- – The Heavy
- – C.S. Goto
The Multilaser or a Las-Volley is a medium-sized, rapid-firing Imperial heavy weapon that occupies a middle ground between the lasgun and the more powerful lascannon. In contrast to the Heavy Bolter, a weapon to which it is often compared, the Multilaser possesses a similar (likely better) rate of fire and higher strength but lower armour penetration. As a result it's a pretty good weapon against just about anything that isn't heavily armoured (especially infantry with shitty armour, light vehicles, and skimmers), but it struggles against armoured foes like tanks and Space Marines.
That being said, it's powerful enough to threaten squads and vehicles alike, which is why it's the weapon of choice for Imperial Guard vehicles like the Chimera, the Sentinel, and some variants of the Valkyrie assault craft, among others. Portable versions do exist, as the Navis Gunner of the Imperial Navy Breachers wield one. To help you visualize what a multilaser is like, imagine something like a 30mm autocannon firing laser bolts instead of bullets, and you wouldn't be too far off the mark.
Multilasers and C.S.Goto[edit | edit source]

C.S.Goto is a small leper, who likes to masturbate while thinking about multilasers, multilasers and MULTILASERS. The Multilaser is, by and large, unique to the Imperial Guard; sadly this has not stopped a certain Black Irish leper from completely disregarding everything remotely resembling canon and cramming them onto absolutely everything due to his raging hard-on for the damned things. As of so far, Goto has managed to rape canon in more than a dozen ways using this weapon alone, including giving them to Space Marines (which would at least be reasonable for mowing down cannon fodder) and mounting them on Land Raiders (and not out of desperation either, this was the chapter's normal crusade-ready loadout). His love for them reached memetic levels, to the point some people joked that a Carnifex picked one up in his books, and after a while people actually thought the joke was true (after all, nobody wanted to give the leper money just to check for themselves).
And now Forge World has jumped on the bandwagon by letting Marines in 30k take Rotor Cannons, which are Multilasers but somehow worse.