Starhawk Bomber

The main Bomber of the Imperial Navy, this bomber was designed to replace the Marauder Bomber as the main space bomber of all the Imperial fleets as a rare case of the Imperium making something new that is better and more effective than an older model. It is larger than the Marauder and can therefore hold a bigger payload, which typically consists of plasma bombs to try to blow up a hole in an enemy ship. Though, the replacement reason was probably because the Starhawk has a void shield and so is more likely to deliver its load to the enemy.
You will only find them in Battlefleet Gothic and not elsewhere on the tabletop as they can't operate on a planet.
Jokes about them doing barrel rolls or going "Can't let you do that, Starhawk!" will be sent to the local Imperial Navy Commissar for summary flogging.
You might be wondering why they are about twenty meters shorter than a Fury yet the Fury is the fighter and doesn't have any lance torpedoes or defense turrets like the Starhawk. The reason is fuck logic you dirty heretic.
- Length: 53-55m; approx
- Mass: 180 tonnes; approx
- Crew: 5 crew
Battlefleet Gothic Armada[edit | edit source]
The Starhawk Bomber is the mainstay bomber for the Imperial Navy in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada. They function by going to a designated target within maximum range before unleashing hell on the enemy ship. Like all bombers, Starhawks fly at certain angles and speed that avoids the Void Shields of enemy ships before laying down their bombing runs which usually take off a huge chunk of the ship's health.
It speaks volumes on how fucking powerful these plasma bombs are if they can rip open hulls of multi-kilometer ships. If the enemy ship has fighters nearby, it is guarantee that your bombers will fail. Which is hilarious seeing as the lore says Starhawks rip apart fighters and even spearhead attacks for that very reason. Once the Starhawk finishes its bombing job, it immediately flies back to its parent ship to refuel and rearm. Starhawks still fail in comparison to the Elfdar of course.