Blessed Blade

The Nazgul Blessed Blade TM are the shameless plagiarized ripoffs COMPLETELY AND 100% ORIGINAL UNIT that acts as the spiritual successor of the Pontifex Guards of old.
Overview[edit | edit source]
These guys act as the elite bodyguard of the members of a Dark Commune. They are so named because of their fuck off ECKS BAWKS HUEG Greatsword they wield with such sword skills, they keep unbelievers at bay. Now whether they are gifted by the Chaos Gods to make them keep up with the other faction's bodyguards, we have no idea as of yet. They exist only to be meatshields for your meatshields, which doesn’t make sense when you’d use regular cultists for that anyways.
At the very least, crunchwise, they are the most useful member of the Dark Commune unfortunately. They have a decent strength and standard all-round stats akin to a normal Guardsmen. They only have one wound, so they ain't gonna last too long for a bodyguard, but at least their weapons, the Commune Blades, have a high enough damage to actually kill a Space Marine in one round if the dice gods are in your favour. So they are an okay Glass Cannon build that would work well ironically, with other meatshields to soak up the ranged damage so they can close-in for their kill. So yes, the bodyguards need other bodyguards to work effectively. They also carry either Frag or Krak grenades for range attacks if needed.