Dark Commune

Looking like they came straight out of a Lord of the Rings convention, the Dark Commune are the leaders of Chaos Cults. This ragtag council of Murderhobos includes a Cult Demagogue, a Mindwitch, and an Iconrach, who are protected by Blessed Blades.
Overview[edit | edit source]
A Dark Commune is not to be confused with the Renegade Command Squad, as the Renegade Command Squad is a military leadership squad made up of a Renegade Demagogue with his disciples of chosen henchmen. The Dark Commune on the other hand, represents a Chaos Cult's spiritual leadership core, which makes sense as these cosplayers are in charge of the actual bonafide Cultists and all their sacrificial daemon-summoning shenanigans. Or in layman's terms, the Dark Commune represents the Ecclesiarchal aspects to the Renegade Command Squad's Imperial Guardsmen aspects without the usefulness of either.
Because they represent the spiritual and religious head of a Chaos Cult, these guys are the juicy number#1 targets of Imperial assassins, Witch Hunters, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, the Imperial Guard, Adeptus Arbites, Acolytes the, ok look a lot of people want them dead.
Costing a whopping 100 points for 5 easily-killable dudes with half the selection of prayers and spells, unable to be fielded without a Core <Heretic Astartes> babysitting them, requiring no other Character unit in a character-heavy army just to be your Warlord, and also a supreme lack of rules and options normally given to a basic troop; they’re entirely dead in the water.