Warhammer 40,000/9th Edition Tactics/Adeptus Ministorum
This is the current Edition's Adepta Sororitas and Adeptus Ministorium tactics. Previous Edition Tactics are here.
Why Play Adeptus Ministorum[edit | edit source]

Because you're a proud warrior of faith, who wants to give glory to the Emperor in all his wonder and destroy the abominations of alien, mutant, and heretic which pervade this most unclean galaxy. Because you want to move fast and strike hard on the tabletop, with beautiful miniatures and plenty of options for exciting paint schemes. Because you want to march to war with a mix of the powerful, vicious Sisters of Battle who purge their enemies with a holy trinity of bolter, flamer, and melta, and the tormented warriors of the Ecclesiarchy who fight because that's all that's left to them beyond their faith.
The Adeptus Ministorum codex covers the forces of the Ecclesiarchy, also known as the Imperial Cult, it is the official organized religion of the Imperium of Man. While it has some other militant arms, its primary armed force is the Adepta Sororitas, the Sisters of Battle, and they make up the lion's share of the units in the codex and get the majority of the attention.
Pros[edit | edit source]
- Sisters units have access to the unique Miracle Dice mechanic, where they generate dice with a specific roll that can be saved for later, like when you absolutely need to deal 6 damage to that character to kill him before he can kill you.
- Adepta Sororitas makes a powerful melee horde faction with the proper buffs, but still has plenty of shooty options for support.
- All Sisters have an invulnerable save that starts as a 6++ and can be buffed up to a 4++
- You embody grimdark in a new, beautiful, and horrifying way.
- Sisters have strong Subfaction abilities.
- They have a unique rule called Sacred Rites, which allows your Adepta Sororitas units to gain a special rule for the entire game. You can either pick 1 or roll 2.
- With a primarily new and up to date model line, Sisters have the best of both worlds with regard to old and new GW kit design - their kits are jam packed full of parts you need and parts you want, such as spare bits and all the weapons you could ask for. The basic Sisters kit has four of each special weapon type, letting you build it into a dominion squad or two 5-model squads with special weapons.
- Do you love Flamers? Yours are all 1 point of strength stronger than other factions.
- Currently one of the strongest factions, behind only the hyper-efficient and mostly overpowered Drukari and Grey Knights
Cons[edit | edit source]
- Without taking a gimmick and running with it, your Sisters have the weaknesses of both basic humans(T3) and Marines(few in number), forcing you to play around that.
- Since you don't have access to Bolter Discipline, your boltguns will fall flat in number of shots when compared to Marines' equivalents.
- You have very little access to long range weapons, and very little in the way of practical anti tank options.
- The model kits for Sisters are relatively expensive, starting at $60 for your basic troops(whose box doesn't even split properly into two MSU) and one and a half times the cost for a basic bitch Rhino. This army is easily one of the most expensive on balance due to this.
- You also have very few sources of mortal wounds.
- Trying to patch any of the above issues with allies costs you your Miracle Dice
- Without allies, Forgeworld models are very tough nuts to crack. Some might even table a whole unit before you get a hit in.
- With the new rules for Tournament play, Imperial soup is dead, so you can't bring along some Dark Angels/Imperial Guard to fix your weakness in this department. Consider matched or free play if you want to bring allies.
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
- All Troops gain Objective Secured.
- Armour of Contempt:
The Q2 2022 Balance Dataslate came ringing in again to show how much GW fucking LOVES Space Marines, and this just so happens to have spilled over to the sisters because of fringe benefits. Now any attacks against your Adepta Sororitas models reduce their AP by 1, protecting them a little more from bolter and shuriken fire. This does not stack with shields (which sadly denies the Celestian Sacresants) and if you're using any other worsening or AP reducing effect.NO LONGER RELEVANT AS OF THE Q1 2023 BALANCE DATASLATE. - Decree Passive: One detachment can only have one Canoness and Missionary in a detachment, which stings with the value of the priests. On top of that, you can't have more Cult Imperialis Priest models than you have Adepta Sororitas Character models.
- Shield of Faith: Every Sisters unit has a 6+ invul, and can Deny the Witch with 1d6, with 6s being auto-denies. If you're facing a psyker-heavy army, you can take a specific Sacred Rite to auto-deny on 5+. The 6+ invul can be buffed with a few different units.
- Order Convictions: Standard sub-faction rules if all units, exluiding units without the <ORDER>, are from the same <ORDER>.
- Acts of Faith: Good old miracle dice, how to obtain and use them.
- Sacred Rites: Another additional army wide buff you chose after selecting the mission. Melee armies should always take The Passion for exploding 6s. Hand of the Emperor is a nice +1 to advancing and charging if you really need it. Spirit of the Martyrs might work if you don't have any melee and are against a meele heavy army. Aegies of the Emperor is the worst fear of psychic heavy armies, essencially making it so that 1/3 of their powers are auto denied. Divine Guidence is a worse The passion, but for shooting, might works if thats the focus of your list. Lastly Light of the emperor let's you ignore modifiers to combat atrittion, which is mostly useless.
- Zealot: Found on a few of your powerful melee units, this rule lets units with it reroll all their misses in combat in a turn in which they charged, were charged, or performed a heroic intervention. It turns the 4+ WS some of those units have into a 75% chance to hit, better than a 3+.
Blessings of the Faithful[edit | edit source]
As with Masters of the Chapter and Lords of Commorragh, the Sisters also have a special upgrade that costs points and PL to grant a canoness or palatine a special upgrade and blessing to any that come within Miracle Range. The first half is always on. The second part is activated once per game and requires the use of a miracle die - the value of the die used is the Miracle Range.
- Miraculous Ability is an aura that has to be activated each turn by sacrificing a miracle die in the command phase. When you spend it, the value of the die determines the range of this miracle, with a 1 making the range 1", a 2-5 making the range 3", and a 6 making it 6".
<tabs> <tab name="Word of the Emperor"> The most expensive, and for damn good reason. You can mark one enemy unit within 3" of your character to fight last, which is always useful for your less-than-tanky women. In addition, an <order> Core or <Order> Character unit that fights within Miracle Range can punch past any invulns, stripping the chief defense of Harlequins and Mechanicus. 40 points. </tab> <tab name="Rapturous Blows">Your characters's non-relic melee weapons all add +1 to Strength and Damage, which makes for a very good pick for a Bloody Rose character. The miracle aura allows those within it to deal a mortal wound when they roll a natural 6 to wound. Support leaders need not apply, you've got other buffs to use. 25points </tab> <tab name="Blinding Radiance">All ranged shots against the character take -1 to wound, which is something you desperately need to keep these ladies alive. Their miraculous aura lets enemies who shoot a friendly <order> Core or <Order> Character units to suffer a -1 to hit. 30points </tab> <tab name="The Emperor's Grace"> Your character heals d3 wounds each turn. Any time an enemy tries to shoot a friendly <order> Core or <Order> Character within miracle range, that enemy can't re-roll any hit or wound rolls. Simply put this is your tanky option. 20points </tab> <tab name="Righteous Judgment"> This character can automatically snipe other characters and any nat 6 to wound with a ranged attack deals a MW on top of their base damage. Their miracle aura allows friendly <order> Core or <Order> Character to ignore all cover when shooting. Simply put, this blessing is made entirely to support a massive gunline with Retributors and Dominions. 25points </tab> <tab name="Divine Deliverance"> During the enemy command phase, pick an enemy within 6" of the character and roll 3d6 - exceeding the unit's Ld score renders one of their auras inactive until their next command phase, letting you shut off other HQs. The miracle aura allows neighboring <order> Core or <Order> Character units that kill an enemy model with a shot to reduce their target unit's Ld by 1 to a maximum of -3. 15points </tab> </tabs>
Acts of Faith[edit | edit source]
Acts of Faith is the unique mechanic for Adepta Sororitas units. It's exclusive to the Sisters themselves, and not other Ecclesiarchy units — important to note, you lose all Acts of Faith and Miracle Dice if your army contains any units that are not Adepta Sororitas, Agents of the Imperium/Cult Imperialis, or Unaligned. Simply put, it lets you generate Miracle Dice, and then save those dice to spend later. You gain one per turn, and earn one more at the end of a phase if at least one of the following conditions is met:
- Vengeance: Destroy an enemy unit using a unit with the Acts of Faith ability.
- Sacrifice: A Character with the Acts of Faith ability is slain.
Several units or upgrades also grant or otherwise boost miracle dice - these will be looked into later.
To generate a Miracle Die, roll it and then set it aside, keeping it face up on whatever number it landed on. Once you've generated a Miracle Die, you can use them in an Act of Faith whenever appropriate. You can only use one Act of Faith per phase. Before rolling a die, you simply grab a Miracle Die from the pool, and place it instead of rolling the die in question, using its result from earlier. You can use Miracle Dice in the following situations.
- Hit Roll
- Wound Roll
- Damage Roll
- Saving Throw
- Advance Roll
- Charge Roll
- Morale Test
You cannot use miracle dice for other types of dice rolls, such as the number of attacks for a weapon that makes random attacks. In addition, because you can (usually) only make one Act of Faith per turn, and attacks are technically fully resolved one at a time, you can only use one die when making attacks - no fair using two 6s with melta weapons to do 12 damage and blow up that tank immediately. You can, on the other hand, use two miracle dice on a charge roll, since charge rolls are a single roll of 2d6. This means that it's fairly easy to guarantee a 9" charge roll.
Miracle dice don't go away if they aren't spent, they save up forever. If you want to hold onto that 6 for a critical use on an inferno pistol's overwatch roll, you can. Don't ignore those 1s and 2s you roll, either. 1s can be spent to automatically pass morale, and there are several stratagems that make you spend miracle dice but don't care about the value of the dice spent.
Sacred Rites[edit | edit source]
Similarly to the AdMech's Canticles of the Omnissiah, Adeptus Ministorum units with this special rule (basically, all the sisters units and none of the non-sister units) gain a free a buff of their choice (or if you roll for it, you can take two). Unlike the cogboys, these are picked at the beginning of the game and cannot be changed in mid-battle other than with a stratagem. In 9th edition you actually keep Sacred Rites if you take allies from other codexes (but you lose Acts of Faith now so it's still not worth it).
- Hand of the Emperor: Add 1 to advance and charge rolls.
- This is probably the best option all around, especially for melee-heavy units, but also good for Argent Shroud units that can fire while advancing.
- Not when The Passion exists.
- Spirit of the Martyr: If a model is killed in melee, they can deal a MW before dying on a 6+.
- Aegis of the Emperor: When a unit attempts to Deny the Witch using Shield of Faith, a natural 5+ shuts down the power.
- Divine Guidance: Ranged attacks that roll an unmodified 6 to wound improve AP by 1.
- Bolt and flame weapons are both weight of fire weapons so plenty of chances for this to happen. A good all-rounder choice for a shooty list.
- The Passion: Melee attacks that roll a natural 6 to hit score an extra hit.
- Sororitas have plenty of melee attacks to take advantage of this, especially Bloody Rose with a priest nearby. Mathematically, this is roughly the same as +1 to hit.
- Except that it isn't just equivalent to +1 to hit because the Zealot rule is stapled to units like Repentia, and full rerolls to hit can be given out to by Morvenn Vahl to everything relevant. The Passion is unambiguously the best of the Sacred Rites you can pick and competitive players sometimes write "always pick the passion" on their list submissions in case they forget to declare it at the start of the game.
- Light of the Emperor: You can re-roll the dice for combat attrition.
- Not particularly useful. Morale rarely matters to you anyway.
Hymns of Battle[edit | edit source]
Getting thrown a much-overdue bone, your priests all gain prayers that the chaplains got to enjoy last edition. While your average ministorum priests get War Hymn and one of the first three hymns, your Dogmatas get to pick any from the following:
- War Hymn: The one open to all priests. Grants an extra attack to one Adeptus Ministorum Core, Character, or Engine of Redemption unit within 6". Sucks that it's now something that isn't always up. Expect to rely on this a ton.
- Refrain of Blazing Piety: An enemy unit within 12" of the priest suffers d3 Mortal Wounds, which maxes out if the enemy has the Chaos keyword. If you're throwing your priest at a blob and need a few more hits, there's no harm in trying this.
- Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude: One Adeptus Ministorum Core, Character or Engine of Redemption unit within 6" is immediately freed of any psychic powers and can't be targeted by any more psykers until the next command phase.
- Psalm of Righteous Smiting: The priest gains +1 to Attacks and Strength and their non-relic melee weapons improve their AP by 1. In addition, they can fight twice this turn. This is the hymn of choice for a smash priest.
- Litany of Enduring Faith: One Adeptus Ministorum Core or Character unit within 6" improves its Shield of Faith save by 1.
- Verse of Holy Piety: One Adeptus Ministorum Core or Character unit within 6" can use an additional Sacred Rite for the turn.
- Catechism of Repugnance: One Adeptus Ministorum Core or Character unit within 6" that fires a bolt weapon auto-wounds on a nat 6 to hit and improves the AP of their gun when firing within half range.
Stratagems[edit | edit source]
<tabs> <tab name="Battle Tactic">
- Cleansed by Fire (2 CP): One Adeptus Ministorum unit that shoots a flame weapon will automatically max out their hits. See those Retributors out there unleashing hell with their heavy flamers? How about those Dominions about to incinerate a key unit? They want this.
- Embodied Prophecy (2 CP): One Zephyrim unit adds +1 to wound for the fight phase. A simple and useful little buff when managing with tougher blokes like orks or Death Guard.
- Exceptional Proficiency (1 CP): One Celestian unit (So either form of on-foot celestians or the paragons) add +1 to hit in either melee or shooting for one phase. A simple utilitarian stratagem with many uses.
- Extremis Trigger Word (1 CP): Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase when you pick an Arco-Flagellants unit to fight. Until the end of that phase, those flails now triple their attacks rather than double, and there's absolutely nothing not to like. At the end of that phase, roll a number of D6 equal to the number of models in that unit. For each roll of 1, one model in the unit is slain.
- This turns Flagellants into a meat grinder par-excellence. Bumping them to 6 attacks each will make them push 15 wound through on MEQ and 22 on GEQ. Couple with a priest for 9 attacks each and watch them go through tanks and full marine mobs in a single fight phase.
- Suffer Not the Witch (1 CP): +1 to hit by a Adeptus Ministorum unit against a Psyker in the Shooting or Fight Phase. This is also applies a +1 to wound when used on a character, which is better for you.
- Situational but useful. Do not forget about it whenever your blade Canoness is dueling other HQ's, when you're dogpiling a lonely primaris librarian on an objective, or when lobbing meltas at a traitor Primarch.
</tab> <tab name="Epic Deed">
- Divine Intervention (2 CP): Use when a generic Adepta Sororitas character is killed. You may spend 1-3 miracle dice. The number spent is the number of wounds the character has as it is revived at the end of the phase, placed as close as possible where it was killed and away from engagement range with enemy models. You do not gain miracle dice for having lost that character this turn. Especially annoying for the enemy, because if they were dogpiling that character, all the extra attacks are wasted as the character isn't set up till the phase is over.
- Fiery Oratory (1 CP): Use outside of the Command phase. One Adeptus Ministorum Priest that hadn't already intoned before can immediately intone one hymn that wasn't already used and automatically set it off until the next command phase. Pretty much made to use the moment they pop out of a transport or for when seraphim or zephyrim drop on in and get a little gift before cutting loose.
- Martyr's Immolation (1 CP): When an Immolator from your army would roll to see if it explodes, do not roll. It automatically explodes.
- Rites of Restoration (1 CP): A Hospitaller can resurrect up to d3 models from a ADEPTUS MINISTORUM Core Infantry unit within 3". In truth, there's not many times where you'll need it, but it might help keep a unit in the fight for a turn longer.
- Martyred (1 CP): Gain an additional miracle dice when you gain one via Sacrifice. This improves to d3+1 miracle die when your Adepta Sororitas warlord dies. An inevitable option considering your forces, but you can at least go down with a bit more of an edge.
- Moment of Grace (1 CP): Use after making a hit or wound roll for a model in your army, or even a saving throw. You may discard 1-2 miracle dice to add +1 to the roll per die discarded.
- You probably have 1s and 2s you aren't using in the bank. Use them to keep your characters up. This works on invuls, not just armor.
- Suffering and Sacrifice (1 CP): Pick your Adepta Sororitas warlord or one Living Saint or Saint Potentiae unit (The latter being something Crusade-related) during the fight phase. All enemies have to engage this model rather than anyone else. For Celestine, this can be particularly worthwhile between her saves and the ability to raise her girls.
</tab> <tab name="Requisition"> As with other factions, these are all limited by the size of the game. Patrols can only use these once, strike forces can use these twice, and onslaughts use these three times.
- A Sacred Burden (1 CP): Standard "relic on sergeant" stratagem. The relics available are the Blessings of Sebastian Thor (the entire unit has 2 sacred rites which are independent your army's), the Ecclesiarch's Fury (the relic Eviscerator), the Litanies of Faith (1/round re-roll a Miracle Die before adding it to your pool, unit must be on the table), or Redemption (the relic plasma pistol).
- Best used for Blessings to give Hand of the Emperor and The Passion to an entire unit of Zephyrim.
- Open the Reliquaries (1 CP): Standard relic giver stratagem.
- If running sisters with an Inquisitor warlord, use it to give Wrath of the Emperor to your canoness, or to let you take multiple buff relics.
- Saint in the Making (1CP):An unnamed character that is not your Warlord generates a Warlord Trait. X per battle - X is 1 for 1-1000 points, 2 for 1001-2000, and 3 for 2001+. Useful to give warlord trait to a palatine alongside your canoness.
</tab> <tab name="Strategic Ploy">
- Angelic Ascent (1 CP): One Adepta Sororitas Jump Pack unit can immediately jump back into reserves and re-deploy themselves. Absolutely helpful in throwing your seraphim or zephyrim to their targets or bail Celestine out of a bad spot.
- Battle Rites: (1 CP). One Use. You can roll a d6 and generate a new Sacred Rite if the warlord has Adepta Sororitas and is still alive.
- Two uses: If you rolled your Sacred Rites randomly, you can try to fish for another chance for one that helps right now. Or, if you picked a Sacred Rite you no longer need (maybe you're in the enemy's face and now bonus hits seem better than +1 to charge, maybe you killed all their psykers) you can swap to something else.
- Deadly Descent: (1 CP) Use when a Seraphim unit uses Sky Strike to enter the battlefield. It may immediately fire as if it were the shooting phase. They may still shoot in the shooting phase, which is absolutely classy.
- Fun interaction: If the Seraphim kill a unit with this stratagem, that gets you a miracle die for wiping out a unit, and you can still gain another for doing it in the shooting phase.
- Defenders of the Faith (2 CP): Use at the end of the movement phase when a group of battle sisters get an objective point. Until your next movement phase, your rapid-fire boltguns will now always fire twice and any wound rolls of 1-3 will always fail. A surprising application, as neither really complements each other, but each will absolutely see use.
- Desperate for Redemption (2 CP): Use when a Repentia unit is targeted in melee. Whenever a model dies on this turn, that model can fight if they haven't already before going away. Considering how easily they die, you'll need them to make as many blows as possible.
- Devastating Refrain (1 CP): Use on an Exorcist during the shooting phase. The missile launcher and conflagration rockets can now target enemies they can't see. Honestly a net loss here, you need more shots, not more targets.
- Holy Rage (1/2 CP): At the start of charge phase pick a Adepta Sororitas Core unit. This unit gains either the Zealot rule or the ability to charge after falling back. Now even your Sacresants and Paragons can feel mighty, and your Repentia will have no reason not to keep charging.
- Costs 1 CP if an Adeptus Ministorum Priest is within 6" of the unit, otherwise it's 2 CP.
- Purity of Faith (1 CP): Deny on 4+ for one CP.
- NO LONGER your only defense against psykers that is more than a meme. You can choose to use it after an actual Deny the Witch attempt has failed, which lets you save CP, especially if you're using Aegis of the Emperor.
- Faith and Fury (1 CP): When you perform an Act of Faith for a Hit roll, that unit may use the same Dice for the Wound Roll. Spend a 6 to hit? For a mere 1 CP, that becomes a 6 to wound.
- Great for over watching with Inferno pistols... and melta in general!
- Gives Melta "auto hit & wound" with a 4+ Miracle die. Turns melta into "INVULNERABLE SAVE OR DIE" weapons...
- Use it on Overwatch for a guaranteed melta blast into some charging monster's face. Hope you roll the damage well though.
- Final Redemption (1 CP): Start of the fight phase, pick an Engine of Redemption unit. When a model in that unit is slain for that phase, roll a D6. 4+, enemy unit that does so takes d3 mortal wounds.
- The giant walkers are already DISTRACTION WALKERS, this just makes some guaranteed hits.
- Judgment of the Faithful (1 CP): An Adepta Sororitas Core unit may shoot or charge after they fall back. Good for keeping the Retributor squad in the fight, or letting your Seraphim that got charged switch targets.
- Righteous Impact (1 CP): Use when a unit of Paragons or Engines of Redemption make a charge. Roll a d6 for each model in your unit, on a roll equal or better than the unit's Toughness score (meaning it's useless on tanks or monsters) they suffer 1 MW, though a nat 6 deals d3 MWs.
</tab> <tab name="Wargear">
- Blessed Bolts (1 CP): Artificer-Crafted Storm Bolters (So only base sisters, Celestians and Dominions) in a squad cause 2 mortal wounds on a 6 to hit instead of normal damage.
- Holy Smokescreen (1 CP): An Adepta Sororitas Smokescreen unit can pop this when getting shot. The enemy now suffers a -1 to hit for the rest of the phase. Expect to use this a lot to protect your transports.
- Holy Trinity: (1 CP) Pick an Adepta Sororitas Unit in the shooting phase. As long as the unit has a bolt weapon, a flame weapon, and melta weapon in range and EVERYONE in the units shoots at that same target, add +1 to wound rolls for the firing unit until the end of the phase.
- All the listed weapons MUST be in range to the same target, so most times you're looking at a useful range of 'FLAMER' (12") for this stratagem.
- You lose a significant amount of tactical flexibility because of the requirements that "ALL the models in the unit (regardless of weapon carried) shoot at the same target." I.e. this means that your meltagun sister may NOT split-fire at other, more appropriate targets worthy of melta. So now you have to choose how you are going to waste your squad's potential firepower, either by having melta shoot at troops (hilariously wounding most everything not T8 on 2's) or by having flamer & bolt shots wound T8 on 5's.
- A single combi-weapon can count as two out of the three, which is the key to how to use this stratagem. Give your melta squad
sergeantSuperior a combi-flamer or vice-versa. That tank may not give a shit about being flamed, but it'll pay attention to four multi-meltas with +1 to wound; similarly a little bit of combi-melta overkill enables the rest of a flamer squad to really roast some hordes.
- Inviolate Shieldwall (1 CP): Any melee attacks against a unit of Sacresants or Crusaders take a -1 to wound on account of their massive shields. Seeing as these units only have a 4++ invuln from the shields, this can see use against monsters.
- Thrice-Blessed Hull (1 CP): Installs a temporary aura on a Hallowed unit (Your tanks) that makes any psykers that fail their casting checks to immediately suffer perils.
</tab> </tabs>
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
- Inspiring Orator: The range of any hymns or leader abilities (except Miraculous Abilities) improves by 3". On top of that, friendly <Order> core units within 6" can ignore the penalty to combat attrition when below half-strength.
- It's a lot less trash, and has an effect for any HQ.
- Righteous Rage: Re-roll to hit and to wound in melee. Fabulous.
- Combine with Bloody Rose and a Blessed Blade for one of the most cost efficient beatstick in the game.
- Executioner of Heretics: -1 to the LD of all enemy units within 6" and inflicts an additional -1 to combat attrition. Ephrael Stern takes this.
- Leadership is almost never worth investing into. Best to skip it, especially since you don't have much in the way of abilities that stack with this.
- Beacon of Faith: At the start of your turns, if you warlord is on the table you gain a miracle die that can ONLY be used for her own acts of faith or miraculous abilities. Aestred Thurga takes this.
- Hot take: This WLT is borderline worthless. The extra miracle die is nice but since she's selfish with it, it's of no use to a cheerleader Canoness and a brawler would be better served with Righteous Rage.
- Indomitable Belief: The Shield of Faith invulnerable is increased by +1 for <Order> Core Models whilst within 6" of the Warlord, to a max of 4++. Saint Celestine uses this.
- Stack with Judith aura for a 4++ on everyone. Now you really wish for jump-pack options on Canoness. Again.
- Armour of Contempt has made this trait largely obsolete, since it won't matter for most of your units against anything lower than AP-4 (AP-5 for anything with a 2+).
- use Heroine in the Making to give this to a Repentia Superior to give the whole squad 5++ to help with their fragility.
- Pure of Will: You can deny one additional Psychic power using the Shield of Faith rule and gain a +3 bonus to such checks. The Triumph of Saint Katherine uses this.
- Combine with the Brazier of Eternal Flame and sisters can pretty much shut down any offensive Psyker army in the game.
Armoury[edit | edit source]
Melee Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Chainsword: A nearly worthless option for a Canoness - c'mon, you can find 5 points for a power sword. That said, our Superiors can take one of these for free without having to surrender their bolter - unless you're taking a better melee weapon (Celestians, maybe), always throw in the free chainsword. It's not like you'll ever wish you didn't have it!
- Power Weapons: Each type of Power Weapon has its own profile now, so pick the right one for the situation (almost always the maul). All Power Weapons have a damage value of 1:
- Power Sword: S+1 AP-3. They will remove armour saves after the wound roll. Especially good with Bloody Rose.
- Power Maul: S+3 AP-1. Broadly the most useful for sisters. S6 is an important wound roll 'breaking point' in 9th ed. Wounding marines and T5 on 3s and T8 models on 5s as well. If your opponent has good invulnerable saves (i.e. Terminators w/ Stormshields & Thunder Hammers) the AP-1 won't matter too much. Special mention goes to to Bloody Rose (S+3 AP-2).
- Blessed Blade: The best out of any Power Weapon. S+2 AP-3 D2. If you want to hurt everything, take this. Exclusive to the Canoness.
Ranged Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Bolt Pistol: It's a bolter in 12" Pistol 1 S4 AP0 D1 form. Shorter range, but can now be fired when locked in close combat, so it's got some use for choppy units or taken in pair by Seraphim. 1 point for Ministorum Priests since they use the AM codex prices.
- Boltgun: You know what a bolter is. 24" Rapid Fire 1 S4 AP0 D1. The loss of AP hurts, but if your opponent has a brain he would have been keeping his 5+/6+ units in cover anyway. Apparently, the Adeptus Mechanicus forgot how to make armour piercing rounds. Again, remember it's 1 point for your Ministorum Priests.
- Condemnor Boltgun: Special Adepta Sororitas weapon (NOW a combi-weapon again). For 10 points you get a bolter with an assault crossbow that hits at S4 AP-1 D2 with D3 mortals against Psykers. Note that a vast majority of psykers are either Characters or single-wound models, meaning that in most cases the Condemnor either won't be able to shoot at its intended target or won't gain as much (or any) benefit from its higher damage. At 10 points it's a hard sell but AP-1 and D2 has uses against marines. Point filler.
- it now worth equivalent to a combi weapon.
- On the off chance that you do get to shoot at a psyker, be sure to use "Suffer not the witch" to re-roll wounds, especially if said psyker is a Big Nid, Daemon Prince, or one of those fucking Zoanthropes with a 3++.
- Now that Sisters/Dominions/Retributors/Celestians Superior and Canonesses can't take storm bolters outside of Legends, this might sometimes be useful if you can't find the points to give them a combi-weapon or Plasma Pistol.
- GW really dropped the ball on this one. Ideally, it should have been allowed to ignore look out sir. However, Thousand Sons and Grey knights do seem to like their Psykers
- The Ebon Chalice Relic version of this gun (Annunciation of the Creed) is possibly worth the 10 points for the ability to snipe characters and deal a flat 3 damage to Psykers (and plenty of characters you want dead are Psykers). Probably not worth 10 points and a relic slot, though.
- A list of things that this weapon can target that don't have one wound.
- Condemnor Boltgun: Special Adepta Sororitas weapon (NOW a combi-weapon again). For 10 points you get a bolter with an assault crossbow that hits at S4 AP-1 D2 with D3 mortals against Psykers. Note that a vast majority of psykers are either Characters or single-wound models, meaning that in most cases the Condemnor either won't be able to shoot at its intended target or won't gain as much (or any) benefit from its higher damage. At 10 points it's a hard sell but AP-1 and D2 has uses against marines. Point filler.
- Combi-Weapon: Now infinite use, your choice of flamer, melta or plasma gun slapped to a bolter that can be fired independently of the bolter, bolter half only or at the same time together. Firing both the bolter and the special weapon causes a -1 to hit. Sisters love combi-weapons as all of their "sergeants" have access to it, effectively allowing you to field 5 special weapons per Dominion squads and 3 per basic sisters squad. Melta is most often the superior choice, although the Canoness and Retributor Superior can make a good use of plasma due to the reroll 1 bubble - but it's now an index-only weapon for Canonesses. Plasma is also the (expensive) option if you want some volume of fire to go with storm bolters, risking the overload only if you really need it.
- Remember that firing both weapon profiles of a combi-flamer or combi-melta at the same time counts for the bolt AND flame/melta weapon requirements of the Holy Trinity strategem, giving you easy access to it in any melta or flamer spamming squad like Retributors or Dominions, allowing you to considerably increase the squad's damage output at short range.
- Our Martyred Lady Sister Superiors like to spam overloaded combi-plasma fire both halves, TOGETHER, hoping to self DETONATE on 2's. Why? So she can get an auto 'rez' from a Hospitaller 6" away and grant the squad their Conviction's +1 to hit... thus eliminating her own future overloaded plasma ONLY shots from danger.
- This no longer works in 9th edition because plasma only slays the wielder on unmodified hit rolls of 1 and because rezzing the dead model in a squad of Our Martyred Lady removes the buff.
- Inferno Pistol: Baby Melta, 6" Pistol 1 S8 AP-4 D d6 and +2 Damage when in half range. The strong choice on Seraphims and melee Canoness. Obviously, a GREAT weapon to use a Miracle Die on, particularly DAMAGE rolls.
- Think of this as 5-point melta bombs with a 6" range. Not too terrible an idea to give this out to every Sister Superior who isn't already packing a combi-melta.
- Any time you have a Miracle dice with a 6 in your pool, your opponents will give pause charging within 6" of you KNOWING that you can guarantee a hit from your "Baby Melta" during overwatch.
- Remember that you can shoot these while in melee, your opponents will often forget that you can. It can be hysterical to *BLAM* characters who thought they were safe locked in combat
- Ministorum Hand Flamer: Finally the pyromaniac faction has better fire. Ministorum flame weapons are one strength higher than other Imperial factions. This version is essentially a bolt pistol that auto hits D6 times. Suffers from being in direct competition with inferno pistol on any model (save the Canoness) that can take one, but possibly useful if you're already packing a combi-melta/plasma and want some insurance against hordes. They are no longer dirt-cheap, however, now at 5 points per gun.
- Seraphim take these in pairs. Two Seraphim models with two Hand Flamers each will be dropping 4d6 (~14) hits. Not shots, hits. If you are running a 4++ Seraphim screen, this is an interesting option and unlike Inferno pistols you get to fire hand flamers TWICE in a round if you use the Deadly Descent strategem.
- Plasma Pistol: 12" Pistol 1 S7 AP-3 D1 for 5 points. Effective against MEQs when fired normally, and when supercharged it hits harder and deals more damage (S8, D2) but kills the user on unmodified hit rolls of 1. Either take an inferno pistol for melee Canoness or a combi-plasma on anything else. Sadly the only shooty option for the Seraphim Superior (can't even take em in pairs... what's up with that?).
- Our Martyred Lady Sister Superiors like to spam overloaded plasma (in hopes of self-detonation)... but combi-plasma are better suited for that 'Niche' task. (fire both halves while overloading)
- Unless you are running out of points, give a plasma pistol to the the Superior of any Seraphim Squad you intend to deepstrike with the Deadly Descent strategem. The extra two plasma shots considerably increase the squad's damage output for a low cost and gives you more bang for your command points.
Special Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Artificer crafted Storm Bolter: 24" Rapid Fire 2 S4 AP0 D2, 5 points makes for cost-efficient dakka and a good pick if you don't know which special weapon you should pick for your squads. (Dominions with four of these bad boys love it). Potentially quadruple the damage of a bolter and capable of one-shotting two wound models but held back by S4 and AP-. Good for using Blessed Bolts if you have a few in a squad (Dominions are the obvious choice for this)
- Meltagun: 12" Assault 1 S8 AP-4 Dd6 '+2 damage when in half range' for 10 points. Being in half range is now a lot more advantageous, one-shotting 3W models and averaging 5.5 wounds.. Still a big threat and one of the few weapons that negate 3+ armour entirely. Decent damage dealers against T7 vehicles. You can use these in combination with Miracle Dice to guarantee kills on damaged vehicles.
- Ministorum Flamer: Not your standard-issue flamer: 12" Assault d6 S5 AP0 D1 'auto-hitting'. Only 5 points, but still suffers from the lack of shots, making it bad against hordes and the lack of AP against elite while requiring to take your model within short range of the enemy. Usually, you're better off with a storm bolter. Probably best picked with outflanking Dominions packing four of them.
- Plasma Gun: (Index) 24" Rapid Fire 1 S7 AP-3 D1, with an option to overcharge for +1 Strength and Damage at the risk of killing the wielder. The Index Ministorum Priest is your only source of this, though as an Astra Militarum model, he uses their discounted price. If you're not building your priest for budget or for melee, you'll probably be giving him one of these.
Heavy Weapons[edit | edit source]
- Heavy Bolter: 36" Heavy 3 S5 AP-1 D2 Acceptable dakka for the cost, and marine killers.
- Heavy Bolters cost the same as Heavy Flamers, with the same AP, and come on many of the same units. Mathhammer puts bolters as slightly better than flamers at killing Primaris-equivalents (1.33 vs 1.17 expected wounds, respectively), but the flamers are better in most other scenarios. Take bolters if you can take advantage of the range and the condensed damage - remember that doing 2 wounds to a model with only one remaining is wasteful.
- Ministorum Heavy Flamer: 12" Heavy d6 S6 AP-1 D1 'auto-hitting'. Despite being much stronger than it's lighter variants, it's still overcosted compared to other options. Can occasionally help deter opponents from charging.
- Note that its a Heavy weapon, not an assault weapon. Therefore, you can't advance and shoot these like you can with a normal flamer, gutting their usefulness...unless you're running Argent Shroud. Then you're fine.
- With the use of a stratagem making certain you can pump out 36 hits at strength 6 from a retributor squad (4 flamers and 2 cherubs). Watch entire conscript blobs melt in purifying fire.
- Multi-melta: 24" Heavy 2 S8 AP-4 Dd6 '+2 damage when in half range'... For 20 pts. The Multi-melta doubles the Melta's range and shots. For double the price and becoming Heavy. It may well be a worthy trade.
Vehicle weapons[edit | edit source]
- Immolator Turret:
- Immolation Flamer: Now we're talking. A Lil' hefty at 130 points but it is 18" Heavy 2D6 S6 AP-1 D1... everything you love about the Heavy Flamer, but two of them. Note 9th has changed the Immolation Flamer from assault to heavy. This single change seriously questions the usefulness of Immolators as transports given how disembarking works.
- Twin Heavy Bolter: Default turret gun on the Immolator, it's two heavy bolters tied together. Nothing crazy, nothing special, take it if you need to kill Marines.
- Twin Multi-Melta: Bumps up the cost of the Immolator to 150 points but can actually do some serious damage with its 4 shots and gets improved damage at half range, which is easy to get when you get to move 12" beforehand. With the latest changes Multi-Meltas rock and make them a good pick on Immolators too if you want more anti-tank.
- Exorcist Turret:
- Exorcist Conflagration rockets: Blast weapon that ignores cover. Hits at 48" heavy 3D6 S5 AP-1 D1.
- Exorcist Missile Launcher: Hits at 48" heavy 3D3 S8 AP-2 Dd6.
- Castigator Turret:
- Castigator autocannons: Default loadout. Its 4D3 autocannon shots. This is your only source of S7 shooting aside from the odd combi-plasma or plasma pistols. It is also one of the longest ranged weapons in the whole codex. Averages around 8 shots so stick with this if you want to deal with hordes or prefer quantity over quality.
- Castigator battlecannon: At 72" this is the longest ranged weapon in the codex. It can fire two shell types; santified: heavy D6 S9 AP-3 D3 Blast; pyro: heavy 3D3 S6 AP-1 D1 Blast, ignores cover. Take for the sanctified shell as the autocannons are better than the pyro shell.
- Hunter-Killer Missile: A single-use 48", heavy 1, S10, AP-2, Dd6 missile for 5pts, just in case you didn't have enough anti-tank. Your rhino chassis based vehicles can take one for 5 points.
Other[edit | edit source]
- Brazier of Holy Fire: Chainsword-armed Canoness only. It's single-use but when used, it's an Assault d6 flamer where the enemy takes a MW on a 4+ to wound (improved to 2+ when fired on a unit containing Daemon.).
- Cherubs: Cherubs are the little winged babies you see flying with units. There are different types:
- Armourium Cherub - Once per battle may remove this Cherub. If so, a model from the unit that the cherub has been removed from may fire again.
- Incensor Cherub - Once per battle you may remove the Cherub from play and gain a miracle dice. Roll 2D6 and decide which to keep. That dice must be used for an Act of Faith this phase or it is lost.
- Null Rod: Chainsword-armed Canoness only, can't be affected by psychic powers, and -1 to psychic tests while the Psyker's within 18" of a rod.
- Rod of Office: Plasma pistol & power sword-armed Canoness only. On the command phase, you can grant one <Order> Core or Character unit within 12" the ability to re-roll all 1s to hit.
- Rules as written, the Rod of Office is a mandatory 5 point item if your Canoness has a plasma pistol & power sword, and the ONLY way to get it.
- Simulacrum Imperialis: Unit upgrade; once per phase can perform an Act of Faith for that unit, even if an Act of Faith has already been used already in that phase. If you're running Retributors or other damage dealing infantry units, you want this.
Relics[edit | edit source]
Remember that sisters get the Open the Reliquaries stratagem, so up to three characters in your army can have a relic if you have the CP to spend, and then you can also pay for A Sacred Burden for even more, just carried in a squad. So don't think what 1-3 relics should I use, instead think what relic is not worth 1 CP. Order-specific relics are detailed in the Order tabs below.
- Blade of Saint Ellynor: S+2 (5) AP-3 D3, replaces a Blessed Blade. Literally 1.5x your damage output against multi-wound models over a Blessed Blade. It should be your default weapon on a Canoness. Two unsaved wound rolls from this baby will outright kill most non-monstrous models on the tabletop.
- A similar effect can be achieved by taking a Canoness with a Blessed Blade and taking the Rapturous Blows blessing (which is actually slightly better since it'll be S+3 instead, i.e. S6), but sadly the two can't stack.
- Blessings of Sebastian Thor: Adepta Sororitas only. The bearer's unit can use two different sacred rites from the rest of the army. This relic is best used with the Sacred Burden stratagem to give a unit a pair of important Sacred Rites - consider using it on Sacresants or Paragon Warsuits or Zephyrim, to grant them both Hand of the Emperor and The Passion.
- Book of Saint Lucius: Increase a character's aura range by 3". Usable all of the Canoness's or Imagifier's auras as well.
- Brazier of the Eternal Flame: This is the "I really hate psykers" Relic. Replaces a Brazier of Holy Fire; any Daemon units attacking the bearer take -1 to hit and psychic tests within 18" automatically take perils from failing.
- Good if you have forewarning that psykers or daemons are being used by your opponent, but not good enough to main list it over other relics. Forcing a nigh-constant risk of perils is good, but you know what else stops them from casting? Melta, applied directly to the forehead.
- Chaplet of Sacrifice: Adepta Sororitas only. Once per game, the bearer can spend 0 CP to use any Epic Deed Stratagem that isn't Divine Intervention. The bearer can also re-roll all hit rolls and when slain can shoot or swing again before being removed.
- Ecclesiarch's Fury: Replaces a chainsword with an S+2 AP-3 D2 eviscerator-like that suffers -1 to hit but +1 to wound (making it better than an Eviscerator). Another possibility for B-list characters that can't grab power weapons and the like, though the hit penalty will dull your expectations of rending Primaris and Termies a fair bit. Compared to a Blessed Blade, this is a bit underwhelming.
- Litanies of Faith: Adepta Sororitas only. Once per turn, if the user is on the battlefield when you gain a Miracle Die, you can re-roll the value of the die. Who wouldn't want the opportunity to improve the chance that you can hold that 6 in reserve for a key roll?
- The benefit of this relic depends on what you're after, but remember, you can always choose not to use it, if you have multiple dice coming in:
- 6, so you'll re-roll 1-5: You go from a 16.7% chance to a 30.6% chance.
- 3+, so you'll re-roll 1s and 2s: You go from a 66.7% chance to 88.9%.
- You just want the biggest possible die, so you re-roll 1-3: the average value of your dice increases from 3.5 to 4.25.
- The benefit of this relic depends on what you're after, but remember, you can always choose not to use it, if you have multiple dice coming in:
- Mantle of Ophelia: Canoness only, reduces all damage taken to 1. Plasma, lascannons, melta, all can straight-up EAT SHIT. That said, a Canoness isn't that costly and this doesn't fix the issue that she's still T3.
- Iron Surplice of St. Istaela: Adepta Sororitas only. Model gets a 2+ save and an extra Wound. In addition, wound rolls of 1-3 always fail regardless of modifiers. Congratulations, your Canoness is now tougher than a Terminator captain (Math-Hammer confirmed). No really, this is a really good relic as it makes a lot of the scary weapons used against sisters like Plasma, Thunderhammers, and many other (anything S4+) weapons become a lot less effective. She will still be weak to high concentrations of Bolter fire and such, but combined with Valorous Heart WT, for that 5+++ and the additional armor, this relic can really make your Canoness an immovable object. A really good relic against secondaries that require you to kill the Warlord.
- The Triptych is best for characters who don't have a native 4++. The Mantle of Ophelia is a bit of a gimmick pick, but it leaves you vulnerable to massed AP-1 - watch out for chopppas and marines in Assault Doctrine. The Iron Surplice is pretty much strictly the best of the three, however.
- Redemption: Adepta Sororitas only. Replace a plasma pistol with a permanently-overcharged pistol that doesn't overheat, but can punch through any units in between you and your prey - if your initial shot hits, you roll to wound each of those units. If you grabbed Righteous Judgement, you've found a nice toy to rip through some fodder while sniping down your chosen foe.
- Sigil Ecclesiasticus: Priest only. The bearer knows one more hymn and can chant an extra hymn each turn provided that it wasn't used before. Considering how many priests you get, you can expect to see returns on this very quickly.
- Simulacrum Sanctorum: Imagifier only. This model can pick two buffs to emit rather than just one. Absolutely a good way to spend 1 CP if you can spare it, especially if you already have your Canoness decked out to kill.
- Triptych of Macharian Crusade: Sanctified or Cult Imperialis models only. 4++ Invuln, +1 to Toughness, and no-sells the first failed save each turn by setting Damage to 0. Useful for front-line characters who'll at least benefit from an improved Shield of Faith and being slightly tougher, but they will likely take more damage than any mitigation can manage.
- B-list characters don't have wargear options and therefor they often can't take relics, but they can take this one. This is also a way to get a 4++ on characters that don't usually have it, which is everyone but the Canoness and Palatine.
- Wrath of the Emperor: Relic bolt pistol which acts like a short-range 4-shot heavy bolter: 18" Pistol 4 S5 AP-1 D2. The fact that all your characters have Bolt Pistols and the fact that you can take extra relics for 1CP means this is a very reliable play. Unless you're maxed out on uses of Open The Reliquaries, it's hard to go wrong with this.
Secondaries[edit | edit source]
This section has not been updated to account for Chapter Approved 2022: War Zone Nephilim <tabs> <tab name="Purge the Enemy">
- Assassinate:
- Bring it Down:
- Titan Slayers: Very much not likely. You lack the firepower needed to even consider nailing a knight within a reasonable number of turns, let alone a baneblade or a titan.
- Slay the Warlord:
- Purge the Heretic: Score 1 VP at the end of your shooting phases when you wipe out an enemy unit using either bolt, flamer or melta weapons, giving +1 VP if you did it with all three for a maximum of 4 VP.
</tab> <tab name="Warpcraft">
- Abhor the Witch: The only one you can actually do from this category, considering your lack of any psykers. That said, don't expect an easy time as your deny powers are limited barring an Inquisitor.
</tab> <tab name="No Mercy, No Respite">
- Thin their Ranks:
- Attrition:
- While We Stand, We Fight:
- First Strike:
- A Leap of Faith: Whenever you use two acts of faith on your sisters in a turn, you score 1 VP if it was on your turn or 2 VP if it was on your enemy's, adding +1 if you used three or more acts to a maximum of 12 VP. This doesn't include any miracle die granted by cherubs. This will expect you to be very liberal with your die, so be sure to load up with ways to preserve die or the Triumph to grant more of them.
</tab> <tab name="Battlefield Supremacy">
- Engage on All Fronts:
- Linebreaker:
- Domination:
- Defend the Shrine: At game start, the enemy can mark one objective point in their DZ to be a shrine. For each turn you occupy that point, you score 3 VP, scoring another 3 VP if you end the game with it in your possession. However, you lose 3 VP if the game ends and the enemy has control of the shrine.
</tab> <tab name="Shadow Operations">
- Raise the Banners High: A bit of a trade with Sacred Grounds, the faction-exclusive one. While this isn't nearly as risky and can be done by ANY models (so you can have Crusaders capping), this will require more objectives to catch up to the number of points that you can score with the exclusive one.
- Investigate Sites:
- Repair Teleportation Homer:
- Sacred Grounds: Adepta Sororitas Infantry and Cult Imperialis Priest models gain a new action. Whenever they're on an objective point that isn't threatened by the enemy, they can sacrifice their turn to sanctify the objective, granting it the Inspiring trait for your army on your next turn. If you score this on an objective in your DZ, it gives 1 VP, but it gives 4 VP, so be sure to keep your cappers in place.
</tab> </tabs>
Unit Analysis[edit | edit source]
Common keywords are IMPERIUM and ADEPTUS MINISTORUM. Sororitas units specifically have ADEPTA SORORITAS. Your preachers, priests and battle conclave units also have the Adeptus Ministorum keyword which allows will block them off of any Imperial Guard buffs.
Also frequent is the Sanctified keyword, given to all Sisters infantry units that aren't <ORDER>, and the vehicles get the equivalent Hallowed that the engines don't get. Penitent Engines, Mortifiers, and Ephrael instead get the Outcasts keyword
HQ[edit | edit source]
Named Characters[edit | edit source]
- Abbess Sanctorum Morvenn Vahl: Introduced with Warhammer Fest 2021, we have a our first actual character of the edition. So far, we can tell that she's in one of those silly warsuits. She's also being drummed up to be a Supreme Commander along the likes of Cawl or the Primarchs, and has the auras befitting a chapter master. She is equipped with a Cyclone Missile Launcher named differently, an S6 Heavy Bolter, and the Lance of Illumination, which has two profiles: first is an SU (5) AP-2 D1 with double attacks or your MEQ killer S+3 (8) AP-3 D3 with a nat 6 to wound dealing an additional mortal wound.
- She's fortunately got the staying power to keep up with the big boys: a 2+/4++ befitting the former Cataphractii and a 4+++ FNP against mortal wounds with the ability to halve incoming damage like Calgar, all with T5 so she won't splatter against plasma. Just as well, because she will always be your warlord as the Abbess and that means she's a walking target.
- Like Celestine, she lacks an <Order> keyword. While her auras won't discriminate between her sisters, an imagifier might.
- Celestine & the Geminae Superia: An angelic Living Saint, reunited with her backup dancers again. For 200 points, you get a model with a S7 AP-3 D2 sword, with 2 mortal instead of normal damage on 6s to hit, and works as a heavy flamer in the shooting phase as well as two sets of ablative wounds. She has a 2+ save, a 4++, -1 damage reduction, and grants other Imperium units a 6++. The first time she's destroyed, she stands back up on a 2+ at the end of the phase with all 6 wounds restored. Her Geminae, however, can be rezzed and/or healed on any turn.
- Celestine is a regenerating beatstick. Her action to heal herself and restore the Geminae only takes up her shooting, leaving her free to charge afterward if near enemies, which conveniently always happens if she dies for the first time in combat. To make Celestine actually stay down and get those sweet assasination points, the enemy has to pile absurd amounts of fire, on average something like 10 melta hits(that is, if they can actually fire at her, since she is a character, has 12" of movement and sacresants are a thing) onto her until she dies and them kill her on the charge, and if they can't go all the way, Celestine can get all her wounds and one of her backup girls back and/or go somewhere safe.
- She doesn't have <ORDER>, so she can't benefit from the Canoness's or Imagifier's auras, but she can benefit from prayers as well as the Hospitaller's healing if you're really badly hurt. However, her Shield of Faith boost allows her to help any Imperium Soup lists, like throwing her with a certain Inquisitor crush and her retinue.
- Ephrael Stern & Kyganil of the Bloody Tears: Our favorite not-Pariah sister and harlequin are back again in the proper codex; their Agent of the Imperium keyword allows them to join any other army and not throw things off, and she can't be the warlord if she's in a support detachment. Fortunately, they have the ability to deep strike anywhere thanks to Kyganil's webway access.
- Kyganil acts as the wall of the two, being the first to fight with his barrage of blows with his swords and the first to suffer any wounds for the two. Fortunately, they both have a 4++ invuln on top of forcing a -1 to hit and wound rolls against them as well as his own 5+ FNP to ensure that he'll last as long as possible.
- Ephrael remains the more "shooty" of the lot, with her not-shooting ability dealing instant MWs to those within 18" of her and being particularly nightmarish to Chaos. Her Aura, on the other hand, only harms Chaos by dealing -1 to Ld as well forcing another model to flee when making a morale check.
- As with the others in this section, these two lack any <Order> keywords, but do possess the Adepta Sororitas keyword (and yes, even Kyganil the goddamn Eldar has it) that lets them enjoy the protections of most buff auras and hymns.
- Triumph of Saint Katherine: A funeral procession for the bones of the holiest Sister. This model is absolutely stunning, six Sisters from the six major orders carrying a funeral casket. It makes a wonderful painting project and a beautiful centerpiece for your army. Too bad about its rules. The Triumph of Saint Katherine is counted as a single CHARACTER with 18 wounds, but it can thankfully hide behind other units and terrain despite its size but can't fit in a transport. It has toughness 3, which means it will be shot to pieces by anything that looks at it, though it inflicts a penalty to anyone who tries to strike it. It has a slight amount of melee power - it gets four attacks at S6 AP-3, damage 2, plus more attacks at S5 AP-1 damage 1, but with only a 6" move and no way to teleport or ride a transport, much less hide behind other units, it'll never reach melee. The Triumph's gimmick is its Relics - each of the Sisters is carrying a Relic of their order, and each relic grants a bonus. You have five(the sword is treated separately) and normally all five are active, but when the Triumph drops to 9 wounds, you choose two to be active, and when it drops to four you choose one to be active.
- The Relics are:
- Fiery Heart: All Adepta Sororitas Core units within 6" auto-pass all combat attrition checks.
- Censer of the Sacred Rose: She gives +1 Miracle dice each round. This is a straight nerf to 8th edition's miracle dice every turn.
- Simulacrum of the Ebon Chalice: Start of shooting phase, roll 1 D6 for every enemy unit within 6". Add 1 if a psyker. Add 1 if its a Chaos unit. On a 5+ they receive D3 mortal wounds. Short-ranged indirect smitings for fun, not for serious work.
- Petals of the Bloody Rose: Add 1 for hit rolls for attacks made by friendly Adepta Sororitas Core units within 6".
- Icon of the Valorous heart: This unit uses all sacred rites. At once.
- Simulacrum of the Argent Shroud: When you perform an act of faith for a friendly Adepta Sororitas Core or Adepta Sororitas Character unit which is within 6", you can automatically turn that miracle dice to a 6 for the sake of triggering the effect.
- So overall the Triumph is an AOE buffing machine, but is it worth the price? Hard to say - it's expensive, but it doubles your miracle dice, and can give you some insurance on their values, PLUS giving +1 to hits is handy, the other effects are situational.
- The Relics are:
Generic[edit | edit source]
- Canoness: The Canoness is an excellent all-rounder HQ. She has BS2+ WS2+ W5 A4 Ld9 Sv3+/4++ with the ever-popular "re-roll 1s to hit" aura. Her wargear options are a bit bizarre - check out her datasheet for full details but she has to take weird and seemingly arbitrary combinations of weapons and other wargear. Generally, you'll want to run one of two basic builds.
- Backfield Support: Take the Beacon of Faith warlord trait and the Litanies of Faith relic to maximize your miracle dice, then put her wherever she's most useful with her aura buffs, probably next to your most powerful shooty units. Take the Rod of Office for additional buffs when you can't reach a unit.
- Melee Specialist: Run her with a Blessed Blade that you upgrade to the Blade of Saint Ellynor or the Blade of Sacrifice, Martyr's Strength, and Righteous Rage if you are running Martyred Lady, and the Canoness becomes either a powerful duelist who can go toe to toe with characters twice her cost or a mortal wounds machine able to reliably kill stuff that cost up to 8 times her own cost, like Papa smurf himself. Miracle dice can keep her in the fight far longer than her save profile indicates, and she can dish out serious damage. If you want tankiness over killing, consider the Iron Surplice of Saint Istaela instead of the relic Blade. Power Fists will hate having to wound on 4s instead of 2s.
- Missionary: Best used where his War Hymn will make a difference, or near hordes to make sure they don't run away. Arco-Flagellants (as their D3 attacks come from their weapons and not their statline), Repentia Squads, etc. will all benefit from the added attack. Maxed at 1 per detachment, which doesn't matter much as his abilities don't stack and you can take Preachers as an Elites version. He's your cheapest HQ option that also acts as melee buffer to anything nearby, and a good support for your Canoness.
- Funnily enough, his default statline gives him a power maul, a serious beast that can help topple most marines and orks, especially with the Psalm of Righteous Smiting.
- Palatine: A new model introduced with the Piety & Pain Boxset taking the role of the Primaris Lieutenant. Her aura gives you the ever-valuable "re-roll 1s to wound" aura so typical to lieutenant-types, but her armaments are pretty barebones: a bolt pistol and power sword with the option to replace the pistol with a plasma pistol. This means she's better support than a Canoness (the same aura but better because it works on flamers, and for fewer points) but a worse beatstick, so if you have both, stick the Palatine in the back for support and either have the Canoness do the same or take a murder loadout and get closer to the enemy.
Troops[edit | edit source]
- Battle Sister Squad: Consisting of 5-20 girls, Battle Sister Squads form the backbone of any pure Ministorum army. Halfway between a Guardsman and a Space Marine, S3 T3 W1 with BS3+, Sv3+, and a bolter. They're more or less about as tough, affordable, and deadly as space marine scouts.
- Weapon options depend on how Sisters are in the unit:
- 5+: The Sister Superior can take 1 melee weapon (which is why you should always assume she has a free chainsword, at a minimum) and can trade her bolter for a combi-weapon (including a condemnor bolter) or she can trade her bolter and her bolt pistol for a pistol. One sister can take a special weapon (meaning you can double up on flamers by paying too much for the Superior's flamer or you can double up on melta without an upcharge) or a heavy weapon.
- The Condemnor Boltgun amounts to paying too much for something nearly always strictly worse than an Artificer Storm Bolter, though Thousand Sons will hate it.
- 10+: You still get the Superior and the Heavy/Special Sister, plus a Special-only Sister.
- 20: You still get the Superior and the Heavy/Special Sister, plus 2 Special-only Sisters and a second Heavy/Special.
- 5+: The Sister Superior can take 1 melee weapon (which is why you should always assume she has a free chainsword, at a minimum) and can trade her bolter for a combi-weapon (including a condemnor bolter) or she can trade her bolter and her bolt pistol for a pistol. One sister can take a special weapon (meaning you can double up on flamers by paying too much for the Superior's flamer or you can double up on melta without an upcharge) or a heavy weapon.
- Frankly, we have better options for bringing Special/Heavy weapons, so paying extra for MSU troop slots(which is kind of a detriment in 9th) not only limits our flexibility but also cuts down on the effectiveness of certain abilities/Strategems.
- Weapon options depend on how Sisters are in the unit:
- Your Battle Sister Squads' job is to take and hold objectives, support your other models, and take potshots against the enemy. Accordingly, if you're going to pay points for better weapons - and you genuinely don't need to - you're better off with longer range ones. Don't take the flamer or melta. You'll rarely be close enough for them to matter, so the Storm Bolter is your cheap upgrade choice. If you want a heavy weapon, either take a multi-melta (for points efficiency) or a heavy bolter (for ensuring you have the range to contribute).
- Novitiate Squad: The Kill team Bullet Bitches. Coming in a squad of 9 Novitates equipped with autoguns and a single Novitate Superior who's a full fledged Sister with power armor and boltgun, these girls provide a low cost-per-body supplement to your basic Sisters, as they're essentially veteran guardsmen statlines with a 4+ sv at 75 points. Novitates have CORE, <ORDER>, Shield of Faith, and Sacred Rites just like full fledged sisters, so they benefit from your special rules and buffs as normal. You may take one of them per Battle Sister squad.
- Every Novitate in this squad is armed with an autopistol, and comes with a autogun that they can exchange for a Novitate Melee Weapon. Up to two can choose to exchange their autoguns for flamers, and one each can exchange their autogun for a Simulacrum Imperialis or a Sacred Banner. Like most units with access to the Simulacrum, you won't be using Acts of Faith on this unit often in the first place. The Sacred Banner grants this unit +1 to their Advance and Charge rolls, which is interesting if you build them for melee.
- There's essentially two ways to run Novitates. The first is the simplest - give them autoguns, stick them on an objective, and forget about them. Being cheaper per model than Battle Sisters while only being slightly easier to kill(4+ sv instead of 3+) makes them decent objective holders. The second method is to kit them for melee. Novitate Melee Weapons grant their users +1 Strength and +1 attack, and Novitates natively have an ability that grants them +1 attack on the charge. If you're running Bloody Rose, this stacks with the BR subfaction ability, for a total of 4 attacks per model at S4 AP-1 D1, hitting on 4s. This isn't stellar compared to everything else you have access to, but it is cheap. The one downside to this approach is that since Novitates are locked at 10 models, you can't put them in a Rhino with a character, but it's worth considering Strategic Reserves or even footslogging them as a distraction and threat.
Dedicated Transport[edit | edit source]
- Sororitas Rhino: Good old rhino that can transport 10 ADEPTUS MINISTORUM infantry units, so this goes for your Sisters of Battle as well as any Ecclesiarchy units that you might have taken, which is probably a good thing seeing as the old melee-only Conclave units really need a transport to ferry them across the field and assault from. With the Shield of Faith to distinguish yourself from every other Rhino in the Imperium. Very nice. Oh, and it can Deny the witch too, so facing off against an opponents psyker isn't a sweat with the "Aegis of the Emperor" Sacred Rites.
- Immolator: What are the battlefields of the 41st Millennium missing? Stained glass, fire, and birds. Enter the Immolator. With one of the most stunning models in the game, the Immolator is a surprisingly decent transport. It can be taken with a twin heavy bolter or a twin multi melta, or you can give it the Immolation Flamers, which is realy just a fancy name for a twin heavy flamer (with an 18" range and Ministorum-class S6). Its transport capacity of 6 lets it tote a character and a minimum unit, and it also has a Heavy Bolter for plinking the enemy with a couple extra shots. Keep in mind that this thing is a transport with guns and not a battle tank when using it. Think Space Marine Razorback with an extra Hv bolter in the front.
- Compared to a Razorback with a twin HB an Immolator costs 10 points more and comes with an extra HB and a 6++, actually not a bad buy. Comparing it to a Multi-Melta Razorback is insincere (since the latter is legends). On math a Multi-Melta Immolator will out-shoot a quadlas Predator at 24" while being 20 points cheaper and carrying 6 ladies. Don't sleep on these.
Elite[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Aestred Thurga and Agathae Dolan: A paired unit, but Aestred carries with her a super-banner called the Auto-Tapestry of the Emperor's Judgment - once per game, this can be invoked to grant all Adepta Sororitas Core units within 6" the ability to use all rites at once until your next command phase.
- Agathae, despite being the designated shield, has other uses that you'll need. Each turn she can give a sororitas character the ability to re-roll one hit, wound, or damage roll until the next command phase. She also lets you use the Open the Reliquaries stratagem once for free, which can be great for smaller games.
- Dialogus: +1 LD to Adepta Sororitas Core or Character units within 6", and she allows you to increase or decrease the value on a Miracle Die used for an Act of Faith by a unit within 6" by one to a maximum of 6 and minimum of 1. The ability to modify Miracle Dice is pretty handy, turning an otherwise-worthless 2 into a 3 that hits, for example, which can be great when you really need that meltagun or inferno pistol to connect. Also helpful is that she won't eat up a slot if taken alongside a Canoness, which you absolutely should. She also is a Priest model who can intone a Hymn, increasing her value.
- Dogmata: A new character made to play as an equivalent to the Chaplain. She comes with a whopper of a mace and has an aura to let her sisters perform objective actions and shoot at the same time, which is situational. What isn't is her other ability, which lets one <Order> Core unit within 6" during the Command Phase gain ObSec for the turn (or count as having double models if they already have it) - that'll always have a use.
- Smash Priest: Bloody Rose, chanting the Psalm of Righteous Smiting and The Passion sacred rite. If you can spare a Warlord trait, Righteous Rage.
- Hospitaller (sic): She's got a Sister character statline, with the ability to heal wounded models and a small 6+++ aura. Honestly, it's hard to get much value out of her as most your infantry units are only W1. She might be good if you're running the Triumph of Saint Katherine or other characters, as they will probably want healing. She can, however, bring three models back with a stratagem- three Celestian Sacresants coming back seems nice.
- Notably, she does not have <Order> and can't benefit from Canoness or Imagifier buffs despite busting her ass to help others.
- Imagifier: The Imagifier is a banner-bearing character with an average statline. The reason you take her is that, at the beginning of the game, she chooses one of three abilities.
- Tale of the Faithful: Re-roll advance and charge for <Order> Core units within 6", which is the primary reason you'll tale her.
- Tale of the Warrior: +1 Strength for <Order> Core units within 6".
- Tale of the Stoic: Attacks against <Order> Core units within 6" take -1 to wound rolls if the attack is S3 or lower, which means you're T4 against S3 and S2 and most Poison. Only worth it against lasguns and Dark Eldar splinter weapons (and AdMech radium carbines, although not as much, since the reduction won't help stop an auto-wound).
- Overall the Imagifier is a very useful unit, because of how well she can help you make a charge. Originally auto-include to help buff a unit of Repentia, that role is now better performed by the Repentia Superior, since S6 with +1 to wound is better in all case than S7.
- Preacher: The missionary's little brother who also gets prayers, though they only get War Hymn. These guys are much more efficient than the Missionary, especially since you can take more than one. Critical if you want to get the most out of your melee options, these are even more important to Repentia than a Repentia Superior. They also, as a small bonus, inflict a -1 Leadership penalty on nearby CHAOS units. If you are playing in a Legends legal game, they suddenly become a whole lot better. They gain access to Frag and Krak Grenades as well as all of the ASTRA MILITARUM Ministorum Priest's Index wargear, such as Combi-weapons, Plasma Guns, Eviscerators, beefier pistols and the like.
- Pious Vorne: Blackstone Fortress model which is effectively the model for the stock preacher loadout with the Zealot's Vindictor weapon
- Repentia Superior:A dedicated support character for Repentia. Adds +1 to wound rolls for all nearby Repentia (not including hereelf), and adds an unkept 1d6 to Advance and Charge rolls for one <Order> Repentia unit within 6" and allows Advance + Charge; both benefits apply to herself and the selected Repentia. Doesn't take up a slot if you have any Sisters Repentia of the same order. If you've got the points to spare and a squad of Repentia in your list, take her.
Sororitas[edit | edit source]
- Celestian Squad: Veteran Sisters with +1 WS, A, and Ld. This isn't enough to make them viable in melee, nor do they get much in the way of melee options. Compared to Battle Sisters they still get 1 special and 1 heavy or special weapon in a 5-girl squad. They also have the new bodyguard rule so <Order> Character within 3" of them can't be shot. Finally they get a flat +1 to hit rolls when within 6" of a <Order> Canoness, <Order> Palatine, or <Order> CANONESS SUPERIOR. At only two points more than a basic Sister, they bring better shooting, melee, and the ability to bodyguard, at the cost of Objective Secured and taking a spot in your crowded Elites choices.
- Remember that Bodyguard doesn't require LOS - you can hide the Celestians behind something and stick their ward out in the open, and the characters being bodyguarded can't be shot due to bodyguard and the Celestians can't be shot due to lack of LOS. Not anymore... GW strikes again and modified all bodyguard rules in the Q2 2022 update. It is basically just "Look Out Sir!" now. (Which is probably for the best).
- Celestian Sacresants: The punchy celestians. While no longer able to carry guns bigger than a pistol, they now come with shields and power weapons. While they lack the bonus to hit while near a character, they do have the ability to intervene like one and then hunker down for a bonus to hit when charged. This essentially makes them into superior Crusaders (hit harder, stay longer) that can benefit from the various auras made for sisters but will always eat up an elite slot. If you're making a smash canoness, then there's not much better you can ask for in a bodyguard unit.
- Celestian Sacresants are specifically excluded from benefiting from Armor Of Contempt, because their 2+ save represents the bonus they get from their shields. In essence, they always have it on regardless of the incoming attacks' AP.
- Sacresants get two weapon options to pick from. Hallowed Maces are S+2, AP-1, D2, while Anointed Halberds are S+3, AP-3, D1. Despite what the D2 would have you believe, Halberds and Maces actually have the exact same performance against marines, both averaging 1.14 dead marines for four girls attacking. This actually makes Halberds the better option, since they perform much better against everything besides marines.
- Repentia Squad: They get two attacks per model with Penitent Eviscerators, which are Sx2(6) AP-3 D2, and -1 to hit, so they hit on 4s rather than 3s. They make up for this by having the Zealot rule, granting them re-rolls to hit in the first round of combat, making them more accurate than a flat WS3+ would be. They have the 6++ from Shield of Faith, and a 5+++ Feel No Pain. As consolation for their fragility, you do get a miracle die when they're inevitably wiped out.
- In a nutshell, Repentia have the most potential of these options, but require the most investment. By putting War Hymn on them with a priest and making them Bloody Rose, you can get them to 4 attacks per model. They benefit from having a Repentia Superior on hand for going faster and hitting harder, and can benefit from the two melee-oriented Sacred Rites, making them attractive in a pure ministorum list. Without investing in them, they're not particularly useful, but if you do invest in them, they can be devastating.
- Paragon Warsuits: The new and ever-memable mechas of the Sisters. Despite being walkers, they're better seen as TEQs with a 2+/6++ save on T5 as well as reducing all incoming damage by 1. Fortunately, they are considered Core and thus can enjoy all the buff auras, though not a hospitaller's healing.
- Ignore the pistol and the grenades - it's impossible to have a loadout where they matter, against any target, because you can fire all of your other weapons instead in all circumstances, because the unit members are vehicles.
- Being vehicles, they can pick any of their guns (heavy bolter, heavy flamer, or multi-melta, plus 2 storm bolters or 2 assault krak grenades) and fire at will without worrying about it. The best general loadout you can take is a multimelta, pair of storm bolters, and a war blade, on the entire unit.
- The heavy flamer is very specifically best at handling very light infantry - against almost everything else, the heavy bolter will out-dakka it, but that's partially due to your BS. If you want to keep shooting in melee, meaning you're down to BS4+, the heavy flamer is better than the heavy bolter against everything. The multi-melta outperforms both against a shockingly large number of targets, though.
- The storm bolters and grenade launcher are surprisingly close in terms of performance, but in combination with your other weapon choices, you're better off taking storm bolters to avoid your multi-meltas being countered with chaff than taking grenade launchers with something else, and the grenade launchers don't do significantly more than the storm bolters against the hard targets you want to bring your melta to bear against.
- Paragon Suits have two options for their melee weapons - the War Blades (A4 WS3+ S6 AP-3 D2) and the War Mace (A3 WS4+ S9 AP-2 D3), where the Superior has +1A. On average and with no buffs, a full unit of War Blades will kill 4-5 MEQs (4.81 dead, 9.63 damage dealt to the unit) or do 4.81 damage to a T7+ Sv3+ target, while a full unit of maces will kill 2-3 MEQs (2.78 dead, 5.56 damage dealt to the unit) or do 6.67 damage to a T7+ Sv3+ target. Since you've got better ways to handle tanks than melee with expensive suits, stick to the swords.
Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave[edit | edit source]
The Sisters book is in an unusual place in that they have a ton of different units of close combat infantry, all in their Elites slot. As a general rule, these models aren't likely to stack up to the sisters, who have all their buffs and convictions while you'll only have hospitallers and priests to help out. Also fun to note is that these units below can all be taken without taking a precious slot if you also grab a Priest as an HQ, allowing for a bit of easing in choices.
- Arco-flagellants: Two wounds each, with a 5+++ to keep them going, Arco-Flagellants have two attacks each, multiplied to 4 by their flails, at S+1(5) AP-1 D1; they're WS4+ with Zealot, so on the turn you care about, they hit 3/4 of the time. One of them can take Endurant Implants, which is an auto-include, because raising their attacks by 1 means the bearer hits as hard as 1.5 flagellants, but costs slightly less - and on top of that you go from S4 to S5, which is a significant bump against many targets.
- A Priest makes a decent and cheap source of buffs for these guys. +1 attack is huge on a unit that can multiply its attacks. The only issue is that since prayers happen in the command phase, you can't get out of a rhino/strategic reserves and then buff your penitents. Use Fiery Oratory for 1 CP after piling out of a transport for an automatic out-of-phase prayer.
- The Extremis Trigger Word stratagem is a game-changer, bringing your baseline Flagellants up to 6 attacks base and your Endurant up to 9.
- Comparing a Priest vs Extremis Trigger Word, the former gives them 32-62 attacks base (3x2=6 for each of the 4-9 Flagellants and 4x2=8 for the Endurant) while the latter is very slightly better because it gives the Flagellants the same attacks (2x3=6) but gives the Endurant one more (3x3=9). However, remember that Extremis Trigger Word kills each model on a d6 roll of 1 after use and costs CP, so Priest support is preferable (especially if you lack an Endurant, but you shouldn't). Do remember you can use both if you feel the need however and it'll on average be able to wipe 21-40 GEQs, 6-12 MEQs or 3-5 TEQs with an
ungodly*BLAM* EMPEROR BLESSED number of attacks (48-93, to be exact). - Arco-Flagellants benefit massively from having an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor around, as it can use the Ordo Malleus power to give them a 5++. Since they have no save at all and rely on their FNP, this keeps them going a lot longer (they essentially get a re-roll to their 5+++). Use Coteaz to also cast Terrify on your victim, keeping them from using Overwatch.
- Crusaders: A basic human in carapace armour with a Storm Shield and a Power Sword. 2 attacks base, and a 5+++ against mortal wounds in the psychic phase only. Like your other melee options, they have the Zealot rule. However, they max out at 6 models per unit.
- These guys have been pretty much entirely superseded by Celstian Sacresants, who do everything Crusaders want to do but better, and are available in plastic.
- Palanite Subjugators from Necromunda make a good stand-in for Crusaders that isn't monopose resin, as they have big shields.
- Death Cult Assassins: The sword to the Crusaders' shield, Death Cult Assassins are a surprisingly deadly option. At 4 attacks each with SU(4) AP-3 D1, they're a blender, especially since you can buff them to 5 attacks each with a Priest. Their 7" move is a slight bonus, and they have a 5++. Like the Crusaders, they max out at 6 per unit and have Zealot, and unlike Crusaders, they have Always Strikes First.
- Like Crusaders above them, Death Cult Assassins lose out to newer units. Ironically, Celestian Sacresants perform the DCAs' role better as well when equipped with spears.
Other[edit | edit source]
- Ministorum Priest (Index): Your original Priest from the Index and the ASTRA MILITARUM Codex is technically still perfectly legal, having not been shoved into Legends (yet) and having the ADEPTUS MINISTORUM Keyword in any case. That said, with no access to Prayers, it's clear this is just a holdover from the previous edition.
- Gotfret de Montbard: A unique Crusader from the Blackstone fortress escalation box. He has Crusader stats including Zealot, Acts of Faith and Shield of Faith, but with 4 Wounds and Attacks, every hit of a 6 scores 2 hits and is a CHARACTER so he's safe from enemy fire and can Heroically Intervene. His S4 Power Sword attacks and 4++ are allright. For 35 points, not a terrible choice, very fluffy if you're building a Feudal World melee regiment, but your Elite slot is crowded as is and cheap as he is, you have access to cheaper units that support your army.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
- Dominion Squad: Dominions are your special weapon-wielding sisters, with the ability to move 6" (must end more than 9" away from the enemy) before the game begins along with their ride, if any, letting you move them up, or pull them behind cover if your opponent has the first turn. They have four special weapon slots, plus you can stick a combi-weapon on the Superior. Your options are overcosted S5 flamers, reasonably costed meltaguns, and artificer storm bolters, which are D2 storm bolters. However, meltaguns are a terrible choice, simply because a Retributor squad with 4 multimeltas will do the same thing but better. Instead, lean into the storm bolters and use the Blessed Bolts strat to get them to do real work - take a rhino and put in a 5 girl squad with 4 storm bolters and that full melta Retributor Squad just mentioned so when the Dominions move the Rhino the Retributors are dragged along, and happy hunting. You can give the two Superiors combi-plasmas.
- Seraphim Squad: Battle Sisters with jetpacks. Each girl dual-wields pistols - two can have a flame or inferno pistols, and the rest have bolts. They're cheap, and they hit on 3s in melee, but don't let that make you think it's a good idea to get them in melee; they're a shooty unit. Take your pick between flamers for infantry hunting and... look, all your other choices are worse, so take 2 girls with double hand flamer, 1 superior with plasma and bolt, and 2 double bolt, if you're going to take them, and use the Deadly Descent. If they survive their first enemy shooting phase, use them as harassment units and objective stealers.
- Zephyrim Squad: Close-combat Seraphim with 3 attacks base (4 for the Superior). Deep Strike per normal and the option to get a pennant that allows re-roll charges for ORDER Core Sisters within 6" of the model. With Power Swords for S+1 AP-3 D1, the Zephyrim are surprisingly ferocious against anything softer than Toughness 6, but bear in mind even with the re-roll they're cripplingly bad due to needing to make the charge in order to be allowed to attack - and they cost more than Seraphim do, base. Even Bloody Rose Zephyrim with The Passion up (so effectively A4(5 on the Superior) WS2+ S4 AP-4 D1) will struggle to do real work because their odds of making the charge are less than 50% and they lack tools for murdering enemy heavies. With Hand of the Emperor on top of a pennant you can get your charge odds up to 65.97% - but you'll still be better off with Repentias, and now their superior accuracy will be even more noticeable.
- These girls get a lot better with support you can't readily give them - for example, an Imagifier would be great if you could give one a jump pack, and a Dialogus would be even better, to use Miracle Dice to help make a charge even more likely and put War Hymn on them - except the Dialogus can't have a jump pack either, and of course you can't deep strike and then pray. It's just made of headaches trying to make these girls earn their keep, and you'll have a much easier time with Repentia for the same goal.
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
- Castigator Tank: Rather than just grant Sisters their own Predator, GW decided to announce a new sort of battle tank that seems functionally identical to the Predator. This cool looking piece of kit has a dubious honor of being a brand new kit in a fresh army that doesn't come out pushed to hell, it is decidedly mediocre over all, like most tanks.
- For weapons, you have three heavy bolters, and your choice of autocannons or a battle cannon.
- The Autocannon is 48" Heavy 4d3 S7 AP-1 D2.
- The Battle Cannon has two profiles, one of which is almost never useful:
- Pyre Shells are usually worse at 72" Heavy 3d3 S6 AP-1 D1, Blast, Ignores Cover. This is the best profile against GEQ.
- Sanctified Shells are usually better at 72" Heavy 1d6 S9 AP-3 D3, Blast.
- The Autocannon is better at murdering both GEQ and MEQ (well, if the target unit is 10 members or less), but the Battle Cannon is better at killing everything else.
- For weapons, you have three heavy bolters, and your choice of autocannons or a battle cannon.
- Exorcist: O, Fortuna! Quite possibly the single most iconic Sisters unit, the Exorcist is a powerful medium tank. It's armed with a heavy bolter on the nose and one of two primary weapons: The Exorcist Conflagration Rockets or the Exorcist Missile Launcher. The Conflagration rockets are Heavy 3d6 S5 AP-1 D1, Blast, Ignores Cover. This is fine and all, but Sisters aren't exactly short of anti-horde options. The second option is the Exorcist Missile Launcher, and it's what you're really here for. Heavy 3d3 means this bad girl averages 6 shots, at S8 AP-2 D1d6. Armed with this, your Exorcist can reliably engage and kill enemy heavy tanks.
- The Conflagration Rockets are overcosted and hence are only useful against GEQ.
- The Missile Launcher is the superior weapon choice
.but still can't keep up with a Castigator. Drivel. The Exorcist will put about 7 wounds on average to a usual "tank" profile (T7/3+) with a decent chance (~30%) to spike up to 10 wounds and an instant-boom. The Castigator only deals about 4-6 wounds with roughly a 3% chance to spike up and kill something outright. - Always roll your damage dice one at a time when attacking hard targets with the Exorcist. If the victim isn't in a state you like by the last die that's a perfect time for a Miracle.
- The Exorcist's got two special stratagems. Furious Recital is a relatively unimportant leadership debuff. Still, Devastating Refrain lets you spend 2CP to fire your missiles at targets that aren't in the tank's line of sight. Very valuable if your opponent tries to counter-deploy their armour to avoid your exorcists' batteries.
- Engines of Redemption:
- Mortifiers: An alternate build for Penitent Engines, Mortifiers have a similar profile and weapon options to the Penitent Engine, but one per unit can have a 3+ save instead of 4+, and they hit on 3+ instead of 4s. The biggest difference, though, is that you can give these girls Heavy Bolters instead of Heavy Flamers. That said, Heavy Bolters do only slightly more damage to multi-wound targets compared to Heavy Flamers (each Mortifier with a pair of Heavy Bolters should land 4 D2 hits, for D8 total, while a pair of Heavy Flamers lands 7 D1 hits, for D7 total - the HB Mortifiers deal 8/7 the dakka, but only to W2+ targets) and perform strictly worse against one-wound targets (provided you're in range), so be sure to use that 36" range and +5 PPM. Also, unlike penitent engines, mortifiers can't advance and charge - instead, if they die in melee before they get a chance to fight, on a 4+ they can fight right after the unit that killed them finishes fighting). However, because they're more accurate in melee once they get there, they'll outfight a Penitent Engine once they arrive, and they can credibly shoot things on the approach with Heavy Bolters, which is not to be discounted. Usually better than Penitent Engines.
- Penitent Engines: Think of it like an Arco-Flagellant on bath salts. Well, more bath salts than usual. With an 8" move and the ability to advance and charge (but not advance and shoot, including Argent Shroud since Engines lack an <Order> keyword), penitents have a decent threat range. Each one is armed with a pair of ministorum heavy flamers, and chooses between Penitent Flails, Penitent Saws, or one of each. Flails are a horde clearing option, double attacks at S5 AP-1 D1, while saws are your tank/marine killer with a normal amount of attacks at S8 AP-4 D2. Penitents have 4 attacks base, but 5 if you give a model two saws or flails, and they hit on 4s with full rerolls thanks to Zealot. With T5 and 5W, they have some bulk, but with only a 4+ sv and 5+++ FNP, that bulk will get worn away quickly. On the other hand, they're cheap, at 55 points each. Coming in units of 1-4, these guys are a fun threat.
- Broadly speaking, Mortifiers are the better option most of the time, owing to their added dakka and better accuracy, but the ability to advance and charge should not be discounted for a melee threat.
- Retributor Squad: The distaff counterpart to Space Marine Devastators. It's a Battle Sister squad with four heavy weapon slots, and they have the ability to ignore cover with their heavy weapons. By using Strategic Reserves, a 5 girl squad can flank in from the side for 1CP, then fire four heavy flamers at their victim plus two more with an Armorium Cherub, letting you wipe the screen off a critical unit.
- Heavy Flamers are S6 for Sisters, ideal for murdering GEQ especially with stratagem support. Heavy Bolters are good for camping objectives and going after lightly-armored units. Obviously Multimeltas reign supreme when it comes to hard target removal.
- For Heavy Flamers consider paying 10pts to give the superior a combi-melta. You'll be in range anyway and +1 to wound on a bunch of auto-hitting S6 shots is nothing to scoff at.
- Always take two Armorium Cherubs. They add a significant opening punch to your girls the first time they fire, especially powerful with the high-value shots of multi-meltas.
Fortification[edit | edit source]
- Battle Sanctum: 80 point terrain piece that your opponent can't do anything to stop. It has a 6" aura of -1 leadership for Chaos and +1 leadership for Ministorum, but the real reason to consider bringing it is that Cult Imperialis Priest and Adepta Sororitas Infantry units within the sanctum can perform an action - they start at the end of your movement phase and complete it at the end of the turn, granting you one miracle die. Not a terrible thing to do with a Battle Sister squad, but at that point you're investing at least 135 points into getting one additional miracle die per turn.
- In all other respects, the Battle Sanctum is a Ruin, which means you can bring your own LOS blocking terrain. Is it worth it? Maybe.
- The Battle Sanctum, if you build it as pictured on the box, is absolutely huge, so much so that it can be hard to fit it on the board, since fortifications have to be 3" away from other scenery, but on the other hand, its rules don't give it a fixed composition, and several different arrangements are pictured in the codex, so build it how you like. You can even build the parts in the box to be two semicircles that can be either a single circular temple or a two-level wall.
Orders[edit | edit source]
Order of the Valorous Heart[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, the path of pain tempers the strongest Faith.
These sisters are always in a state of imposed penance, as they feel responsible of the Age of Apostasy and believe it is their solemn duty to repay the Imperium for all the trouble they caused it. They stand, alone, unbending and unbreakable against their foe, bearing the brunt of fire and powering through it, till the battle is won.
On the tabletop, they are great at defending and holding positions, as with the right buffs and positioning, you'll be sitting with a 2+ armour save, ignoring all AP-1 weapons and reducing AP-2 to AP-1. Combined with the 5+ FNP against Mortal Wounds (about the one thing that will make them fall like rain), these girls can dig into an objective like an Alabama tick, infuriating even the most stoic of Imperial Fists player with how immovable they are.
- Order Conviction - Stoic Endurance: 5+++ against mortals for models with this <ORDER>. In addition, attacks against them cannot re-roll to wound.
- This is maybe the best overall <ORDER> for your sisters if you are running many infantry units. It helps mitigate one of Sisters' biggest weakness, which is staying power as an army. And is what Shield of Faith should have been all along, not a 6++ on power armoured models. With Armour of Contempt offering the old AP reduction to all models, you simply become even tankier.
- Warlord Trait - Impervious to Pain: 5+++ FNP to normal wounds, also regain 1 lost wound on performance of an Act of Faith.
- Relics - Casket of Penance: -1 Toughness to enemy units within 3" of a model with this relic, which also deals -1 Strength if the unit has the Chaos keyword. This is actually kind of handy on a Canoness who wants to be in the thick of it anyway, and since it's a Toughness debuff instead of a to-wound buff, it'll even help your Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave units or allies.
- Stratagems - Blind Faith (1 CP): Use at the start of your Shooting or Fighting Phase. A single Order of the Valorous Heart unit may ignore to-hit modifiers. Nice for swatting those thrice-damned xenos flyers or stealth-spammers.
- Tactics
- Find an objective. Plop your sisters on it, and refuse to move. Bonus if it's in cover. Out-stay Imperial Fists. Remember to bring bonuses to your Invulnerable save.
Order of Our Martyred Lady[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, Faith is proven with Sacrifice.
This order seeks to emulate the sacrifice of their founding Saint Katherine by any means possible.
On the tabletop, they like to die, as you gain power as you take casualties. Intelligent enemies who tend to be selective with what they kill will regret it if they don't finish the job. Even if they do wipe out that unit, they will still have to deal with the fact that they just gave you a new Miracle Die.
- Order Conviction - The Blood of Martyrs: At the end of any phase other than the Morale Phase where a unit with this Conviction was destroyed, earn a Miracle Die (this is in addition to Miracle Dice earned from the death of a Character that could use AoF). Additionally, add 1 to hit for any unit which has lost at least one model.
- An interesting, if risky, ability which might lend itself to a handful of expendable MSUs backed up by larger units which can have lost models revived by a Hospitaller (though they lose the bonus if brought back to full strength.) This seems like a bit of a double-edged sword, as intelligent opponents will work to wipe entire squads much like Necron Reanimation Protocols... but on the other hand, if they do that they'll still give you those Miracle Dice.
- Synergizes well with combiplasmas on your Sisters Superior - if they die to their own plasma, the rest of the unit will immediately gain the +1 to hit.
- Absolutely no synergy with flame weapons, since they can't benefit from +1 to hit.
- The Spirit of the Martyr Sacred Rite seems like it would be a good fit here since it'll give you even more opportunities to get something useful out of a destroyed unit.
- Warlord Traits:
- Shield Bearer: +1 to wound Characteristic & +1 Armor Save (Max 2+).
- Pass, use cover to get a 2+ armor save -OR- better yet, don't let your Character get shot at in the first place. Take Indomitable Belief over this.
- Saintly Example: Your warlord gains another generic WT on top of this. If they ever die, another Order of Our Martyred Lady Character immediately gets to generate a WT and will count as the Warlord for all intents and purposes. Any objectives that require killing the Warlord will only be fulfilled by killing every character in your army.
- Am I...Alpharius? Fortunately, you have the option of bringing plenty of characters considering how much of your Elites roster they compose.
- Saint Katherine's Legacy: The Spirit of the Martyr rite is active for the warlord only. On top of this, they get a 6" aura that procs the mortal wound from Spirit of the Martyr on a 5+ instead of a 6+ for any friendly Sisters.
- Martyr's Strength: For each wound lost, the warlord adds +1 to their Strength and Attacks to a maximum of +2.
- Shield Bearer: +1 to wound Characteristic & +1 Armor Save (Max 2+).
- Relics:
- Blade of Sacrifice: Replaces a power sword. Has S+1 AP-3 D1, but every time the bearer fights, they can sacrifice a wound or two in order to deal that many MWs to an enemy on a successful wound roll. Maybe it'll see more use with the Martyr's Strength WT, but by itself it's likely not considering how squishy your characters are. Can be used toghter with the Martyr's strenght warlord traits to create a mortal wounds machine, theoretically dealing up to 32 mortal wounds with all possible buffs, enough to kill any imperial knight.
- Candela Scroll: Imagifier only. Once per game on your command phase, the Imagifier can activate this relic, granting a 6" aura that grants an additional attack for any Order of Our Martyred Lady Core of Character units within it.
- Helm of the Fiery Heart: Once per battle before rolling a save, this helm can activate, providing a 2++ invuln for the phase. It's at best a neat little trick to foil some surprise IMPERIAL FISTING or murder-crit, but little else.
- Martyr's Vengeance: Replaces an Inferno Pistol. 12" S9 D1d6+3 Inferno Pistol that has no range restrictions for damage. Not exceedingly useful given how many other good relics Sisters get... but you do wound T8's on 3's (reliably wounding Titans is a thing).
- Sceptre of Vengeance: Dogmata only. This replaces their weapon with a power fist-tier Sx2 AP-2 D2 murder weapon that adds +1 to wound against Tyranids, meaning you'll be denting Fexes and Tyrants on a 4+. For those instances, a Psalm of Righteous Smiting will definitely be what you need to get an edge over them.
- Stratagems:
- Death Before Disgrace (1 CP): Pick one Order of Our Martyred Lady Infantry or Warsuit unit during the movement phase. Until your next movement phase, this unit can't fall back for any reason and gains ObSec (with units already having ObSec counting as an additional model).
- Exemplar of the Order (1 CP): Generic extra WT stratagem, using one of the three from the new Charadon book.
- Honor the Martyrs (1CP): Use when a Order of Our Martyred Lady Character is slain. For the rest of the battle, Order units re-roll 1s to hit against the unit that killed the character.
- Turns a B-list character into a torpedo that you charge towards your opponent's Biggest Baddest Deadkilly-est "THING" that they have (i.e. a Titan, Magnus the Red, Chapter Master Smashfucker, etc). Doesn't even matter if they die in the incoming overwatch fire.
- Combos with "Martyred" or "Divine Intervention" Stratagems. KNOW which you are going to play BEFORE you commit.
- Note: You are NOT getting your sacrificial character back with a Hospitaller's rez and using "Divine Intervention" prevents miracle dice/CP gains for having lost that character that turn...
- Turns a B-list character into a torpedo that you charge towards your opponent's Biggest Baddest Deadkilly-est "THING" that they have (i.e. a Titan, Magnus the Red, Chapter Master Smashfucker, etc). Doesn't even matter if they die in the incoming overwatch fire.
- A Martyr's Duty (1 CP): Use in any phase where a Order of Our Martyred Lady Core is under attack. Whenever a model dies, they can take one last shot/swing on a 4+, triggering before the Spirit of the Martyr rite if you have that active.
- Martyr's Pyre (1 CP): Pick a Order of Our Martyred Lady Infantry unit during the shooting phase that's engaged with an enemy unit or two. For this phase, all flame weapons count as pistols (Yes, that includes heavy flamers!). Any model with a flamer that shoots this turn can roll a d6, with a 1 allowing them to shoot again, but at the cost of their life.
- Pious Machine Spirit (1 CP): Pick a Order of Our Martyred Lady Vehicle with 10+ maximum wounds during the command phase. Until your next command phase, this tank counts as having their max wounds.
- Rejoice the Fallen (2 CP): At the end of the opponent's shooting phase, you can have a Order of Our Martyred Lady unit that has fallen below half-strength during this phase open fire immediately. Get you some payback, but hope you're not forced to fire at something you're ill-equipped to handle.
- Vengeance for Armageddon (1 CP): When a Order of Our Martyred Lady fights, they re-roll to hit an ork unit.
- Zealous Death Wish (1 CP): When a Order of Our Martyred Lady unit fights, they gain +1 to hit if the enemy outnumbers them by 5 or more models (Vehicles count as 5 models for the sake of this)
- Special Characters
- Canoness Superior Junith Eruita: A unique character that rides atop 'The pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica'. 10" Fly WS2+ BS2+ S3 T4 W7 A4 Ld9 Sv3+/4++. Armed with TWO Heavy Flamers and a S+3 AP-2 D2 melee weapon, The Mace of Castigation. Sadly lost her reroll 1s to wound aura, now acting like a chapter master (one <ORDER> Core or Character unit within 6" gets full hit rerolls while other <ORDER> Core units get reroll 1s to hit). Also lost the +1 to Shield of Faith saves for providing a 6" bubble of Light Cover to OML Infantry. If chosen as your warlord she has the "Inspiring Orator" warlord trait, making her Ld10 and <order> units can use her leadership instead if within 6". She counts as a vehicle that when destroyed explodes on a 6 dealing 1 mortal wound to each unit within 3"... and earns you two Miracle Dice.
- It's highly suggested that you use Seraphim and/or Zephyrim units to escort her around the tabletop. She may not buff their invuls anymore, she can keep up with the jump pack girls, give them a 2+ armor out in the open, and give them reroll 1s to hit (or a single unit re-roll all hits, helping Zephyrim punch up with their S4 swords).
- Being able to share Ld10 when chosen as your warlord means morale tests are a lot less of an issue; therefore it's now possible to run larger units to be able to use this order's convictions.
- Canoness Superior Junith Eruita: A unique character that rides atop 'The pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica'. 10" Fly WS2+ BS2+ S3 T4 W7 A4 Ld9 Sv3+/4++. Armed with TWO Heavy Flamers and a S+3 AP-2 D2 melee weapon, The Mace of Castigation. Sadly lost her reroll 1s to wound aura, now acting like a chapter master (one <ORDER> Core or Character unit within 6" gets full hit rerolls while other <ORDER> Core units get reroll 1s to hit). Also lost the +1 to Shield of Faith saves for providing a 6" bubble of Light Cover to OML Infantry. If chosen as your warlord she has the "Inspiring Orator" warlord trait, making her Ld10 and <order> units can use her leadership instead if within 6". She counts as a vehicle that when destroyed explodes on a 6 dealing 1 mortal wound to each unit within 3"... and earns you two Miracle Dice.
- Tactics
- It's surprisingly effective to run Repentia units with this order, each time your opponent kills a unit of them you earn TWO Miracle Dice.
- Consider taking a sacrificial vanguard detachment Martyr Repentias to fill up Miracle Dice pools.
- Plasma is cheaper than melta, Is better suited against elite troops/bikes AND has the much needed RANGE that sisters generally lack. Granting an army wide re-roll 1s to hit is just the thing for plasma weaponry effectiveness(honestly everything likes re-rolling 1s). So If you wanted to run a Sisters list with plasma in it here you go.
- It's surprisingly effective to run Repentia units with this order, each time your opponent kills a unit of them you earn TWO Miracle Dice.
Order of the Ebon Chalice[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is no place for doubts.
This Order is the oldest and most traditional of all the Sisterhood Orders and are also the most blunt and direct. They land, kill the enemy and leave and have no time for pomp and ceremony, and are also the Order that closest resembles the original Daughter of the Emperor in terms of organisation and tactics.
On the tabletop, they have the level of faith you imagine Adeptus Ministorum would have: anti-Psyker tools, guaranteed 6s, and Maximum Firepower.
- Order Conviction - Daughters of the Emperor: You pick 2 Sacred Rites, instead of picking 1 or rolling for 2; only units with this Conviction get the second one. You also get the standard Perfervid Belief conviction Orders Minoris can take: Each time a model or unit with this conviction performs an Act of Faith, you can first discard 1 Miracle die. If you do so, 1 Miracle die you use in that Act of Faith is considered to be a 6 (irrespective of its actual value).
- Warlord Trait - Terrible Knowledge: As long as your Warlord is on the battlefield the Miracle Die you gain at the start of the first battle round is a 6. Also, while the warlord is on the battlefield your command points have 5+++ (meaning you get to roll a die and refund a point on 5+ each time you spend one)
- If you're playing Ebon Chalice, spend the CP for Heroine in Training. Worst case, you get the Miracle Die thing and it's likely you'll make at least 1 CP back from using stratagems over the course of the game.
- Relic - Annunciation of the Creed: Replaces a Condemnor Boltgun. Bolter half is the same, but the stake is 24" Assault 1 S4 AP-2 D2. It can target characters like a sniper (honestly, all Condemnor Boltguns should be able to do this GW...) and against Psykers does 3 mortal wounds on top of the base damage.
- Psykers are annoying and usually weak-bodied; being able to start shooting them by turn 2 is great.
- "Suffer Not the Witch" (1CP) lets you threaten the unusual STRONG BODIED Psykers like the Thousand Sons.
- Stratagem - Cleansing Flames (2 CP): Use when Shooting. One ORDER of the Ebon Chalice unit adds +4" to the range of their flamer weapons and a wound roll of 4+ deals a mortal wound - though you're capped to only three MWs per turn.
- Tactics
- Do you like Flamers? Do you like applying meltas directly to the forehead of your enemies? GOOD, cus you're in the right place for both of those things!
Order of the Argent Shroud[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, Actions speak louder than Words.
These girls are absolute she-bros and belive that the truest way to worship the Emperor is with the wars of faith they wage, not the hymns they speak. They have taken it as their duty to protect the people of the Emperor and his empire, and will fight to the bitter and bloody end to shield and aid the wider Imperium .
On the tabletop, they are the most mobile shooting order. Their infantry and tanks will have the easiest time getting into Rapid fire and Melta range without sacrificing a turn of shooting.
- Order Conviction - Deeds, Not Words: When a model with this Conviction makes a normal move or advances, it can fire its weapons as if it hadn't moved at all. In addition, you get the Guided by the Emperor's Will conviction: each time a unit with this conviction is selected to shoot or fight, you may re-roll one hit roll or one wound roll.
- More maneuverability never hurt anyone. Combine with new Retributors and their ability to move and ignore the penalty to fire Heavy for incredibly mobile heavy weapons.
- Eldar wish they had this, imagine running Dominion Squads with Stormbolters or Retributor Squads with Multi-Meltas and suffer no penalties.
- The free re-roll is spectacular. Obviously benefits MSU lists as more units means more re-rolls.
- You know how your characters are no longer affected by re-roll auras? Well now they don't need them.
- Warlord Trait- Selfless Heroism: Gain a 6" Heroic Intervention range, moving 6" during it, and fights first. Generally pants because of it's severely limited use. Toss it to a Palatine.
- Relics - Quicksilver Veil: -1 to hit the bearer and +3" movement range. That speed boost is very worth it for the buffs, and the stealth buff is just icing.
- Stratagems - Faith is Our Shield (1CP): Give a unit a 4+++ FNP against Mortal Wounds for a Phase. For one CP that's pretty damn sweet and makes for a good defense if your Deny The Witch rolls aren't going so hot
- Tactics
- Argent Shroud tactics can be described in three words: Run and Gun. Sisters are chronically limited in their threat range, so anything to improve that will greatly benefit them. Obviously advancing is not very consistent but that's what miracle dice are for! Stand out units are obviously Dominions and Retributors since they already are kitted for bear with heavy and special weapons that need to be up close and personal, and both of them have special rules that interact well with your conviction. Retributors can fire their heavy weapons with no penalty after moving, and can stack additional range onto their heavy flamers or multi meltas. The free reroll also makes your sisters much more accurate, especially on small melta squads.
Order of the Bloody Rose[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, True devotion is proved with blood.
The Order of the Bloody Rose embody all the bristling hate and anger that Sisters are known for. They slaughter, kill and purge any thing heretical with a level of seething hatred they make the Black Templars look calm.
On the tabletop, They are the most cc focused order. Aggression is rewarded with more attacks and getting AP on their fists. Stack more CC buffs then teach them the fury of the Emperor. The expanded rules from Warzone Nachmund have also given them a bit of a martyr theming, letting sacrifices offer a bit more.
- Order Convictions - Quick to Anger: Units with this <ORDER> gain +1 attack when they charge/are charged/perform a heroic intervention. You also get the Orders Minoris conviction Holy Wrath: Melee weapons get additional -1AP when the unit charges/is charged/does a heroic intervention.
- This trait obviously makes your melee units even better , as Repentia, Celestian Sacrosants, and Zephyrim all get extra attacks to kick the shit out of what they ran into (Penitent Engines and Mortifiers do not have the <ORDER> keyword). The less scary part of the trait is the additional AP-1 on all melee weapons (including your SU AP0 D1 "bare hands"). And as if that wasn't enough, this trait affects your relics (the Blessed Blade of ass-kicking is now AP-4). Rip and Tear,
- This trait also makes your non melee units passable-good (if not exceptional) in combat, with -1 AP and +1 A, and with the stratagem 'Tear Them Down" in the back pocket... you might not be able to push off elite melee troops, but you can cut down some low to mid level chaff.
- Warlord Traits:
- Blazing Ire: +1 Attack and can Advance and Charge. Not bad, but generally Righteous Rage is more interesting for a beatstick, since it helps to compensate for low Strength.
- Fiery Example: The warlord gains +1 to wound enemy characters, which is always welcome. They gain two miracle dice whenever they kill an enemy character.
- Incandescent Reprisal: 5+++ and if once per phase can shoot/fight back once per phase when shot at or was fought and lost any wounds.
- Red-Handed Castigator: Warlord can reroll all hits if she made a charge move, was charged or made a Heroic Intervention and if she destroyed any enemy unit then the Miracle Dice for Vengeance at the end of the phase will be an automatic 6.
- Relics:
- Armour of True Sacrifice: Improves the bearer's save to a 2+ and gives them a miracle die during a turn where they lose at least one wound.
- Beneficence: Replaces a chainsword. S+2 AP-2 D1, A+3 instead of just A+1, with another +1d3 (total A+3+d3) when you fight a unit with more than 6 models within 3". One-wound models suffer critical existence failure when she charges, while marines are going to be fighting for their lives.
- Remember, a default canoness will tear through most things that don't have invuln saves or ways of ignoring wounds. She's amazing when she gets the charge off and terrifyingly brutal when you have some extra buffs on her. However, just because she can murder marines in her sleep, it doesn't mean you should go off and charge marines willy-nilly. She's a blender, not a semi.
- Mina's Wrath: Replaces a Power Sword, S+2 AP-3 D2 and deals 2MW instead of other damage on a nat 6 to wound.
- Icon of the Crimson Martyr: Gives Order of the Bloody Rose Imagifier +1W and extra ability, that gives additional Miracle Dice if any Order of the Bloody Rose Core units were destroyed within 6" of it. Not an Aura ability, so good luck turning this of.
- Stratagems:
- Scourge of the Penitent (1/2 CP): In your Command Phase Order of the Bloody Rose Repentia Superior can pick a unit of Sisters Repentia and give them +1 to Charge rolls 'till the end of the turn. 2CP if unit has 6+ models.
- Clear the Flanks (1 CP): Pick an enemy unit within 6" of battlefield edge in your Shooting phase. All your Order of the Bloody Rose units re-roll 1s to wound against it.
- Outrage of the Matriarch (1 CP): When Order of the Bloody Rose Character fights, give her +1 to wound and extra -2 AP on a natural 6 to wound against unit that has more Wounds then her.
- Carry Forth the Faithful (1/2 CP): Pregame move for your transtport, if it has someone other than Dominion Squad embarked. Can be used only once and costs 2 CP if unit inside is either Retributor Squad or Sisters Repentia.
- Savage Twist (1 CP): When Order of the Bloody Rose Infantry unit fights, give it +1D on all Melee weapons except Close Combat Weapon (hands).
- Fuelled by Rage (1/2 CP): Pick one Order of the Bloody Rose Core unit that's being shot at. Whenever a model from this unit dies, they can hold on for a little bit longer on a 4+, letting them fire their gun once before dying. This costs 2 CP for Retributor squads, which you'll be feeling the most by having the big guns.
- Catechism of Wrathful Defiance (1/2 CP): In your Command phase pick one Order of the Bloody Rose Infantry unit. If enemy unit is both within 6" and targets aforementioned unit enemy has -1 to hit malus.
- Tear Them Down (1 CP): Use at the start of the Fight Phase, choose a unit. Attacks made by that Order of the Bloody Rose unit auto-wound on a 6 to hit. A Bloody Rose repentia squad is already scary enough, now imagine some of those hits not having to worry about wounding now.
- Dedicated melee units like Zephyrim, Celestian Sacrosants, Sisters Repentia, and a Canoness armed with Beneficence or the Blade of Admonition are the obvious recipients of choice, but don't be hesitant to use this with other units as well.
- Wade into the Foe (1 CP): Pick one Order of the Bloody Rose Paragon Warsuits unit that charged. For that fight phase, they can score an additional hit on a 4+ to hit against an enemy unit of 6+ models.
- Tactics
- In general, playing Bloody Rose transforms your army from a midranged force with some melee options into a melee force. The extra AP and attack on the charge unlocks a lot of units that otherwise have only middling potential - Sacresants with maces deserve special attention here. Play Bloody Rose if you plan on building around any melee Sisters units. If you don't want to play Bloody Rose, consider using the Ministorum units that don't get Order benefits anyway for your melee.
Order of the Sacred Rose[edit | edit source]

In the grim darkness of the far future, only the faithful are rewarded.
The Sacred Rose aspire to be the unyielding golden light. They are loyal, unflinching and remain calm in even the most dire of times, and act as beacons of light for all Imperial forces around them helping them rally and find their faith in the Emperor when it has all but vanished.
On the tabletop, they are defensively disciplined and more importantly replacing used miracle dice like Command points (the broken not once per turn way).
- Orders Convictions - Devout Serenity: Auto-pass any combat attrition test. Additionally, whenever you use a miracle die for an act of faith, roll a D6. On a 4+, gain a miracle die.
- Consider using a "sacrificial" Martyred Lady screening detachment (i.e. Vanguard of Our Martyred Lady Repentias, two dice per unit sacked) for your army to help fill up your miracle dice pool. If you decide to use acts more liberally, you'll get more mileage out of it.
- Warlord Trait - Light of the Emperor: Whenever this warlord uses an act of faith, the first die they expend will ALWAYS be a 6. In addition, gain a 6" aura allowing Order of the Sacred Rose Core units within 6" to shoot after falling back.
- Relics - Light of St. Agaetha: Replaces a Brazier of Holy Fire with one that's unlimited use. Oh hell yeah, this is incredible for some backup, even if you can't use any flamer-boosting tricks.
- Stratagems - The Emperor's Judgement (1 CP): Pick an Order of the Sacred Rose unit that is firing during the Shooting Phase. Unmodified hit rolls of 6 get an additional hit.
- Fortunately this won't discriminate on gun type, but you will still suffer from the number of shots this will affect.
- Remember that Miracle Dice count as unmodified rolls of that number. If you have a spare 6 and are firing your Canoness' Inferno Pistol, why not pop this for double the shots?
- Tactics
- Spam "Light of the Emperor" Warlord Trait + "Vessel of the Emperor's Will" stratagem combo.
- Consider giving "Light of St. Agnatha" relic as well for some sweet sweet 12" mortal wound action
- Use Battle Sanctum terrain (50-Pts ea, 3 for 150-Pts).
- Note - you only get 1 miracle die per turn regardless of how many sanctums you have on the board. However, multiples does mean that you don't need to remain stationed in one building all game
- Use a Cheerleader Canoness (ideally ON a Battle Sanctum).
- Use Incensor Cherubs to capture extra miracle dice.
- Spam "Light of the Emperor" Warlord Trait + "Vessel of the Emperor's Will" stratagem combo.
Orders Minoris[edit | edit source]
In the grim darkness of the far future, heroes can emerge from even the humblest of origins.
It's an edition overdue, but now there's a way for custom convictions. Like space marines and dark eldar, you pick and mix between two different, smaller convictions.
- In the Footsteps of Saints: You can't take another conviction, but you imitate one of the Orders Militant with their convictions and can use their stratagem and WT. Can't grab their relics though.
- Conviction of Faith: So long as all your <Order> units have this conviction, you can re-roll any miracle dice that show a 1.
- Devout Fanaticism: Any time a unit charges, gets charged, or performs a heroic intervention, you add +1 to hit. Incompatible with Holy Wrath.
- The trait of choice for a repentia-heavy army.
- Guided by the Emperor's Will: Your units can re-roll one hit or wound roll when fighting or shooting. At least you don't need the Canoness's Rod of Office as much.
- Hallowed Martyrs: Units below half strength get to add +1 to hit.
- Holy Wrath: Any time a unit charges, gets charged, or performs a heroic intervention, you add -1 to AP. Incompatible with Devout Fanaticism.
- Perfervid Belief: When using an act of faith, you can spend another miracle die to guarantee a 6 on your next one.
- Purifying Recitations: +3 to any rolls when using Shield of Faith to deny the witch, though it won't work with anything else that influences these rolls like the Pure of Faith stratagem. Still an incredibly useful trait to have for reliable anti-psyker power.
- Raging Fervour: When firing a melta weapon, pistols and assault weapons always count as being in half range, as do heavy weapons when targeting enemies within 18". Incompatible with Rites of Fire or Unshakeable Vengeance.
- While useful for those units that do use meltas, wasting a conviction on it is kinda iffy, as e.g. your bolter bitches won't benefit at all.
- Righteous Suffering: Any wound rolls against you of 2 auto-fail. For your mostly T3 army, this means you're at -1 to be wounded against S6+.
- Rites of Fire: All flamer weapons add +4" to their range. Incompatible with Raging Fervour or Unshakeable Vengeance.
- So, remember how Retributors lost range on their heavy flamers? Well, now you have that back and then some, made to incinerate whatever you see from safer away.
- Shield of Aversion: Incoming attacks with AP-1 now count as AP0, decent standby to shut off choppas and small arms.
- Slayers of Heretics: Attacks against enemy characters add +1 to hit.
- Unbridled Valour: +1 to all combat attrition checks. Is this really worth it?
- Unshakeable Vengeance: All bolt weapons ignore modifiers to hit. Incompatible with Raging Fervour or Rites of Fire.
- Probably the most usable because of how many boltguns you're packing between combis and normal bolters. That said, the primary benefit here is far and away the effect on combi-flamers, where it radically outperforms Rites of Fire.
- Witch Hunters: Re-roll hit rolls of 1 against psykers while also re-rolling wound rolls of 1 against psyker characters.
- The number of armies where this would see this much use are few: Craftworlders, Grey Knights, and Thousand Sons. Against anyone else, this isn't worth it.
Tactics and Strategy[edit | edit source]
Managing Miracle Dice[edit | edit source]
Generation[edit | edit source]
- You gain one miracle die at the start of each battle turn, and one at the end of each phase where any of the following conditions are met:
- Vengeance: A unit from your army with the AoF ability destroys an enemy unit.
- Sacrifice: A CHARACTER from your army with AoF is destroyed.
- When you gain a die, you roll a D6 and you put it aside for later use with the value you got.
- The following abilities generate one additional Miracle Die a round: Beacon of Faith Warlord Trait [nerfed and has to be used by the warlord that round], the Battle Sanctum terrain piece, and the Triumph of St. Katherine.
- The following stratagems have interplay with Miracle Dice: Test of Faith which grants D3 MD in addition to the one granted normally for Purity or Valour. Vessel of the Emperor's Will gives you a MD if a character just used an Act of Faith. Moment's Grace allows you to discard 1-3 MD to improve a hit/wound/save roll by the number of dice discarded. Divine Intervention allows you to discard 1-3 dice, giving a revived character wounds equal to the number of dice discarded. Faith and Fury allows you to use the Miracle Dice used on the Hit Roll to be used on the Wound Roll.
- The following rules grant dice manipulation of a deployed Miracle Die: The Dialogus and Triumph of Saint Katherine may add one or subtract one from the die, to a min of 1 and max of 6, and they cannot stack on a single die. The Ebon Chalice's Conviction Daughters of the Emperor allows you to discard an MD to make another a result of a 6, and so does the Orders Minoris Conviction Perfervid Belief.
- The following rules have unique generation or re-roll mechanics: The Sacred Rose conviction Devout Serenity allows you to roll a D6 after performing an AoF. On a 4+, you get an MD. The Sacred Rose Warlord Trait Light of the Emperor allows you to forego the roll for Devout Serenity if the AoF was undertaken by the Warlord. The Ebon Chalice Warlord Trait Terrible Knowledge makes the die you receive at the start of the first round (just the one) a 6. The Litanies of Faith Relic allows you to re-roll a Miracle Die result once per turn.
- The cherubs that the Battle Sister Squad, Celestian Squad, and Dominions can purchase allow you to discard it, roll 2D6, and pick the best result. This is a Miracle Die that the unit must use or lose this phase on an Act of Faith.
Spending[edit | edit source]
- Your units with Acts of Faith can, instead of making a roll normally, pick Miracle Dice from the pool and take their values. The dice are then lost. You can't take more dice than the roll requires; you can take fewer, which means you roll any dice you didn't replace.
- So, for example, you can replace 1 die from a charge roll and roll the other one.
- Since you have to replace before rolling at all, you can't use AoF on re-rolls - once you've rolled dice, it's too late to replace them.
- Ordinarily you can only do a single Act of Faith each phase!
- You can use Miracle dice for the following actions:
- Advance roll
- Charge roll
- Hit roll
- Wound roll
- Saving throw
- Damage roll
- Morale test
- Sacred Rose units can recycle Miracle Dice if they roll a 4+ when they spend a Miracle Die. A tricky way to hoard dice with them is to take Incensor Cherubs, as much as you can, and when they are activated and you spend the Miracle Die they generated, you have a 50% chance to turn a temporary die into a permanent one.
Superior Equipment[edit | edit source]
Much like your marine Bretheren, the Bolter Bitches have all kinds of special equipment that can be taken on your squad leaders. Unless you have a specific build in mind, you cannot go wrong with an Artificer Storm Bolter [Legends] and Chainsword, as you get another Sister for the price of half. Sometimes a unit can even use these upgrades to scare off charges, though obviously some players/armies won't give two shits about this.
- If your squad is expecting to run into some big men/monsters/abominations of
GodThe Emperor, the Power Sword won't be found wanting for AP. Even the Bananas and Mechwarriors don't like AP-3. If you really want hordes to die, the Maul is slightly better than either flavor of sword for killing, turning a Superior into the poor man's melee Assault Cannon. - While the Condemnor Boltgun is not as good as the Artificer Storm Bolter, Thousand Sons and Grey Knights have a ton of Psyker units with invulns that you can throw some mortal wounds to.
Allies[edit | edit source]
Note: This section has yet to be updated for 9th edition. Keep in mind allies are only allowed in free play and matched play, because fucking meta-chasers were double dipping with multi-detachment/soup armies.
Rule I: If your detachment includes any units that aren't ADEPTUS MINISTORUM or AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM, you lose your Acts of Faith, so keep in mind that by dabbling in the wider Imperium you're making a tradeoff.
Rule II: Sisters' primary weakness is access to S9 and above, and long ranged firepower. The only weapon in their list that reaches beyond 36" is the Exorcist, and other than that their entire anti tank arsenal is melta weapons. They also have no access to psychic powers of their own. Keep this in mind when selecting your allies.
- Inquisition: These guys have Agents of the Imperium thanks to Psychic Awakening, so you keep your Acts of Faith. A Sisters force, since they are Imperium, can include a single Inquisitor in one of their detachments; this is very helpful as Inquisition can provide you with much needed Psyker support. Furthermore, for 1CP you can give them a Warlord trait and (if not a named character) a Relic. Each of the Ordos has its role: Ordo Xenos can provide CP recycling, helpful if you aren't running double battalion. Ordo Hereticus has access to the Ascertainment power, which is the best anti-melee debuff in the game and can keep your fragile melee units in the running long enough for them to do their job. Ordo Malleus gets additional casts and debuffs, helping even more with psychic powers. All of the named Inquisitors can fulfill useful roles as well, but the top choices are:
- Basic Inquisitor - CP Farming - Esoteric Lore warlord trait; stratagems: Arbiter of the Emperor's Will (maybe Alpha-Class Psyker and Strategic Excruciation); the psychic power Terrify; switch the Bolt pistol for a Storm Bolter and take the Blackshroud Relic. The idea is to keep this guy protected in the back as a CP battery. You could toy with Mental Interrogation and Psychic Veil for a different build, but this is supposed to be a bare-bones Inquisitor.
- Basic Inquisitor - Melee Monster - Esoteric Lore warlord trait; stratagems: Arbiter of the Emperor's Will (maybe Alpha-Class Psyker and Strategic Excruciation); the psychic power Psychic Veil; switch the Bolt pistol for a Plasma Gun, get a Force Sword and take the Universal Anathema Relic. They demolish anything that isn't a vehicle in close combat, and do even better vs Xenos. Then they can make a 6" bubble of no-targeting unless closest for Xenos units, and yes that protects them from snipers.
- Basic Inquisitor - Cheap Magic - Psychic Mastery warlord trait; stratagems: Alpha-Class Psyker and Arbiter of the Emperor's Will; that gives you 2 casts, 3 denies, 3 known powers, so depending on your play style pick 3 of the following powers: Castigation, Mental Interrogation, Terrify, Warding Incantation; switch the Bolt pistol for a Plasma gun or a Meltagun depending on your play style and take the Blackshroud Relic.
- Coteaz - Points efficient all-rounder - 3 casts, 2 denies, and 2 known (taking the Psychic Mastery warlord trait) with solid offense and defense and one interesting ability. What's not to love?
- Rex - Deny the witch - He can cast 2, deny 3 (with +1 within 12") and knows 2, he's a tank, and amazing against daemons. A top caster and the best denier, a solid option but almost twice the points of a basic inquisitor.
- Basic Inquisitor - Reliable Unit - Radical warlord trait; stratagems: Alpha-Class Psyker, Arbiter of the Emperor's Will, and Strategic Excruciation; the psychic powers Mental Interrogation and Terrify; switch the Bolt pistol for a Plasma gun and take the Blackshroud Relic. This guy is solid as a caster and good to kill characters (Overcharge and the Quarry rule mitigates risks).
- Assassins: As of War of the Spider, these no longer cost you Sacred Rites. Any will set you back 100 points, but you can spend 2CP to swap em out during deployment. Your options are:
- 'The Culexus': The anti-psyker. An 18" bubble of -2 to cast, punches through armour saves (though not invulns), and can only be hit on a 6+ (barring special rules). Useful against Psykers or if you want to deepstrike him into the back lines to pull off an Action-based secondary.
- 'The Callidus': The shapeshifter. In the first Battle Round, even if she's not on the table, each time your opponent uses a stratagem, on a 4+ they spend an extra CP. If they're unable to afford it (i.e. if they're at 0), they don't get a refund. She also deepstrikes in 3+d6" away from the enemy, has a gun that shoots mortal wounds, and her sword is AP-3 and doesn't permit invulns to be taken against it. Take her if you think you have a weak first turn and need to protect against an alpha strike, or if you desperately want to kill models with good invulns and crap saves. She's also the best at killing other Assassins in melee.
- 'The Eversor': The berserker. He's a horde killer, he shoots shit when they run away from him, and he charges 3d6". Unfortunately he's not really that great for Sisters, since he doesn't really do anything for us that we don't already have (except maybe against hordey Orks)
- 'The Vindicare': The sniper. He's got a 72" Heavy 1 S5 AP-3 D1d3 gun that ignores invuln saves and always wounds 'INFANTRY' on a 2+. On the other hand, he's numerically the worst Assassin at doing damage without CP investment. He's the best at killing the Cuxelus, since he always hits on a 2+ as long as he hasn't moved, and he's actually got an interesting synergy with Sisters: Grab a Battle Sanctum, park him on the Balcony and have a squad of sisters hide inside on the second floor. The angle makes them almost impossible to see, and he's protected by Look Out Sir!. On the other hand, that's a 55 point investment into protecting him that we didn't need to spend in 8th. Take him if you wanna snipe people. That's about it. He has the strongest psychological effect of any of the Assassins (except possibly the Callidus), but players who know their math will just ignore him most of the time.
- Imperial Guard: The fluffiest choice, right up there with Inquisition and Black Templars. One of the few choices that won't really make you miss Sacred Rites. What Guard lack are elite and mobile infantry units (Scions move just like everybody else once they land); what Sisters lack are ranged artillery, psychic powers, and cheap bodies. Given that Celestine buffs Guardsmen (she gives them a 6++ invul bubble, which can be bumped up to a 5++ via the Psychic Barrier power) and that there are some units that overlap between armies, it's clear that soup isn't entirely off the menu. Bullgryns can also use their 1CP stratagem in The Greater Good to stack a -1 To Hit modifier on any Infantry unit near them if they're closer to the shooting unit... and that will benefit even the Triumph of St. Katherine.
- Adeptus Mechanicus: Despite being the two Imperial factions that like each other the least, there is a decent amount of synergy between the two army's. Sisters lack long range shooting and even the Adeptus basic troops, the Skitarii Rangers, can reach out and touch somebody 30" away. Sadly Enginseer can't repair your vehicles as they lack the right keyword, but otherwise Ad-mech could cover your long range fire power weakness.
- Imperial Knights: what do Sisters lack? Long range anti-tank! What do knights have? Exactly that. Even Armiger, the cheapest knights, can fill this niche to a degree. They are expensive though so if you take a Knight have a plan. Plus a Knight Household aligned with the Adeptus Ministorum offers great conversion opportunity.
Model Tips[edit | edit source]
Sisters are an expensive army to buy - you need more models than a Marine player does, but your models are about as expensive as Marines. There are, however, a few ways to make things cheaper.
- Your Basic Infantry Can Be Heroes: Even the simplest model from the Battle Sisters box is ornate and detailed, and that means that even a basic Sister can be built into the character that lead your army. With all the options that come in the basic Battle Sisters Squad box, you can make almost any character. A Palatine's power sword and choice of pistol are both in the box, as are most of the weapon choices available to the Canoness. Even a Dogmata's mace can be fairly easily converted just out of the box, which all comes together to mean that you don't really need to buy the Character boxes - just make your leaders out of spare parts and basic bodies.
- House Cawdor Is Your Friend: The Necromunda models for House Cawdor and their Redemptionist allies can provide some excellent models for Missionaries, Preachers, and various parts of the Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave, and these models look perfectly at home alongside your Sisters. Give them a complimentary paint scheme and you're golden.
- Extra Backpacks: The Seraphim/Zephyrim kit actually includes ten full jump packs - five normal ones for Seraphim and five slightly more ornate ones for Zephyrim. At the same time, the kit also includes all the arms you need for weapons for both squads, which means you can make both five Seraphim and five Zephyrim by using bodies from the Battle Sister Squad set. Yes the other five bodies to build characters as described above - congrats, you've gotten two fast attack units and plenty of characters from boxes that otherwise would've just been basic infantry. The Seraphim kit even includes lots of aesthetic adornments that can make your characters look more ornated.
Things weren't always this nice. In long ago days, before the light of Plastic graced our forces, Sisters were the very last all-metal army Games Workshop produced. If you want to know the suffering of Sisters players of old, please check the previous edition's tactica for tales of horror and greenstuff. https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Adepta_Sororitas(7E)#Getting_Models
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