Zzap Weapons

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Zzap weapons are a special type of weapon exclusive to the technical knowledge of the Orks. They are roughly analogous to Ork laser weapons, however describing them as lasers is a bit of a stretch. In a weird way, they share more in common to the Imperium's lightning gun (a special type of las weaponry that causes electrical aftershocks) than tried and true laser. However, it could be deemed that the Zzap weapons uses some kind electromagnetic beams to mimic a laser (I imagine it's something similar to the dragon's breath attack from God of War 2018).

The elusive nature of Zzap weaponry had once caught the interests of the Imperium. Interested as to how the Orks were able to acquire such technology, the Imperium once monitored a Mekboy constructing a Zzap gun. Yet when he was interrogated, the Imperials found that the knowledge for creating it was innate to the Ork race. These weapons are currently considered (probably out of jealousy) Xeno-heresy by the Adeptus Mechanicus. Standing orders to Imperial troops are to destroy them when encountered.

Zzap Gun[edit | edit source]

Zzap Gun

The most common type of Zzap weapons and one that is part of the Mek Gunz selection of heavy support. A Zzap Gun consists of a wire-bound tube and a powerful generator at the back end of it with a lot of custom 'gubbinz'. Although potent, its power is determined by the willpower of the grot firing the weapon, as its firing lever also electrocutes the Gretchin firing it.

It represents the pinnacle of Ork technological advancement. An extremely powerful weapon, the Zzap gun serves a role not dissimilar to an Imperial Lascannon in that it fires concentrated beams of energy effective against vehicles. Although powerful, this weapon suffers from the common maladies of all Ork weapons and as such can vary to have such devastating power that it is stronger than anything in the Imperium, but some unlucky shots won't be strong enough to even scratch enemy armour. It is usually mounted on Ork Vehicles but sometimes is manned by Grots as a Big Gun.

For its rules, see here:

Big Zzappa[edit | edit source]

Big Zzappa

The Zzap Gun on steroids.

The Big Zzappa is a heavier and more potent version of the Zzap Gun that shares its advantages, has longer range and is even more unpredictable when fired. It is mounted on heavier Ork vehicles such as Gunwagons, Big Trakks or Battle Fortresses.

Sometimes however, a Big Zzappa can act as a stationary turret, blasting apart encroaching enemy armor in a few shots and turning infantry into a seared shadow. On the other hand, like the smaller Zzap Gun, the usefulness of the Big Zzappa is all based on a gamble and has a probable chance on barely tickling a sunburned Imperial Guardsmen on Mordia.

On 8th Edition, the Big Zzappa is a three shots all weapon with the same 2D6 Strength roll, at AP-4 and 4 Damage, similiar to its smaller cousin. This bigger Zzap Gun only overloads on a 12, in which case every shot that hits ignores its normal damage and inflicts 3 mortal wounds. The Dread then takes a single mortal wound. It can be mounted on Big Trakks, Speedstas and the Gargantuan Squiggoth, making it far more mobile and useful than its little brother.

Gaze of Mork[edit | edit source]

Gaze of Mork

A giant Zzap weapon found only on the Ork's biggest machines.

Stompas are often seen as gigantic representations of Ork Gods like all other Gargants and it is quite common for them to have life-like heads. Gaze of Mork (or, possibly, Gork) is an enormous and unpredictable force beam generator, built in into the head of the Stompa. It varies in design but is usually mounted to fire from Stompa's eyes. In characteristics it is similar to Zzap Gun, but much more powerful then even a Big Zzappa.

They are just as unpredictable, with the beam that can melt a Baneblade with its first shot, and fail to kill a Guardsman with the next- or do anything in between. Meks often delight in diverting the power of the Stompas roaring engines, giving them enormous power. Such devastating power can tear even the mighty Titans of the Adeptus Mechanicus asunder in a storm of energy so all Orks' enemies are right to fear the mighty gaze of their gods.

On the tabletop in 8th Edition, the Gaze of Mork is a Zzap Gun on steroids that fires a single Strength 4d6 AP-4 6 Damage shot, a very nasty weapon that could reliably open Baneblades like an aluminium can, assuming it could hit for shit.

Soopa Zzap Gun[edit | edit source]

Soopa Zzap Gun

The biggest Zzap weapon to date and one that can pose a threat to superheavies.

The Soopa Zzap-Gun is a monstrously huge and powerful version of Zzap Gun that can be mounted on Ork Gargants, Gunwagons, Gunfortresses or used as a static anti-Titan gun. This thing is the more beamy version of the regular Soopagun, another oversized artillery piece that can shatter superheavy tanks in one shot. It could be said that the Soopa Zzap Gun has the power to rival that of the main armament of a Shadowsword, which is the Volcano Cannon.

Therefore, Titans are vulnerable to these weapons and the Soopa Zzap Gun can be strategically placed on its own, acting as a giant sniper rifle to snuff out God Machines. The only one exceeding this weapon is the much larger Zzap Kannon.

Zzap Kannon[edit | edit source]

Zzap Kannon

The big Swiss cheese of the family.

Zzap Kannonz are a type of Ork Laser Weapon mounted on starships.

Orks rarely use Lance Weapons since not every Mek has the technology to produce them consistently or reliably. Lances found on Ork ships are usually rebuilt from Imperial lance weapons, often ending much larger than before for a slight improvement in characteristics.

These heavily customised weapons are known as Zzap Kannonz and unleash a coruscating green bolt of energy, blasting holes in enemy armour, similar to smaller ground-based Zzap Guns. Despite this, in Battlefleet Gothic: Armada II, the bolts fire the classical orange-yellow laser thingy. They are not common for Orks and are usually only found on largest Orks ships which have the power to generate these things.

Weapons of the Orks
Da Basik Poppas:
Ballistics: Grot Blasta - Grot Grappling Hook - Sluggas
Six-Shoota - Pokkit Rokkit Launcha
Directed-Energy: Kustom Mega Slugga
Warpcraft: Shokka Pistol
Other: Squig Blasta
Trusty Shootas:
Ballistics: Gretchin Blunderbuss - Shootas - Shoota Kannon - Ork Blunderbuss
Incendiary: Burnas
Spechul Dakka:
Ballistics: Dakka Shoota - Stikkbomb Launcha - Stikkbomb Chukka - Thump Gun
Directed-Energy: Kustom Mega-Blasta
Incendiary: Splash Burna - Burna Exhaust
Sonic: Rokker Shoota
Warpcraft: Shokk Attack Gun - Tellyport Blasta
Kombi-Weapons: Kombi-Rokkit Launcha - Kombi-Skorcha - Twin-Linked Shoota - Kopta Rokkits
Other: Squig Launcha
'eavy Gear:
Ballistics: 'Eavy Lobba - Supa Shoota - Dakkaguns - Kannon - Lobba
Mek Speshul - Rattler Kannon - Rokkit Launcha - Big Shootas
Snazzgun - Boomstikk - Rivet Kannon - Stikka Kannon
Directed-Energy: Zzap Gun - Kustom Mega-Kannon
Incendiary: Skorcha
Gravitational: Smasha Gun - Traktor Kannon
Warpcraft: Kustom Shokk Rifle
Other: Bubblechukka - Deffguns - Heavy Squig Launcha
Da Big Stuff:
Ballistics: Big Lobba - Flakka-Dakka Gun - Supa-Lobba - Killkannon - Supa-Kannon
Krusha Kannon - Bursta Kannon - Skulhamma Kannon - Seacannon
Grotzooka - Boom Gun - Rokkit Kannon
Directed-Energy: Big Zzappa
Incendiary: Supa-Skorcha - Skorcha Missile
Gravitational: Magna-Kannon - Shunta
Other: Mek Gunz
Bloody'Uge Exploshunz!:
Ballistics: Belly Gun - Cluster Buster - Deffstorm Mega-Shoota - Deth Kannon - Gigashoota
Grot Bomms - Gut Buster Mega-Kannon - Soopagun - Supa-Gatler - Supa-Rokkits
Skullkrusha Mega-Cannon - Krooz Missiles
Directed-Energy: Snapper - Soopa Zzap Gun - Gaze of Mork
Incendiary: Flamebelcha - Splasha Attack Gun
Gravitational: Lifta-Droppa - Supa-Lifta-Droppa
Other: Pulsa Rokkit
Planet-Zoggin Krackars!:
Ballistics: Ship Gunz - Heavy Ship Gunz - Mega-Kannon - Torpedo
Directed-Energy: Zzap Kannon
Choppy Bitz: Choppa - Ork Chain Weapons - Ork Power Weapons - Runtherd Equipment
Ork Force Weapons - Miscellaneous Klose Kombat Weapons
Bangas and Boom!: Stikkbomb - Burna Bottle - Tankbusta Bomb - Bigbomm - Bomm - Burna Bomb
Boom Bomb - Repulsor Mine - Mega Bomb - 'Gantbuster Bomb