Kroot Weapons
Kroot weapons are a type of Autogun/Stubber/we don't really know cause the difference between Autoguns and Stubbers are so convoluted thanks to GW incompetence. Basically more shitty versions of Imperial projectile weapons that is still used thanks to the saving grace of Tau munition upgrades. Kroot weapons have thus, earn some sort of niche within the Tau's armory. Although this can be said due to Kroot stubbornness to change to a better weapon more than anything else.
They are also the only chaps that still uses bow weapons in the 41st millennium. Figures.
Kroot Pistol[edit | edit source]
The Kroot Pistol is the downsized, dwarf version of the more noticeable Kroot Rifle and is the primary sidearm for the Kroots in case their primary weapons got lost or broke apart.
Kroot Pistols function nearly identical to its larger cousin; firing pulse rounds propelled by a chemical reaction similar to gunpowder. Due to its small size, they have less effective range, could carry less ammunition and is not big enough to house a large knife to be an effective CQC weapon. However, it is easier to handle and Kroots are known to go guns akimbo.
Kroot Pistoliers are the primary users of these weapons.
Crunchwise, Kroot Pistols are short-ranged 12" Pistol 1 weapons that is S4, AP0 and D1. Pretty underwhelming by itself, but fortunately, a Kroot Pistolier always carry more than one.
Kroot Rifle[edit | edit source]

The Kroot Rifle is the basic weapon used by the Kroot. It works by firing a solid slug propelled by a chemical reaction, although it was adapted by the Tau to fire Pulse rounds to make it the equivalent to the Boltgun.
It is armed with blades near the muzzle and stock and are a throwback to earlier Kroot Fighting Staves, allowing them to use their speed to tear close in on their opponents in close combat. It is still quite bulky however, and so is not ever combined with another weapon, although it doesn't often need to be.
In 8th Edition, the Kroot Rifle is a relatively mid-ranged 24" weapon. However, it is an Rapid Fire 1 gun that is S4, AP0 and deals 1 damage per gun. It should be enough to deal with GEQs, however, it would struggle against MEQs. What is unique about this weapon is that ALL Kroot Rifles are also adept melee weapons as well. On a charge or in CQC, the Rifle is a S+1 (So a S4 weapon), AP0, D1 hatchet. So in a group, these guns become quite dangerous if the dice gods are in your favour.
Other versions of the Kroot Rifle are the Kroot gun and Kroot hunting rifle as seen below.
Kroot Hunting Rifle[edit | edit source]
The sniper rifle of the Kroots.
The Kroot Hunting Rifle is an adapted form of the basic Kroot rifle for those Kroots who like to snipe their prey at range and not get their hands too dirty. This version is customized so it is more adept for hunting, meaning it is quieter and has a longer range. These properties make it favorable as a Sniper Rifle to the Kroot.
Kroot Hunting Rifles loses their bayonets more commonly associated with the more common Kroot rifle. This is for obvious reasons such as having more stability and not too barrel heavy which will affect the accuracy of the gun. Hunter Kindreds and Long-Sights are the primary users of these weapons.
It bares resemblance to the Imperium's Stub Rifle in a lot of ways.
Unfortunately, there is used to be not any actual crunch for this weapon on the tabletop as it appears only in the trading card game and in a few models. However, with the release of Kill-Team: Into the Darkness, the new Long-Sight was released with the rules. That is, on tabletop, this hunting rifle has a low damage output but can dish out three mortal wounds on each crit making it a formidable weapon.
As it appears in the card game.
Kroot Scattergun[edit | edit source]
Not to be confused with the similarly named Scatter Cannon
The biggest Kroot weapon that can still be hand-wielded by a Kroot.
The Kroot Scattergun is one of the primary weapons used by the Kroot Carnivore Squads, which they can swap over their usual Kroot Rifles. This hefty looking weapon looks like a Kroot Rifle that has eaten one too many Ogryns and has gotten girthier as a result.
There is a reason for its girthy appearance. True to its name, the Scattergun is a type of heavy-duty Kroot Shotgun that, whilst it is unknown how they compare with their Imperial equivalents, does gift the Kroot an additional arsenal in their close-combat rapporteur. Funnily enough, only the Carnivore Kroots hailing from the Farstalker Kinbands are seen carrying it. Whether this means that the construction of these weapons is more expensive is unknown, although highly unlikely as a shotgun is one of the simplest firearm one can create.
Crunchwise, on the tabletop, the Scattergun is a short 18" ranged Assault 2 weapon that is S4, AP0 and D 1. Nothing that spectacular given that it is a typical shogtun, but it does allow the Kroot holding it to shoot and skoot which plays naturally to the Kroot's playstyle.
Kroot Gun[edit | edit source]

The Autocannon of the Kroot weapons.
The Kroot Gun is a weapon used by Kroot mercenaries. It is a heavy weapon strapped to the back of a Krootox. It is effectively a larger version of the Kroot rifle. It is so big that it cannot be wielded by hand.
The Krootox and the gun are often incorporated into Kroot Carnivore Squads made up of Kroot, Kroot Hounds, and the aforementioned Krootox. Because of its high strength, the Kroot gun is usually utilized to protect the squad it is in from attack by units within transports and heavier vehicles.
A twin-linked version of the weapon exists, and is toted on the backs of a Great Knarloc. Obviously it functions identically, but with the caveat of having double the barrels, so double the firepower.
In 8th Edition, these guns are 48" Rapid Fire 1 weapons that are S7 Ap-1 D3d. Good enough to pluck off the occasional MEQs, but not good enough to deal with armoured vehicles of TEQs unlike the Autocannon. Rather, the gun is used in conjunction with the Krootox's natural strength, softening up the opposition before going in close. As such, use this more like a secondary weapon than a primary one.