
The badass Daemon Engine mount for the badass Lord Discordant. Helstalkers are a mixture of a myriad of animals both in realspace and in warpspace, some may argue that they are the quintessential Daemon Engine; fast, strong, powerful with a hunger for Machine Spirits.
Overview[edit | edit source]
These nefarious Daemon Engines are able to parasitically devour the Motive Force of its mechanical prey be it Imperial or Xenos in origin with their Hypno-Armour Syringes that inject Scrapcode directly into its victim. As it does so, its own metallic frame swells with ingested code and subroutines. The Lord Discordant siphons off the pained spirit of the dying technology. This harvested energy is then used to reinvigorate other Daemon Engines, or is released as beams to infect the systems of other vehicles.
Besides their own parasitic abilities and its various assortments of sharpened limbs, talons and whipped tails, Helstalkers are exceptionally well-armed for war especially in range combat; being able to either wield a hades autocannon or baleflamer (Although most people would choose the baleflamer due to how rapetastic the Helstalker is in close combat, having the baleflamer is just creme-de-la-creme).