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The Panzerabwehrkanone 43 more commonly known as the Pak-43 was a front-line anti-tank gun used by the Wehrmacht from 1943 to 1945 and features as a unit in Flames of War. Outgunning most tanks it would be facing, the Pak-43 was developed from experience gained in using the Flak 88 as an anti-tank weapon, usually resulting in whatever offending Untermensch machine decided to roll into its sights being blown to smithereens.
Flames of War[edit | edit source]
Mid-War[edit | edit source]

Late War[edit | edit source]
IRL[edit | edit source]
German Forces in Flames of War | |
Tanks: | Panzer II - Panzer III - Panzer IV - Panther - Tiger - Tiger II - Panzer 38(t) - Captured Tank Platoon (Germany) |
Transports: | SdKfz 250 - SdKfz 251 - Opel Blitzwagen |
Infantry: | MG34 Platoon - AT-Rifle Team - Assault Pioneer Platoon - Grenadier Company - Fallshirmjager Company |
Artillery: | PaK-40 Anti-Tank Gun - Hummel - Panzerwerfer 42 - Wespe - Grille - PaK-43 - 12cm Mortar - 8cm Mortar - 21cm Nebelwerfer 42 - 30cm Nebelwerfer 42 |
Tank Destroyers and Assault guns: | Marder - StuG III - Jagdpanzer IV - Nashorn - Elefant - Jagdtiger - Brummbar - Hetzer - Sturmpanzer II Bison |
Armored Cars: | SdKfz. 234/2 'Puma' - Sd.Kfz 222/223 - SdKfz. 231 |
Aircraft: | JU-87 Stuka - HS-129 - ME-262 Sturmvogel |
Anti-Aircraft: | Flak 88mm - Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind & Ostwind |