Accursed Cultist Torment

Do you ever wonder what happens when a non-Spiky Mary Sue tries to become a Possessed Marine? Well in 2022, GeeDubs have finally given us an answer, and it does not look good.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Accursed Cultist Torments are Chaos Cultists, whose bodies have been twisted beyond recognisability by dark rituals and daemonic influence. Unlike the Accursed Cultist Mutants, these poor bastards steeped a bit too much into Chaos until a Daemon latched on to them and all literal Hell broke loose.
In Possessed Marine lore, the Space Marine in question cooperates with the Daemon in a positive symbiotic relationship, able to shift between relatively normal Astartes form to badass Hellraiser form. However, this is largely done due to the Astartes' superhuman durability and willpower and even then, it may not always be successful. Now try that with some random Murderhobo and the results are disastrous as the Daemon just simply overpowers their mortal hosts, literally bursting out of their mortal shell into a walking abomination that makes a Chaos Sp-That Thing look pleasant in comparison.
Because of the level of fuckedness being transpired here, the host loses all sanity and goes feral. These abominations now lurch forward to pounce on their enemies with a bestial hunger.
Crunch-wise, these circus freaks hit alarmingly hard for what's technically a non-Astartes. 2d3 S5 AP-2 D2 attacks at WS4+ is sure to give MEQs pause, and with 3 wounds and T4 themselves they're noticeably more resilient than the average cultist. Like their Mutant cousins, it's possible to revive a single destroyed Torment model in a unit at the start of the Command phase, but unlike them they will count against you for morale tests when you take them. They can't take Transports either, so have some screening units to ensure they can get stuck in safely.