Gorgon Armored Assault Transport

The Gorgon Armored Assault Transport is the Imperial Guard's largest ground transport, capable of carrying a full fifty men. It was built with one purpose in mind: to move a large volume of soldiers right up to a heavily fortified enemy position. Which translates into the throwing the guardsmen into whatever the fuck they encounter and hope by raw pluck, ingenuity or (awww, who are we kidding) numbers they succeed. It is especially suited for trench warfare, with a nearly invulnerable prow that lets it glide over no-man's-land. It is also open-topped, which makes it unsuitable for longer-duration missions -- standard doctrine is to suppress the enemy with artillery fire, rush the Gorgons across the gap, and deploy the troops before the enemy has a chance to respond. (Think of the Higgins boats used in WWII and Korea but driving about on treads.) Hope the enemy has no air-burst weapons of any kind or you're all going to die before you even get anywhere.
- Length: 13.9m
- Mass: 220 Tonnes
- Crew: 3 crew including 50 Imperial Guardsmen
- Max Speed: 27kph
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Gorgon is an immense vehicle with a heavily-armored ramp in its prow, allowing the embarked troops to directly assault the enemy's defenses. Its sheer length allows it to cross trenches easily, and its amphibious nature allows it to double as an assault landing craft, capable of traversing rivers with little difficulty. As it is designed to traverse short distances its passenger hold lacks even basic comforts, and despite its size it requires only a crew of three, a driver and two gunners.
The Death Korps of Krieg are the most prevalent users of this vehicle, as it works best in their style of engagement. It also fits in with their suicidal death wishes, what with the thing having no armour on top and all. Seriously, one hand grenade tossed in would kill its entire payload.
It seems to share some features with the Macharius Heavy Tank chassis.
Each gunner mans a twin-linked Heavy Stubber turret in the rear of the vehicle and can remotely control the fore- and rear-facing sponson weapons, either Heavy Stubbers, Heavy Bolters, Heavy Flamers or Mortars.
The vehicle can also be modified with Camo Netting, Extra Armour, a Hunter-Killer Missile, a Searchlight, Track Guards and Smoke Launchers. But not a roof. Because stop being a pussy or the Commisar will BLAM you.