Ork Battlekroozer
Ork Battlekroozers are large Ork ships that just stops short of being called an Ork Battleship. Analogous to the Imperial Navy Battlecruiser, Ork Battlekroozers are extremely well-armed and could defend itself from enemy fleets. So far, only three variants of Battlekroozers are known, all coming from the Hammer-class.
Class[edit | edit source]
Basic[edit | edit source]
Hammer Battlekroozer[edit | edit source]

The stock standard Battlekroozer. The Hammer Battlekroozer is a particularly large and dangerous Ork Kroozer that was first seen during the early days of the Third Armageddon War when they took a terrible toll on the Imperial fleets.
Like its smaller cousins (the Kill Kroozer and Terror Ship) the Hammer is built on the salvaged hulks of other destroyed cruisers. Hammers, however, are specifically built from the hulks of ships armed with Nova Cannons, the parts of which have been rigged up into a truly ingenious weapon: a launcha capable of being loaded with either torpedoes or bombardment cannon shells.
Hammer-class Battlekroozers is a favourite among Ork Warbosses, who often take them as their flagships. This high status ensures that the Hammers get the best weapons and crews in the Ork fleet, making them even more powerful opponents in a battle.
Over time, through salvage and impromptu refits, a handful of Hammers have grown to truly massive sizes comparable to Imperial Battleships. Fortunately, these Ork "Battleships" are few in number.
It is armed with 1 Mega-Kannon Artillery, 1 Light Gunz Artillery, 1 Gunz Artillery, 2 Gunz Battery Weapons, 2 Heavy Gunz Battery Weapons and 1 Launch Bay carrying Ork Assault Boats and Fighta-Bommers..
- Length: 5km
- Mass: 42 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 97,500 crew, 24,000 pilots and support staff; approx
- Acceleration: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Hammer Stompa[edit | edit source]

Like its smaller cousins, the Hammer Stompa is a missile-boat first and foremost.
Where the Hammer-class is a more or less, direct improvement over the Killa, the Hammer Stompa does the same for the Killa Stompa, which swaps the Mega Kannon artillery to place a torpedo rack in, while keeping the extra launch bay granted to the Hammer. Since the Hammer Stompa has a metric shit ton of torpedoes, make sure you are getting good use of them, because you aren't saving any points between the Hammer and Hammer Stompa.
Overall, the Hammer Stompa is there to primarily harass and pressure enemy vessels in taking a more disadvantage turn to avoid the barrage of torpedoes. When paired with its smaller cousins, the Ork Fleets could quite literally create a wall of torpedoes.
It is armed with 8 Torpedo Launchers, 1 Light Gunz Artillery, 1 Gunz Artillery, 2 Gunz Battery Weapons, 2 Heavy Gunz Battery Weapons and 1 Launch Bay carrying Ork Assault Boats and Fighta-Bommers..
- Length: 5km
- Mass: 38 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 94,000 crew, 24,000 pilots and support staff; approx
- Acceleration: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Lance-Boat[edit | edit source]
Hammer Smaka[edit | edit source]

The Hammer Smaka holds a number of first places in the Ork fleet. For starters, it is the first and smallest line ship to carry the Mega Zzap Kannon, lance-type weapon, which is very rare to find in the Ork fleets, as next to the Hammer Smaka, the only other line ships to carry them are all Battleships.
Furthermore, it is also the only line ship to carry two of these weapons and it is the cheapest vessel in the Ork arsenal that fields them. The only other ships to field more than 1 of these weapons besides the Hammer Smacka are the Big and Mega Roks.
The last thing worth mentioning is for single-target damage, the Hammer Smaka is the most efficient fielder of the Mega Zzap Kannon lances, at 76.5 points per Kannon. The Big Rok fields four, costing only 74.25 points but can only fire one on a single target at a time, and is highly unlikely to fire all four simultaneously. The same goes for the Mega Rok, which brings 8 total for 56.75 points per, but only fields 2 per quadrant.
Even if you manage to keep an enemy ship on the edge, bouncing between two quadrants to get them two of them firing at the same target, it's still not as efficient at fielding the Hammer Smaka.
It is armed with 6 Torpedo Launchers, 2 Mega Zzap Kannon Artillery, 1 Light Gunz Artillery, 2 Gunz Battery Weapons and 2 Heavy Gunz Battery Weapons.
- Length: 5km
- Mass: 44.5 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 112,000 crew; approx
- Acceleration: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
In Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 1 & 2[edit | edit source]
This is where Ork ships stop from being a relative annoyance to a significant threat in the game. With high durability, good shielding and one hell of a charge. Battlekroozers are dangerous even at medium range, with the Hammer Smaka being extremely egregious at sniping enemy vessels from afar. Unless you're a Tyranid, stay the fuck away from these monsters.
Vessels of the Orks | ||
Spaceships | ||
Space Station | Attack Moon | |
Battleships | Ork Battleship - Space Hulk | |
Cruisers | Light Kroozer - Kroozer - Battlekroozer | |
Escorts | Escort | |
Logistics | Ork Transporter | |
Roks | Rok | |
Combat Spacecraft | Ork Assault Boat | |
Landships | ||
Armored Trains | Locomotive Battering Ram | |
Titans | Stompa - Supa Stompa - Gargant Great Gargant - Mega Gargant Temple Gargant | |
Superheavy Tanks | Battlefortress - Gunfortress | |
Airships | ||
Flying Fortress | Heavy Bommer - Mega Bommer Bommer Fortress | |
Aerospace Vessels | Landa | |
Seaships | ||
Oceanic Battleships | Nautical Kroozer | |
Maritime Escorts | Maritime Escort | |
Submarines | Ork Submersible |