
- – Elefant Commander, Company of Heroes 2
The Elefant, also known as the Ferdinand, the Panzerjager Tiger P (Sd.Kfz 164), or more simply, THAT FUCKING PIECE OF JUNK, was a brilliant combination of everything wrong with German tanks during the Second World War. It is THE example of how to fail at tanks. It does mount the same lethal 88mm cannon that went into the Tiger, but that was the only thing that went right with the Elefant. It was a bad idea from the start, and it got a lot worse in a hurry.
Mid War[edit | edit source]

It's a bad tank but we'll give you the reasons why. When looking at this thing the first thing you'll usually notice is it's 16 FRONTAL ARMOR and 17 ANTI-TANK (which really doesn't mean much when you still have to pass the +3 firepower check), to those who like big numbers, this may seem godly right? Ahahahaaha, no. While a veteran skill level is pretty good, your going to suffer with a Reluctant motivation. Furthermore with 4+ cross, you will find yourself constantly bogged down if you so much as think about crossing terrain more difficult than a paved road.
Late War[edit | edit source]
It's still a bad tank. But now Germany is really, really losing the war.
IRL[edit | edit source]

The abomination of God called the Elefant was one of the many attempts to mount the German 88mm KwK AT gun into a vehicle. Overall, it could have been far worse: the general design and weight of the 'acht-acht' made this a daunting task, but a skilled engineer could work around this. The problem is that said 'skilled engineer' happened to be Ferdinand Porsche, a man who was known to overengineer anything and everything humanly possible besides the fucking Volkswagen. When the design competition for the Tiger 1 was announced, ol' Ferdinand was determined to win. He designed a mechanical system so complex even motherfucking Adolf Hitler (of all people) found it was too complicated. The hybrid drive Porsche designed was a pain in the balls to repair, small hills could cause the thing to break apart, and on top of that, the already strained drive system was fucked over by additional tons of armor. On top of it, Porsche was so certain his design would be chosen that he started mass-production before being awarded the contract. Cue a gigantic waste of one-hundred heavy tank chassis just sitting around and doing nothing useful.
In order to at least do something with all that ungodly waste, the hundred-odd chassis he'd produced were converted into Elefants, which were by and large one of the worst German AFVs ever produced. The Elefant was also a massive death trap, as its large flat armor panels was perfect for an APCR shell to pass right through and slice half the tank crew into mincemeat. The thing required Panzergrenadiers and the addition of an MG34 just for it to not be vulnerable to infantry assaults. But the real kicker? At the Battle of Kursk, nearly half the damn things were detonated by their crews and/or captured primarily because they had mechanical failures.
By a miracle of Hitler or some shit Because of a combination of the ungodly effective range of the 'acht-acht', the fact that Kursk was widely fought in open plains where said range was put to good use and the Russians kept coming in order to curbstomp the Germans rather than just hold the line; the Elefant was able to claim tons of kills and make it appear like it was an efficient tank-hunter on paper and kill/death ratio only. They survived until the end of the war, but some units sent to Italy found themselves entirely useless as pretty much any given Italian bridge couldn't handle the 70 tons of Bullshit that was this tank.
While all of the above things are quite valid, the tank really was nothing more than a METAL BAWKS with the WW2 equivalent of a Lascannon, it continues to be a favorite among Wehraboos, weeaboos, and people who mistake video games for real-life. The Elefant, and the chassis it was based on, had 200mm of (very heavy) armor, which as noted above, was extremely flat (this was because when the underlying chassis was designed, no one had yet thought to slope the armor, even the final Tiger design was totally flat). Porsche thought the only way to ensure its survivability was just sticking more armor on the damn thing, which led to all the weight, transmission, and power failures described above. That being said, 20cm of armor did absolutely nothing when hit by heavy HE artillery. The Soviet counter to the Elefant and Tiger was the SU-152, a massive 152mm artillery piece mounted on the similarly failed-heavy tank KV-1S and the closest thing to direct-fire artillery that existed. The shell was so large, the blast could simply wreck the vehicle and kill everyone inside through spalling (shrapnel flaking off the interior and turning the crew compartment into a meat grinder). Of the tanks that the SU could kill, though, the Ferdinand took the least actual damage simply because of how heavy the vehicle was, and could be repaired and recrewed overnight. Sure, Everyone inside would die a gruesome death as the interior would fill with shrapnel, but once the nazis hosed out all the blood and replaced some parts they could shove the next crew in there.
German Forces in Flames of War | |
Tanks: | Panzer II - Panzer III - Panzer IV - Panther - Tiger - Tiger II - Panzer 38(t) - Captured Tank Platoon (Germany) |
Transports: | SdKfz 250 - SdKfz 251 - Opel Blitzwagen |
Infantry: | MG34 Platoon - AT-Rifle Team - Assault Pioneer Platoon - Grenadier Company - Fallshirmjager Company |
Artillery: | PaK-40 Anti-Tank Gun - Hummel - Panzerwerfer 42 - Wespe - Grille - PaK-43 - 12cm Mortar - 8cm Mortar - 21cm Nebelwerfer 42 - 30cm Nebelwerfer 42 |
Tank Destroyers and Assault guns: | Marder - StuG III - Jagdpanzer IV - Nashorn - Elefant - Jagdtiger - Brummbar - Hetzer - Sturmpanzer II Bison |
Armored Cars: | SdKfz. 234/2 'Puma' - Sd.Kfz 222/223 - SdKfz. 231 |
Aircraft: | JU-87 Stuka - HS-129 - ME-262 Sturmvogel |
Anti-Aircraft: | Flak 88mm - Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind & Ostwind |