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Ringwaldt is a setting created for D20 Fantasy (so basically Pathfinder 1e). It includes lots and lots of fun things to play with. It was designed by one guy named DiplomacyRaptor, and will be self published.

Setting/Plot Summary[edit | edit source]

The main continent in the setting is called Thriean(or Azon).

What Does This Setting Add?[edit | edit source]

  • A Massive Collection of new Deities.
  • Gaining Powers From Deities Beyond Cleric Casting.

Factions & Nations[edit | edit source]

  • Aghul; Fantasy Poland & Spain
  • Agwest; A former client state under Sho
  • Arcadia; Fantasy England and Wales
  • Dragons Reach; Fantasy Russia. Currently ruled by a Bronze Dragon
  • Elachi; Fantasy India and where magical figurines that one can throw to use in battle come from.
  • Eriona; Fantasy Japan
  • Holdfast; The New Dwarven home nation where all the old dwarven noble houses and clans moved to after a conflict with the Dwarves of Rorikhelm
  • Hollendam; Fantasy Belgium
  • Koruna; Fantasy Greece
  • Noleum; Fantasy Korea & Vietnam
  • The Purple Iris Empire; Fantasy Italy dealing with a magical plague infecting its population
  • Rivermoot; Fantasy France. Currently ruled by a 15 Year Old who took the throne 5 years ago when his father tried to kill the king of Dragons Reach
  • Rorikhelm; The old home nation of the Dwarves now ruled by a group of new Dwarven Business's and the Oddergang
  • Sho; Fantasy Wuxia China
  • Suhndar; Desert based Vampire Empire

Races[edit | edit source]

Equipment / Spells[edit | edit source]

Religion in Ringwaldt[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Third Party Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Settings
Basic D&D Wilderlands of High Fantasy
AD&D Kingdoms of Kalamar
3rd/3.5 Edition ArcanisAvadnuBlue RoseDawnforgeDiamond ThroneDragonmechDragonstarEredaneGolarionIron KingdomsKingdoms of KalamarLarisnarMidgardPtolusRokuganScarred LandsSpellslingerWilderlands of High FantasyWorld of Farland
4th Edition EredaneKingdoms of KalamarMidgardWorld of Farland
5th Edition ArkadiaAskisBlack IronBlue RoseBrancaloniaChronicles of AeresFallen CamelotGrim HollowHumblewoodIron Kingdoms: RequiemThe Islands of Sina UnaKisartaMidgardMists of AkumaThe Ninth WorldOdyssey of the DragonlordsPrimeval ThulePtolusRokuganScarred LandsSeas of VodariSvillandThrones & BonesVast KaviyaWorld of Farland