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Well yes. I am definitely a Kastelan.
What do you mean I am too short to be a Kastelan!?
I suggest upgrading your auspex goggles as there is nothing to see here Magos!

"You're damn right synths are machines, but that doesn't stop us from being people."

– Nick Valentine, Fallout 4

The definitely 100% NOT-AI from the Leagues of Votann. Somewhat resembling a stuntier Man of Iron, these Dorf-sized Kastelan look-alikes (HA! Get it! *BLAM*) are the major robotic denizens of the League and are usually one step above those of COGs.

Overview[edit | edit source]

Ironkin were and still are created by the Votann Ancestor Cores. They are computationally advanced enough that the Ironkin have learned to mimic the Squat's social behaviour and are fully integrated into the species' society as equal partners; promptly taking a huge shit all over the Tau's treatment and advancement of their own robots. No one is quite sure of when they were created, though the Ironkin are known to have accompanied the Kin since the species' earliest days. They are seen as equal partners to the Kin, however, as the species has determined whether one is made from meat or metal – a Kin is a Kin. Each Ironkin consists of a Cerebral Unit – woven with microfield generators that make it very hard to destroy – and a unique mechanical body. However their bodies are not some component to be replaced – they are deeply personal, as much as the bodies of the Kin are. The Ironkin's bodies are designed to fulfil a certain niche in the Kins society, such as mining support units, cargo luggers, combat pilots, shock troopers or even Wayfinders.

Though the purpose of the Ironkin is to support the Squats in every aspect of their lives, they are not held in servitude, nor treated as lessers. The Ironkin are simply designed to want to be helpful. However, they can only imitate the emotions of the Squats and it is rare - but not unknown - for an Ironkin to possess ambition, or seek to become a leader. In battle, the Ironkin will fight beside the Kin and will often accompany Brôkhyr Iron-masters as assistants, alongside the less complex COG Robots, offering their technical support and pitching into combat in a pinch.

Ironkins are armed usually with a Las-Beam Cutter, but they can also equip themselves with either a HYLas Auto Rifle or even a Bolt Cannon though third party piece makers have made a set of heads to make every squat in the box: Ironkin.

Kognitâar[edit | edit source]

The data states that the toilets are that way.

Kognitâars are specialised Ironkin that is only found with Hearthkyn Salvager teams.

These modified Ironkin serve as the team's primary logistics expert and data retrieval and manipulation specialist. Being an actual AI, the Kognitâar's nature as a self-aware machine makes it naturally suited for the manipulation of large amounts of data, and they are aided in this by a dedicated dataslate that has been modified to provide data flows at the rapid speed with which an Ironkin can interface with it.

As one of the primary tasks assigned to Hearthkyn Salvager teams is to recover lost Ironkin Cerebral Units, the Kognitâar is an invaluable member of any Salvager team.

Kognitâars are often armed with Autoch Pattern Bolters as their primaries and a Autoch Pattern Bolt Pistol or a Bolt Revolver for their secondaries. They wear Void Power Armour like all Kin.

The word Kognitâar seems to be a corruption to the word Cogitator, which is Imperial-speak for a computer...which makes sense since an Ironkin is a very advanced self-aware computer.

On the Kill Team tabletop, during the Strategy phase, you can turn down using a ploy to instead lay down an Attack or Defend token anywhere on the board - Attacking enemies within 3"/square of an Attack token can re-roll a hit roll, friendly units within 3"/square of a Defend token can re-roll a save. This requires quite a bit of setup to work properly, but you fortunately get a special action to reposition the token if you need it.

Kognitâars are classified under Staunch and Scout.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Forces of the Squats/Leagues
Command: Brôkhyr Iron-Master - Einhyr Champion - Guildmaster
Kâhl - Living Ancestor (Grimnyr) - Squat Warlord - Votann
Troops: Brôkhyr Thunderkyn - Brotherhood Heavy Weapons Team
COG - Commissar - Chthonian Beserks - Hearthguard
Hearthkyn Warrior - Hearthkyn Salvager - Ironkin
Mole Mortar Team - Tech Priest - Theyn
Vehicles: Cyclops War Machine - Colossus War Machine
Land Train - Leviathan - Magna-Coil Bike - Rhino
Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Hekaton Land Fortress - Sagitaur ATV
Flyers &
Iron Eagle Gyrocopter
Overlord Armoured Airship
Artillery: Heavy Quad-Launcher
Thunder-Fire Cannon
Goliath Mega-Cannon
Spacecraft: Automated Barge Drone - Automated Bombing Drone
Automated Fighting Drone