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Planebreaker is a third-party setting for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition written by Monte Cook, and could perhaps best be described as the latest of his efforts to create his own take on Planescape. This meta-setting revolves around the titular Planebreaker; a plane-traveling moon-like structure that roams the multiverse at random, inadvertently forming a kind of cosmic highway that adventurers can deliberately seek out or accidentally stumble into. And that's presuming they don't go to visit the Planebreaker and its sole city of Timeborne (aka "not!Sigil") itself.

In Its Own Words[edit | edit source]

The Planebreaker is a moon-sized structure of unknown provenance. Planar debris sleets across it as it tears through the dimensions. The accumulated residue of previously visited dimensions adheres to the moon’s surface, creating an ocean-like expanse known as the Sea of Uncertainty. Drowned in the depthless deeps of the sea are exotic objects, strange artifacts, portions of larger structures, and all manner of extraplanar salvage.

Every plane the Planebreaker previously visited retains a tenuous connection to the moon. This planar connection is called the Path. Those who find the Path—as well as confused castaways caught in the Path’s grip—can travel it between all the planes the Planebreaker has visited. Path walkers can also hurtle across the dimensions to visit the Planebreaker itself, falling into the Sea of Uncertainty. From there, they spy the enigmatic city of Timeborne.

  • Arcana DC 5 (false): A tumbling, dimension-breaking moon is an omen of doom to anyone seeing it pass through the skies overhead.
  • Arcana DC 13: The Planebreaker is an interdimensional wanderer, a moon-sized chunk of matter that has traveled the multiverse for time out of mind.
  • Arcana DC 15: Those without access to high-level magic can use the extradimensional “scar” left behind by the Planebreaker’s past wanderings to travel across the planes. This route is called the Path.
  • Arcana DC 17: On the Planebreaker’s surface, a region called the Sea of Uncertainty is sleeted with detritus, artifacts, and creatures the moon has picked up as it crashes through the infinite planes. Overlooking the sea is the city of Timeborne, built upon ruins as enigmatic as the Planebreaker itself.

Steps Along The Path[edit | edit source]

  • Citadel of the Fate Eater: The fortress of the Demon Queen Tereculon, fallen into ruin since she discovered love only to lose the one being in the multiverse she loved.
  • Erewhon: A strange realm of gauzy, translucent filaments stretching in all directions, a place where neither gods nor fiends may influence.
  • Etherguard: The long-empty ruins of a mighty city that sits atop an enormous bestial creature, which now roams the Border Ethereal, having spirited its prize away from a long-vanished mortal world.
  • Grove of Crows: A dark and sinister extraplanar forest birthed from and then discarded by the Shadowfell.
  • Infinite Labyrinth: The writhing remnants of the tomb of a fallen god-king.
  • Laghris, the Burning Falls: A series of vertically stacked caverns linked by a vast lava waterfall, the sole remnants of a world destroyed by demonic invasion.
  • Planes of Mirror and Shadow: A dangerous and sinister realm that links parallel worlds of the Material Plane.
  • Prison of Eternal Torment: A place of incarceration constructed by a dark judge on the second layer of Acheron, where inmates are eventually transformed into amnesiac masses of living metal.
  • Ramiah, the Star Blade: A dim and dreary demiplane hidden within a soul-stealing sword.
  • Sanguine: A strange transitive plane that links the blood of all living things, a holy ground for practitioners of Blood Magic.
  • Savtua, the Swampy Mindscape: A swamp-like demiplane inhabited by peaceful lizardfolk within the Ethereal Plane.
  • Splintered Reach: A demiplane where the last remnants of destroyed worlds and sundered planes are deposited.
  • Storm of the Styx: A wandering demonic invasion cloaked in an eternal tornado that brewed upon the River Styx.
  • Szneshnya, the Bleak Winter: A wintery hellscape where humanoids hide from the wrath of icy elementals and mysterious monks guard the hidden fragments of a sundered artifact.
  • Tomb of Tomorrow: A mysterious dungeon deep in the Shadowfell, reputed to be the crypt of the slain Primordial of Time known as Kronos.
  • Tyrant of War: A vast plane-traveling flying fortress slash weapon crafted by Dispater and then somehow lost.
  • Unithon, the Geometrical: A bizarre dimension clearly inspired by Minecraft.
  • Uraian's Stair: A memorial and hospice crafted by a guilty celestial.
  • Wreck of the Unimaginable: A demiplane containing the lost wreck of a continent-sized spaceship that was annihilated by some terrible aberration, flooding the ship with monsters called "Nilim Shamblers".
  • Zarth of the Five Towers: A demiplane where five mages scheme for total dominion over their shared creation.
  • Andressaval: A beautiful, serene plane that serves as a mask concealing a realm of demons.
  • Crystal Tower of Iljerness: A magical tower that moves from plane to plane, inhabited by psionic flying skulls willing to converse with visitors.
  • Desabolar, the Devil’s Water: A large, placid lake, with small campsites all around inhabited by tieflings. The lake water has magical powers.
  • Edralduu, the Tree of All Fruits: An entire dimension filled with the fruit-bearing branches of a gigantic tree. Some of the fruits have magical powers.
  • Edraval, Eyes of All Worlds: A long, spiraling tunnel containing countless windows resembling eyes, each of which looks out through the eyes of a creature somewhere in the multiverse.
  • Empty Thyr: A seemingly infinite abandoned city, occupied by seekers wishing to find the original builders.
  • Glaund, the Perfect Physicality: An island city where physical forms are enhanced, and the wraithlike remnants of a dead half-god haunt the inhabitants.
  • Hivehome: A realm populated entirely by warring insects guarding legendary treasures.
  • Korr, the Beginning and the End: A floating island with a ghost town full of lore about life and death.
  • Mnim, the Constant Storm: A barren demiplane with an iron tower that’s charged with lightning.
  • The Mourn: A moody plane once the realm of a now-deceased god, populated by mourners and those seeking to exploit the situation.
  • Palace of Reflections: A glass palace within the mirror realm, known to steal rooms from other planes and replace them with figments that fade away.
  • Phontix, the Acid Shore: A volcanic island demiplane inhabited by various fire creatures.
  • The Secret City: A mystical realm hiding behind, beneath, and in the shadows of every city, everywhere.
  • The Summerland: A plane of relaxation and rest, threatened by its conjunction with Winter’s Reach.
  • Threem, the God-Masks: A demiplane crafted from a dead god’s skull, with weird suns that have different magical effects on the world.
  • Uur-Ghan, Prison of the Hollow-Eyed Titans: A burned forest demiplane inhabited by scarred, eyeless godlings who have been banished from their divine realms.
  • Varga’s Forest: A small realm of woods and fungi, ruled by a witch with the power to steal, shape, and restore memories.
  • Winter’s Reach: A plane of suffering and want, launching a massive invasion of the Summerland.
  • Worm Rat Lair: A parasitic demiplane filled with hideous creatures that burrow into other realms.

Links[edit | edit source]

Third Party Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Settings
Basic D&D Wilderlands of High Fantasy
AD&D Kingdoms of Kalamar
3rd/3.5 Edition ArcanisAvadnuBlue RoseDawnforgeDiamond ThroneDragonmechDragonstarEredaneGolarionIron KingdomsKingdoms of KalamarLarisnarMidgardPtolusRokuganScarred LandsSpellslingerWilderlands of High FantasyWorld of Farland
4th Edition EredaneKingdoms of KalamarMidgardWorld of Farland
5th Edition ArkadiaAskisBlack IronBlue RoseBrancaloniaChronicles of AeresFallen CamelotGrim HollowHumblewoodIron Kingdoms: RequiemThe Islands of Sina UnaKisartaMidgardMists of AkumaThe Ninth WorldOdyssey of the DragonlordsPrimeval ThulePtolusRokuganScarred LandsSeas of VodariSvillandThrones & BonesVast KaviyaWorld of Farland