Adeptus Astartes Light Cruiser
The SPESS MEHREENS so far has only one type of Light Cruiser in their fleets. Called the Vanguard-Class Light Cruiser, these Light Cruisers, like all Space Marine vessels, look like a miniature Battle-barge.
The Vanguard itself comes in three flavors, depending on whether it gets armed with torpedo tubes, lances, or the Bombardment Cannon to complement its macrocannons and launch bays (the last configuration matches the "classic" Strike Cruiser more commonly known in fluff).
Light Cruiser Patterns[edit | edit source]
Mk.I[edit | edit source]

The Mk.I is the most basic and standard-issue of these Light Cruisers.
For all intents and purposes, the vanilla of vanillas and the close-range battle brawlers of the family. The Mk.I Vanguard-Class Light Cruiser is primarily armed with Torpedo launchers, Macrocannons, and launch bays for Attack Craft.
Like all Vanguard patterns, the Mk.I trade its overall offensive power for pure speed. Seeing as how the Space Marines generally lack any number of light combat vessel that could last more than a few seconds of engagements, the Vanguard essentially fills in that void.
It is by far the most basic of Vanguard designs and is armed with aforementioned 4 Torpedo Launchers, 1 Launch Bay carrying Stormhawk Interceptors, Thunderhawks, Space Marine Landing Crafts, Drop Pods and Boarding Torpedoes, and 2 Light Macro Battery Weapons.
- Length: 2-3km
- Mass: 17 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 45,000 crew, 5,000 pilots and support personnel; approx
- Acceleration: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration; approx
Mk.II[edit | edit source]
The next step-up to the MkI.
The MK.II is the long-range, anti-ship specialist of the Vanguard family. It is primarily armed with Lances, Macrocannons, and Attack Craft launch bays. The addition of a lance makes it potent against ships especially when fielded in numbers.
Like all Vanguard patterns, the Mk.II trade its overall offensive power for pure speed. Seeing as how the Space Marines generally lack any number of light combat vessel that could last more than a few seconds of engagements, the Vanguard essentially fills in that void.
It is armed with the aforementioned 1 Launch Bay carrying Stormhawk Interceptors, Thunderhawks, Space Marine Landing Crafts, Drop Pods and Boarding Torpedoes, 2 Light Macro Battery Weapons, while the 2 Light Lance Artilleries can be found at the keel of the ship.
- Length: 2-3km
- Mass: 16.5 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 43,000 crew, 5,800 pilots and support personnel; approx
- Acceleration: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration; approx
Mk.III[edit | edit source]
The big boy of the Vanguard family.
The Mk.III specializes in bombing the absolute shit out of a emplace enemy encampment on a planet. Whilst not Exterminatus-level, it is enough to make Titans quiver in their metallic pants. Armed with a single Bombardment Cannon, Macrocannons, and Attack Craft Launch Bays. The Bombardment Cannon acts as a powerful high-explosive weapon against swarms of smaller Escorts.
Like all Vanguard patterns, the Mk.III trade its overall offensive power for pure speed. Seeing as how the Space Marines generally lack any number of light combat vessel that could last more than a few seconds of engagements, the Vanguard essentially fills in that void.
The Bombardment Cannon is found, oddly enough, on the top of the ship while its base armaments are the same as the Mk.II.
- Length: 2-3km
- Mass: 20 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 51,000 crew, 3,900 pilots and support personnel; approx
- Acceleration: 4.2 gravities max sustainable acceleration; approx
In Battlefleet Gothic I & II[edit | edit source]
Introduced in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada, the Vanguard is a modified Strike Cruiser, trading offensive power for better thrusters and point-defense turrets. This makes it less effective in planetary assaults, but viable as either scouts or heavy fleet escorts.