Iron Havoc

Not to be confused with Havocs, although there is a connection
Iron Havocs were Iron Warriors heavy weapon infantry used during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. In case you couldn't tell by the name, they were the predecessor of the modern Chaos Space Marine Havocs and loyalist Space Marine Devastator Squad.
Overview[edit | edit source]
These warriors were the finest Heavy Support Squad members (the precursor to the Space Marine Devastator) of their Legion and have perfected accurate long-range firepower almost to a mathematical equation. They could place both shell and blast with exacting precision as they advanced alongside assault cadres. They often were attached to elements of any assault where pinpoint accuracy allowed them to scour clean fortifications and strongpoints of enemy infantry.
They typically wield Heavy Bolters, Autocannons, Missile Launchers and Lascannons and all of them seem to always wear the old Mark II: Crusade Armour in the artwork for some reason.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
In the Horus Heresy tabletop, Iron Havocs are considered as legacy units. Crunchwise, they were the original Havocs and the Iron Warriors' premium anti-tank unit. For 135 points you get 5 heavy support marines in Heavy power armour and BS5, all equipped with Shrapnel Cannons, which is good against infantry but not the reason you are bringing these guys. They can swap the Shrapnel Cannons for Autocannons for free, which will give you solid anti-light armour capabilities but if you want to strike fear into the hearts of all tanks everywhere, they can instead be equipped with Missile Launchers, for anti-tank and anti-air, or Lascannons, for pure anti-armour. Importantly these guns strength will combine with the Iron Warrior Legion trait when shooting at vehicles to give you Lascannon strength Missiles or NEUTRON LASER STRENGTH LASCANNONS!. They also come with a Ferrum Occularis, which gives the unit Precision Shots as long as they are not snap-firing or shooting as part of a reaction.