 rerolling 1s to hit, attacks AND she's cheaper still because you're replacing a FREE chainsword instead of a Blessed Blade that you have to buy (BONUS: you can still pick up a Null Rod or Brazier). Actually not half bad for a beatstick! As for ranged options it is highly suggested to pick up an Inferno Pistol.
- Since were on 'Teh Bloddy Rose's RIP N'TEAR train', "Tear Them Down (1 CP)". Your welcomed.
- If you are playing in a game setting that allows for Legends, Evicerator... Nuff said.
- BEGONE WITCH: Take Pure of Will warlord trait, Condemnor Boltgun, Brazier of Eternal Flame relic. Use the "Aegis of the Emperor" Sacred Rite. Psykers are now taking -3 to their psychic tests; you're getting +3 to Deny the Witch with a reroll to boot if you're near an Imagifier's "Tale of the Faithful" banner.
- Bonus: take a second Canoness w/Null-rod, -4 to psychic tests...
- Lady SmashFucker: (A.K.A. TANK) Take "Iron Surplice of St. Istaela", and choose Valorous Heart as your <ORDER>. Then give her a Blessed Blade (Legends? Evicerator. Nuff said.) and (optionally) pick "Impervious to Pain" as her Warlord Trait. Your Canoness can now only be wounded on unmodified rolls of 4+, ignores AP-1 (AP-2 if you stack with Imagifier's "Tale of the Stoic") and has a 6+++ FNP(5+++ if you took "Impervious to Pain"). As well as being ridiculously tanky, the Blessed Blade also gives her a respectable damage output as well.
- Cheerleader: (A.K.A. Support) Take Beacon of Faith warlord trait, with the Litanies of Faith relic if you want, and have her swing that rod of office atop her Battle Sanctum in the midst of your fire-base (Exorcists, Retributors etc.) like a pom-pom!
- Missionary: Best used where his +1A aura will make a difference, or near hordes to make sure they don't run away. Arco-Flagellants (as their D3 attacks come from their weapons and not their statline), Repentia Squad, etc will all benefit from the added attack. Maxed at 1 per detachment, which doesn't matter much as they don't stack well. He's your cheapest HQ option that also acts as melee buffer to anything nearby, and a good alternative to an extra Canoness. He's practically mandatory to take maximal advantage of your assault options.
- Remember that this dude and every other churchman can throw a krak grenade every turn instead of using his crappy gun
Named[edit | edit source]
- Celestine: An angelic Living Saint and definitely not the Imperial equivalent of a daemon prince. For 160 points, you get a model with a S7 sword that's AP-3 and 2 damage per hit and works like a heavy flamer in the shooting phase. She has a 2+ save, a 4++, grants +1 units to the Shield of Faith ability of nearby Sisters units, grants other Ministorum and Militarum units a 6++, and the first time she'd destroyed, she stands back up on a 2+ at the end of the phase with all 6 wounds restored.
- Celestine is in an odd place right now - she has the statline of a beatstick character with the abilities of a support hero, and properly utilizing her requires working on both duties.
The best way to use her, probably, is to deep strike her onto the battlefield along with a full unit of Zephyrim(who have a 4++ when they're next to her) and go for a deep strike charge on the enemy.Celestine does not have the Sky Strike rule.Thanks to the Zephyrim Pennant granting rerolls, it's more reliable than most.Nice try, but Celestine doesn't have the ORDER keyword. - She doesn't have <ORDER>, so she can't benefit from the Canoness' or Imagifier's auras, but she can benefit from that of a Priest or Dialogus, as well as the Hospitaller's healing.
- Celestine is in an odd place right now - she has the statline of a beatstick character with the abilities of a support hero, and properly utilizing her requires working on both duties.
- Triumph of Saint Katherine: A funeral procession for the bones of the most holy Sister. This model is absolutely stunning, six Sisters from the six major orders carrying a funeral casket. It makes a wonderful painting project and a beautiful centerpiece for your army. Too bad about its rules. The Triumph of Saint Katherine is counted as a single CHARACTER with 18 wounds, which means it can't hide behind other units. It has toughness 3, which means it will be shot to pieces by anything that looks at it, and only a -1 to hit and a 4+ invulnerable save to mitigate that. It can't be placed in a transport at all. It costs 185 points. It has a slight amount of melee power - it gets four attacks at S6 AP-3, damage 2, plus more attacks at S5 AP-1 damage 1, but with only a 6" move and no way to teleport or ride a transport, much less hide behind other units, it'll never reach melee. The Triumph's gimmick is its Relics - each of the Sisters is carrying a Relic of their order, and each relic grants a bonus. You have five(the sword is treated separately) and normally all five are active, but when the Triumph drops to 9 wounds, you choose two to be active, and when it drops to four you choose one to be active.
- Not for nothing, but if you're taking Guard allies, a barebones unit of Bullgryns can be parked in front of this thing, and for 1 CP, you can stack another -1 to hit modifier on it if the Bullgryns are closer to the firing unit. Your funeral procession has bodyguards now. This is a considerable investment and of dubious value, but if you're marching it up your enemy's ass to take advantage of its mean melee profile, it could be hilarious.
- The Relics are:
- Sacred Rose: She gives +1 Miracle dice each turn.
- Ebon Chalice: Start of shooting phase, roll 1 D6 for every enemy unit within 6". Add 1 if a psyker. Add 1 if its a chaos unit. On a 5+ they receive D3 mortal wounds.
- Bloody Rose: Add 1 for hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Adepta Sororitas units within 6".
- Valorous heart: Once per phase, you can perform 1 act of faith for friendly units within 6" that has the Acts of faith ability, EVEN if you have performed one or more acts of faith that phase.
- Argent Shroud: When you perform an act of faith for a friendly unit which is within 6", you can increase or decrease the value of miracle dice by to a max of 6 or min of 1. But it's not affected by any other abilities that can also increase or decrease the value of miracle dice.
While all of these abilities would be nice on their own, none of them are usable on this walking target. For now, the Triumph will be staying on display shelves.
- Ephrael Stern & Kyganil of the Bloody Tears: Sterns back baby. And so far she looks like she is the most powerful Sister character in terms of shear damage output. Firstly she has 4's in S, T and Attacks putting her on par with Marine characters, and a S+1 D2 Power Sword just to make sure she can hold her own in a fight. But the scariest thing revealed so far is her Daemonifuge rule, which gives her the Smite psychic power but with the bonus that it can't be denied and it can't suffer POTW, with +2 to rolls against CHAOS. Yes, Stern can mind-nuke Eldar and they can do nothing about it. She also comes with a 4++ and -1 to hit her at all times. She can also deepstrike! Kyganil is the other half of the package who so far looks.... alright. Aeldari Toughness and Strength with 4A and 5W, along with a 4++. Kyganil grants Stern a 5+ FnP as long as he is within 3" of her which is pretty good. He has the Outcast Blades- S: User AP-1 D1 but make 2 attacks for every attack used- and the Harlequin's Kiss, which gives him some utility. He also fights first! At the moment he seems like a tax for Stern. They can't be your Warlord (though technically you can use Heroine in the Making to give her a WT). They cost 115 points for the pair, so not bad at all.
- Her +2 cast is gained if a CHAOS unit is nearby, it doesn't say it needs to be an enemy CHAOS unit. But she's IMPERIUM, so she can't ally with CHAOS detachments so how can you give her the 2+ you ask? FALLEN! They have both CHAOS and IMPERIUM keywords, so you can add some plasma spammers (or any other weapon combination) while getting your 2+ to the special smite and trigger the D6 more often. However, it seems GW did kind of spot this possibility and her rules state that she can be taken in any Imperium detachment, excluding ones that include Fallen units, so if you want to use this little trick you will need to bring a separate Vanguard detachment of Cypher and 3 squads of his buddies.
- When not engaging in extreme edge cases like the above, they make for a reasonable pair. They won't necessarily be better than two Canoness' with their support and offensive abilities, but they certainly hold their own for their point cost and bring abilities you otherwise lack.
- Taddeus The Purifier: A named Missionary from the Blackstone Fortress boxed game. In addition to his laspistol and power maul, his servo-stubber is considered a pistol weapon, so he can unload both in close combat, which is exactly where you want this guy. Like other Uriah Jacobus and generic Ministorum Priests, he gives an extra Attack in close combat to both ASTRA MILITARUM and ADEPTUS MINISTORUM units nearby, but unlike them, he lacks the ASTRA MILITARUM keyword, which means that he can't take Guard transports. Taddeus is basically a missionary that for 15 extra points lost his moral aura but got a bit more punch in CC.
- Canoness Superior Junith Eruita: Order of Our Martyred lady special Canoness, more info found in the Orders section below.
- Uriah Jacobus: (Legends) Got a huge points reduction in Chapter Approved 2018. He's now 50 points including all his wargear, which is 15 points over a normal missionary, but with an improved statline across the board. Better WS/BS with better guns, an extra wound and attack, and adds to +1 Ld to his aura on top of the new ability to ignore morale failures on a 4+, means the Sisters never have to worry about running away while he's around. His Shotgun got a change with the Legends update, where instead of +1 Strength at half range, it instead deals 2 Damage on a Wound roll of 6+.
- Interesting fact: Uriah's Ld bubble brings Commissar to 9Ld and Lord Commissar to 10Ld. Better used in a guard army than in a sister army, as the sisters won't benefit as much from the extra Ld, which comes for 15pts over a Missionary
- Arch-Confessor Kyrinov: (Legends) The triumphant return! Well, somewhat, he got dropped straight into Legends. In any case, the man with the magic hat is back and has an extremely similar statline to Uriah. He shares almost all of his abilities (Zealot, Rosarius, War Hymns and Word of the Emperor), but has a 5+ Armour save and trade's Uriah's +1 Leadership aura for a "roll twice and take lower for Morale" one. This is mathematically very similar, but they do stack with each other if that's your thing. More notably, Kyrinoc allows you to fish for 1s on morale checks for those sweet miracle dice. While he lacks a ranged weapon beyond the basic Bolt Pistol and Frag+Krak Grenades, he makes up for it by bringing his Mace of Valaan, which is a D2 Relic Blade. Overall not a bad option at all for accompanying melee squads into the fray, but he's 10 points more expensive than Uriah, so make sure you put him someplace where he can put his beatstick and leadership aura to good use.
Troops[edit | edit source]
- Battle Sister Squad: Consisting of 5-15 girls, Battle Sister Squads form the backbone of any pure Ministorum army. A cross between a Human and Astartes, Humans with BS3+, Sv3+, and a bolter for 9ppm. They're more or less about as tough, affordable, and deadly as space marine scouts. Generally speaking, you'll want 5-10 Battle Sisters in a transport to capture and hold objectives. The number of special/heavy weapons you get doesn't scale with the size of the unit, so you're usually better off with multiple smaller squads than one big one.
- A squad of five with 2 Stormbolters is 49 points. Tossing a 7 point inferno pistol to the superior is recommended. Useful for cost-effective objective secured units, but 8th ed is all about mobility, tons of cheap wound (hordes) or very high toughness/inv save. While being on paper one of the most cost-efficient troops of the game at killing stuff, footslogging basic sisters squads have none of the aforementioned desirable traits that actually matters for winning games. You probably should just take the minimum need to satisfy your detachments' requirements and spend the majority of your points elsewhere.
- Your Sister Superior can't take a storm bolter anymore outside of [Legends], which is annoying (Tell GW you want it back), but they can replace either their bolt pistol, or boltgun, or BOTH, for any of the other weapons from the pistol & ranged list to tailor them to suit your needs.
- Your Superior can just take a free chainsword too - always do that, since they don't normally fight well enough (two WS4+ S3 attacks base)to justify power weapons, but you don't give up anything to get +1A. Take the freebie - you'll be glad you did every time you use it.
- Not unique to the Battle Sister Squads, the Sister Superior can also dual-wield bolt pistols, or a bolt pistol and another kind of pistol (I'll have a 'Baby Melta', please and thank-you!). Of dubious utility, though could be amusing and on a Bloody Rose unit for the extra point of AP.
- While tempting to kit the squad with as many wargear options as possible, this overspending will water-down your army too much to be able to win games.
Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]
- Sororitas Rhino: Good old rhino that can transport 10 ADEPTUS MINISTORUM infantry units, so this goes for your Sisters of Battle as well as any Ecclesiarchy units that you might have taken, which is probably a good thing seeing as the old melee-only Conclave units really need a transport to ferry them across the field and assault from. With the Shield of Faith to distinguish yourself from every other Rhino in the Imperium. Very nice. Oh, and it can Deny the witch too, so facing off against an opponents psyker isn't a sweat with the "Aegis of the Emperor" Sacred Rites.
- Immolator: This thing is one of the best transports in the game. It has the now decent durability of a Rhino, a transport cap of 6 and its turret is now a terror - and it just got an extra hull mounted Hv-bolter in the new codex. It can be equipped with the classic twin-linked multi-melta or twin-linked Hv-bolter, vomiting out lots of shots... or it can be equipped with an Immolation Flamer (so it can do its job) an ASSAULT 2d6 at 12" Auto-hits, that unlike the other two options, can still shoot when you advance (very few other transports in the game can do that). It's useful to take small units to where they are needed, but not the 'must have three at least' that was before. The Hull mounted Hv-bolter is also a nearly ten point nerf in practice because it doesn't really help them accomplish their jobs (which is to TRANSPORT things forwards into battle) but makes it more difficult to fit them into lists. (WOULD BE NICE IF WE COULD SWAP IT FOR ANOTHER Hv-FLAMER GW)
- Take the Immolation Flamer. TURN ONE: Advance and shoot (or pop smoke). TURN TWO: Disembark units inside, then move (order of operation matters), shoot, then CHARGE! Absorb overwatch fire for your dismounts -OR- use it to tie up opponents key units. DIE! Smile. play "Martyr's Immolation"... any questions?
- This is not a tank, its a transport. Unless you're on a budget use the T8 Exorcist TANK instead if you are looking for long ranged fire support unit in vehicle form.
- Ok... if you must absolutely try to field them as a fire support unit be mindful that unlike Retributor Squads, your Hv-weapons will suffer -1 to hit moving penalty. That said, if you place them well a three Hv-bolter immo will only set you back 97 points and can provide you with a decent, durable, anti-horde ranged unit; but the more capable Conflagration Rocket equipped Exorcist exists and is only 140 points... so maybe only consider this option AFTER you have three of those first?
- Dominons' "Vanguard move" no longer works on transports.
- Repressor (Forge World): It is a Rhino on crack. Has 6 firing ports, which is a rarity now. Has the option to give it a second heavy flamer or a second storm bolter. Either take none or the storm bolter. The firepower of the Repressor is coming from the embarked squad anyway. If you want to grill stuff, take an Immolator instead. This vehicle is, with Dominions, what makes the SoB a decent army in 8th ed, allowing you to release your holy fire without having to expose to enemy fire your frail T3 dudettes. 20pts more since CA, making it best reserved for melta Dominions only.
- Neat trick, usable by any transport but even more so Repressors : If your vehicle have not advanced in the previous movement phase, it can charge. Useful for either absorbing overwatch (Rhino of Repentia/arc-flag/DCA) or simply tie up in CC an enemy shooty unit. With a 24"+D6" move followed by a 2D6" charge, Repressors makes great "fuck your shooting" rams.
- If you want to use those additional four transport slots, go bananas, since Dominions can't do their Vanguard thing in a transport anymore, even if they're alone.
- Thanks to the FAQ update on Imperial Armor, they have updated firing ports to be in line with open-topped. Any models embarked within this transport now are subject to all MODIFIERS that affect the transport itself. no Shooting after having fallen back nor if there is an enemy model within 1 inch of the hull. Your glorious immunity engine to all things melee or rules related has been nerfed down to a transport with holes in it. Still an excellent method of transport and fire support but we've now lost our best alpha strike option.
- This is the best transport in the game. (Order of the Ebon Chalice - Stratagems - Cleansing Flames (2 CP): Use when Shooting, either in your own Shooting Phase or Overwatch, choose a unit. Do not roll shot generation for that unit's flamers. They roll max.) Yes, because of the IA update the rules affecting the vehicle now affect the infantry inside. But this means that by using a strategem, you can stick 2 (Retributor/ Battle sister squads in the thing, give the vehicle 2 heavy flamers and how you have 6-8 heavy flamers coming from a vehicle. Normal move and fire your looking at 20" threat range of 48 autohits, wounding most things on 3s (32 wounds) at -1, 1 damage. It is not to be sniffed at. Alternate Take, MODIFIERS that affect the transport now affect the unit inside, whether you consider stratagem buffs to be modifiers is up to your local play group or your TO. Look for similar rulings for other open topped vehicles. The wording is now consistent with all open topped transports and should give you a good precedent for whether or not this would be legal.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Sororitas[edit | edit source]
- Geminae Superia: Celestine's bodyguards, broke off from her to be her own character unit. Though they are clearly still supposed to be used alongside Celestine, because she completely restores a Geminae model each turn if the unit is within 3" of her, she increases their SoF save by +2 within 6" of her, and they don't take up a slot in your detachment if Celestine is also there. But if both of them are slain then they stay dead. They went from overcosted at 8th release to good after CA to their current useless iteration. They don't guarantee "look out lady" tests anymore, stay dead, and succeed/fail charges independently from Celestine (possibly breaking the aura). You are paying 40pts for a bunch of S3 attacks. At best they are the closes thing sisters have to a jump pack character. Hands down the least useful unit of the codex, as they can't even benefit from <ORDERS> abilities.
- You might just end up running these models as extra Zephyrim - they're more useful that way.
- Celestian Squad: They are like normal Battle Sisters gear-wise but have 1 better WS, A, and Ld. What really separates them is their Bodyguard rule, where on a 2+ they intercept wounds taken by an <Order> Character model.
They will be outrun by Celestine, andCanonesses aren't precious enough to warrant bodyguards. Due to Celestine and Triumph of Saint Katherine lacking the <Order> Character keyword, their bodyguard rule can't be used on them. Otherwise, their weapon choices are the same as normal Bolter-babes. In terms of function, don't think that extra attack and WS will really help them in close combat, as they aren't kitted out for that job, though giving the Celestian Superior a good melee weapon will serve you better than regular squads. They have exactly the same ranged output as a squad of regular Battle Sisters for an increased cost and are only marginally more effective in close combat, where they'd rather not be. Moreover, Basic Sisters have Objective secured. With their new codex buffs, they can be a fairly solid retinue for a Canoness with somewhat greater offensive firepower. With their new stratagem, they're also a possible candidate for actually getting some mileage out of the Holy Trinity stratagem (albeit somewhat expensively)- The new codex has given them two useful offensive buffs: first off, Sworn Protectors. While within 6" of an <Order> Canoness, they re-roll all hit rolls, not just 1s, and not just fails. Second, the stratagem Exceptional Proficiency - although it costs a steep 2CP, it allows a unit of Celestians to re-roll all hits and wounds in shooting, melee or Overwatch.
Mistress of RepentanceRepentia Superior:Moved from leader of Repentia a character that only buffs them, (to the point that the Repentias still have maximum squad size 9 to accommodate her). Reroll wound of 1, Advance and Charge rolls for Repentia <order> units within 6". Doesn't take up a slot if you have any Repentia of the same order.- Imagifier: The banner bearer has 3 banners to choose from when its setup during deployment for a flexible approach to adapted to different enemy lists.
- Tale of the Faithful: Re-roll Deny the Witch tests for <ORDER> units within 6".
- Tale of the Stoic: <ORDER> units within 6" ignore AP -1.
- Sisters will draw a lot of small arms fire. Without T4, keeping that 3+ Sv is important. If you're Valorous Heart, this gets a lot stronger, because it stacks with their Conviction. Also affects Exorcist, Sorotitas Rhino, Immolator, Repressor, giving them ignore -1 AP. (Ignore -2 AP and FNP 6+++ if playing Valorous Heart, forcing opponents to use dedicated anti-tank to penetrate Valorous Heart vehicles.)
- Tale of the Warrior: +1 Strength for <ORDER> units within 6".
- Now we are getting close to SM levels. This would be amazing for Zephyrim if the Imagifier could keep up with them. Instead, it's mostly useful for buffing Repentia attacks to S8.
- Hospitaller: For the "low" cost of 30pts, a Hospitaller can resurrect a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS INFANTRY model or heal d3 wounds per turn
on a 4+(it just happens now, no roll needed). She lacks an <Order>. As any other medic in the game, points spent there is less firepower for the gunline but making the points spent keeping that Heavy weapon in the fight. Martyred Lady armies probably get the most out a Hospitaller's abilities, but still effective for what she brings.- With an average sister being 9pts + wargear, it can be difficult to earn her pointage back during a game in a pure Sisters army. Keep her near your more expensive units, with more expensive wargear. (i.e. Retributor or Dominion Squads, maybe Celestians)
- Sisters being T3, against smart opponents it can be difficult to even HAVE something nearby to rez when they focus fire your units down to the last model...
- Consider increasing the size of your units by 2 or 3, effectively using the extra sisters as 'ablative wounds' for the unit. Just don't go overboard else you'll suffer unwanted loses from morale.
- She also gives you access to the Last Rites stratagem, giving you a bubble where casualties don't count for morale tests, making your unit automatically pass while still getting to roll for it (so you get a chance at a Miracle Dice) for only one command point (less than Insane Bravery), which is worth remembering.
- Dialogus: +1 LD to Sisters within 6", a 5+ FnP against Mortal Wounds(for herself only, not nearby models), and she allows you to increase or decrease the value on a Miracle Dice used for an Act of Faith by a unit within 6" by one to a maximum of 6 and minimum of 1.
- Finally, this unit isn't totally wet socks. The ability to modify Miracle Dice is pretty handy, turning an otherwise-worthless 2 into a 3 that hits, for example, which can be great when you really need that meltagun or inferno pistol to connect.
- Zephyrim Squad: Close-combat Seraphim. Armed with power swords and bolt pistols with 2 attacks base (3 for the Superior). Deep Strike per normal and the option to get a pennant that allows re-roll charges for ORDER Sisters within 6", they can get there. Once they get there the power sword attacks may not appear all that threatening at first but a special rule helps soothe that fear: Rapturous Blows allows them to re-roll wounds (think AP-3 lightning claw). Re-rolling 4+ to wound is better than wounding on 3+ (75% vs 66% chance), re-rolling 5+ is better than 4+ (55.55% vs 50%). Re-rolling 6's is the only loser vs. wounding on 5+ but not by much (30.55% vs 33%).
- Like all CC units, it benefits from the Imagifiers' +1Str banner (Tale of the Warrior). The problem is getting the two units next to each other and KEEPING them together...
- An effective way to run Zephyrim is in Bloody Rose - making their swords AP-4 helps, but the real point is giving them that +1 attack on the charge, upping them to 3 attacks per model. Along with that, you get access to the Bloody Rose stratagem, which grants +1 to wound in the fight phase, mitigating the Zephyrim's biggest weakness.
Melee Infantry[edit | edit source]
The Sisters book is in an unusual place in that they have four different units of close combat infantry who cost 13 points per model once kitted out, all in their Elites slot. As these all compete for the same position in your army, they will be compared against each other here. All of these options are best delivered in a rhino, with a Preacher in support. Note that Zephyrim, above, fulfull a similar role, but cost more in exchange for having no interest in a transport.
- Arco-flagellants: Two wounds each, with a 5++ feel no pain to keep them going, Arco-Flagellants have two attacks each, but their weapons make d3 hit rolls per attack, at S+1 AP-1, damage 1. Always run them with a Priest to make the most of the D3 attack multiplier. Every time this unit attacks, you should be using the Extremis Trigger Word stratagem for 2CP, which makes their weapons get 'three' hit rolls per attack instead of D3. Combine that with a preacher, and each model gets nine attacks at S5 AP-1 damage 1, which is enough of a blender to tear through just about anything. The only issue with all of this is that Arco-Flagellants only hit on 4s, but since they have Zealot that means they'll still be hitting around two thirds of the time.
- Arco-Flagellants are the most devastating option here, if and only if you invest the command points into Extremis Trigger Word. Otherwise, they're still decent.
- Arco-Flagellants benefit massively from having an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor around, as it can use the Power From Knowledge power to give them a 5+ Invul. Since they have no save at all and rely on their FNP, this keeps them going a lot longer. Use Coteaz to also cast Terrify on your victim, keeping them from using Overwatch.
- Crusaders: A basic human with a Storm Shield and a Power Sword. 2 attacks base, and a 5+ feel no pain against mortal wounds in the psychic phase only. Like your other melee options, they have the Zealot rule. However, they max out at 6 models per unit.
- With their low damage output, Crusaders struggle to get anything done. However, they are excellent at tanking Overwatch for your other units, all of which die hard to Overwatch, giving them a potential niche.
- Note that, because these boys have the Astra Militarum keyword, if you are taking Guard allies they can use Chimeras and Tauroxes as a transport.
- Palanite Subjugators from Necromunda make a good stand-in for Crusaders that isn't monopose resin, as they have big shields.
- Death Cult Assassins: The sword to the Crusaders' shield, Death Cult Assassins are a surprisingly deadly option. At 4 attacks each with S4 AP-3 D1, they're a blender, especially since you can buff them to 5 attacks each with a Priest. Their 7" move is a slight bonus, and they have a 5++ invulnerable. Like the Crusaders, they max out at 6 per unit and have Zealot.
- Death Cult Assassins are an absolute blender. Raw number of power sword attacks will bring anything down with time, and these guys are Strength 4 to make that time a lot shorter. They require the least investment to be good, and are hard to go wrong with once they reach melee.
- Daughters of Khaine models can easily be converted to Death Cult Assassins, or you can use something like the Warcry warbands. Really, any human with little armor and a pair of swords works.
- Repentia Squad: Unlike the other options listed here, Repentia are <ORDER> units, and have access to Sacred Rites, Acts of Faith, and Convictions. They get two attacks per model with Penitent Eviscerators, which are Sx2 AP-3 D2, and -1 to hit, so they hit on 4s rather than 3s. They make up for this by having the Zealot rule, granting them re-rolls to hit in the first round of combat. They have the 6++ from Shield of Faith, and a 5+++ Feel No Pain. As consolation for their fragility, you do get a miracle die when they're inevitably wiped out. They're also the only option here with access to the Desperate For Redemption stratagem to fight twice, though they're unlikely to live long enough to use it unless they're attacking a tank.
- In a nutshell, Repentia have the most potential of these options, but require the most investment. By running them with a priest and making them Bloody Rose, you can get them to 4 attacks per model, and by running an Imagifier with them you can make their eviscerators S8. They benefit from having a Repentia Superior on hand for rerolls on charges, and can benefit from the two melee-oriented Sacred Rites, making them attractive in a pure ministorum list. Without investing in them, they're not particularly useful, but if you do invest in them, they can be devastating.
- A possibility, the Repentia Slingshot: Deploy a unit of Bloody Rose Repentia inside a rhino on the very edge of your deployment zone, 24" away from the enemy(this works best if you go second so you can know where he's set up and/or take advantage of his movement). Disembark the Repentia from the Rhino and Advance them directly towards the enemy. You're running The Passion, by the way. 3" disembark from the Rhino, 6" movement. Get lucky and use a 6 on Miracle Dice(easier if you have lots per turn, or an Ebon Chalice warlord for the guaranteed 6). That puts you 16" forward, making you 8" from the enemy deployment zone. Use the stratagem to allow the Repentia to advance and charge. Reaching the enemy is now a simple 8" charge, and you have the +1 from The Passion to make it 7. This takes a bit of doing and/or luck, but it delivers a unit of Repentia to the enemy on turn 1. 9 Repentia will, on average, kill almost any Primaris unit in the game, and if they're up against a tank or the like you can use the +1 to wound BR strat for extra killiness.
Other[edit | edit source]
- Ministorum Priest (Index): Your original Priest from the Index and the ASTRA MILITARUM Codex is technically still perfectly legal, having not been shoved into Legends and having the ADEPTUS MINISTORUM Keyword in any case. Statistically, he's almost identical to your Preacher in his Codex iteration, trading the Leadership penalty aura for an Autogun and Frag/Krak grenades. He is 5 points more, but since his Index wargear was likewise not put in Legends, it's still tournament legal to bring him with a Plasma Gun or an Eviscerator and Inferno Pistol. Just be sure when you take him its to avoid Legends restrictions, as Preachers become better if they are allowed.
- Preacher: The missionary's little brother who also gives a +1A buff to nearby ASTRA MILITARUM or ADEPTUS MINISTORUM units within 6". These guys are much more efficient than the Missionary, especially since you can take more than one. Critical if you want to get the most out of your melee options, these are even more important to Repentia than a Repentia Superior. They also, as a small bonus, inflict a -1 Leadership penalty on nearby CHAOS units. If you are playing in a Legends legal game, they suddenly become a whole lot better. They gain access to Frag and Krak Grenades as well as all of the ASTRA MILITARUM Ministorum Priest's Index wargear, such as Combi-weapons, Plasma Guns, Eviscerators, beefier pistols and the like.
- Pious Vorne: A borderland sadist that come into the Blackstone Fortress boxed game. For 25 points, you get a glass cannon (emphasis on the glass) with a heavy flamer in all but name (that gets to roll an extra D6 for shot counts against CHAOS units and discard the lower result) and a chainsword. As long as you screen her properly (she is a character) you will get a lot of juice from her assault heavy flamer. Please note that she does not benefit from an <Order> conviction, but no longer prevents your army from taking one.
- Gotfret de Montbard: A unique Crusader from the Blackstone fortress escalation box. He has Crusader stats including Zealot, Acts of Faith and Shield of Faith, but with 4 Wounds and Attacks, every hit of a 6 scores 2 hits and is a CHARACTER so he's safe from enemy fire and can Heroically Intervene. However, he suffers the same issue that has been stated many times in both the Guard and Sisters tactics guides: S3 Power Sword attacks just don't do enough, even if he can deliver a ton of them. For 35 points, not a terrible choice, very fluffy if you're building a Feudal World melee regiment, but your Elite slot is crowded as is and cheap as he is, you have access to cheaper units that support your army.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
- Dominion Squad: Dominions are your special weapon wielding sisters with the ability to make a pre-game move (no longer able to do this if they are in a vehicle). Armed with 4 storm bolters makes a good target for the Blessed Bolts stratagem to unleash a storm of primaris shredding shells. If you are awash with points, consider dropping an extra 10 for a 6th Dominion to serve as Grenadier. Additionally, consider giving this additional
guygirl a Simulacrum, as it'll be your only way to take it. As they have lost their ability to scout inside of a Repressor, they have lost some of their melta lethality: Retributors outshine them in this regard with their ability to move and fire multimeltas with no penalty and the stratagem Storm of Retribution to increase their range to 36" and get +1 to their damage rolls.- Since the Superior can no longer pack a storm bolter, consider taking a combi-melta in an otherwise storm-bolter-equipped squad to help out against heavy infantry or monsters, or take a condemnor boltgun and a hand flamer for the 2 points you would have paid before - they won't come up terribly often, but add a bit of tactical flexibility. (Don't forget that Hive Tyrants, non-Khorne greater daemons and daemon princes and a few other things are psykers, and sometimes you will be in position to shoot a character!)
- Seraphim Squad: A jetpack unit sporting pair of various kinds of pistols. They have the honor to fly around the back of the enemy, drawing fire and tying down units. Unlike most sisters, Seraphims do have a WS3+ but don't be fooled into thinking this makes them good in assault, their strength is still too low, but feel free to charge a smaller shooty unit to tie them up. An option available to you is to run a big squad of them and use them as a cheap 3+ 4++ screen (via the Celestine Cathedral method) that can fly.
- Another optimal way to run them is several 5 girl squads with a plasma pistol on the superior and inferno pistols on two dudettes. Such units cost a meager 88 pts and are able to deliver 5 BS3+ S8 AP-4 multiple wound shots + 3 bolt shots and a krak every shooting phase. This is Dominion-level pain. If you want to run this then keep in mind Inferno pistols are out of range if you deepstrike unless you pay a CP. The handflamer buff and low cost also make running it a good choice if you have another anti-tank source (Doms, Rets, Exorcists, allies, etc).
- If you use the Stratagem "Deadly Descent" and destroy any units, you gain a miracle die at the end of the movement phase via "Vengeance". Then, if you destroy any units during your shooting phase, you earn another one at the end of that phase too. Nice.
- Bloody Rose gets a special mention here as they have AP-1 for pistol and melee weapons... you know... that THING seraphim squads have an abundance of.
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
- Exorcist: The Sister's Main Battle Tank/Musical Instrument has undergone heavy changes. It now has two turret options. The first is Anti-tank (RANGE 48" Heavy 3d3, Strength 8, AP-3, D6 Damage). The other is Anti-infantry (RANGE 48" Heavy 3D6, Strength 5, AP-2, 1 Damage). It benefits from Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith- deny a smite with a tank, what a world- Convictions, and Sacred Rites. The downside now? The Exorcist with the Exorcist Missile Launcher + hull mounted Heavy Bolter will set you back 170 points. That is an increase of 45 points from the beta book. It gains flexibility and better reliability and maximum output as well as special rule support, but 45 more points is 45 more points. Keep in mind that with the Valorous heart strat, the reroll all dice for # of shots strat, and miracle dice, an Exorcist can move 12", and have a 90ish percent chance of killing an Alaitoc Hemlocke wraithfighter(even more against a CHE) in a single volley. That's a 60" range of a near guaranteed kill on one of the boogeyman units of the game, and the best part is they really don't care about those plane's return fire that much.
- The only unit in the army with a range greater than 36", its not hard to want more than 3...
- Funnily enough, an exorcist is one of the very few models in the game that has a chance to one-shot a Warhound Titan but will still only shave 5 wounds off a rhino on average.
- Retributor Squad: Your cheaper longish range heavy support option. You have a choice of 3 different heavy weapon options. Since the Stratagem Storm of Retribution (At 2 CP, it is really expensive for what it does) only affects 1 weapon type at a time, it's probably better to make all heavy weapons in a unit the same. Also, note that heavy flamers have +4" range and all Retributors can move and shoot all heavy weapons with no penalties.
- Multi-Meltas: Formerly overcosted compared to Dominions with meltaguns, but get breath of new life from the dominion nerf and synergy with both Valorous Heart and Argent Shoud, get an additional 12" range with the Storm of Retribution Stratagem, so 36" range, not bad. Good to have 2 Ammo Cherubs to shoot 6 melta shots, and Simulacrum to make the shot that gets through 6 damage. So a full unit of 10 in cover has a 2+ save, 6 36" Melta Shots using the stratagem in round 1. But any shot that gets through the opponents saves lets you use 1 miracle dice for max 6+1 Damage. If you compare this to an exorcist averaging 6 shots for 170 points, 12 Wounds 3+ Sv. against Retributors with 10 wounds, 2+ Sav for 190+ does not seem to stack up that well, but might be worth it with Sister Superior Junith Eruita, since +1 inv only for Infantry, and gives you re-roll 1's to wound. Also, if they're Order of Our Martyred Lady, enemies won't want to shoot at them for fear of having all that melta hate hitting on 2+ for the rest of the battle.
- Heavy Flamers: If you are playing Ebon Chalice, then you can drop these out of a Rhino/Immolator and using 2 Ammo Cherubs and Cleansing Flames stratagem get 36 Heavy Flamer hits. Expensive unit and you have better flamer units for this stratagem, but interesting, also nobody will charge this unit if they have to take overwatch. Can also put a combi-melta on the Superior and use the Trinity Stratagem, to add +1 to wound. And also use the Storm of Retribution stratagem to re-roll wounds...
- Heavy Bolters: They're the cheapest way to spam BS 3+ heavy bolters in the game and castling up with 4 heavy bolters and gaining a 2+ in cover for only 90 points is pretty sweet! They are T3, but they can hug cover as the rest of your army moves around and does the real damage. Because of this your opponent will either take multiple rounds of BS3+ HB shots or focus far more heavy firepower than such a cheap unit would normally require to destroy. Altogether a good unit that does a decent job of complicating your opponents' plans and harassing your opponents' heavy infantry/light armour. Superiors can't get storm bolters anymore, but a combi-plasma wouldn't be misplaced if you have the points.
- If you want a really sticky unit, Retributors are one of the few sister squads that can be run with a full crew of 10 without issue. Doing so gives the squad an extra few extra wounds while adding a few extra bolters in and can give you a bearer for a Simulacrum Imperialis, allowing extra AoF in a phase. An MSU squad is a much more tempting target when you know every casualty is going to hurt. Knowing they have to chew through 4 or 5 other models to get to the creamy center might help discourage them from being targeted outright.
- It should go without saying, but these gals love being from the Order of the Argent Shroud, the wording of their abilities is such that they stack, meaning you can run and gun at full BS. There's really no weapon configuration that doesn't benefit from this since adding D6" to your threat range is something Sisters will always benefit from. If you want to go even further you can stack with Storm of Retribution on your multi meltas.
- Penitent Engines: The 7" WS4+ BS5+ T5 W5 A4 Sv4+ 5++ FnP (w/ Zealot, 4+ rerolling to hit = 75% to hit)dreadnoughts of the sisters
(or is it Helbrutes?)- *BLAM* Heresy!. These sweet half-naked sinners, fused with grimdark killing robots of death exist for one sole purpose: MURDER. Hordes? Dead. Dedicated melee elite units? Dead. Knights/Greater Daemons/other LoW? DEAD. 56 pts per model (max 4 per unit) armed with two flail and two Hv-flamers, they carry an incredible amount of killing power (Khorne would "figuratively" sell half of his skull collection for these). You can swap the one or both the flails out for penitent buzz-blades which makes them S8 AP-3 D2 (std. Dred equivalent armament). If you take either of a pair of flails or a pair of penitent buzz-blades you get an extra attack. Unfortunately, Penitent Engines are not the most resilient units in the game. Against dedicated firepower they won't last long; so hide them behind Line of Sight blocking terrain and/or use cover, wait for the right opportunity to unleash their holy retribution (in short, rush to the enemy, but don't "YOLO" them through the open ground of the battlefield like a dumbass).- One of the best Distraction Carnifexs in the game right now. You can up the effect by telling your opponent about the rules beforehand.
- If you actually manage to get these to melee, 15 attacks per model will mulch anything T6 or less. If your going after bigger pray (landraiders, Titans etc.), the buzzblades with their better AP, are recommended as they are the better choice for that.
- Don't forget to play "DESPERATE FOR REDEMPTION" IF you can (3CP).
- Note that sadly, this unit do 'not' have the Shield of Faith, Acts of faith, Sacred Rites abilities OR the <ORDER> keyword
- Mortifiers: These are special 9" WS3+ BS3+ T5 W5 A4 Sv4+ 6++ FnP penitent engines that entomb sisters of battle that have sinned. one of them can be upgraded to an Anchorite which gives it a Sv3+. Unlike Penitent Engines, they have an additional purpose: Gun Boat. They can contain up to an additional 3 engines in a unit, for a total of 4. Each engine is equipped with 2 Heavy Bolters and 2 Penitent Flails stock. Like Penitent Engine above you can swap one or both of the Penitent Flails for Penitent Buzz-Blades. You can also swap one or both of their Heavy Bolters for Heavy Flamers too. When they die in combat, they mete out "'final vengeance" where on a 4+ every enemy units within 1" suffers D3 mortal wounds (Can you imagine when 4 die in combat...). In addition, they may choose to change their Heavy Bolters to Assault 3 (i.e. no penalty for shooting while moving and can advance with -1 to hit penalty if desired) or their Heavy Flamers to Pistol d6 for any shooting phase (your opponents can't silence their guns by getting stuck in). Unfortunately, Mortifiers lack the "Zealot" rule, meaning that they don't reroll to hits. This means that, for the first phase of combat(all they're likely to live through) Mortifiers are actually 'worse' than Penitent Engines - their 3+ to hit grants a ~66% chance vs 75% chance, but you do get better gun options and better tactical flexibility as a result of it... and you're move 9" instead of 7". So 'dems the trade offs.
- like Penitent Engines, they also do 'not' have the "Shield of Faith", "Acts of faith", "Sacred Rites" abilities OR the <ORDER> keyword , meaning (if you haven't figured it out by now)they don't benefit from MOST of your army wide bonuses such as: "Indomitable Belief" Warlord trait or a Canoness "Lead the Righteous" ability. Hospitallers can't even heal them for God Emperors sake!(sorry Bloody Rose players).
- The one notable exception to the above are the Zephyrim squads and their extremely relevant "Embodied Prophecy" stratagem.
- Any Strategem that only requires it to be a Sisters unit and not an Order unit- this means they can benefit from three very powerful strategems. Desperate for Redemption allows them to fight twice. Judgement of the Faithful allows them to fall back, shoot, and charge. Holy Rage allows them to advance and charge.
- Don't forget to play "DESPERATE FOR REDEMPTION" also... hey look, COMBO! (-1 Titan, LULZ !)
- Even with Zephyrim units help, this is mostly a Distraction Carnifex as one benefit to having almost NOTHING to buff them is that you have almost nothing to worry about fielding them all alone so they can do DISTRACTION CARNIFEX things... like distracting your opponents into shooting them instead of your T3 sisters.
Fortification[edit | edit source]
- Battle Sanctum: 50 point terrain piece that your opponent can't do anything to stop. As long as you park a sister unit in it, you get another miracle dice at the start of your turn and as a piece of terrain, it can provide cover. Additionally, +1 Leadership to Ministorum, -1 Leadership to Chaos.
Orders[edit | edit source]
Order of the Valorous Heart[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, the path of pain tempers the strongest Faith.
These sisters are always in a state of imposed penance, as they feel responsible of the Age of Apostasy and believe it is their solemn duty to repay the Imperium for all the trouble they caused it. They stand, alone, unbending and unbreakable against their foe, bearing the brunt of fire and powering through it, till the battle is won.
On the tabletop, they are great at defending and holding positions, as with the right buffs and positioning, you'll be sitting with a 2+ armour save, ignoring all AP-2 weapons. Combined with the 6+ FNP, these girls can dig into an objective like an Alabama tick, infuriating even the most stoic of Imperial Fists player with how immovable they are.
Orders Convictions - Stoic Endurance: 6+ FNP to models with this <ORDER>. In addition, ignore AP-1, and ignore AP-2 within 6" of the Imagifier if the Tale of the Stoic is in effect.
- This is maybe the best overall <ORDER> for your sisters if you are running many infantry units. It helps mitigate one of Sisters' biggest weakness, which is staying power as an army. And is what Shield of Faith should have been all along, not a 6++ on power armoured models.
- Ignoring AP-1 all the time is fantastic for power armour models. Ignoring AP-2 when added with Tale of the Stoic given by the Imagifier, the Sisters become much harder to remove. Also has good utility on vehicles.
Warlord Trait - Impervious to Pain: 5+ Feel No Pain. Weak tea considering they'll have a 6+ FNP anyway.
Relics - Casket of Penance: -1 Toughness to enemy units within 1" of a model with this relic. This is actually kind of handy on a Canoness who wants to be in the thick of it anyway, and since it's a Toughness debuff instead of a to-wound buff, it'll even help your Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave units or allies.
Stratagems - Blind Faith (1 CP): Use at the start of your Shooting Phase. A single unit may ignore to-hit modifiers. Nice for swatting those thrice-damned xenos flyers.
- Find an objective. Plop your sisters on it, and refuse to move. Bonus if it's in cover. Out-stay Imperial Fists. Remember to bring bonuses to your Invulnerable save.
Order of Our Martyred Lady[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, Faith is proven with Sacrifice.
This order seeks to emulate the sacrifice of their founding Saint Katherine by any means possible.
On the tabletop, they like to die, as you gain power as you take casualties. Intelligent enemies who tend to be selective with what they kill will regret it if they don't finish the job. Even if they do wipe out that unit, they will still have to deal with the fact that they just gave you a new Miracle Die.
Order Convictions - The Blood of Martyrs: At the end of any phase other than the Morale Phase where a unit with this Conviction was destroyed, earn a Miracle Die (this is in addition to Miracle Dice earned from the death of a Character that could use AoF). Additionally, add 1 to hit for any unit which has lost at least one model, even if the model is later restored.
- An interesting if risky ability which might lend itself to a handful of expendable MSUs backed up by larger units which can have lost models revived by a Hospitaller. This seems like a bit of a double-edged sword, as intelligent opponents will work to wipe entire squads much like Necron Reanimation Protocols...but on the other hand, if they do that they'll still give you those Miracle Dice.
- The Spirit of the Martyr Sacred Rite seems like it would be a good fit here since it'll give you even more opportunities to get something useful out of a destroyed unit.
Warlord Trait - Shield Bearer: +1 to wound Characteristic & +1 Armor Save (Max 2+).
- Pass, use cover to get a 2+ armor save -OR- better yet, don't let your Character get shot at in the first place. Take Indomitable Belief over this.
Relics - Martyr's Vengeance: Replaces an Inferno Pistol. 12" S9 Inferno Pistol that always rolls 2D6 and picks highest. Not exceedingly useful given how many other good relics Sisters get... but you do wound T8's on 3's (reliably wounding Titans is a thing) and can threaten over-watching with it beyond 6" as long as you have a '6' in your miracle dice pool showing.
Stratagems - Honor the Martyrs (1CP): Use when a Martyred Lady character is slain. For the rest of the battle, Order units re-roll 1 's to hit; but only against the unit that killed the character.
- Turns a B-list character into a torpedo that you charge towards your opponents Biggest Baddest Deadkilly-est "THING" that they have (i.e. a Titan, Magnus the Red, Chapter Master Smashfucker etc.). Doesn't even matter if they die in the incoming overwatch fire.
- Combos with "Test of Faith", "Martyred" or "Divine Intervention" Stratagems. KNOW which you are going to play BEFORE you commit.
- "Test of Faith" probably being the bread winner here. Earns 3-5 Miracle dice.
- Note: You are NOT getting your sacrificial character back with a Hospitaller's rez and using "Divine Intervention" prevents miracle dice/CP gains for having lost that character that turn...
Special Characters
- Canoness Superior Junith Eruita: Order of Our Martyred lady unique character that rides atop 'The pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica'. 10" Fly WS2+ BS2+ S3 T4 W7 A4 Ld9 Sv3+/4++. Armed with TWO Heavy Flamers and a S+2 AP-1 D2 melee weapon, The Mace of Castigation. Importantly, she allows <ORDER> units re-roll 1's to hit AND wound rolls within 6". Improves ALL ADEPTA SORORITAS INFANTRY "Shield of Faith rolls" by 1, regardless of Order. Very cool. If chosen as your warlord she has the "Inspiring Orator" warlord trait, making her Ld10 and <order> units can use her leadership instead if within 6". She counts as a vehicle that when destroyed explodes on a 6 dealing 1 mortal wound to each unit within 3"... and earns you two Miracle Dice.
- Its highly suggested that you use Seraphim and/or Zephyrim units to escort her around the tabletop (both escort units will have "Shield of Faith" bumped up to 4++).
- Repentia LOVE being near her too... for obvious reasons.
- Being able to share Ld10 when chosen as your warlord means morale test are a lot less of an issue; therefore its now possible to run larger units to be able to use this order's convictions.
- Has utility even outside of her Order thanks to her ability to boost Shield of Faith rolls by one.
- Its surprisingly effective to run Repentia units with this order, each time your opponent kills a unit of them you earn TWO Miracle Dice.
- Consider taking a sacrificial vanguard detachment Martyr Repentias to fill up Miracle Dice pools.
- Plasma is cheaper than melta, Is better suited against elite troops/bikes AND has the much needed RANGE that sisters generally lack. Granting an army wide re-roll 1 's to hit is just the thing for plasma weaponry effectiveness(honestly everything likes re-rolling 1's). So If you wanted to run a Sisters list with plasma in it here you go.
Order of the Ebon Chalice[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is no place for doubts.
This Order is the oldest and most traditional of all the Sisterhood Orders and are also the most blunt and direct. They land, kill the enemy and leave and have no time for pomp and ceremony, and are also the Order that closest resembles the original Daughter of the Emperor in terms of organisation and tactics.
On the tabletop, they have the level of faith you imagine Adeptus Ministorum would have: anti-Psyker tools, guaranteed 6s and Maximum Fire
Orders Convictions - Daughters of the Emperor: 5++ FnP against Mortal Wounds. In addition, you may discard a miracle dice when performing an Act of Faith. If you do so, the dice used for the AoF is a 6.
- Melta, applied directly to the forehead.
- Melta, applied directly to the forehead.
- Melta, applied directly to the forehead.
Warlord Trait - Terrible Knowledge: As long as your Warlord is on the battlefield, the Miracle Dice you gain at the start of the first battle round is a 6. Also, you gain D3 Command Points at the start of the game.
- If you're playing Ebon Chalice, spend the CP for Heroine in Training. Worst case, you earn the CP back and then get the Miracle Dice thing. Little reason not to run this.
Relics - Annunciation of the Creed: Replaces a Condemnor Boltgun. 24", RapidFire1, S5, AP-2, Dd3. It can target characters like a sniper (honestly, ALL Condemnor Boltgun should be able to do this GW...) and against Psykers does a flat 3 damage.
- Psykers are annoying and usually weak bodied; being able to start shooting them by turn 2 is great.
- "Suffer Not the Witch" (1CP) lets you threaten the unusual STRONG BODIED Psykers.
Stratagems - Cleansing Flames (2 CP): Use when Shooting, either in your own Shooting Phase or Overwatch, choose a unit. Do not roll shot generation for that unit's flamers. They roll max... (I didn't NOT want a 5 flamer Dominion squad)
Special Characters
Tactical Objectives
- Do you like Flamers? Do you like applying meltas directly to the forehead of your enemies? GOOD, cus you're in the right place for both of those things!
Order of the Argent Shroud[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, Actions speak louder than Words.
These girls are absolute she-bros and belive that the truest way to worship the Emperor is with the wars of faith they wage, not the hymns they speak. They have taken it as their duty to protect the people of the Emperor and his empire, and will fight to the bitter and bloody end to shield and aid the wider Imperium .
On the tabletop, they are the most mobile shooter order. Their infantry and tanks will have the easiest time getting into Rapid fire and Melta range without sacrificing a turn of shooting.
Order Convictions - Deeds, Not Words: When a model with this Conviction advances, it can fire its weapons as if moved without Advancing.
- More maneuverability never hurt anyone. Combine with new Retributors and their ability to move and ignore the penalty to fire Heavy for incredibly mobile heavy weapons.
- Eldar wish they had this, Imagine running Dominion Squad with Stormbolters or Retributor Squad with Multi-Meltas and suffer no penalties.
Warlord Trait- Selfless Heroism: 6" Heroic Intervention, moves 6" during it, and fights first. Generally pants.
Relics - Quicksilver Veil: -1 to hit a model with this relic. Nice, but the Iron Surplice is probably better if you really need that character to stick around.
Stratagems - Faith is Our Shield (1CP): 5+ FnP against mortal wounds in the Psychic Phase.
Tactics Argent Shroud tactics can be described in three words: run and gun. Sisters are chronically limited in their threat range, so anything to improve that will greatly benefit them. Obviously advancing is not very consistent but that's what miracle dice are for! Stand out units are obviously Dominions and Retributors since they already are kitted for bear with heavy and special weapons that need to be up close and personal, and both of them have special rules that interact well with your conviction. Dominions only get their scout move when footslogging, so being able to advance and shoot will help make up for the lack of transportation. Retributors can fire their heavy weapons with no penalty after moving, and can stack additional range onto their heavy flamers or multi meltas.
Order of the Bloody Rose[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, True devotion is proved with blood.
The Order of the Bloody Rose embody all the bristling hate and anger that Sisters are known for. They slaughter, kill and purge any thing heretical with a level of seething hatred they make the Black Templars look calm
On the tabletop, They are the most cc focused order. Aggression is rewarded with more attacks and get AP on their fists. Stack more CC buffs then teach them the fury of the Emperor.
Orders Convictions - Quick to Anger: Units with this <ORDER> gain +1 attack when they charged/charge/perform a heroic intervention. Pistol and melee weapons get additional AP.
- This trait obviously makes your melee units even better , as Repentia and Zephyrim all get extra attacks to kick the shit out of what they ran into (Penitent Engines and Mortifiers do not have the <ORDER> keyword) . However the scary part of the trait is the additional AP-1 on all Pistols and Melee weapons (including your S:User AP:- D:1 "bare hands"). Bolt Pistols? Ap-1. Power Swords? AP-4. Inferno Pistols? Fucking AP-5 (INVULNERABLE SAVE OR DIE)! Get your Seraphim up to the land raider and watch the horror form on your opponents face when it eats 4 S8 AP-5 D6 shots. And as if that wasn't enough, this trait effects your relics (the Blessed Blade of ass-kicking is now AP-4). Rip and Tear
Warlord Trait - Blazing Ire: +1 Attack and can Charge & Advance. Not bad, but generally Righteous Rage is more interesting for a beatstick, since it helps to compensate for low Strength.
Relics - Benificence: Replaces a chainsword. S+1, AP-2 D2, give 3 additional attacks instead of just 1 (NOTE: it will become AP-3 because of "Quick to Anger").
- Thanks to the conviction, a Canoness with this can have 9 S4 (S5 w/"Tale of the Warrior:") AP-3 D2 attacks. Actually not half bad for a beatstick Canoness!
Stratagems - Tear Them Down (1 CP): Use at the start of the Fight Phase, choose a unit. Attacks made by that Bloody Rose unit get +1 to wound. THIS is what makes you scary to get into melee with.
- Dedicated Close Combat units like Zephyrim, Repentia and a Canoness armed with Benificence or the Blade of Admonition are the obvious recipients of choice; but don't be hesitant to use this with other units as well.
There are some armies that Bloody Rose will absolutely brutalise and others that will not be easy to deal with, and this mostly comes from the stats of the sisters themselves, as Regular battle sisters are only S3 with a WS+4, they will need to bring dedicated units to deal with some armies. The clear units to focus on are Repentia, Zephyrim, Seraphim and Celestials. While Repentia and Zeriphyim are obvious, Seraphim are also great choices as the ap modifier affects pistols, so a 5 girl squad with bolt pistols can be a good way to clear infantry squads and Celestials get an extra attack and a WS+3, so can actually slug it out in melee with some melee units or be body guards for Saint DoomSlayer.
- Imperial guard, Renegade and Heretics & Genestealer cults: These armies should be absolute push overs for Bloody Rose units. You have better weapons, better armour saves, better shooting capability and excellent anti infantry options, with decent anti tank. While some of the quicker or tougher units like Genestealers may need some planning to deal with you should be over all fine. Just shoot, run up and dome in the head of the unlucky cultist who got in your way.
- Eldar and Dark Eldar: Again you should be over all fine against both Eldar flavours but they have some units an tactics that can mess up your day if you aren't careful. The psychic powers are one to watch and those nasty Dark Eldar weapons can also be lethal if not dealt correctly. Also their dedicated melee units will require dedicated melee unit (or a shit ton of flamer fire) to deal with. Bring Zeriphym or Repentia with support to deal with Wyches and Banshees and you should be golden.
- Orks, Daemons and Tyranids: Bloody rose are in the interesting position of being able to hit the unit that just charged them back about as hard as they hit them. The main problem is making sure you are not swamped when the fight comes. Bring flamers. Lots of them. A few squads Retributors with heavy flamers, Immolators and Exorcists should be able to thin out the large units of boyz and gaunts, and Repentia and Zephyrim to counter charge should get things sorted. Deal with large monsters and speed freaks with anti-armour.
- Tau Get into melee, but don't die getting there. Same as all other armies.
- Space marines and Chaos Space Marines: These are definitely a harder army to deal with through melee means. If you want to go through with it, bring things to clear out their horde clearing units, like Khorne Berserkers and Land raider crusaders, and try and swamp the fuckers. You'll have more units, and more attacks. Utilize the Tear Them Down strategem and the Zephyrims re-roll wounds. Have Seraphim harass units and Repentia, Penitent engines and Mortifiers to beat their elite units. If you play smart and brutally you can take it, but it will cost you. Oh and avoid characters like Calgar and Abaddon and their death stars. They will cause havoc.
- Custodians, Harlequins and Blood Angels: No. Simply NO. You won't beat these guys in melee. They hit too hard and/or can easily tank what ever you throw at them ... or just kill you first because you will be struggling to wound them while simultaneously taking S[I WOUND YOU ON 2's, RE-ROLLING 1's ] AP-[ YOUR 4++ "Shield of Faith" WON'T BE ENOUGH ] D[NOT EVEN 5+++FNP CAN SAVE YOU!] hits in return. Harlequins move fast and hit like a motorised, spinning socks full of rocks. Basic Custodians are 2+5++5+++ tanky enough to shrug off everything you throw and will instantly kill what rams into them. Blood Angels have all the bonuses of regular space marines but hit you even harder in melee. You can try and overrun them with weight of number like skinny Orks and sadly... it's honestly your best chance at beating them.
- Knights: Run eight Bloody Rose Repentia in a Rhino with an Imagifier and a Preacher. The Preacher grants +1 attack, the Imagifier grants +1 Strength. Your eight Repentia get 4 attacks each, hitting on 4s with rerolls, for an average of 24 hits. Pop the +1 to wound stratagem to wound the Knight on 3s. for an average of 16 wounds. AP-4 cuts straight through the Knight's armor, and you deal an average of 32 damage in a single phase of combat.
Order of the Sacred Rose[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, only the faithful are rewarded.
The Sacred Rose aspire to be the unyeilding golden light. They are loyal, unflinching and remain calm in even the most dire of times, and act as beacons of light for all Imperial forces around them helping them rally and find their faith in the Emperor when it has all but vanished.
On the tabletop, they are defensively disciplined and more importantly replacing used miracle dice like Command points (the broken not once per turn way).
Orders Convictions - Devote Serenity: Overwatch on a 5+ and never lose more than 1 model on a failed LD test. Additionally, whenever you use a miracle dice for an act of faith, roll a D6. On a 5+, gain a miracle dice.
- Consider using a 'sacrificial' Martyred Lady screening detachment (i.e. Vanguard of Dominions)for your army to help fill up your miracle dice pool.
- Celestian squads have the "Exceptional Proficiency" stratagem allowing you to re-roll your hit (~55% hit chance now) & wounds rolls for your 5+ overwatch.
Warlord Trait - Light of the Emperor: When you perform an Act of Faith with this Warlord, do not roll for the Devote Serenity Conviction. You automatically gain a Miracle Dice.
- In short, your warlord will always be using a miracle die and returning a miracle die. You should do so every turn, even if its just to 'advance 2" ' because you are basically re-rolling a dies' results FOR FREE. (BTW, nothing in the rules forces you to move anywhere when you declare an advance)
- Combo with "Vessel of the Emperor's Will" stratagem, earn TWO Miracle Dice...
Relics - Light of St. Agnatha: Replaces a Brazier of Holy Fire. -1 to Leadership of Daemons within 6". Does the same thing as the Brazier- when firing during the shooting phase or on overwatch may roll a dice and on a 2+ it does D3 mortal wounds to target unit 12" away, D6 to Daemons- except this one you can discard a Miracle Dice to keep it lit and able to be used again. Fizzles out permanently if you don't spend the miracle die.
- Great way to dish out mortal wounds.
- Would combo well with "Light of the Emperor" Warlord Trait above... except you can't because "discard" isn't the same as "performing an Act of Faith".
Stratagems - The Emperor's Judgement (1 CP): Pick a unit that is firing Overwatch or chosen to shoot during the Shooting Phase. Unmodified hit roll of 6+ for a Bolt weapon gets an additional hit.
- Pass... you just aren't going to have enough 'Bolt' shots to be able to capitalize on the exploding 6's. Save your CP for better things. Save your miracle dice for better things.
- (sigh) Combining with "Blessed Bolts" sounds good... but again its 1CP to MAYBE net 1-2 more bolt hits. Now you want to double down and spending another CP? May the God Emperor bless your shooting.
- Spam "Light of the Emperor" Warlord Trait + "Vessel of the Emperor's Will" stratagem combo.
- Consider giving "Light of St. Agnatha" relic as well for some sweet sweet 12" mortal wound action
- Use Battle Sanctum terrain (50-Pts ea, 3 for 150-Pts).
- Note - you only get 1 miracle dice per turn regardless of how many sanctums you have on the board. However, multiples does mean that you don't need to remain stationed in one building all game
- Use Cheerleader Canoness (ideally ON a Battle Sanctum).
- Use Incensor Cherub trick to capture extra miracle dice.
- Take "Light of the Emperor" as your Sacred Rites. Don't forget roll for morale "every turn you take a casualty", TWICE!
- Consider using a sacrificial Martyred Lady detachment.
Tactics and Strategy[edit | edit source]
Managing Miracle Dice[edit | edit source]
- You gain one miracle dice at the start of each battle round, and one in each phase where any of the following conditions are met:
- Vengeance: A unit from your army with the AoF ability destroys an enemy unit
- Sacrifice: A CHARACTER from your army with AoF is destroyed
- Purity: A unit from your army with AoF successfully denies a psychic power
- Valour: You pass a Morale test with an unmodified roll of 1 (without using a Miracle Dice)
- When you gain a dice, you roll a D6 and you put it aside for later use with the value you got.
- The following abilities generate one additional Miracle Die a round: Beacon of Faith Warlord Trait, Battle Sanctum terrain piece, and the Triumph of St. Katherine. The Triumph, importantly, generates one Miracle Die per turn, not round.
- The following stratagems have interplay with Miracle Dice: Test of Faith which grants D3 MD in addition to the one granted normally for Purity or Valour. Vessel of the Emperor's Will gives you a MD if a character just used an Act of Faith. Moment's Grace allows you to discard 1-3 MD to improve a hit/wound/save roll by the number of dice discarded. Divine Intervention allows you to discard 1-3 dice, giving a revived character wounds equal to the number of dice discarded. Faith and Fury allows you to use the Miracle Dice used on the Hit Roll to be used on the Wound Roll
- The following rules grant dice manipulation of a deployed Miracle Die: The Dialogus and Triumph of Saint Katherine may add one or subtract one from the die, to a min of 1 and max of 6, and they cannot stack on a single dice. The Ebon Chalice's Conviction Daughters of the Emperor allows you to discard a MD to make another a result of a 6.
- The following rules have unique generation or re-roll mechanics: The Sacred Rose conviction Devout Serenity allows you to roll a D6 after performing an AoF. On a 5+, you get a MD. The Sacred Rose Warlord Trait Light of the Emperor allows you to forego the roll for Devout Serenity if the AoF was undertaken by the Warlord. The Ebon Chalice Warlord Trait Terrible Knowledge makes the die you receive at the start of the first round (just the one) a 6. The Litanies of Faith Relic allows you to re-roll a Miracle Dice result once per turn.
- The cherubs that the Battle Sister Squad, Celestian Squad, and Dominions can purchase allow you to discard it, roll 2D6, and pick the best result. This is a Miracle Dice that the unit must use this phase on an Act of Faith or lose it.
Spending them:
- Your units with Acts of Faith instead of rolling a dice can pick a Miracle Dice from the pool (
or multiple ones, you can take more than onelatest FAQ nixed that, only charge rolls now unless equipped with a Simulacrum Imperialis or within range of the Triumph of Saint Katherine’s Icon of the Valorous Heart ability) and take it's value. The dice is then lost. - By standard you can only do a single Act of Faith each phase!
- You can use Miracle dice for the following actions:
- Advance roll
- Charge roll
- Deny the Witch test (technically your Shield of Faith and bonuses, not the actual ability, since we don't have PSYKER units)
- Hit roll
- Wound roll
- Saving throw
- Damage roll
- Morale test
- You cannot use a dice for rerolls (sadface)
- Sacred Rose units can recycle Miracle Dice if they roll a 5+ when they spend a Miracle Dice. A tricky way to hoard dice with them is to take Incensor Cherubs, as much as you can, and when they are activated and you spent the Miracle Dice they generated, you have a 33% chance to turn a temporary die into a permanent one.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Rule I: If your detachment includes any units that aren't ADEPTUS MINISTORUM, you lose your Sacred Rites, so keep in mind that by dabbling in the wider Imperium you're making a tradeoff.
Rule II: Sisters' primary weakness is access to S9 and above, and long ranged firepower. The only weapon in their list that reaches beyond 36" is the Exorcist, and other than that their entire anti tank arsenal is melta weapons. They also have no access to psychic powers of their own. Keep this in mind when selecting your allies.
- Inquisition: An exception to Rule I, thanks to the White Dwarf codex, a Sisters force can include a single INQUISITOR in one of their detachments without losing their Sacred Rites or that detachment's Order Conviction, this is very helpful as Inquisition can provide you with much needed Psyker support. Furthermore, for 1CP you can give them a Warlord trait and (if not a named character) a Relic. Each of the Ordos has its role: Ordo Xenos can provide CP recycling, helpful if you aren't running double battalion. Ordo Hereticus has access to the Ascertainment power, which is the best anti-melee debuff in the game and can keep your fragile melee units in the running long enough for them to do their job. Ordo Malleus gets additional casts and debuffs, helping even more with psychic powers. All of the named Inquisitors can fulfill useful roles as well, but the top choices are:
- Basic Inquisitor - CP farming - Mental Interrogation psychic power, Esoteric Lore warlord trait and Seize For Interrogation stratagem; switch the bolt pistol for a Boltgun and take the Blackshroud Relic. For support swap Mental Interrogation for Terrify.
- Hector Rex - Deny the witch - Psychic Mastery warlord trait: knows 3, casts 3 and denies 4 (with +1 within 12"). Powers should be: Mental Interrogation to generate CP, Terrify to bypass overwatch, and Dominate (Or Castigation). Tanky (2+/3++), can deep strike, and he is BRUTAL vs daemons.
- Coteaz - Points efficient all-rounder - Psychic Mastery warlord trait: knows 2, casts 3 and denies 2 with solid offense and defense and an interesting ability. Powers should be: Mental Interrogation to generate CP and Terrify to bypass overwatch.
- Karamazov - LD buff/ Hold the line - LD11 in a 12" bubble is going to make low LD hold their ground and makes a nice counter-charger. Your trade off is no psychic powers but some psychic defense.
- Assassins: Unlike Inquisitors, Assassins do make you lose your sacred rites, even if you use the stratagem to add one - unlike the Inquisitor rules, the Assassin rules don't specify that they let you keep Doctrines and similar abilities. One will set you back 95 reinforcement points and 2CP, but you choose which one of the four available assassins during deployment. The two assassins most likely to earn back their pointage in a game are the Culexus & Vindicare assassins. As a general rule you should probably take the Vindicare assassin as your 'default choice' for his long-range (72") anti-'Chapter Master SmashFucker' (or equivalent character) fire support unit, and the Culexus when your opponents has pesky psykers you'd rather not have casting. Eversor & Callidus have their uses too, both are solid melee units that can 'UN-alive' most CHARACTERS you charge them into. Regardless of which you chose note that each of them have two unique individualized stratagems that can be played to them and all can play "Priority Threat Neutralized (1CP)" should any of them actually kill their mark (White Dwarf issue of March 2019).
- Fun fact, they all have the CHARACTER keyword themselves, as a reminder this means they can't be shot at unless they are the closest model.
- Imperial Guard: The fluffiest choice, right up there with Inquisition and Black Templars. One of the few choices that won't really make you miss Sacred Rites. What Guard lack are elite and mobile infantry units (Scions move just like everybody else once they land); what Sisters lack are ranged artillery, psychic powers, and cheap bodies. Given that Celestine buffs Guardsmen (she gives them a 6++ invul bubble, which can be bumped up to a 5++ via the Psychic Barrier power) and that there are some units that overlap between armies, it's clear that soup isn't entirely off the menu. Bullgryns can also use their 1CP stratagem in The Greater Good to stack a -1 To Hit modifier on any Infantry unit near them if they're closer to the shooting unit... and that will benefit even the Triumph of St. Katherine.
[more to be added]
Getting Models[edit | edit source]
Go on the GW store and buy the released kits. The promised day has come at last. No more scrounging to poorly replicate some semblance of a Sororitas Army.
If that doesn't work for you, or you want to know the suffering of Sisters players of old, please check the previous edition's tactica for tales of horror and Greenstuff. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Adepta_Sororitas(7E)#Getting_Models
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