BA-64 Platoon

The BA-64 Platoon is a unit available to the Soviet Union in Flames of War. It is built primarily around the BA-64 armored car.
Flames of War[edit | edit source]

Late War[edit | edit source]
IRL[edit | edit source]
The BA-64 started as a replacement for the outdated BA-20 and to grant better off-road capabilities than the existing variants of armored cars. Captured German armored cars were studied by the GAZ interest, who looked at the armor and then decided to use the base chassis of the GAZ jeeps with the armor influence of the German armored cars to create a solid, well-protected, and maneuverable open-topped armored car for scout purposes.
The BA-64 was totally unsuitable for frontline service but mostly saw service as a courier, ferry, and scout vehicle, where it performed admirably. The DT machine gun could shoo away stinky pretzel eaters and the occasional aircraft, but not much else, though some units were field converted to hold an AT rifle, though the effect of these vehicles is largely unknown.
Post-war, the BA-64 was sent to Warsaw pact colonies satellite states to arm them adequately in case America decided to collectivize a couple of Nukes and wipe out communism. The North Koreans still use them today as reserve vehicles. Whether or not that stands as testimony to the ruggedness of the design or the sheer will of Kimmy to keep his piecemeal army operational is beyond us.
Soviet Forces in Flames of War | |
Tanks: | T-70 - Valentine - M5/M3 Stuart - M3 Lee - T-34 - KV - Churchill - IS-2 - Captured Tank Platoon - T-28 - BT-7 - KV-2 - T-26 |
Transports: | M3 Scout Car - Universal Carrier - SdKfz 251 |
Infantry: | Rifles - Motor Rifles - Penal Company - Storm Group - SMG Company - Engineer Sapper Company |
Artillery: | Katyusha - 152mm Artillery - 122mm Artillery - 76mm Artillery - 120mm Mortars - 82mm mortars |
Tank Destroyers and Assault Guns: | 45mm Anti Tank - 57mm Anti Tank - 76mm Anti Tank - 100mm Anti Tank - SU-76 - SU-85 - SU-100 - SU-122 - SU-152 - ISU-122/ISU-152 |
Recon: | Scout Platoon - BA-64 Platoon - Armored Reconnaissance Platoon - Reconnaissance Platoon |
Aircraft: | Il-2 Sturmovik |
Anti-Aircraft: | ZSU M17 - DShK AA MG Platoon |
Midwar Monsters: | KV-3 - KV-5 - T-43 |