Ork Battleship
This is what happens with an over-eager Ork Warboss goes a bit overboard with his Battlekroozer and ends up with a vessel way too big to be classified as a 'kroozer'. These massive vessels bristled with countless Gunz, Heavy Gunz, Torpedo Launchers, and Bombardment Cannons as well as hangers for Attack Craft. Battleship-class Ork vessels could lay waste to entire Imperial Navy squadrons.
Thankfully, there were only a few such ships, with each one being unique, and not a part of an actual class.
Types of 'Battleships'[edit | edit source]
Basic[edit | edit source]
Deadnot[edit | edit source]

The base Battleship available, this massive hunk of steel and violence is armed with eight front-mounted Torpedo Tubes, a front-facing long-ranged Zzap Kannon, front-mounted mid-ranged Gunz Artillery, short-ranged and really short-ranged Heavy Gunz Battery broadsides.
The base Deadnot Battleship ties with the OrdzGargDaka variant for the cheapest of the Flagships and the most 'common', which also compare quite well to the cost of most other factions, coming in well under half of many other Battleships of other races. The Deadnot and the OrdzGargDaka's main difference is their on-paper damage, but most of that is because of the insane numbers granted to the Double-Barreled Mega Kannon.
In a lot of cases, the damage potential Torpedoes can overpower the idea of a prow weapon if you're not focused on staying at long range, but in this case, the Double-Barreled Mega-Kannon deals so much damage, it still seems worth considering the benefit in an extended fight. That being said, an 8 rack of torpedo tubes with secondary boarding charges is pretty devastating in its own right, so really it's a big matter of preference.
It is armed with 8 Torpedo Launchers, 1 Mega Zzap Kannon Artillery, 2 Gunz Artillery, 4 Gunz Battery Weapons and 2 Heavy Gunz Battery Weapons.
- Length: 7.5-10km
- Mass: 78.7 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 178,000 crew; approx
- Acceleration: 2 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Carrier[edit | edit source]
Urd Unki[edit | edit source]

The aircraft carrier of the Ork Fleets.
The Urd Unki is the Ork's carrier flagship and their most affordable means of stacking launch bays en-masse. For the points cost of the Urd Unki, you get your 5 Launch Bays at 64.2 points per bay, compared to the Basha Urd Unki at 73 points per bay and the two Terror Cruisers which both cost 93 points per bay.
The backup standard weaponry seems pretty weak on paper compared to the majority of Ork ships, but it is worth taking into account that the range of the weapons of the Urd Unki is all of the longer-range variety and tend to have the better of the two accuracy modifiers, allowing the Battleship to operate at range somewhat better (efficiency-wise) than most of the other comparable vessels.
It is armed with 8 Torpedo Launchers, 1 Mega Zzap Kannon Artillery, 1 Gunz Artillery, 2 Gunz Battery Weapons and 5 Launch Bays carrying Ork Assault Boats, Landas and Fighta-Bommers..
- Length: 7.5-10km
- Mass: 67 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 117,000 crew, 55,000 pilots and support staff; approx
- Acceleration: 2 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Ordnance-Boat[edit | edit source]
OrdzGargDaka[edit | edit source]

The upscaled version of their smaller brethren.
The OrdzGargDaka-class is the ultimate close-combat brawler. They are the Top Tier damage dealer of the Ork fleet, second only to the special Mega Rok floating base/platform. Like all Orc ships, the OrdzGargDaka really needs to get up close and personal to deal with the majority of its potential damage.
Just to put how much that matters in perspective, only 17 dps and 2.7 cpm worth of your weapons can even try to fire past 4,500 units without some secondary effect modifying the range and that's not even taking into account the accuracy modifiers of the weapons that can fire.
Combined with the base version Deadnot, these two Battleships offer incredibly affordable flagship options that are cheaper than many other Cruisers in the game.
It is armed with 1 Double-Barrel Mega-Kannon Artillery, 1 Mega Zzap Kannon Artillery, 2 Gunz Artillery, 2 Gunz Battery Weapons and 4 Heavy Gunz Battery Weapons.
- Length: 7.5-10km
- Mass: 83 megatonnes; approx
- Crew: 184,000 crew; approx
- Acceleration: 2 gravities max sustainable acceleration
In Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 1 & 2[edit | edit source]
Ork Battleships are cheap for Battleship standards for a good reason. They are extremely ramshackle and tend to have frequent mutinies if things go south. Fortunately, its still has the stats of a Battleship and because of its cheap cost, you could have an entire fleet protecting this lumbering giant so it could go in close for the kill.
Vessels of the Orks | ||
Spaceships | ||
Space Station | Attack Moon | |
Battleships | Ork Battleship - Space Hulk | |
Cruisers | Light Kroozer - Kroozer - Battlekroozer | |
Escorts | Escort | |
Logistics | Ork Transporter | |
Roks | Rok | |
Combat Spacecraft | Ork Assault Boat | |
Landships | ||
Armored Trains | Locomotive Battering Ram | |
Titans | Stompa - Supa Stompa - Gargant Great Gargant - Mega Gargant Temple Gargant | |
Superheavy Tanks | Battlefortress - Gunfortress | |
Airships | ||
Flying Fortress | Heavy Bommer - Mega Bommer Bommer Fortress | |
Aerospace Vessels | Landa | |
Seaships | ||
Oceanic Battleships | Nautical Kroozer | |
Maritime Escorts | Maritime Escort | |
Submarines | Ork Submersible |