57mm Anti Tank

The 57mm anti tank, more colloquially known as the ZiS-2, is a medium AT gun developed during the Second World War.
In Flames of War[edit | edit source]
ZiS-2 has an AP of 11, a halted RoF of 2, a moving of 1, and a modest 4+ of Firepower. While not about to kick asses and take names in Late War, it's a perfectly serviceable AT Gun, and a Gun Shield adds a little bit of survivability. Generally it's better to take them in two small batteries instead of a single big one and put those on flanks: with luck, even Tigers and Panthers can be dealt with.
Mid War[edit | edit source]
Late War[edit | edit source]
As of Bagration, they can be taken either as a regular 57mm Anti-tank Company (either 4 points for 2 guns or 8 for 4) or Fearless Veterans of a Heavy Tank Killer company (6 pts for 2 and 12 for 4, respectively). The choice is yours, but if you're not running an infantry list where mobility would be an issue, it's probably better to take 100mm Tank Killer company instead of the latter just to threaten heavy beasties.
IRL[edit | edit source]
The ZiS-2 originated as an upgrade over the weaker 45mm cannons in service. It was made under wrong assumption that Germans a) already had heavy tanks with armor as thick as that of KV-1 (but not shit) and b) were going to use Char B1s captured in France en masse. Some sources even say Soviet intelligence mistook the latter for a new German heavy tank, so ZiS-2s APCBC comfortably penetrated the front armor of B1 from 1,5 km away.
In any case, production of the weapon also had teething pains from the fact that the Commies had no experience manufacturing 57mm ammo and what's crucial, gunpowder good enough to propel the shell at speed required. When the actual fighting started, it was quickly discovered APHE punches right through both Pz IIIs sides without exploding. Officially that was the reason that manufacturing was dropped in December 1941, but the truth is more nuanced. Both the gun and the shells couldn't be produced in quantities fit for a catastrophe of Barbarossa, and it was deemed more "good enough" 45mm guns was better than fewer 57mm guns. They were reintroduced in 1943 in order to give anti-tank crews an actual fighting chance against the heavier Panzers like Panther and Tiger.
It was the primary armament of unholy abomination named ZIS-30, the very definition of ersatz, around 100 of which was made. We do not speak of those.[1] The ZiS-2 was also considered for use on the T-34 and SU chassis, though these plans were abandoned due to the better performance of 76 and 85 mm cannons. Post war, it was rather quickly retired due to its obvious obsolescence, being major export post war to friendly countries. In 2013, a number of ZiS-2s shells were found in a shipment bound for North Korea, implying that the weapon is still in service there. Jury is still out if that is hilarious, concerning, awe inspiring, or an unholy mixture of all three.
Soviet Forces in Flames of War | |
Tanks: | T-70 - Valentine - M5/M3 Stuart - M3 Lee - T-34 - KV - Churchill - IS-2 - Captured Tank Platoon - T-28 - BT-7 - KV-2 - T-26 |
Transports: | M3 Scout Car - Universal Carrier - SdKfz 251 |
Infantry: | Rifles - Motor Rifles - Penal Company - Storm Group - SMG Company - Engineer Sapper Company |
Artillery: | Katyusha - 152mm Artillery - 122mm Artillery - 76mm Artillery - 120mm Mortars - 82mm mortars |
Tank Destroyers and Assault Guns: | 45mm Anti Tank - 57mm Anti Tank - 76mm Anti Tank - 100mm Anti Tank - SU-76 - SU-85 - SU-100 - SU-122 - SU-152 - ISU-122/ISU-152 |
Recon: | Scout Platoon - BA-64 Platoon - Armored Reconnaissance Platoon - Reconnaissance Platoon |
Aircraft: | Il-2 Sturmovik |
Anti-Aircraft: | ZSU M17 - DShK AA MG Platoon |
Midwar Monsters: | KV-3 - KV-5 - T-43 |
- ↑ If you really want to know, just imagine the Death Guard Roomba but Soviet.