Carbon Pink
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How to describe Carbon Pink? Well, try to imagine what would happen if a Cultist of Slaanesh decided to invent an RPG setting based on throwing together Cyberpunk 2020 and Fallout (with perhaps a dash of Necromunda and Shadowrun) and then running the whole thing on Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Whatever you're picturing is probably not too different from the reality of Carbon Pink.
Created by the online porno artist Rapscallion, Carbon Pink is a "lighthearted, lewd-flavored" Post-Apocalyptic Cyberpunk setting for D&D 5th edition that takes place on an Earth that was almost entirely ruined by ecological collapse. Now, what's left of humanity largely huddles around the now-tropical polar zones, mostly clustered in sprawling hive-cities (no, seriously, they literally call them hive-cities) under the control of warring megacorporations that keep their teeming legions of vassals compliant with ludicrously copious amounts of sex, drugs and violence. Adventurers can face the corporate-controlled mercenaries, assassins and roving gangers of the hive, or set out into the blasted wastes and battle the mutant hordes, killer robots, murderous AI-controlled hardlight holograms, and other raving lunatics.
All in all it is great for Pink Mohawk style cyberpunk games, with "Lewd Levels" to signify the levels of horny/ERP in a given campaign, along with an interesting "Weapon Features" rule that gives even weaker weapons a useful boon/effect to encourage use instead of just going bigger numbers.
Races[edit | edit source]
In addition to humans, Carbon Pink offers eight distinct playable races, the product of humanity's mad scramble to prevent the total genetic collapse of Earth's biosphere and the subsequent abuse of cybernetics and gene-modding for fun and profit. There are also rules for custom-brewing your own races.
Jerboans are a race of beastfolk created by splicing humans with kangaroo rat DNA in an effort to create a race that could survive the rampant desertification of Earth. They were the first abhuman race of Carbon Pink's worlds. They maintain a proud tradition of anarchistic biker gang culture, clinging to petrol-powered tech in a world that has largely moved on to solar-powered tech.
GOBBOs (Generating Oxygen By Biosynthesising Oxides) are a goblin like race of greenskinned shortstacks, created in an attempt to produce more desert-suitable abhumans without direct animal gene-splicing. Half human and half plant, they are capable of photosynthesis, which has ironically made them only lazier and more hedonistic than humans.
Nayalings are a draenei-like race originally created as supersoldiers during the final wars that wracked humanity before the megacorps fully took over. This has given them a similar, Tiefling-esque negative reputation.
E.L.Fs (Extension of Life Functions) are the genetically engineered and augmented descendants of the ultra-wealthy CEOs that basically took over the world, who not coincidentally look like super-sexy elves. They are divided into three subraces; Executive ELFs (the "purebloods"), Street ELFs (crossbreeds between regular humans and Executive ELFS), and Undercity ELFs (who have the thankless job of managing the underground data centers that keep the megacities functional).
Splicers are the descendants of humans who took the el cheapo option to bio-modding; rather than getting expensive specialist gene-mods or cyber-implants, they just had animal genes spliced into them. The end result were humans with features of one (or more) animals, as well as a genuine risk of devolving into feral creatures called "beastmen".
Wukongs were an attempt by rogue AI dissatisfied with humans to create a superior race by uplifting monkeys. They then found the downside to rushing evolution when the Wukong turned out to be a race of pervy little thieves and troublemakers.
Artificates are androids that have spontaneously awoken to sapience. Can change shape, attach fins to their feet or power tools to their arms with a short rest.
Remakes are humans or abhumans who have cheated death by having their consciousness digitized and then downloaded into a mechanical body. Come in three flavours, ranging from life-like and mostly fleshy to sentient walking tanks.
Classes[edit | edit source]
Carbon Pink takes the unusual approach of having its own set of core classes with custom mechanics that replace the canonical classes of D&D, to the point they then use the subclasses from canon D&D to supplement themselves.
Auditors are the Ranger replacement.
Brawlers are cyber-augmented Monk analogues.
Enforcers are robot-smiting mercenary Paladins.
Influencers are the Bards of this cyberpunk world.
Mechanists are Artificers by any other name.
Ordinators have been "fused" with an AI, gaining powers that let them function as the equivalent of Clerics.
Outlaws are just Rogues.
Renegades are the Barbarians of Carbon Pink's world.
Ronins are your Fighter analogues.
Shut-Ins employ weaponized total immersion video-game tech to basically function as the setting's Druids.
Streamers are your Warlocks.
Source Coders stand in for Sorcerers.
Techwizards are, well, Wizards.
If You Wanna Know More[edit | edit source]
If you're actually interested in this setting for whatever reason, Carbon Pink houses all of its lore and its mechanics for classes, races, gear, monsters, and everything else you can imagine on its own wiki-esque site, which you can find here: