Templar Brethren

Precursors to the Black Templars. The Templars (also Templar Brethren) were elite Space Marines of the Imperial Fists Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy led by Sigismund.
Overview[edit | edit source]
The Templars served as one of the two Honour Guard of Primarch Rogal Dorn, as well as the Legion's First Company, with the other being the Huscarls. The Captain who led the Templars was known as the Master of the Templars and they always wielded the Company's relic power sword, Imperator Rex. The Templars' rarely fell below 1,000 warriors and their members were drawn from veterans across the Legion. Those nominated for such an honour were then trained by the Company's Weapon Master, before undergoing the Templars' Temple Oath.
New Masters were chosen from the Templars through a combat ritual overseen by Rogal Dorn or a proxy sent by him. Those Templars who wished to lead their Company would need to face 200 of their brethren in one on one combat. The prospective Master would have to defeat them all, one after another, by causing their brethren to yield to them. No time was given for rest during the ritual or to have the potential Master's injuries treated. A challenger who successfully defeated all 200 would be declared the new Master of the Company and then given the Imperator Rex to wield.
These Gigachads as expected, was decked the fuck out. Artificer Armour was given to all of them. The 'standard-issue armament' includes Power Swords (With the Master carrying a Relic Blade and a Solarite Power Gauntlet), Bolt Pistols, Archeotech Pistols, Plasma Pistols, Melta Bombs and a full set of combat shields for every single one of them. If the Huscarls are the indomitable bulwark of the Honour Guards, the Templar Brethren are the unstoppable and swift meat blender of the legion.
After the Heresy, the Templar Brethren, as you know, was reformed into the first Black Templars.
Crunch[edit | edit source]
On the Horus Heresy tabletop, for 35pts more, you have a Legion Veteran Squad with artificer armour, Power Swords instead of Bolters, Furious Charge (1) and Crusader, but STILL WITHOUT Chosen Warriors. Like last edition, the whole squad may take Combat Shields and Melta Bombs. The Champion may swap his Bolt Pistol for an Archaeotech Pistol and his Power Sword for a Solarite Power Gauntlet. You can also give any models in this unit a Plasma Pistol instead of a Bolt Pistol. Pricey, but fun.