Living Ancestor

Living Ancestors are super, duper old Squats who have become psychic by sheer age alone. The typical lifespan for a Squat is about 300 years. However a small portion of the population can live up to 800 years. This select part of Squat society are treated with enormous respect, being known as Living Ancestors or Spirit Lords. On the other hand /tg/ likes to imagine them with the personality akin to Papalith and Bjorn the Fell Handed.
They are treated as living members of the ancestor group which forms the basis of Squat religion. Their long lives have filled them with wisdom, as well as enhanced their psychic potential, which begin to manifest at around 500 years old. The fact that psychic powers are practically unknown amongst other Squats makes the Living Ancestor doubly venerated.

Overview[edit | edit source]
Ironically, despite their hatred of Orks, the one thing they do share with the Greenskins is their collective warp mentality. Similar to the WAAAGH phenomenon. Their strength as psykers is directly related to the prestige and honor of the stronghold's ancestors, and the higher the status of the ancestors the more powerful are the Living Ancestors. when a squat reaches Living Ancestor status he surrenders his name and his goods to his descendants, just as if he had actually passed on. A funeral is held by his clan, and the new Living Ancestor goes to live with others of his kind.
As well as advising the Lord of their stronghold, the Living Ancestors often accompany the Brotherhood in battle, providing defensive psychic support and advising the Warlord. While it is humorous to see a 800 year old midget shooting lightning out of their stubby little fingers, bear in mind that they can still fuck your shit up.
Of course nowadays, because of GeeDubs and the Nids, it is unknown how many Living Ancestors are still around kicking their saggy old boots in the air.
Tabletop back ye olde days[edit | edit source]
Living Ancestors were worth around 190 points. While they may start off as mediocre and a bit underwhelming with just a single combat knife. They can be equipped with far more powerful weapons. Such as a Force Weapon for +40 points or a Neuro Gun for +4 points.
However his biggest boon is his psychic abilities. While they are defensive in nature, they are quite powerful. Boasting a psychic mastery level of 4, psi levels of 12d6 and a 2d6 abilities. They can dish out a lot of hurt. You can also put your Living Ancestor on a side car for much added Lulz.
Grimnyr[edit | edit source]

A prominent figure in the Leagues of Votann, the Grimnyr is a type of Living Ancestor and are a rare breed of Kin created from Cloneskeins that allow them to channel the powers of the Warp.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Early in their history, the Kin figured out how to dim their souls to make sure that certain rambunctious, chummy, nerdy, and artistic sorts would have a tough time getting their mitts onto all that Dark Age of Technology goodness they had kicking around. This had the knock-on effect of shooting their psychic potential in the foot in a manner very similar to the space commies, which was a problem since the Votann themselves have a lot of their data stored behind "empyric" locks that require warp-fuckery to access. So, in a great bout of common sense, the Votann devised a Cloneskein for psykers so that the Leagues would always have some psychic might kicking around, but in a more controlled and focused manner via Barrier Tech compared to rounding up anyone with a slightly weird mannerism to cart them off to a lifetime of misery followed by an agonizing death to become fuel for a psychic lighthouse. The Grimnyr are also defended by two mechanical CORVs, that hover alongside them.
The Grimnyr are something of priests for the Kin, which is weird because of how secular and rational the Kin tend to be otherwise. Grimnyr commune with the Votann to determine what course their people should take or to access data-stores that only the psychically attuned can. In much the same way as the Living Ancestors of the Squats, Grimnyr are depicted as being a bunch of old fucks with huge beards that will snap your neck from across the street if you even think about stepping on their lawn. Each League also has a single "Lord Grimnyr" who acts as the Mouth of Sauron for their Votann, acting as its eyes, ears, and voice within the League's Votannic Council and on the battlefield. All Grimnyr's carry around a walking stick Ancestral Warding Staves.
Forces of the Squats/Leagues | ||||||||
Command: | Brôkhyr Iron-Master - Einhyr Champion - Guildmaster Kâhl - Living Ancestor (Grimnyr) - Squat Warlord - Votann | |||||||
Troops: | Brôkhyr Thunderkyn - Brotherhood Heavy Weapons Team COG - Commissar - Chthonian Beserks - Hearthguard Hearthkyn Warrior - Hearthkyn Salvager - Ironkin Mole Mortar Team - Tech Priest - Theyn | |||||||
Vehicles: | Cyclops War Machine - Colossus War Machine Land Train - Leviathan - Magna-Coil Bike - Rhino Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tunneling Transport Vehicles Hekaton Land Fortress - Sagitaur ATV | |||||||
Flyers & Bombers: |
Iron Eagle Gyrocopter Overlord Armoured Airship | |||||||
Artillery: | Heavy Quad-Launcher Thunder-Fire Cannon | |||||||
Heavy Ordinance: |
Goliath Mega-Cannon | |||||||
Spacecraft: | Automated Barge Drone - Automated Bombing Drone Automated Fighting Drone |