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[[File:Awesome stuff.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Toasty.]]
{{Topquote|Fear not the psyker.|A 10-foot tall psychic super soldier capable of shooting lightning bolts and fireballs with just the power of his mind.}}
[[Space Marine]] [[psyker]]. Less likely to be fucked inside out by [[daemon]]s though, due to being a superhuman and all. Often overheard punishing xenos and heretics alike while screaming cheesy one-liners like "Your book is overdue, BITCH!". They have varying degrees of awesomeness depending on what writer and/or chapter. Usually though, they dominate the battlefield and are feared by both friend and foe as they wield a vast selection of pure psykic awesomeness.
{{Topquote|There are two great errors: First, to pretend that the Path of Heaven does not exist. Second, to follow it.|Some dead guy from Chogoris, talking about the warp.}}
[[File:Electrify.jpg|thumb|right|350px|I HAVE THE POWER!]]
'''Librarians''' are [[Space Marine]] [[psyker]]s. Unlike Imperial sanctioned psykers, Librarians are less likely to be fucked inside out by [[daemon]]s, due to a combination of the intense indoctrination regimes of the Space Marines, immense mental fortitude brought by their Librarian training, and the higher quality of their psychic hoods. They are armed with [[Force Weapons]] such as a [[Force Weapons#Force Sword|Force Sword]], [[Force Weapons#Force Axe|Force Axe]] or a [[Force Weapons#Force Staff|Force Staff]]. Often overheard punishing xenos and heretics alike while screaming cheesy one-liners like "Your book is overdue, BITCH!". They have varying degrees of awesomeness depending on what writer and/or chapter. Usually though, they dominate the battlefield and are feared by both friend and foe as they wield a vast selection of pure psykic awesomeness.

[[File:Blood_Angel_Librarian.jpg|thumb|You can tell this dude in front is a Librarian, cause of the HUGE MOTHERFUCKING BOOK on his head. Also THIN YOUR PAINTS]]
Back during the [[Great Crusade]], when the [[Primarch]]s were reunited with their legions, the Space Marines began discovering some of their new recruits had psychic potential. Wanting to utilize this and prevent them from falling to [[Warp]] corruption, [[Magnus the Red]], [[Sanguinius]], and [[Jaghatai Khan]] proposed the creation of Librariums, divisions of the Legions which would take in psyker Space Marines and train them to use their powers for the good of the [[Imperium of Man]]. Seeing the possible good, the [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor]] agreed, authorizing the go ahead. When the Librarium proved effective, they spread to other Legions. However, a number of Primarchs, namely [[Mortarion]] (he's got psyker issues that would make a Culexus blush), [[Rogal Dorn]], [[Corax]], and [[Leman Russ]] opposed the training of Librarians and wanted the program shut down, believing that the powers of the Warp could not be controlled (<s>Russ maintained that [[Derp|Rune Priests were not actually Librarians,]] given that the Space Wolves insistently maintained that they drew power from [[Fenris]], not the Warp</s> [[Council of Nikaea#Why_Nikaea_really_happened.3F|except not really...]]). Further concern was raised with Magnus's constant peering into the [[Warp]] to learn more about his powers, which Russ and Mortarion felt warranted censure.
Back during the [[Great Crusade]], when the [[Primarch]]s were reunited with their legions, the Space Marines began discovering some of their new recruits had psychic potential. Wanting to utilize this and prevent them from falling to [[Warp]] corruption, [[Magnus the Red]], [[Sanguinius]], and [[Jaghatai Khan]] proposed the creation of Librariums, divisions of the Legions which would take in psyker Space Marines and train them to use their powers for the good of the [[Imperium of Man]]. Seeing the possible good, the [[God-Emperor of Mankind|Emperor]] agreed, authorizing the go ahead and presumably getting all teary-eyed at how independent and grown-up his kids had gotten (while being awesome and manly of course). When the Librariums proved effective, they spread to other Legions. However, a number of Primarchs, namely [[Mortarion]], [[Rogal Dorn]], [[Corax]], and [[Leman Russ]] opposed the training of Librarians and wanted the program shut down, believing that the powers of the Warp could not be controlled (Russ maintained that [[Derp|Rune Priests were not actually Librarians,]] given the Space Wolves insistent maintaining that they drew power from [[Fenris]], not the Warp). Further concern was raised with Magnus's constant peering into the [[Warp]] to learn more about his powers, which Russ and Mortarion felt warranted censure.  

===Then Nikaea Happened===
===Then Nikaea Happened===
Following the Emperor's departure from the Great Crusade, a conclave was called to determine whether or not Librarians should continue to be used. With representatives summoned to the Council of Nikaea (often remembered as the Trial of Magnus the Red) both sides pleaded their cases. In the end, the Emperor, fearing that Magnus was being way too arrogant and reckless in his pursuit of power and in serious danger of Fausting himself over (which is exactly what ended up happening), decided that Librarians posed too great a risk and ordered the Legions to disband their Librariums, return to their battle companies, and never use their psychic powers in battle again. An edict Magnus ignored. Well, actually, an edict that quite a lot of them either totally ignored or later broke. But Magnus broke it harder. The White Scars simply ignored it, but the likes of Dorn and Vulkan implemented it straight away.
See [[Council of Nikaea]] for the highlights.

''"Hear now the words of my ruling''
Long story short, Big Emps banned Librarians, but [[Magnus|not]] [[Leman Russ|everyone]] [[Jaghatai Khan|listened]].

''I am not blind to the needs of the Imperium, but nor am I blind to the realities of the hearts of men. I hear men speak of knowledge and power as though they are abstract concepts to be employed as simply as a sword or gun. They are not. Power is a living force, and the danger with power is obsession. A man who attains a measure of power will find it comes to dominate his life until all he can think of is the acquisition of more. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but few can stand the ultimate test of character, that of wielding power without succumbing to its darker temptations.''  
==="Modern" 40k===
[[File:DA Librarian.jpg|thumb|right|300px|[[Star Wars|I AM THE SENATE!]]]]
There is obviously a bit of [[1984|historical revisionism]] going on, because most accounts from the 41st Millenium look back at Nikaea and suggest that the Emperor actually said "[[derp|yes]]" to Librarians, so long as they were trained in a controlled and careful manner. ''Which is what the [[White Scars]] and [[Blood Angels]] were doing at the time anyway, it was only the [[Thousand Sons]] who ruined it for everyone by thinking there should be no limits.''

''Peering into the darkness to gain knowledge of the Warp is fraught with peril, for it is an inconstant place of shifting reality, capricious lies and untruths. The seeker after truth must have a care he is not deceived, for false knowledge is far more dangerous than ignorance. All men wish to possess knowledge, but few are willing to pay the price. Always men will seek to take the short cut, the quick route to power, and it is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, that will lure him to evil ways. True knowledge is gained only after the acquisition of wisdom. Without wisdom, a powerful person does not become more powerful, he becomes reckless. His power will turn on him and eventually destroy all he has built.''
By M41 it has been left up to individual Chapters whether or not to use Librarians, and most Chapters have Librarians to some degree or another, with the noticeable exceptions of the [[Black Templars]] and the [[Marines Malevolent]]; the former is for reasons that nobody can explain (some theories include a gene-seed quirk or a byproduct of the Cacodominus's destruction; the Black Templars just shrug and say that it's just the Emperor's will), and the latter is probably because they are the biggest dickheads in the galaxy and the Black Ships make sure they don't get any Psykers for Gene Seed implantations or the fact they could be loyalist [[Iron Warriors]]. And now with the creation of [[Primaris Marines]] comes their version of the [[Primaris Librarian|Librarians]]. Also, seems like Morty [[Malignant Plaguecaster|compromised]] in the end.

''I have walked paths no man can know and faced the unnameable creatures of the Warp. I understand all too well the secrets and dangers that lurk in its hidden darkness. Such things are not for lesser minds to know; no matter how powerful or knowledgeable they believe themselves to be. The secrets I have shared serve as warnings, not enticements to explore further. Only death and damnation await those who pry too deeply into secrets not meant for mortals.''
Among [[Codex Astartes|Codex]] compliant Chapters, the ranks of the Librarium are based on their level of training and advancement. They are as follows:

''I see now I have allowed my sons to delve too profoundly into matters I should never have permitted them to know even existed. Let it be known that no one shall suffer censure, for this conclave is to serve Unity, not discord. But no more shall the threat of sorcery be allowed to taint the warriors of the Astartes. Henceforth, it is my will that no Legion will maintain a Librarius department. All its warriors and instructors must be returned to the battle companies and never again employ any psychic powers.''
*'''Chief Librarian''': The head of the Librarium, and the most powerful psyker in the Chapter. He is also one of the masters of the Chapter and usually a senior adviser to the Chapter Master. On the tabletop, Chief Librarian is an upgrade, letting you cast and deny one more time and know one more spell. You can even take it if you otherwise have a named Character like Mephiston.
*'''Epistolary''': The highest rank below Chief Librarian, Epistolaries serve as the main communication aides on the battlefield, sending psychic messages through the Warp to their brothers in the Librariums, similar to Astropaths, but without having their eyes burned out. On the tabletop, this is your basic Librarian, ables to cast two psychic power and deny one per turn.
*'''Codicier''': Mid-level Librarians, who evaluate reports from campaigns and document them in their Librariums. Used to represent the basic ML1 Librarians in older codices, though they've been phased out on tabletop around 8E.
*'''Lexicanum''': Entry-level Librarians, they are responsible for compiling battlefield reports for the Codiciers. Interestingly, they don't wear psychic hoods, or even helmets unless in dangerous environments. Haven't been represented on the tabletop since 2nd edition, when they were WS/BS4 W1 A1 Ld8 and a psychic power.
*'''Acolytum''': Librarians in training. Brought in from the battle companies before or shortly after they leave the Scout company, they're tested for psychic potential. It's possible that the Acolytum may be killed in the process, but that's life in a Space Marine Chapter for you. If they survive they're enrolled in Introduction to Mind Bullets and How Not to Melt Your Head 101.

''Woe betide he who ignores my warning or breaks faith with me. He shall be my enemy, and I will visit such destruction upon him and all his followers that, until the end of all things, he shall rue the day he turned from my light."''
image:SpaceMarineLibrarianAxe.png|<center>Standard with Force Axe</center>
image:BloodAngelsTerminatorLibrarian.png|<center>Blood Angels Terminator</center>
image:GreyKnightLibrarian.png|<center>Grey Knights</center>
image:DWLibrarian.jpg|<center>Deathwatch Librarian</center>
image:40kPrimarisLibReveal1.jpg|<center>Primaris Librarian</center>
image:Vanguard-Librarian.jpg|<center>Primaris Vanguard Librarian</center>
image:ChiefLibrarianTigurius.png|<center>''[[Varro Tigurius]]''</center>
image:RubiconTigurius.jpeg|<center>Primaris ''Varro Tigurius</center>
image:MagisterSevrinLothChiefLibrarian.png|<center>''[[Sevrin Loth]]''</center>

Dude could give a speech.
== Additional types of Librarian ==

Unfortunately, this seemed to be one of those decisions that the Emperor didn't really think through. It added yet another layer of bullshit on top of his fear of the warp and psykers in general, a group of people who, had they been able to ply their mind-bullets freely would have been an awesome weapons against the traitors (I mean presumably) when Heresy time came around. '''Thing is'''... This is something that the books and stuff seem to say a lot but it's kinda... Well... It's hard to say how true that actually is/was.  
*[[Rune Priest]] - The [[Space Wolf]] variant.
*[[Stormseer]] - [[White Scars]] equivalent.  
*[[Librarian Dreadnought]] - [[Blood Angels]] Librarians in a box.
*[[Primaris Librarian]] - The new kids on the block.
*[[Sorcerer_(Warhammer_40,000)|Sorcerer]] - The heretic ones.

First off a couple of the loyalist legions just totally ignored the edict and so still had their psykers when the heresy arrived, and they didn't make a difference:
[[Category: Warhammer 40,000]]
*The [[White Scars]] just kinda shrugged and twiddled their mustaches and did their own thing same as ever, including keeping their Storm Seers around. Since it was also suggested that the [[Jaghatai Khan|Khan]] himself was a psyker (true enough, though he favoured using his sword instead), on top of his total disregard for authority and support for the librarians this shouldn't be that much of a surprise. If nothing else, he could fall back on the excuse that he wasn't at Nikea at the time the edict was made and could therefore plead ignorance. His "stormseer" who spoke for the Scars at Nikea simply privately refused to accept it and vindicated himself shortly after by exploding a daemon with lightning.
*The [[Space Wolves]] supported the banning of librarians, but kept their own afterwards. They totally denied that their Rune Priests actually were pyskers at all, and that their power came from Fenris, as opposed to the warp. Which was totally wrong, of course, and they may or may not have known this. They might just have been jerks, or perhaps more likely the Big E made a decision to tolerate their beliefs, seeing it was important for his 'executioners' to be able to deal with other warp-users.

At Istvaan psykers wouldn't have made any difference (3 legions vs 8 is a bad day for the good guys) and the balance of forces was so extreme that just knowing ahead of time wouldn't have helped. At Calth they ''might'' have made a difference. All of the former [[Ultramarine]] librarians has bad dreams in the days before the treachery, so maybe they might has seen what was coming. But if they could ever have convinced [[Roboute Guilliman]] of impending treachery (remember this was happening just after Isstvan V and communication was moving slowly thanks to the Warp Storms, on top of the fact that Marines fighting each other was totally alien to them (fluff writers expect you to disregard the fact that the Wolves had already  massacred two other legions and tried to do the same to the World Eaters)). Even if they could, they would have really been struggling to deal with the scrap-code/magic stuff because it was totally new and a weird combination of technology and warpstuff. Oh, and of course practically no-one who wasn't on Guilliman's flagship or with the 4th company even knew what the problem was. So it seems really unlikely that Librarians would have magically made the Heresy all better.
[[Category: Imperial]]

In any case, the edict of Nikaea stood for a year or so at most, and it was ignored or abandoned by nearly all the legions. Of the loyalists: 
[[Category: Space Marines]]
[[File:Electrify.jpg|thumb|right|350px|I HAVE THE POWER! <s>Thundercats HOOOOOOO?</s>]]
*In one of his brighter ideas, [[Roboute Guilliman]] himself stated during the Battle of Calth that the Edict of Nikea needed to be overturned as soon as possible. Thus, when he thought that Terra and the Emperor had already fallen he decided to build the [[Imperium Secundus]] in a manner he thought sensible and kept his Chief Librarian around as an advisor ''(much to the chagrin of a [[Space Wolf|Space Wolves]] detachment deployed on Macragge to "ensure" Guilliman's loyalty.)''
**(Without a [[Ferrus Manus|Primarch]], the remaining [[Iron Hands]] mostly fell in with the [[Ultramarines]] and so basically did whatever they were doing.)
*[[Lion El'Jonson]] re-introduced the Librarians as soon as he discovered that the traitors were using daemons, presumably knowing what shit was going down from his experiences on Caliban. Even going so far as to punch the living fuck out of a [[Chaplain]] who reminded him that it was going against the Emperor's edict. As in, literally punched his head off.
*[[Rogal Dorn]] locked all his Librarians up in the [[Phalanx]] and refused to even let them rejoin their battle brothers as line-troopers. However, when Nathaniel Garro [[FAIL|stealthed]] his way on board to try and rescue them, they seemed happy enough where they were. Apparently all the [[Imperial Fists]] need to feel happy is thick walls around them. With the Primarch explaining that they were exactly [[Just as Planned|where they needed to be]]. Presumably for keeping them in reserve for when the Imperium really need them. What happened to them afterwards is (as of yet) unexplained so we're forced to assume that were just left there to rot for a millenia or so until they died of old age or went rogue and warp-walked their way out.
*While [[Sanguinius]] desperately tried to [[Noblebright|uphold the Emperor's word]], his own former Librarians met in secret and proved their worth by saving the entire Legion from the daemonic precursor of the Black Rage at Signus. So he kept them afterwards.
*There were barely any [[Salamanders]] left after Isstvan, though by M41 they looked back upon Nikaea as an ancient and archaic edict that had no place any more.
*[[Corax]] was a latent psyker but voted against at Nikea. We don't know if they reinstated their librarians but it seems extremely likely that they did after the Alpha Legion attack to disrupt/steal their cloning tech (which Librarians could have detected). Lets be honest he was dabbling in Gene-tech, he wouldn't have even flinched at going against Nikea, like giving Charles Manson a speeding ticket - it wouldn't register.

So by the Siege of Terra all but two of the loyalist legions definitely had active librarians, and one of the other two probably did.
[[Category: Primaris Marines]]

Of the traitors (who all but one of were loyal at the time of Nikaea) the outlook was equally bullshit:
[[Category: Official Space Marine Chapters]]
*[[Lorgar]] and his [[Word Bearers]] were already planning evil, so they just ignored the prohibition.
*[[Magnus|Magnus The Red]] decided being a ninja space wizard was too cool, and ignored the decree.  If he hadn't he would've been all right.
*The [[World Eaters]] (somewhat puzzlingly) apparently ignored the decree as well, still having official Librarians (not Sorcerers, actual honest to goodness Librarians) during the Heresy, and there's no way in hell they reinstated them since they would be glad to get rid of them. As best we know they weren't represented at Nikaea (for reasons that may become obvious) and it's easy to see that Angron just didn't give a fuck because the decision didn't involve RAGE. However, the World Eaters hated their librarians all the while they existed and frequently didn't even tolerate them being around. This was nothing specifically personal, it was just that psykers made the Butchers' Nails a bit...''twitchy'' and could not themselves be implanted without becoming brain-dead. Which is not a good thing for brain implants that are already turning you into a psychotic, rage-filled murder machine. By the time of the Shadow Crusade the Librarians weren't even considered full members of the Legion anymore, and Angron killed them all shortly after he became a Daemon Prince.
*[[Mortarion]] was actually just about the biggest psyker hater in the universe, and was one of the decree's strongest supporters. Hilariously, this backfired badly on him when he eventually realised that getting the edict pushed through only weakened the loyalists psykers; his allies were (mostly) letting their psykers run rampant with a whole new set of freakshow abilities. Things got so bad for him that he tried to get the librarian supporting Jaghtai Kahn on his side. Jaghtai countered by attempting to carve the hypocrite out of Mortarion's pustuled arse. He then pillaged a Thousand Son's library world and summoned a demon whose sole purpose was to tempt him into using sorcery even more. It worked. Ironically due to his lack of people skills and his poor Psy-dar he never knew his second-in-command was a dirty warp burgular. 1st rule of management get to know your people.
*[[Alpha Legion]] also ignored the edict, like they did almost everything else.
*The Night Lords happily went along the edict (even go as far as to exile their Chief Librarian) as they weren't too fond of psykers anyway but occasionally dabbled in sorcery throughout the Heresy.
* The Sons of Horus went along with the decree initially but learned quickly from the Word Bearers (through the Lodges) and were quick to use sorcery after Istvaan. 
* It's not really known what the Iron Warriors thought. But if it helped them build or tear down fortresses any quicker they would have joined the "fuck nikea bandwagon" with gusto.

In M41 the Edict technically still stands (no-one could overrule the emperor) but it stopped being enforced after the heresy and the marines could please themselves.
[[Category: Blood Angels]]

==="Modern" 40k===
[[Category: Dark Angels]]
[[File:DA Librarian.jpg|thumb|right|300px|PALPATINE!!!!!]]
There is obviously a bit of [[Retcon|historical revisionism]] going on, because most accounts from the 41st Millenium look back at Nikaea and suggest that the Emperor actually said "[[derp|yes]]" to Librarians, so long as they were trained in a controlled and careful manner. ''Which is what the [[White Scars]] and [[Blood Angels]] were doing at the time anyway, it was only the [[Thousand Sons]] who ruined it for everyone by thinking there should be no limits''
[[Category: Deathwatch]]

By M41 it has been left it up to individual Chapters whether or not to use Librarians, and most Chapters have Librarians to some degree or another, with the noticeable exceptions of the [[Black Templars]] and the [[Marines Malevolent]].
[[Category: Grey Knights]]

Among [[Codex Astartes|Codex]] compliant Chapters, the ranks of the Librarium are based on their level of training and advancement. They are as follows:

*'''Chief Librarian''': The head of the Librarium, and the most powerful psyker in the Chapter. He is also one of the masters of the Chapter and usually a senior adviser to the Chapter Master. On the tabletop they are usually represented by named special characters of psychic mastery level 3, ''(or level 2 if they occasionally have some other unique ability)'' If you don't have a special character in your chosen chapter then you'll just have to settle for a cool Epistolary.
{{Primaris Marine-Forces}}
*'''Epistolary''': The highest rank below Chief Librarian, Epistolaries serve as the main communication aides on the battlefield, sending psychic messages through the Warp to their brothers in the Librariums, similar to Astropaths, but without having their eyes burned out. While no longer explicitly stated in the 6th edition codex, Epistolaries have traditionally been psychic mastery 2 on the tabletop with the ability to know and cast two powers per turn.
*'''Codicier''': Mid-level Librarians, who evaluate reports from campaigns and document them in their Librariums. Supposedly represented on the tabletop as the common variety "Librarian", only at level 1.
*'''Lexicanum''': Entry-level Librarians, they are responsible for compiling battlefield reports for the Codiciers. Interestingly, they don't wear psychic hoods, or even helmets unless in dangerous environments. Haven't been represented on the tabletop since 2nd edition, when they were WS/BS4 W1 A1 Ld8 and a psychic power, could be interesting to see return in 6th though, just for fluff sake.
*'''Acolytum''': Librarians in training. Brought in from the battle companies before or shortly after they leave the Scout company, they're tested for psychic potential. It's possible that the Acolytum may be killed in the process, but that's life in a Space Marine Chapter for you. If they survive they're enrolled in Introduction to Mind Bullets and How Not to Melt Your Head 101

{|align=center border=2 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4
!colspan=1| Codex-compliant Adeptus Astartes!!  Non-compliant Adeptus Astartes!! Traitor Adeptus Astartes
|- valign=top
{{Imperial Fists}}
{{Iron Hands}}
{{Raven Guard}}
{{Blood Angels}}
{{Dark Angels}}
{{Grey Knights}}
{{Alpha Legion}}

Latest revision as of 16:55, 21 June 2023

"Fear not the psyker."

– A 10-foot tall psychic super soldier capable of shooting lightning bolts and fireballs with just the power of his mind.

"There are two great errors: First, to pretend that the Path of Heaven does not exist. Second, to follow it."

– Some dead guy from Chogoris, talking about the warp.

Librarians are Space Marine psykers. Unlike Imperial sanctioned psykers, Librarians are less likely to be fucked inside out by daemons, due to a combination of the intense indoctrination regimes of the Space Marines, immense mental fortitude brought by their Librarian training, and the higher quality of their psychic hoods. They are armed with Force Weapons such as a Force Sword, Force Axe or a Force Staff. Often overheard punishing xenos and heretics alike while screaming cheesy one-liners like "Your book is overdue, BITCH!". They have varying degrees of awesomeness depending on what writer and/or chapter. Usually though, they dominate the battlefield and are feared by both friend and foe as they wield a vast selection of pure psykic awesomeness.

History[edit | edit source]

Back during the Great Crusade, when the Primarchs were reunited with their legions, the Space Marines began discovering some of their new recruits had psychic potential. Wanting to utilize this and prevent them from falling to Warp corruption, Magnus the Red, Sanguinius, and Jaghatai Khan proposed the creation of Librariums, divisions of the Legions which would take in psyker Space Marines and train them to use their powers for the good of the Imperium of Man. Seeing the possible good, the Emperor agreed, authorizing the go ahead. When the Librarium proved effective, they spread to other Legions. However, a number of Primarchs, namely Mortarion (he's got psyker issues that would make a Culexus blush), Rogal Dorn, Corax, and Leman Russ opposed the training of Librarians and wanted the program shut down, believing that the powers of the Warp could not be controlled (Russ maintained that Rune Priests were not actually Librarians, given that the Space Wolves insistently maintained that they drew power from Fenris, not the Warp except not really...). Further concern was raised with Magnus's constant peering into the Warp to learn more about his powers, which Russ and Mortarion felt warranted censure.

Then Nikaea Happened[edit | edit source]

See Council of Nikaea for the highlights.

Long story short, Big Emps banned Librarians, but not everyone listened.

"Modern" 40k[edit | edit source]


There is obviously a bit of historical revisionism going on, because most accounts from the 41st Millenium look back at Nikaea and suggest that the Emperor actually said "yes" to Librarians, so long as they were trained in a controlled and careful manner. Which is what the White Scars and Blood Angels were doing at the time anyway, it was only the Thousand Sons who ruined it for everyone by thinking there should be no limits.

By M41 it has been left up to individual Chapters whether or not to use Librarians, and most Chapters have Librarians to some degree or another, with the noticeable exceptions of the Black Templars and the Marines Malevolent; the former is for reasons that nobody can explain (some theories include a gene-seed quirk or a byproduct of the Cacodominus's destruction; the Black Templars just shrug and say that it's just the Emperor's will), and the latter is probably because they are the biggest dickheads in the galaxy and the Black Ships make sure they don't get any Psykers for Gene Seed implantations or the fact they could be loyalist Iron Warriors. And now with the creation of Primaris Marines comes their version of the Librarians. Also, seems like Morty compromised in the end.

Ranks[edit | edit source]

Among Codex compliant Chapters, the ranks of the Librarium are based on their level of training and advancement. They are as follows:

  • Chief Librarian: The head of the Librarium, and the most powerful psyker in the Chapter. He is also one of the masters of the Chapter and usually a senior adviser to the Chapter Master. On the tabletop, Chief Librarian is an upgrade, letting you cast and deny one more time and know one more spell. You can even take it if you otherwise have a named Character like Mephiston.
  • Epistolary: The highest rank below Chief Librarian, Epistolaries serve as the main communication aides on the battlefield, sending psychic messages through the Warp to their brothers in the Librariums, similar to Astropaths, but without having their eyes burned out. On the tabletop, this is your basic Librarian, ables to cast two psychic power and deny one per turn.
  • Codicier: Mid-level Librarians, who evaluate reports from campaigns and document them in their Librariums. Used to represent the basic ML1 Librarians in older codices, though they've been phased out on tabletop around 8E.
  • Lexicanum: Entry-level Librarians, they are responsible for compiling battlefield reports for the Codiciers. Interestingly, they don't wear psychic hoods, or even helmets unless in dangerous environments. Haven't been represented on the tabletop since 2nd edition, when they were WS/BS4 W1 A1 Ld8 and a psychic power.
  • Acolytum: Librarians in training. Brought in from the battle companies before or shortly after they leave the Scout company, they're tested for psychic potential. It's possible that the Acolytum may be killed in the process, but that's life in a Space Marine Chapter for you. If they survive they're enrolled in Introduction to Mind Bullets and How Not to Melt Your Head 101.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Additional types of Librarian[edit | edit source]

Forces of the Codex Compliant Astartes
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain - Chapter Master
Command Squad - Honour Guard - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Servo-skull (Data Skull - Skull Probe) - Tactical Squad
Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Consul - Despoiler Squad - Destroyer Squad
Legiones Decurion - Legion Herald - Legion Outrider Squad - Legion Vigilator
Moritat - Master of the Signal - Praetor - Reconnaissance Squad - Seeker Squad
Sky Hunter Squad - Tactical Support Squad - Inductii
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider - Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport - Razorback Transport
Rhino Transport - Spartan Assault Tank - Termite
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Javelin Attack Speeder - Jetbike - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank
Land Speeder - Predator Tank - Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank
Ordnance: Hunter - Legion Arquitor Bombard - Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker
Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Flyers: Caestus Assault Ram - Fire Raptor - Orgus Flyer - Storm Eagle - Stormbird
Stormhawk - Stormraven - Stormtalon - Thunderhawk - Xiphon Interceptor
Superheavy Tanks: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank
Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allied Space Marines: Fallen Angel - Primaris Marine - Blood Angels - Dark Angels
Deathwatch - Grey Knights - Space Wolves - Black Templars
Forces of the Primaris Marines
Command: Apothecary Biologis - Helix Adept - Judiciar - Primaris Ancient
Primaris Apothecary - Primaris Captain - Primaris Chaplain
Primaris Librarian - Primaris Lieutenant - Primaris Techmarine
Vanguard Librarian - Vanguard Lieutenant
Troops: Aggressor - Bladeguard Veteran - Desolation Squad
Eliminator - Eradicator - Hellblaster - Inceptor - Incursor
Infernus - Infiltrator - Intercessor - Reiver - Suppressor
Structures: Firestrike Servo-Turret - Hammerfall Bunker
Walkers: Ballistus Dreadnought - Brutalis Dreadnought
Invictor Tactical Warsuit - Redemptor Dreadnought
Transports: Impulsor - Repulsor Tank
Vehicles: Gladiator Tank - Invader ATV - Primaris Outriders - Storm Speeder
Super Heavies: Astraeus Super-Heavy Tank
Flyers: Overlord Gunship
Spacecraft: Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Space Marines
Codex-compliant Adeptus Astartes Non-compliant Adeptus Astartes Traitor Adeptus Astartes
Forces of the Ultramarines
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain
Chapter Master - Command Squad - Librarian - Techmarine
Ultramarines Honour Guard - Victrix Guard
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs
Devastator Squad - Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad
Veteran Squad (Tyrannic War Veterans)
Great Crusade-era: Fulmentarus - Invictus Guard - Locutarus
Nemesis Destroyers - Praetorian Breacher Squad
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider - Land Speeder Storm
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Javelin Attack Speeder - Land Raider Terminus Ultra
Land Speeder - Predator Tank - Sicaran Battle Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Superheavy Vehicles: Fellblade (Falchion)
Flyers: Fire Raptor - Storm Eagle - Stormhawk
Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Imperial Fists
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant
Chaplain - Chapter Master - Command Squad
Huscarls - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Templar Brethrens - Phalanx Warders
Structures: Castellum Stronghold
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Land Raider (Land Raider Achilles) - Land Speeder - Predator Tank
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Legion Arquitor Bombard
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon
Flyers: Caestus Assault Ram - Storm Eagle - Stormhawk
Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Special Vehicles: Ætos Dios
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Iron Hands
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain
Command Squad - Iron Father - Librarian - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Morlocks - Gorgon Terminators - Medusan Immortals
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Imperial Jetbike - Javelin Attack Speeder
Land Raider - Land Speeder - Predator Tank
Razorback Transport - Rhino Transport - Sabre Strike Tank
Sicaran Battle Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Legion Arquitor Bombard
Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Flyers: Storm Eagle - Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Superheavy Vehicles: Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade - Land-Behemoth
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Adeptus Mechanicus - Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Salamanders
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain - Chapter Master
Command Squad - Forgefather - Librarian - Pyre Guard - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Centurion Squad - Chapter Serf - CATs - Devastator Squad
Scout Squad - Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Great Crusade-era: Breacher Siege Squad - Firedrakes - Pyroclasts
Walkers: Dreadnought (Castraferrum - Contemptor - Deredeo - Leviathan)
Transports: Land Raider (Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Prometheus
Land Raider Crusader) - Mastodon - Razorback Transport - Rhino
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Predator Tank (Predator Annihilator
Predator Deimos Annihilator - Predator Infernus
Ordnance: Hunter Multi-Launcher Vehicle - Stalker - Thunderfire Cannon - Whirlwind
Superheavy Vehicles: Fellblade (Glaive)
Flyers: Storm Eagle - Stormhawk - Stormtalon - Stormraven - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Drop Pod - Boarding Torpedo - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Fallen Angels - Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Raven Guard
Command ApothecaryBrother-CaptainBrother-SergeantChaplainChapter MasterCommand SquadLibrarianTechmarine
Troops Assault SquadChapter SerfDevastator SquadMor DeythanScout SquadTactical SquadVeteran Squad
Great Crusade-era Dark FuriesDeliverersShadow WardensMoritatRaptorsLegion VigilatorReconnaissance Squad
Transports Land Speeder Storm
Vehicles Bike SquadImperial JetbikeJavelin Attack SpeederLand Speeder (Land Speeder TornadoLand Speeder Typhoon)
Flyers Chiropteran ScoutStorm Eagle (Darkwing) • StormhawkStormtalonStormravenThunderhawk • (Shadowhawk) • Whispercutter
Spacecraft Drop PodSpace Marine Landing Craft
Allies Fallen AngelsSpace MarinesPrimaris Marines
Forces of the Blood Angels
Command: Apothecary - Brother-Captain - Brother-Sergeant - Chaplain
Chapter Master - Librarian - Sanguinary Priest - Techmarine
Troops: Assault Squad - Devastator Squad - Sanguinary Guard - Scout Squad
Tactical Squad - Terminator Squad - Veteran Squad
Death Company: Death Company - Death Company Chaplain - Death Company Terminator
Great Crusade-era: Angel's Tears - Crimson Paladin - Dawnbreaker
Walkers: Contemptor-Furioso Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought
Librarian Dreadnought
Transports: Razorback - Rhino
Vehicles: Baal Predator - Land Raider (Land Raider Crusader - Land Raider Phobos
Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Angel Infernus
Predator Tank - Vindicator - Hunter - Stalker - Whirlwind
Flyers: Stormhawk - Stormraven - Stormtalon - Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Dark Angels
Command: Apothecary - Company Master - Interrogator-Chaplain
Chaplain - Librarian - Techmarine - Deathwing Knight
Dark Angels Grand Master
Troops: Assault Squad - Deathwing - Deathwing Strikemaster
Devastator Squad - Company Veterans - Scout Squad
Tactical Squad - Ravenwing Black Knight
Watcher in the Dark
Great Crusade-era: Interemptors - Knights Cenobium - Deathwing Companion
Structures: Fortress of Redemption
Walkers: Dreadnought (Deathwing Dreadnought - Contemptor Dreadnought)
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought - Mortis Dreadnought
Transports: Land Raider (Land Raider Phobos - Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Redeemer - Land Raider Ares
Land Raider Solemnus Aggressor) - Rhino
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Razorback - Predator - Vindicator - Hunter
Stalker - Whirlwind - Land Speeder Vengeance
Ravenwing Darkshroud
Flyers: Dark Talon - Nephilim Jetfighter - Stormraven - Storm Eagle
Spacecraft: Boarding Torpedo - Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Hexagrammaton Deathwing - Dreadwing - Firewing - Ironwing - Ravenwing - Stormwing
Allies: Space Marines - Primaris Marines
Forces of the Grey Knights
Command: Brotherhood Champion - Grand Master - Librarian
Techmarine - Chaplain - Apothecary
Troops: Grey Knight Paladin - Interceptor Squad - Justicar
Purgation Squad - Purifier - Strike Squad - Terminator Squad
Walkers: Dreadknight - Doomglaive Dreadnought - Venerable Dreadnought
Vehicles: Land Raider (Land Raider Crusader - Land Raider Vortimer)
Rhino - Razorback (Razorback Vortimer)
Flyers: Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormhawk - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Aquila Lander - Boarding Torpedo
Drop Pod - Space Marine Landing Craft
Allies: Inquisition - Sisters of Battle
Forces of the Alpha Legion
Leaders: Chaos Champion - Chaos Lord
Librarian - Daemon Prince - Sorcerer
Troops: Chaos Chosen - Chaos Raptors
Chaos Space Marine Squad
Cultist - Havocs - Operative
Saboteur - Warpsmith
Great Crusade-era: Effrit Headhunter - Lernaean - Seeker Squad
Walkers: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought
Vehicles: Bike Squad - Land Raider (Land Raider Proteus
Land Raider Phobos
) - Land Speeder
Predator Tank - Chaos Rhino - Road-Wheeler
Superheavy Vehicles: Spartan Assault Tank
Flyers: Chiropteran Scout - Storm Eagle - Thunderhawk
Spacecraft: Dreadclaw Assault Pod
Allies: Chaos Space Marines - Lost and the Damned
Space Marines - Imperial Guard